TUB HCBOESDIFART. 0 10 CIS IZD. Mo. NT ROBBERIES. t ,,Ti THE EXCELLENCE OF SYECP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality , and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientifia processes known to the Califobnia Fio Sybuf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon1' all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Caufoknia Fio Strut Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the 'Cali fornia. Fia Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, Vid the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ' effects, please remember the name of the Company . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. -- SAN FBANCISOO, 01. WCUVH.LE.Kr. XKW TORK.X.T. THE JOURNAL. I Ovaltaa elvta Kin ravti Al tfc lrpt. A wall Ma lblaa laaars-ra. HfeerlST aad ! aatltw. ' Not less than 800 negroes were at the depot yesterday morning to bid farewell to the prisoners being taken to the peni tentiary. The crowd was waiting and when Joe Halm and his two negro depu ties arrived with six prisoners, there was rush. to see them and the car was in vaded in short order. There was one white man among the prisoners, Tom Rollins who was sent up for larceny for six months. lie was chained to a negro. Sheriff Hshn an nounced several days ago that on his next trip to the pen, he would chain a white man and negro together. He kept his word. The names of the negro convicts were Charlie Cook, one yean Caesar Dudley, one year; Mack Sykes, three yearn; Jack Bryant,, one year; Jess Nelson 8 months. The white man was chained to Mack Sykes, who was Bent up for threo years. Hop M raavrl Him. A strong Populist of Dover, Mr. B. F, Waters has two Democratic friends who are thoroughly In earnest sgainst .negro fusion, and they beuevo that if Mr. Waters would read a good. Democratic paper he would see the true light. Mr. Waters agreed to do so, and the two Democrats subscribed for the Jour nal and ordered it sent to their Populist friend and as he has promised t read it the medicine should take offect by elec tion day. At any rate It cannot but have a good euect. New Berne, N. C, Oct. 18, 1898. : EW ADVERTISE KTS. Stoara Laundry Black Eye. :' Sam'l Colin & Son Fine meats. J. 6. Dunn For the young folks. Duffy's Candy Store Hew candles. , H. B. Duffy Autumn merchandise. American Stock Co. We're after it. Duffy's Candy Store Tempting, etc. t Business Locals; AT SAM'L COHN & SON you will nnd fine veal as well as other fine meats, and all kinds of( poultry. FOR SALE CHEAP One New Clove- land Biuyclo. Apply to J. L. Williams, at Telephone Office, , i . ' - i , WANTED TO BUY A good horse cheap for Cash. E W Armstrong. WANTED Middle aged woman to do general, housework. Good home. Ap ply to Robert O. Moseley, Sr., 22 Jones street. ROOMS . AND BOARD First-class Day or week, at Hotel Albert, Mrs. 6. L. Wtdsworth. , A SAT IN TBS CITY. A Jlrf ClrofafK"". Robert Volz, of Carteret countv has i been home on a visit and was in New Berne yesterday .Intending to leave by I the steamer Neuse for New York' Volz was a sailor on the gunboat Nash ville and was wounded in the breast, bead and ' arm by Spanish bullets. It was during the fight at Clenfuegos that he was wounded, when the boat crews of the Nashville were ssnt out to cut the cable and did the work under a deadly fire from the shore. Volz was in the hospital for five months. . He has been transferred to the battleship Indiana and is now on his way to that vessel.- Frcmiseiit Eeplcai of Charlotte Will Vote .taratic Met Fsir and cooler weather Is the forecast for today. ' 1 Sales of cotton on the local market yesterday were 25 bales, ranging from 4.78 to4.8P. , . .-. . A fine Eeifor pear grown by Mr. 31. W. Carmon near this city was shown yesterday. It weighed one and one half pounds and measured 14 J inches around the centre. Some of the fields outside of town have more the appearance of spring than of fall. They are covered with a growth of green peas and the vines are in full blossom. Two rapid fire guns are on the E. C. D. dock, having been brought by the steamer Newberne.. The guns are for the cutter Boutwell which la expected to arrive at this port shortly. Tbey are three Inch guns snd of course are breech loadors with Improved breech locking devices. PERSONAL. Cspt. Charles B. Heeler of Portsmouth, is in the city. Mr. Beth West of Dover arrived in the city last night. ' Mr. 8. W' Smallwood left yesterday morning for New York. If r. M. Dabn returned yesterday from a visit to New York. Mr. Edward Bangert, who has been on a pleausre trip to several northern cities. returned home yesterday. Ma. and Mrs. W. T. mil returned yesteidsy on the steamer Neuse from a northern pleasure trip. Judge Henry R. Bryan returned last night from attending ths Episcopal convention at Washington, D; C. ' Hon. J at, A. Bryan, Democratic nomi nee for the Senate, left yesterday morning to fill his appointment In Green county. v Drmacratte Kiatktuv D. L. Ward, under direction of Execu tive Committee will address the citizens of Carteret county at the following times and places: -.. : . Wildwood, (Hull swamp) October 13th at-7:80 p m. '.:: :.. ,. MarBhallburg, October 17th at 11 a m. y Davis' Store, October 17th at 7 p m. Piuen Point, October 18ih at 11 a m. Wit, October 18th at 7 p m. Cedar Island, October 10th at 13 a m. Portsmouth, October 20th at 10 a m. Wiregra&s chapel, October 22ad at 7 p m. - - . . t Have you seen Duffy's new candies: Ilia Fall Time. Vy,', "A very peculear state of affairs exists dowu In our State in regard to politics this year," said Mr. W. F. Bennett, of Charlotte, N. C, lust night at the Rlggs House. The Republicans are pretending to be very busy all over the State, but at the same time Republican speakers are scarce as hen's teeth. It Is as plain as daylight to everybody down there that the Kopubllcsns are not making the speeches, but that they are malting the Populists do It for them. The Populists are playiug right Into their hands. Two years ago we had five or six of the best men In the State In the field, but this yesr they are non est. The republican fusion bosses are sending out the Popu list speakers to fight the democrats and are probably paying them for It. As long a they can keep the Populists and the Democrats fighting each other these bosses have the hope of keeping turni- salves and ths negroes In power. And 1 thii it Is high time thst the Populists broke away from this ring rule and voted the while man's ticket." Washing ton Post. THlTJeTlllLrtKMiU. With ths exhllsratlng sense of renewed health and strength snd internal cleanli ness, which follows the nse of Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time med cinessml the cheap subsltutes some times olTeied but never accepted by the well-Informed. Buy the genuine. Man nfactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. With each box of Duffy's candles you get a photograph of ths cruiser Halelgb, 103 Middle street. Promised to do go If he Feaad Re ports te be Trne. Went to Wil mington. Retaras and Makes ' a Sworn Statement. . The following account Is taken from the Charlotte News. It Is the story of a Republican who has investigated mat ters for himself and has decided to vote the Democratic ticket. ' "Mr. Charles F. Eudie, of tub city, who has been a life long Republican and has never voted anything but the Re publican ticket, has just returned from a trip to Wilmington. Mr. Eudie is not only a Republican, but two years ag6 was the Republican candidate for con stablo of Charlotte township against Mr. Irwin (Democrat), He has been a prom inent fusionist . worker, and was a sincere' advocate ' of the principles of fusion. " "Last Wednesday Mr. W. P. Howie and several other Democrats were dis cussing the situation In eastern North Carolina, and Eudie remarked .that he was a Republican and a consistent one, but that he believed in white rule as much as any man did; that ho had read the reports In the Democratic nowpi' pers about the situation in New Berne and Wilmiugtou, but thought that thej were greatly exaggerated. Mr. Howell then told Mr. Eudie that if he would go to Wilmington, and investigate the sit uation there, and did not find it as slated, he would pay his expenses there and back, and the following agreement was eutered into. ; It Is agreed that if upon going to Wilmington there ere 17 negro police men including health officers, 40 negro magistrates and one negro register of deeds, I will vote and work for the Democratic party in the coming election. The expenses to be paid by W. P. Howie. This October Bth. , ;-' CIIA3. EUDIE. Witness: W. O. Dowd. . -, - Mr. Eudie then offered to go to Wil mington to see the exact state of affairs there, and said that he would report the situation exactly as it was. Mr. Eudie left Charlotte for Wilming ton on Thursday morning. ' The result Is shown in his own words: : ' I found conditions there much worse than I had ever expected to fiad. I am so disgusted with the conditions of affairs down there that my mind Is fully made up. I do not think that there U a white Republican or Populist In Mecklenburg county, if he went to Wil mington and saw the condition of affairs there as I saw them, could vote the fusion ticket ibis year, and thus help to perpetrate negro rule in eastern North Caroliua. '... , Though I am a Republican In princl pie and have heretofore always voted the Republican ticket; at this election I shall cast my vote for the Democratic State and county ticket. I believe that It Is the duty of every white msn In this county to vote that ticket this year. A vote for the fusion legislative ticket In Mecklenburg county, is a vote to porpe tuate such conditions In eastern. North Carolina." , Cbab. T. Eddie. Sworn to and subscribed to before me, this October 10, 181)3. T. A. Acst, J. P. Irrj )! at rllokllle. Hrv ral AKcniat. TM SWwUbar slab Pollocksville, Oct. 12. A bold and defiant robbery occurred here last night about 8 o'clock. The store of John Whitty & Son was entered by prizing open the front shutters and breaking a large pane of glass. Aftt r getting into the store they filled a lamp with oil, lighted it, pillaged the store taking shoes, shirts, white anl colored himetp n, a new Watorl'Ury watch and chain, a lot of Johnson's chill tonic, 1 volume of "Pilgrims Progress" and severe! other articles. ' After leaving there they proceeded further down the street to the store of Cbas. Whitty, effecting an entrance at a front window. The clerk, Mr. John R. Horner, was sleeping up stairs, heard the noise below and raised a window and aw them run in front of the store, one of whom told him he had better go back to bed, whereupon Horner proceeded to snap a pistol twice at the hurglai-.failint to fire each time. Mr, Horner left the store for help but the robbers had gone when he returned. But they were there at the foot of the bridge trying to break In Mr. F. M. Bowden's store as was proven by finding an Iron bolt carried from Wbltty's store with which they trii d to prlza open the side door. , This is the second time John Whitty's store has been robbed within IS days. These bold robbers will yet meet their match if they continue operating In this burg. Some of us have guns that never fall to fiie and they are In hauds who know how to handle them. , REBtsBOHO, October 13. The Reelsboro section is overrun with burglars. On last Saturday night Mr. J. 0, Reel's store was entered through an upper window and his iron sale opened and robbed of money, vouchers and one check, to the amount of SO or CO dollars, besides some notes and valuable papers. If any goods were taken tbey were not missed, but it seems that the burglar was not satisfied, as he did not get the draw ers out ot the sate, and on Tuesday night he returned and broke open a win dow in the rear of J. B. Reel's store, entered and went through the safe, got more money snd a pistol, and not being satisfied yet went up to H. A. Reel's store and broke open a window and entering went through his drawers and got a few pennies and escaped, It la not known when he will return for more money, but the people will try to be better prepared to receive him next Rail. Democrats, Populists and Republicans I am no hog. I doii't want the ea th and that fenced, but 1 do want a pai least of your patronage, Try ma. lUxTia Ttlf Jcwbi.kr. Next to Jocbhal. A riaa Craft. The steamer Neuse arrived as prom ised yesterday morning. The steamer nude a fins show as she came up the river with all her flags flying and glis tening la a fresh covering of white paint. A large crowd was oa ths dock as ths simmer arrived and wers much Intcres- t'-'l In ths Improvement of the vessel. Tl.r N.-umi Is realy for the fall travel h I rUI be found ersa more hospitable mul ,. nt than ever before to Its pat- r ! ami the traveling public. In 'Mil's Witch IIsd Balvtbastbs t of any P'vs In ths world ' t l id Its nx-llL I.M !'! U'-'i'Mir -.t ' . "i n-i-t to t'oii n i.-t '-'t ll. I.", k alio rr Iwllaiil CrMHtars, New Rente, N. C, Oct. sin, 1SW8. tu ths District Court of ths United Slates for lbs Enter a District of North Caro Una, Drd Itaukruptry Division. Ia the matter of John 1). Dlnklns - Bankruptcy. Eastern District of North Carolina, as. .Upon ths sppllcailon of John D. Dlok Ins, liankrupt.it is ordered that amectln of lbs Ciodltsra of said Hunk nipt be held at New Itarne, N. C, In aald Dlalrlot on tbs 101b day of October, A-1) , lH'.'S, at 1 o'clock li , at the olllc-o of L. J. Moore, Hearer, In New IJerne, N. C i)rd llnk ruptry division In said DlnUlct, fur ll purposes named in ths o.itb section o ths Act of Conxrrsa entitled "An Ai l to tiMIli a lii f ii in Hy.lrui of Ii.nl rupUy lhrout;lniil tbo UnlU'd t;!Mf a; ptovrcl Jn'y 1 1. V ,u.f. t'o i n. 1 : It. J',,.- j , ' i.i i - : ! When you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Balve the great pile cure, don't ac cept anything else. Don't he talked Into accepting a substitute, for plies, for sores for burns. F S Duffy. Or LOCAX. INTEREST. Welsbsch lamps, Just arrived, for 75c and put up, by J. C. Oreen. J, A. Jones, the liveryman, rays the Deerlng Mower Is the Slickest and Easi est Rubnlrg Mower he hss ever seen, They co like Uot Cakes. For sale by C. Wbitty Co- , The collection of rents and accounts given careful and personal attention. Best of references given J. K. Laud, office No. 13, Planters Tobacco Ware- bouse, Middle street. , 7' 1 - . s Temptlnpr. tiweet ana Lusciou3 are the Ins ronfix-tlons that are mad for. palai llrkli-ra to ln-rs of choir swftets Our pura con f rations ar iti.'!t for lliflr iuuit r'ruiiy and Nun flavors anil Die roil rornunu-nrr or our iesmt ( Iiim-o)oI(-. None!, Nnl Cm &'., lion bans and t aiann-ls niaks tlmin morsniii for Hie ?hartt. X)u::ii y f;iore. l'vi smui.K hi;;: i t. I - - - -. - - - -. a ... .. . i X i (, . " SPECIAL it 60 Inch Imported Black - i Sicillian, value 75c, this f week per yard, 48 Cents. The Attraction of Our Store is its Low Prices. 8 i n Dies Cheerfully uiven. Mail orders N receive, prompt attention. - A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless In effect, j touches the right spot, reliable and Just what is wanted. It acts at once. F S Duffy. , Utnva Valat-a. Our store is known to be the economi cal place to buy the best qualities. Ladles kid gloves 4 book, jmbroiderled backs, choice shadss also black this week 75c pslr, BAIIFOOT'S. Sweets of Life ! We have Just received a Fresh Lot of WHITMAN'S FINE PHILADELPHIA MADE CANDIES, which we sell at 40c r pound., put up in hand omo boxes. This candy is tiuatanteed to lie Fresh. Ice Cream, 30c Quart. Delivered to any partjof the city, PACKED IN ICE. W Corner I'ollock and Middle: Slrvc-u. Don't forget the place. C. .I. McSiorlVy t Co. Confectionery ! .WE' ARE AOENT FOR Teisiiey'M and loweir ICS, FRUITS, CIOAB8. SANDWICHES OpprsHe' Poet -tlBcc. OAKS MEAT MARKET. Broad end Middle Street, H NOW OI'EX FOR BU3INI8?, Frh BKKF, MIT rO", PORK, HACSAOE, the flueat In I lis oil. Fiee IVlUery. Oil up 'Phone 123 end. irders will be promptly attcnie l to. Executor's Sale. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUUNI TUHE, JEWELCY AND OTIIEK TEItSONAL I'KOrEIlTY. As F.Kcntor of FrRni-.ni Tijl.ir, or-urd, I will f II at I'ulilic Aurtion, Cah, at I lie Im rulii-iwe of )',! Iran on Taylor, on Cisrn eirwl In lbs i'j of f iU-rn1, North t'aiolitia, on Wednesday, lyih tiny ofOit. 'yS. At 10 O'd ;.. ; I a.-i v u: 1 oi'" r r M. n I'ii i .-f p ...-I i A Week of Opportunities!! Facts and Figures are here put in sombre type, but thev relate to the very newest ot Autumn Merchandise. Goods that will charm by their Novelty, Magnetize by their worth and influence by their Prices. N- Regardless of Trade Conditions, withUhc Prices of Goods Steadily Advancing we will Offer Such AdvantaRes as never before at this Season of tue DrcsN Goods and Trimmings .... in Abundance. Our stork Is much larger than we have had the phwnre of showing you any privious year, and if you era about to purclmse a dri-Ks you enn pave money by a visit to us and convince yourwlr that we are olterinj; all the Newt si and Best styles at the Clos-"st 1'ofsibln price. . . M 'sir Iress Goods Dep't. ; In colored dress goods alone we show some very choice offer ings. . 8 pieces Brocadinea, half wool speciel this wi-ek, yd. - 12 Jo 3A inch serge, American M'faj. '-'' Black, B'ue Brown and Grey - 10c. Imported serges all wool war- " ranted, Ibe yard at 25c. 38 inch novelties, new color- ings snd mixtures, worth and i sold at 874o. our price 25c. Beautiful line of novelties, silk mil wool mixed, new goods and new colors in Blues, ,, ilrwtn, Garnets, etc. a big value at yard , 60c. New goods in dress patterns, at 60c. 75c. to$l.C0yaid. - Special in Millinery. 10 doz. children's Tamo Shan, ters. nil rolois including the new military hlue plain and leather trimmed, your choice this week, ISlitek Kress Goods 86 Inch all wool aergps, cash meres, and lUinriettu's, jet and blue black at yd. . , 25o. 88 inch all wool Henrietta, would be cheap at 50c. our leader at this w k. 42c. S? inch garrantred wool serpe, t he erruiest value wo ever ' liild . . 49c. 45 inch Briliiantinc nnd Hen rietta, the best possible value a yd , ... 50c. 00 Inch imported Brilllantine , worth and is sold regular at $1.25, special opening week a ' yd. - . 87c. New hlnck poods in pattern lengths at 50c, 68c, 7.0, up 10 11.50. Two Great Values in Indies 4'ane. Ladies capes mado of nil wool Cheviot, lull ewepp trimmed with build and fur at each $1 48 Ladies best quality plush enpe value $ 10 00 this week $7 40 Special ISlenvliliig Kale. Notwithstanding extraordinary efforts made hy other stores in this line of goodB wv still lead in value giving. , .- Full yard wide blenching reg ular Cc quality, our price 4o Barkera l ills and Androscog gin bleaching 1 yard wide yard 6c Fruit of the l min I yard wide this week C.ic Motions Jtctns. tfooks and eyes card !lc Best needles paper 3c O N T spool cotton ' 4o Whale bone set &5c Dress shields, pair Tc Skirt binding, 4 yds. 10c l.ndies ribbed vest lip fioni 15c Now fall neck we ir . Si) Lndies silk limhrelhi, rns't. hsndles, worth regular $ 1.50; special prices tills week ST fM BAIIFOOT'S, K A It FOOT'S, BAltFOOT'S, KAUFOT, fi jgk Opp P.O. Opp.P. O. Opp. P.O. Opp. P. 6 Opp. P.O. Opp. P. O. Opp.RO. Opp. K O 0 ress Trimmings. All the proper kinds are hero and as kor rmcES, read tins: 10 different pretty pnttern of jut and guimps, i to 1 inch wide very sjiecial at 5c yd A large variety of lirnids gnlmps, &c. exiieinely stylish and artistic, the yard 10c New dreis trimmings at S-m-ISi: yd Clothing 0ipor(iitikti-s As h samplu of the new li which has lieen infused in this du- fcg? piiilmenl this full, wp quote: Jj&L Children's blue riefter suits beautifully triiumed and well rS made, sizes 4 to 8 at $1 48 Men's all wool cashmere and cheviot suits either round or square cut, black and color", all sizes, $7 "0 Men's imported black clay worsted suits, suck or cutaway worth $13 50 our prices while they last H) 00 Prepare for the Cold Wave By Purchasing "One of Our 1 Allil" Plfilft . . . OR . . . h : ia tdtm. JPk. .. S SV L Sk. k. A. M. A . , . . . Wfi-WAN'T YOU TO KNOW THIS . . . Underwear ! Also See our Venetian Mixtures and .Broadcloths for Tailor-Made Gowns. i SPECIAL INDUCEMENT FOR FALL TRADE ! Ul .ldLjrJ,uilJ.'.ij-r--ir--lirJhrJ'nlljc; rurV ft ftl Oil C3 tun 3 K! In! tnil o ia o n o o a a o a . . . WE AUK OFKEIMXi! l'fU U IN' TKlt . . . , . ; SS?i'''ji(s.'j! VH AK1C GIVINt" 'I'll 12 HKST VALUE WK EVKU IIAVK. KOit WK HOtOIIT YKKYLMICJKLV AM) NOW OUU SI OUK' IS roMI'LEriJ. ' HKliK AKK M.MIK SPECIMEN'S: liiiiiiM llitihi il Yfsts ami iruw.-in, nil ci ? s. IVi-i por urn iiit'li'-. 'I Ion1 are Swin I(iii'h.i1. ! .-xi. j.inj; 4i.il iiml . with tl:o new Avfur l iit-vi wiitc'i iiv. piu .ty nf room l,-l.M : 4 vv.-id :ri, V,.K -, m 'I il s i I he -i li-fl 'ili,' In l,i.int niXhi'ic. 1,-iiiiei All V ..ol Hiiitvil V-le anil P.iit, ..i-i ,i(l l. il"S All Wind Cttilill'Oie Vets Hlnl I'nhlii, c.'icll .' 0 I H'lii-s .l.o-y Uililw-il Uni.oi Suite. 00u, 'I h (-l.diri.'Ml Ouniiit'' Union Suit, perfect fil- tU g, intir wool, i.on; :i 4 wool, ) ro Children's Union Suits, H5o, Misos Union Suit, 50c Ladies .lers IfihHeil Skirt', 25o and ftdo. Ladies lied Flannel Wool Shirts, 75 o. Men's Kxtia Heavy Fleooed Lined Shirt and Dm wen, each COo. Men's All Wool Sliirta or Drawers, 11.00 llnavf UnMenohed Canton Flannel, tho regular 10o f)'iiili'THl 8o per jaril. Extra llcarj UnMenohed Canton Flami'sl Ifin p-r jiird. . . TWO NEW KUMHERS OF - LADIES' HOSE, JUST IN A1IK WOUTIIY OF SPECIAL vtKN I lN'. No ONE is a Fast Muck ailh luirrowi i! f n.t aiol , ai'ikl.i A Siem1iil hnM for no. . TWO ia Silk Finish Omti-n IIsi, mm!., of fxtra Una Ihrfad, l.Vi. Our No. 400 Imported black Hose at 25s pair has no i qual. . g Hillinery uiiiiiii - t All. tho UinufuUrer. of WAIL PAPER hue mi- j Department nouncpd an Advance In Price, for this Full, nd iU I'sttms i f) li nn rlr to suit you nil ll r, ... I,,,! 1 I i will be from 15 to "5 err cent, hlcht-r. accnrdlnz 10 craJr. H we have vopplit d onrsi'lves with t suflkitnl quanil N li 'j ly of each pattern l last Ibe rnllre Smnn, we can Rive njjj f n (uir ta.lnrnprs lh idvuntiRS of A LAUliE STOl'K ON y I I HANI), and sill all pattrrng it OLD riilL'KS until January i 1 1st, IBM. ' n I 1 II. (j J; f New Int laales Dcsls Just arrived, also nice line of f :j r- 1 lim?s and Onyx Tallica and La tu ;si. ' Va!c!i iLU Pfare, ocw Condi Arriving Dally. .1 r-n:;!&. n. joiies & go.. Ll !0 a o f) (V K ) o o n o : i ; ) with a Hat for the wind r Kvcrjiliinir in this itapart mrnl is near and tha styles ar i.s IiiIh can b.i t-curt'd in ibis country. MISS DAWSON' Is In cli.tra of this n-.u ttn.-iit ami will h plu.n-d to bare J iu call. Our Trio? are at Ruaonahle u can possibly b, to furnish Ntoo Stylish Millinnry. W Iimo put a VIION'E in our store, so we can be called np at any limH. The Number ll 3. r-K ."9't,?i