Cent Cl-c- o-v-cr yo.t irx ex "bossy.-- At' :F. S. IDffsr'G. f Vv f f km r 'MlTAfLD-VuuA TBE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bat also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California FiovStbup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon' all tho importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Sybvp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless .imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sritip Co. with the medi cal profession,, nd tbe satistactior which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is lor in advanco of all ether laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor. nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company : CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP Ca . SIX rUAXCUCO, CmL irisviLua. sjr. kbit tore. w. t. THE JOURNAL. New Bertie. N. C, Not. 19, 1898. IIW ADVEBTIStUaBHTft. Lost Pin. Lost Diamond piu. ' , II E Royall Bananas, 4c. Duffy Fruits just received. . ' Hotel Bailey Kinston, IT C. i Bam'l Cohn & Bon Turkeys. Hackburn Coffee. Hams, &c Oaks Meat Market Turkeys, tier. Davis' Pharmacy Dofeated, &c. Business 'Locals. BANANAS Cheap at H E Royall' today LOST On New Street, one pin in. shape of terrapin, return to McSorley's store LOST A gold, bow knot pin, with blue, forget-me-nots, diamond in center, on Thursday niehU The finder will receive two dollars by returning tbe pin to Mr W r uurrus. - MALAGA GRAPES and Chestnuts at HERoyall's. - THE finest Beer always' on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Sfeet . - WANTED One share Atlantic & North ' Carolina R, It. Stock. State price. Ad dress B., care Journal. . ROOMS FOlt RENT: Adapted to a small family without children, or to gen tlemen who board elsewhere. Apply to ' Mrs. Jkhkihs, No. S Johnson street. A FINE ORGAN For Sale Cheap for Cash. Call at No, 80 Broad Street for further Information COLUMBIA 1W) Cbainless Bicycle, 975, Columbia 1809 Chain Bicycle, SSO, Hart ford 1899 Chain Bicycle, $35, 'Vedette 1800 Chain Bicycle, S25. Prices IS effect Rov. 1, 1898. I have a stock of same Id transit and will be glad to have you call and examine them when they arrive. Wm. T. Hill. A OAT Iff TBS CITT. Fair weather Is the forecast for to day. The Rev. D. H. Petree wjlf preach, tomorrow, Sunday, morning and night In tbe Church of Christ. , Tbe heavy rain prevented any bus! ness In the local cotton market, yester dsy, except the sales of a few tiles. Tbe price quoted was 4 80. Tbe Nense liver bridge will hereafter be open to tbe public night and day fa a bridge tender has been engaged. Tift driving public can sow return home as late ss they please without being in danger of being caught on tbe wrong Ida of the stream. , rCU'VIAL. Julge Henry R, Bryan returned last night from Bmltbfleld where be has been holding court. Hupt. 8. L. Dill of lb A. A N. C. Rail road left yesterday morning for a north era business trip. Sheriff M. A. IIIU of Carteret, sad Sheriff F. W. Hsrgett of Onslow wei lo lb city yeslerdsy. Mr, and Mrs. Choa. L. Abernatby of fSeaufort passed through lb city yester iUjt going to Omabs to visit tb Eiposl ll .n. Am laswiul Diaraa. To make It apparent to thousands aliollilnk themselves 111, I but they are ret skirted With soy (lUeaM, but Inst I' system strop! seeds cl-nlng. Is to 1 it IC comfort bom to their brans, as a i.nilve rondllinn I wully cured l.jr .it;- Prrun of FIbs. Manufactured lir .- t'atlforal Flf Pyrup Co. only, and 1 I y all druggliu. HIT- I.l t. s pa. V 1 vs Jut rrrle-l our ' i t of Ii!ir c!oki a -id r j ;-. .' i iuh ! liitii' 1 i' " -' U. n,ll). I'.-' The Klaslsa Trial, ' The Taylor murder trial at Kioiton continued through yesterday before Judge Robinson. Tbe day was consumed in the examination of witnesses. Four or five remain to be examined today and by twelve o'clock the case will be left to the lawyers representing the two idea. The attendance was not nearly 10 large as on the first day when access was dlffl' u t. Hatal Unlit y. Mrs-H. C. Bailev of Kinston has moved her hotel, the "Bailey House", from the former location to the place known as the 'Munn Hotel" near tne depot. She will be pleased to entertain her patrons at this convenient location. Tbe house has been refurnished and put in excellent shape and a new dining hall added. Traveling men willbeespec-L tally welcome. -,-:y- CarK-m t'eaaiy Oalearalea. There was a grand celebration at Beau fort on last Thursday, afternoon and at night. . , ; During the afternoon there was a bar-' becue and speaking, and at ntght torch light procession. ; .', There were probably 1500 persons out to en joy the occasion. , - Music was furnished by the NewBerne City Band. Messrs. W. S. Chadwlck. C. L. Abernatby, and W. L. Arrendal spoke. trirapalllaa sameers The Metropolitan Concert Company, of New York, which Is advertised to ap pear at the New Berne Tbeater on Tues day evening, Nov. Bind, is a thoroughly high class attractions embracing among its members the leading Newlork artists of today, who come to this city highly endorsed by tho public and the musical critics of our great northern cities. These concerts are of tbe actual meri torious order, never failing to delight the most cultured audiences, and please all lovers of concert. Reserved seats can be purchased in ad vance at Waters, News Store, at 75c each General admission GO;. Gallery 25c A I'relf jr ajari-lnge al Harlaaj,-. At the residence of Mrs. A. F. Bell on tbe 15lh of November 1898 at 8:30 o'clock in tbe afternoon Mitt Wniche Bell and Mr. Fred Frauksln were United in mar riage by Dr. F. D.Swindell. Tbe parlor was tastefully and artisti cally decorated with Kins, evergreens, and chrysanthemum. The soft mellow glow from the many candles cast a shimmering beauty all about as they glittered here and there anong the folinge. The bride was handsomely attired in a traveling gown of blue broadcloth and carried a bouquet of snowy chrysan themums. Toe groom never lotked happier nor handsomer, tban he did at he entered tbe room with bis charm ing bride. Quite a number of friends and relatives were present and not only they, but absent friends showed their apprecia tion for the popular couple by the many handsome presents thst were lavished upon them. The bride v at one of Harlowe's n.ost popular young ladle. Tbe groom one of Ilorehead Clty't, most enterprising merchants. - Immeadltely after tbe ceremony the happy couple, accompanied by a party of friends left to take the train to their future heme in Morehead CPly N. 0. T When you askfor De Witt' Witch Hazel Salve don t accept a counterfeit or Imitation. There are more case of Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. 7 8 Duffy. la Iwnata All persons having claims against Craven county will present them to tb Clerk of tb Board on or before Monday November 28tls us it I deolred that all outstanding accounts b settled np. It P. William. Acting Chm'a. ' All kinds of poultry, live or dressed at Oaks Meat Market. Beat mesta of all klnjs, and at th lowest price at Oakt Meat Market. Order for Thanksgiving Turkeys Uv or dressed, taken at Oaks Meal Market. California Oraogoa.SOc dozen. Duffy'i Candy store. , For fin veal, pit pork, all pork lau age, all rbolc cots 10c Quality can 1 sceiled. riam'l Cobn it Son. A tiraas ttaalMtlaa). A full lln of Osk Bedroom suits that wr $15 to ?J Ibis week from $10 to $00. K. Ui.kK t. Fresh candies mad every day, why bny caodio that ar oM and stale? Ou price ar lower tlisa others can sell Duffy' Canity Plor. Cream encoanut and chocolate cream coroanut candy frh tixlsy a'. UVHor- Every lr- of r-'ljr m'Ie clothing I our b iMt mi will be cio.r-i out at som prtr hi fore Jan. I, V.i; A jtxl chum to nre some ex ' p' ionl vniius Ju bow. l.nrfiKit'a. A Cn of t.iillur, sntl a full l!n of (iulur, Vli 1 n, ami llm loli trli at DaiHTinJuiiu, t.-..to: r; ; :. iTsns Waad Buallaa Kiurin. SaS OaiiAl Araa. PdImIw c r. Marrlacaa. Itaaal tWpalra. Trenton, Noyerfiber 18. Ths whooping cough is prevailing among tbe children in Trenton. Mr. A. C. Burt is prepsrlng material to build a new dwelling on Jones street near the High School and when finished will move therein. Trenton will gladly welcome Mr. Burt and family. Edward Stanley of Pot Neck was in Trenton yesterday with 4 wild turkey killed with three shots. Three Onslow, fish carts are here with fish and oysters. Tbe annual fruit tree agent of tbe Pomona nurseries is here delivering fruit trees. .'.'V.'.' "' We hear that rabid dogt are being found and killed around here in the last few days. ' Our citizens are replenishing their wood piles in expectation of having cold weather in the near future. ' Several of our farmers have raised (his fall tome exceedingly flee Irish point jes. Core Creek is supplying our market with some extra fine Georgia yam po tatoes. Seed cotton is coming to market quite liberally tens reaauy at i:io per cwi. Bale cotton sold yeslerdsy 4.50 to 4 80 and 90. Weather is so inclement only 40 bales were sold. On Friday of last week 100 bales were sold ranging from 4 50 to 4.80. ' ' -v.- All the cotton glnt are very buty pre paring cotton for the market in thit vi cinity, " '' Married ' at the home of the bride t father, Mr. John Reynolds, on Novemlier 13, Miss Johnnie Reynolds and Mr. John Jarman, Ja. D Herrltage, J. P., offi ciating.' May prosperity attend them. Miss Myrtle Foscue and Mr. Furnlfold Brock were united in the bonds of matii- mony by the Rev. T. M. N. George of .New Berne, on evening of the tOih ol November, at, the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. M. Foscue. May the brightest blessings attend them through tbe changing scenes of life. , Bears are very numerous around here. One was seen within a half mile of Tren ton yesterday travelling the public road Tne Onslow fish carts supply the mar ket with fish and oysters. Tbrte wete here yesterday well loaded. s Chickens and eggs are scarce and com mand a good price. Corn, little brought in as yet, and sells at 4U45 cents per bushel. We learn that the road from Trenton to Cor creek is almost impassable. Why djn't be authorities attend to it? . A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly aud effectually with One Min ute Cure the best remedy for sll ages and for the most severe cases. We recom mend it because it't good. F S Duffy. -member Ika Orahaas, With the season of Thanksgiving which is to be observed at every fireside on November 24th, it should be remem bered by the fortunate ones, that there are those who have no homes, who are dependent upon other for temporal waits and supplies. The Oxford Orphan Asylum N. C, is tn institution which is doing great good, and giving an education and teaching some useful trade to the two hundred and more, boys and girl within it care. Tbe expenses of this Asylum are larg to that to give extras to these boy and girls on Thanksgiving day it impos sible, therefore tn appeal is made to tbe Masons of North Carolina and tbe many friendt of the Aiylum to contribute money, provisions and clothing, which 111 be distributed among the orphans at Thanksgiving. The rommlttee appointed to receive contributions by St. John's Lodge are Messrs. T, A. Green, James Redmond tnd O. Marks, who will b glad to re ceive gift for th orphans, and who will see that these contributions are sent to Oxford. BUCKLB.i a ABntCA ALTS. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruise, Bore, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Boroa, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all bktn Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glye perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Wire 2fl cents per box. For tale by F. r. Dull llfiiwl Tafci-a. R. Ulrica will sell dining Osk Exten lion Isble this week very tbesp, priors from $3.50 up. Wslnul and strawberry taffy fresh at McSorley'i today.- HarhtiaHh a a allar War. lining left J. II. Crahtree A Co. I am now prepared to reoHvo orders for Bla. kmlthsnd Boiler Woik My sho Is st Mo'lonV Marine liallwsy where can be found st any Urn. John C. Hii. i. & Ho. Cn """-- "" I A i - O M .alia 'r 1 ', ( . i. t: 3 f n.jr : .:: V,' !,. J :.t i- 1 i.vi! ' y ! Ins I i.f I i - - - I V.e r. - ! i In I O '! - I f !- V . I ! ! f r I . . ! oatKlal Vair, Sik kw-aaltirlal Dlalrlet. Ob S g S O B o n 4 M q Carteret.... 1300 1301 1061 1081 Craven. ... 2204 2307 28-W 2822 Greene..... 1228 1222 1233 123A Jones....... 819 82H 844 856 Lenoir 2014 2036 1707 1717 Onslow... 1438 1448 911 887 Total 9083 9187 8614 8-VT8 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. -;" HawPar Baalaeaa. - Ed Journal. Now thst the election is over and we have won a glorious vic tory after probably the most determined and hard, fought campaigns in the his tory of our dear old State, let us get down to business by way of building up and Improving our circumstances. The column of the Jotjbnal have always proven a strong advocate for the establishment of home Industries, and therein most assuredly lies the founda tion on which our independence and prosperity muet be worked out With the return of confidence through a white intelligent government, business circles will have an upward tendency and bring about results that ought long ago to have followed, .V New Bkbnian. . -V- The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the soften r tbe better Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is distressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure it in reach? t It is pleasant to the taste.- F S Duffy. SHAFTER'S LESSON. It Was oa This Oeeaaloa That Ha Learned ta Decide Far Himself. Here i a story that the Cleveland Leader proffdr about General Shatter. It centers about bis salient trait of be ing pugnaoioua, just as all onrrent and well invented anecdote of "Fighting Bob" Evan revolve around some in candescent bit of profanity. Bnt tbe story runs that, as the general 1 made to tell it: 'Once, when I was a boy at school I wasn't more tban 10 or 11 year old at the time onr teacher called np the class in mental arithmetic and began putting questions, beginning with the pnpil at the head of tbe row and going down toward tbe foot, until some one ooulrfgive the oorrect answer. I stood somewhere near tbe middle, and next below me was a boy who was three' year older and considerably ahead of me in the various studies that we bad. " 'How much are 18 and 9 and 8f tbe teacher asked. "While one after another of the boys and girls ahead of me guessed and failed to get it right I figured ont what I thought the answer onght to be. Tbe question bad almost got to me when I beard tbe big boy lust below me whis pering, .apparently to himself, bnt lond enough for me to bear, '29, 29, 29.' "Finally the pupil above me failed to answer correctly, and then it was my torn. "'Well, Willie,1 said the teaoher, let's see if yon know tbe answer. Come, now. be prompt "I cocked my bead op proudly on one side, east a triumphant look at those who had 'fallen down on tbe problem and said, so that everybody in ' tbe schoolroom could hear me: "'Twenty -nine I' " 'Next. How many aro 18 and 9 and 8r " 'Aw I said the' big boy below me. with a look of supreme contempt at tho rest of us, '801' - "That was whsl I bad figured it to be myself, and when the teacher said 'oorrect' I wanted to fight. "I didn't asssuH him, bet I made tip my mind right there and then todopend on my own judgment in the future, and ever siooe theu when I have bad any thing to do and had figured out what I considered the best way to do it 1 bsve gone ahead, remembering, when people orltloited or tried to throw me off tb track, bow that big boy made a fool of m In tb mental arithmetic) class. Amsterdam i tbe nearest Enropeaa capital to London, being only 199 mile distant There were breechloadlng cannon na early as 1888. i r f-L K We are driving rti llht BUGGIES and want to build ih'm for yo-ir trsite, and wlirn you wunt one call on in. W hr Cart anil Drav YYbrel and xles f.pf farmers anil Praymrn. All guaran Used. l(iK-f tfuliy, O. H. 7ATrt3 & con A !!: CANDIDATES and pari isms whose favorites were elurie'd to stay at borne, can find Balm for their wounded feel ings and Liniments, Embroeations, Plasters, Iodoform Gause, and other remedies and surgical ap plications for more fleshly wound nt ' '.-. :. ; : - Davis'- Prescription Pharmacy. L Phone 56. Cor. Broad & Middle Sts. Like a Good Laundry. v ' It is your fault if you don't get your Laundeting doLe satisfactory. Let us call lor your next bundle uud it will be done up just as yon want it. We do all kinds of flue garments that cannot be done at home. .You like to have your otlurs stiff so they will not get out of shape. We use good starch and work it well into the linen to Hie collars will stay firm, then too, we polish the edges and make the collars essy.so you will not think yoa have a barbed wire fence around your neck. COLLARS, ... 2 Cent. SHIRTS, .... lOCcnw. Send us your Laundry. - - i. E. DAYBERRY DOBBIN & FERRALL, TUCKER'S STORE, . 138 & 125 FayettcvillreSlreet, , RALEIGH, 1INORTH CAROLINA. GENUINE KIDGLOVES The Best Kid Glove ever Impoit -; t Intel! at $1 00, well worth $1.50. Pique or Street Gloves, . . . , $1 00 Litest Importations of Genuine Foster, TrefouMie, Alexandre and System Jay. Best makes of French Kid Glov.s. Any shade in DREj-S G0OP8 OR SILKS. Can be match u by mailing us a Sample. ' . Dobbin &'FerralI, RALEIGH, 3T. C. Stoves. Stoves. W have just received 50 Fine Cook and Heating STOVES And will Sell Ihetn Cbenp for CASH OR ON TIME. Yours Rrspcctfully, T.J.TURNER Furniture Company, 78 Middle Street, New Beme, N. O. -Ta ,' 4 - :. . I ' .if A Fastidious Dresser When preparing lo go nut for his Thank.f ivinir dinni-r aa an Invited em t. slionliln't fail lo liara a soil of Cloiloiii; ilmi will lit li i in iMMft-rtly, and ihs'Ih from our clo'loftivn and liaiulMime at y In ruliriii. Vi e a ill make von a Immlsonia Hifas Boil, or I'llnie Alliert lot wnli Vint, and Kt-narnta Tn-iisors; ami ( jv.-rrdtl at pi i i-s tliat J nil will give llimiks lor. r. ::. r:miivirk. MI.U!tri t, NEW I-.r.UNF, N. C, f- - ,1 I r ll ,1 I,,. ., ,i 3i.DC. llenry's Pliarinacy . ' 127JMIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. Eskay'sTAlbumonized Food, Peptongenic Milk Powder, ' -MaltedJMUk 'Mellin's Food, Reed & Carnrick's Soluble Food COLUMBIAN IKSECTITUDE Sure Death to Water Bugs and Roaches - -! - - -7- -: --T... Physician's Prescriptions ......A Specialty. "WINTER COMFORT Can be thorouuhly prepared for by maKMig renny m tunc witti warm UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY. ' We have Borne special Underwear Val ucs In Merino, Natural Wool. Australian Wool and Fleere Lined Men's Underwear, medium and Winter Weights, and a full line of Fine Csshmere Hose in Black and While of fine quality, at Low Prices. I. .1. BAXTER. BIG BRAKE 8AXiE AT AUCTIOX! ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1808, we will sell out our entire Stork of Bi cycles at Auction. It-Karrtless of i on. to make room forl8U0 Wheels. They muv eo at some urice. Terms Strictly Cash. Don't foreet the time, and he sure to come. There will lie Bareainv , Bicycle Hundries tit ery Low l'i ices. QASKINS' CYCLE lOMPAN'V. Planter Building. Cutlery That uIn And kIh rhsrp when one sliarn- ened, iriMt ad f KrinlinR(on it all tbe lime, aa j on do on poor steel, is what you want aboii t ihe bouse. Our Flna RAZORS. SHEARS, f-CIS-fOHS, CARV1NW KNIVES and TABLE I UTLKHY of nil Kinds la made from i lie Hrot Bleel, Ili.ltly, lempeirti and Finely Finished, and put logttber by the tHi tuners. I. H. CUTLER H'DWE Q To the Public Wear dally, as well ss h retoforf, itcelvlng' the finest Meats tlmt , can lie had. Our RTAIX-FED BEfK. defy competition snifaUsys remember Hie other Meats we have bran furnishing W will cont Inun sani . Only a visfT to our maikct will ronviuce you Thank ing Toil for post favor ai d sulicillug conllnuanre, we are, Yours Respectfully, Sam'l Colin Sc Son. Just Received! A FINE LINE OF VOZITtJV ami i :.'nii:i(.. J.ft.ljf CftpMl j!;tt 111 11 I l(J P'i!fl ftt ( -in . I'm i i In H It 1 )ip 1 i,,,-, A 10 cm i ;fs, iiioi::; Vorlhy Goods al Reasonable Prices New SilkM. Good silk news. Some strikingly handsome designs with last shipments. Black figured grounds with colored dots, 00c Two toned satin effects, 95c. Fancy Taffetas, half inch strips. 65c. , Union Silks, in fancy stripes and checks, 50c 'r If res Goolv Limited number of pstierr lcngtbc, correct colorings snd textures, 75c, $1 00 and $1.25 per yard. - 50 inch twill back cloths in block, sta ple dsrk rhadts and new greens and blues, $1 00. Si ir.cb plain black brillisntines, spec ial value, to grades, 83o and 88c. 38 inch flgurtd black brilliant lnes, 8Kcial value, 85c. Household : IiinenM. A full and uniform line, each item lected on its worth. Feginnirg st 25c and running through to tl Iff per yard. Note some prices. : - No-803-58 Inches Bleached Damask, 25c. .!'."'-,' ' '"v ' 58 inches Bleached Damask, 2 patterns 85c.-;" : '.' ;; No 80-68 inches Bleached Dnmatk, r.0c. , :., '.' 03 inches Bleached Damssk, 75c, No 30070 inches, half Bleached Dan-J ask, special, 50c. : Towels. 20x38 inclies!linen huck-aback Towels 21x11 hemmed buck a back Towels, 15o. . .:. '." ; 22x48 InelieF, fiiiiged liucLiViaxk Towels, 17c. . u a$WE HATE II AB A$s g OUR WRAP DEPARTMENT 1.8 I For the Exceedingly Low Prices rn Very Good Gmrr.i'iits ; hos been noieed around town, and 'b ladies Hie not slow in finding out I lie very good tlilnu" we aro i ITcrir j! Ladies Hlack kersey JackelH, in latest stvle, beauilful cloth ami , lined throughout with Fansy Taffeta Silk... if-12iO Ladies Kerrey Jacket in black, blue and Kriy- lined tlirm.ghout with block S-itin 10 CO Lulie Black K rsey Jacket, a splendid garmev.'. ml bljlii-li, l.md with silk serge ,. 800 Also Black Beaver Jackals, at $3 50, 4 511 $5 00 mid $0 OJ Wa have just received u I er lot of FUR COLLAR ET I E . turn hiv extremely M Hi li and serviceable for IhU rlimale. Tha prices ranse In m H 50 lo tl tin and eveiy gnrmeut will be found as good value a is Possible, NOTIONS. Cuff Pins, . 12Jc eenh. Some naw Pelt Bucklar, vary h mdfoino and a 1 the ri e, tX 50 -nil 7,1c. Chemisettes, il'V Metal Belts 55c o u O o o a o o o o () o o n o o o o o u o Fancy Hal I Ins lull ul llnndKerchlef,.. j... ,. ,. Cannon Clnih for any fancy work. Underwear, HU nee I loth, is-'es table linen,... Our Millinery Department, MISS MAMIE DAW50N IN CHAKQE . . . . tin all ibe newfft Mjlen at o o () o D a o o a cv r.st an ility tome nut and uur pi Ices can be relied op is l'iw -at 0Milble. To'Ttmse that anilclpaie a dj w bit fur Tbink-lvlnz we at-Lr ib.t yon lnse give o ( yoar oider is niif n pm- ' . ... . , O a o n o i) o o bin si that yon will Bnt be dlsappiilnted. We tuggent this be dune at once. November 13. Peanut Brittle I lUlOJMlT IUISP, . fine thocolitcj imd Bon Buns, m. b. mm .i y.y, : it. mi::: r, t i .. .. Li ndies Underwear. White flat woo', (00 per cent, wool) 1 Vests an 1 Pants, our heaviest garments. ft 00. -. Similar goods, (00 per cent. wool). 75c. Natural wnnl- mixed Voste, limited quantity, spr-cial value, 50c. Very heavy cream all cotton rib vest, ' 25c .v- Children'M Underwear. Children's wool vests and pauts, (90 per cent wool) sizes 20 to 32, from 50u to 75c Ohildreu'M all cotton, flat vets. unus' ual value, sizes 18 to 82 frm 10c In 25c. 1 Infants fine wool rib tests, open ail way down, price 85c. T?hiIdrenVt Shoes. .There is no better shoe to be had at the prices than the "God mar." shoe. Solid leather tnd thoroughly honest in every way. No 262 Child's : Kid Button, spring heel, stock lip, 5 to 8, ut 5uc. No 161 Child's Kid Button, spring heel, 5 to 8 at 75c. . 160 Misses Kid Button, spring heel, 1H to 8 at $1 25. Child's Tan Button or Lace, spring heel, S to 8, at $1 00. 8i to 11 at 125. -V (Separate Skirts. . This collection deservm the attention of every woman in the city. Two special vhIiup, Blink Brilliantinu Skirts, 2 00 snd 8 00 Black Hguii-il Brillinnline Skirts, trimmed with 3 rows mohair braid, special 8 50. BlHck CJu;y.L0t and Cloth Skirts, 4 CO and 4 50. 9 m sa O a o o a Q 19 & o o o a o a o o o o 5c, 10c and 13c. ,. Co. also Kplendld foi (Jhl diei.'a Ho, .'. ... , . f.Oi- yanl. Jf?y T SS a a IIS . a O Ir: ,. ' 11 irw ' v. ff " O OPPORTUNE Chrlglmas OomIs In New Tealirna. Ilninlia of ilio kind. Tiijs fur It-WJ-M9. Vrlic inlrs Lowliiwn. Ltalniy affairs In Celluloid and tilvrr. IMahtl Ciitlrrjr nuil Tallin WMti, Kina ami ( In np ii r Vi a, ( hins ami l:-.--ll If ArtM I. a. " ' : i i - s - 1 1 r I i "v ("o to !.',(, i-, I I -

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