The Kind You Have Always in use for over SO jjears, , and has r iiicAi-' 'l:w All Counterfeits, l uiUit'ons iid Substitutes are but Ex- pertinents that tr iie vti.Va.'id e(loit;-cr the health of Infants and Children Kixviiicacd age.i-st Experiment. J Castoria ls a sntwU into for. Cswior d:; Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrn; It is Jlarmlcii find Pleasant. It contains neither t';ltm M rphlno i;or other Narcotic : substance. Its opv- is its (.ruiuimtce. It destroys Worms , and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the m -a- r -a-as- MM M r The Kind You Have Always Bought I n Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtffYAVft OOMMttVa TT VURMT tTIKCTi NtWTOHK OITT A. A sr. C. . 11. TIHB TABLE NO. 7. . to Take Ellect Sunday, Oct, 9,. 1803, at 18 M, " ' 't "' ' Going Eaat SCHEDULE Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains : No. 4 Lv. p m STATIONS: " Ar. in 8 40 ... ... . Goldsboro:. 11 ' 4 08 .. LttGrauge. 10 82 t82 ...... . .Kiuatoli.-.. ....... .10 12 4 4) ..;..Ar. New Berne, Lv,... . 900 5C0.....Lv. Ar. .... 8 87 7 0i....Ai. Moreheadcity Lv....'. 7 47 No 5,1 I ' No. 6, M k'U F't & station;: Mx'd Ft uad Pass i'u. I , Van Tn. Lv. a. if. Ar. P. u. 7 10 ..Goldsboro. ......... 2 68 7 48 ; . Beat. . . . ...... 8 18 BOB .... ....'tuGrange., ........ 143 B2tt .......Fulling Crtek 118 0 14 Kioston...... 12 fi8 t 25. ......... . Caswell. . . . ..... .41 68 10 15 Wer ......1140 10 40 ...Core Creek. ..1040 11 13. . .Tuacarora . . .10 18 11 81 Clark.. ..1000 UVi .........New Berne.'.....;.. K30 F. u. a. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. ' i; Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. No. 1, f Hi'd Ft. ana iaM.Ta. Lv. a iu 7 10 No.8, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar, p m , . . Uoldsboro 818 7 88 7 48... lle.t'. 6 00 LaUrange 8 20 Fulling creek.... 9 11 Kindlon..... 8 VS (xwell...... 8 40 Ar. Oover, Lv... 10 li .... ..Lv. Ar.., 10 40 Our Greek. . . . 11 13... Tuwarora. . . . 1181 Clark'. .... Iw .....Ar. NewCtine, Lv 180 .Lv. - " Ar 818 ltiverdale.... 8 J croatan 8 48 Havelock.... . I U.. ....... Newport, Lv. , 7 08 .8 88 . 818 318 . 300 . 420 . 400 . 888 . 820 860 .10 47 .10 10 .10 00 : 840 . 8 06 8 83 Wildwood 8 47 888 . 8 81 ..Atlantic 8 49 .... Ar. Morehead City, Lv 820 4 01....Ar. M. city Depot, Lv.,... 730 t. m. a. Monday. Wedndy aod Friday, trurauay, ThuiHUay and Saturday. ' . ' 6. L. DILL, tiupenutendeol. Atlantic Count JLlne.; Wilwikotojt Si Niw Bern i R. E., ' TIM g TABLE KO. 6, ; JaKaect Vedoeaday, Auf. 7, 1683, Dally Kxorot Hundav. Uoln( South aCBSDOUl: Doing fJorth No. 61, Paawnger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, too.... 9 88 ... 861 ... 10 0J.... 18 08. 1215 ... r m V stations: New llerna . . . . .....Pollockivilla . ....... Mayivilla. .... , ....Jackunovilla..,. I WUnilnclon, , I J Uuioa Uvpot ( Ar. Wilmington) Lv. Ar. p m .... 140 .... 0 04 .... 4 40 ..... 4 18 1.82 ... 8 25 No. 8, Pakhknokm A FamaHT, No. 4. Lat Wilmlnirton Monday, Weilnr- day and Friday, Leave New Dorna Tua. day, Thurtday and Baturday, Lv, a at , Ar. r 7 80.. 8 40 . !., tool . 10 61 . U 20 . 11 05 . II .to . li 55 . I lf.. 8 15 . 8 M . 8 . i , .Lv, WiluiliiKtoa. Ar 1 45 Hrntl'. Hill 18 55 , ,. U 15 .....llollrrldge II 4 Dixon Id 51 .... Verona ...Id ...Jarkaouvlll 8 4 .. N'orllieaj.1. .. . , 8 5 .... Whiter ak ... 8 HO ... MVvlle ,. 8 1 Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of be: ;'; "iu de under nis pcr- sujKii'vfsU'.n sinco its infancy . no one lo deceive tou in this. AST Signature of WILMINOTON & WELDON R. R. , And Branches, AND FLORENCE RA'LROAD. CoKDEKSKD BfillKDUtE. TRAINS GOING M'UI'll. DATED w " 5 - . o . SepYlS 98. ! . ' ,. e a ej J, .'-. ".. ' 16 S ZCi fcfi , ' , ' . v. M P M. KM. A.M. P. u. Lv. Weldon 1 1 &o I) 4 . . . . Ar. B. Mt.. I V :0 86V..- . .. ..... Lv, Tiiboro 12 21 ..... BW ........ Lv. R. Mt. . ' 1 Mi 10 8B 0 S 41' 12 S3 Lv. WiUon 1 6 11 IK 7 lli 6 22 2 20 Lv. Belma.. 2 5.1 11 fi Lv.Fay'villr 4 25 I 0". Ar.Floreno 7 25 8 IB .. ... ......... .'. P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds ..... 8 01 .... ..... Lv, Gold... 7 01 U 115 Lv. Mas'Ha . ... 8 03 4 12 ArWilm'ton 80 5 40 - P.M. M. P. M. TKAINS GOING NORTH. I n z a ZC o za e e -AC A.M P.M Lv.Florence 8 45 8 85 Lv.Fny'ville U 10 10 89 Lv.Belma. 12 85 11 44 Ar.-Wilaon 1 17 12 10 A.M P M A.M. LvWilm'ton 7 15 8 S5 10 10 U.I 6 1 II 2(8 Lv. Mag'lia Lv. Golds 3 00 P.M A.M. P.M P.M. Lv. WiUon I 11 3 8M12 IS) II 15 12 4M Ar. li Ml 2 12 6 15 6 45 12 6? II 67 1 80 Ar. Tarboro Lv. Tarboro 12 21 Lv. It. Mt 12 8 45' 12 87 1 4 Ar. Weldnn P.M A.M Train on Ilia' Scotland Neck Branch Road leavea Weldun 4 13 p m, Halifax 4 80 p m. arrives Hrntland Nrak nt A VO p oi, Grvenville 6 67 p m. Kloatrm 7 63 p m. Kelurnlng leaves Kintlon 7 50 a o. Greenville 8 tit a m, arrlvinic iialifai at 1118am, Weldon 11 W a m, daily ex cept Hunday. . Trains on Waaliin'icton Ilranch leave Waahlngion 8 2" a m am) 2 80 p tn, ar rive Parim If 0 10 a in, hiI 4 1KI p m. re lurnirg leave Pannelr ll Ma m and 8 80 p in arrive Waahinjilou II 00 a ni and 7 20 p m, daily axcept Huoday. Train leave Tarhorn, N O. daily except 8uodav 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p m, ar rives Plymoulli 7 40 D m, 6 10 p in. R turning, leavea Plymouth dally except Hunday. 7 00 a m, ard hunrtny II 00 a m, arrives Tarlmm 10 03 a m. 11 00 a ml Train on Midland; N C branch leavea Goluihoro daily, except hunday, 7 10 a. m, arriving HmithhVId 8 80 a m, lleturu- ing leavea 8nilthflnld 9 00 a m; arrives at Goldiboro 10 28 a m. Traliia on Naalivllle Prnnch leaves Rocky Mount at 7 80 a tn. 4:!Mi p in, arrive Natliville 8 10 a m, 4 63 p m, Hnrliif Hone 8 40 a in, 3 13 pm, n. inmli'g leave Hniinir Mop V 00 a m, 0 45 p m, Piaab villa V 22 a m, arrive at Hm Mount 9 45 a m, 6 30 p in, dally except hunday, 1 tain on I liuUm Ilrancli haves War. Saw (or Clln'nn daily, except Hunday, II SO a B and 1 15 p in, Ketumlng leaves Clinton at 7 0) a m and 2 43 p m. Train No 74 makes cl connection at Weldon lor all points North dally all rail via Richmond. fl M F.MF.H.SON, Gen'l 1'ms Agent. 4 K KKM.v, licn'l inirrr. T M KMlCltS(JN, Tialllo Manager. ; p 4 1 1 ' ' ! ' , ' U ' t i , , 1 - ; J I..,., ,. ,, (,., ... K t 9 1,JM O.rtt f , BWllt U i'.MHH,,,.,,! RATS ABOARD SIIIFS. THREE FEROCIOUS 8PECIE3 THAT , TRAVEL BY SEA Tha Baa Rorwar Bat Otadaallr Drlvtna; tb Bncllah and the Alexandriaa Bo daota Inland Hue - Oaaalballaia Among the Bavac Aalmala. Nature originally Intended that the brown rat should have one part of the earth for It habitation, the blaok nt an other section and the white bellied rodents a third division. While these great na tions overlapped each other a little, their boundaries were pretty arbitrarily fixed by the great oceans and other large bodies of water.. A colony of powerful rata might swim across the straits .and ohannels sep arating two Islands and thus take posses sion of a new oountry for their descend ants, but they oould not hope to cross the Atlantic, or Paclfio and journey unaided from England to America or from this oountry to Australia. So It was that the ships of men brought about the ilret great ohange in the distri bution of rata. From the first the rata took to ships as duoks take to water. 'They found grain, provisions and water In the hulls of the old wooden ships of two cen turies ago, and ever since, tben they have reared a race of hardy seamen that know the ways of the ooean as well as any Jack Tar. They have been traveling back and forth to all part of fhe earth for many centuries now, and they have created great changes In the rat population of the globe. , This country never had any typical rata until the old black, English rat came over here on the ships of the early colonists. According to the beet authorities, this ro dent originally came from India, from which it has penetrated to every part of the habitable globe. Wherever ahips go these blaok rats are found. In three cen turies tbey have penetrated to every main land and Island of the tropical, temperate and arctio sones. They have become fa miliar objects on all ships that traverse the seas, and they are the wharf rats of every seaport. In temperate regions the English black rat Is of a bluish blaok, but In trop ical countries it Is often several shades lighter. It is about seven or eight inches long, with a tail about one inch longer than Its body. , , . For two centuries this English blaok rnt held undisputed sway on the ships of the world's commercial navies, and tbey distributed hemeelves over tho greater part of the world'a surface. Then gradu ally there appeared upon the seas another. rat, dinertng materially from tbe . black rat. This alien creature bad a black body with a white belly. - Sometimes the body was a reddish gray, which made tho crea ture look larger and fiercer than It really was. A trlflo larger and stronger than the blaok rat, the white bellied or Alexandrian rat made war upon tho English rodents, The two would never ship upon the same vescel. There would be a war to tho death before the ship left port, and after that the successful race would Sola undisputed sway on that particular vessel. . This new race of rats came from the tropical conn, tries. Every ship that started from Gala pagos, Keeling or Ascension Island was sure to carry away with it a company of the white bellied rata Tbey would board the ship as soon as she was tied up at the wharf, and the English black rats would be ruthlessly destroyed. - Then the fioroer Alexandrian rata would soil away to un known ports. It soon became evident that thoy llkod warm countries, and they refused to land at any except a tropical port. Thus they have spread to nearly all tropical countries, espeoinlly In South America and our southern states, leaving the colder countries for their block rivals. But more recently a third race of rats has appeared upon the ships, and these threaten to exterminate and dlaplaoo both the black and Aloxundrlan rodents This brown or Norway rat is a native of China and the interior of Asia. It is a huge, forocious oroaturo, and wherever It goes It destroys all competitors and takos cm pleto possession of the ships or wharfs. In Its native land It is a lnrgo, powerful rodent, and upon the ships It attains even a larger size. Its length Is from eight to nine Inches, and Its body is built on heavy lines. Neither the blaok nor Alexandrian rat is any matoh for It. So far this large brown rat bas extended it dominion largely over cold countries, and It has ootue In contact chiefly with the English block rat. Bnt In the worm countriea where It has been artificially Introduced It bas quickly supplanted all rivals. Today the black rata are not found In numbers on vossols sailing from any ports where the brown or Norway rata have be come establshed. Gradually they are be ing forced Inland by their more powerful enemies, and, while we find tha brown rata mostly on ships, along wharfs and In tbeiwwora, the black rats are met with In houses under rafters and ee)llnga. Ships leaving port for a long cruise ex tending over a period of a year or two have been known to coins Into port again with a cargo of rata so largo that the snaiuen were unablo to put them down. Others nave been taken posamlon of by tbe rats and tbs sailors forced to abandon tholr vessel at sea. So voracious and forocious tn the big brown rata that they do not hesitate to attack tbe sailors wben pinched for food. Conaeouentlv. while the sailors tike to have rata as company on oard the ship, they exercise precaution to limit their numbers. On sailing veaaela that are out at sea for a long time there an rat killing days, when all 'the sailors Join forces to destroy the too numerous rodents. Tbs rats not only prove dangerous to human life when allowed to multiply at will on shipboard, but thoy are a oonstant menace to tbe cargo. ' There is a relentless ennnlballsm prao tlccd among the rata themeolvoe, and this alio helps to keep down their numbers. The largest rata do not healtato to kill and devour the wonknr ones. Thus If the English black rats wars shipped aboard with tha big brown rata tbs lattor would soon kill the former and oat them. Sim ilarly if a dozen brown rata wars con lined in a cam tho atrongor would anon devour the weaker and then fight aavngely among themaelvua for supremacy. When drifting about op-in the suae on a dluLled wn. tha sailors face a danger from the alilp rata that grows more menacing aa toe days go by. If the ship heoomes water logged, the rata ant forced to aack safety on the upiwr decks, and, thus out off from their food In tha hold, limy wt. h aniinrly the starving aallora. They become bold.r and nnroer aa tha iiino grow weaker, and 3n day If relief dons not come a fenrful tragedy la enacted on tha wreck. New Turk bun. It la Qaew. Utile Iloy Un't fathers sucerf Auntie In what wnyf Mills lloy When a boy da anything for hla pn, ha riooan't g-t anything, hut tt ati'ithor man's boy dons it he get a ul 6i kicbAiiga. riaTat.liw Pcrmanfti t!y rowAtii irr cured by li e rmi-1 1.. . : o a 1. power of Houtli American I Invali U m'i anITi-r no 1 ti lt g-' iit rcn.i dy ran cim U fine f,,r l!,e whole wnr' ,1 of f " Little Pimples Turn I to Cancer. Cancer often results from aa im rarity in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few people are en tirely free from somo taint in tbe blood, and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded can cer. What Has appeared to De a mere pimple or scratch hag developed Into the most malignant Cancer. "1 had a severe Cancer which was at ant only a few blotches, that I thought weuld BUUU JUB ...J, I treated by several abla physicians, but In spite of their effoti tha Can cer spread until mr con dition beeame alarming. After many months of treatment and growing steadilr worse. I de- l eided to try 8. 8. S. which was ro atronrly '; ? recommended. Theflrsl L. bottle produced an tm J provement. 1 continued . the medicine, and la fir four months the last h 'y tie scab dropped off. Ten veara hava elaosed. and aot a alga of the disease has returned' B. F. Williams, :;-J. .h eiiisinug,.asi. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease is beyond, the skill of physicians. S. S. S. is the only cure, because it is tho only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Cancer. S.S.S.r&B16od (Swift's Specific) . is the only blood remedv guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash and mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. - Books on Cnncer and blood disease! mailed free by Swift Speoillo Company, Atlanta, ueorgia. M ELREE't J has demonstrated ten thousand tirnaa that it la almo-t infallible . FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR ' ' WEAKNESSES. , trrafiilftritlM and derBntreroenta. It has become the leading remedy tot thin claw of troubles. Iterts ft wouderfulljr healing, atrenjfth ntng and oothinff Inflnanee upon tbe menstrual organs. It corea "whitea" and ralilnfof the womb. It stopa flooding aa relieve aup- ftresswl and painfnl menatniatloB. For Ohange of Lite it ia the beat medicine made. Ii la beneficial daring pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren for yeara. It invigorate, utimn latea, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy if ottered to all afflicted women. Vthy wi.l any woman suffer another aaiaaU , with certain nllof within reach? Wine of Cardut only costs $1.00 per bottle a your drug store. For advice, in eatet reouiHnf direonont, addrait. giving tjffl th "Ladiei' Advit ion nnartimtnt." TS Chattanooga MtdiciM Cb., Citet- aMooffa. jnn. psv. I. W. SMITH, Camtfea, t.C, trt 'H wtis aetd Wtns l Cireul at noma tor falling at andlleaUrmj aureg ner. n?iL'Uhl'laAl!lii:!IJt.a t"l'lkasaa a aW12f Jka.- CURB A New and Complete Treatment, consisttnc al SUPPOSITORIES, Capsulea of Ointment and two voxes of uintmeni, a never-raning car tor riies of every nature and decree. It make an eperatioat wnn irte u m. wnicn is natnrai. mna fmn resMina In death, unnat eeaary. Why endure this terrible dlteatef We eaca a Writ tea fluarantee Ml aaca ll 8x. No Cure, No Pay. oc. and $i a boa, i for 1$. sem oy smm. samples uca OUfTMElfT. 5e u BOtv CONSTIPATION fSi&& (rat I.IVKR and STOMACH ttKt.ULATORaad BUlOU PUKIKIbR. Small, mild and pltuant louk.i wpccially anaplaa tor cnlldrta-a aaa. as aoM.1) cents. t R F E .- A vtal of these hawai Hi tic PalWa will be riven with a fl boa or nor. of Pile Car. buaawraaiaeav ey F. S. UUFFY, New Berne. N. 0 Russell House. While In Beaufort be sure and stop at be Ruieell House. Firtt-Claas Board A horns for traveling people. Fishing and bunting unexcelled. Terms $1 25 day or 13.00 per week. O. A. RUSSELL Prop 1S7 MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. Evkay'i Alliumnnlud Food,) PepUingenlo Milk Powder, MalU-d Milk, Mellln'sFood, I?w-d A Carorick's Boluljl Fpod COLUMBIAN INBEcTlTUDB Bure I'ealh to Waler Ilugl and Roarliea I'hytltlan'e Irr scrlptlonl OA ICS US uenry s r larmacy The Taxes - - ror ibvs - Are Past Due. I attend my office daily from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. for tbe collection of same. : . I earnestly aslc the tax ; V payers to come np and pay at once. . ,: .. OSEPB L. HABN, Sheriff, ' , ; Craven County. PAY YOUR CITY TAXES ! City Taxes for 1898 are now due. Pleise come forward and pay prompt . Toe City NEEDS THE M. ONEY. HUGH J. LOVICfi,' " City Tax Collector. ' Good Houses ...For Rent ! IN GOOD LOCATION. Deairable Houses and Lots For Sale at a very low figure. Also other property for sale as an investment. . ' Cheap rooms for rent for families or single persons. , : Collection of Rents a Specialty, E. E. HARPER, Real Estate Agent. A Genial Welcome awaits the man who has a loving wile, s comfortable chair, and a cheerful lira in cold weather. Fall is upon us now, and when you are putting up a Stove don't forget the bother tbe old one gave you last Winter and set one of our hand some Rob Rot parlor Heaters, that is both Ornamental and Economical in the nse of coal at the same time. L. H. CUTLER HDWE CO. DOBBIN & FERRALL, - AT . TUCKER'S STORE, 128 & 125 Fayettevillee6trcet, , RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. The Xorih Carolina STATE, FAIR, At Kttlelgli, Oct. 24th to 29th. Our Store wilt be In FAIR WEEK ATTIRE, and will well be worth your coming to see. Every North Carolinian will . 'be justly proud of ut. We Cordially Invite Ton, Dobbin & Ferrall. iti.i:iir, x. c. Confectionery ! WE ARE AGENTS FOR T-nney and Powell .' Cekbralcd Candies, FRUITS, - C10AR3, TOBACCO. ROBERTS 6 Mil Opposite Poet-offlc A Good ' Telephone RF.RV1CE 13 A BUSINESH' Hecessitt, ' A homk; CONVENIENCE. A COM BINEU, . ........ MIV4-IlI('II e, Xtixtiry I Ot ' r Your l"Iune ft Otve I til 1)11. K. II. KTREET, PLAEITERS TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, 31iidle Street, Kcw Heme, K. C. FOR tlsT, . - -i: rw -'ii'ai M aaa I I ' .i" .k' X' fWTfwf 'mA': ,. We have every facility for conducting Ample capital, large and well-lighted floors, polite service. Highest Market Prices Guaranteed the Seller, Whether shipped or brought in person. A trial will convince you. me and see us. We promise to send you home satisfied. mortgage Sale. ' By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a mortenge made between Qeurve H. West of Craven county, North Carolina, and the Safety Investment and Loan Company, of Syracuse, N. Y. on the rtM day of March, 1884, said mort gage being recorded in the office of the register nt deeds of Craven county, N C. in book No. 113, page 244 ct sen,., We will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in New Heme, Craven county, N, C. on the 7th, day of November, 1HUN, at me Dour 01 ri m. mat certain tract or parcel of land lvinifln the County of Craven, N C. north side of Neuse River, and west side of Upper Broad Creek, adjoining the lands of A. 0. West, W. A. Barrington, the old Latham plantation and others, and known as the Hasel Asklns place, begin' nlng at a pine below the mill dam, and and near .the foot of the mill dam, in the it line ol the tract or lana allotted to John Green and wife In the division of the lands of the late John Latham, de - ceased, and running south 65, east to salu Ureen's secona corner, tnence north 11) west, 20 poles to a white oak stump, Barrington's corner; thence' south 61 east 120 poles to Broad Creek; thence down tbe various courses of said Creek to the fork of Broad I Creek and 1 Morgan awamp; thence up the run of said swamp to a nmnt IB rent neiow and aoutn oi l he mill dam; and thence at a distance of 15 feet below and south of said dam to the beginning containing 100 acres more or less, being the tame lands conveyed by Francis Duffy to Thomas Gaskins and George R. West, deed dated January 10th, 1883, and registered in office of register of deeds. Craven county, in book 91, folio 8; alao that other tract of land in Craven county. N. 0. on the north side of Neuse River, being part of the lands of the late William Barrington, de ceased; known as lot No. 14. in the divis ion of the Estate of said William Bar rington, alloted to W. R. Barrington. Bee book 73, page 802, office of register of deeds of Craven county, described aa follows:-, beginning at T. II. Askins water oak corner ou the South side of Mnrgan swamp, and running with said Aakins marked line North 8J, west 133 poles to a marked maple standing on the north side of the run of Morgan swamp; thence down and with- the rnn of said swamp, and tbe line of Jene Barrington, deceased, to a marked black gnm, enld Jease and William Barringtnn'a corner; tbeuce with said line north 48 east 18 poles to a marked white oak, another of their corners; thence eattwardly with their line and tbe high waler mark to their riven corner; thence north 86f east 80:23 polea a Ith their dividing line tn their pine corner; thence with another of their lines north 7 west 74 poles to their coiner Ihe beginning of tbe David Lewis Detent: tbrnce south 40 esstBO poles to a stake in the side of the public road known as tbe Btapleford road: thence down and with said road to T. H. A skin's line; tbepce with line north 80 west 111 poles to lbs be- f ;lnnlng containing 10V acres more or eaa. Being Ibe same lands conveyed by Frances Dully te George R. Woat, deed dated October 17, 18UH. and duly record ed In Book 98, Page 430, Regiater Deeda office, Craven county, alao that other tract of land being part of the lands of the estate of William Barrington, de ceased and the same set apart and al lotted to Cells H Bell in the diviaion of the landa of William Barrington, de deaaed, and being known la tbe said division as lot No. 12, aee Book 78, Page 8U2, Register of Deeda office, Craven county, described aa follows: Bealnnlng In Daniel Hhlnes bams Una 64 poles from the beginning the corner of lot No. II, drawn by W A Barrington thence with tha Hue of tbe same ltd polea to the corner In aald Hhlnes' second line; thrnce with aald line north A3 east S3 polea to a Blake In aatd Mnlnea' line; I hence aouth 178 polra to a atake In laid Hliines' line: bis fourth line, Ave poles eant of Ills (Klh cornnri thenc. with his home line north 6i v. .kl &!.?( pules to the ri;lnning di-ilgnaled pn plot aa lot No li, S7 acres, more or l's hlng Hie lame isniln ennvaved by John B Brrln( ton and wife Kami), In tlBorxe H Weal, rlird dmcd larch 4, KH4. and recorded In llook ti t, l ugs 017. Hcgtaiar'a i fllia Craven connly. Hakktv I.iiax A IxvmtukstCo,, By I). L. WAUI), AltoriH-jv AUMIMSlKATiMl'S NUI'IU. lUvii'if ilulv ti'i'ilifird a ad niluial rator 1 ' i.f i c e I T H.iwen, ila- iy of hi-piem! r w ii n ftni'l ii!e ate i i.. kr pi ,,t j svmciit t n ,i. itsl Mill It .ule twnir & Prop. E. M. THE SALE TOBACCO. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANC OF NEW CAPITA!,, tSTDOES A GENERAL FIRE T.A. GREEIv President. nvmmw odviv u..'. GW)ROE GREEN, Secretary. " i t liini tpunutl nni,n i( " " 1 "ui. 1 ! Sale of Heal Estate. State of North Carolina, I Craven County. I In the 8uperfor Court, before Wm. M. ' v ' Jolin 8 Chapman, Admr ,"1 or rreemau ti arris, de- ceased Sale of Real state. vs Sarah Benton and Joe Benton. j By virtue of an order, of the Superior made this the 20th October, 1898, in tbe above entitled action, 1 will on the 1st Monday of December, A. D., 1808, at the Court lloune door, in tbe city of New Berne North Carolina at 12 o'clock tn. offer for sale the following de scribed, real estate, to make assets to it: A certaiu tract of laud situate in Craven county. North Carolina on the north side of Neuse River near Pitch Kiltie, beginning on M. E. Brower's line, at Ihe high water mark, and runs down the river with the hih water mark to tbe ferry road, then up tbe hill tbe same course of the said M. E. Brower's line so far as to Include one acre Terms of tale cash. JOHN 8. CHAPMAN, Administrator of Freeman Harris, De ceased. I). L. WARD, 4 L. J. MOORE, Attorneys. Notice ot Sale. Pursuant to a judgment of the Super ior Court of Craven county, rendered at Mav term. 18118. in the civil action enti tled Edward Wetberlngton, Executor of Jane li. uaugneriy, against John u. Stewart and wife Delilah; I will sell to tha biebeat bid'der for cash tt tbe Court House door In Crsven county. In the Ulty oi new Jterne, a. u., at l'J o'clock m, on Miftidav November 28lh, 1MI8, the following descrilied lands in Craven county, North Carolina, to wit: A tract of land deeded to John C. Stewart br Jane L. Dauihertv. contain ing three hundred acres mora or leas, and bounded as follows: Beginning at tbs run of Bachelor creek, tbe eoiitbeaat corner of James A. Biyan's land, thence north with the Daugherty and Bryan line to the 0 8 Weiherlngton line, thence with tbe said line to lbs Laaaiter line, thence north east to the Davis corner on tbe north aide of tb. Atlantic and North Carolina railroad, thence aouth with the Taylor line to the Corhlit line, thence with aald Corbltt'a line tn Bachelor creek, thence with tha run of said creek to tb. begin nlng. This (Moher. 17th, 18D8. CHARLES R. THOMAS, Commissioner. NOTICE. v . -.. . , . a Mairgie L burrua and trading aa Burrua ft Uray and olhi-r, Iiecelcera' notice to CraditoTf Tb. Phillips Lumber t'ninpanv. I All creditor, of the Phillip. Lumber Company, (corporation), defendant, ar. hirvl'V iiolitli'd to prteenl. their claima duly vrrlhVd to the UndrriTi; wd i-rs of nli luinlior cnuipany on of befor. Km dav oi riovemlwr, A. u, vm Th!7th'day of July, A. I ltH, , 1. !.. UoltKltTH. J. LEO BLKRI H, Iti'orivera HiMMona, poo A Ward, Attorneys. PACE, Manager & Saleama OF. Fair Dealing, Highest Prices, Best Averages, Prompt Eeturns. an extensive business, experienced help and r C CO., BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 INSURANCE .BUSINESS. W, B. BLADES,) v p IN DUNN, fVlce-Freet- JOHN Offices: OYER CITIZENS BANE Sale of Valuable Lands By virtue of a decree of the Suoerlor court of Craven co'.tnty made on the Slid day of AugUBt, 1808, iu a special proceed ing, entitled A Walker, Annie M Farrar, Elizabeth Graham Farrar and others, ex parte, we as commissioners appointed by the court for that purpose, will on Mon day the 28th day of November, 1808, sell to the highest bidder at the Court House door In New Berne the following tracts or parcels of land towil: First Tract That tract or parcel of land lying and being in tbe county of Craven, State of North Carolina on the southwest T-rong of Moseley's creek or Traces' swamp and bounded as follows, towit: Beginning at two pines on the south side of said swamp at White and SpruiU's first shingle road a little above the cypress swamp running thence along a line oi new marked trees due north aw fioles to Fowler and Blackledge's patent Ine, thence with said line west 320 poles to their corner, thence with another of their lines south 230 poles to another of their corners; tbence with another of their lines south 71 degrees, west 251 poles to said Fowler and Blackledge's, beginning at Jacob Blount'a fourth corner, tbence witb said Fowler and Blackledge a home line, reversed, south 66 degreea eaat 212 polea to their line at the aouth edge of the swamp, thence down various courses of south edge of said swsmp, with said patent line to Isaac Kenl'a patent line, thence with aaid Kent's line north 12 degrees west . 103 poles to the run of said swamp, thence south 73 degreea east 137 poles to another of aaid Kent's corners, thence with another of said Kent's line south 15 degreea cast 15 poles to the south edge of the main swsmp snd down the vsrious courses of said south edge of said swsmp to the first shingle road at the beginning containing seven hundred and soventy-two (772) acres more or leas. Second Tract: A tract or parcel of land lying on tbs south snd east of aaid Tracy s Swamp bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at a gum. tbe beginning of Abrabsm Cornegay's patent for 2lH) ecree on the Morrla Spring Branch and running thence south 80 degrees east 103 polos to George Btringer's patent line, thence witb aald patent line north 78 degrees esat 32 polea lo lsaao Kent's patent line, thence with aald Kent's line north 15 degreea west, 102 polea lo where aaid Kent's line Intersects aald Corne gay's line; thence with said Cornegay's line, south 57 degrees wot 120 pides to bis patent corner, tbence with line to the beginning containing one I'jmlreJ and thirty-three (188) acres uurs or leaa. Third Tract:-That said tract In tb. County of Craven, Hi ale of North Carolina In the town of Dover on tho Atlantlo and North Carolina rail road, a&d bounded aa follows: Beginning it the corner of , Dover and Ulne. streets and running with Hinea street north 7li degree, west, 110 feet; tbence north lHt degrees eaat 110 feet; tbence south, 71 i degrees west 210 feet lo the beginning, containing one (1) acre more or lets. Terms of aalea On. fourth () cash, on. fourth (t) In all months, one fourth (1) In twelve months, and on. fourth (it in eighteen montha. The time payments lo b. secured by not. with six per rent Interest from day of aala. Hale auhject to confirmation by the court and till, re eervad until payment tn full of pun-lime money. J. W. WALK FH. W. HTAMI'rt HOWARD. Conmnfclf!nr of Hale, This 17th day of Ort.iiw-r i- ...r,,H, k.v.ila , 7 II. XY, TllTlV .... U.i.iiilire 6 Ar. hi-w li.-ina, Lv..,,,, 6 tK I. . j t .SiiimI-t. J. K. I! ! '-I. V, :1 H S'JLVILLE, ::. c. f 'i i n I-

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