RE PC E LIC AN MEETING, CJollDorP. L , QJ With a bras band la atlendenc tern- IT- "IMlTAtPuUAU THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fio Sibup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and1 original remedy. As the genuine Syrnp of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Synrp Co. only, a lnowledge of that factPwill assist one in avoiding' the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fiq Sruup Co. with the medi cal profession, nd the satisfactior which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company . . , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL ; flVILI.E. Kt. . KBW YOKK.1T.Y. THE JOURNAL. New Berne, N. C, Oct. 28, 1898. ' GW ADfERTMEHBHTO. . J. 0. Dunn & Co. Shoes. ' M. L. Hollowell Prudential. . F. 8. Duffy - Sneezing time. Sim'l Colin & Son Don't fail. ; S K. Ball Administrator's notice. Stewart Galloway White Barbers s Business Locals. - DC-NT fail to call on Sam'l Cohn & Son, tomorrow's market will consist of the fin est Stall Fed Beef in the city. Veal, Mut ton, Fork, and all Pork Baueage. Don't miss it. YOU will fiDd Two Fine Stall Fed Beeves at our market this morning. The finest in the city. Also tun best Pork Sausage and a nice lot of Young Chickens. Call and see us and we will guarantee quali ty, weight and prices. W. E. Snelliog) & San, 87 Broad Street, HAVING given up Hotel Albert, I will take at my home No. 40 Hancock street, transient boarders for $1.00 a day. A limited number of Table Boarders taken. Everything - at my bouse will be first class, Mrs. Geo. L. Wadswortk. , ALL kinds of Job Printing executed with neatness and dispatch at Hill's Printing Office. Prices guaranteed the lowest and satisfaction assured. Rub ber Stamps of all kinds made to order on short notice Prices as low as any other ho;ie. Tbrtm. ence the Court House was filled with voters last alght who intend to cast their ballots for negro rule. Not so surprising, except of these, four were sheriff Joe Hahn, E. W. Carpenter, Meyer Hahn and some friend whom he bad in tow. A few white men came into the-gsllery to tee what was going ou. ' The meeting was called to order by Sheriff Hahn who asked W. W. Lawrence to preside, "if it wat agreeable to the congregation." It seemed to be agree able and Lawrence presided, being intro duced by the sheriff as "this gentlemsu.' Lawrence made some extensivo re marks and then introduced Sheriff Hahn as the first speaker. Hahn began by saying that he felt highly flattered by the introduction of Chairman Lawrence and after some opening remarks made a com plaint that he could not take a white man and a negro to Italelgh chained to gether without being written up and car tooned from one end of the State to the other. He then strongly advised the negroes to all vote tbe straight ticket and told them that they could tell it by 'a little bird or something or other being printed on it for a device." . ' Hahn then confessed that if he had the arrangement of the county ticket It would have been done differently. He was willing to admit it, he said. No ap plause followed from the negroes, it was almost like treason as It seemed to hint that there was too much color on the ticket even for him. He advised the negroes to be quiet on election day, but if white men Annulled" them "to beat them like the devil next day."; He told the negroes just what to do on election day, the first thing to do said the sheriff, being "to pray to God to help them and their party." Hahn' final appeal to the negroes was quite pathetic It was to vote "in the names of your wives and, children." Has any white men in '.North Carolina ever before called upon negroes "to vote in the names of their wives and chil dren?'' - u- ' ,. E. W. Carpenter of unpleasant noto riety was the next speaker. It was a protty big effort ou bis part. It may have been in allusion to himself that he said, "no matter how gojd a man you put upon your ticket ho will be found fault with. If the Savior was on your ticket he would be made out a rascal." Recorder of Deeds Willi and candi date (or Representative "Prof,." Isaac U. Smith were the final speakers No one would object to . their remarks. As negroes they were addressing a negro tudlente. The Prof essoj was a circus in himself and was worth the price of ad mission alone. Tue queer part of the affair was the ignorance of the crowd uf what was going on in the State. They seemed to think that the Stsle wm going for ne- grolsiu. Even tbe two white men seemed as.stupt J about the situation as.the ne groes themselves. ' Denioeiallc Hprk . At Trenton, October 81st John D. Shaw Jr. and D. L. Ward. At Truits, November 4'.h, John D. Shaw Jr. At Catharine Lake, November 6th, John D. Shaw Ja. VrOE&B NOT TOLD. Wnura Repablleaa VI.IM mm4 Slew Horae far HlmKlf. In a recently delivered speech at Elkln N. C. the Hon. Clement Manly said that be would pay the expenses of any Re publican who would go to New Berne, and see for himself it the conditions there, negro domination, were not as bad as he said they were. This proposition was accepted by the Chatham Manufacturing Company, man ufactorers of the celebrated woolen blankets, at Elkiu, N. 0. ' The company sent as Its representa tive Mr. David Woodruff, Superintend ent In their woolen mills. ' Mr. ' Woodruff is a plain, practical unemotional man. He sees 'and hear things as they are. He came here quietly and leave quietly. He has seen New Berne a It really is. pe saw its oiBclals, city and county. His has seen the actions of the negroes on the street, in the pub lic building, in the court house. Last night, Mr. Woodruff visited the Journal office, and quietly and simply told what he had seen here. ; He had no speech to make, no display of emotions to exhibit, but he was unquestionably impressed, deeply and seriously. lie could only say, "I never thought Republicanism meant such things for North Carolinians. I cannot vote such a ticket. The real conditions are far worse thau .any newspaper reports we have ever read." STILL COME. Constipation prevent the body from Hading itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove -the trouble and cure Sick Headacho, Bil iousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea; F S Duffy. . . end and Puudrr. Negro rule in this county has done ranch injury to property values. It will do more If continued and property own' era will find that tenants will be bard to obtain. The truth needs to be told. Two instances of white workmen de ciding to leave New Berne have come to light. They are afraid that under exist ing conditions they will be thrown more Into competition with cheap negro labor. Tboy are intelligent white laborers with families. One of the men owns his home and is trying to sell it. The other is able to leave at once but has decided to remain until after election so as to cast hi vote for white rule, being anx ious to do his duty towards his fellow workmen who remain. There are a number of men In this city, who own mucbv properly and ate interested in various enterprises here who have done little or nothing for the cause. They are strangely, Indifferent, WbntJ'hey have is here however, and will suffer if tbeir fellow citizen who believe in white government do not sue reeda in pulling them a well as themsel ves out of the slough. : Card rr.m Mr. M. B.Urlffla af Taaea- ra. Mr. St. W. Mania, raaallal SrcUfrar, Will Tata rr White Mala. PUBLIC NOTICE. We have been deserted in Craven county. The meanest trick I ever had served me was by a Populist backed up by a Democrat, so of the two evils I choose the lesser. If the Populist party ever cleanses itself bf negroism, 1 am with it again, but until then, I shall vote the Democratic ticket. ' ' H. B. Gkikfin. Mr. Griffin has been one of the strong est Populists in our township, but says he is a Democrat until the Populist par ty redeems some of its pledge and . get out of negroism, which of course mean that he will always be a Democrat.. Mr. It. W. Smith, Populist registrar, say he will vote the straight Democratic ticket on the t)ih of November and so tbe political pot continue to boll and Popu list are coming home every day. There are no Pops ic first townsnlpnow except those who voted the Republican ticket before, j ;.'". ' BOOELSN'S AStntOA SALVE, THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever jSores, Tetter, Chspped Hands, Chilblain, Corn,, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to .give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 24 cents per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy i'loihlair nlr. We have dscIUed to discontinue the sale of ready made clothing and we offer our entire stock of suits, overcoats and pants at and below cost to close out. ,- BarfootV ; 1 Notice of sale of land . ' to make Assets. The sooner a cough or cold i cured without harm to the sufferer tbe better Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is distressing. One Minute Cough Cnre quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is in reach? It is pleasant to tbe taste. F S Duffy. A BAT IN THh CITT. The weather forecast for today Is fair and warmer weather. In the local market, there were sales of 80 bales of cotton, at prices from 4.85 to 5.00. There will be a meeting of the "Sharps and Flats" at Miss Claypoole's tonight at 8 o'clock. The wooden fence in the front of the residence of Tbos. Daniel Eiq. on Pollock street has been removed and In Its place a handsome Iron fence Is being put up. r Tbe regular business meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Centenary M. E. Church will be held this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. M. L. Hollowell at 4 o'clock.- A fuU attendance Is especially desired. rSRSONAL. Dr. Geo. R. Hughes of Pollocks v Me, was in the city yesterday. Rev. Father Denaen left yesterdsy for his home at Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Green returned Isst sight from a visit to the State Fair. Mr. Geo. N. Ennet returned last night from attending the State Fair at RalelgU. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Mitchel and dang ter, returned home oa last night's train from Henderson. M is Blanch Bell of U arlowe, returned bom last night after pleasant visit to friends la the city. . Mrs.L.H.Cullersaddaughlers,MIses Addle and Fanny, left yesterday morning to visit tbe Slat Fair at Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Dan'l Whltford, of rollocksvlll, left on the A. A N. C, train yesterday morning for a northern brldsl tour. Mr. L. D. Gssklll left ycatertsy returning to hi home at Forest Glen, Mi., accompanied by hi father, Mr ,Jo. X. Guklll. . I)a'l Alarmed, Between 13 and 1 o'clock, today, the Ore alarm system will be tested, so no one must be alarmed, If there be a num ber of bells struck during the hour. So don't be alarmed. No need even to count the bell strokes. TMAT siiil raruau. Vlih lb exhilarating scone ef renewed health and strength and Internal cleanli ness, which follow the us of Syrup of flu, I unknown to the ftw who have not progressed beyond the old tim med chics and the cheap lubultula eome ll utra offered hot neer scci-pted by the t! informed, lluy the gcnuln. Man ii'nc.und by the California Fig Syrup In. , ,4 Traabla la reared. The JotmsAL hat information that the people In tin Johnson Mill section of Pitt county, are fearing trouble from the negroes, who made threat several weeks sgo. The white people have procured guns and propose to dji'e.iJ ihjuu.lver. . , From Greenville there is also some talk of trouble arising. Xraaa Brldaa Arerpsad. Mr. W. H. Cbadbonrne, Jr., United States Assistant Engineer, was in lb city yesterday, and made an examination of the newly built Neuse river bridge for the government Engineer Chadbouioe and Commis sioner Williams, in behalf of the county visited the bridge together, vhen the In spection was made. Tbe bridge was found acceptable, the only exception being to part of tbe feu ders at the draw, which were not quite completed, but will be made all right. When yon aak for De W ill's Witch Hatel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or Imitation. There are more cases of Pile being cured by thlr, than all others combined. F 8 Duffy. Married as Pallarhavllla. ' Mr. Daniel W, WbltforJ and Miss Kali W. Holland were married at Pol- locks ill In lb Bapllat church on the ttlh at 8 o'clock p m by Rev. J. M. Al derman. The brldo was dressed In a lovely cream colored silk ornamented wit diamonds and peatl. Tbe brides maid Mis Berta Bell wore white organdie and diamond, both Cat 1 led a boquet of whit coronation (lowers. The church Was beautifully decorated wllh vrgren and flowers. Tb Wed- ding march s playsd by Mis Blrd! Koonr. After tbe ceremony refresh- mants were aei veil at lh rcahlmre of Mr. and M Saniiirl Ihi.t.nn's. They will Visit Wa.ulngton, 1) C, Baltimore an Vtm York on their brhlal tmir. Thr Oyster in all styles at McSorley's. T Mr Patraaa. On account of business connected with the State Fair, at Ralelgb, I am corn- Del led to leave here, temporarily. Any work which 1 may not have finish ed, and all work which my friend may want, I will promptly attend to on my return to New Berne, which will be on November 14th. " Rospectfully, J. F. Maocire, 1 Piano Tuner. f,9- A to my work I refer to all local music teachers. Molasses Taffy at McSorley's. A fine line of Gutters, and a full line of Guitar, Violin, Banjo and Mandolin strings at Baxter tuk Jeweler. Next to Journal. Smoke New Berne Reel Team Cigars, and Atlantic Reel Team Cigars, for sale byMcSorley. bare the let wl.ho. of Ihrlr man friend for their futura iiilu. A cotih it not like s furcr. It dis Superior Court, ; ; ) Uonntv uerore tne Ulerx. t - 3. it- Ban, Administra tor, of K j A. Dtnyer, deceased, vs. . Mary E. Smyer, widow, ana ' t others. Under the order of tne Superior Court to me issued on the day of October 1808, In the special proceedings to make assets as above entitled, I will offer lor sale and sale, to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door In Craven county nn Monday the 5th day of De cember lews, at the hour or 13 0 clock m. All the following valuable town lota, formerly owned by the said R. A. Hmyer deceased, with the buildings and Im provements; Hounded and described as follows: -Ucelnninz at a Dolnt S81 feet west of tbe western side of George street and on tbe north aide of White street, running thence north and parallel with said George street, 51 feel ten inches, thence wettand parallel with said While street 00 feet, tben south and parallel with said George s'ieet.51 fiet ten incites, to While street, thence eat .along the northern si I of tbe said White street 00 feet 1 1 the point of beginning. And being a part of lot or parcel of land conveyed bv deed to George H. White by John G. Sawyer, bearing date tbe 24th day of August, 188H, and con veyed to it. a. csuiyer uy satu ueorge 11. White by deed recorded In the office of the Register of Deed of Craven county in Book 115, page 420. Alio tbe lot or parcel of land lying on the weal side of B, St. at the line of the A. 4 N. C. R. R. and running thence down said R. R. south 40 feet to stake, thence west 00 feet tb a stake, thence north 40 feet to a stake,' thence west along B. St. to the beginning. . Being a fiart or lot 18 in the plan of the plot of and surveyed by II. T. Gulon, In 1857, and recorded in the office of tbe Register of Deeds of Craven county. Book 04, par 94. and belna; a part of lbs laud conveyed bv deed from M. I). W. Steven son and wite, to uarottne Hoy, recorded in Book 87, page 210, etc, and being the same conveyed to R A. Smyer by Wil liam stcllvane ny deed recorded in said Records Book 118, psge 8t. Also the lot of land iliuate at the south western tide of the Atlantic & North Carolina R R. near Jacksmltb's road and adjoining tbe lot of Mrs. Emma Green and being fully described In a deed from M. I. W. Hlevenxou and wife to Robert A. Hmver. dalad JillvUtb. 1898, recorded In the Records of Craven county Hook 128. page 44. 1 ni uciooer mm, laws. - 8. R. Ball, Administrator R. A. Smyer, dec. White Barbers. I have secured the services of an effic ient barber assistant. Glad to have your busmen, rirstcians jtatr bulling and Ubavtng. Neitl to McNorieya. BI&YVAHI UltLLUIIll. IXAHFOOT'M JJAHFOOT'8 Clearance - Kale ! BARFOOT'S Clearance - Hale ! Clearance - Sale! BAllFOOT'S. Clearance - Sale ! seat IIorneM f Horw I ! At 12 o'clock, nooo, nn Satuiday, Oct. 29th, I will sell at Public Anclioo, 5 Horace, Corner South Front and Middle Street. 8. R. STHEET, Auctioneer. DESIRABLE I A number of large 600 and 800 peg Ledger, Day Book and Journal and other Bookdeepers supplies which are being closed out at greatly reduced price also, TYPEWRITERS PAPER I Carter's and Arnold's Inks and other Stationery. It will pay Housekeepers 10 eiarolu our BARGAIN COUNTERS. At 7HITElIUESrS. Pollock Street t"ar3 VLmII mm I -r" " a ai ) OF IS, MS 4 GiliU'S mm, This is the second weelr; ol our great clearing-out sale of Clothing. The past week and the one just coming are the events of the, season in this class ot mer chandise. As we said last week we have decided tb discontinue the sale of ready made Clothing and we want to impress on you that now is preeminently the bar gain opportunity of the season to buy your Fall Suit, Overcoat & Separate Pants. rWe mention in this advertisement a few items from our Immense Stock. , ' Sacrifice Sale of Men's Suits One lot men's cssbmpre and cheviot suits, black and colors cheap at $5 00 our clearance price . .. 1 $3 85 All wool black cheviot suits round or square cut. regular price for these f uits $0 00 our price to close'out ' $3 75 All wool double breasted square cut suits, either black or blue, sacrifice price $4 00 Men's heavy weight business, suits, brown or gray mixed. regular price $7 50 we have all sizes and will close I bem at $4 75 One lot of men'a unssimere suits all Inrpe sizes in blue and brown capsimere positively worth $10 00, our clearing ' price . : '$5 B0 Men's new style fall suits, very nobby, in checks and plaids, we will sell these $8 50 euitti now at $6 50 Men's black imported clny worsted suits, sack or cutaway ' coats, bought to sell at $10 00 aitr clearance price $7 00 All our fine suits t lint wo rold at $10 00 and $12 50, we will sacritice at , $8 00 Men's Overcoats, Our stock of overcoats Hint we sold ot from $3 00 to $10 00 will be cleared out at from $17510 , - 7 50 Men's fine black or blue benvcr overcoats that are worth $8 00 we will close at each - . $5 00 Sacrifice Safe of Boy's Suits. One lot boys 2 piece snits small sizes worth regular $1.25 clear ing price i 65o Boys Jersey reefer suits, the KHme we advertised and sold lift week ,$1.48, clearing price - $1.15 Hoys woollen rbevint fui's double breasted Square cut all isizes from 4 to 14 years. Iiecn selling at $1.75, our closing price ...... $1.23 All wool copfimprp suits in neat, plaids, brow n and grey .made well and Hrf worth $4.75 but to close thein out, our sac rifice price $1.83 Hoy line Muck day worsted suits perfect, fit und rohde ex 'ra well, regular irleo $8.50 clearing price : $2.50 One lot boys knee pants, small and medium sizes, a great sac ritice, your choice per pair Boy all wool knee pants, in black and colors, . clearance price , Men' Fa lit1. 4.1c Men's wop king pants, neat stripes good weight all sizes, per puir now 50c Men's mixed pants in clt..clt and stripes worth $1.50, our price to close Kc Big line of all wool pants, we are closing out at $1.00, $1.12.1 and , , f $1.50 Our entire slock of Men's $2.50 dress pants at 1 1.75 We advise an early visit, as tiis is a Clearance sale and there is no doubt that every piece of Clothing in our stuck will be sold under 30 days at these Priees. ' . Opp Postoffice. mm Opp. Postoffice, KIM, . VjiPkwr REMOVAL. Ilr.FXIANK DUFFY lis removed from tiia office here tofore occupied with Dr. Charle Duffy lo oltlo occupied by Dr. Lelnter DurTy, 133 Middle fllreel. Prepare For Cold Weather! j o o o o 0 o o o o 0 0 o a o n o o o o u i) 11 o n o o o o ( 11 o n o n ( t ) u ! 1 () n o We are receiving New Dress Goods daily and in order to reduce our stock that we might make way for Holiday Goods, we are offering great valuer Dress Pal terns. 01 and 7 y mis In all the latest shades, 73c and 91 00 yd. Plaid Shirt Waist Patterns, ....... SSoandYl 25 d. AH wool Borge In all colors only . ,..23" - Storm Serge, 50c, 60c and 75c Wool Mixed Goods only.... ...10c We have a complete line of DRESS TRIM-. MINGS in Braid nud Silk, that we are Selling very low. . Satin Folds, slre.idy prepared for trimmln;, only n yd Corsets. LINOLEUMS, - - OILCLOTHS, AND MATTINGS ! New lot of above goods just arrived. New Colorinps and New Goods direct from the Mills. No job lot goods. All perfect and tit J juices that we guarantee as low as (he low cel. , New Sivle in Furniture urriving dnily. r No such stock as ours to 1 seen' in this J section. V You uro asked to inspect our stock for your- A selves. " .1 i FRANG. H. J0NE5 & CO., 87 MIDDLE NTItEFJT. FOR ITS I'.OL'Nf) He-o!UclIrlltl." til tx-al Air 1 I 1. 1 1 In the nisi kt-t. it It TO COME. I'ATHOI.." cmm1 irt,r liCdV t l lrfin Iwitiitu sr'l r'nr of !!' or If bsve s full iii Hli'- from ci 1 I.K. top. IK, I! t 1 . t '"ik!tl( I lo II, ( 1 1 -1 V A ' 1 :t 1,; r : W ! ct 1 'LJ 'f I A ITr;--y Vi 'r-rt-r.v.x ' ) Or ,m ' t,,-l n.n" sl...i;M 1 e Ji w-l to t! ft l- -rw' i h i.f i!r, :nn i,n . . t),e 1 tl v 1 T lli,.t Itl !i, i llf,li, 1 I !mi C' II ; ' t'l . tl.'iM-'?. i Ih-t e i in'..'. - i i . i , i t i ii i h, . t - I I I h I I I !.-l e-l . W are telllnft tb Celebrated W. a 0OR8ET, short hip or extra long waist, for , .-1103 Our Thompson Dior Pitting, (peclal length, 1 tbe best on market, for Fancy Work. We have the Latest Things in the lino of fancy ' works. Ftmiped Linen for Scsrf, Picture Frame., etc., from 20c op, We alBo" have ull kinds of Patterns and Material for same. We carry a full lino vt Ileniinway'i Embroidery Silk. Shoes. We have jti; t received C hiMrvn' hoi s. new lino of MiV- IVIt Vit T"p in Line or Itiilton, 1 1, filllt'l Mum X in t'tr. .Hill. ( Willi I 0'l . . . . 11,!., ii SI o, , coin I'm-, i ntci.l lip lii luce of button on i I ..Ul I U':U obi PffS i'S3 a m m m s 88" a M v O Q . 6 a tlililillili C : 8 t- W O 4 o! o . . . Ul . and ! L J o H KZJ 'ti LJ .......... , i I! A ?!' i SeSg5IS55l nJji Prepare for the Cold Wcve by Purchasing One of Our mm anes. OK flv i'.U-' 1,1 . A Also Sec our Venetian Mixtures and Broadcloths for Tailor-Made Gowns. t T--. I. . W 1 ) -V f ' It quit My and effectually with One Min t. 1 t A . Ute Cure, ih l-t rcn.i !y for nil anil ht t!. fiirJi-l !' V f'f r- I k--r I. Y p f I.,. I,, I It I... ,,..,.1 It', I. T SI I jIZiiD , . -- wMm mmam 10 tllZ mJ not hate to ton s certain courM. ( u