(j) J r f , r A BAT IN TUB CITY. tke'kceuence of syktp cf figs is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bnt also to the care and skill with which it ia manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fio 8 ram? Co. only, and we wish to imprest upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fro Sybup Co. only, a )nowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless' '. imitations manufactured by other par ties. ' The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Syhw Co.-with the medi cal profession, lad the satisfaction which the genuine Syrnpof Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name; of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in ad ranee of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company , - CALIFORNIA FIG STROP CO. ' SAH FRANCISCO. l UriBVILI E. Kt. HKWTOBK.K.T. THE JOURNAL. New Berne, N. C. Oct. 28, 1898. ' W ADTEBTEMBTH. Barfoot Clothing. W hi tehurst - Deal table O. Marks Co. Wraps, etc. - "- . Barfoot Imported Zephyrs. . J. B. Parker Fall gioceries. -'. Baxter the Jewoler Guitars. : , M. h. Hollowell Prudential. Frano H. Jones Malting, etc. , 1 1, 11 . U U IL J uu.uunw, li II. Cutler-A genial welcome. J. W. Hollls & don StOam turniug. Mrs. Geo. L. Wadsworth Boarders. J. C. Whltty & Co. Want your trade. Tbe weather forecast for today U fair and cooler. Carteret county Superior Court, fall term, convenes tomorrow, at Beaufort. There were tales of 65 btlet of cotton at 4.75 to 5 00 in the local market, yes terday. United Btatet District court will con yens litre, tomorrow, lilt Bonor Judge Tho. K. Purnell, presiding. Tbe Journal wat presented yesterday, with a fine tpeciman of the Japanese persimmon, which was grown by Mr. J. B. Reel of Reelsboro. ' The draw of the Neuse river bridge will be closed today from noon until tun set, thut giving any one wishes, an op portunity to cross on the new county bridge. . - Engine No. It or the A. & N. C. rail roadame out of the shops here, 'yester day,' repainted and completely over hauled. No. 12 took -the fieigkt down the road last evening. The New Berne Fair Directors met Friday night, and decided upon February 20th to 25th, 1899, at the dates for hold ing the next Fair. Purses for the races, aggregating $4,000. will be offered, v Tabernacle Baptist chnrch H H Mash barn, pastor. Sunday school observes "Missionary Day" at 0 SO, special pro gramme. ' Preaching at 11 a m and 7.80 p m, subject at evening service "Justifi cation." Too ate cordially invited. " There will be a call meeting of "be Daughters of the Confederacy at the residence of Mrs. John Hughes, on Tuesday moruine at twelve o'clock. All members are requested to 1 present at business of Importance will be dis cussed, ."'v- :' Word ia received of tbe death o"f Ool. R. W. K. Dixon, at Berlin, Md., after a abort illness, aged 76 years. Col. Dixon was the uncle of Mrs. W. J. Pitts, and hewaskuown In thisc ty to man), rs he had spent tome lime here on a visit wltli Mrs. lilts! The Christian Pclenco Reading Rooms, 8? (raven street, are open daily from 10 a.m. to -6 p m. Services Sunday 10,80 a. m. and i p. ni., Wednesdsy 7,45 p. m Thi lesson for this morning It found In GaUlians 0:1-0. Subject, Ever latti g I'un'shmaiit. ' - ui n jiai 5. Prcnlncnt Eernltlicans lb Will tfnln T?n TJDkifft iuic iiu nuue miii Business Locals. ' " HAVING iriven un Hotel Albert. I will lake at my home No. 40 Hancock street, transient boarders for 1.00 a day. A limited number of Table Boarders taken. Everything at my house will be first class, Mrs. Gbo. L. Wadsworth. STEAM TURNING, Scroll Woods, Man-'-. tol pieces, church pewt, etc , done to order.- J. W. Holms & Son 22 Hancock street In rear. . WANTED First-class insurance men to nnreaent The Prudential Insurance Co.. in Eastern Carolina. Liberal contracts ' will be made with reliable parties. M. L. Hollowell, General Agent. Box 540, New Berne. N. C. THE LAST CHANCE On Monday and Tuesday next, I offer 8 Cabinet Photos for (1.50. 0 Card Photos for $1.00. 2 Tin Types for 25 cents. Don't forget tbe days, as those are last chance t to get such reduced rates at Ml Callie Ed wards', Winstead's Old Gallery. - ALL kinds of Job P.intlns: eiecaled with neatness and dispttch at Hill's Printing Office. Prices guaranteed Ihe lowest and satisfaction assured. Rub ber Stamps of all kindt made to order on short notice Prices as low at any other hoise. . DRESS-MAKING Mrs. J. W. Wood assisted by Mrs. G: D. Fowdeu will be glad to please all those wishing their set ' vices in their line at 117. Pollock street. PBMONAL. Dr. N. H. Street returned home last night. - Mr. J. B. Reel of Reelsborq, wat here yesterday, . ' Capt. Jim Hunter of Havelock, was In the city yesterday. ' CapL E. W. Lupton went to Beaufort ' last night to tpend a few days. Mr. A. W. Avery of Fort Barnwell, wts In the city on business yesterday. - Judge Henry R. Bryan went to Ral eigh yetterday to hold Wake Superior Court . . Mrs. Thot G. nyman and Mist Bessie nymtn returned last night from visit at Perfection. Mr. RobL M. Curren spent the day In tht city yesterday, and returned to Have lock last night. Miss Jessie M. Steven', of S-'Ulhport, It In the city, tbe guest of her brother, Editor Stevens rrof. J. F. Mtgulr left yetterday morning for a abort butlnest trip. Ht will return November 14lh. Mr. Z.V. Bsrrlngtoa wrnt to Bean- fort last night In lbs Interest of the Dully tnd Seml-Wectly Joi'HMAU Mn. J. C. Oreen and daughter, lilts Mittile, left yesterday morning to visit at Raleigh, tnd also to attend lbs Slate Fair. Messrs. L. J. Moore, W. W: Clark, A. ,i. Ward and M. DeW. Btevtntoa went m Iieaufort last sight to attend Carteret Superior Court. J.i .Igo W. 8. O B. Robinson of Golds i r (i, pxHtcd through the city last night i: ir to Beaufort to bo) J Carteret ; i-i lor Cou:L Walloon li.''.llllco. Mr. C. L. AbernetUy, of Beaufort, was In the city yesterday, after a week's speech making trip in Beaufort and Pamlico counties. - Mr. Abernethy was seeu by the Joun- KAt representative.: , "I am on my way home. At all the places I spoke I bad good crowds, and the feeling wat en thusiastic Tbe political situation is vastly change I fiotn 1890, and thlfyesr Beaufort and Pamlico will both give majorities for John II. Small I feel confident of Small's election " . AiltiUd to Nee II lm. Dr. N. II. Stro.'t who has been North for several weeks enjoying a much need ed rest, returned last night an was given the glad band by his numerous friends. '.The Doctor looks a "new man," and says he feels Hk6 one, hut judging from bis talk he It the tamo progressive and enterprising fellow, and it at enihutlat tic on New Berne as a tobacco market at ever, and talks "tobacco", with a cour are born of conviction that It meant everything for New Berne and the farm ers of thlt section. Carrie B at. glairatloa Hank. Editor Journal: The registrars of the Fort Barnwell Precinct at their first meeting elected W. B. .'Rouse, who is a Populist, chairman - of the board. Thursday afternoon, John Biddle, Re publican candidate for County Commis sioner wat teen with the registration books, all by himself, tlx miles from Mr. Route's house. - Among tho-e who saw Mr. Biddle were J. V. Lane, K. J. While, Jr. and A. W.Avery, .' Tbe law tayt tbe registration books can not leave tbe Chairman. Now what wat Mr. Biddle doing with the books, and wby should Mr, Rouse permit the books to go ojitofbtshsndt? A. Present Conditions Cannot Be En dared. BelleTe la White tiovera ; meat Ask All Repnbllcsnt to Help the Good - -Cans. . Tbe Republican who Is not a politician and on the hot chase after office, believes in White Supremacy as ardently as any one. When he is a business msn and hat teen and appieciated the blight that negro rule casts on North Carolina and on this city in particular he It anxious to help dispel tbe whole black cloud. A Virgiuia gentlemen visiting in New Berne a short time ago taid that thit oity had to mtny alvantaget that it seemed bound to grow and be a thriving place, and that the tobacco Interests of this place should become' very great. "But," he taid, "the moment people who desire to make Investments visit you they will retreat. They will not put their money in a place dominated by negroes Moreover you do not teem to fully' ap preciate the gravity of your position," he said, "you have become so accustomed to teeing tbe negro In power that yon are not. fully alive to the injury he it doing to your community." II it true that New Berne It not yet to srouted as ' 'frilmlugton. But there are men here who are witling to devote their "lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" to redeeming the good old town. With these men are the good citizens of every party. N The following card speaks for itself. It Is signed by men who would lend their names to no unworthy cause. In eery Instance they are men highly re spooled; and occupy an exalle'l posl lion iu tbe commercial clrc'es of our illy. Messrs. Hawk and Aberly are connected with tbe Pine Lumber Com pany, Mr. Cooper with tbe Trent Lum ber Mrll; Mr. C. L. Ives hat an Interetl ' !h several large lumber firms,' wbileMr. Geo. N. lvts Is wtiil known to the people of North Carolina as a wholesale shipper and packer of fish and oysU rs. These men ware originally from the north at the card tells. ' But they be lieve that Intelligence and decency shall rule. The card It commended In tbe careful attention of all Republicans. -To Our Fellow Cltiient or North ' Carolina: ': Priot to our residence In Noijtb. Car olina, we tbe undersigned, Invariably supported the Republican ticket. We still believe In the fundamental princi ples of the Republican party; But we hero and now distinctly announce our intention of voting the Democratic ticket at tbe coming election. - . For the past two years we have wit nessed tbe f rolls of a Republican admin istration In North Carolina. It has re sulted In a condition which ia sufficient to call forth a protest from every self respecting white man. We firmly be lieve in Anglo-Saxon Supremacy, and will therefore vo e to abolish Ihe present disgraceful state of public . affairs In North Carolina. We earnestly appeal to all Republican who believe In white supremacy to unite with us In our effort to restore good and honest government In the old North Bta'e. JOSEPH E. HAWK, -W.F. ABERLY.. J. L. COOPER. CL.ITE9, GEO. N. ITES. HaplUt SI)la(a. Rev J. E. HuUon, who It now holding a meeting at the Middle Street Baplls) church, will occuov that pulpit at the morning and evening services today He will also give a special address to children and young people this afternoon during the Sunday School hour, be?In- hlng at 8 o'clock. To evetyboJy is ex tended a hearty invitation to attend all these services. Mr Ilutson has preached four evenings here with great acceptability and grow ing interest. His sermont are brief and pointed, abounding It felicitous expres sions and apt illustrative incidents, and marked by persuasiveness of msMcr, slmDlIcttv of statement, clearness of thought, and cogency of argument. The services will continue this week, afternoons and evenings. The meeting given promise of most gratifying results. Clearance - Sale ! ' : White Mmu'm Bally at tialrtabara. The A. A N. 0. Railroad have tgre.-d I to tell round tilp tlckett to the great Rally-of the white men of North Caro lina on Fridav. October 28th at Golds- boro for $1.90 round trip. ' Craven county will be represented In I force, we should have at least 500 people from Craven on this . day. White men from all over the State will be there to take part in the mast meeting. Special delegations from counties in the western part of the State will be In Goldsboro on I this great day to look Into the sltustion of eastern North Carolina. Every white man in this county owes it to himself and posterity to attend this greet Rally. Men of Craven turn out and help re deem our beloved State from this pres ent corrupt and Incompetent Republican misrule. - naval BMerres Atloallaw.' There will le a monthly Inspection of the division Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Only unl'orms wi'l be Inspec ted By order of Lieut Commanding, J. T. Harqtt, It M., O. P. O m 1.0 Signed.) One Minute Cough Cure surprise! peo pie by Its quick cures and children may take It In large quantities without the least danger. It hat won for ilselt th best reputation of any preparation used today for colds, croup, tickling in th throat or obstinate coughs. F 8 Duffy. When you call for DeWltt't Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't ac cept anything else. I Don't be talked Into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores for bums. F S Duffy. . OKN-OUT mm Most womin art drudges, Somt art willing, somt art unwilling. Some women drudge for themselves, '! some for their family. Their routine is end- w-ja. was, uti uiabbcr feS - T how ill they feci a'm- .1 ... 1. Kai i Women never half take care of themselves. Early decay and wrecked lives abound.malnly through neglect Every woman should have the book called "Health and Beauty," which the Pe-ra-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O., will mall on request It tells women some easy things to do to protect health, and all about the virtue of Pe-ru-na for women 'a peculiar ills. Miss Liuie Peters, Masooutah, IU., writs: "I am perfectly cured of female weak neat by taking Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. I have gained thirty-seven pounds since I began taking Pe-ru-na. My friends are wondering what makes me look so bright and healthy. I would like to let the world know what a wonderful medicine Pe-ru-na ia." Woman's diseases are mainly catarrh of the pelvic organs. Pe-ru-na drives out every phase of catarrh. Mrs. Elisa Wike, No. 120 Iron Street Akron, O., writes: , "I would bo In my-(rravo now if It had not been for your ,God-sent remedy, Po-ru-n. , -1 was a broken down woman, now I am weU." Atk sny druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for the year 1?99. I i ILilLBook Store I Tender lamb tnd choice pork, Oaki Market. . ' 1 1I AT JOTrVL VKELiat. With the exhilarating tent of renewed beallh snd strength snd Internal cleanli ness; which follows the us of Syrup of Figs, it unknown to the few who bars not progressed beyond the old time med- clnet and the cheap lubtitulet some times o (Toted but never sccepted by th we). Informed. Buy tbe genuine. Msn ufsCiUredby th California Fig Byrop Co. Expert Msrket. and polite attention, Oaks Stewing beef tnd fore-quarter roast 8 to 8 cent pound, Oak Market. Corned beef and corned bog' head 8 to 8 cent pound, Oak Mtrket. Only Hall-fed beef at Oakt Market. ALWAYS HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING YOU. NEED . IX THE WHOOL S ROOM. G. H. Ennett. 1 J B B i- f-N r -i n n n n v r tii n n n i i It- i I n km, KAIirOOT'S Clearance - Male ! IJAIIFOOT'S Clearance . - Sale ! B Alt FOOTS Clearance - Nale ! OF BOSS & lira'S WTBIIG i This is the second week ot our irreat clearing out sale of Clothing:. The past week and the one just coming are the events of the season in- this class, ot mer chandise. As we said last week we have decided to discontinue the -sale of ready made Clothing and we want to impress on you that now is preeminently the bar gain opportunity -of the season to buy your Fall Suit, Overcoat & Separate Pants. We mention in this advertisement a few items from our immense Stock. Sacrifice Sale of Men's Suits, One lot men's casbmpre and cheviot suits, black and colors cheap at 5 00 our clearance price . v $285 All wool' black cheviot suits round or rqunrn cut, regular price for these mils $0 00 our t price to olose out $3 73 ' All wool double lirrnstcd f qunre out suils. ililu r Mack or blue, sacrilice price 4 00 . Men's hravy wiplit. bnainrrs sultfv brown 'r u rtty nlixd, regular pricp )7 fiO wehuxt-all k'izpb mid will close I hem at 14 "5 One lot of "mei.'rt 0BMnier . suits all larjre rizes in IiIiip and brown ; CMSi'inieru poHilively . worth t'O Utt, -our ctearinK ' price . "... ") SO Men's new style fall suits, very nobby, in checks and plaids, .'. we will sell these $8 60 sujtn now at . v , $5 50 Men's black " imported clsy 1 worsted suits, fnck i rcutitway : -coats, booplit lo Fell at 10 00 aur clearance piles $7 00 All our fine sMltx llmt we Khl Ht 10(1) nmf iiiaat', . wu will sucriliee at - fA.OO Our ftock of ovrfroata thit -we ...hi lit from f: Oil lo $10 (III will ho olenred out tit from 1 V to .' 7 fiO Mcii'm fine blaek or blue heaver ; overcoi la tlmt are worth (8 U0 . ' we will close at each ' : $5 00 Sacrifice Sale of Boy's Suits. Ono lot boys 8 piece suits small sizes worth regular $1.25clear ing price 65o Hoys Jersey reefer suits, the same we adveiliKed and B"M lust week $1.4t), cleaiiiif price ; ',,: - $1.15 Itojs woo'len V1evl.it suils r) nble Im hkIxI -quart- cm nil nijMi lroin 4 n 1 1 jihK bin - . Miliiiff hi fl.ln, ii. i cli.sinir price 4l.3 All vo . cMp-louie mils fit neHt p.Hiit. I. row n Hint fri'cv . itihilo M-t i.ii'l Hie wi.uli lint lo chi-e (hem nut, our hw riKee piiie . , ifl 8" llnva lii e I h.ek eliiv -i Mwl m.Uperfiel Hi'mihI niHite in well, rctiiilar uii' J:t W clciiinm ticu, v v-. i?.50 One lot hoys knee pants, small and medium sizes, h great sac rifice, jour choice per pnir .20c Itoys till wool kme FnN in hi nek mill colors, fleiirunee price 41c -Jli'iiN Paiils. MciiV wmkinff pmits. v hi sir'pei" Kni il w li;ht all hiz h. per pi ir now TiOe M-ii'.' mixed 'pMti in c .. t k-i ai.fl Ht'ip. worth I i i. i pili-e I, el.e Bin line ' f "II wool pninn. Blurt- e.i .; out al it I Oil. $'.2.-i Hil.t , .VI "id Q-ir i HI 're Hock if MrnV 42..VI ilri HH pantH mi it 1 .75 We advise an early visl', "a.i this is a Clearance sale and there- is no doubt tbat every niece uf l'lilliiii in our irlork will be sold under 30 days at these Prices. Opp. Postoffice. Opp. Postoffice. M H nlin thitj UNOLEUrVIS, OILCLOTHS, AND MATTINGS I ?! New lot of the above goods just urriveil. S New Ckilorhigs snd Kew Goods direct from , the Mills. No job lot gotds. All perfect and at j y prices thut wo guaruutee as low as (he lowest. y i New Styles in Furniture arriving daily. ; w v No such stock as ours to be seen in this section. . J You are asked to inspect our stock for your- selves. , - ' nJin FRAN&. H. JGNE5 S tO;, 87 JIIDDIiE NTKEET. Prepare for the Cold Wave Bmok New Bern Reel Team Cigars, and Atlantic Rwl Team Cigars, for sal byMcSorley. Im itfiiai i tim rHi'. The re-wlll be a (real mast meeting ot th whit people at Ooldtboro on the S8tk day of October, for th the purpose of liking Into coniiderallon lb political and social condition ot th east. After th adjournment of th convention, there will bo short addresses upon th political tttuillon by Honorable 7. J. Jtrvlt, II. T. Bennett, C. B. Aycock, C. B. Wstsoa, Locke Crtlg, H. B. Glenn, Benjsmln Po.ry tnd Thoiuat W. Huoa Henstor John Vf. Daniel, or.Virglola, bit ben Invited and. Is eipecied to (peak, Arrangement will be mail with all th rallroaiU for special rates tnd sched ules. Y. M. BiHMoKt -tltatt Drni. Ki. Com. Te Bf Patraaa. On account of business connected wllb tiit Btat Fair, at Rslelgb, I am com pelled to leav here, tsmporsrlly. Any work which I msy not hav flnltb- d, and all work wulcn my Irlendt msy wtnt, I will promptly attend lo on my return to New Bern, which will be o November Uib. Respectfully, J. F. Maquihb, ritno Tuner. At lo my work I refer to til local mutlo leathers. tWttli OIUA. lis t;4 lau Inn !n loas FLOWER BULBS Uyiclothi, Tulips, Chinese Lilllei, Karcissas, JUST RKCE1VEI) nd For B.1 Cheap. Also Onion Kelt an I Pelert Jersey Wakcdi ld I'aLUgo Fe-l, Ac. F. fi. DIJITV, nucaoi.sr, Cor. B.iulh Fiont ft Mid. lie Streets J by Purchasing One of Our Our I'lush (tipes aro un-, (louMediy the greatest values that have ever been shown in thotuwn. Tliey ure Cheaper than we Imve ever had them and thut means C henper than any one thse hus. Flu h Cs. 2(1 Ins. long p'm nod aiouod collar and it iwn fr mt 5 0) I'liifh ( npe, 20 ii cl.is I " if , J aite I biek with jet tilnim1 liueil, wi.rlh $10 C, n Doiihle lluaii Uc, fur trl'iini'ngs, Fur (.ollnreilen, ih hindmu e-i ihal h ei e- In en sho n In Kerne, s'lk snd sutin lined. I'b B onn 0 Ihm, . nly 10 0) LADIES JA( KETS-Our stock of Jarlieis ihisso.on Is l.rKcr and ("lieai cr thnn hud heretofore, thi r-fi re we em ilTeiing- gr. ill l.sr-.ln. and It would pay you Infer by looking 1 1 . ur sock be fore gohig 1 Itea her Ladles Clmh Jackets, bo front r- ni l or fqiisi eii, tin. il tlnougli- iiil lib satin and in all the newest shades , 10 (0 Vi't also lisve a large line of Vln snd Children' Jm-kclt. PI i ) f . 0 ig. ilk 2: . 7 St) O I' 0) O In New CJ Hosiery. pls-c .III r A IIS til I IUW icwiti A fins line of Oultsr., snd s full line of Uultar, Violin, Banjo and M.mlolia strings at liiiTta ths Jswn in. Il to Jot kaAi. A Good Telephone t laiklaa Sal. Intra dieldcd to discontinue th f ri'n.ly mail clothing tnd w offer ; We slock of suits, overrotls and At Sil l below cost to close out. Bahkoot's, O 0ui Uis 8!f istws f I Uill A. I14 I .A 'iji tn " to -'4 1. ,uf.' A Jlil ia. W htve til led to our sI.m k a lint of Imported Zri. 1. it la !!! k, S' lit to ml sll colms at C'lrrn i prices. lUunx.T'it. PF.HVUT. IS A I'.VB! N" V'A M.( ! : ITV, A l:'"ME" t'OSVI.MKNCK. A CdM 1;1NK!) . 1 , 2 ! 9 D OR r , cur -Wit nctian lixtures for Tailor-Hudc Tie most uf our ho err was b n (ht last B rl"g W- I a I ! our order early to ih it ll. good al ouM I Ir.Higln finin EuroM. Lailh HIiMk Muse, lltrn slorf d;, iarrosd tnkl ant fi ol anil go. d, 8-V) value f r on'y......'., . ....2" Ltd let Black Dote, wsrnn' .d fast onlms. only 10 1 Ladies Plal.l sod Blriped Ilose, ws tro lelllr.g very eh tp. CLililreii tnd SI Intel Uo 10c (dnderwean The cold wealher la coming on now aud you will be t reatly benefit ted hy examining our slock uf Underwear. J.aooI Vest, ribrad and mail wllb Ihe Be w Atfoid kv wlihli gins more mom. only ,, '.'hi l'ant of pam 7Vi All Wool Vest and Pants, each 1 00 tail lis I a-limire Win V Vol, HO Lndlit Union Soils, bur), IWIsnd I M Chllilrt a tnd llM"t Vests in I Fanls, ilia ' ' L'nlnq 811I11, He, 8.1c and f0o Nnrlh Carolina Made Rlsnlels, large lis', His best value kiwai, ...I 60 V also have a Urgo ttra k of Comfort nn'y ".to 1V nrc Kitlo Auenfw rr Nrw Itrrnc lor flic Original niul CViiuln coNTinnm kid gloves i The Vnrr,iiliHl nnd will give leller trrvice ilnitt nny oilier Kim n bntiid. October 10. r o o o o Cr) a o tl o o o o o u o n o o o (t a a o a o o Cf o u o a o ri ( ) (tynlcn In all ii j !i it M. H.nl. )Y M..t 1

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