i HIE JOURNAL. Published every day In the yew, ex cept Monday, at Middle btreeu . Phoni No. 8. , CHARLES L. STEVENS, (DITOB ASS PROPRIETOR. ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES: ne year, In advance,. One year, not in advance....... Monthly, by earner In the city,. ..4 00 .. 00 Advertising Rates furnished on appli cation. .:, . ; Entered at the Poet Offloe, New Berne, N. C. as second otass mor. nuintal Pnner of New Berne and j . Craven County. New Berne. N. C, Oct. 1, 1898. ', TUB VOICE OF BBSINESS, The Wilmington ,! Chamber of n iuit Thursday took a UUIUUIKIIW if spring to bis feel in the ananiinnti rising vote on the adoption. Mtbe resolutions. ' Mr. Chadbourn has op to now been a prominent Republican and wa elected treasurer of New Hanover county by that part j which office he uow holds, lie, however, yesterday declared himself in hearty sympathy with the resolutions ana several of his most intimate friends say that he baa signified his inten tion to vote a straight Democratic ticket at the approaching election. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases nut toe-ether, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a greit many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cuie withy local tieatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and then fore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure, manufactured by I". J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken inter nally In doses from 10 drops to a tea ppoonful. H acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case - 5 r' i . , f ....... v tv .others! This "f-.f M remedy will save your Wwu .11 child's liie when attacked by Croup or Whooping-OYrUP cough. It never Uiis to cure throat and lung troubles. PrtccZsda. in raaarH to the DO- it falls to cure. Hend for circulars and I- U.. t onrl 1 I Ll lunu litical situation ,.nnrinr. daclarine that while the V,w-..-J, n Chamber is sensible that its province is commercial and not political, and disclaiming any intention to enter the sphere of politics, they; as cm ecus believe that good government and security to life and property are not ; possible nnder the present " political neero rnle regime 'lue meeting v(as largely attended and creat enthusiasm and determt nation were manifested. The reso Address, F. J. CHENKY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drugnists, 75c. , Hull's Family Pills are the best. - . Tn i Fatal Thirteen, "I have proposed lo her just twelve times, and I shall not propose another lime." How . superstitious you aae, Mr Blnks." , n Enterprising Drnggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than F 8. Duffy who spares no pains to secure the beat of lutions in full as adopted are as everything In their line for their many . . - . customers. Jliey now nave vue vaiuauic IOIIOViB. 1 . , w niM Be it solved by the Chamber ZZ'o. of Commerce, inat me Pu""' Tllil. u the wonderful remedy that is pro- situation in this pity and county is a dunjng gucn furor an 0ver the country menace to the peace bi; a oraer oi uy jti many startling cures, it absolutely the community in whicli property cures Astuma, uroncuma, uoufmuow t m notion and fe of the and all aucctions oi me xuruai, vac. ' FootbaU Booming. The footboU season, says the Cleve land Leader, has just fairly opened, but it is easy to see that Jhe game is to be more popular this year than ever before. It has extended lis field wonderfully, and there Is no part of the country in whloh any loss of ground is apparent. The old strong-holds in the colleges of the East are not less enthusiastic than in the best of former seasons, and the West, clear to the Pacific coast, is very well np to the Atlantic States in football work aud patronage. Three Sectors la Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. -: "When vou are sick, what you like best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place: what experience tells you is heat. 10 be chosen in the second place; what reason (l. e., meoryj says is oesi is in he chosen in the last place. But if you can get Dr. Inclination, ur. Experi ence and Ur. Reason to hold a consulta tion together, they will give you the best advice that can ue laaen.v When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlains Cough Itemedy because it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Experience wpuld recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Iteason would recommend It because it Is prepared on scientific' principles, and acts on nature's plan iu relieving the lungs, opening the secretions and restor ing the system to a natural and healthy couditlon. For sale by F. S. Duffy. 1 V.v"':'s , '. GO LIVE ON A FARM I (.. fetSno ana kungs. uau ai auovuurug .. CI UftUU UV ovu VJJ w no protection of unrest and apprehension following cenlg 4nd Quaranleed upon an incompetent pnbiio service t0 cuie or price rorunded. which, wbile it exacts inouie iu taxes offer no imiLunity from dan- ' Howard et Patriotism. . Wife, (aghast.) Uonry, where did you get ibat appetite? ; : Roturneil Soldier, (ravenously eating away.) 'That appetite, Jane, , was pre sented to me by the War Department, for gallant and meritorious service in the field. ger to the property or person of the citizen, is detrimental to every busH ticss interest, arrests enterprise, hampets commerce and repels capi tal which might otherwise find in vfiBtment in our midst. That such commercial stagnation and social disotder are the logical outcome of a condition which finds the control of government in the hands of cor rupt and incompetent mens whose authority fails to inspire fear in the worst clement o our population as it does to command respect of our best citizens; that this lawless and wholly irresponsible element, forti fied by the consciousness that the authorities are either impotent or unwilling to impose restraint upon them and protect life, property, convert liberty into license, perpe trate outrage on every hand, dis turb the peace of the community and offer indignities to our white women which have culminated in instances of personal violence to them or. onr streets, and in an at tack on the virtue and womanhood of oar southland by the negro editor of the infamous Daily Record. Resolvd, That in view of these intolerable conditions, it is the sense of this meeting that it is the duty of every good citizen to exert his ut most Influence and personal effort to effect results which will restore order, protect property ad give ' that sense of seourity to our lives and our homes which obtains only . in civilised commnnit'.es. "Resolved, That this Chamber is sonsible that its province is commer- . cial and not political, and the lnten tion or deiire to enter the sphere of politics is disclaimed, buC the coo ' ditions confronting us and callio for solution ro commercial and social, ind not political; and as r.itlznna and business men. with the one desire to promote the prosperity, peace and happiness of the com mimity, we declare to the world that these blessings are not -possible undr government by the present political regime, whoso existence and poster are predicated on the blind adherence of ,ths negro ele-x munt o! our population, which, Ukon as a whoic, with aomo worthy rini-plions, are under the most ab solute bondags and domination of few dmigning men of the white lace, who forsulQah end play upon their lirciiidioM to array them against nnler and good government." The meeting was presided over I y Pri Hiilent James II. Chadbourn, Jr.. alio was one of the first to Bishop Henery II. Turner, of Georgia, is an enthusiast on the subject of negro emigration a movement with which he has been closely Indentifiad for-several years. Eventually, he thinks, the discus sion of the question will bring about a erand exodus of neirroes to Africa. It Bow to Prevent Croup. ' We h'tve two children who are subjt ct to attacks of croup. Whenever an at tack is coming on my wile gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the attack. It is a house bold necessity in this county and no matter what else we run out of, It would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines com bined. J. M. Nicklb, of Nicklu Bros.,' merchants, Nicklevllle, Pa. Tor sale by F. 8. Duffy. .- , -. i ' Ibvt l-rMdom, Baolth and Happlaees Awlt (Mt ComlDi. The person wbo does not lovo life In the oooutrv baa lost t ho best part of his nature by being east out of the garden of Kden at an early period of bis life, to be artlfl olally reared on the sights, sounds and smells of the streets, alloys and sewers of some city. Be knows nothing of real boms life olttos have very little u s rule, only number so-and-so, such a street; he baa very little, sense of home joys and affections. The pure air and water of the oountry, Its holy quietudes, its gentle ap peals to all the senses, its solitudes, whore tumult and mob never Intrude; Its de lightful woods, Its sports and pleasures, Its loves and friendships, undeflled by the dust and grime of crowded tenements and thronged thoroughfares; Its sacred pri vacies and seclusions, its leisure, Its free dom and Independence from the intrusions and demands of hurrying urban life, and lta sacred exemptions from toe gross con tact and associations of the bustling, hus tling and shouldering streets all these and more akin to them make the rural exlatenoe a perpetual delight, undeflled by the conditions that attend tne constant measure of mixed and crowded population. The farm is not a bonanza, but it feeds the world. To one aooustomed Its labors an easy and healthy. Its Incidents inter- satlns. lta rests, ohanges and relaxations, with exohanirea of visit always full of recreation : itaorona engaoeoontlnnal oare and attention, with dally vicissitudes of weather that never destroy nope and even cheer with promise of fruition, and at the last) with garnered crops, it anorue you nlentv. with a roaring flro under your own roof happy In being monarch of all you survey, despite the struggles for broad In the oltlea and the never ending exertions and woes Inseparable from style and lta silly rivalries. - . Go book to the oountry. young man I Go home to tho farm, seize the plow and become an Independent nird happy man, though you may miss wealtn, lusn ton and luxury. -Nor roll; (va.) mot ' ' : Blfht After All A head adorned with shaggy and un managonble whiskers was thrust out of the window, and a voice that fitted the beard Inquired: . "What laltf" !-' "Oh. la this Mr. nimlnsf'1 onmo still, small voice from tno shade of the doorway below. ' " , "Yea." ' "Please eoino to 414 High street just ns quiok ns you can and bring your Instru- . "I ain't no doctor; I'm a carpenter. Dr. Hlstrlns lives In the next street. And the window came down with a slain that told of former experiences of t he same kind on the port of tho humble artisan. - But Carpenter Illggins had not got com fortablv back into bed before the boll rung asain. and. uttering some rontnrks, he rose onoe more and went to tho window, "VM1. what do you want nowf" he aiaoulated. , : ."Please, air." ld tho llttlo voice, "If mi wa nnnt. Pn and nm U shut up In thefoldln bed, nn ws ain't get 'em'out Pearson's Weekly. Modest women leas a charm than beauty and wit. Is it any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical .sordera pecu liar to their sex shrink from per sonal examina tions by male nhvsicians? The weaknesses and irregularities of women may be recognized by certain unfailing rptoms. Backache, headache, bearing n pains, irritability and extreme nerv ousness indicate derangement of the delicate female organism. Bradneld's Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy for characteristic diseaaea of women. Sold by drutreisU at Ii.oo per bottle. - THE ORAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., Allaata, tsf lodest Women in no fLii .-ny mm Lodge Directory. ST. JOHN'S LODGE,. NO. 8, A. IV & A. M.; Officers: It S Primrose, w m; George Green, 8 W; 0 D Brsdham. J W; T A tireen, Treasurer; W J Pitts, Secre- arv: W W Clark, D; T U llvman, J U. P.eiriilar Communications 3d Wednesday each month. i i rM I HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF When Looking Through Your Closets You may find "that you are iu" need of cooking utensils, or household neces sities for kitchen or laundry purposes. We have an extensive assortment of Tin Ware, Granite and Agate, Ware, Coal Scuttles. Rrushes of all kinds. Gem Pans, Ketiles, Boilers. Broilers, Preserving Kettles, that we are Belling at BKD KOCK PRICES. Will sell you an 1899 Rambler Bicycle right. Call and get our prices. :. HCBTLIR H'DVnCO. . n i -r H i f ilovit .in. wmmm m CAtiUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, I. O. O. P. Officers-. F R Hyman, C P; N C Hughes, H P; A E Hibbard, 8 W; J L Moody,. I W; 0 H Hall, Scribe; E Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 3rd, and 5th (if any) Thursday nights in each month at 7:30 o'clock. CKAVEN LODGE No. 1. KNIGHTS OF HARMONY i Meets 2nd and 4ih Wednesday nights in, each month in Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. II. C. Whltehnrst, President, Jas. H. Smith, Sec'y. H. It. Hlll.F. Hec'y, EUREKA LODGE NO. 7. I. O. O. F. Officers: C. H. Hall, N. G.; J. L.Moody, V. G.: T. H. rmton. K'c'd. bec'tv; .1. U. Parker, Jr., Treas. Repular' meetings. every Monday night at 7:3u o'clocn. CANTON CLEhMONT NO. , V. M-I. O. O. t 'imcers. Geo. Slover, Uaptaliii T. . Hy nan. Limit-: P. II. Pelletier. Knslirn : Wm. J Pitts. Clerk: Ed. Merock. Accountant. Reg ular Cantonments, Sd and 4th Thursday alKhts In each tnontn atM n-niocs- - .-iKty BKRNB CHAPTER NO.-M, K. A. M. imcersi T. A. Hreeii, H. P, K, T. W. Dewov. Scribe: Olias. Dnffy, Trens C. T). Ilrudhttm. Hec'ty. Kegular :onvnca- 1,iih 8,1 Mondav eanh month. SI- .1UN'H ITIIMMAMIRRY NO. 1(1. K. T, OlflCHrs i 1. W. Dewey, K. O.J .Jas. Redmond .; J . w. livman, u; x. r. mo arnny, I'l-v.lute: It. .4. Primrose. Recoi-i1er. tteiciilai Conclnves Srst sad third Friilays ol the mouth. ' KNIOHT8 t)P HONOttorileers: 8. D, Vnoa. Diotatnr: G. L. Vinson. Reporter W. F. Kountree, Financial reporter New llerno lAXitv No. 443 meets the Snd and 4th Kriday nlvlit at 7:30 o'clock in Kountree Hall, Pollock street emigration or extermination, in bis opinion. - . goffering Women Instantly Believed The Fkmicwb Tablets almost in stantly relieve all pain, aching and sore ness in the womb. They are applied directly to the affected parts, and act like a soothing healing poultice, draw ing out fever and pain. It used in con nection with the FBMICDBB IONIC, Will speedily and radically cure all forms of Female Complaints and weaknesses; in cluding Falling of the Womb, Ulceration of the Womb, Congestion of the Ovaries, Painful and Obstructed Menstruation, Leucorrhoea or Whites. Weight and Pain in Pelvis. Ursgglng Sensation in uroin Aching and . fain in Back and Limbs Flooding, &IC. l ry mis new sou mi ris ng cure, nemicure irnic mu ure Tahleta (24 trealmentsl tl.00 Sold by Henry's Pharmacy, New Berne I - Aa Immense Sua SlaJ. . An immense sun dial, certainly the largest in the world, fl at Hayon Horoo, a large promontory extending 3,000 feet above the Agean sea. As the sun swings around the shadow of this mountain it loaches, one by one, a circle of islands, wUichact at hour marks. . ' i Old fashions in dress may be revived, but no old fashioned medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea, Remedv . For sale by F. B. Duffy. . ' - ' Woman's Wark In Iwadis. In (he high schools of Sweden boys and girls are educated in the same classes. Nearly all tbe telegraph, tele phone and iposlofflces are In the bands of women. Lately they have Invaded even the steamship service. ,' ' Biga Balls. "Huzley Is on the high road to wealth.'' . "What's he doing?" . Msnufscturlng souvenir bullets that were fired during tbe Santiago campaign. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites burns, tkln diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy, De Witts Witch Haxel Bslve. When you call for DeWltt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed itn DeWltt's Witch Haxel Balve. F 8 Duffy. 1 - The bead-hunters, a csnlbal faction of the natives ofRendova, Australia, cap- tired a vlleja lately, and, after slaugh tering many inhabitants, relnrned borne with thirty pilsouers, wbo were killed and eaten at feast. One of tbe most notorious chiefs has been captured by the British. " ' ,. BEUSr IB MIX BSKas Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved la six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.'' It is a great surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness In relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, la male or female. Relieves relenilon of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by C. D, Bradham, Druggist, New Berne. N. C. The Art of MaUIni Friends. Dullerton Prlrfster is always pio king me np od my Rram umr. Smarte Atid you and be don't cot on together at nil? : Dullerton Of course not. How could wo? . " ' : Smarto By dolnpt as I do. When 1 speak to him, I uso bad grammar pur posely to irlvo him nu opportunity to cer met me. Then I thank him mid say how much obliged to him 1 am. We get along together beautr.ully. Eoston Transcript. V '" 8rT a Good Purpo.. ., Caller I sent yon a noom about three weeks ago. What bavo you done with itf Editor I'm holding It. Every little while lately I get to thinking that we are not gutting out as good a paper as we onirht to. and then I take mat poem ana see how much worse the sheet might be and that makes lue cheerful again. Bay, how inuch'U you take fur Itr Chicago News, - ; i Tha moat famous cavalry of antiquity wars the l'nrthlaca. Tbclr Invasion of Juda 40 B. C. resulted In such terrible devastation of the oountry that 100 years later tho terrors of the Parthlnn Invasion gave the npoktle John the idea for one of bis most vivid pictures. Tbe caribou or reindeer of Newfound land roam over an area of aomo SJ3,000 miles of unbroken wilderness. They ore inagntuoent creatures, smuo of the larger stags weighing from 600 to 600 pounds. Good Houses ' ...For Rent ! IN GOOD LOCATION. Desirable Houses and Lota For Sale at a very low figure. Also other property for sale as an investment. Cheap rooms for rent for fumilies or single persons. , Collection of Rents a Specialty. E. E. HARPER, Real Estate Agent. ONillAND which arrived by Rail and which will bu sold Very Low for CASH or on Good Negotiable Paper. I have Large, Horses and Small Horses, in fact sizes to suit anyone. Large Line of Winter Robes on hand. I also have on hand Buggies made by Randolph, Kinslon,' N. C. Tyson & Jones, Carthage, N. C; Hussey, Tarboro, N. C; Hackney, Wilson, N. C.j Btiibotir, South Boston, Va., which I am selling I heap for the CASH or ON TIME. Don't Forget that I am iu the HarnesB Business. 68J, 70. 7. Vi 74. 741 and 76 ;.. Mgw gorn M f, . BROAU STREET. 116W B&l M&,n, U. Henry s Pharmacy Please Remember ! 127 MIDDLE 8TKEET, NEW KERNE, N. C. I Eskay's Albumonizml Food, Peploiigeiiic Milk Fowder, Maltt-d Milk, Mellin's Food, Ittcd & Carnrick's Soluble fl. Simmons. A. I. Ward II. I'ou, K. W. Pou. SIMHONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. NEW HfeKNK, N. C. Ollico 68 So. Front Strei.-t, nearly oppo site Hotel Clialtawka. (Offices also at Ruli ich and Smilhfleld.) Praettee In the dmnttes oi ('raven. Dunlin. fotieM. OiihIow, Carteret Pamlico, Wake, Johnston. Harnett and Wilson; in tne Su preme aul Ie0ernl Coui-tH. and wherever serK es are desired. Food SKVV BERNK I.ODC3K SO. 1, V. II. A C J. C. Koales, Frest; J. n. smi's, necnruinit -ct.yi K. K. ynlfiey, rinMiicini .riy. fiwu 1,1 HniKht ! I yi-miui nail ovei.v ibv auu wu Wednesday mxhu Iu each mouth. That We Need Money, as Well as the Rest of Man. kind, and If YOU OWE US Pleases Pay Up! ' Yours Truly, COLUMBIAN INSECTITUDE Sure Death to Wnlcr Rugs and Roaches Physiclnn's Prescriptions A Srecialty J. C. Whitty September 24, 1R!)8. 0. CLEMENT CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. IGE "They're Alter Me" The man sars that owns a Favorite bicycle, but he smiles to know that noth ing can catch blm on this wheel. Thor oughly up-to-date, well built and the aruie ol strength ami periection. tne Oasklns Cycle Co. Favorite bicycle is beyond competlnn, ana we are seuing them on easy terms at a price you will pay for an inferior wheel. GASRINS' CYCLE COMPANY. riantcrs Building. CASTOR I A lor Infanta and Children. Be Kind You Kate Always Bought Bear the Bitfnatnre Orewth eflawa. . Wben Iowa was admitted to tbe Union, la 1840, her population In round numbers was 100,000. Today her school population Is alone 430,000, and her total Dooulallon is 1500.000 souls, tihe employs twice as many school teachers as any other Btale west of the . MlssU alppt river, besides leading In many other things. When In Bayborn stop at the Lupton Hons for good accommodations. Truth wesrs well. People have learned that DeWltt's Little Early Itlsors are re liable llulo pills for regulating the bow els, curing constipation and sick bead ache. Tury don't gripe, t Duffy. Bis B.yly. . -Boston Is the Bean City, I believe," said a Philadelphia man to a llostontan. And Philadelphia Is tlx Uatliran City," replied lbs lolon man pleasantly. IIH, sr. K. BtHSi tlsrrlM May be worth qiore in you Uian $100 li you have a child who soils bedding from' lnoooUniure of water during sleep, Corea old and yonng alike.' It arrests tlx trouble at onoe. I. hold tiy U U. llrail bam, drtlKUist, New Uirue, N. C. More tban twenty million free sample t of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence lo It's met Its do yon want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, tores, In tha shortest space of time. K8 Daffy. BRANCH OFFICK IV.' A. l'ortaieiy Co. rSiireeasora to U. W. BiUby & Co.) Hanker niitl ISrokcrM. Bis EaviahU tet Mr. PHI SSnrs your friend Dllnkli s married IUs Bonds lis has been leading the life of a dog. Mr. I'enn I'm sorry for blm. 'I'm not." "Don't you sympathise with hltnf "Not at all. lis has nothing to do bu at, t!- and eimne hUitelf. It's the life of a pet pug d"H he l-s-!s." Tws hlgae. ."To snuff a randleout accidentally la a sign of marriage." ' Vts, and lo turn down a lamp Inten tionally Is a sign of courtship." Haw ta Leak Qe4. Oool looks are really more than akin deep, drpendlng entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver Is Insi Ure, you liars a bilious look, If your stoma, h Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look, II your klilnrvs are alTrrted, ynu have a plix lud look Serure good besllh, atnl you will surely lavs good lhk. "I'.'ir trlo IMlirrs" Is a good Alleratlvs and Tonic. Ads dlrt!y on Hie ston.s, li, liver and klilncj a, ,urif',-a the l'-"t. run s plnp!'i, Iftnh ?i, n sn l t'U, 1 locks. Beads, (ottoa, drain, rrevlsloa (VuiiKlit and sold for rash or nn margin ( one pr cent, tn lots from .u up. Over C",lUn Exchange. ir National Hank Kefrrenma. ifCiniKUut Quotations, A. O NKWBEHIIY, llshKO Yris . r rf Clean, pure, wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially u tended and Drenared for human con sumption. . Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) C a, m. to 8 p. m. flunilavs (retail onlvl 7 a. ui. to 13 noon. For prices and other-Information, address. New Berne Ice Co., B. 8. GCION. Mabaosk DEPARTMENTS: Academic Arithmetic, Algebra, Ge- Vfktt HOME i;SH omctry and i nsonomeiry; r.ngtien Latin, Greek and rrencn. Commbkciai. Book-kceplnp, Short. hand. Tviicwilllne, Commercial Law and Penmanship. PKOFESSIONA1 OWES II. UIOW, CiiiiMflIor : at : Law. Offices, 46 Broad St, P. II. Pelletier, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Building. Will prm-tlce In the Counties of Craven. Oarteret, Jones, Onslow and l'amlico. U. H. CouttatNew Heme and bupreuio Court of he State N. II. 8TKEET. " F. P. GATES, STRERT & QATES, '' Physicians and Surgeons. ' M Iddle Sti ect , JKcw lie : ne, N. C Southern ail way. The Standtrd Railway ot the SOUTH Tbe Direct Line to all Poiuta. TKXAN, PLOIIIWA, CUI5A AND POItTO ItlCO. Ll III I DEALER IN GENIHIAIj IIARDWAR1 AND ALL KINDS OF MATKRIAIi. Wire lU'lllnjf, Rcre-.i Doors & Window. Olncier Kefrlgeraktorx, Which are the Beat. They have but few equals and NO SUPERIORS. Ice Cream Freciera, Water Coolers, . Michigan Stoves and nanpes. Agent Devoc's Paint. Under Hotel ChatUwka, New Berne, N. C. Hlrli lly Ftrat4:)aa Etiliment nn all Through or Loral Trains; I'ullinan Pal aoe We, ping Oaia nn all Might Train Fast aud Safe Selinliih-a. Travtl by the Houlhern and'you sreaa- Mirul a Hufe, Conifortuble and Exiedi tioiia Jouim v. Apply toTirkel Agents for Time Ta- b, a, Italea knd 'eiienl Information, or aildrva F. U. DAUHV, H L. VEUNON, c. r. T. a, T. T. a., AsIh vill,-, N. C, Charlotte, N, C FKK H. Oankok, J. M.Cl'i r, 8.1 V !' St (i 11 Mn. Trnf. lu W. A.Ti mk, o p a. WASHINGTON, - - . 0- l'TTT T - 1 T "TV TTTT'TJ t lLl,...li;lvi.lU O ::::::! :: I : i E" : I .1 ..:;.; ; ,: v.' FALL TEUM BEGINS AUGUST 29. Tuition from 1.00 to 5.00 per month. 2000 will pay for an unlimited scholar ship in either the Dook-kccplng r Shorthand courses. Commercial Department open the year toumi. For further parllrular. address, J. C. J11NTZ Prln., - Wallace, N. C WANTED to KUY Wool, Cotton, Iteeswax Highest rrice Onsrsnteed. J. E. liATIIAJff, N, ar Cotton Exrhange REMOVAL. Ur. FliANK DUFFI' Hi a n mi v-d fiom the .olllca bele. tofore orn p'tfi Uli Dr. Charles Dtify to oilliv ouunitd by lr. linsli r Dully, llM.Vi iddle Klreet. ' (7B3 BiD.am School P2KS3 Kullh1 In 1T. iJ. IL lilNUMAU, fpnr) A.M.. l,L.ll..eupv iOJO MUiuuy: li 1-Ariu7 umcstaeuuwa. raSlliilLLt, il N. C. Big Knock Down on Beef. I will op.-n a HEEF MARKET ou South Front Hlrwl, next to my blnre SATURDAY MORMNd. Kp Hie erv Beat. Fattest and Nictl Kvt in market. Th lust round slake, 80 htewlna IWf, So. Conn1 one, come all, ace what o are l, lin. Dry Riove Wol, Dand-Mailo and Sawed Miiiifli-s, lliiik, lil h Cows, Uiir. airs. llor.s. llli-i ols-ts. Hl All Ui Kll or Rent, EIG HILL, Ths M noun: ! i;usini:ss ur.r okh pleasure ri. p. ::oiii.x;v ir.tr, to li.f-M m ll , (nil line of r iol n n hr.C'i. w in re 1 In ' ,( t- 'f l 'I n n f I .- I v '-. m1 lie llat be l', S 1 hi ,T H-tlnlil- tn v t oits 1, 'e $) til to SU.l'O A Good Telephone SERVICE 13 A BUSINESS; NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED ATeeeN.Hitj', Convenience, Iaixur ! Order Your Phone at 'Once I M. Halm & Co., aO II.- I i' r t? 1 fi i r w s: . CQPYStlONT. y Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables WIIOI.I SALC AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 1 v -tol. . I M 1". You ln ' K a t' i . i '" T I-..-

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