5of ex; . ' r c 1 VOL. XVI--N0.' 165. - NEW BERNE, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 ; i n I OTDL37 .iZLSi It ntW' Will Stand the Closest Inspection. H111S Fit to Grace any Man's Table t 10c pound. " - Sugirr Cured Shoulders, 7 and 80 pound. ; Finest White Full Cream Cheese. Everything necessary fpr tlie inner man of Choicest Quality and Lowed IMoes. Our liua of Zelgler's Shoes Is Is now complete and an inspeo ' tlou will please you. Before buying notice Our 75c Kids in Black and Colors, . -' A Beautiful Black Wool Macau, SO CENTS Pef Yard. Itenivmber Our 5 per cent. IMscount on . Every Cash Sale in our Dry Goods y and Shoe Departments. .FOR Little THE Folks. We have liave Just received a lino of Children's and YnuthVNuiU which is up-to-date anil the Prices are marked down to suit the times, ,, ,. . Our line or Boys and Youth's Shoes : cannot be equaled, and we have the best lines of Boy's Hose in the city. ,' We are Headquarters for Children's Underwear, Caps and Collars. ' ' ... ' Let us Fit your little folks out from head to foot; you will be pleased, not only with the Prices, but also with theUlualUy., -'-r--v Call and Examine our Stock.' & m 57 POIiXOCK STREET. 5noDillililfliiIlliliif?lilfl ooao a 2 YQUR MQNFYI run Ha m InJi WE'RE AFTER IT, YOUR MONEY BUT WE GIVE YOU WORTHY EQUIVALENTS. ' M nlfl ! mi 121 O SPECIALS THIS WEEK : Fine Youth's Suits, mze 14 to 19 yearn. Worth $1. now 3 00 Better Bulls, same class, $3 to 4 CO Oilier at prices 85 per ot n', low Black Clnv Worsted Suits. wortb8.0tl,'This Week. (4 00 Better class Name Goods, were 10.00, This Werk, 8 80 French tllay Worsted Suils. worth $14. now . 7 90 NU Plaid Worsled Suits, double breast aud round out, worth. S. now 8 00 OTHER LI NET OF A VP (JKNTLHMKN. AT Shoes Nice Ton, woith f 2.75 at 1 71 Finer Shoe ut , . . 3 70 GOODS, FOR LADIES PRICKS TO SUIT ALL ' THE CUBAN LBADBKS. nn, Hi, aad Jrla aa 1(K. iiMIMIn la Talked. aailaa-a Pravlaee peatras It. Washington, Oct. 17. Late ; news from Cuba is not satisfactory. Gen. Gomez, who has done more or less sulking ever since the United States de clared war against SpaiD, is reported to have threatened to lead Ms men back into the field, unless his. Ideas are ca. led ont by the al'eged government of the Cuban Repnb'lo and by the United States authorities. He wants the United States to get off the island as soon as the Spanish troops do, and leave the Cubans to arrange things to suit them selves. His liieas aid those of Senator Foraker seem to be very nea-ly t'lke. Strangely enough, President : Maso seems to favor arjrexa'lon. At least he prefers that to the domination of the military element He hfs threatened that the present Insurgent gove-nment will make,overtures for annexation. Maso has had agents qu'e'ly working Havana for weeks, wh'c'h was learned by General Gomez' about ten days s'30. The result is shown in the cumber of men now in Havana wearing the uniform of 'insurgent officers. They denounce and threaten the American forces with a re opening of the insurrection should Maso's plans prevail. Tho friends of Gomez are trying to force matters, to an Immediate issue, while Maso's agents are working for de lay. The latter believe that the American military forces will lend a stiong moral influence against a Cuban military gov ernment. They point to Santiago as an illustration. They say toe people of San tiago now have fu'l confidence in the Americans and are in favor of annexa tion. Santiago Province has always been the stronghold of the Cuban army, and so they aigue th.t public sentiment In the western provinces will soon be over whelmingly opposed to Gomez. V There is a strong suspicion that Garcia has had a falling out with Gomez and will not support the latter in au attempt to secure civil as we'les military control. Garcia is in an unfortunate position. He is suspected by bo.h Gomez and Maso, but still has a Btrong grip on the affec tions and confidence of the people. The side which 'he supports will probably win. ; '.": ,. TO (IIKE A OLD IS Vflli OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fail; to cure. 25c. The genuine hasL. 13. Q. uii each tablet!, PELTED UITH EGGS. The Governors', Man Burns Waralf Met . V As Idm Paylaar lha Dt-bl. Paris, October 10. The position taken by the representatives of the Madrid government' on the Hlspano-Amc'ican peace commission in rega.d to the Cuban debt is regarded In well -informed circles as bsing a menace to the continuance of negotiations. . The efforts of the Spanish commis sioners are directed more toward ob taining relief from debt than toward re tention of territory. They contend that to compel Spain to shoulder enormous financial obligations, and at the same time to take from her the only means she hat of paying them, Is to seek to ruin the country absolutely. The United States commission Is firm against assum ing the Cuban debt. . bUYEIii. VIM r OUR STORES. n American - Stock - Company, n V . 59 & 61 .MIDDLE STREET. EW BERNE. N. C. . m fs n n n sEsHssHsas- dii lia sib : llllill UnAUt unUUtnito ' Frost Everywhere. Repnblleans Worried Over Political Situa- tion. No Winter Camp for . State. Failed to Register. . . Journal UURKAtr. x Raliioh. N. C, October 17. I There was frost all through,;, this section yesterday morning and there was some today. , : - Second Regiment soldiers who failed to get the notices not to come here Octo ber 19, because of extension of furlough, are arriving in numbers. What to do with them is a puzzle. They will of course be fed In camp, but the question of how to get them home comes up. They have no money, not yet being ""paid off foi lastmcnlh. The wife of M. W. Page, Democratic candidate for sheriff in this county, died today at Horrisville. Keeper of the Capltal, Burns returns here with a story to the effect that In Martin county several hundred people pelted him with eggs, and that it took a couple of hours to clean his clothing. He is a fusion 1st. i Congressman Pearson of the 9th dis trict was here yesterday' to seei the Re publican State Chairman. He is greatly concerned at the prospect in his district. The Democrats declare they will win in fonr districts. " '' . ' Entries for the State Fair are being made so rapid that by Wednesday all the space will be taken. There is not the slightest prospect of the establishment of a winter camp for Volunteers in this State. All the camps are located. ' The Republicans are try ing to make some capital out of the mat ter of locating one at Greensboro or Ral eigh, but it Is mere moonshine. It is expected that in 80 days, work ill begin on the new and very hand some church 01 tne uooa onepuera here. The Democrats say they are sure they wilFcarry this county. Even Ex-Republicans are found who admit that this is "a Democratic year.0-- -,.- Tomorrow the Supreme Court will call the sppeal docket from the 4th district. It will take up first the case of Jim Booker, the negro, murderer, - who It under sentence of death here. He Is one of the nine prisoners who so nearly es caped from jail last week. Many Raleigh Democrats have failed to register. There is only one more reg istration day. BTJCELCfl'l ARNICA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no psy required. It it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 33 cents per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy. ... AND LOW PRICES I Will tell this is why we keep busy. "We are offering bargains now, to vmake room lor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us beiore placing your orders. 'Tis no trouble to show goods, but . a pleasure. I . : I Fresh Flour, Butter, Cheese, Coffee, Hams I and Breaklast Bacon Arriving Daily. TrMUi Lmvw naiMjr. Caimamkba, CuuA,Oct. 10. The cruis er Maria Teesa is to sail north next Sunday, towed by the Vulcan and the Potomac. Her drains and bi'gepump are now in good working order. Several men at work on the Teresa have been overcome by lbs intense btat below, resulting from the exposed steam pipes. . A transfer of men from the Newark to the Teresa and 80O tons of soil will be necessary for the trip No.lU. The oir. cert hope the vessel will be sent to New Tork for repairs and tbey expect there will be great demonstration in her honor there. , DeWIlt's Witch Iltiel Salvs has lb Urgent sale of any Salve in the world This fsct and its merit hts led dlthonett people to attempt to counterfeit It. Lool out for the man who'attemptt to dwelv you when you call for DeWllt't Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, F Dully. NOT AU-Tnur. DOBBIN & FERRALL, NeHKjtf tonal tteparu fram Feaee Com snlMlaa stt Pat-la. Allowances la a Hoae. Washington, October 17. Secretary Hay is too shrewd a diplomat to publicly discuss the fakes that are almost da'ly cabled from Paris and Madrid, alleging hitches and dead locks in the Peace Commission, but his countenance ex presses his utter indifference to these sensations, when they are called to Lis attention by newspaper men. . All be will say on the subject is that nothing of imporlaace' has yet been received f.om the American commlssioneis. . ? The latest fake about the Spanish com missioners having ' proposed that the Emperor of Get many should be asked to determine the ownership of the Philip pi leris so ridlculoi's that one wonders it should have been printed in American papers. It will be remembered that the protocol which brought about the sus pension of hostilities expressly provided that the United States should retain Manila and the 'surrounding country, and that the Peace Commission should determine the disposition of the rest of the Philippine group.' The Peace Com mission is only authorized to negotiate on the basis provided for by that proto col. By keeping that fact in mind, it will be a comparatively easy matter to detect fake news about the doings of the Peace Commission. The North Carolina STATE FAIR, At Raleigh, Oct. 24th to 29th. ' Our Store will be in FAIR .WEEK ATTIRE, and will well be worth your coming to see Every North Carolinian will . be justly proud of us. . We Cordially Invite You, - Dobbin & Ferrall, IIAI.EIGII, x. c. Tne Espasttla Oolast Well. $ Omaha, Neb., October 18. A cash balance in bank, exceeding $300,000, now stands to the credit of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. There are fifteen days remaining. All railroads have made a half cent a mile . rate for the last week. It is certain that revenues for the re maining fifteen days will more than meet all liabilities. Stockholders will receive 75 cents for every dollar invested and possibly 90 cents. The total attendance to date is 3,181,293. k v . s : . I.eaviDv rar Hp.!. San Juan, Po'to Rico, Oc'ober 18- Tbe Relna Maria Crlstina salltd today for Spain with Captalc-Geretl Maciu and his staff on board. The Covedongs sailed yesterday with' 2,500 troops on board. ' Before sal'ing on the Covadonga Ad mlral Mallarlde called upon Admiral Schley at the Ing'aterrs Hotel to bid the American Admiral farewell. The stars and s'.rlpei w'll be .formally ratted at San Juan on Tuesday. Brig. Gen. Fred D. G ant wl'l be given com mand of the restrict of Sin Juan. CmcAOo, Oct. 17. McKInley will re view and Mayor Harrison lead 12.C00 wheelman through the strecs of Chicago tonight. Evs-y man will ride decor ated wheel. The pa'b will be through a blaze of elect-io effects. There will be few carnival floats. r.iu.r( at CaaMaailaapl. Constantinople, October 17 The Imuerlal yacht Hoheniol'ern, with Em paror William and Ma party, arrivad tbs straits of Dardanelles this morning and wis saluted by the forts. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children, Tta Kind Yea Rave A!r;5 lv:$ Bears the Signature TUB KAEEETS. SJaatUf e Caanoas. "You would be delighted to m-s the ol bronze rsnnontand morun vlii h litre taken here," wrlti't (icncrnl Wood from rWmlaiio. "Some of tl.em go bn-k to the 5!M!I Aget. ami m-rfl evMf-nl'y raptured fuwn the French. I h w.ll li tukcu to Wsnhlngtou, would lie the mntt Intnio tli-j rin ntid iri our park." lliijr ri th'-y I on a Yesterday's market quotations, f lira lull ed by W. A. PorlernVM A.Co. CommlMloD Brokers. Kw Yox, OctoU. r 17. . UTfK'KH, Oi-n, Uitrh. Imw. Close . 1121 ll'.'l 11U 112 . 1KI ll.i . 114 1M, . 11171 MT . ft i i'.fr CTT'H. . 5 I IS "K" Am T ilacX) C. 11. & (J. . .t. I'...,.... L. it H II J 11 "1 6.1 ml Absolutely Pure Precedence Over all other functions of thU store Is our Prescription De partment. The fact that our pre. soiptinn trade steadily andfcoutln ttally iiicieises goes further lb establish our position, as meriting your exclusive trade. Let us fill your prescription. JDavis' Pharmacy. Phone 68. Cor. Broad & Middle Sts. A. Happy Brldogroom Or bis "bert ' man" should be dretsed to the top-notch of p rfection on the wedding dayl To those in and around New Berne, who contemplate this move, we would say that we will make you a Dress Hull, cut In the latest style, and ntUMj anu nnisnea in an ex quitite manner, at a Reasonable Price, F. 31. Chadwlck, Middle streH. NEW BERNE. N. C, at FLOWER BULBS Hyacinths, Tulips, Chinese Llllles, Narcissus, JUST RECEIVED and For Bale Cheap. Alto Oulon ets and Relect Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Pe.-.l, Ac. F. K. IUFFY, Dl.UGGHT. Cor. 8oqlh Front & Mid lie Stre'ts ISIfOKTAlVT TO A HrnHO, 10o A l'uir hprirnt I'mlnneea, t ri-i in k, Ol-, A Clin,, t, ,1.;. A V. loin Wn-.ll I riih, 10c. . ti. Tow. (1 n;t 1 ! AN A M A .r A 1 A I A 1 A I . A I A 1 V ( A 1 A A A 1 r 1 I, i-mly I I ' -a 1 i-, tliK k fare, 81.75 !, 1,. t i , AT TUCKER'S STORE, liS & 123 Fayelttville Street, RALEIGU, NORTH CAROLINA. KID GLOVES! Executor's Sale. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUENI ; TUKE, JEWELBY AND OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY. IN DRESS OOODS ONE MAY ENJOY THE SATISFACTION OF MAKING SELECTIONS FROM A VERY COMPLETE LINE. HERE'S SEVERAL ITEMS THAT SPEAK WITn NO UN CERTAIN VOICE." . .. KID GL0VE3 TOO, TIIEY ARE NOW READY AND SOME INTERESTING FEATURES OF THE COLLECTION, ARE EASY' TO LEARN OF. As Executor ot Frances Taylor, de ceased, I will sell at Public Auction, for Cash, at the late residence ot Miss Fran ces. Taylor, on Craven street in the city ot New Berne, North Carolina, on Wednesday, loth day of Oct. '98. At 10 O'clock A. M. The Household and Kitchen Furniture, Jewelry and other articles of personal property, which were had and usfd by the said Frances Taylor, at her said late residence. Bald sale will be continued unlit all of said property is sold. CBARLFS P. HOLL1STER, . Executor, SHIRT, TIE AND COLLAR TALK! 1 . ij WTTifaett rii'ssaa Correct Styles in Fancy Shirts for every day wear in Madras. In rich colors and haiidioms bayadere trlpe, will e found in all the latest fads of fashion in our stock of fine furtii.hinirs. New shspes in Collars and Cuffa, and Neck wear in dtp New Styles for Dretsv men, in Rich Puffs, Asoota, Tecks and Clubs and everything that necessity or style could desre. Is h-re in its most at tractive shape of Hums Waterbou Goods, . ' J. J. BAXTEI1. ' CO-KlTaElID BEEP Pre- A Fresh Lot Fanay Elgin Butter and Ontario pared Buckwheat. Fresh Gritg and New Crop Carolina Rice. Portsmouth Corned Mullets. Big Hams to Cut aud Small Hama to Boil whole. ' Fresh Oyster Crackors, Cream Lunch Biscuit, Soda Biscuit and Ginger Snap3. -'. , , -- . Heinz'a Pickles, Sweet and Sour. Heinz'a Catsup and Mit3tard. ( A full assortment of C miled Goods, A Nice Lot Toilet Soap. A Nice Prepared Mustard, in tumblers only 5 Cents. Wholesale & Retail Grocers, 91. 'Phone 71 Broal St. AND Dress Goods. 80 lnoh black and tan boucle, all nAA wool, at only ". . 48 inch black and garneT rough wool, at only , 40 inch rough fancies, scroll designs, oiack and green, also oiaco- ana brown, price &WC 40 inch Iridescent canvas cloth, ... at only , 0fC 40 inch S toned fancies, in wide diagonal effects, four styles, price WC Pattern lengths, no two alike, fair ranee to choose from at per yard 75c,85cK$100 84 inch Scotch Suiting; the all wool sorts that look and wear so well, ten tyles, price -ttV 18 inch all wool fine wale Serges, I weights each blk and blue, 80c, tSdC rl inch, fine wale serges in black and season's shade., price oJfC 15 inch extra fine firm finish French sergo in bla:k and season's shades price Dress Goods, 4S inch superior black serge, price........ 45 inch black German Henrietta, splendid values. SCO two at.::::....:...: esc and 950 45 inch Black Jacquard, one design only usual seventy-nve cent quality at 51c GOc Kid Gloves Just as a little starter for beginning of season, will price a line of ladies 4 butt, kid bound, suede gloves, an actual II 00 cant now be bought for less than 00 per dozen, at only WU Foster Hook Glove in black and wr colors, special at 7C 2 clasp prime lamb Glove, a a- special quality at JL OW Some attractive kinds in Ladies Walking, Driving and Blcyclp Gloves. H-ioolr at t!b-o Of our High Grade, Fancy Qualities of CANNED OOODS. and you will find that tbry are all r put up by the leading packers of EC the country. We have choice morsels In our stock of Canned Soups, Fish, Moats, Potted and Deviled Horn and all delicacies that the epicure revels In. ' Salted Oyster Crackers, Frosh Soda Crackers. Also A jents for the fallowing Brands of FLOUR 1 Best on Earth" A fresh oar lust received. Prices war No trouble to show goods. Lily White and Gold Medal. down. Call and examine our stock J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. ' A c c i . 1 z v. 1 1 'Til 1 Happen ILlBook Store 5 i k ALWAYS - HKAIXjUARTlittS v roil 1 KVKIIYTHINO 1 YOU Confectionery ! . WE ARE AGENT:-) I Oil Tetuiey'si and Io ir.H c: J - i I Fltl'ITrt, CI'iA!