O TT VOL. XVI-NO. 197. , NIW MUNI, K. C. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1898.: v ESTABLISHED 1882 f ifi 7t , v A Oriole Coffee, Nice Hams, $ 12c Eb 8c lib.; '.I Excellent Butter, " 23o Lb. - What a galaxy of Life' Newwitie at Astonishing Figure. Everything else that belong to the m.ke of the Largest of Infittera. CONT1DBN3S AT WASHINGTON OUR DRESS GOODS' Are STYLISH AND CUEAP. They are MOVING FAST. We have Donhl Fold Good-, at I2Jn. Specialties in Wool Suitings and Serges at 25c. Iligber Priced jj Good it wanted. t , , - . . - ' We have a great lender in Hankerchief, an Initial Law Corner one VNforBc- - o 'IN We are wiling More SHOES AT RETAIL than any house a IN ci,T- See tne Cbubb 7 th. BEST SHOE FOR THE MONEY. riant aoiilraieat Wlik Mpala iHIfi ta baCertata. Kioa Nklliral. Washington, iVlov. 23. A feeling of calmness and confidence as to the peace negotiations was discernible on all sides Wl : la omcisa circles toasy. - V.f I t- 1 . Ik. .nltAnW i. ... be repeated that anticipations of a satis factory conclusion am strong. It is understood that several members of the peace commission have made arrange ments to sail for home December 10, two weeks from next Saturday. This may be taken at an indication that all preliminaries will be disposed of before that date, and that -probably the treaty of peace will be ready to bring for sub mission to the President. ':' It is realized now that Paris was not a good place to hold the session of the commission.' The sentiment there was and is pronounced in favor of Spain and against this country. The newspapers of Paris have done everything possibU to embarrass the American commission ers, and their efforts have been seconded, although in a covert way; of course, by the whole body of French official socie- IT WILL TELL. J. H. HACKBURN, . . 47 & 49 . . Pollock street. I We Have Just Received a I 1 New and Complete t Line of UMBRELLAS, to $3.50. Ve 5 $ All Qualities and Prices, from $1.00 up z promise Satisfaction on all Umbrellas. EI Our stock of MEN'S ' UNDERWEAR is Complete and je: prices are Low. We have the Best Underwear in the City for Ej the Prices. . , ' y y g: '.' We defy competition on SHOES and our many custom- . ers can testify to their wearing qualities. -S " We have a Seamless SOCK for 10 CENTS; the best value in the city. r ' Call and examine our stock and you will lie pleased with -both Quality and Prices. ' a 07 POLLOCK 8TREET, 3 3 co, i NEW BERNE, N. P. IF YOU WMTff Old. "W Henry Don't be Influrnced to lake lometblne rise, It can be relied on for MEDICINAL AND OTHER PURPOSES and U Guaranteed PURE, MILD AND MELLOW. v , See that tbe teals over corks are iotact and nor name blown bottles. In Straus, :6unst & RICHMOND, Co., Proprietors VIRGINIA. TO(Y4rj939ys2xyjirt&ro QSOxSKt'OT txWiljfJ I J J t . li i'J 1 i s i IT? UnAUb UliUUtriltb AND LOW PRICES ! Will.tell thiE.la whyywekeep busy. We are offering bargains now, to make room tor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us belpre placing your orders. Tis no trouble to show goods, but a pleasure. . I Fresh Flour, Butter, Chccse,;Con"ee,,IJains :t and Breakiast Bacon Arriving Daily. 4, EM DUH1T, Railroad Gcmmtssioncrs Sefar Oa Jim Crow Cars. ' Most probably the conditions would have been exactly the same if the meet ings had been held in any other of the capitols on the continent of Europe, for the sentiment in all of them has .been distinctly pro-Spanish. If the United States had proposed London as the place of meeting, Spain, however unwillingly. wonld have been compelled to consent. But that is all past -now. From the private Intimations of the American commissioners reaching here from time to time there is no doubt they are welcoming their approaching depar ture with much satisfaction. Tbey have not had a particularly pleasent social time and have been subject to many personal discomforts owing to the disa- greeable climate, the smoking wood tires and the candlas. Their labors have been arduous and they have been on tbe stretch without Intermission. ' There has been little oral discussion, Every position and almost every state ment his been submitted In writing by one or the other side and then required to go through the process of ransla- tlon. Itlos, tbe head of the Spanish commis sion, has done all the work for that side, as his colleagues are said to be more figure heads, lie is regarded as without a superior In all Europe In the wiles of diplomacy. His skill, adroitness and flnem are said to be marvelous, and our commissioners have been under the necessity of watching him with hawks' eyes for fear he would make some turn on tbem. He knows he will lose, but is playing his deep and desperate game to the end. TO CUBE a SOLD III f. OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund the money If it faili to cure. 23c The genuine has L. a Q. on each tablet ria Maar.ran la Calaa. '. 8ah Francisco, November IS Details were received today by steamer from China of tbe misery caused bv tbe Yet low river floods.' A missionary engaged In relief work says many were standing In the water for days, holding their chil dren up out of it. Thousands of small farmers and villager are huddled to gether on the banks, living in straw huts and dependent on charllyNfor food. Others are camped on the roofs of Ihei booses, exposed to the cold rain. Others climbed trees and clung to the branches until tbey dropped Into the water exhausted. Tbe Empress Dowager has Issued decree ordering high authorities In tbe province to employ skilful men to slop tbe leak in the dikes of the river, but II la not believed probable that anything will be done. It was to lupervlse this work that LI Hung Cbang was trans ferred from the power at Pekln. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. F0STFa;iD ICTIOL Sensational Sermon Against Clnbs Uoveraor I Pardons Criminal, Bills Against Parties In VVil V. mlngton. ' Attorneys ; Carrying Railroad -; v.' Passes, "y i " . Journal Busiac. , Rnxion. N. C, November 23. -At the meeting of the' Railroad com mission yesterday, Commissioner Pear son had his resolution ready to demand separate cars for the two races... He was nrged not to introduce It, and have the law passed by the Railroad commission. Chairman Caldwell and Dr. Abbott, the other two commissioners did not want to take so much glory from the legisla ture. It was urged that this law had been passed by the legislature In other States so in spite of Commissioner Pearson'i protest 'he commission voted for a post ponement, so as not to be too heavily loaded with honors fur passing a law that would be most acceptable to the white people of the State. . . Rev. L. G. Broughtnn of Atlanta Is here conducting a revival in the Baptist Tabernacle. Last night he preached a sensational sermon, lie struck social clubs declaring that they were the mean est of all dives, and the hardest the preachers had to contend with. He said that Raleigh was put down among evangelists as one of the hardest places in the south to move. It seems that the press owned by tbe neirro Manly. In Wilmington which the Democrats destroyed qost Manly the big sum of 8.o0. ! . Tbe Agricultural and Mechanical col lege foot ball team will tomorrow play the Guilford college team here at the Fairgrounds. State Auditor Ayer is hero making his annual report. It will be ready early In January. During the session of the leg lslature Mr. Aycr will have an extra clerk in bis office, for the work tlieu is so heavy, State Treasurer Worth is trying to celled the taxes on steamboats and ves sels for 1898. The total amount is 783, 58, only about half of which has been paid. The Railroad Commission made the assessment and the State Treasurer is to collect it. . Governor Russell yesterday paidoned Mitchell Byrd who a year ago was -sen- tencedito 12 years In the penitentiary for tilling a mtn named Thomas Butler. Over 100 citizens of Mitchell county pe tltioned the governor for pardon. The Progressive Farmer has published a list of railroad attorney who ride on free passe and use telegraph franks. The Southern Ry. ha 60 attorney and agents; 8. K- L. ha 22; Atlantie Coast Line 89; Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley 3; Carolina and North -Western 7; Nor folk and Western 10, Atlantic and North Carolina 21; Western Union Telegraph Co. 1Q. Bill have been drawn against those charged with driving U, S. Commission er Bunting from Wilmington, thus 'pre venting bin) from attending to bis duties. It I said that Lt- Beavers of company K, 1st North Carolina regiment will be given the appointment of Captain of the company by Governor Russell to suc ceed CapL Crawford, resigned. There was a pretty , wedding this morning at Edrnlon street Methodist ebnrch. Mlis Bessie Del? In, daughtet of Bank President C. H. Belvln, a as mar ried to Mr. C. W. Home, of Clayton . The Maria Kveaailac r"naiHjr" , -Washwoton.Nov. 22. It is becomUg more evident every day tcv tbe radical element of the Republican party that the South will sooner or later rid itself of the dangers ot unlimited negro suffrage, and that a formidable and increasing number of people North and West are in sympathy with tbe movement, or at least, lealize the necessity of lt, and will silently acquiesce in the programing. .The effect on the pro-negro contingent would really be distressing bat for tuo riillcu- lons figure they cut. One organ nfter bemoaning the fact that lliu luiiou at tarire decline, to allow its eaiianimitv to - , be disturbed by the refusal of North Car olina to submit to negro rulers, ndvo- catos a method which it, perhaps, thinks suggested for the first time, the re duction of representation in tho South by nieans of the clause in the fourteenth ameodment which' provides for reduc tion f tbe 'basis -of represWvton la e'ase of 'certain acts of Slates with refer ence to the abridgement of the riglu of suffrage. 124 Ml itnLE TBEtl. aarraltT Nvw Ca.toni Uih". Washington, November 22 Bids were opened today for the construction of the new public building at Norfolk. wing to the multitudinous details and differences in material proposed to be nsed lt has not been determined whose ia really the lowest.' Apparently, how ever, the successful firm is the Mcllvane, Unkefer Company, of Pittsburg, Pa., whose bid is between $ 170,000 to $175,(10!). The architecture of government build ings has long been a source of adverse comment from an artistic standpoint and recently architects not in the gov ernment employ have- been asked to compete on designs. The Norfolk build ing is tbe third on which the innovation has been tried and the result Is said to have been eminently satisfactorily. .-'.."' ter Alliiilri.1. ' , WAsniNOTON, November 23 Rear- Admiral George Dewey will be the rank ing admiral in the navy upon the retire ment of Admiral Bunce next month. It understood that the-President will recommend to Congress the recreation of the office of admiral or vice-admiral for the special benefit of Admiral Dewey and there Is not much doubt that Con gress will enact the necessary legislation T riaai a neat. Nw Yoan, Nov. 22.-Th Sharkey Coibelt fight, which was witnessed by the largest and most representative gain erlng of sporting men tbat ever congre gated to see a ring content, ended in most disgraceful fiasco tonight at tbe Lenox Athletic Club, Te rtr.4 Vflit Ihva ltw!ivt finmrnv! Cornell had all the worst of tbe en sue nmu iwh i.u.e n.nuj. u0m. C0UDter when on, of nli jeoo Con. Bear the jTX rrTTT" nle" McVey, lumped lulo the ring, ap Signature of C&jtyffi-CUcJUtt pealing to the referee, thus violating the rules, and lib referee, "Honest Joqd Kelly, had no alternative but to dlaqual .ar la stiaa. 1 fy Corbett and award the boat to sbar Wasiiirotox, November 23 The War key, Department has received lb following) dispatch from General Brook about the reported disorders in Torto Rlcoi "Adrlc received dally from Baa 8e bastlaa and other troublesome rrgioos. Disorders were reported from that psrt of tbe Island Immediately after lt rame into our potsmtloa, but I have had It thoroughly patrulled and sm still patroll ing IL Everything has bwi quirt for lb ret or four WMIl. rleveral bandits hsve been killed or wounded by patrols. 'Hrports vsry much xai(ratfl. Erery point bss brea beard from twliy and quiet and food order prevails." Traveler la aaairla. BudaplsT, Nov. 22. 8trlnsenl police precaution were taken today in view of a possible repetition of disturbance du Inj the session of the lowsr bouse of lb Hunusrlan Diet. These dlilurbanres er tbe outgrowth of Intense party splrl and the epilation for and against coulln ulns tb union alth Auttrla There was commotion In the sir Is, au'l several baiiils of students had to l dispersed. Hsron lUndy, the premier, was stonrd alille driving to the l'rll. mrnl House, Henry's af "l T sr Mv aTD w ft Carabena Water, i -- . . Tarrant' Seltzer Apvrien . Wjeti'aVichy Sails. ; no Fruit Salts. '. Rapid Flow Fountain Syringes. Rubber Bulb Syringes. : Atomizeit. Hard Rubber. ' Cloudy Ammonia, Sand Soap. - Tbe Greatest Dyspepsia Remedy of the XIX Century: RlPANS TABULES, 5 Can's ' and 23 Cents. Physician's Prescriptions ....A Sreciaky. PAIR OF CARTERS ' Til AT WILL CARVE Your Timnk.giving turkey with entire -ntisfactiori. mid will aljce ft thin as a piece of pnper, and unjuint the totigheet niwl In h jilly, when anarpened with the fine HtM-t Hint belonga to the set, you can buy b- re from $1.23 up. We have them witli horn, ivory, bone ami stag handles. and all at a Reasonable price. .1 CUTLER H WE CO. FlrstTrovpnF.fr Havaaa. Savannad, Ga., Nov. 22. The first Battalion of the Second United States Volunteer Engineers left tonight by the Plant system for Port Tampa and will sail from there by tbe steamer Florida for Havana.- These will be the first troops sent from tbe United States to Havana., The battillon is commanded by Major Richard Henry Savage the novrlisfey " " THB mAKKBTS.; Yesterday' market quotationc furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield A Co. Commission Broken. . New York. November 23 STOCKS. . Open. High. Low. Close ..... 122 133 122 122 130 11D 97 111 35 Sugar. Am Tobacco. C. B, 4 Q, .. Manhattan... People Gas D.O. isr ,118 07,. 10V, . 80 187 119 90 110 ao 139 Ml, 111 33 COTTON. Open, nisii. Low, Close January ....... 5 29 5 81 S27 530 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whbat Open. High. Lo. Close December,... 08 09 07 0 Coaa December..... 33f 83, 8:1, m May 84 84 J 81 81 r-EDull's i VsrUU jtnP-coti7h.it Bull a and sure. Mothers enn at- I.J V I U D a lv I. fT,i1J, J S' - lilt It, bosta x anull. t'rlc 25 cents. Has saved many a lite Speedily cures Crotrp and " Whooeln7-cot17h.il tsisfs i M. a am -."asvraav .1 f sittfsuos.rw. F GOOD THINGS TO EAT ... FOR THANKSGIVING DAY IN ABUNDANCE AT ' ... McDANIEL & GASKILL'S. o Currants. Kai&'Ds, Citron, Pried Apples and Peaches, Aitmore'e Mince Meat. Cranbenies, Brazil Nnts, Almonds, Pecans, English Walnuts. . v x - 6 Fresh Cakes and Crackers. Buckwheat, both prepared and qld fashion. Fancy Elgin Butter, Cooking Butter. Flavoring Extracts and Spices. Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds. Small Hams and Breakfast Strips. fleinzs Sweet Mixed Pickles, Catsup and SauceB. Fresh Roasted Coffee and Fine Tea, or anything you , may. need in Groceries at Bottom Prices. Give us a Call. Wholesale A lUttxil CJroeers, 'Phone 91. 71 Broad HU x s Cupid's Offering to Lovers 1 " r 1 j Visions in Shoes That will make the foot look trim and handsome, well as comfortable, are floating through the mind of the man that would he well dreaaed for the Win ter. Our Easv Filling, Stylish and Durable Women and Men' SHOE3, in Krench and Russian Calf, Kangaroo and Vioi are the aome of Baauty and Aris tocratic Style in Footwear. J. T. BAXTER. XMAS TREES ! In I As we have been selling the SIM their Xmas Goods, w give this notloe FOR THE NEXT DAYS we will tako orders for 2 lavs ware ami Toy! fur Chrislma Tree. You will vet the benctllnf Wholesale Prices. Come or Send to see us now. Dl'GUID & BOM, New York Bargain House. Of a royal feaft for their tables is the Delicious Canned Goodtt, in both tin and abuts. Hint wi Tnv selected from the best packers of thi- country. We carry a choice line of both funned and Potted Meats. Canned Fruits, Jams, Vegetables, Soups, Fish, etc., and the Choicest Relishes in Olives, Olive Oils, &c, which are renowned the world over for Purity and Excellence, . Also fresh lot Ileiuz' Sweet, Mixed and Cucumber Pickles, Sour Kiaat, &c. 3 - - J Shafor'M RmtiH Pip T7 hid. nnH ftri.obf.at fit.1... S- , Cranberries, &c. . I J. R. PARKER, J R GROCER, S 'Phone 09. 77 Broad;street. lasrrrjSrHsasHsassass yjwcai ii irieai ir-ir-irra Pay lourCity faxes LAUItS UKtSSING TABLES 0 0 0 I at Some BeauttcM In Quartered Oak and Bird's Eye Maple, Latest French Patterni. They Are a Necessary Adjunct to Every EudleM Dressing Boom." o o o We make a Specialty of Special Size WINDOW 8HADE9 and can furnish tbem In all the Litest Colorings. Ws put up every (hade we ell Free of Charge. ' o o o Don't forget that we sell the Famou CEDARINE FURNITURE POLISH, the Beat Hide. 0 0 0 NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. o o o , K look over our 8tock will Convince you that CAN SAVF. YOU MNEY. FRANC H. JONES & CO., 87 MIDDLE STREET. V firing bol.i I and wsnt lo bolii ihm fur your Im.le, and when you want one cull on us. Wa have tart and Irv WIiitIs and Aalia for farmers and Dmymrn. All guaran teed. l(eaH'clIully, . G. n.7ATEr.3 5:G0N. After Friday,- November 25th, I aball proceed to collect all Taio du the City a the Law Direct. Fay Promptly and auold trouble and eipenae. HUGH J. LOVICK, City Ts Collector. Nov. 18, 1889. Facts ! Facts ! ! fall to call on the ;01d firm of . , . "7 lie citable Roberts &JBrother They keep a full stock of Vrovlnlwii.i St Ciirocerlca Which they offer at Low Fig ; or. You will alway find them Headquarter for Flrsl-Claa " Good VILLENBRINK'S... Bent au rant and Dining Room. Flrst-Clas. neala, 2Sc. Special RaUf by th Week. Oysteri, Fish, Oamt In 5eason. PHONE NO. 1H. 190 MIDDLE ST.. NEW BERNE, N. a V.N .V AM JO .HI!Boo!c Store Oulof !i K) rirw llimls r- 1 i l ii) 1rT(vlsaV3 i'VV vi'l'S'B Inconi I8V7 t $15,5 .764 65. Insurance Written In f i4J9'm),ooo. fy7t cflvcil ym are 1-ki' til r.:hi I In that in tj. .nr.inie In I one 1.117 5 0. ISV7 ! J 1 Th PRUDENTIAL ha forged ahead until It lUndi In the front rank of th Qrtat Life Insurance Com panies of the World, t It offers all that It good In life Insurance and under the best conditions. a L. IIOLLOWLLL, Oentral Afent, New Cerne, N. C. l. V, . re

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