1 v ANfcec LNe tVtpW.00 for ks slmLalinJ Bitroclan-irula- nws and HcsJ.cor.dn'. tvw t Cwurri.Morpain? iur.-.. i.J K0TIIAECO7K. ' n far ftfc - i fafcaaJWaf vl A oof ret Remedy forCorw'.i lion. Sour Stouucti.Diairtea.i Vonn3xnvulstons.fcverisi nest and Loss or Sizzr. , TacSisJa Signature tt NEW YORK. A. Jfc N. C II. II. V TIM! TABU NO. 7. 10 Take Effect Bandar, Oct. . 1808, t II M. Going Eaat BcHEDCUfc Going Weal No. ( Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p m stations: Ar. a a,, 140 Ooldsboro 1105 4 09.. LaGrange 10 82 83 Klnston 10 1? 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 8 CO 5 50 Lv. " Ar 8 37 705....Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 47 No. 5, Mi'd K-i & . FaraTn. Lv. A. St. 7 10 7 48..' 808 0 20 14 1125; 10 16 1040 11 13 1181 law F. K. No. . t Mx'd Ft and Pasa Tn. Ar P. m. 358 313 148 ETATlONf: . .Ooldsboro . ....Best'.... .. LaGrange.. Falling Cnek ...Kluston... ...daawell... .... Dover , . ..Cora Creek. . Tuat-aiura .. ....Ciarka.... ..New Berue. 1 18 13 58 .1....11 58 11 40 10 40 1018 .... I0U0 VltU A. at. Monday. Wednesdsy, Frlday.J ; Tuesday, Tbutailay Saturday. No. 1, f Itx'd Ft. and rase.Tn. Lv. a m 710 743 boo No.8, lli'l Ft. and Pass. Tn.. Ar. p m Ooldsboro. Beat's.. LaGrange., Falling creek Kinaton . . Caawell.. 8 18 7 7 08 888... 888 818 518 500 14. 8 88. 8 40. 1015. 10 40. 1115. 1181. IS OS 180. 8 18. 880. 8 43. 8 13. 8X5. 8 81 8 48. .4 01. P. M. Ar. Dover, Lv. UV ....... V Ar. 4S a..(.....4 Lv. 80 ...... ..Core creek Tuaoarura 00 8 88 clark'a ..... , . . , Ar. New Berne, Lv .8 20 850 ....Lv. . , ........ lliverdale ......... Croatun . Ar 10 47 ..t... .1.10 10 .........10 00 Bavelock . ...... Newport, Lv... Wildwood ....V .....'....Atlantic ...... .. Ar. ttoreliead City, Lv. ..Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. 8 40 8 06 8 47 888 8 20 7 60 A. M. 'Monday. Wedneaday and Friday. . fTuemJay, Thuiwtay and Saturday. -v , 6. L. DILL, '. Ouwrintendent Atlairllc Coast Xiue. WlLXINUTOS & NEW I)RN R. K., ' ' ''i-TIMK. TABLE Ho.' In Kffeci Wednesday, Aug. 7, 18W, Daily t'.t. Kxrept ttuuday. Going South mcueditlc: Going North . No. -. 1. . Faa-euger Trains 'Ho, 50, Lv. a m, . 8W ,.. ' tw.-.i; , 8 51. 1002.... 1303 1315 ... T U Nor 8,: v aTATioNa: , . , New Berne .... ... . .Follocksville . May sville ...Jacksonville.... I Wilmington, . ) Iuiod Depot Ar. Wilmington; .Lv. Ar- P m, ....6 40 ..... 604 4 49 4,8 -8,83 ' 35 ' . r u No. 4. PASSKNaea ft Fruqut, Leave Wiliuingtou Monday, Wednes day aud Friday. Leave New Berne Toes day, Thursday and Saturday. 7 Lv. A At . Ar.ru ... 145 ...13 55 ..1215 ...11 40 ...10 51 ...10 20 7 80 .'...Lv. Wilmington, Ar v 840 ..... ...Scott's Hill.... 8 80.. . . Woodaide 10 06... ...i...Hollyrldge . . 1001 Utxoo....... ' 1120...... .i..Verooa. ...... V 12 05 ........ Jacksonville,... . . 13 JO,... .,.Northeaat..,, 12 65......... Whiter ak ....... 1 50..,...,.. Maysvllln .... .. 3 15 ........ PolloukBville.... . U It I i..V...l.l,. 8 45 8 55 8 80 8 05 7 80 6 35 W ..... .... VCUI IflllS VJ W ' 8 40'...;.Ar. New Berne, Lv..... 8 01 uaily Except Sunday, J..R. KEKLY, ' ' Uenwral Manairer. ; tXACT COPY Or WRAPtTA. ' fj T, ' - ife i teal Fcr Infant3 and CMldrc t. jtho Kind.Xcu' Have Always Bought Eodrs the The Kind V . D a B a i- i aa t jt m. lUfe-Yoji Have plways Bought. mm WILMINQTON & WELDON R. R. And Branches, AND FLORENCE RAILEOAD, cndksrId acnEoctr. TKA1NSVUUI.U bUlirtl. 5 2 DATEO No.). 8S. it A. M Lv. Wrlilon II 51 V M. W 4 P.M A.M. P.M. Ar. K. Mt..:l8 '10 Hi: Lv.Taibin- IK 21. .. Lv. K. Ml. I 1 Lv. WlUou 1 .V 11 H 8 Ul II 4.'. 7 11 5 41' 6 it 12 53 3 20 Lv. Midi..! t 5-' 11 (81 Lv.Fav'vllli 4 M l o; Ar.Florenc '( 7 84 P.M. l.M Ar. Golds... 8 Oil . . . .. 7 01 . .. ! 8 05 . ...8 8l.j P.M.I M. J.T. Gelds, 8 05 4 18 5 45 Lv. Mair'Hn ArWilra'ton P.M. TKA1N3 GOING NORTH. ' i M . . x" x i "i- i ." i'TE 4 j e"I ' e"3 e"3 -r fl y, J fc) Cl Z.Q ' . A M fTm Lv.Florence 850..... 7 40 Lv.Fay'ville 12 35 ... . 8 43 . Lv.Helma.. 1 50 ..... 10 55 ....... Ar. Wilson. 3 85 .... 11 85 A.M. P M A.M. LvWilm'ton.. ... 7 15 V 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 55 1 01 Lv. Golds.. ..... 5 00 .... 10 10 8 08 P.M. A.M. P.M P.M. Lv. WikoD 8 85 5 88 11 85 11 15 12 U Ar. H. Ml. . 8 80 6 16 10 07 11 57 1 80 Ar. Tarfiom ...v. 8 45 .,.;. ..... ..... Lv.Tarbfrp 12 2i l. ..... ..... . .. Lv. K.MI.. 8 ( ..... 12 Otiv... ..... Ar. Wfldnn 4 83 . .. 12 681...-. .-. - , P. M ;. A.M 1 Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Koad leaves Weldou 4 15' p in. Halifax 4 80 p m. arrives Scotland Neck nl 6 20 p in, Greenville 6 67 p m. Eiostoo 755 D m. Keturnlnc leaves Kmston 7 50 a Greenville 8 52 am, arriving Halifax at 11 IB am. We don 1188 a m. dai v ex. cept Sunday. . ' trains ou nntaioKion urancu leave Wanhinaloo 8 20 a m ami 3 80 p ro, ar rive fMrmele II 10 a m, ami (Kl p m. re- laiuitJg leave Parmele 8 85 a ik and 8 S m arrive Wahliingion 1 1 Wl a ai and 7 20 p m. dally except Sunday. T Train leave) Tarboro, N P. daily except cunaay o u p m, sunaay, ia p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, lie-, turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Bunaay. ( ou a m, ana hunnay u uu a m, arrives Tarboro 10 03 a m, 11 00 a ml 1 rain on Midland; N U Braticli leaves Uoldsboio dally, except Hunday, 710 a. m, Arriving stintiiflrld M 80 a m, Ueturu ing leaves Smiihlield 8 00 a m; arrives atUoldsboro 10 20 a m. . . Traius ou ' Nnfhvilla Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 7 80 a in, 4:SH p in,' arrive Nahbvilte 8 10 a m,' 4 68 p m, Sprlim llo 8 40 a in. 5 15 pm. Kriuroinfr leave p urn tiiiiM uou a jn, o 4j p m, Naan ville8 32am. an h e at Bockv Mount 9 45 a ro, .6 50 p m. daily except Sunday, 1 1 ram on t linum urancu-leaves War saw tor Clinton daily, except Sunday. 11 20 a m and 4 15 pm, Returning leaves limtonat 7 00 a m and 8 45 p m. Train No 7H makes cine connection a Weldt for. ell points North daily all rail via Richmond. - . H M EMF.RSON, Gen'l Pass Agent. j it. ivtiii.T. ,eni wansger. T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager, . CaventK, and TrjidciarltRftiitaincd and all I'at ent businc&s conducted for MooCRATC f rca. Ova OrFicc id opposite U.8. Patent Orrici nd we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentuhle or not, free of -hart?c. Our fee not Que till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, How to Obtain Patents," with . -o:;t ot saine in the U.S. and foreign countriei, .fcent free. A.idress, ' - " r", n V " ' "s fAiRYUIO. T-a aaal um a afar; tVt Stat kj pT a Aa paw l srviA a I T aavaaaa a4 kAajoaa Ua4 ruaatna) ia aaxa. akfa A arma-kpaal tin si s trail sa4 ftpSA hmsi lb mr: laara tM ral Tac P.. tMI ) t a Hoo4 Us aaf. aa br in SH-PJ Mart Map arsaarrall aa4 IkilUIPS kaarV. To kirn jam mm M Sppp Ip Ian. Fur uaui'prprTpar tlaIUs. PPP taatsw Jpjj-p (ma pap t rail wi mwam, la alrtflaat He prlaa vAltP aa tatAS, ta aaaaartaai baa frapp hut IP aartakl . lap fcawal Par fanaia as tariwaaa lik kaaaaataa aartaa. ptasran aaat kaaaa. Laka tsarM eaat atafa llaal dart aas) Baal, Vnl A aau p bat Srp IP lai tanasL loa apo kal luppsaaa sasaaaaav toarsppt Haaisl pi a haaa tbat tin la I Ipsa- Moasl Want A a. ML 1 1 ITba patk a Aa- roar taa as Isar ate ahat wtesr I iim a pur. -J. Raapptl Taikr la Osakary. BERLIN APPETITES. - - - i . Raataainaat e" JS aaj Car s Tsa a Bsapjaap alleh. That that Mstaorant btuiiMsa la Berlin il a paying one, if tlx location chosen ba a good na the rastanrant of tba aoo logical gardens bera snows. For a nom- bar of year It was leased by a Ban mho understood a boat as mock of tba boai nesa as tba man in ta mooa. Yat ba barama wealthy within a faw yean and retired for good to live on tba interest of bis nosey. There were days in snm- mar when ba sold 1.000 kegs or beer, besides soma 80,000 caps of ooffes and 60,000 sandwiches, and aa prices are bigb there be mast hsvs mads th on sands of dollars in a single day. . Fortunately for tba public, another caterer now supplies tba bonery and thirsty sightseers at tba aoologieal gar dens, a man with a good reputation, and ba pays twice tba tent for tba restau rant boildiugs, too via, 100,000 marks per annum, besides spending by tba terms of bis contract a matter of almost 600,000 marks for improvtmaots. Yet it ia probable tbat be, tea, will retire at tba end of bis term with a forlnue. There are many instances of ibis kind in Berlin. One of tba finest and most highly priced restaurants on CJntor den Liudeu leceutly sold its good will for a matter of 1,000,000 marks. The owner of a cafe ou Friedricbstrassa who start ed the place bot a couple of years ago ia reputed aheady to have cleared about 3,000,000 marks. His bead waiter It himself rapidly growing riob from the "triukgeld" received from tba guests and is aaid to ba in receipt of niouthly stipends amounting to tome (3,000 in American money. Berlin Letter la Chicago Record. BorrowlBeT m Herae. f In bis interesting book, "The Law yers of Maine," Willis relates an aneor' dote of Judge George Thatcher, who was noted for bit humor. Solicitor Davis and Judge Thatcher, wben boys, were neighbors in Barnsta ble and Yarmouth, Mass. The day after the battle of Bunker Hill the militia of these towns set off for Boston. Thtr boyi accompanied the soldiers, Davit acting as lifer. A few miles oot from Barnatable an order came directing tba military to retorn borne. ' . Iu their retreat Thatcher and Davit, tired of their march, mounted an old horse they met on the road, withont saddle or bridle. After riding soma miles tuey aismonntea ana ooauaooea their steed iu the highway. Many yean after Davis, at solicitor general, was prosecuting a horse thief before Judge Thatcher in the county of Kennebec, Me. In the course of tba trial the judge leaned over the bench and aaid in an undertone to tba solic itor: "Davy, thia reminds ma of the horse yon and I stole in Barnetable. Tbaaasr la Varaea Retrleaa. Java is said to be tba region of the globe where it thunders of ten est, bar ing thunderstorms 87 days in the year. After it are Sumatra, with 86 days; HiuduEtau, with 60; Borneo, with 64; the Gold Coast, with 62, and Rio da Janeiro, with 61. In Europe, Italy oo- oupies the first place, with 88, dayt of thunder, while France and southern Bosnia have 18 days. Great Britain and Switzerland have each 7 days, and Norway baa 4. Thunder is rare at Cairo, being heard only 8 dayt in the year, and extremely rare iu northern Tur kestan and the polar regions. London Standard. ' ; .: , . - ,-. ' A Talking Crow. ' The latest curiosity in Bethel, Me., it a talking crow which entertains tba boys aud girls. Tba bird was f onud in tbe woods over a year ago, when yoong. having fallen bom its nest and broken a wiug. It was taken home and oared for, bnt tbowed no Inclination to talk nntil. few months ago It talkt as well at parrots, bnt favors words con taining "o," and "Hello, hello, Mows, Oral : Whoa there I" cause tbe patsen- by to turn qnickiy at times.- ? . . . ; ' Explalaea. -, Mrs. Bliffert Your old friend bat such a sad face. Why is it? Mr. Buffers -Yean ago be proposed to a very beautiful girl, and Mrs. Bliflers And she refused bint? " Mr. Bliffers No. Sbe married him. Londou Answers. . St. George's Bay. Newfoundland, contains an immense coalfield folly 20 miles in leuglh and 10 in breadth. It bat been estimated that if tbe output wen to reach 250,000 tone per snuum, the coal bed would not be exhausted ia a century. . . - Some old' hawking gloves have tba bands and thumbs made in red velvet, tbe outeide of the tioud oovered.with tbe finest embroider iu many tones of tilk, mixed with metal, threads. Tbey appertain to the -dayt of good Queen Beta. : , .'. Parit sends 750,000 worth of toya to England every year. DIHTKEHSiaS STOMACH BISBARE. Permanently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suffer no longer because this great remedy can cure them all. It is cure for the whole world of stomach weakneas and indigestion, The enre be gins with the first done. N The relief it brings is mnrvelous and surprising. It makes no failure; never ditmrrmiriia. No matter how long rou have a 1, y'..r core i rcrtMtn tin ir t' a f - CAREFUL CHECK PARENTS. ate Vm SCaertpd sat aWAaapt araaal aa tttraa Arp Base. Taa extraordiaary cart that lb Otv riaa bev racwvvd La bisforauUvs yare saavds bis moral tralotaf aaaee affsnriv lhaa Ual lacolcataal rv toe nost osrafal of raodpra paraata Has gaaaral adBra- ttoo, ooa pleat wtita akiilfal aad costtaa aaat pkyvuaj iaatl aciKn, aradBeed a amoral ealilvatioa vary similar anal fally aa auiot at that taw Can una failaaa. eaaasry for bis daBghlara. A MPiacflgaaa, gpssanlly aa old aad traatad slave, lad tba aoyt to a boot and tailed for tbeas aft ear II elaaad, earried tae bauka, tooatpd oat fat tbe little boya. kept tba aider ooaa from tgbUDg aad falliag lata bad aoaDpaay aad bad a feooral ovenigbt of (bekr oooHoot and ttrart forsa. Ha was by no means a school raaater or even a private la tor, ao avaa bsloa allowad to aatat tbe acbool- Oftantinsat Ignoraal la tba ex ba was eboaan alvoply baoaaat of bit loyalty to tba family and arnua tiJDaa. I fear, bacaaaa ba tn anSt for any other eccapatioa. Tboagk tba bntt of tba boys' ridioala aa well aa tbat of lbs com to posts and low wits of tba day, ba did an laoalcalabla service ia prevent ing violoot companionship and keeping pan tba minds of tlxasa iBtrastrd to bis barge. Tba child waa never aaat off to board ing school, bot boya attended tba day acbool; town Ufa prevailed. Besides, tbat sentiment thai aealoosly guarded tba boy 'a parity with a pedadogoe from bia sixth to bit si it sent a year oonld brook do lutermiaaioti of persons! over tight, Education waa essentially pri vate, tba state having Jurisdiction lim ply over tba moral and not tbt profes sional standing of tba teacbar. Popu lar Science Monthly.' FAKE "FENCES." A Little Trtek That la Warkea la Baite-v Straws. "Then waa a tima and tbtt not so very long ago," remarked an old time poller in, "when almost every other store in Baxter street was a 'fence,' or pretended to be. In order to givs custom ers tba idea that they wen getting good bargains. Tba clerk who took a hesitat ing customer . aside and ' whispered 'fence' was generally tun of a tale, There an no genuine Menoes' In Baxter street now, beonnie clothing, iboes and bats an so cheap, bnt some of the stores still pretend to aell atolen goods. "When a customer in one of these stores bat looked everything over in tbe tbop and hasn't made a porcbtse, tbt aalesmao tells bim tbat be has a little 'fence' down stain and urges upon him the necessity of keeping it quiet on ao oouut of tba police. a Of course the cus tomer won't ray a word. So down stain tbey go to t he a I leged ' fence, ' w b iob gen erally proves to be a big trunk packed with goods. . v "While showing the contents of tba trunk tbt salesman keeps np'a running yarn about tba famona criminals who brought tba goods to tba store. "Finally, after showing a lot of stuff of the same quality and pattern tbe customer refused to boy op stain, tbe talesman gets him to try on something, and aa quality, workmanship and per fect Qt always go with 'fence' goods, there it a sale made. This fake 'fence' answers tale pnrposet as well as tbe genuine, " conoluded tbe puller in, "aud there it no risk attached to it." New York Sun. . . ; A Naval Raw. lTtra. At 8 thit evening Captain Norrit coming onboard tbit ship (tbe flagship), my Lord Hamilton, Captain Ley, Cap tain Wlebart and Captain Trovor were atanding on tba quarter decs', and at Captain N orris came np Lord Hamilton asked biru if ba bad taken any more wine or brandy. Tba other answered no, upon which Captain Trevor asked the ' price, of hit claret, whether be might have any at 4 II, a hogshead. Norrit laid ba would bave 6 li. or salt water, and then Captain Ley raid be wonld rather the prizet wen ashore than ba would give 6 li. tbe hogshead; upon which Captain Norris raid be wat a rascal tbat wished hit prises ashore. Tbe other replied be was a rascnl, if be called him so, aud then Captain Norris struck Captain Ley nnd threw him over tbe gnu,-which Mr. Hopsou hearing, at be and I wen iu my cabin, ran out and upon ioquiry found he(Norris) bad hurt Captain Ley, and by the admiral's directions ordered him to be coufined, upou which Captain .Norris draw hit sword and offered to atab Captain Ley, but Admiral Hcpsou, holding his hand, ordered bim to be disai inert and con fined iu' Mr. bayney's cabin. " Jour nal of Sir John Rooko. " v A Oreek Gealaa. , ; Diamaudi, a native of Pylaras. one of tbe Greek islands, is a remarkable cal cnlator. After a mere glance at a block board on wbiob 80 groups of figure are written ba can repeat them in any order and deal with them by any arithmetical process. . It Is said that he never makes. an error In calculations involving bil lions, and be cau extract tquara or cube roots with marvelous rapidity and ao ennoy. - An eminent German specialist declared the other day that all these ready reckoners were idiots. This it not tbe case with Diamandi, who writes poetry and novels in tbe intervals of business and ibowt considerable Intel leotual capacity. Effective Reaeetlaa. "It it to endden I" exclaimed the fair hatred girl, who bad just received a proposal to merge ber identity in tbat of a would, be protector, t" Yon must give me time to reflect." "No, no," retorted tbe diplomatic, young' man, "One whose dazzling beanty (unites a mirror suborned of itself should never go info the reflect ing busiuees. Let this solitaire diamond do tbe reflecting." Aud tbe records of the license clerk chow tbat it wat even so. Chicago News. ..'' RCEILr III MIX HOTBIt Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved in six houn by . "New Great South American Kidoey Cure." It is I great surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and buck, ia ti. i c or f -ns'e. 1 crr-s t .-. -n f vr-v-r n - t i MM lid i tjmptomt t oars ptaraAauiiffo rr, aiana ustiota niaLO,fairi t, riser, inikilknt, l-l ! oaaa. r auii iwu it h Ire, tissliso rxis, aWElXRD. IIXIUTID lao. flash ratLiNo tXHiUHI AJIB rtr'BJA, LCI TO DISEASED BLOOD. CURED BY Est!:!: E1::J Balni (B.B.B.) Tkt Crtmt Blocd Rtmtdy, la curing I'lca-rf Bolaalc BUaud ' Balm (B R. B ) alaaia In lk fmat tank of atedlcinee. Wt lael tbankfol aad proud of Iu saociaw. H. R. H. aever vet baa failed to enn aa I' leer, ao mailer bow cbmoki K aaa, ur buw lung It bad beca ruaainp. By taking Botanic Blood Balm (II. B. B.) and following directloat. wbicb ac oompaay every bottle, the patient will feel deligblrrf to observe I he giadual keattog of the aorsa. The I'Uxr first tors loa lo fill ap Intra tha bottom tbe apturaed. real edges take on a une an pcaraaca. Thia rhlla idtre la the flrt apiasaranra tbat a eurp bas begun. Don't stop Wbea yoa ret tbe erne Marled. Keep rttbl oa wito :uolaalc mnod Halm (B.B.B at directed, aad don't let op natll cured. v s bave en real t,hl, atuu- born, ranniac tores or Ulcers of thirty ta fifty years standing. p A large Ulcer Carsa. Gi.ck Ai.rixa Station. N. C. This Is tn certify tbat three yean ago I had my left leg amputated four Inches below lbs k nee, caused by blood poison and bona affectioa. After it was ampu tated there came a runnlnr ulcer on lha end of It that oieeaured 84 inches one way and 44 inches tba other, and con tinued growing worse every day nntil a a short time ago. I was given up lo die' ny tns neti doctors in luariotte. I nearti of the wonderful Botanic Blood Balm ( B. B. B ) I resolved to try that. My weight at lha lime I commenced B li. B. was 120 pounds.' Wben 1 had taken three bottles I bad gained thirty seven poundt in weight; when I htd taken twelve bot tles I was sound snd well, but continued taking until I nsd taken fifteen bottles. I now weigh 1H0 pounds aud measure five feet three Inches high. 1 couiend that your medleine has no equal aa a blood purifier. It certainly worked like a charm. J. R. WILSON. Tbe case given above Is only a sample of what B. B. B. is doing every day. So If yon suffer with any form of ulcer, old running tores, givius on aa oneunve metier, swelling of the leg making it feel doughy and puffed up, it is due lo dis eased or poisoned blood and Botanic Blood Balm (U. a. B ) should be taken at once. , Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. P.) is a arieotllic vecotahle preparation com pounded by Dr. Gillam. Can be taken wan absolute safety by old and young from the nursing babe to the agtd and feeble. Pragnant women can take it with per fect safety. Bnby will surely be fiee from sores. The metliclno has been on the rrarket now for 17 years and it enjoys a large sale because, it ' CURES ! I'UUESI CURES ! For sale by all dru. gists for $1 per larare bottlr) Book of cun t fne. Six bottles sent, charges prepaid, to any one on receipt of $5 Addreas, BLOOD BALM CO , ".Mania, fin. Mothers! rTrv 1inp.tm. I foru and ff child-birth cuo be almost tn- fiss : i : J-J JT urciy avuiucu, Wine of Crdul Jn pectant motn era. It gives toneto the gen ital organs, and . outs them in condition to do their work perfectly. , That males preg nancy lest painful, shortcut 1 labor and hastens recovery after " child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children.. 91 I baa also brought happiness to . thonsaods of homes barren for ' ' years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long ' , for a darling baby.. No woman . ahould neglect to try it for thia , trouble. It cures niue cases out ' of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardni. f i.oo per bottle. - or advice ta cuss reqtrirtnr special directions, address, rlvinr syrnotoma. lha "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chatunooja MedlcUia Co- Quit- . aeoea. tana. Mrs. LuDT&l HALE. of Jsllarssn, Ca., ssyst' "Whan t lint look Wins of Cardut Wt htd ben married Ihraa yaars, but aould not havs any children. Mloa ,L. ! (- hk l JAPANESE .1 IT" LJiLLf CURB A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and degree It makes an operation with the knife, which la painful, and often results In death, unne.-essary. why endure this terrible dtiaasa 7 Ws sack a Writtaa Cusrantas fat each tl Bos. No Cure, No Pay. wc. and ft a box, k ft. Sent by mail. Samples free OINTMENT, 25. and SOo. CONSTIPATION fapi'utU.ha great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take: especially adapted tor children's use. 5a doses 25 cents. FRE E A vial ot these fit moos little Pellet! will be given with a Si boa or more of Pile Cure. Noticb Thb genu imb rasaH Jap am aaa FtLB Curb for salt only uy , F .lUJrl-Y, New Beniei, N. 0 NOTICE I , : - The co-parlnorsbip heretofore existing hetween V. 11. lilaokwell and P Cj. Delnmar under the firm name nnd style of iilackwell snd Delnmar is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All debts owirn; by said firm will lie paid by C. II. Iilackwell ami all sccoiims or oilier ,ln dt"l)i (lnc- duo 1 bo mid tirm of ISinck well fi" 1 T! h 'i nr tv i li be paid by the AND WILL An; Unprecedented Opportunity to Save .Money Having come toXhe conclusion to Move Irom this City we will in the Next 30 Days, Jrom December 1st, Sell cur Entire Stock oi CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOE'S, HATS & NOTIONS, AT COST. Now is the time. This will be the Greatest Slaughter Sale that has ever taken place in the City of New Berne. To avoid double treight on our geods we will sell them Down, Down. Down, Regard less of Cost. It seems too good to believe, nevertheless it is a factv and to convince yourseli come and see if our prices will be as follows: Xlras hulls, strong sen) dujal.lr, fancy patterns, wunb fs.ut), sell ing out price 1 1 98 Mens Black Cheviott and Fancy Caainterea, worth d. $7. and pi : aelllng out prices $3, $4 aad 6 00 Mens Wool Top-cape-Mackinlnsb, strictly first class goods, worth 8, selling out price 8 73 Mens Fine Hainan Overcoats, fully t wool, worth 8 50, selling out price 2 87 DOUBLE STORE OF AMERICAN STOCK CO., 59 and Ol lfllDDlVE STREET. NEW IJEItXE, X. C. Bristles Are all very wall in their place. We have them and kep litem In their places in our tine line of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Mall Brnshrs, Hat Brushes. Etc., Etc. Our stock is made up of I lie best American. Eoeliah and Fiench Uoods. and will be sold at Pop ular Prices. Davis Pharmacy. Phone 58. Cor. Bmad AJHiddle Su. Visions in Shoes That will make the foot look tilm and handsome, as well a comfortable, are Seating through the mind of the man that would be wen dressed lor me win ter. Our Easy Durable Women Fitting, Stylish and and Men's SHOE, tn French and Russian Calf, Kangaroo snd Vlci are the acme or Baauty and AH8 tocratic 8tyle in Footwear. el. J. BAXTER. Facts ! Facts ! ! ' When you visit the city don't : fall to call on the Old Reliable firm of . . . Roberts & Brother ,' .. They keep a full stock of ', Provisions & Groceries V. Which they offer at Low Fig- - ares. Yon will alway find them v Headquarters for , First-Class - Goodt ' XMAS STORE! ' A GREAT REDUCTION IN TOYS - These We Mean t We will sell the Baby Cart with the high Sfat for : ; 1 85 Ife will tell lie Dai-y Air Rifle, -for ... ' -. - Soe .. FOR FIVE DATS ONLY. We are doing thia on account of our large stock oi Toyt. Wo waut to get rid of them all and we expect to do sr. ' ; R spictfully, DIJOITID t SOX. ' 'LOTHINfi FOR THE a - : , .- r : Big mi NEXT ao DAYS, notice i BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE. 31. 1. IIOI.1VEY Desires to inform the public that he has a full Una of Fall and Winter Samnlea on hand, where they can get Suits made at Short Notico from $10.00 to (12,00 and upwards. Old Clothed Cleaned and Made to Look New. Pressf d in La'est Style. Overcoats clmngtd into einele breasted Sack Coats. Prince Albert Jr'rock coat.H Clinm-, i into Cl: " - Vil CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS Mens Blue and Black Beaver Over coala, guaranteed fait olor, well maxle, worth 10, selling out price 5 25 Mens Heavy Diagonal Mackintosh warranted, worth $1 7", our ae. Ing out price 1 49 Mens 8hoee, worth tl 75. will now go at Hc, Mena Shoes worth $i 50, will now g(ft tl 25; Mens Shoes worth ft will now go at J48. Ladies snd Chil drens bhoea at Sacrifice prices. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL., ty-DOES A GENERAL FIRE T. A. GREEN, President, Sj GEORGE GREEN, Secretary S J. J. WOLFKNUEN, Gen'l AKent. Superior Court, ) ,, . Before .he Clerk, f 1 ravrn Coun,5-' 8.U Ball. Adminisira ) tor, of U A. Hmyer, Noiice of , deceased, I sale of land vs. ) 10 make Mary E Smyer, Assets, widow, and 01 hern. J Under llie Tinier of t lie Superior Court lo me inRtied on the day of Octnber 189f, in the special proceeillnira lo make aaaels a above entitled. 1 w ill offer for sale and vale, to tbe highest bidder for cash at tbe Court llouae door in Craven ' county on Monday Ibe 5ili day of De cember IMW, at Ibe hour of 12 o'clock m. j All the following valuable 'own lots, formerly owmd by the aaid It. A. Smyeri deceased, with Ibe buildings and im-j provements; Bounded and described as follows: Rntrlnnin o at p rtnint AR1 feet w.at rtf ' rj ft ' - 1 ' - -" the western Mde of George street snd on Ibe north side of While Mreet, running thence north and parallel with said George street, 51 feel ten inches, thence west snd parallel with said White street 60 feet, then south snd parallel with said George si reet 51 feet leu Inches, 10 White street, thence ea-t along the rorthern side of the Skid White street 90 feet to the point of beginning'. And being a part of lot or parcel of land conveyed bv deed to George H. While by John G. Sawyer, bearing date the 24th day of August, 1889, and con veyed to It. A. Sinyer by said George H. While by deed recorded in the office of (he Register cf Deeds ot Craven county In Book 115, page 420. Also the lot or parcel of land lying on the west side of B, St. at the line of the A. & N. C. R. R. and running thence down said R. R. south 40 feet to a stake, thence wept 60 feet to a stake, thence north 40 feet to a stake, thence wesf along B. Bt. to tbe beginning. Being a I part of lot itf in tne plan ni me plot 01 land surveyed by It. 1 . union, in 1807, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of tJraven county, Book 64, page 94, and being a part of the land conveyed bv deed from M. D. W. Steven son and wife, to Caroline Roy, recorded in Book 87, page 110, etc., and being the same conveyed to R A. Smyer by Wil liam Mcllvane by deed recorded in said Records Book 118, psge 84. Also the lot of land situate at tbe south western side of tbe Atlantic North Carolina R R. near Jacksmith's road and adjoining (he lot of Mrs. Emma Green and being fully described in a deed from M. D. W. Stevenson and wife to Robert A. Snrver, dated July 9th, 1896, recorded lo the Records of Craven eounty Book 128, page 44. , Thit October 87th, 1898. ! , . 8. R. Ball, Administrator R, A. Smyer, dec. State or North Cabolisa, I Cbavkn Coobtt. f In the Superior Conn, before Wm. M. . Watson, C. 8. C " . vjohn 8 Chapman, Admr.l, v of Freemau Harris, de-I . ceased I Bsleof 1 I- s .- V- . (Peal F.ataW. R"o Benoit and Joe 1 Benton. ' 1 J ;' By virtue of an order, or tbe Superior, made ihie the 201b October. 1898, In the above entitled action, I will on the 1st Monday of December, A. D , 1898, It tbe Court House door, in tbe city ot New Berne North Carolina, at 13 o'clock m. offer for sale the following de scribed Teal estate, lo make assets to wit: A certain tract of land situate In Craven county. North Carolina on the north side nt jNeuse itiver near men Kittle, beginning on M. n.. Brower s line, at tbe high water mark, and runs down the river with the high water msrk to the ferry road, then up the hill the name course of 'he said M. E. iirower's line so far as to ir- " a re' 'I 1 : ' gale Mens Black and Fancy Worsted Suits, well made, sstin piping, sites 34 to 42, worth $13, selling out price Mens Suits, double snd single breasted, aty lith patterns, worth $7, $9 and $10., felling out price i 117, 5 5H and 6t5 50 ts7An Immense Sin. k of Ladies and Children! Capes ai d Cloaks will go at at Astonishing Slaughter. BERN, N. C. $30,000,00 INSL'KANCK BUSINKSS. W. H. t.i..Vll JOHN DUNN, I Vice-Preet. offices: Uh TlZ m- Sale Under iff or I;; jjs- Purpuun- lo Hint c r-n 1, n . 1 ..f -rt contained in the 11m !gt 1 , . 0 xi 1 n ;l by C 11. V ij! I liew ey on l!u M 1 11 , ' duly ri 1 unlet, th 1 1,1 . 1 . 1 111,. Of llc' ds (it I '.lx 1 n r, iii'i k ISO, Folio ':'. !'i4 ni ii 1 5 . a. 1 11 1 1 ihg llit-n iiihiI, in l t m-iI iii. n e - 1 . conditions is, said moi Hte m in-d: and the aaid Mnr !) I) n l ' int,atnic, and tin- ihhI, ii- : 1. mi duly adininiaieri il ii'Oii li, r - id now.tberefrirc as ancl hiIiiiiih ii r. I ! offer for sab-and a, II ai 1 nlihc An no . at the court buu.e dnoi in laven c- . I on Monday the l'-'lh dav ol Ileci n. er. 1S98, at tbe hi ur of 12 o'clock m, to ihc highest bidder for cash, all nnd singular tbe follow init pii-ce or pucel of land, bounded and described as follows, town: On tbe North side of Ncuse river con taining oue thousand acres, more or less, beginning at a cypresB on Neue river, below Mud Seine Beach, running North with Dower line to Cleve line, thence Weet to Bear Pole Swamp to Henraban't line, thence South with said line to Nancy Adams' line, thence with said line to Neuse river, llience with said river to the beginning. The same land was sold by E. W. Carpenter, commissioner, lo Alex Mitchell, deceased, by deed daled the 23d day of February, A. D., 1880, registered in Book No. 83, pages 190, lfll, records of Craven county. This November 9th, 10 THOS. F. Mc ARTHY, Administrator of M. ,D. Dewey, dee'd. For Sale, Valuable Farm ! Pursuant to powers in the mortgages executed by John B Wooten and wife dated respectively January 8, 1890 and December 81, 1894, registered in the office of the register of deeds of Craven county, North Carolina in book 102 pagts"l23 and 124, and book 115, pages 348, 840 and 350 to which reference is made. The undersigned will sell at public auction for cash at the court house of said Craven county, in the city ot New Berne, on Monday the 2nd day of Janu ary, A D, 1899, at 12 o'clock midday, tbe land conveyed by said mortgages, bound-' ed and described as follows, viz;: Situated In said Craven county, ad joining the lands of R G Cobb, BB Wooten, J J Sauls and J C Wooten, con taining about six hundred and ten acres, being the same which was conveyed to said John B Wooten by the heirs of Jacob Rhem by deed reci rJed in Craven county in book 05, folio 500. 10 which reference is made for more complete aud better description, saving and excepting, about 200 acres conveyed to Lewis Smith by deed recorded in Craven coun ty,, book 72, folio 583; about 139 acres conveyed to J J Sauls by deed recorded in Craven county in book 86. folio 488 and about 60 acres conveyed to B H Wooten by deed recorded In Craven county, boot 04, folio 581 Subject to a mortgage in favor of L H. toiler, for 300. - ,- Tns National Bank of Nrw Bernk -' By JAtiES A BRYAN. Pn-1 New Berne. November at, 1898. . ,v , ' - Notice of ndminid'i'iiiiiin Having dnly qualified as the adminis trator of E M Sims, deceased, all-persons 1 are. hereby notified to present their claims to me dulv verified on or before November 25, 1899, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. . All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. This November 25. 1898. J.J. WOLFENDEN, Administrator.

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