c i NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2&V 181)8. ESTABLISHED 1882 VOL. XVI -NO. 174. 1 !! N ! FABISC&LM AGAIN. AS s VIS is to to i i ii ice c-uk" a i rrv: V! V You See How ' th3 Imay is Admiring ' Our DBESS GOODS, Folic Md Hanlfllpal Uasrd ir . : Vrwn rrml AuMmatlia;. w Pahis, October 28 This city was Sjjjf calin all day.,; Although there was evi it'i ' dence of suppnressed excitement on all W . .. ... : jti i. ti j siae,mere was no mi vr cfj:.:i::u Dtr.2cr.iTS dlslnrbance of I AaH Tha hilipM Anil mnnii.tnul r""1-""'" f . uards were out in strong force, and Which we are Showing in nil Styles and Colors, at auch Prices that the most economical can revel In a FASHIONABLE GOWN.- to . She can find KIDS to Suit nny of these too. ,v . 4 Surely we think .that one and all (whelher it he lady, gentleman or child) can find what they wish in SHOES and the Prices are Right. t.fS Another inducement that wo offer ie our 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT to on each CASH PURCHASE In DRY GOODS AND SHOES. to : : L i j: h. hackburn, POLLOCK STREET. V I SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. . J I We Have the BEST g S and Largest Line of Men' hoe la the city. In nil our Shorn we Rua amc-e satisfaction,, :5S We have Juki received a NEW SUPPLY of thin Fall' sha es in onr j2J f imons Gcrmia ISid'SliiH-n, th Khoe that hu j,'iv-n better aaiivfaci'inu g than any pIiimj ever sold in the ciiy. . 1 I Our Patent Leather Shoes 1 they would not permit large crowds to assemble. But the situation was eagerly discussed by excited groups iu the main streets. It is the Intention of M. Faure to fo'rm new cabinet as rapidly as possible, and the names of M. Ribot and M. de Frey clnct are the most prominently mentlonep In connection with the premiership. M. Faure also, consulted M. Leygues Vice-President of the Chamber of Depu ties, who advised the formation of a con centration cabinet, to Include among it's members M. Ribot and M. Dupuy a the Principal ministers. " In the lobbies of the Chamber Depu ties of all shades of opinion expressed the conviction that M. Delcasse should remain at the head of the foreign office, in order to assure the continuity of the Fashoda negotiations. The Petit Journal publishes and inter view with the former minister of war. .General Chanoine, whtf says he resigned on account of his difference of opinion with Premier Brisson about the Plcquart case. The radical and revisionist organs ex press belief in the existence of a military plot. They urge a union of all republi cans as the only means of giving stabi lity to thqfuture ministry. ftiv made of ihe Iwt Imported Freocb Patent Leatner and are iu TliE LATEST SHAPES. W hove Shoes to suit all, the price ranging from $1.25 per pi-i1, A tt,n nn uy w tp'r w ' I GIVE US. A TRIAL and we proir.ise to giv you th BEST BUOE in the city at as Low a Price as over heard of in New Berne. 57 POLLOCK STREET, CO NEW BERNE, N. CV IF YOU WiNTff Old. in nnn't ho Influenced to take sometblns rise, It can be relied on for MKDHMNAL AND OTHER PURPOSES and h Guaranteed PUltr MILD AND MELLOW. See that the seals over cuiki ar"e intact and our name blow bottles. ' r t Straus, Gunst & Co., Proprietors RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. r. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES ... AND LOW PRICES! Will tell this is why we keep busy. N We are offering bargains now, to make room lor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us beioro placing your orders, "lis no trouble to showxgoods, but a pleasure. V So Holion and Ttapa Allege in Joint THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfleld &,Co. Commission Brokers. ' New York, Octob r 27 STOCKS, Open. High. Low. Close Sugar.. U4i 115J 112f 1181 Am Tobacco. . . . 123 1271 C. B. & Q 110J 117i St. P......... . 108 109J & N 68 56 J . COTTON. Open. Hlfh. Low. Clow- January ........ 5 25 527 5.23 528 CniCAOO MARKETS. What . Open. Hlth. Low. Clc December.... 67 67f 65 60 COKt ' ' December..'... 32J 82 82t May ...... 8H W 841 81 129 llfrj 108 5U 120 1161 100 90 TU tUM A S OLO IB OMR PAT Take Laxative Bromof Quinine Tablets. All druggtBts refund the money it It fails to cure., 25c. The genuine has L. U. Q on each tablet. ' Imiia ur War fltoadu I'amatlninl. Washington, October 2. The Treas ury department has practically com plcted the issue of the 1 200,000,000 of per cent, bonds authorl.ed at tlie last session of Congress, and th'e last of the temporary force of clerks appointed for duly In that connection will be dismissed next Saturday. Whatever else remains to be done will be- handled by the per manent treasury force. The highest allotment of bondi to any one subscriber ill be 4,480. Subscribers for $4,500 will receive f 1,800 each, and possibly a few hundred dollars in addition The amount will depend upon the result of a suit, now pending, to compel the Secre tary to issue to subscribers about $500, 000 on subscriptions rejected by the department on the ground that they were Irregular. ' . IS IT A TIUFI.K! That Common Trouble, Add prpsia or Soor Stomach. Dys 11 f Fresh Flour, Butter, Chcc3o, ColTco, Hams S and Breakfast Bacon Arriving Daily. Hew ReeofBlaai as a Oaase ef loriens Blseaaa 1 Acid dyspepsia, commonly called heartburn or sour stoma Jh, is a form of Indigestion resulting from, fet mentation of the food. The stomach being too weak to promptly digest it, the food remains until fermentation begins, filling the stomach with gas and a bitter, tou burning tatte in the mouth Is ofieu present. This condition soon becomes chronic and bolng aa every day oocu rence is given but little attention. Ik- cause dyspepsia Is not Immediately fat many people do nothing for the lr luliV. Wlihln a rtcent period a remedy b been discovered prepared Soluly to cure ijyupcpila and stomach Iroulilns. Ills known as Stuart's Dyprp'a Talduts, tu'l is now becoming raplilly nl ami irr rlid as a radical cure for rwtj form of dyt(sl. Hmarf s I'y !!' Tll'i hive lin-n l i tn-fore tti putillc ami ars ilil l-y (!ruj,;!t lirr t 60 cents per p. ,. Ilia ptf ,ff..l ,f I' t Hniml Bussell too Indisposee () to Speak at Wilmington. Fair New Items. No Federal Troops for Raleigh. Insurance . - Agents Meets. Journal Boreab, I Raleigh, N. C, October 27. f . The State Association jpf Insurance agents was ' formed last night, and Mr. Alex Webb of Ashevllle, was elected president The North Carolina Home Insurance company's officers gave an elegant banquet to the different Insur ance men here. Covers were laid for 125. Mr. W. S. Primrose, president of the company presided, and acted as toast master. i The reception tendered the Maids of Honor, by Gol. and Mrs. J. S. Cunning, ham last night was the social event of 1 the week.J The reception, and supper were at the Yarboro, aud hundreds of friends of the host and hostess were there, everything was all that could be asked, Mrs. Cunningham was beauti fully dressed In a Parisian gown of white silk, and her ornaments were pearls and diamonds. Governor Bussell on yeBterday was visited by a delegation from Wilming ton requesting him to cancel his engage ment to speak in Wilmington with Sen ators Butler and Pritcbard on Saturday. They laid the-matter before him show ing that it he did speak, there would un doubtedly be trouble. Today he tele graphed that it would be impossible for him to come. .'' The" street car. company is being se verely criticized because they have doubled their rales to and from the Fair grounds. 10 cents is too much espec- ally when It Is remembered how the people have to be crowded because ol toofew cars, and then too it so often happens thai the cars break down under the heavr loads on them. The Railroad Commission say they will look into this rate Iquestion, apd hereafter regu late it. The city pretty generally observed holiday today, and went to the Fair. The parade wtth the many marshals and float was a fine one, and the. weather lovely. At the Confederate Veterans 'meeting last night a committee was appointed present the needs of the Soldiers' Home to the next legislature, and ask for larger appropriation. Colonel Carr Durham was elected president, and CapL Ramsay of Salisbury vice president. Pick pocket are at work among Immense crowd that I here to see Fait - This evening Capt. C. B. Demon liered an addreas before the Slate Agrl. cultural Society and many others on fife of the late Governor Thos. M. Hntt Holion and Thompson, Republican and Populist chairmen have issued Joint address to the people of the mate ltlsthefint joint addret Iued this campaign. It i on the oiddr of the pro clamation of Gvofnor Rus-ell and charirea al! crimes committed 1 to the Democrats. The names f the fusion Judges are today given out. A W Moore, 1st dis trict: Charles A Cook, Snd; W P Bynura Jr., 5th: A J Lofttn, Bill; II F Seawell, 7th, John Eaves, lllh. The 13 Solicitors are as follows: J M. Meeklns, Wheeler Martinet. W. Williamon,col. O U Dock ery, Jr., W D Merrltt, W O Iticbardf on, David J Lewis, John K Holion, Martha L llott. Moses M Usrshaw, X U Wilson, Charles B Marsbburn. . There will be no federal troop sent hec for the North Carolina election and no special deputies will be appointed. been compelled to yield a tribute of re spect to the argument produced, not withstanding they have, been of no avail 1 in effeotlng any substantial' change in the first attitude of Jhe.. American com missioners, who are holding firmly to the line Of procedure nominally out lined. It is expected here that hence forth, after the courteous intimation that has been conveyed to the Spanish commissioners that If it is time to regard the Cuban and Porto RIean matters as settled, better - progress will be made toward the final conejusion of a treaty of peace. . ' " ' - ' No one knows officially just what the extent of the United States claim will be a to the Philippines. Admiral Dewey ha a touch higher opinion of the Phil ippine people and their capacity for self government than is generally supposed. He has represented to the Amorican commissioners that the Philippines of the northern group, meaning, by that first the people on the island of Luzon, and after that, , In order, Cebu, Pan ay, Leite, Mindora, and Samar, are as a rule intelligent, practicable, and (a most sur prising statement) far bitter qualified for self government than the inhabitants of Cuba. Admiral Dewey Is as familiar wlth.tbe qualification of the Cubans in this re spect as almost any naval officer, having had personal experience with the people so that his statement-Is bound to have eight with the American 'Commission ers ; But with all this he has made no recommendation as to what should con stitute the maximum or minimum-de mand of the Americans, and their de mands are consequently likely to he based upon their original instructions, qualified by any changes of opinion the President may have experienced-aB a result of his western trip. Some apprehension has been manifest" ed in certain quarters as to the possible adverse effect upon the peace commis sion of an upheaval in France. It has suggested that the Spanish cause' is in such shape that the Spanish government has nothing to lose .and everything to gain by any change that can be brought about. However, it may be stated tbtit, in the opinion of the- State Department officials here, there is little danger of the situation in France becoming so acute as to -justify the abandonment of the work of the commission on the ground that the commissioners themselves are In physical danger. to me r a of pt. the the de- jrl- the CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Bj Kir.! Yea fan Aiwajs E:: Bear the Signature of rmnrriNEi next. Ml, l a H a - , I .! ! i i ! - - J ptr.TOl'r til I f ".r!it il gmt!.!! f ' 'y i.i iu'- l.-.-t l!. '! I1 1 l.-y (:!'.: i fHH l.mnlwl.i.r. Unrig rla Stub ' Washixotoh, October 20. There are Inflirttloni that the Peace Commlmiton ert In Pttit ara epproei hlng the end of Ihe connlderatlno of the tutijcct of Cul and I'urto RU:o, and ofRcltlt hfre would not ba urprltd if to day's trulon the rninmlitlon concluded Uif tu ctiimiilia f ict 1 Important in! '.t it, tiie n!rofU"n 0 Th f:; si.'ih cusp t 1 ; Ii ti ti.iiiif t r. . to i,t. u, loting the lake up tli mil t' ! tl, ! t -. n .4 j.f 8 iitr l i"m&' will. 1 fjnr YTvrifTtTTTnnntTyn PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS ! AS SWEET AS SUGAR, Only 10 Cents Dozen ! - O Q Sneezing Time has come around asrain and a chancre in ihe atmosphere has caused many to be aonoyeil ny troublesome colds, couttha, sore throat, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, and all the affection of the air pawnee which are relieved or cured by Duffy's uougu Kiner, iuc, and ouc, t.ttle. F. S. DUFFY, Cor. South Front & Middle Streets! ANT PRESCRIPTION -' Written by ' ANY PHYSICIAN on ANY BLANK Ci.n be promptly and satis factorily filled at ANY TIME, Dny or night at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. 1$ Phone 56. Cor. Broad & Middle Sts. SHIRT, TIE AND COLLAR TALE ! Baking Powder Made from pure ! cream of tartar. Safeguards the food : against alum - Alum baiting powders arc the greatest menaccn to health of the present day. PIANO FOR 5ALb I Almost new, uprlirht wal (ut case Pi- wuo, el h'r f T Caih or on Krasonable Terms. Apply at Jouunal Orrica hi BERHE THE4TRE ! Thursday A Friday Tiro Nlghls Only ' Nov. 3 iX 4, GRAND PRODUCTIONS OF, Bertram 0. Willard'e Beautiful' Military "Captain" Dick," Under the Ausp'e of St. John's Lodge, No. S, A. t. & A.M. A MagniBci nt Military Spectacle. A Grand Production Of HOME TALENT. V Aided sa l Directed by the AUTHOR OF TUB PLAY. A Triumphal Suoctaa Through the En tire South. ADMIfiSIONi-RmrTed SeaU,75o. Gllery, SOo, Ttsrved 8fate on tale Tuesday. NEWBERNE THEATRE Jlomlnj-, Oct. 1111, DAN DAHLKIGll'S RURAL COKDY "M C3 Cs Fana." . rets 1 rr- bjaBBjan4 ajifc .., Bis Ilains to Cut. Small Breakfast Strips. ' lloinz's Baked Beans and Tomato Sauce. " lleinst's Pickles, sweot and sour. Heinz's Catsup in screw top 'bottles, only 10c. Fresh Supply Libbj's Chip Beof, Potted Ham and Tongue. -Vienna Sausage, Cooked Corned Beef and Brawn. . . Fres.u Canned Vegetables and Fruits. Fresh Elgin Birtter ai.d Creutn Cheese. Cheap lot of Tin ware CoiTeo Pots from 5c np. Anything iu Groceries you want at Bottom Prices. McDan iel k Gaskill, Wholesale ft Retail r Grocers, 'Plione Ol. 71 Broad Hi. KJLSLSLSLSLSULSLSLXStJLUJULJU ID 1TB LATE PURCHASES I ?r Correct Styles in Fancy Shirts for t'cry day wear In Madras, in rich co'ors and liandioina bayadere t tripes, will t-e found in all the lakst fads of fashion in our stock of hne furnishings. New shapes in Collars ard Cuff, and Neck wear la Urlsn Mew styles lor Dressy men, tn Rich Puffs, Ascole, Tecks and Ulubs aod everythirtt that necessity or ityle could desire. Is here In lis most at tractive shape of KuIuj WaterLou Goods. JT. J. BAXTER. f J r j 3, ! It Taken the Palm Above all Competition, 1 what our pairoDs siv of our rich and tooth. eonm infection". Our delicious Choeo- late Civums, end Chocolate Concoctions of all kii ds. Fine Bon Hons, Dainty Marsbmallows and Fruit Candle are ap preciated by all lovers of fine candies. Dusty' Candy More. 108 MIDDLE STREET. New arrivals in 18-inch Moquettetlats, 27 and 36 inch Moquette Rugs. , Superior grade 36 inch Smyrna Rugs. , Specimens ot new figures in Union, C. C. and all-wool ingrains, hall and general pat terns. ' Tapestry Brussels, three grades, a wide range, including hall, parlor and general patterns. New China Mattings. Cotton padded car pet Lining and Stair Fads. At Specially Attractive Prices ! Part wool Ingrain at 35c per yd. C. C. Ingrain at 40c and 45c per yd. Strictly all wool, good weight Ingrain, 60c Velvet Rugs, 24 and 27 Inch al $1.65 and $1.00. Smyrna Rugs, 30 inch at $1 50 and $175. ' Extra quality, 21 inch Smyrna Rugs at on ly $1.25. H. B. DUFFY. vui ran luci. ui vjiucciics Facts ! -Facts ! 1 When yon visit the city don't fall to call on the Old Reliable firm of Roberts Si Brother They keep a full stock of FrovIitlonA St CiJrocerieA tfblch they offer at Low Flg ores. You will alway nod them IIeaduuartr for Flrst-C'last Goods, HAS ALL REEN RECEIVED FRKSH, AND OUli SUPPLY 0FD1TLICACIKS, O.VNMEP GOODS, TKAS, COFFBE3, SPICES, CEREALS AND FAKINACIOUS FOODS ill be found .HIGH GRADE TUBE, WHOLESOME AND PALATABLE and great care U taken to lulect only the FINEST QUALITY, for which our PRICES ARE AS LOW AS YOU WILL PAY for Inferior Grade Elsewhere. Foi River Print Butter and Pickled Tig Feet, 4o. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, t 'Phone U9. ;77 Broad Street. J 3 SYNors-'iHi Ant 1 A N " it In ttnrli'g Tim VV.if, l).-r f ml Ail On i' n rtm. '! Aririi Art J 1 I. An 9 -1 ' 1 1... ). r Tim iUiin, cut. p. I Income 1897 t $ I i,Sm. 764.65. Insurance Written In lfy7 i $14,1,900,000. ri- li 5 Id I cite I Mi; r--. 7 ! ? ' r i: J 1 ' i i i Th PRUDENTIAL hat forged ahead until It itat4t n the front rank of the i Great Ufa Insurance Com- g panics of the World. ; It offers all that Is good In life Insumnce and under - the best conditions, H. I- HOLI.OWLLl General A;;pnt, New Pcrne, - N. C

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