NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1893. VOL. XVI--NO 158. ESTABLISHED 1833 Oiir TIED. Wi'.l Stand lite Closest Inspection. .lAJISFit to Grace any Man's TaMe lit 1 Oc pound. I SiigHr Cund Shoulders, 7 and 80 pound. . eiuet Wlill- Full Cream Cheese. I iSverytlilnK necessary for the Inner iimn of Choicest Quality and Lowest Pi l:es. 0 r line of Zelgier'a kiiocs is in r.nw complete and an inspeo . tion w ill please you. . Wore buying nolioe our 75c Kids in Ulaok and CoIorB. A Beautiful Black Wool Moieau, 60 CENTS Per Yard. . lleinvmber Our 5 per cent. Discount on ISv'ry Cash Sale in. our Dry Goods ami Mhoe Departments. I 13 Atjnlaalda'a Aarrat Is Olveei Bl- retla In Wmkliim. Washinotoh, October 8 Benor Agon- cillo, the agent of Aguinaldo the leader of the Philippine insurgents, who styles himself President of the Philippine lie public, Is not very well satisfied with his xperience in Washington, notwith- tanding his asserting that hejs. lie and his private Secretary have been treated courteously by every member of tbe ad ministration with whom they have cooio In contact, but it has been the same cour tesy that is extended to all private citi zens of foreign countries who visit the officials at tbe National Capital, and not that which is given to official representa- res of foreign governments. They ave had a private conversation with the President, and Assistant Secretary of State, and with Secretary ilay, but no recognition or promise has been given them. . benor Agoncillo still says that he is goiug to Paris to try to get some sort of recognition from the Peace Ooniuiitsion, but that recognition having been denied Uim at Washington there is no probabili ty of his getting it at Paris. While theie is more or leas sympathy with the Philip pine insurgents, tbe general opinion is that Air. ilcKinlej's treatment of their representative is the wisest that could have been adopted under existing cir- umslances. Recognition of tbe inaur gents at this time would unnecessarily complicate matters that are already diffi cult enough to straighten out, - luvetligatiuu r lb. Mar. Wabuinoton, October 7. Three Wit nesses were before the war investigating commission today. General Uretne, who participated in the battle at Manila; Colonel Lee, chief quartermaster at Camp Thomas, and Major liersey, who was fur time la command of the Roosevelt Rough Kidois, each gave testimony covering his experience, and while each oue admitted the possibility of individual cases of suffering and discomfort, all said that in the majority of cases com plaints were exaggi rated, if not without foundation. . ";-,.. t3 - - - "BEIFELD" Coats and Cat We are pleased to announce that we have assumed the agency lor the lamous "Beifeld" Coata and Capes. To possess one of the hih grade garments cost no more than it does one ot doubtful make. ' - ' Book ot lithographs and samples of mate rials now ready for inspection. We want every lady interested in correctly styled coats to examine these samples. . Prices range from $4.50 up. Our new lines ot cloth and plush capes regular stock garments tor season of '98 arc now on sale. , H. B. DUFFY. I HIGH GRADE GROCERIES ... AND LOW PRICES ! i - I Will tell this iswhy wo keep busy. ? We are offering bargains now, to I make room tor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us belore placing your orders. "lis no trouble to show goods, but a pleasure. Fresh Flour, Butter, Clicesc, Colfco, Hams and Breakfast Bacon Arriving Daily. NOT ENCOURAGED. F?.ilSED EJSffil larioa Butler aid Cj Tkup Give Him PraistS. TO ttSK (OLU IN OUE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if ilfutU to cure. 35c. The genulue has L. 11. Q. on each tablet Declines Man. New Tokk, October 7.Jchn Jacob Astorbas declined to pose as the Repub lican nominee (or Congress In tbe Thir teenth district. II r. Astor wrote to Chairman Quigg, of the Republican county committee, today, saying that his plans were such that he would not be able to attend to the duties of tho office In cate he should be flitted Want a Winter Camp. New Enter prise. Eilra Hoars Tor Bar rooms During Fair Week. House Warming. Journal Bdrbau, i Raleigh, N. C, October 8. f , Only 425 persons by actual count were in tbe Academy of Music yesterday to hear Senator Butler and Chairman Thompson speak. Of this number 150 were negroes, 25 were Democrats, 85 were straight Republicans and 215 Pop ulists. Governor Russell received praises for his administration. Governor Russell with a party will leave here tomorrow or Monday and go to pay a visit to the 1st Regiment In acksonville before they go to Cuba. An effort is being made to secure a winter camp here. The regular army poBt to be established here, or rather which was expected to be established here seems to be a thing in the distance. Senator Pritch ird recommends to the war department, Raleigh as a tnitable place tor this winter camp. . The ' Wlllard Hosiery Company of Whltevlllo will be moved hero to be operated in a few weeks. Thus another industry is to be opened np here. Ex-Judge Spier Whitaker goes to Porto Rico with his regiment the Oib regiment of immuuej. . Tbe Board of Aldermen decides that the bar rooms must 'close at midnight during Fair-week. The regular hour for closing is 11 o'clock, but one extra hour is granted for that week. Senator Butler in his speech yesterdsy declared plainly for fusion. The Re publicans were delighted with this fact.'- The "Confederate Tea" given here last night for the "Soldiers' Home" was quite a success. Negroes In Wilmington and in other eastern towns are making attempts to purchase guns. Tbe Odell Manufactur ing Company of Greensboro had an or der sent them for quite a number of Winchester Mines, but upon investiga tion tney reiusea to nit tne order. A beautiful cerman was given last night to Mr. and Mrs. William West who were- married' a few weeks ago. Tbe Capital Club "Ilouse W arming" recep tion and dance on thelStb, is the next aoclal affair and will be a very brilliant TO (Hit MltVOUS DYSPEPSIA To Gain Flesh, to bleep Well, to Enow What Appetite aai God Big cs ties Mean, Hake a Test .1 ' Staart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Interesting Experience .f am IndliB- apoUs Gentleman. No trouble Is more common or more misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia People having it think that their nerves are to blame, are surprised that they are not cured by oorve medicines and spring remedies; the real seat of mischief is lost sight of; the stomach is the origin to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever in tbe stomsch, nor perhsps any of the usual symloms of stomach weakness. Nervous dytpepsls shows Itself not in the stomsch so much as In nearly every other organ; In some cases tbe heart palpitates and is inegu lar, in others, the kidneys are affected In others the bowels are constipated with headaches; still others are troubled with lots of flesh and appetite, with tbe accumulation of gai, sour rl.ings and heartburn. Mr. A. W. Sharper of No. 01 Prospect St. Indianapolis, Ind., writes as follow.: "A motive of pore gratitude prompts me to write these few lines regarding tbe new and valuable medicine, Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets. I have been a suf ferer from nervous dyspepsia for the las four yearn; have uned varluus patent medicines and other remedies witliou any favorabln remit. Tbey sometime gave temporary relief until the ciTecl of llie medicine wore off. I attributed this to my sedentary habits, being bookkeeper with Utile ph) ileal einrrlitn, hut I am glad to stale that the la! have overcome all thc.e ohitaeli f for 1 giiinrd in fleuli, sleep tftler, and better In every way. Tho almva U wiit ten nut for oolority, but ll bed on solual facts." Hn.jieclful'y your., A. Y. Mmr per, 01 I'l" ;-r ' t fit , IllilUmr Ind. It III mfu l" miy thai Klnnit ! y , , -T.i' !'! I : 'A en r fl an y nt i v U v - ' ' Baropeaa Mailaaa Mend mm la rr - Ires ftarlr a. aratlana Pkkin, Oct 7. After the recent at tacks on foreigners in the streets of Po- j kin tbe foreign legations sent a Joint note of protest to the Chinese foreign office and decided to obtain guards for the protection of the subjects of their respective governments. ' At a conference ot the foreign minis ters it was ' decided to demand a special train for the purpose of bringing British, Russian and German guards to Pekin. American, French and Italian guards are also expected. This demand was finally granted. In view of the agitated state of the country and the probable removal of the Emperor all foreigners here agree that protection is necessary. A detachment of sixty-six : Russian soldiers, with two seven-pounders, twenty-five British marines, and thiity German marines, arrived here today and marched through the city to the quarters assigned them. They will protect the legations of Russia, Great Britain and Germany. Large crowds wilneessed t e arrival of the European reinforcements, but there was no extraordinary incident. The Chines, appeared to be alarmed by this demonstration; CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought Bear the Signature of l'aiaa Liler. New Toiik, October 7, 1898. Tho circumstances favorablo to sua talnlng prices Ibis week have been main ly the good coadlllou ot Trade in Eu ropeLiverpool having sold 81,000 bales during the six days and reports from manufacturing centres on the continent are likewise favorable. In addition some apprehonslon has been fell in regard to stormy weather which prevailed for several dajs In the Gulf and Atlantic States. In consequence of these elements ot strength the market advanced 15 100c from last Saturday's prices, but 8100c of the gain have since been lost. On the other hand receipts at Forts and Interior are enormouiiy large and of course the Inforence is that there is plen ty more behind when it Is seen that ral and bad roads did not perceptibly cur- all tbe movement. Comparison with last year may be In terestlng In forecasting the course of the market for the prosent year. Then 10i millions was an outside estimate for the crop and So was regarded as a safe figure Investment. But January delivery blch on 1st September sold at 0.87 dropped to (.30 on the last day ot the month and to 5.80 on the last of October making a decline of lo for the two months. 0c was not regained again for a near position until February 18'JS From this It may be seen that Invest niont buyers may have to contend again a flood of cotton that mutt be absorbed before Improvement van be hoped for if llio ealher and conditions are equal to last fear. The vlnlhle and Invltlhlo supply of cot ton cannot be lens than i!( million"; the consumption may be put down at II) mil lion.; then-fore if we ruliill millions thmo vvlt bfl it 1c .l r.J millions vliihla and In visible left over and on Imnd not' woikrd up at tho c!oo of the cotton I year of U-: ;l. Ot out.-j eui 'y f ro.t mny nit (I'm ii the (jio uj crop and lu&M! ily of Earlier to p-it In ao m'p h for anut:,. r SOLDIERS IN PEKIN. IP 1 f 111! II ) Fu'.VEZR c - Absolutely Pure - ' : 0 ' " So . o ' Tb Iadiaa Val break. St. Paul, Minn., October 7. General Bacon and the men who fought under him on Leech lake with Indians Wed nesday, yesterday, returned this morning to Walker, and the General stated that he had whipped the Indians, but later developments seem to indicate that the situation has again become critical. The General expected that the Pillager Indians would admit themselves beaten by dispersing, but this afternoon it seems a council was held, In which braves from other blanches of the Chippewa family participated, and much hatred of the whites was developed- As a result of the new developments, General Bacon will remain in the Leech Lake country, and with him will be not only tbe hundred men of the Third In fantry, who fought under him, but also three other companies, which arrived here last night from Fort Snelllng under Lieutenant-Colonel Harbach. iMaai "' " Admiral Sampiua 111 Wabhikqton, October 7 Admiral Sampson Is a very sick man. Ills health is constantly failing and he is unable to do any work. Other members ot the Cuban commission, according to mes sages received here, think he should go north, but dare not suggest it. A doctor called on bim In a great hurry after mid night Ibis morning, lie is worse today. ills lire is In no danger and there is no immediate fear of his death. Ills trouble is a general giving way of the constllu lion under tho strain or the past year, couplivd with a chroulo slomacU com plaint. ' Taking a Day Off from business to examine the exaulsite fabrics that we have selected in the latest weaves, colors and novelties, and get measured for your Fall suit or top coat, woum not oe a uaa idea as cold weather approaches. We are showing Fa'l and Winter cloths, complete in variety, fresh new end full ot novelty, for suitings. trouserings and top coats, and will fit on perrectiv, AT A U'AIH ANU KJSA ON ABLE PRICE. F. M. Cliadwlck, Middle street. " NEW BERNE, N. C. THB MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish i by W. A. k. CominiMion Krnkera. . Naw Yiiiia. Octob r8 STOCKS. Open High. Lit. Close jugnr 114 1161 114 114 Am Tobacco. . . . 12 j C. B. 114, St. P 1001 L. A N 54( Rubber Com ... 80 1 122, 114, 1001 64. 80 121 J 114J 106, 5 80 125 114J 107 541 80 COTTON. , Open. Uih. Low. Clow January 5.83 5 85 5 83 6 84 CHICAGO MARKETS. WnaaT Open. High, Low. Clote December.... 63 62 02 C2J Conn December..... 20 SO 20 ?0iB v OAKS MEAT MARKET. . Broad and Middle Street, H NOW Oi'E'J FOIl BIMINE33, Fwh BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, SAUSAGE, the nuest lo the city. Fim IWlli err. CM up 'Phone 123 and orders will be promptly attends.! lo. At th. nnnl' Store NICE- : DRIED : PEACHES, Peeled, and Sliced. , Dried Apples, Gno quality. lluinz's Sweet Mixed Pickles and Swtict Pickled Ger-. kins. Mustard and Catsup. Ontario Buckwheat, tho best prepared buckwheat on the market, 10 and 15o package. 1 Finest Elgin and Pox River Print Butter, Croam ' Cheese. Small Hams and Breakfast Strips. Loose Oatfkkes, nice and fresh, 4o per lb. ':. Nice Syrup and Molusses. . Fresh Canned Goods of kinds." Tho Best Assorted Stock of CMOCERIES in tho city. CALL AND SEE US. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Taking Precedence Overall other function rf thU store Is our Prescription De partment. The fart that our t fo- aoi iptlon trade steadily and contin ually increases goes further to establish our position, as meriting your exclusive trade, , Let us All your prescription. Davis' Pharmacy. 9 Phone 56. Cor. Broad & Middle Sts. gj SHIRT, TIE AND COLLAR TALE ! afc m rUi Fane: and haudaome bayadere strliies, will '"e cy Hhlrts for . In rich colors Correct Styles in every day wear in Madras. found in all the latest fads of (alilon in our stock of floe furnishinn. New aliapes in Collars and Cuffs, aud Neck wear In Crlsn New fit vies for Dressy men, in Rich Puff", Ascota, Treks and Clubs and everything Hint necessity or style could desre. is here in Its most at tractive shape of Itufue Waterhou Ouoda. ,. J. J. IMXTKIL To the Public We arc daily, as well aa heretofore, receiving the finest Meats that can l a bad. Our STALL-FED BEEF, wa defy competition and alu ay remember the other Heats we have been furnishing We will continue simr, Onlr a visit to our market will convince you. Tbank lng you fur past favor and soliciting oomlnuame, we are, Yours Respectfully, Sam'l Colin &Son ALWAYS UKADyUAItTUnsj 10 It KVKHVTHIN'l vou NKKI) IS TMK 8 'II )'!, li'.O .1. tr, mut now 1 h ft oul of c 1 Cii'uC In f f r 4 f i a M III " ' -a Dclicior.3 id k Sail Wholesale Is Retail Grocers, 'Phone 91. 71 Broal Nt. Pure, Fresh Spices ....For Pickling Purposes,.... i Or for anything where the! natural arorrra of the spice is a con sideration, you will find here in all 1 its tropical pungency, and abso lutely fresh and Iree from ndulter alion of any kind. Our cround f pices are ground fiom the highest? grade Spices importcd. We also have a complete lire of all kindicf Canned Vegt tables. Canned Fruite. Jams. . Ox Tai!, Tomato, Okra and Tomato, Mock Turtle., &c, Soups. Cjrncd Mullets. ' ' We are also agents for Schcaop's Tobacco. J. R: PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE MISS FRANCIS TAYLOR. Her late renidence on Craven street. House and lot on Metcalf Rtreet. . ' Two houses and lots on George street. , Two houses and lots on Ucorgo street extending thiougli'lo Eden street Three hourea and lots on Crooked street. Lot corner Crooked and Norwood streets. Pcven lots on Cedar, Berne, West and Pine streets. Seven hnin-en and lots on Cedar, Berne and Pino streets One half fie block that is now occupied by the Fair Association as raco tract t JThe ubove property will be gold for CASH. Apply to J. J. WOIaFENDEMV .onon o NEXT o IB We mnst.Prll our Entire Stock of FALL GOODS at GREATLY REDUCED PUIUE3. Now Is the time to Save Money on Clothing 1 Clothing I Clothing I Men' good Bulls, worth 94, now going at 12.25. Black Clay Worsted Hilts, worth t now (3.60. Plaid and Worsted Suits. worth f), going at 8. All Wool Black Clay Worsted Buita. worth 8. at (5. Also other fine Clothing going at 85 per cent. Cheaper than any other store In town. Also Bis Line of Boys and Children's Suits at Low Tricea, Our DRY GOODS must be sold and are offered at 85 per cent less than same goods can be purchased elsewhere, (Shoe Fricea t Shoe Prices Shoe Prices I Wen's Fine Slirr, worth $1.25. going at 85a. Fine Sunday f hoi s, in tan aud blat k, all the way from 1.50 to 9.50 and up to 4 CO per pair, are goin to be sold low at 1.00, 1.40, 1.65 and 2.75. Mtn'sBiogans vicilh 1 10 going now at 85c. Ladies Shoes In rosrse and fine, from 60o tip; Children's Shoes, worth Sfio, 50o, 15o and 1.00 eoing now at 15o, 80c, 48o and 68c. Do not forget to ace our tihoes, will save you money. Remember the Store. p American - Stock - Company, o ft 61 MIDDLE STREET, VEW BERNE, N. C. o n o c sismiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uzzzh t m y t . f,,r f., -1 for npllng Good Houses ...For Rent ! IN OOOD LOCATION. Di-alrabte Houses snd Lots For Sale at a very low flirure. Alan other property for sa'e aa an invest nm-nU Clir.n rooms for rent for faiuilUt or sini(lo wrxma. ColUet'on of Rents a Biwclalty. n. n. marit-p, 'Vxal Hstata Ajenf. 1S Proper Con?; Of rrMMTipt.nn. U ivr fvvjulrrd yni i ntlcut !(1 h fil ln-r. N . i m 1 'h r i t nf i'- t -i . A ' : i i It. r. p. f ; A t i .n