v NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1898; VOL. XVI--NO. 186. ESTABLISHED 1882 JJ; . is" ijX ' - fi. IV ! IN 7,N S IS A is to to NO STORE IN THE CITY CAN FURNISH BETTER. WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE, We have Just Received somo Nice CAULIFLOWER . - AND CELERY. . Send in your order early. r7 Oof Dry Ms, Notions, Boots and Shoes V! V QPPIIP.Q HP UUU1ILIU Ul lUL Are Still Up to Their Past Reputation. $ Don't Forget the 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH in the Dry W l GOODS DEPAR1MENT. , W j J, H. HACKBURN 1 NECKTIES, CRAVATS, B6WS1 Your Choice for 25 Cents. NECKWEAR which is We have Just received a New Line of being sold at , . j . . IIARI TIMKS" PU2CE3. A first class Silk 4-in Hand, 1 . ' . 3 5 A tiht cUs Puff Tie, any color for ; . : . jE A Rrnuine Hlack Satin Puff, Four-in Hand or Tcck.or- The latest shape in a White Silk Puff or Four-iu-Hand, In fact you can recure any thape and any color and" for your chiiiee we only charge , . 25c. 25c. 25c. 2 25c: ftt the It AND KXAM1NE OUU STOCK And you will be AMAZED Good Quality and Low Price. ' Of Torn Oat in Strenarti. BURN "RECORD" BUILDING. Riot Follows. Lives. Are Lost. Thirteen Negroes While Man Dead, ment Resigns, Formed. Col. Made Mayor. 'Aid ' From Outside. . Killed. One City (Jotern New One Waddell Or Z 57 POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, N. CV Wilmihotoh, November 10. The great meeting at the Court House Wed' nesday night resulted in decisive action today, Resolutions were passed order ing i be negro Manly to leave and take with him his priming outfit. Twelve hours were given for a reply. The meeting was also Inclined to oust the city administration. . This was prevented by calmer counsel. It was declared that the Legislature would soon meet and make a clean sweep of the City Hall from top to bottom. How ever the following was added to the res olutions. "It Is the sense of this meeting that Mayor S. P. Wright and Chief of Poiloe Jno. R. Melton, having demonstrated their utter Incapacity to give the city a decent 'government and keep order therein, tlielr continuance in office being a constant menace to the peace and wel fare of this community, they ought forthwith to resucn." When at the expiration of the twelve hours, no word was received from the negro leaders promising that the negro Manlv would leave and take with him his newspaper plant, armed citizens be- gan assembling at the Wilmington Light Infantry Armory on Market street. lx hundred men. armed with Win chester rifles took up the line ' of march to the brick building occupied by the Dallv Record, situated on the corner of south 'IF, YOU WjINT Old. li.xs.k:e:y Don't be influenced to take something rise. It can be relied on for MEDICINAL AND OTHER PURPOSES and is Guaranteed PURE, MILD AND MELLOW. . See that the seals over coiks are intact and our name blown in bottles. Straus, Gunst & Co.. Proprietors, . . RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. m m a a s m "j- nam. M am PM aw s I HIUH UKAUb UKUUtKltS r. . . AND LOW PRICES ! Willttell this is why we keep busy. We are offering bargains now, ta make room tor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us betore placing your orders. 'Tis no trouble to show goods, but a pleasure. Fresh Flotir, Butter, Cheese.'Coffee.Hams and Breakiast Bacon Arriving Daily. the was iU I JOHiST DUNN, Ninth and Nunn streets in the east quarter of the city. The building was- entered and printing press and other material demolished. Fire broke out in the building, and soon became a complete wrect. ine great crowd stood off and watchaJ the building burn to the ground. The Fire Department turned out and the fire was limited to the Record building. While this was going on the city was being vigilantly guarded, six armed men beinr stationed on each block. The business bouses were all closed and traf fic came to a stand still. About an hour after the burning of the Record building, at 11 o'clock, a nght becan In "Brooklyn," at Fourth and Harnett streets. This was In the nortB ern section of the eityalong distance from the first scene. Two white men were shot. William Mayo, well knowu and popular 'young man, was hit and fatally wounded. He died at the hoapl lal later In ths May. George IPlnuer was wounded In the side and Bert Chad- wick In the arm- The fire was returned and a number of negroes fell. The negro who shot Mayo fell oo the sidewalk and was left lying there. The first shot was area by a negro which is testified to by a sworn slate ment of a reputable citizen before notary. The origin of the riot was follows: A mob of one hundred negroes congregated on the corner, a poiloe nun approached and asked them to disperse. whereupon the negroes fired upon crowd of white men with the above re sult Ths Republican mayor, 8. P. Wrlgli the Chief of Police, Jno. ft. Mellon, and the Board of Aldermen have resigned The cltf was placed nnder marllel con irol until new city government ooulj be organized and the Wilmington Llgh Infantry and the NaW Reserves too charge of the streets. Armed men began to arrive from neighboring towns u soon as the ne spread and d.legsllons of cllltrns a csme. From Fsyellcvllle 83 arrived al 9 o'clork lu the afternoon. SpecUl trains war. pro Ided. Word Was sent to 0M boro tor 6 0 ni fa but they were after wards D'iU.,rJ not lo eoms but lo remain rculy. Adjutant General Co Ins Las or lern l rnmpatiN-a of Hlale GuartU to J i ' ; -i ! i s - ton 'nun V.ilon, Kin.lun an I I ..uinn, ami Ihrjr ai. (King carrll I jr j -. :1 tixhia. ;. new Cev!-!-mi-t.!s ! "! ' ''!, t M. T.' i Doses smali. Price 29 eta. at druggists. , Kanftaw Bill. sopnll.m. Topbki, Kan., Nfv., 9 Kansas has elected the entire Republican Stale ticket and a Republican majority of the Legis lature on joint ballot. The election practically wipes out of existence the populist party in Kansas. , The rural districts, which have been the strongholds of populism, turned against tint party and went Republican almost without exception. The Popu- i made gains in tLe Cities and towns account of the growth of the anli- prohlbitlon sentiment. Iieturusarecelvcd from the rural distrtcls today gives the State to the Republicans by 30,000 plu rality. V- s. .. stiillabarj Speak. IiOhdon, jMovemDer v. tiora oausoury conelrra maae some signincant statements tonigiu stohe. at the annual Guild Hall banquet, given in honor of the new lord mayor of Lon don, Sir John V. Moore, who was Inaug urated today with the usual parade and much ceremony. - ; The Premier denied that Great Britain was about to establish a protectorate over Egypt,- and also stated that the United States was a new and disturbing factor in European politics, but not to the detriment of Great Britain. TO CUBE A OLI 1H OUT. UAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsTl Sole Agent For... All druggists refund the money if It fallf to cure. 33c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet ' . - ' . I New Yohk, November 0. The Herald will say tomorrow; Republican control of both houses of the Fifty-sixth Con gress Is assured by late returns from close districts. In the Senate the majority will be even larger than was indicated by the returns on Tuesday night. The Republican majority in the House of Representatives will be small, but suffi cient to, insure the organization of the House by that party and the re-election of Mr. Reed to the speakership. , to the that In with in atlon the We are driving the lieht BUGGIES and want to build them for your trade, and when you want one call on us. We have Oart and Drar Wheels and Axles for farmers and Draymen; All guaran- teed. Kespectlully, G. H. WATERS & SON. $3.-PIAN08-$3. Prof. E. Wallnau, well known in New Berne and the State will tune and polish your Pianos or Organs for 3 00 only. First-clns Testimonials from lending Ltnve orders at Duffy's Drug Peanut Brittle ! roCOANUT CRISP, Fine Chocolates amd Ron Bons. SAM. B. WATERS' STQBK, 25 MIDDLE STREET. "Teqqey's" AtjBook store Fashionable Stationery In all the latest tints. Brinbridge's Artistio Crepe pa per for Lamp Shades. charged with the Investigation of the shipped from' the city without delay, riot were arrested and lodged in jail dur- and that we be notified within twelve lag the day. The Light Infantry and hours of the acceptance or rejection of Reserves with the rapid nre guns went tnis aemano.. . . , ... ami IIJ CVDIID through the dangerous section. The t If the; demand is agreed to, wIlLiu! vUUUn WluUr negroes are kept lu their own sections ; twelve hours we counsel forbearance Will euro Tonsilitis and Bronchitie, and are searched for arms when met on the part of all white men. If the A specific for Incipient consumption. with. aemand la rerused or t: no answer is The new government of the city has given within the time mentioned, then been formed. Col. ' A. M. Waddell has the editor, Manly, will be expelled by been made Mayor. The aldermen are as force. follows: First ward, C H Causer, J W ramer. 2nd ward, H P West; W H Sprunt. 4th ward, C W Worih, P L Brldgers. . Eth- ward, B F King, A B Skedling. The old members of the Board repre senting the ward, B. F. Keeth and C. D. Morrill, were not presented at the meet ing and remain on the board. E. G. Parmele was made Chief of Police. All quiet at a late hour. Thirteen negroes In all were killed. ' ,r The Reeolai lane. ; '-, Believing that the Constitution of the United States contemplated a gov ernment to be carried on by an en lightened people; believing ' that its f ranters did not anticipate the enfran chisement of an Ignorant population of African origin, and believing that those men of the State of North Carolina, who joined In forming the Union, did not contemplate for their decendants a sub jectlon to an Inferior race, . We, the undersigned citizens of the city of Wilmington and county of New Hanover, do hereby declare that we will no longer be ruled, and will never again be ruled by men of African origin. This condition we have In part endured be- over iypt, and also stated that the 4T cause we felt that the consequences of the war of secession were such as to de prive us of the fair consideration of many of our countrymen. We believe that, after more than thirty years, this is no longer the c.se, The stand we now pledge ourselves to forced upon ns suddenly by a ctisis, and our eyes are open to the fact that we must act now or leave our decendants to a fate too gloomy to be borne. Wntle we recognize the authority of the United States and will yield to t if exerted, we would not for a moment be lieve that it is the purpose of more than 60,000,000 of our own race to subject us permanently to a fate to which no Anglo Saxon has ever been forced to submit. We, therefore, believing that we rep resent unequivocally the the aentlment of the white people of this county and city, hereby for ourselves and as repre seuting them proclaim: ' v 1. That the time has passed for the intelligent citizens of this community, owning 95 per cent, of the property and paving taxes in like proportion, to bi ruled by negroes. '! That we will not tolerate the ac tlon of unscrupulous white men In affili atlng with the negroes, so that by means of their votes they csn dominate Intelligent and thrifty element ii the community, thus causing business stagnate and progress to be out of question. 8. That the negro hss demonstrated. by antagonizing our Interests In every way, and especially by his ballot, he Is Incapable of realizing that hie terests are and should be Identical ' those of the community. 4. That the progressive element any community is the white populal and that the giving of nearly all of employment lo negro laborers has been against the best Interests of this county and city and Is a sufficient reason why the city of Wilmington, with Its natural advantages, has not become a city of al least fifty thousand inbabilania. B. That we propose In future to give to white men a large part of the employ ment heretofore given lo negroes, be cause we realize that white families can not thrive here 'unless there are more opportunities for employment for the different members of said families. 8. That the white men expect to live in this community peaceably; to have aud provido absolute protection for their families, who shall be safe from insnlt or injury from all persons, whomsoever. We are prepared to treat tbe negroes lib justice and consideration In all inalteraJwhScb do not Involve sacrifice of the interests of the Intelligent and pro gressive portion of the community, But are equally prepared now and I mined I ately to enforce what we know to be our right 1, That we have been, In our desire for harmony and peace, blinded both to our best Ipterests and our rights, A climax waa reach when the negro paper of this olty published an article so vile and slanderous that It would In moat communities bsve resulted in tbe llnehlng of the editor. We dep. rsrals lynching and yet there la no punlaljm.nl, provided by the ootirta, adequate for this offence. We, therefore, owe It to the people of this community and of this city, at a proleatloa agalutl tirh llMnia in future, that the rtiner ' ' n -r m j known as the "Hecord" eeaae to be pub- OT XOXLT HHUO llihtd and that Its editor be banished ' Anil mm alwava Hit the Mark. Vm from this community. I are lo.M with th. old lt.-llal.le Hagya W. d.mand that be leave this cUt Kins; lle.t.r at the r-.pol.r priore h...h , , , , , I areola " Ho Ine lum I hum. unite within twenty-four hours after the 1 fn Ukm , r,,, We al... have a liiuance of this proclamation. rVi-un.l, 1 No 7 .Si.,v will, future, at i.V, that the orlnlluir rr.M from whit a ths A ' A NICE LOT Fancy King Spy and Baldwin Apples Just Received. Also Fresh lot OYSTEK CRACKERS, Soda Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Cream Lunch Biscuit and Cakes. ' Fresh Elgin Butter right from ohnrn. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Codfish and Irish .Potatoes. ! WTHE BEST 2Jo FLOUR sold in the city. Fancy Syrup aad Portorico Molasses. Fresh loose Oat Flakes, Grits and Big Hominy. , Ileinz's Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce, and numer ous othui things in the Grocery Line. itael & Gaski A I Gr. tail er 'Phone 91. 71 Broo'l Si. UUULOJLOJLMJLJUUL Baking Powder Made from pure, cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alun fcftkirw powden us t$ic gmtnt mcaaocn to wattn ot ttw present day NOVM MKtfM P9M1II Od , HVW VOHR. I 9 -ar . .." w . a. A llahniAiiri Diiaa a? Ij!a V 11 fJUMJ Ul TIC YOU CANT ENJOY WHEN YOUR PASTRY IS MADE FROM OUR SUPERIOR FLOUR, AND Olilt FINE PRESERVED FRUITS, IN EITHER GLASS OR TIS, MINCEMEAT, &c. FOR COOKING AND BAKING OF . ALL KINDS THE HOUSEKEEPER WILL FINO OUR PURE AND HIGH GRADE FOOD PRODUCTS UNSUR PASSED FOR QUALITY AND GENERAL SATIs-FACTION. V G. N. Ennett. i -1 8iieeztiig Time 13t;middle street. . new berne, n". c. Eikay'stAlbumonlzed Food, Peptoogenle Milk Powder, . Malted MIlk.'.Mollln's Food, Reed A Carnrlck'a Soluble Food. COLUMBIAN INSECTITUDE - Sure Death to Water Bugs and Roaches Physician's Prescription , ....... A Specialty. has come around again and a cbani in the atmosphere haa caused many to I annoyed by troublesome colds, oougba, sore iiiroat, asinine, catarrn, nroncnius. and all the affection ot the air passage whlrh are relieved or cured by Duffy's ixtugu Killer, iuc. wo ana ouc, ooiue. F. H'. DUFFY, Cor. South Front ft Middle Streets J. Re PARKER, JR., GROCER, i 'Phone 09. 77 Broad Street. ? .ear-ir"ir--ir"irJLirlirJliif: n We Have i Just Received CHINA CLOSETS, A NEW LOT OF SI S vln Polished .1 Oak with Bent Glass Ends, that are Real Beauties. WANTED to BUY Wool, Cotton, lleewax Oigbest Prices Guaranteed. J. II LATIIIJI, Near Cotton Exchange 1 A Good Telephone SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A IIOMK CONVEJENCE. A COM BIN ED Necwwlty,' . Coiiveiilene, Liuxury ! Order Your Phone at Once I We can sell you one with French Pattern Plate Glass in Shaped Top for $18 50 ' Same without mirror lu top, ... 13 SO New and Fretb Lot of YARD PICTURES for yon to select from. They come in Pamdes. Chrisanthemums, Apple Blossoms, Water Lilies, Violets and Tulips in Gilt or White Enamel Frames. We are also agents for the Celebrated "Cedarlne" Piano and Furni ture Polish, the Finest Preparation known for cleaniec and renewing all kinda of finished woods. It removes grease, scratches fly specks, HnKcr marks, and is an excellent preventive against moth. Price 360 per bottle. Hive a call wbeu lo need of anything in our lino and e will 8AVE YOU MONEY. FRANC H. J0NES & CO., " 1 . 87 MIDD.LYE KTItlSET. baa Facts! Facts!! When vou visit the city don't fall to call on the Old Reliable firm of . .... Roberts & Brother They keep a full stock of Frovliilon & Groceries - Which they offer at Low Fig nraa. You will alway And (hem Headquarters for Flrst-Claas Goods, WILLENBRINK'S.. llefttnurant and j)iniK lloomtt. First-Class' Heala, 25c. Special Rates by the Week. Oysters, Fish, Oame In 5eason. TDONIMNallS. 130 MIDDLE ST.. ' NEW BERNE, N. a We Are Gunning Hword" has beon l.uail be parked and A CV c. T' l!" !Y 1-1' !: 1 -!ii-r one i.'A) and still U-tler ona al 10.(i. Anil r.-rialuly no Wvll ri"ilied fkii.l. I It aiiii'ii-l lie wiilimil hiin Mariiinei ht n ynii an 1-ny ns g mtanti-ni for 10 al 1 i J ' J 1 t: VS r . , fill hi. lm-fe U i i .v,.., ' 1 ei- I ; 1 i- I r ' - i a f - -e a ! -1 full li I-1 i. -ii in 1 1 t mi e f . ut wt. U.o Hi hli ll .1. . I: t . .,t I i n ' I " - Income 1897 : . $!S.m?64.6s. Insurance Written lis. Ao7l $1-41,900,000, Insurance In Torce 1897 I S'.a.7.S'X). 1 ' I The PRUDENTIALhae forced ahead until It itanda In the front rank of the Qreat Life Insurance Com panies of the World. It often all that la good In life Insurance and under the best conditions, H. L. IIOLLOWCLL, Oencral Agent, f.'ew Berne, '.Zm C. ii . . ,