C, SUNDAY ESTABLISHED 1C32 YCL. XYI--::3, 152. teacj ccr zz.y. :2 2" 9" : i .1 u (MUM : i ..' KNOWING .THAT THE LOW PlilCE OF COTTON AND GENERAL nkl'RESSIQN' ARB MAKING IT HARD FOR MANY. To M'AKK EOT1I ENDS MEEl, WE HAVE ni20IUKI, FOK A TIME, AT LEAST, ( TO PUT A I'UKMIUM UPON EVERY DOLLAR IN CASH SPENT IN OUll . . ..... Dry Goods &5hoe Departments. we WILL allow 5 Mil CJE3JT DI3 COUNT Ul03ff;::-EVEBY 15li- IiAIS'S WOUXIX, UAMIZ, , PURCHASED IN TilESE DHPARTMENTS. This is a very unusual offer and wo are a little skeptical -na to how we are coming ouCbut if we make a LOSS it will iio yortr GAIN. We promise that there is to be NO MARK "'iNG UP of goods) and are'determinert that any ouo giviug' . Lower Prices uiubI necessarily give Luwer Values. pla inn r S IT aawWW i. t I ' Tin f icfjft r.orssfay H ts-et AHtlon Arfi-r ('nil. New Yoiiii, f , J. With tlie ex ception of. Germany, all of llie great powers of tlie world have agreed to par ticipate in the International disarmament conference suggested by the Czar Of Russia. Considerable interest eiists in diplomatic circles as to the answer the German Emperor will make to the Czar's proposition! Should Em peror 'William finally determine that the uterests of Germany were against en tering into such a conference, the whole an would undoubtedly fall through. The State Department is taking great interest in the proposed conference, and although the officials believe tlie plan is chimerical, the Russian government has been advised that the United States will send a representative to take part. The resident has not determiaed wboBhall the representative, for the reason that it is not definitely determiaed when and where the conference shall take place. So far Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain, Austria and Japan, besides the United States and several smaller pow. era, have indicated their intention to be represented at the proposed conference. Everything, therefore, depends upon the eply Germany will make to the Czar's proposition whether , the conference will beheld. :v It is believed here that when the Czar receives a reply from Germany, nd it should be favorable, he will announce the time and place of meeting, which will probly be after the American and Span ish peace commission completes labors in Paris, .L. . Mi Lovers ot the beautiful in fill- linery will be interested . in thi as display; embracing Parisian Shapes with and novel embellishments. it w correc r A PL 33 BUFF T Stato Trcnsnrer and Auditor's Fig- nres do not Agree, ueip tor Confederate Veterans. Ved--. eral Prisoners 'Want ' ' : , Meat. , JOURNAt BCRRAD. I Ralkioh, N. C, October 1. ' f Judge Furches in his decision regard ing - the Mecklenburg county registrars threw out 11 of those appointed. Now an appeal to the entire Supreme court bench will be made.' It will be remembered that last winter Joe Lynch" with his notorious band of Lvnchites" took up' their abode at Southport, and their mode its pUfKMie Cundntun rhlni. London, Oct. t A special dhpatch from Shanghai, published today, says that telegrams furnished by Teatat, or the local governor, state that the Chinese emperor committed sulcideon September 21st, after signiuir, decrees which placed the dowager empress at the head of affairs in, China. This is understood to mean that the tinperor was assassinated All English speaking secretaries and the principal members of the Chinese for eign office, it is farther announced,-Were seized and banished. - This afternoon it is confidently assert ed in diplomatic circles that the emperor of China has been assassinated. TO CURB A COI.O IN SI! DT Take Lasalive Uromo Quinine Taiilett All druggists refund the money if it fails to enre. 2T)c. The genuine has L. II. Q. on each tablet , - IhoNpltnUb Hlilpn. Plata Del Este. Cuba, Sept 80- Naval Constructor Hobson Is now mak lng an inspection of the Spanish cruiser Vlzcaya, which was sunk when Cervera 1 fleet dashed tut of Santiago harbor. ThU inspection It for the purpose of determining what work Is necessary to aise Iho. vessel. Operations will bt-gln soon after his inspection is completed, Mr. Hobson is confident thnt he can save the vessel- Meanwhile the work" on the cruiser Maria Teresa, which h in Guautanamo harbor, la progressing rapidly. A bun dred and fifty men are engai;ed In the work. They kucceeded in covering from the outside the hole In the forward pa of the cruiser, and the work Of pumping her out will oecin tomorrow. Work Is progressing rapidly on her dynamo, steering engine, bridge and decks. SANGER IN SODA. ftwrloM RnnlliNomeOmH follow ):arrlvo Common soda Is all right In Us liu and Indispensable in tbe kitchen and I cookine and wa.Mne purposes, but was never intend .1 for a medicine, a people who uho It as such will soido d reprct it. ' We refer to the common una of soda relieve heartburn or sour stomach habit widen t)i'tlt of people pi. t linnet dti'y, 1 one whi--li is f Willi dtU!;''!, I-OU'OVtT tl.O S'-'tc; f It I to Sumo Cfnrt Ora Mil Furcles.: Seonloa Hu 0iead. (tneatla Paris, October The peace com missioners met in conference for the first time at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The session was devoted to a formal ex change of credentials and the choice of a chairman. The Spaniards Bubmit that Owing to the ace and rank of Montero Itios, presi dent of the Spanish senate, that he ought under ordinary circumstances to be president of the conference, but in view of the fact that tbe Americans were victorious, suggest as a compromise that Day and Iiios alternate daily in the chair. This point is still under discuss ion, The Americans insist that they should preside. ' ' v; Abaoiuitii l-uro So sssA CHOICE LOT OFss Small Sugar Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. POLITICS IN THB STATE. The collection ot rents and accounts -given careful and personal attention. Best of references given J. K. Land, office No. 12, Planters Tobacco Ware house, Middle street. - ' ' ' D. L. Vnrd, Eaq.,TellaorheBllaitttOB In Blddlo oJ Western Konb Car. II Ed. Journal: It may be of some in- of living terest o y our many readers to hear some' called forth the severest criticism. Even thing of the political situation in middle the Governor was asked to, rid tbe state and western orth Carolina, of such Immoral people, but of course he I I have Just returned from a trip took no steps to do so. in the spring i through Surry county under the ulrec (hey hied themselves away, and nothing I tlon of the Chairman of the State Execu was heard of them until this week when tive Committee, assisting in the campaign they came sailing in from the ocean, and ln company with Bon. W. F- Carter of landed themselves , for the winter. I Mt. Airy, and later with Capt. Lovell, Whether they will be allowed to remain I candidate for Congress. ' I rode about a there, and preach their vile doctrine, and hundred miles through the fertile valleys live up to it, right before the eyes of the aud beautiful mountains of Surry county, people remains to be seen. I We spoke to large audiences sometimes Contracts for putting down piping for jD the day and sometimes at night The carrying the heat on to the Capital from people are manifesting the greatest in- the Supreme court building across the terest in the political situation. The street. It will cost about $000. I mountaineer back among the hills rarely Tbe registration books were opened lever seeing a newspaper has somehow here today. .;, -. .;'. heard of the scandals and extravagance The Railroad commission yesterdsy and incompetency of the Republican made the 2 and 21 csait rates ordered on state administration and feels as Indlg the Wilmington and Weldon railroad, I Aant as his more enlightened, brother in pply only to the main line from Weldon I the more populous centers. There is a to Wilmington. . I great deal of patriotism among these "1492 ' drew a big house last night, hospitable people and a grim deteruiina- but it was said that a few years ago no tion to have an accounting with the Re- ladies would have been seen there, as publican party for its utter failure to tlghla" predomlnaUd, and they were I properly administer the State govern very tight." ' I ment. Among the lofty peaks of this The interest in the State Fair to be beautiful country the Pilot mountain held this month does not abate. Every-1 towers aloft. Nature has placed upon thing is In a stir at the grounds, cleaning I i8 summit a peculiar formation resemb palntlng, eto. Col. Cunningham and Mr. ling a cupola, or observatory, upon a tall Nichols are npt holding up on their work building. The Indians called it "Pilot" for the fair'.; ' ' I because whon hunlluic they could shape State Auditor Ayer says that there their Course by its tall dome. Wending starfds about. $70,000 of appropriations I around among tho hills and seeing this made in 18 and 1807. lie says there ull peak U seemed to n.e that the signal is In the Stale Treasury about $TOO,000 f great storm was waving from its conference waa held today between lofty summit Treasurer Worth, aud Auditor. Ayer in That a treat political revolution Is lm regard to paylng'off these Vppropria-I pending Is apparent to the most casual tlona by warrants dated October 1st I observer, The State treasurer has held, in regard The Chairman of the Btato Executive to some of the appropriations, here I Committee has thoroughly organized the lately that titers was not money enough I Stale and the humblest citizen back ln the treasury to meet them. This am0ng the hills has been found and in' statement docs not tally with the figures strutted. It was a great task but Mr, given by the Auditor. I Simmons has been equal to the occasion, Out at the camp last night two ot the I The people are thoroughly aroused on guards wero fooling, each with rifle In I this subject of a non-partisan Judiciary hand when one wont off putting a bullet I n(l our Jadges stand an excellent chance In the side of W. C. Uargett of Company for election. d which pascd through Into his arm. I Surry county gave over 400 majority The wound is not at all serious. The appeal for aid for tbe Confederate Veterans Home here is being answered. The penitentiary authorities on yester day sent out a big supply of vegetables, and they say they .'will do this aj;aln. They have such a ut of vegetables. Any To Lawyer. Pbclu, stars Deal- on, and all Other Owlaa lt eeaae Tax Far 189. I shall on Tuesday, October 4th, make my annual report to the Solicitor of the Criminal Circuit Court of all those who have not paid their license as required by the Revenue act ot 1897. , Please gov ern yourselves accordingly and save yourselves trouble ana money, ana me annoyance. I am required to make this report and can leave out none.; , . : J. L. HAHN, :. ' Sheriff of Craven County. for the Republicans two year ao, but It seems almost certain that it will give as large a majority for the Democrats this year. Capt Lovell is confident that the Republican nisjorily- of 8500 In his district will be overcome and a good safe majority for the Democrats secured, thing will bo a hulp. This Is vury hu- With men like Judge Connor and Mr. milihling to many, who slUl Would love Carter la the next leiilslature there will to see these old veterans well cared for ie m feeling of safety and security In the by their late instead of dependont on, hita'e. charity cuiulng spasmodically, and from any and eery wbere. The Federal prisoners out at the peni tentiary are very great -'kickers." They u to tbe L'.'S. Inspector, and he frcHh beef Issued the rn TbU will Cost !0 a wc k c 1 There 1 no cause for gloom. The su may go down In the shades of blackness lonlL-bt but we have faith that It will rise In greater splendor tomorrow. D. L. WARD. f " qives i- , f and In 11, e r ! i. Ij;ls ordered once a week. extia. ' Warden Uu-m:1I ays that theo U. 8. prisoners, In number, arc planning ail the w bile to niiti-e a Weak. I bey are ' "'y v an !. d. Tl.eio ate now ' . ,. : f.,r I i-.'ti'rt r- '.'( I ! ...,l.e... WW-. ':, i k 6 i- i -t now : Si j ar-to , , . j-i-l 1-e-n li. 1 ''. I ), I ,. ,,: -.-!, I,!.. '1 i-l.:. : r ; When you call for Tie Witt's Witch nel Salve t lie great pllo cure, don't ac cept anytblns else, ihm't be talked Into accepting substitute, for piles, for sorca for bums. F B Duffy. 1 In t VALUABLE REAL ESTATE rOES-iLE! , THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE MISS FRANCIS TAYLOR. Pure and Tempting As well as Wholesome' and Delic ious, is our choice stock of Fine Confec tions. Our exquisite MarsbmallOws, Nut Candies. CnramRls, Chocolates and Bon- Hons and Chocolate Chips are the acme of parity and uniform excellence, and the ladies ot iNew uerne should not for get to take homo a box of Brittle and Kisses when out shopping. There is none oetter. DuifyV Candy Store. I liiSLBook Store 1 1 ALWATS - , fc? nu i rvrTT a Tifti?ra 3 vnn . ' EVERYTHINO . YOU NEED ' IN - , ' '", . THE SCHOOL" . '' ROOM, G. H. Ennctt. fVv torc"H DalntlnciS In Chok of Footwear Vmli the well bred woman, an wlo'U sliO bus pood, eoininon sense at tli .one imie, fi.e m-'-h lo it limt she cboo lo-r dtiini v f,-,! i"t w!' h a view to 1 : t whys nfoit nin) lb, '1 : , h H II .. 'Jill t: II 1 I a. 1 i id Wl , r Wea California Hams and Richmond Shoulders. -, A Freeh lot Portsmouth Corned Mallets. : ' ' Frush Oyster Crackers, Soda Biscuit and Cream Lnnch Biscuit. ' ,t OUR 3 CENT FLOUR 1b the Very Beat. OUR 2J CENT FLOUR is just one grade' lower. OUR 25 CENT ROASTED COFFEE is ahead of , any Coffee sold in Now Berne at that price' Wehave a nice quality of GREEN COFFEE for only 9 CENTS lb., aud one of the Largest and Most Complete Stockg of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES in the city at Prices Which Defy Competition. Wholesale & Retail Grocers, 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. Her late residence on Craven street. f House and lot on Mctcalf street. Two Iioubcs and lots on George street. . - . , Two houses and lots on tieorgo street extending through to Eden street,- , i Three houses and lots on Crooked street. v ' " Lot corner Crooked and Norwood streets. '.' Seven lots on Cedar, Berne, West and Pine streets. ' . Seven houses and lots on Cedar, Berne and Pino street. The block thnt is now occupied by tlie Fair Association as race track. The above property will be sold for CASH. Apply lo JJIVOLFEOM. Tt. O I hi aSH tear -r-fc.. .V J can rnako the daintiest dishes. A SHTWS&i - with least amount of trouble, when nsing our Puro Foods. Our Baking Powders, Teas, Coffees, Spices, and Olive Oil are absolute ly Pure and Fresh, and all our Ali mentary loods are high grado aud of finest quality. We are making a Specialty 1 this week of Canned Tomato Soups. ' ' Imported Sardines, YYorcbeatershlre and Tomato Sauce. Fruit Preserves and Jelly in S lb pa 11b, also in bulk by the pound. k Soda and Salted Oyster Crackers. ' ' rreso iiamaae, unis, rreparea uia rasuionea uucawnear, ax Heins ft Co., Bweet Mixed and Soar Pickles, V Fall Cream Cheese nd Fox River Butter. ' , t iv p. PAPkPD ip npor.pp 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. . - s .9 w M W kaSiiS2SaS2&elSe III TPi U I f W must Sell our Entire Stock of FALL OdODS at GREATLY , REDUCED PRICES. Now is the time to Save Honey on Clothing l Clothing! , Clothing I Men's good Suits, worth $4, now going at 92.25. Black Clay Worsted Units, worth $ now $3.50, Plaid and Worsted Suits, worth tO, going at (8. All Wool Black Clay Worsted Suite. worth $4, at $5. Also other fine Clothing going at 85 per oent. ' Cheaper than any oilier store In town. Also I!le Line of Boys and Children's Suits at Low Prices. Our DRY GOODS must be sold and are offered at 85 per cent leas than same goods can be purchased elsewhere. Ehoe Prices I Bhoe Prices J Shoe Pricoa I lien's Fins Shoes, worth ti.35. going at 85c. Fine Sunday f hoes. In tan and black, all the way from 1.50 to 9.50 and up to 4 00 per pair, are going to be sold bow at 1.00, 1.40, 1.86 and 2.75. Men's Unmans worth 1.00 going now at 85c. Ladies Hhoes In ronme and Hue, from BOc up: Children's 8hcs, worth 83c, 50c, 7:c and l.tK) going now at 15o, 80c, 4o and G8c. Do not forget to see our t-hoea, will save you money. Remember the Store. American - Stock - Company, ,';) A m MIDDLE BTKEET, NEW BERNE, V. V. -' .r-.-.. ,. ir r7T5r5?r;T,rrpcTpe; p -..w. j O O it ILCJL1-JI-1-1I? u o 3 uun pirii bun nud n i any pounds of .r.

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