ncnjLDiCE of swj of figs la da not only to tb originality and simplicity of th combine boo, bat also to tbe ear sad skill wit which it Is aaaaafactared by adenUflo pro nee as It noma to th CaurouriA Fi 6vntrp Co. only, and w wiah to Impress apoe. all tb Importance of porcaastne; th tree ami original remedy. A tba alanine Syrep of Figs ia maonfactared by tb CAUrOMOa, Kia araur Co. only, a knowledge of that tact will assist one la avoiding tba worthiest imitation manufsetered by other par ties. Tb bigh standing of tb CaU roau Kio brnup Co. with tb atedl cal profession, ad tb tiafacttor which Uia genuia Syrap of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the nam of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It it ' tat ia advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidney, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not grip nor oauscate. In order to get it beoeScial effects, please remember the nam of ' the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' as rssNoiaoe, oa. . WTBVUI-E. Ilk BXW TORE, B. T. THE JOURNAL. Kewfierar. N. C Dae. 4, 18a. IW AwTEBTIHEMUT. Slrsyed or Stolen. O Mark Co Toilet, etc Roberta & Bryan Chocolate. H B Duffy Holiday Sentiment. J W Stewart Horses sad Mule. 0 N Ennetl Christmas Presents. Baxter th Jeweler Genu Cbttns. Franc Jonet St Co Christum Buop'rt F II Chtdwick Under the mistletoe Business Locals. VAN HOUTON'S Fine Eating Choco olale tt Roberts & Bryan's. LOST Mink Boa, on East Front or Change street, 'yesterday. Reward for its return to Journal office. REMOVAL NOTICE On December 1st I will remove my entire printing office and Bicycle stock to the Brick Building, 101 South Front Street, next to P. M. Draney't hardware store, where I will be better prepared to look after the wants of my friends snd customers, and Jiope for a continuance of theK.pstron sge. Wx. T. Hill. THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. A DAT lit THB OtTT. I The weather forecast for today li rain ; with probably colder weather following. Ia the local cotton market, yesterday, there were sales of Hi bsles, at prices . from 4 TS to 5.45. . . Mr. J. M. Harrison has had an addition of sixteen feet built to his grocery store corner New and Berne street. VUU Vli Ul 1U1 ID. t'UI IkV. ... . m IN "' and 7:30 p m, preaching by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Luxford. Sunday school at 3 p m. mi . T . . T. ... V l . ine ueouzo oroiuen ,uig niw jora Compsny will arrive here tomorrow, Monday afternoon, at 8:40 and wilt prob ably be seen on th streets before the " show. ' The monthly meeting of the Female Benevolent Society will be held at the home of Miss Metis on Tuesday after noon December 6lh, at 6 o'clock. N. O. Seymour, secretary. Mr. John Brown of Ktnaton, formerly with T. W. Mewborne & Co., and Mr. George G. Wayne, of Olympia, have taken positions with Mr. J. R. Parker, Jr., in his grocery store on Broad street. Jhe of our leading lumber nun has generously donated a large amount of tire wood for use among the poor during the winter months. This Is a very com mendable action, and we Lope to see ; others follow suit. , Baptist Tabernacle, H H Msshburn, pastor, Sunday school 9:80 a m; Preach ing Ham and 7:30 p m. At the evening hour "The Place of Baptism In the Chris l Ian System'' will h discussed. Too are cordially invited to be present. The Christian Science reading rooms 87 Craven street, are open dally from 10 a m to p m. Services Sunday 10:30 a m and 4 p m, Wednesday 7:30 p m. The lesson for this morning ,1s found In Psalms iU Subject: God the Preserver ; of Man. v '.,-; , : ;" .-. ,,'Vvv; .'. ,. Middle Street Baptist Church Preach ing today at 11 a m and 7 p m by pastor '. Highl C Moore. Morning theme: "Op portunity," Galatians 0:10; evening 'l theme: "The Great Commission," , Mat thew 28: 18-20 Baptiim at close of even ing service. Sunday school at 8 p m, C C Clark, Jr., Superintendent. Everybody invited to these services. '' Strangers al ways cordially welcome. ; I " Haerlaelaa CUIhlar. Every piece of ready made clothing In our house will be closed out at some "price before Jan. 1, '09. A good chance to secure some exceptional values just now.. . ": ', Barfoot's. HICK'S CAPtfDINE HEADACHE CURE, Is Guaranteed to Cure Headache, Neura' fi, La C e,. !( !' ' ' ', Tic. DICE lORDi! Sn tMI S VI a et.e m tmrnrnta mmmm. Toeorrow, lbs Irai Mi edajr la Di bar, Is a day fuU of lever, a le aewly elected eunaiy eOnrs aat appear be fore the Voeety Coasaalaaloaere, glv their lwada, aad take ibe ealk et offlo. But tomorrow I aol to be a day of fladare te laeet eieclea. Tbry stay have majority of votes, hat th hands are far, far easy, aad they will nevar get naaier lo some ef thoes who want Taos sere of alertloa began long bstpr lectioa day U Cgur oa these boeds, hot tb euloted delrgstloa aooa foaad how hupelese the I ok cf gettiag bonds was, and gave it Bp. There has brea harrying aad scarry lag alter bonds Use Nov. Sth aad fran tic apprala have brea made M political friends for amlsUec. -' Bat la vela, aad tomorrow will wit ness th elected, bat tby will arver as offloe, (rota tb lasld. watching th p ay go oa. . A aa va a awborror has been added for It leeommo report that Cheerful Jo Uaha has received Botice from th Security and Trust Company, that tb company will Imh a bond to him If b has a single negro deputy, and svsa th county jailer must b whit 1 With tab outlook It most be tb aa- foreteca which shall tale place to help tbeM elected vnee to HBu. , Tb Uvuaiy Commiasiooeis have some work before them, and they should glv careful heed to what they do, and es pecially to aa regards tb bonds which the new county official, whoever tbey may be, aball offer to give. There must be county officers, but th people demand that every safeguard shall h obsaived la protecting J heir property. ' reaeiie kaltnuimral. On th evening of the lUih of Decem ber there will be given at the opera boos a dramatic enteriaiument fur th benflt of St. I'aulV Catbolio Church. Beside the object being a worthy one, tbe pro gram ought surely to attract a large audience. Two plays will be given and lb casts are made up from our moat talented am slurs. 'A Hsppy Pair" with Miss Mabel Hughes and Mr. P. Laeontagne. Dream Faces" In which Mrs. J. T. Hollisier and Mrssrr. Bradhsm and La Montaga will lake part. Beginning with Monday December Sib tdvante tickets will be sold and on Mon day the 13tb they will be exchanged for rerervtd seats. . It Is sdvUed that all wishing to come to performance, buy luee advene tick ets as tbey will bare the first call tin the reserved seats. These tickets will be found at T. W. Waters' store on and aft r 13 in, Monday the 5th Inst, others will Lav them for sale alio. Tbe oicheatra will furnish the, musio. T we BWhBMl Br tmmr. Last Monday night two whit men from Pollocksvllle were waylaid just oulside.tbi city, Leyond the water works by four negroes and robbed. The names of the men were William Meadows and Henry Adams. They left hereabouts o'clouk to walk home, going by the rail road and were como upon from behind and seized before resistance -could be made. ' Tbey were relieved of their money and other effects, as well as pistols with which they appear to have been armed. Meadow was consideiabty beaten In the struggle. The above was reported by a visitor returning from Pollocksvllle. ,' If SUmrkbl Eeate. Herbert Lupton, tho ton of Captain Luptoo, who fell from the cross trees of the Schooner Henrietta Hilt to the d&k distance pf 03 feet, is reported as doing well and on the road to recovery with no serious internal Injures. : The resson that '.lie fall from such a great height was not immediately fatal is that in the decent Herbert struck a rope which served to break the force of tbe fnjl, but even with this explanation tne escape is sumcieotiy remarxauie, ' ' MaperMtr SJaert. Tbe tae of Morton vs Hudsnu Lumber Company which wit heart Fridays; re sulted in a, the jury falling to agree. : v : ',. , . " : The ae of Mitchell vs Carolina Cen tral Railroad went io the jury, late yes terday afternoon. The court will continue In session Monday and may list over Tuesday. Quite a number of railroad officials weie in attendance yesterday. . Tkf )aef !. ISraaee. - The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will open a Bazaar on 'next Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock ia their lect ure room. They will have a tempting display of candles, refreshments, and holiday. goods generally. It will be M excellent place to mike Christmas pur chases. The ladles will serve temporary dishes during the afternoon and evening and the public for their patronage. ' Hon. Charles H. Thomas returned from Raleigh last night. The Secretary of Stale bss duty Issued rt him tbe certificate of election and the Governor has issued hs commission at Representative in Congress from the 3rd District for the term beginning March 4th, 189! and ending March 4tb, 1901. ' ' , TIIR Ml WOE KB MOTHER Has found that her little onei are Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figa, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle fcmeily, than by any other. Childrett en joy it and it benefits them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only Walnut and Blraw!"? 't m oat era cut. a w UltWf .. Taer vs a th gay society fircW her last strt, taer hatag fewer parties aad aortal dolagv The peaes h probahly ealy lempnrery aad th whirl Is Ukely i b ukea ap at any Urn. - Mleses tree Richardsoa aad Aaal BiillwalL t charmlag yoaag ladles ho hav beaa vlaiUag Mia Clara Loolae ScholleahiTrr at her ooeatry hems Bear Havalcek wlU M las BobeUeaberger stal hMt Taeeday ia Ksw Bern. Oa accoaat of Ihrlr lalmded devartar Wedaesday for their home la Philadelphia th yoaag wiety m- a of tbe tews deparled from the loag established eaatoea sad held th opening daaos of the aaaaoa a fortalghl earllar thaa aaual that h might be glvea eemplimeatary le th popular vlallot. It was a fltllag oU to tb gayMie of th day of lb boos party at Have lock. The germaa was daaosd la Lowthrop Ball wher half a hand red society peo ple had assembled by half past aloe o'clock. At that hour Mr. J. Onion Desa, a leader, called th daacert to tb floor to ofa th germaa with "Away My Cares" as played by th Dallas. Among tb dancer were: Miss Irea Klchardaoa of Philadelphia with Mr 0 D Bredham, Mia. A ant Btlllwsll of PhlladelphU with krT Weltba Waters; Miss Clara Louis bcboUenherger with Mr M U Uugbrn; Mies htreet of delphU with Mr J Leo Barns; Mis Davis of Beaufort with Mr Geonr Hen derson; Mias Marie Mohler with Mr W WCUik; Mlsa Mabel Hughes with Mr I b Cox; Mis Isabel Bryaa with Mr It A Nuiin; Mlas Bradford Hymaa with Mr J Uuloa Duaa; Mlas Mamie Daniels with Mr U Marks; Mis Addle Clsypool with Mr Mark Stevenson; Mi Lull lve with Mr T C Daniels; Mis Bell Marks with Mr F R Hymaa and Dr Rous. Chaperones, Mr Mohler, Mr and Mrs Joha Dunn, Dr aad Mr. Prlmros. e e a The member of the Craven Club hav decided to postpon lb regular monthly ladle' reception day from th second Wednesday to th Wednesday after Christmas. This action Is looked npoa with much favor by lb ladle who al ways find their time .much laksn up just before Jh holidays. ... at Th Sharps and Flat music club met Friday evening at Miss Annl Steven- sons. Th disagreeable weather caused the attendance to b smaller thaa usual, but there er enough present to make harmony. ."'' e Miss Mary Gulon has returned from .very enjuyeb(e two wesks visit ia Salis bury. A ', ! . - THI OSBAT LXORXA BKOt. A Bpleeei Allraellea as Ihe Hew avrwe Theelre Tee Wirat. The people of New Bern hav rare treat In store for them all this week. Tbe attraction Is Leonzo Bros. Big New York Company. Tbey com her from' Wil mington when tbey have been greeted by large audience tbe past week, and they com to our city with th endorse ment of both press and public a being the best popular price attraction ever In th south Th opening bill will be that great success, "Th Dog Spy," introduc ing a number of high classed specialties, and th great dramatic acting dogs Tiger and Lion. These brutes possess almost human intelligence, and their equal are not to be found In this country. Judg ing from how the ticket are going th house will no doubt be packed tomor row night" -. ' . Tbe management desire to Introduce the merits of this attraction, and ladies will be admitted free tomorrow night, If accompanied by a person holding a paid 3v cent ticket, which postlvely must be purchased before Tpra of that date. This Is done to prevent the usual crush and confusion at tbe box office. The price are 10, 10 and 80 cents, no higher. Reserved seats now on sale at Waters' Cigar Store. Th sooner cough or cold it cured without harm to tbe suffeirr tbe better Lingering coldt are dangerous Hacking cough is. distressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly caret it. Why suffer when such a cough cure Is In reach? It Is pleasant to the taste. F S Dully. ' rBttMOBAl. , Rabbi Maytrburg of Goldsboro, it in Ik. at,. .' -..- Dr Tho. Hill of Goldsboro, comedown last night. , w Mist Mary S. Gnlon hat returned home from a visit at Salisbury. ' Hon. F. M. Simmons left yesterday morning, returning to Raleigh. . 1 Congressman -elect Chas. R. Thomss returned last night from Raleigh. . Mr. Jsmes Smith relumed horn last night from a trip to Durhtm and Win' tton. - - ? ..... 1 . Rev. T. M. N. George returned list night from a visit to hit brother, at Win ston. ;..:-;( Judge Henry R. Brysn returned last night from ' holding Harnett county Superior court. x Iredell Metres Esq., of Wilmington is in the city, attending Craven county Superior court. Miss Mary Dixon pf Morehead City, returned home last night night, after a pleasant visit to Miss Stella Roberts. Mr Freeman Hawk and wire, of Al lentown, Pa , have returned home from a Visit to the city. Mr. Hawk is preii dent of the Pine Lumber Co. A cough is not like a ferer. not have to run acfr:.!t it quii ' 'v r 1 i It dees . r TBS KATalKIUTlA. Bw aui.liM taiiw, ee Smtm I e eve im. TaereJav th Use oAcers ef the Nenh Csieltaa Naval Batulloa met la Wtlmiagvm. New Ben briag trpre statsd by UeeL T. C Deal!. Ia th ! actios ef field efllosn, Corn maaderOeo L. Morton was re sleutrd sy la peetlng li may be said thst Com mander Mnnoa well merited this h'ot a he ha m ad a moat exemplary e40cr, aed oe wae ha taken a persoeal later est la prosaotlag th Naval Mlliil of North Camllaa to It pretest h gislsad srd ef xo rteaoa, aad oa wh l ea is coatlaat wttchM farther the Militia' welfare, aad Increase Its aasfulaeaa. Of lb Naval Reserve Diviaioa la this ally It I of late rest to ksow that It ha red th Plaaiar Avarhou aad will mak it hradijuarter for their drills, tie. At th Jot ax at. has befor suggeeied this Dlvlsiua should receiv support of a substantial character from both New Berne aad Crarea coudiy. Th aw board f eoabty con salaal on ers who will nom late offlc tomorrow. aad ao better start coo Id be atad by these officials, thaa by passiag a resoJu tloa alloaldj th N Berne Naval Re ssrv Dlvlsloa, a sronthly turn of 118.00. Aad Ult should b followed by lb City of Maw Bern, with a like monthly al lowance, d , Tbe members of tb Xw Bar Dlvls loa deserve great credit for enduring the various auaoyanoes and aeglect lo which they, have beta subjected, maintaining aa organisation in the face of great dis couragement. Msny persons la this city were doubt lees surprised to hear of the Division's ijilll aad Inspection last week, and they would hav besa still mors surprised If they badeeea tbaplndld showing th boys mle. Ia the hollow square drilrMsjor Hob- good said the Division did better work than auy Division he bad Inspected. If tbe cltiiens would take the asm in terest In lb Reserves work and encour. ag them, aa they do in tbe Reel teams, New Berne will soon have lb best Di vision In Noith Carolina. ' The material Is here, and It only needs a lit 1 effort to bring It out In a manner which shall do credit to Ni-w Berne When yon ask for D V Itl't Witch II axel Salv don't accept a counterfeit t r imitation. There aie more cases of Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. F 8 Duffy. OUR NATlVB BIT ALT f. t has auirise Pe.1 jwr EBlter Tblaka ef IB jler. The most dlsllugulshed consideration of the gastronomic editor of the Post Is due to the bivalve editor of Its greatly esteemed contemporary, th New Berne Journal, for a substantial recognition of Ibe Poet's Interest In the welfare ol that large and eminently worthy' class of our fellow citizens of Eastern North Carolina, who are assiduously engaged la the highly creditable occupation of propagating and disseminating thst de llciodsty palatable product of our east ern wstepv the oyster. The suuslan lial recognition aforesaid It In the form of a bucket of regulation shape and re spectable dimensions, crammed full of some of the largest and mot t delicately flavored specimens of the North Caroli na bivalve that has ever tickled the palate of th gastronomic editor afon said. This t ample ackaje, at the Post It reliably Informed by th eminently trjttwortby bivalve editor of tbe Joes HAL, was furnkhjd sly ihi la-go and well known fish aid oyster house of Geo. N. Ives & Son, whose fame Is uui- venal throughout these parts. .. Ibe hope expressed by the Journal's bivalve editor that the specimens contained in tbe package korein described would im part strength and courage for "future battle in lehalt of tbtt great native product of our lommonwealtb," Is well founded; for an editor who would not stand in the breach against ail comer in defence of the North Carolina oyster after having cultivated hi acquaint ance with the subject by gblting on tbe out-ilde of a few of the specimens tfore mentioned, would betray as many pro- A i ii .i .. anions Of patriotism auu iiouyiug uo votlonte tbe Old North Slate and all h.r worthy Interests at one could print in columns of editorial a crime that The Pott hnpci may never be laid at In door. ';" . .,... .v And while the succulent tpei-imens of a great North Carolina product tickle the gastronomic editor t palate, be rises to propose tbe health of tbe bivalve eii itor of the Joubmal, and to express tb fervent hope that fa may live long and prosper. Raleigh Poal, Dec 3rd ' Constipation prevents the body from riadiog itself of wast .nailer. De Witt's Little Early ttlser will remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache, Bll lousncst, Inactive Liver and dear the Complexion; Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nauica. F S Duffy. , ,'- Saady Uivte Awajr. For th next 10 dajl by way of intro duction in order' thai all msy try these goods we will present absolutely free lo each customer purchasing 50c worth of ourcsndleior other goods,one box of onr famous "Peanut Brittle" or "Cocoanut Criip," snd also with t very purchase to the amount of 25c one box of our de licious '-Old Time Molasses KUses." We have in stock tbe largetl snd most iHect stock of hliju grsde Chocolates and Bon Bons In fhe Stste which we are selling at a very small margin of profit. New Beiink Candy Kactohy, It f,. 1-t i i v, V . -er. jfiSYGOIIIB PEOPLE The LiMwrce w retaxrh la frrqacBS- V I I cS -.Pi aisjTB aa.ies l- . fil&PJi pnaaemioawlth- 1 f oat the knowl edge of lu vlo- v. t,-V " has become --MUaay. " Every . 1 ' bodyhaaaUtU i catarrh "that many .In- A pay allghtatteatloa V ' tola. Vt an rlua " V ef dlara dlaemao la ao dlfB- ahak off. Many people well advanced In year find themarjvea la th toll of eatarrh. Mr. and Mra. Cotlum, of Glddlnira, Tes.. found help la Fe-rc-na. Mr. Collum a utter follows: Pt-rti-ma Utdiciui Ctlmhu,0. DAB Rib: "I think your Pe-ru-nn ia the beat medicine 1 ewr tried for esv tarrh. I have tried all tho catarrh medicines that I could hear of and none of themdid any good until 1 tried years. I and my wife have both uaed the Pe- ra-na and Man-a-lin, and we are about well. I am 70 years old and my wife la fA When vre co:umencctl to take your medicinea tve rere not able to ere after our work. Vint now sho can tend to her work and I aro after mv farm. fott can nse this'cly if you want lo.---A. P. Collum, L'ldd'jga, Tax. Ask sny druggist for a fico Pt-ru-na Almanac for tbe year 1800. . orriciAL OUNT etr a I'M. fmw teeBreema aa . Bellellers. Th following Is th nfflclal vote cast for Congressmen In the Thiid District: John Fowler, Pop 15,819 Charles R Thomit, Dom 10,008 James B Lloyd 1 Thorn.' majority. 188. For Solicitors in the Second District th following it the official rote caai: Walter E RW Dan 1.1, Dem. 1,844 3,tM 9.1) iT 3 IH2 1.8.VI 1.230 William son, Hep, 1,8:0 I.T8D S.4.'.l 3.441 1,743 3,100 Bertie .... . Craven..... Edgecomlie. . . Halifax Voriii.tnptnn Warren ...... . 13,908 1,400 Robert W Wllllamt received 841 votes and Raphel O'Uara I. ' BTJCKLCb'A abrioa salts. THE BEST SALVE in tb world ft r Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Brup llous, tud positively cures Piles, or no psy required. It is guaranteed to give Psrfecl satisfaction or money refunded, rice 33 cents per box. For tale bv F. F. Dufrt, :all aw. Finest line of Gent Vest Chains in the city at : , Baxteb tiik Jewkleh. V..,.,., One light bay mare, blaxe in forehead, white trouud nioui h, from my pasture at Pine Grove, near Havelock. Reward for her return. Lakatkttk Haudmitt. Thst hacking cough, accompanied by tickling lu th throat, which is an Indi cation of Inflamed bronchi and fauces, can be promptly cured by Carolina Cough Cure.' A guaranteed cure or your money refunded. Sold by C. D. Bred ham, Druggist. . . ' t'lllarea Telia RwllfMl - To the citizens of New Bernei , You are requested to meet at the Court House Tuesday, December 0th, at 8 o'clock, to take measures lookiug to the future govermuenl of the city; . This call is made on the petition of quite a number of prominent citizens. L. H. Co i'i.ku, Chairman Citizens Committee. New Berne, December 1, 1898. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. ; The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I A good counter Irritant, applied to sprain, bruises, lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia or painful parts anywhere on body, will Increase circulation and affoid much relief. An ideal preparation it Bradbam't Nerve and Bone Liniment, price 25c. ' Whitman s fine chocolates at McSor ley't. All kiuds of poultry, live or dressed nt Oaks Meat Mai ket. , Best meats of til kinJs, and at the lowest prices et Oaks Meat Matkel. . Afresh line of Cocosuutand Peanut Brittle at MoSorley's. . A grateful mother thanked us for call ing her attention lo Carolina Worm Killer, One dose was effective in exp41l ing worms, when other remedies failed, and ibe wished to add her testimonial to Its merit. It acts likes charm. The worm dies, the child falteui. Sold by liiadlittm, the DrupgUt. p3J I V 1 -VX 1 Z IP Afur a Tbankt'tgivlnt; Diorrtr A Fine Clfar hi the eTowniDglusury One of oar exquUlt flavored brand will send Iota the m-wbUi beaveB of blisa. whee it top off your lorkry. win ad food things RBerally, We enentioa the 8aboceo, El Memo, 1811, Adoaiodu, Caiadero, all kaMling &e Cigar, while for IOrw have ilw Principl IN- Oal-, Teller s H tsria. Hotel tkuuawkk. Ali Pipes and Tobacco, F. N. DUFFY Cor. South Fioot ft Middle Ktrx A Royal Christmas Gift Would Iw the lone with-il for no li-vlate High Grade ERIE I1IOYCLE. There la'nt a gif to equal H in this nng list of Holiday Xmas G'mdi. We have them with Lamps, Bella, 'vclomeiera. Tool Bag, Hepair Kit. OiU, Lubricant and the whole out lit at a lleasonalile Price. Other Qradst ranging from 10to tii. QASKIXS1 CYCLE tOMPANV. Planter Building. To the Public! W are daily, aa well aa Ivreirifnre, receiving the finest Minis that ran be had. Our STALL-FED IF.E1'. e defy competition and always rt menil er the other Meat we have 1 een fumis'iim-. We will oortinue Fame. Onlyn aii tn our miu ket will, rt nvince you. Thank ing you for past favors end solicitiug a continuance, we are. Yours Kespectfully, Sam'l Cohn&Son. A PAIR OF OAUVERS THAT WILL CAPiVE Your Thank-gitloff turkey wiih entire Batisfae'ioli. and Will idll'e it tl'in R niece of rare, ! unioiht I lie Inntrbe! tlrd In n Jiffy, wl'eii KiiBriH'M" d ilii thi due rt.el unit Ik I vk to Hie e, you cn buy hvre from up. We hive tli-m with horn ivory, bmie anH etug bumlltii, and all at a HeaVonntile price. LH.CHTLfR HDW'ECfl. .V22'? Santa Claus Paradlr, Where he can revel in sweet to' hit. heaii's content, is right here For Xmas Gifts in Fancy Raekets, Iloxes and Paclptget. tilled with Superior and Fine Conrectiona, to the Cornucopina for the children's rtockinjr or tree, we have in a superb variety rf Novelties. Ourstnck; of Holiday goods will show- ninny dov cltiea this year. ,-. Duir'tt Cnnd.y ;HUire. We have Juht Received S3 of the Finest Oak Bedroom . Suits I S Thai we ever Carried in the tlliy. $ Pifce rerSuil $10 up to $75. Satisfaction Xjunianteed or Money laftinded. dor, , . . n - A To the Ladies ! o o 0 o a o n o o o o o a o Exactly Eighteen Business Days .-.Before Christmas ! And oar alore now begin to O Me mtntion the ihort time remaining to ton mav be re minded to rrutke vour purchase SOW, mid we" will hold your parcel uutil wanted. J)ou'l put off it it not only nnaatiafaf tory to telect in a rnsb. but very often the choicest thinsr have been told.' Right now Slocki of Toy are at their 1W, aud a great many Serviceable aud Nice Toy can be had for little money. At a rale oar price will be found one-third less than the lame goadt can be purchased elite here. llring the children down to tee the Window tho. They will be pleased. o o o o o u o D o o "belt buckles Stime new Arrivalt of Belt "Buckles are shown for the firot tim?. Newest conceiU, latest styles, 25c to if 1 75. embroidered pieces Beautiful stamped pieces for embroidering, plain linen, ulso silk walloped, 25c to 75c battenberg patterns o IOC lu .IO ft? Ill Q o o D o n Wc have UE.M1XGWAYS Ilitliber Embroidery Hoops. All nccessiirV material for W Prices. o plaid worsted for To bright new patterns of Plaid Poplin, one in brown mid Q one ill the new blue. 50 Cents yard. This ia about two-third.-! aj Q the regultir price. q 1 W.MjA & i December 4. VrtffjfwSyg OCOOQOOCOCCCOOO OOOOGOOOr HIGH GRADE . . . AND LOW PRICES ! WiU.tell thtetis why we keep busy. We are offering bargains now, to make room tor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us belore placing your orders. 'Tis no trouble to show goods, but a pleasure. ' Fresh Flour, Butter, CheeseCoffee, Bams and Breakfast Bacon Arriving Daily. , JOLLOCK'8TREET. -' j - -'."-' . EW. Smallwood, Pf.ALEIt IN Hardware and Fire lis, ; Sifh. Honrs and Plinda, Painlr, Oil, Cen-ent,' Lime, Ete : , Agentfor Garland Stoves & Bangeg and Uevoe'o, ind Hrnj Monre', UEAUV MlXril PAINTS. . Under Hotel 'Chattawka, new ui:itM:, ii. c. Peanut t Brittle ! lOtOiMIT IHI.'P,. tine luocolacs imd Run Buns. 103 MIDDLE STREET. 6olu Agent For o D O O O O O o o o a reuemble a TOY BAZAAR. O o o o g o o o o o o o o o o o SILK for Embroidering. fj fj nmkiiig Butteuberg ut Lowest B separate waist (' GROCERIES DUNK, Henry's g 12 m wiiiui.r. Pharmacy, i ,TKKK, Carabana Wa'er. Tarrant's Heliter Aperient. Wjeti't Vichy 8 .lis. Knot Fruit bul ik. Rapid Flow Fountain Pyringis. Rubber Bulb Hyrinfrca. , An iniseis. Hard Kuliher. r1 t louily nnr.inii', Bind soip. o o o The Greatest Pypi-eptia It. nu tly of Hie XIX Century: RIPAN8.TABULES. . ' ' 8 Cen's ' and ' 3 CVntv. Physician' Prescription V..4A Sreclnltv, WILLENBRINK'S..... . . ICrHtHiirunt Hiiilnf IloAniM. First-Class HeaU. 25c. Special Rates by th Week.' , Oysters, Fish, Oame in 5eason. 1 ") I K ST.. N C.

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