..IE JOURNAL. Published every day in the year, ex tit Monday, at 6 Middle Street Phohs No. 8. CHARLES L STEVENS, - tDITOB AND PBOPBIKTOR. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance, One year, not ia advance, &louthly, by carrier in the oity,. .94 00 . 5 00 ,.. 60 Advertising Rates furnished on appli- e tioD. Entered at the Post Office, New Berne, N. O. as second class matter. - Official Paper Of New Berne and Craven County. New Berne, N. C, Oct 80, 1808. Was a great State ever so deeply "disgraced as North Carolina has beer) during the past few weeks? It's Governor Russell, fearing the doom which an impeachment brings, with the assistance of Senator Tritchard calls for Federal troops; It's othes Senator, Marion Butler, and the Secretary of State, Cyrus Thompson, going about among the negroes in the black districts, gain ing . the applause of negroes by. making faces and telling smutty stories. Could ineu -fall any lower? UOW THE NEGRO STANDS " ALONE. i The declaration for White Supre macy in this campaign haB provoked in some quarters the retort that the negro is independent, and that the white people mast suffer, if he, . the negro, should cease to work or pat ronize white people. The assumption by the negro "Is that he can stand alone, inde pendent of white men and their as sistance. No better illustration can be found of how well, the negro can live alone, can prosper, build up his home, and develop the resources at his band, than by taking James City, across : the Trent river from New Berne, as a typical example of the negro's ability to progress by himself. . " James City, became the residence of negroes when New Berne' fell into the hands of the Federal army, during the civil war. in 18G2. Fiom that day until the present time it has been solely inhabited by negroes, with no white influenoe nearer than New Berne to affect their material, or social develop ment. James City ii not an incorporated town, but is nuder County govern ment rule. Attempts 10 secure a charter and make it a town, have proven failures as the wrangle among the negroes for "first places" broke up all such attempts. Its officers, constables, magiatra- . tes, postmaster, are negroes. Ill population all told, has always been from two to three thousand. As a result of the war, many of its people became pensioners upon the government, and it is estimated that the pensions paid into James City by the government has amount ed to 1100,000 since the war, Other sources of income of these negroes are trucking in small patch erf, the products being sold in this city, and from labor of the men in the mills, or the omon from wash in ' I'.ctidos these sources of income, it is estimated that the negroes of James City hare since the war, BH'tireJ goods and money to-the ' amount of 1200,000. That is th - tuerchaiiia of this city have been "stuck" to the sum of the above amount by the negroes by credit ing ihcm. And from all this what has been the material progress, the local de velomncut, building up and im protements ' There is not a residence in the place worth two hundred dollars. There ii notasingle Improved street, ' i' n. tit .) tl " -I the -.'. Ii J streets, teing nothing more than "runs," such as animals make, which crook back and forth between palings, which nitric ell the diffeient enclosures. The few churches are but indif ferent buildings. Tbore is nut a sin gle local indus'ry of any kind to give employment to the people. The few stores are small, with stocks of poor goods, and can do only a very small business. , And this is James City, said to be the only settlement of negroes of its kini in the United States. . This is an illustration of bow the negro progresses by himself, of how unnecessary the white man is to him to help him jit his material develop ment. It is an illustration and proof of the entire failure of "Negro inde pendence," and how the negro pro gresseB when left to stand by him self. . ,, Any longthy comment is not needed.. The record tells its own story. , ' ' ' .", There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed 10 lie incuraoie. For a grant many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has roven ea'arrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires const! tutloual treatment. . Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cuieon the market. It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure, tend for circulars and eetimouiahi.. Address, ' F. J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, O. Bold by Druguists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Big-Tree Stoiy. William Waldorf Astor is going to sue the London Dally Mall for publishing a story that . he had won a large bet by having brought to England a cross sec lion of a California tree which he placed in the grounds of Ids country seat and used as a table to which twenty -seven people sat down to dinner. Mr. A.tor admits shipping the tree, but says the rest of the story was a deliberate fabrica tion-., ' The Sare La Grip; Care. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or am bllton, have a bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure : relief. They -act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. ' They are guaranteed to euro or price refunded. For sale at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, only 60 cents per bottle. . Afghan women are never faalnna f each other. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Willis Witch Hazel Sslve is the implacable enemy of sores, bnrnsand wounds, , It never falls to cure Files. You may rtly upon It. F 8 Duffy. Cass Vor ThaU4. " Na SUUU Vhat, proved Innocent aft er two yean In prison, and you grant m no indemnity f , Judge Neither do w charge yon -tor board and clothes, my man. Journal Amuaant. , . Our little boy was afflicted with then matism in his knee; and at times unable to put hi toot to the floor. We tried In vain, ever thing we could hear of that we thought would help him. We al most gave up In despair, when some one advised us to try Chamberlain' Pain Balm. We did so, and the first bottle gave so much relief that we got a second one, and, to oar surpiise, It cared him sound and well. J. T. Bays, Pastor Christian Church, Neodesha, Kir. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. The polar currmiu contain than those from the equator. leas salt Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home In thistles. But early to bod and a Little Early Riser, the pill that make life longer and better and wiser, FSDufTy. Traveling- la Spl. It Is said a eoimn cannot travel alone In Hpnln, tiut eho can without danger ru't, bowevor, with oomfort. If one trav el anything but lira! cliiwi, tho HiMnhinta think on ''smAlt i!ni.i. " Nut ao In othi?r ottnt inmitnl ootintThm, w!mto, thi-y tmy, "frill? AmoTlrrtrm ami find tnnol flri ciu." 'I He hi.riii.h wmiI finffis l in a ir l!h thlitl i:ia In Trnnm 'ibtril eh U iKifo ommuh, Ittit K is v, lilrly am! aMUM!n In emt'hem t- (till ci.trclio a .1 I'm ir I kit t.ivj'i. ' i j (ii .i-)"ti n i . f ri t .! V I i tt 1 1 r f f r . V V'.'til cure Cro::p v, -t L.l The best remedy, for whoorjii.'S-couBO. Doses small. Price 25 cm. at di ugguis. 1 moeratle Roily, Messrs J as. A. Bryan, Joseph Klnsey, . Q. Jackson and E. M. Green will ad dress their fellow citizens of Craven County at Kivcrdale, Tuesday, Nov. 1st. Dover, Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. Vanceboro, Thursday, Nov. 8rd. Trultt'a, Friday, Sov. 4th. Jasper, Saturday, Nov. 5th. ' All who are in favor of the affairs of North Carolina being controlled by WHITE MEN, are earnestly invited to attend. F. T. PATTERSON, V Chm. Craven Co. Dem. Ex. Com. H. R. BRYAN, JR., Sec. Craven Co. Dem, Ex. Com. 1 kne Doctors in Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick, what you like best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place: what experience tells vou is beat, to be chosen in the second place; wnat reason U- e., Theory says is nest is to be chosen in the last place. But if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experi ence and Dr. Reason to hold a consulta tion together, they will give you the best advice that can be taken." ; : - ? When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough -Remedy because it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recommend It : because it never falls t6 effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would recommend It liecause it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on nature's plan in relieving the lungs. Opening the secretions and restor ing the system to a natural and healthy condition. For sale by F. 8 Duffy. lmociit Np,-klnRw. At Trenton, October 81st John D. Shaw Jr. ami D. L. Ward. : At Truits,. November 4lh, John D. Shaw Jr. ' - At Catharine Lake, November Slh, John D. Fhaw Ja. Many a household is saddened by death because of thefailue to keep on hand a safe and absolute certain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure See that j our Utile ones are protected against emergency. F S Duffy. - Tor Bonis or Scalds., It may not be generally known that there is nothing more soothing for either a burn or scsld than the white of an egg. It is contact with the air which makes a burn so painful, and the egg acts, as a varnish, and excludes the air completely, also preventing inflammation. . . Suffering Women Instantly Believed The Femicuhk Tablets almost in stantly relieve all pain, aching and sore ness in the womb. They are applied directly to the affocted parts, and act like a soothing healing, poultice, draw ing out fever and pain. If used in con nection with the Fkmicubb Tonic, will speedily and radically cure all forms of Female Complaints and Weaknesses; in eluding Falling of the Womb, Ulceration of the Womb, Congestion of the Ovaries, Painful and Obstructed Menstruation, Leucorrhois or Whites. Weight and Fain In Pelvis, Dragging Sensation In Groin Aching and Pain in Back and Limbs Flooding, Etc. Try this new and sur prising cure. Femicure Tonic $1.00 Femlcare Tablets (24 treatments) $1.00 Sold by Henry's Pharmacy, New Berne Maody and toe tlnlesa Man. Some time ago a man who claimed per fection went to Evangelist Moody and commiserated him on his low level of Christian experience. Mr. Moody, in a kind manner, asked bis caller it he never sinned nor did any wrong, t .. 'No; I have not sinned for years, neither hsvs I done anything that was wrong," was the prompt reply. 'Well; I'm glad to know It," said Mr. Moody, "but before I am convinced I wonld like to ask your wife." Ladies' Home Journal. ANarrew Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, 8. D., "Was taken with a bad cold wl Ich settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up saying I could live' but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent onesabove. My husband was advised to get Dr, King's New Dlscov ery for Consumption, Coughs anil Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eight bottles It has cured me) ami thank UoU 1 am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at F. Duffy's Ding Blore. Regular sire 60c and f 1.00 guarantee or prlc-a refunded, ' Tks FaUinaa Tows at'. It la prolmWo llist the town of Pu'l man nisy lie sold soon a result of II recent ruling of the Supreme Court which diri lril t'mt the 1'ullmiin Corn- pan p hJ s(fli-'l its riglits In purrlms Ing anil holding real e(le not directly '! In the Lii, !.. I ! Ii t I Vl a lit k U ( 1 c llit. pins.' Cldlbeeplus are an American com tnaUty. gome clothespins are made in Sweden and in Scotland, hot they are big and clumsy, twice the sisce of the Anii-ii.n pins add whittled out by hand. Clothespins are made chiefly of beech and of maple, bat some are made of tnpolo wood. They are made entirely by machinery, counted into boxes con taining 720 each by machinery, and the boxes are nailed np by machinery. It might almost be said that blocks of wood fed to machines at one end come on t boxed clothespins at the other. Tbey are made and sold wonderfully cheap. There are two grades of clothespins, firsts and seconds. First grade pins can be bought for 85 oeuts a box. The pro duction ofclothesplns is enormous, mil lions of boxes annually. - The consump tion in this country keeps pace with the growth of the population, and great numbers are exported. - Even people in the trade wonder what becomes of all the clothespins. . What Bothered Him. "When I was a young man, " says a Well known civil engineer, "I was sur veying the route of a proposed railway. An old farmer with whom I stopped for a time admitted one day,' when he saw mo figuring in the field, that mathemat ios always seemed a wonderful thing to him. Being yonng and enthusiastic, I began to enlarge its wonders, telling him how we oonld measure the dis tances to different planets, and even Weigh them ; how we oonld' ascertain the height of mountains without scaling them and many other things whioh I meant should astonish him. You can imagine , how he set me back when he replied to this brilliant array of faotsby saying: 'Yes, yes, them .LI. .1 .... . llHjMkM..n. lint what alias bothered me was to under stand why yon have to carry one fur ev'ry ten, bnt if you don t the darned thins won't come not right.' "New Ynrk Tribune. , sioo. Dr. B, ItMvtiWa Aal ntarrfte May be worth more to you than tOO it you have s child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and vonnE alike. It arrests the trouble at once. 91. Bold by C. D. Brad- ham, druggist, New Kerne, fx. U. As She Understood It. He Why did you fail to recognize me on the street todavf . She I didn't see you. He That's strange. I saw yon twice. She Oh, that probably accounts for .1 never notice man in that condl Hon : . DiNTstKHKma. stomach nstitst. Permanei tly cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic Invalids need suffer no longrr because this great remedy can cure them all. is cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and indigestion, The. enre be gins with the first dose. . The relief it. brines is marvelous ana surprising. makes no failure: never disappoints. No matter how lone you have suffered, yom cure is certain under the use of this great health-Riving force. Pleasant and al. ways sate. Born oy u. u. nraanam Druggist, New Burne, N. C That Least Oniarsteed. Brlggs (at the Country Golf Cluli)- Wbat do you call it when you drive at a ball and miss it? . , ': Griggs That depends on . how many languages you speak.. . Overcome evil with good. Overopme your chughs aft colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good ouildren cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu monla, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. F, 8. Duffy. The Baraga Bachelor. The Sweet Tonng Thing But hy should not women enter politics. The Savsge Bachelor Too many bos ses there now. Btxiftr imx Hoea Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is great surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness ia relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, ia male or female. Believes re tension of water almost im mediately. It you want quick relief and care this Is the remedy. Hold by V. U, Bnulham, Druggist, Mew Berne, N. V. 4 .U v 1 c 4-A . -J W lltl .. , . .. aA In the l ( w hen you are !t:n 1 f. 7 til r e 'all K lil-l- lint if )HU l:.ne a I h-'-l y j l -.1 n it ! r-t ii 'I . r s-e w (-. ' I AV'.n ie it I t the run i rs .1-, i 'it sn IHt- V ft rt f ' t' ; ' ft Hew, I f (..'. -: r if I V t. 1 I . I V t i J ' 1 I ' ' i- t- i I lis ill !", 8" ! I I , I I ' ' 1 "I'- .' c,i i. :: t PAW i, 0: ' rv -' Eczema! 1 lit UUi VUi c Eczema is more than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can cure it. . The doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are aamaging to the most powerful constitution. The whole trouble is in the blood, and Swift's Specific is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated blood diseases. , Kcsema broke oat on my daughter, and ooo tinned to spread until her head was entirely covered. She was treated by several good doctors, but grew worse, and the dreadful disease spread to her teoe. She was health springs, but n-f: . ' 1 eelved no benefit. Manysi"-'' patent medicines were taken, but without re sult, until we decided to try 8.-8. 8 , and by th time the first bottle was finished, her head be Kan to heal. A doien bottles cured her ftnm. iletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She e now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent growth of hair. Hot a sign ol the dreadful disease has ever returned. 11. T. Sltoks. 3701 Lucas Ave, St. Louis, Mo. Don't expect local applications ol soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They reach only the Burface, while the di sease comes from within. Swift's Specific O C QTor Blood iWakasfao The is the only cure and will reach the most obstinate case. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, because it cures eases which are beyond their reach.. S. S. 8. is purely vegetable, end is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free bv Swift Sfieeifls Company, Atlanta Goorgio. : , Disenchanted. Marie Is Grace as fond of sports ss she was? ' Stella No, not since she married one. mOZLET'S LEMON ELIXIR. A Flea suit lemon Orinb, Rcgnlates the liver, Stomach, Bowels . and Sidneys. . For biliousness, constipation aid ma laria. Unr liuligoBtton. sick anu nervous headache. For sleenlessness. nervousness and heart failure. ' i. b For fever, chills, debility aud kidnev diseases, ihkc Lemon Elixir. Ladles, lor natural and thorough or- gnnio regulallon, lake Lemon Elixir. ntic. ana Cl not tics at lrni!KlMB. Prepared only bv Dr, 11. Mozlev, At- lama, us. .a A Prominent minister Writes. After ten vears of ereat sufferlne from lndlgesttou, wttn great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered klilueys and connilpalion, i have been cureil oy Ur, Mor.tey s Lemon r.itxir, and am now a well man. ; Kkv.IX C. Davis, - Kid. M. E. Church South, Mo. iiiiTatuall St., Atlanta, Ua. A Prominent Memphian Writes. Dr. 11. Mozlev, Atlanta: Having bee a great sufferer for three years from In digestion, and been treated by many phy sicians, who failed to give ine tiny relief, Continuing to grow worse mv In oilier advised me to try Dr. Mozley a Lemon Elixir, wtitcn remedy be baa used lor several years. I commenced lis use, and must say that your Lemon jyixtr is the greatest medicine on enrth. I have never suuereo a nay since t commenced using Jiemou js.iixlr. Tnanking my onituer lor uts surice snu you lur Lemon Elixir, am forever your friend. it. L. KOCCO. 808 Hernando, St., Memphis ifeier any one in Alempnis to mo. ' A Card. This is to certify that I used Dr. Mor. ley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the Dead and eyes witn me most nursed benefit to mv seneral health. I would gladly have -paid for the relief it has given me at a cost or two or three dot lars. . H. A. Brall. Clerk Superior Court, Uandolph Co. Ca Leake 1 bat Way, Brlggs Higgles says he is golug to send his wife one hundred dollars a week while she Is away. Griggs He must belong to the peace- ai-any-price party. U D Cures a Cough Of Cold in , , vl one day 1 Why cough and WOUIl risk Consumption? This famous remedy will cure O Y ill Ua mu. Doetore recommend ' lU Pries 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. 7 f 1 I jm, it . H I llV) M. AImivo all nnwii!lon, la liat our pitriiHs im y of unr ilrh nmi loiilli- SoluB Cul.fc i lliill". Olir lirlil iulK ('iKIrlJ in!i ( 'ii-iim, i-M'l i tiii'-oliil ( iiiH'tM-liiilis of ei KHuis, 1- .in- Iihii It.iim, Usiiiiy iar-hni!i!Siws nml Fniit fliniii'i. nta a -.m Lai-it ly all lufirs of line I'miihrs 1.T 1 in Ii HM l.E ! 1 t5f -STEA'.CRS- CAEOLHIA DISPATCH LINE, , AND " FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Points Worth. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridajs at 6 p. m., sharp. The Btr. Newberne Will sail oa Tuesdays aud Fridars at 12 o'clock, noon, makinii land- in); at all way stations. Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. K. King, Gen. Mgr., M 1I.C. HuDIN6,Gen.Frt.& Pass. Agt. iNorio.&, vu. New Berne, N. C, May 30th, 1898. SHIRT, TIE AND COLLAR TALK ! --4 Old Dominion Steamship lk) jfeS MSisb Correct Styles in Fancy Shirts for every day wear fu Madras, in rich colors and nandpomu bayadere slriK s, wilt 1 1? foiind iu all the latest fads of fanhion in our slock of . fine furnieliings. New slinprs in Collars and Oulfs, and Neck wear In Crisp New Styles for Diefsy men, in liich Puffii, Ascots. Tecks nnil lulis and everythlnir that nrcessity nr style could ucsre. is Here in Its most at trnrtivu ehupe of ltulus Wtitirl ou Uoods. T. JT. ISAXTKK. . .- TO THE LADIES I Givevour orders to T. J. TUHNEK with your Small Picture of vou i self or any one of your family and he will fur tn-h you a nne 16x20 Crayon Picture for $1 98 16x20 Fine Pastel Only 2 98 16x20 Senilis, latest style 2 98 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Yon can see a fine sample of this work at my store. . . T. J. Turner's is the Cheapest place to buy your fine Furniture, Cook Stovts, nesting btoves, Lihrnry Lamps and Toilet Sets for Cash or r n time. Buy your Gasoline from T. J. Turner dcltvored in any part of the city at ISc per gallon. , T.J.TURNER Furniture Company, 75 Middle Street, New Berne, N. O. E. u . I DEALER IN IIAIIBWAItE, . AND ALL KINDS OF IIITIXIHXC. MATERIAL,. Wire Netting, Screen Doors & Windows. llcfrigerutorx. Which are the Hps'. Tliry have but few equals and NO SUPEIUOKS. Ioe Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Michigan Stoves and Ranges. Agent Devoe's Paints, - Under Hotel Chattnwka, New Berne, N. C. Big Knock Down on Beef. 1 will opin a KbLr HAliMi on South Front Hiieet, ni-xt to my More SATUUDAY MOltNJNO. K.ip the veiy Bi-si. Fattest and Nirest fH-i f in msrkt-t. The 1m st round stake, He. btewlna Iln-f, tn Come one, rome all see what e are lining. Dry Smvn Wra-il, tlnnd-Msile and Sawed rililnalfs, llrlc k, Milrh ('owr, Hug sirs, Korsis, Mriclrs, Kluls All to N il or lient. EI5 HILL, Tt3 StiEEl. Kan. For G I? 1 .itillll 1 FOR US I !) TO CO MK. i;,r! V: U i-i I i- l,,!l I,. Ill !'.ti;ii!.." 1 1 -nut h-n!i r i h ii- n v nt i- ;i Nk n, I e!.n . to 11. ! "r Ulf- , ... 1. .1 for . , S -iVK (.1 (i M. Halm & Co., Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables. WHOLESALE ANDJRETAIL DEALERS IN HOUSES &Z A CCMPIsETJG 1,11: OF- Buggies, Poad Carts and Harness. v Nos 1 18, 130 and HNAKC1A.. T. A. UrtM-11, Pi-ea, B.H. Meadows, Viet; flu tt. H.Uaovas.Cashltir CITIZEN'S liA.SK oa" xtistw BBiiusrai, sr. 0. DO A GENtKAL BASKING BU8INEM- The Aecountsot Banks, Bankars, CorDii atlons. Karmurs. MurhautM ami otliAm n cvived on luvor&ble terms. J rouipt anil ear tut attnntlou given to tue lnt si of our ens tumors. Coll otlons a avoulalty. aoAHDorumtOToRS. renllnand Ulrtota K. II. Ma.tow. J. A. Meadows, .' ChaH. Outly, ,Jr. tiaiuuol W. Ipui-k, Jaini-s Kfiiiir'oiid. uues. u.rowipi, siayer iiaiin.gi J. W . GralriKi'r, , TUoicai A. Grean E. W. Hmailwuod, C.l.tov. Ueo. H. Ives. W. r. Crockett. F. & M. BANK, MAY 1st, 1898. Capital Stuck .....$75,000.00 Burplu 8,500,00 Undivided l'roOis,. 8,170.08 OFFIOERS: L. TI. Cutier President. W. 8. Chaowick, Vice Pres. T. W. Dswby, Cahhier. J. W. Lidui.e, Teller. . F. F. Mati'iirws. Collector. DIllECTORS: Win. B. Hindis, M. M. Murks, O. D. Brad ham, P. II. Pelltthr, L. (I. Culler, ;. Jno Suter, W. 8. Chadwiek, i J. W. (Stewart, T. W. Dewey. We want your business snd feel that wo can offer you as much in returu at any other bank in the city. 11 Is our endeavor to nmke business relations mut- uaiiy picasaut nna pi-otitauie to out patrons. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OP NEW CAMTAX, UTDOES A GENERAL FIKE LN8UHANCK HUS1NE88. T.'A. OREEN, President. OEOIiUK OREEN, Hecrotary. J. J. YYOLFENOKN, Gro'l Agent. I HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF OX HANI) which arrived by liitil and uliirh will lie sold Very Iow fi;r CASH ir on Oootl Ki-goliulile Pujk.t. I Imvu Jjirge llorsi-s anil Ptnull Horses, ill fuel then lo rtlit ntiptie. Ijtrge Line of WinK-r Holies ou Laud. 1 n! t Imvo on lianil lltij'f;ie made liy I!om1olilt, Kiuxton, N. C, '! N. ( ca: & Join s, Cm tlnie, N. C; UuM.'y,Tarl)ro, N.-C.; Hackney, Wilson, I'ailmiir, Foulli HiimIiiii, x, IvTJILES 1m middle Street. 1'KOFI SMON A I.. I . X. Sinimouh, A. D. Ward J. il. I'en. . E. W. J'eu. SIMHoNS, POU & WARD, ATlOltNEYS and COlSEl.OKS at , LAW. .. IttW BfcKSF., N. f, . Office 68 So, Front btiui t, rcarly oppo- Sliu IJOlel I l.ullhv Ua, (Offices also at Kith iuh at.d btuithfield.) ruotlce In tlid eolililitiH ol l.mvi-ti. 1 .111,1111. Jones, Onslow. cuiHii l l am l.-ii, VNoki, Juliusten. llui-uvtt and llsoii; In u.e &u lncnie aud eiteial two, m-d wunevt-r sei-vK ei, are di sin d. P. II. IMS tier, ATTORNEY AT LAV, Hlddle Street, Lawyers Brick Ituildiutr.f Will iiratlli-e In ti e counties of Craven Carteret. Jones, Onslow hi Q 1 umlico. I . M. icuit at Aew jserna anu evpri uie court or heSUta. N. II. STREET. F. P. GATE8, STREET & GATES, .Physicians and f u rgtcn. Middle Rtnet. New Heine, N. C WASTED to JU Wool, Cotton, II tiMvnx Digliisl Prices Cmii'Mitcir1. .1. K. LATHAM, Kiar Cotton Exchange. BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 Vtcc-Prest, 'JOHN DUNN. OjSces: OYtK t il 17 EN'S BANK which I am selling ( hcitji for (lie or ON TIME. tt't l-'nr('i I (hit 1 urn in tliu lliinims lliiHtiif , i ft mim m4 .j w md an y