7 fa n 1 3 YEAR D'JCfi . W:ZST C'Ji t-- , , - . - -l -I- ' -V- - v 7t si. Tb Klad Tou IIr Always Iloivbt kiMlrWcJl Jai i fa tun for rer SO yesr, bna Jwrno Ui slrosUiro of - a.i ;-nrl nnrl.-r Mil nc-r- ' r j IN an' s-oexvN'on'-.'.nPC U lufUxtr;-. 'VV UcAtt- xiiow no (hm 1 u n ;tc j m la tuls. AH Counterfeits, IiuiMUMKl.SuU.u:ute Are bat Ex - pcrliurnU IUn trir AA.Kli.rud ejiCuijr-r Uh JM-AlUt of 'lafkoU had' C'liUtlrctt KiirMf ixnluit Experiment. What ?5: CASTOR I A - Cavstorls la sukxlitiile- fuf Ottor Q.li I'arr-goric,' Drops . . and Soothing JfiVupi. , I I J4;inU3s-Ma ru-nssuit. It ' - contains neltlicr Cplurj, Morililne H-r other Jtarcotlo tmoaUnce -Its SKrrW ius' f '.nnuitce. It destroys Worms , and allays Fevrlhiua.- .H Mtrva-lUsrrlo? and Wind Colic It relieves Tcvthluj,' TnjnLlem cr' Constipation and Flatulency. ' It lualtiiilutfs tlio 1'mk1, rctralate tha Stomach and Bowels, giving; liralUty aud natural sleep. Tha Children's IVutaooa-Tho Mother's Friend. CENUINEr GASTO RIAALWAYS ' Bears tha r -. f i "W W f The Kind You Have Always Bought . In Use For Over 30 Years. 'A. N. C. II. It. ,4 . tim table kq..,7. "io Take Effect 8unday, Oct. 9. 1808. Going Eaat SCHEDDLK: Going West No, t Passenger Train No. 4 Lt. p m stations: Ar. a m 140.. .Uoldaboro... ...... .11 06 ' 4 09. .. UGrange. 10 S...... . .KlDHton... 10.1$ (40. Ar. New Berne, Lt 0 00 W; U. Ar; 8 37 7 05, . , . Ar. M.irelieart city L. . . 7 47 Mo B, llx'd Paaa To. :no. 6, t MxM Ttand I'M To. Ar. P.. li. , A. M. 7 10. .Unldahoro . . .... UwiV' . .. . . LOrny. . Falliug trek. ...Klunton.... ...daawell..., .... Dover .. . 748... 8 0S .. . Hitt . . V 14 .. 9 25... 10 15.. T 10 40,.. 1119.., a si... -18 U6 .. ...... 818 ....... 1 411 ....... 118 .......IS ...,..J158 .......1140 w.Coii.ert!k.. . Tuauariira .' . . . . . . C.'urku . . . . .j, ..New Beruo. ... .10 40 .10 lt 1000 a. h. Mooiliky. VVediiMday, Friday .J ' . J Tuwday'lhuriday eatufdaj . ' - No. I. t SZ'1 Fu aim iaaa.Tu , Lt. a in 7 10 7 08,.. .;. 888.... ... . 814........ . 9 SB , No.a,' Mx'l.r v, sua faaa. In STiTloNb. -A.i.-p.Xa Uoldsburo . . , .. LaOraoa.. falling Creek. ...KiiuOoiiV.. ... c&swell.,. , 18 7 6 83 18 5 IS 9 40 ...Af. Dover, L 6 00 1015 ... 10 40.... 1115.... 1181.... 18 0 ... 180... 918.... 9 80...., 948.... 1,'..' 8 95.:.. 8 81 ... . k.LT. " Ar.., ' Core creek ... . i'ubcarora. . . ..clark'a ..Ar. New Berne, Uy ' -i"t! 'Ar ..480 .. 400 . 888 ..880 . 850 . ;10 47 .,.lUrerdale,, ,.,.. ..1010 '..lOOO .' 940 . uruaiaa . .... Uavelock ... ' Newport, Lt ....... Wildwood .. .... ...Atlantic ... .. 906 8 47 .. 8 8 8 48 , . . Ar. Jlprehead cltyi L.; .8 80 01J..Ar. M. city Uupot, Lt. ;7 50 r.M. .-.:4- f -' ., . Monda . Ml tfluemiay and Friday tluiuy. lliutaaay anu oaturaay. ,1 : '' .:'-" &f&ttfl&:; " - T rjupeTiuitndenU AttaMMii' C'vaiNt JLiufYJ V1L . n il. . . -uMtli, ug. 7, lovo, Laliy ' : - ' ' baeepl Uunday. ', Going South hchkdulc: '( Going North ' No 1. Haa tiMKBT Trainc.fio. no, Lt. a m, . 9 Ox 9 80 .... - 9 6M .... 10 08..... 18 Oi bTATIONtf:; . - -j Ar. a, New-iJerne . ..P.illookavllle ; ' , ,,'.,Uay8Tillet.',, i .JackaoDTille...... .5 40 0 04 4 t Wilroingtoa, t i Union Depot 18 n r m Ar. Wilmington ; 8 25 r m ,v.il.f & aaiuuT. No. 4 Hi.in, lnday,. Wednes- la) . fiTiuv - Leve New Berne Tuerv day, ,fiur.lay 40.1 .Saturday . n , ..- Lt. a, M '' '- . .' ;. . Ar. pm 7 80 : 8 4il H 81 10 . 10 61 11 Lt. Wilininntoa. Ar..,,- I4(i . .:. Scull's Hill .'...."..18 55 uilei,leH...i 18 15 ..i.-.tfollTrldge .11401 , ..j i . Dixou . . ;:.1V 01 . Verona. ;.'.;. 10 xo ' 18 OS. ...... .Jacksonville-,... . 9 45 U JO..... ... NortbetmV.- U55.........' Whiteisk , I W...:.;-.;..'' !rla)svli; 9 I A Pollockwilki.'. 8 t6 TJMf 8 55 .... L . . . Debrubl's rfs..;';.V, 6 85 8 40 .... Ar. NewJ3ernei4i,i.,.80O I'aily fcxveitt Sunday.. it .. , i. R-'IcfiXlir,:;.;- ; Genepak.tiaiiageii t l 7 1 1 tim riM' ion t . A-.vv4 .xvvy , ,1 a -i vr., ' 1 11 V ! r J i i i 1 k- ' II V Sif nature of Wilmington & weldon r. r. And Branches, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. CONDKN8KD HCHKDLLK. 'IHA1NS OOINU M;Uni. DATKD Nov. SO, 08. 41 e a 1 OS I iA.M P M. P, 9 4 . 1 10 Ubl. M A.M. p. L, Wrliioii,ll - Ar. K. Mt.. 14 ' Lt. Ta.bofii 8 i L. K. Mt. ! Wilson 1 IH ' I lit- 4 2.',! si i 4' 6 i. 13 58 9 80 Lt. Lt." ApIiiin.. LviFay'vllli Ar.Florenc P. M M Ar. Golds.. L. Gold.'; 7 8 oA 4 .3 P. M. Lt. Uaa'lla ArWilrn'U.u 8 05, ! M Hi ; m P. M T MAIN 8 GOING NOKTH. T r &i ' . . :l i- S i 'Jt t'5 c"S c i "S ' - . J" p M LT.FIoTiine ' 0T.0 .... 7 40 ........ LT.Fay;.T;llr 18 25 .. . U 48 tT.Belna.''i 1 AO .. .. 10 95 Ar. Wilson. 8 85 . U 83 .. i . . . . . A.M. P M A.M. XTWilratrin .... . 7 IB V 45 Lt, Mag'lia ., 8 55 1 1 Ltf. Goids . 5 00 .... 10 10 8 (18 P. M A M. P. M P. H. Lt. Wilran 8 85 B 88 II 85 11 15 18 4U Ar. It. Mt. . Pi t 15 10 07 11 57 1 80 Ar. Tarboro ..... 6 45 Lv, Tatltoro 18 8,i .... ...... ..... Lt. K. Mt. . 8 30..,.. 13 P7...v ..... SU Weldiin 4 bt . V. 18 59 . . . . ; . ; P.M . A.M ..' -'' f. i: J.-':.; '-r . .:t.. Train on the Scotland Neck. Branch Hond leaves Weldon 4 15 D til. Halifax 4 80 p m. arrives Scotland Nrck nt 5 80 p in, urr eiivnie u Hi p m, Uluston i oo p m. Kelurnljig leaves KinHon 7 60 a m, Grw rivllle 8 Ba a m, arriving Hullfax at 1118 am,' Wekion liaa ni, dally ex-'eMtJundsyVa- - - . ,4 I rains ou "neninition israneu leaye WiLslilniilori 8 X'lia ui and 8 80 p m, ar- rive'Viirmele 9 HI am, m..t 4 oil p m. re- luiniiig leave Varmele H 85 a m and 6 80 p ru arrive Washington 11 00 a m aad 7 20 p m, daily except Sunday .... Train ieavei Tarbprn, N O. dally except Sunday 5 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15. p m, ar. lives Pljt.woik 7 40 p m. 2 10 p m, Rt lurning, b-aveii Piynmuth daily except rHiiidav. 7 50 a m. and Sunday 8 00 a ni, -arrives Tarboro 1ft C) a m. 11 (K) a m -. 1 t rain op uuuand; j Brancn leaves Goldsboro dally, exuept Sunday, 7 10 a. m, arrlvibg riaiilliileld 8 30 a m, Return ing leaves bmithlleid 9 00 s m; arrives atGoldsboro 1035 a .. Trains 00 Nashville Rnincb leaves Riieky Mount at 7 80 a m,4:3i p ui, arrive Nafliville 8.10 m, -4 68 p in, Spring Hope 8 40 a in, 5 15 pm- Keiurulrg leave npilng nope u-uo a niou pm, Nasi ville 8 22 a ni, arrive at Kockv Mount 9 45 a ni, B 50 p ra, daily except Sunday, t rrainon 1 iintoo Itrancn leaves war saw lor. Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 20 a m and 4 16 p 111. Returning leaves I'll Dton at 7 00 a ni and 8 45 p m. Train No 71 makes clone ooanectio 1 m Weldon fori all points North daily all rail via Richmond. :""! - H M EMFRSON." ' " ' " ' 1 ' tjen'l Pars Aicent A rt ..kkivi.y, neu'i' manager. T H M EyiON, Tralrio Manager, f Caveat nr.dl j-.idc-Mruttohuinctl ar.d nil rut Cent bu.iims conducted iiir Moocsatc Fees. Qua ornct is opposite u.p.PATeivTOrricc .ind varanrrcire r"l?tt m lew tttnu uiaa lliocc jrenawe iron . Mmiton. : I Send model, drawing or pnolo., TTiLl uiwcrip- Noiu C advlfco, if piitrnul.lu or not, lrce 01 ifhanri. Otir ire not oat tiii nulent is ntured. pia,uVr " 11,!-M ,i)-iii Pfitpnts," with to;,r iU sutnc V te t'..ii. ai.i forcigu countries ' ,ci!t fte. .Ad.;rT-ss, . . V r, tr o mmm ' StUGLCS AIC3 THt BCA-N8. ttaw a ! tl ta , Ium a r tmmf "Parkara I i. I a taa aiT avtaai lixat miiu nA aai ( Sura kMM a abate. aatS Max IhNtllV. "Urt lkr' m iala lAat aaa aivara rrtallrd m aaaiaa aita. It la a auall a-su. and sH(ia ay pruat la ana eonrlualn aoofH a U4MMa alMl blai aalura aa arSlnarr T. Inxa Um aolBlaf lw of aaf ayurllas aaaa la an&laly mM lonh baS lor klaa. WaaaaaSswa la law Ra4 rlvar aooatrr tocoiaw la lafi, aa4 Uin hanf awavr aa aut aaaaWSaHng taaanalBaa. TaaSaa tar tvt n ton at qulalaa toaaapSawa Ua twaaop Umi mo4 aa wbofaaona ad Tka about Utot. pantcalarry aauttaalDg ( asaliiat rraab aullk troaitbarMi(hbfWbood. IM rfuraa v plajad pokar. and aa I naol lata IV tba aVjotof waa aa Intaaarata kaar. U dkla-i aaaaa aa kaow Uaa aaraiannaal rariliaasM o( aha gaaaa, aatd a aa taa psUrol playar aa wail aa a anllaa baar. Ma plar4 alia aboiiraa wada lor aklpa, ad l ban t baa than too ta tba aaua, "Now aoaoca tba atotalar aad aonraa 11 va abala at alrcaaiafnoaa, whtab auakaa aaa arralga tba doctor. Wdbad baaa tak la oar qulnlaa la powdarwd tana and tba atock irot low. Una aaada a raqotaittoa oa 8. Lou la lor aura, and M aaamad alow doming. Ona alh wbaa ba waa a kaary loaar. aud I waa aba baakar, aa aaual. ba nnundad to gat asad at tba (oa wada, aaid thef wara grimy aid boodaaa. aad at tba cloaa of ba gaaia abaakad W ail lota tbaflra. "Next night wbaa wa waotad aa atart a ganta ba augjtaatad that wa abooid gat SOO whlta beam irnni tba aaok and sat tbaaa. I eoaaaated and aounatd aut tba baana a . lOaanta aarh. tltea wa cama to Balab op, I bad to go dowa Into my akrtara wbtn I (all aura tnat I ougbt to oa about 84 winner. laltomid tha baana dowa In any pocket and aald nothing. Kart day I got thinking about tba matter and oan rd up tba teana. 1 found I bad ago. Tbaa I looked 'em over and found that lot of them wara ringer artificial baana, yoa might say. I aaid nothing about it, but separated tba rtngare from tba Kenalae baana and put the is In another paebea. I waa on to woodon nutmegs and bad beard of alrae peg oala, bat I couldn't ana bow anybody eould afford to make imitation beans even if they did tell for a dims apleee on extraordinary oooaslona. That afternoon Lleutenanj Hanger said an ma: " 'We'vo got oar quinine. It oame day before yoatenlay, and Doe did not find the packauo until a few mlnutra ago. qw fortn it cornea In Hnnuttblng entirely new. A luitunt oapaule. aontalnlng ore grains. Ho gnra ma lour of tbera, and 1'va Just taken two.' "Then he showed ma two of tha bean lingers, and all I said was: " 'That's nothing new to me. I have taken 80 of 'em In a niuht' " 'Not It that sof Didn't lt make your bead nobef asked tha lieutenant. " 'Huoh a hcadaohel' was all I said." row York Sun. HE GOT HIS 8HIRT8. A Ianahahle Trlek a Prlaeetoa Sta. deal I'layed I'poa His Tatar. In "Princeton Old and New." by James W. Alexander, he baa tblsoharo- tertstio pasnai(e: "The mode of life waa simpler In thoss daysthnn now, but the same humor whlob still niakos eolleKlans so ooiulo effervesoed 60 years ago. Whan, for example, William Pennington, son of s former governor of New Jersey and himself afterward speaker of the national bouse of representatives, roomed next door to Senior Tutor Top ping, It was the eustom for each man to linng on the outside knob of bis door tha bag containing bis soiled clothes for the laundry. "Pennington stuffed his own shirts one day' In Tutor Topping's bag and waited for the day when the clean linen waa re turned and laid out on Topping a bed, Then, knowing thot two of tha younger tutors were in Topping's rooiuv, penning. ton knocked at his door. On entering he put on an eitiliarraseed air, as If hesitating to speak lu the presence of tba other tu tors. "Topping in a lofty way saldi 'These oentleiuen are my friends. I have no oretafrom them. Say what you wish,' Pennington still hemmed and sawed, but, again urged to speak, blurted out: 'II is not my fault, Mr. Topping. I did not want to say anything about ic now, but at you Insist I must ask you to please return the shirts I lent you, as I am in need of them.' t ..: - i i "Topping's rage and horror at being thus addressed before the younger tutors, who looked up to him as a 'Magnus Apol lo,' may well be imagined. He began to upbraid Pennington, wbq Interrupted hlin by saying: 'It's no use, Mr. Topping, try' lug to deny the fact. I aoe the shirts there on the bod with your own things I' The tutor stood aghast, bat Pennington step ped to the bud. and picked out his own shirts marked with his name.' Venice la Drylag I p. Venice without Its waters woold be a far less picturesque place than it actually is. And such a state of affairs, we are led to believe, may eventually .come about, Tba regular lucrense in the delta of tho Po has been studied by Professor Marl sclll. Comparison of the Austrian map of about 123 with tho records of surveys msdo lu recent years shows that the mean annual Increase since 18)33 has been about three-tenths of a square mile, and from nil known data lt appears that the total in crease during six centuries has been about 108 square miles. . ' ... The increase is continuing, and the gulf of Venice Is doomed in time to dis appear. No Immediate alarm need, now ever, be exoitcd, for Professor Marlnell calculates that . between! 100 and 120 oen ttirlen will elapse before the entire north era Adriatic will hare become dry land. London Obronlclo. ' . . . In naadwrltlag. t Perhaps it Is not generally known that Mohammedans never use printed Eorans, because Irf doubt a to the Ingredients on. tered into the composition of the prlntln Ink. They are afrold of being defiled by taking Into tholr hands s copy of the sa cred book that may have been produced with the Ink In which pig's fat instead of linseed oil baa formed one of the eompo. Dent parts. They therefore confine them selves to roodlng handwritten reproduc tions of the prophet's work, which Are Baturaily very expensive. . ', From 30 to 85 large and small establish, menu exist in Nevn Jersey for the manu facture of nitroglycerin, dynamite and tber high explosives and both black and smokeless powder,' The wearing of orange blossoms aa a bridal decoration originated in toe days of the crusaders. . ; ' " . mTSENSISG rONACH DISEAHB. ' Permanently cured by the masterly power of Houtu American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suffer no longer because this great remedy can cure them all. lt bit; u re foi the whole world of stomach weakness and indigestion, Tbe enre be gins with the first dose.- The relief it bring! is marvelous and surprising. It makes no failure: nover disappoint. No matter how lonjt you iiave siii " it, vol: cure is eerinin umler the use ot - t hrahh-r'vir forfM'. T' ' rVr tMaatar aaral raaaaa ad laa) la aa t I anas atiaed aa anadWril ala mi 16a raniM aad atvaaaoe - nlad tbat I darks aaa diar4ay la Iba face) of daa- sara wiillaaa t.arart Crata. "It aaa a dafL. tWo-'y OrVJ alucaaoa brtare a asurva. wltth xbm wind Uaa log la Cetul, aacanala g oala iroaa all potest ef tba enannisa. but soaialy froaa the aonbr I was lollawlag the aoans of Old rrrar. karptnic tba wtad at say bark aa asocb aa pcaalbks wbaa I aajasd Ita baads af ball a ra Uact aatta aatoag UM Teaas aa yarua aeay. I asood parfactly aUll. boaJag that way woold aoiaa wmiaw aaa aaaria to kill aaora tbaa aaa af aaaaa at a abos, for I was little bvuar tbaa a pal banter myatlt la tboaa daya, bwt tbey ra ta aad la aaoaa. aa 1 Srrd at tba aiariH. rxporting to gat a shot at tba etkara aa absy roaa, tor daeks ean only rtss by flying against tba wind, waloh wooM brtag m alsooat oTor say bead. Bat ta spite of tba crashing report and tba abot that moat aava gaaa enrtlng tb rough tba reads near tbaa tbay remained meslanleai anui I aaw a flurry of wind strike tba water to tha aootbward. II at bruablog aoroat tba river, leaving a faa abapsd track of trembling waler ba blad It, As U raacbed tba docks tbey spas about ilka wwubereocka oa the water and wrnl op Into tba air aad away out of danger, but tba a n happy bird I kad aimed at waa wing tipped aod only soo ted la rising a few fee before be splashed back helplessly Into tba water, whereupon be started at tba top of kit apaed for the bank and took refuge t twaea the low growing Jonlpera that at thai point eoTcr tba groand for acres. ' 'I aaarebed for aim antll It grew as dark aa to make It abaolutaiy hopaleas, and I waa obliged to give It op for toe Hate being. The next morning tbera waa snow oa tba ground, and I atarted out, hoping as And tba wounded bird by hie tracks. but aoma otters that bad been sliding and playing about oa tha bank were before ate, and leathers and a few blood stains oa the snow were all that waa left to asll of the tragedy. "New England atagaaina HAVANA IN 187a A rielare af tha Seldlara Spala Seal Aaalaat tha Batata. Ve emerged from s narrow, evil smell Ing alley upon a noble equal of Immenas else at tba corner of which I rand tba ma "Plana da Armaa." .Here there were trees, fountains, flagged or asphalted walks, seats and eafes, with their little tables and shady verandas In plenty. But our eyes were Instantly attracted by oompany of armed men, or rather boys, who were apparently-being arnica in a ourlous fashion In one of the open spaces. I had done with laughter for awhile, el though 11 was. enough to remind one of ralstaff's ragged regiment, And, even bad I fell Inclined to smile. 00a sight of the faces of that miserable oompany would have effectually quenched any such desire. Tbey were evidently the offaoourlngsot the city, lean, wolfish, no derslted and unutterably sad. There wai faint attempt at uniformity in their olothlng, but it was filthy and tatterea in the extreme. Tbey were variously armed, but the majority carried bnly an ugly weapon at their tide, a compromise be. tween a bowle knife sod s maohete or oane ootlass. The officers were smart, soldierly look' Ing men,' well dressed and armed, but evl dently profoundly contemptuous of their rank and file. This sight, however inter esting to no, was wearisome to our guide, who Impatiently ordered ua 03; saying as he did so: "What do you want to look at that vermin fort One good job, you won't see 'em any mora after tonight at least not many of 'em." I eagerly asked him why, receiving tha information that they were marohtug that evening to the front against the rebels, wbo would as suredly slay tba majority of them within a week. This remark, oonveyea in a mat tor of foot tone, as of one who was describ ing the destiny of a flock of sheep, filled me with horror, and somehow I felt glad that my informant was no countryman of mine. Cornhlli Magailne. , . A Toagh Paddlag. Soma time ago, writes a volunteer, spent a week with a garrison battery In s south coast fort. On tbe hut day tha sergeants sat down to an exceptionally fine dinner, the crowning glory of which was a large plum pudding. I had mode the padding two days before, had it boiled, aud now. reheated, lt mode lu appearance. amid tho welcome shouts of icy brother warriors, and I niitnr lly felt a bit proud of It, fori hadn't been a ship's cook for nothing. ' Seems tnlghfy hard," remarked the sergeant major as he vainly tried to stick his fork Into it. "Have you boiled us s cannon ball, Browneyf" , "Or the regimental football?" asked soother. "Where did yo get the flour fromf" questioned Sergeant Smith. j "Where fromf" I retorted. "Froin (tors No. 6 of oourse." -"The deuce you did!" roared the qnar termastar dergeant. ' Then, bang yoc, you've modo tbe padding with Portland oenient." And so It proved. That padding is now preserved In tho battery museum. lon don Telegraph. ' lis stl Daws. ' "There may bo others, lust tbo same, said Mr. aimpllte, "but I Jlnd that with roe a period of exaltation la likely to be followed by one of depression; that my feelings ebb and How like the tide, it tread tbe air over. some suooess which might indeed not be considered great by some, but which pleases me why, as'llke ly as not I am dowa on tbe ground a few hours later, and very aloso aown to it too. . "I suppose that with an even, humdrum form ot exlurenoo we might siMromnrselves these periods of depression, but as lt Is reckon we must take them as they come. putting on a brave front when oar spirits are low ana never forgetting mat tne con' atantly turning wheel will la due oourse bring as out on top again." Now York Sun. : ' . ' ' .( , Chimneys, ' Chimneys are very fickle. You eon bnlld one all right in theory, bat when it oomee down to praotloe that la another matter. Build two chimneys side by side in precise ly the rnrne manner. Employ the beat skill ed labor and construct thoiu exactly on tha same principles. One may draw all right, while the other smokes like s pipe. j V. Odd bat Legal Will.' Tbe following will successfully stood the test In the sppreme court of Califor nia: "Crolldepedro fehruary 8 1898. This Is to serlfey that ie level mey wife real and personal and she to dispose for them aa she wis. Patrick Donahue." BEEILP IS MIX HOCKS OUtressing Eidney and Bladder'disease relieved in six bonrs by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is ereat surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kiilneys and back, la male or femn' Relieves retention of water slmort Inv 5 AGGI" FROi.l SGZEi.IA CURED DY CUTICURA Fw tea yvait I aoCarKl easaMl areata rraaa rau, ty toerr bata Letcr, aaaaotkaa aad arxtatu tail traalu taAi: gaaaaov Mr aranaw.araua at ln tomrs aawtkaa, aaOatuv ricauaaf apaaulMlafctl,!', triad la vaalaaJatt aaanaaad alcvaUly fa-laa. 1 a as famaiF jiaaiamaaa. aad had was aapa, warn a rnaad raSaead aaa ta gtv C CTvcca ttmia a tnaL 1 aaad to at Crnrraa bovr and to aaaaa mt OTveraut iMataaartW a It rseaJsad as aa Paviu M. arr. nrateutk. m. TONS AND TONS OF GOLD. rarelve Haadrad SlUaa at Baoneaaa. . Ig a rah Tarrttary. If s pis be placed at DeoTsr oa tba so, sad ssotber si Stockton, Cal., and a string b drawn from oneio lb otnar, so sir lias will be market! pass ing throng b tbe heart of s woodertsl gold territory. Slightly to tha north of Dearer In Central City, and southwest of thai city Is Cripple Creek. About 80 miles to tba north ot the string Lasd ville will be found.- Is tbe southwest corner of Colorado will appear Tells. ride, Rico and other, points where gold is mined. Msrysvale, in Utah, almost dss soath bf Salt Laks City, will ap pear to tba soath of the string. Fifty miles to tbs north of It, sear tba tins between Utah and Nevsda, will sppsar Oacsols. Deep Creek lies north ot Osoe ols and oa the south era edge of tbs great desert west of Sail lake. Detroit and several other rich gold camps are almost das east of Oacsols. Piocha lies 100 miles south of tbs string, sud the wonderfully rich gold territory of the Monkey Wrenob district lies southwest ot Piocbs. Now, north and sooth ot the string will sppesr dotted .on the map of Neva da tba gold camps of Grant, Freibnrg, Reveille, Kawicn Valley, San Antonio, Gold Peak, Hot Springs. Belleville, Candelara and numerous others. Al most under tbe string, in Calif orna. we find Bodle, aud to tbs north of It Mar- klevllle sad other points all on tbs eastern slope ot tbs Sierra Nerada mountains. On tbe western slops of tbe great sierras tbe atriug will be almost on the Dtica mine, which Is located be tween San Audrosi and Sonors, North sod south of tbs Utioa mine sre hun dreds ot rich gold mines in profitable operation. ' Tbe distance from Denver to ptocg- ton is about 1,800 miles. On no portion ot the habitable globe is there a region so continuously sud enormously rich in gold si tbe territory described, and yet, notwithstanding this fact, tbe progress ive Yankee has scarcely msdo s start In opening and developing those riches, which have been entombed for millions of rears, and which will remain so sepnlobered until we awakeu to sn ap preciation of tbe (act that tbe states of Colorado, Dttib, Nevada aud California bear within tbeir bosoms more wealth than ever waa dreamed of by Crossae. Forum. DECAPITATION. Life Said to Remain Long After tha Head la Severed. "The executions In Paris daring re cent years have revived tbe old question whether death iustantaueonsly follows upon the severance of the bead from tha hndv." aava tha Massachusetts Med ical Journal. " Dr. "tjiuel asserts that decapitation does not Immediately affect tbs brain. He says tbat tbe blood which flows after decapitation comes from the large vessels of tbe neck, sud there if hardly any call upon tbe circulation of the cranium. The brain remains iutaot, nourishing itself With tbe blood retained by the pressure of the air.. "When the blood remaining in tba bead at tbe moment ot separation is ex-v hautted, there commences s state, not of death, bat ot inertia,'' which lasts up to the moment when tbe organ, no longer fed, ceases to exist Dr. Cinei estimates that tbe brain finds nourish menl in the residuary blood for about sn hour sfter decapitation. The period ot inertia would; last for about two hours, be thiuks, and absolute death would uot ensue tin after tne space or thvna hnnra nltnoether. " . - , : . "If, ha adds, a bodiless bead Indicates by uo movement the horrors of its situ stion, it it because it is physically ini possible tbat it ebonid do so, all tba nerves which icrve for tbo transmis sion of orders from tbe brain to the trunk being severed; bat there remains tbe nerves of bearing, of smell and sight, and beconcludea tbat the guillotine does not cause instant death. If this be troe, could any other form of death ba mors Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoes Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by FS Daffy, Tks Orlii:. , "Doctor, what la my malady!" VGastro-enterltis." . " : "Whence comes ii?" . From the Greek." 3 The greatest remedy for gryh Incipient Coosusrptioa. ef UUjjl I Cores at, once Coughs, Aalin Colds,Hcarseness, Lossol Jj V T U Ds Vnl-. Rr.-irh!tS.GT!r,re. Asthma and Croup. At all druggists. 25c. C9si!y,Quickly, Permanently Restored is snld with i i 4a WTit(?n fniar rare to iwiire Insomnia, l , I'iiitivs, Hyutena, Jvrvous Oe'iniity, Lost italny, Swminal Lfts, Kaiiitur Mcmorv the result ol uver-worlc, worrv. S""ttn"i, Krrors ot Vouih or Over-induSgeuce. Prn .o. and 1 ; 6 bof t. tor quK-k, ponitive Ht-ti tasnnrrn1t5 in SexasI VVitnejiS, Im- nency, Nervous lnny nd 1vM, Vitantv. use t ! I enci CooiAL-flOim gU(.n,- b will k i-estrt it and tone lo every purt tiii -ct a peMii.'ieiit tare. Cheaf.w;st aud bi4 f" -t n t ui Uioi eaDD TLXL27sd.a,y, Dec AMD WLL An Unprecedented Opportunity Having come to the conrluslon to Move irom this City we win m tLt Next 30 I)qy8, lrom December 1st, Bell cur Entire Stock oi CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS & NOTIONS, AT COST . Now is the time. This will be the Greatest Slaughter Sale tht has ever taken place in reight on our geods we will sell them Down, Down. Dwn. Regard ess of Cost. It seems too good to believe, nevertheless it is a fact. and to convince yourseli come and see if our prices will be as follows: Mens bulls, strung sod detank. fancy patterns, worth f4.UU, sell ing out pries $1 98 Mens Black Cheviots and Fancy Casimeres, worth f n, $7. and f 8 selling out prices $8, 4 ssd 8 00 Mens Wool Top-cape-Mackintosh, atrictiy srst class goods, worth $8, telling out pries 8 78 Mens Fine Rentes Overcoats, fully wool, worth fa 00, sailing out pries 8 87 DOUBLE STORE OF AMERICAN STOCK CO., 59 and 01 ITIIDD1YE NTltEET. NEW BERNE, X. . Lodge Directory. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, NO. 8, A. K. 4 M.; O ulcers: It 8 Primrose. W M; George Green, 8 W; O D Hradham. J W; T A l.reen, Treasurer; W J Pius, Secre tary; W w Liark, 0 U; T U Hvman, J U. Regular Communications 8d Wednesday each mot th CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, 1. O. O. F. Officers: F It Hyman, C P; N C Hughes. H P: A E Hlbbard. 8 W; J L Mowly, J W; C.H Ball, Scribe; Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, Rrd, and Sih (if any) Thursday nights In each month at 7:80 o'clock. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNWUTS OF HARMONY: Meets Snd and 4th Wednesday nigbts in esch month In Rounlrce's Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. II. V. Whiteburst, President, Jas. H. Smith, Bec'y, R. R Hill, F Stc'y. EUREKA. LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. F Officers: 0. II. Hall, N. G.; J. L.Moodv, V. G ; T. 11 Sutton, K'c'd. Bec'ty; J. n. Parker, Jr., Treas. Regular meetings every Monday night at l froU o'clock. o P. at-1, o. t. Ulcer-. Ut-o. Hlover. Captain : T. H. H nan. Lieut..' P. H Pelletler. Bnalan : Wa, J Pitta, Clerk; Ed. Uerook, accountant. Heg uiar Cantouiuente, td and 4tb Thursday a-irnu in aueo ninnii area' o-oioos" W RRRNU CUAF'KK NO. 46, K. A. M.: (tleerni T. A. -reeu. H. P, h.i T. W. Dewey, Scribe; Chaa. Duffy, Treaa.; C. D. Ili-arthain, Bec'ty. Begular onvnea- ,n ia Mnnaav eaun oionr-ii. I. JtlHN'8 CdMMAI-DERY Nil. In, K. 1 -muers: 1. W. Dewey, E. C; Jaa. kedmond U.; 1. O. Hyman. C. O ; T. K. Mo aruhy, f relate: R. a. Humi oae. Recorder. Regula' Ciinclaven flrat tud thlnl Crtdavs ol th' tionth. KNinHTS OF HONOR' Alcera: 8. D Poiie, Dictator; 0. L. Vtuaon, Reporter; . r.' HOoniTee, rin-,neiai rowrwr naw rne U rtge No 4tf meets the ind and 4th riday ulhta 7:S0o'olook in Rountree't iIhII, Pollock Street SEW RKKNK I.ODGB NO. 1. P. II AO. I C. -wales, Prest ; J. H. 8"l'h, Hecnrding Hncty; K. K. Qulnley, Financial -cty. sleets in Knight, of Pythias ball every 1st and Ird Wednesday Dixnts lu eacn raoutn. HKANUH OFFICE 1 A. PoiWeld Co., rSnr lessors to H. W. Silsby & Go.) Bankers and -Mroker. Stocks, Bonds, ' . Cotton, tirsls, , frotlsloRi Bought and sold for cash or on margin t one per cent, in lots from $30 up. Over Cotton Exchange. ' , Rff" National Bank References, CJTConstant Quotations, - .A. 01 NEWBERRY. Manager A Good telephone - SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS ' NECESSITY, v A HOME " : CONVENIENCE. A COM-, , BIN ED . '. . .. . . . . ' BTecesnItya ' Conyenlene, - Isuxnry I Order Your phone ft Once t . Russell House. While in Bcaafort be sore and stop at the Resell House FIrsl-Clats Board. A home for trave'lnr people. Fishing as-l bunliog uoexcelled. Terms $125 s lay or $5.00 per week. ' . ... , G. A KUBSELL Prop u.xy. fiinrso. Arctic5 k Supii inW Cn Kroart Street. iiDjiKJoiHini Sci; f '-.(, MHhl In ' Cl " SHfAiL- J CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS the City of New Berne. To avoid doi.b e Mens Blue ssd Bl ick Beaver Over coats, guaranteed fatt Color, well mtde, worth $10, selling oat pries Mens Heerv Diagonal Mackintosh warranted, worth t 75, our sel Ing out price 5 25 1 40 Mens Bhoea, worth tl 71, will now go at 98c; Mens Shoes worth $8 50, will now go at tl 85; Mens Shoes worth $4 will now go at f8 49. Ladies and Chil dress Shoes at Sacrifice prices. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL., UNDOES A GENERAL FIRE T. A. GREEN, President. GEORGE GREEN, Secretary. J J. WOLmDEN, Gen' Agent. tOouthern ail way. Tht.Siaudsr.i Railway ot ll.c SOUTH The Direct Line to nllJt'ointB. TJLVAS. (AMIOUXIA, l'l,OUIlA, I HA AK1 TOIKTO 111 CO. Mriitly Flrsl.C!as I l ,i,n all Through or LorulTraiii.-, ace Sleeping Cars ou il l i.. Iman Pal ,Ni H 1 1 1. '1 rains; Fast aud Safe Scbedulta. Travel bv ihe hi.nilinn and you are as sured a Safe, Oiintorluhle ami Exptdi, nous Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bles, Ratea bnd General Information, or address F. R. DARBY, R. L. VERNON, c. P. A T. a, T, P, A., Asbeville, N. C. . Charlotte, N. C. Frank 8..Gasnoh, J M. Cclp, 8dV.P AJGen Man. Tint. Man W. A. Tobk, Q P A, WASHINGTON, - - D. C. JsOTlCE ! BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE. M.P.nOLLEY Desires to inform the public tbat he has a full line of Fall and Winter Samples on hand, where they can get Suits made at Short Notice ftom $10.00 to $13.00 and upwards, Old Clothes Cleaned and Made to Look New. ' Preset d in Latest Style. Overcoats changed into single breasted Sack Coats.' Prince Albert Frock costs changed into Cutaways Our Dveing Department second to none. Siik Dresses and 8uils of Clothes Guaranteed. , ' 95 8. Frest Bt., next to P. M. Draney Facts ! Facts ! ! When yon ylsit the city don't K fail to call on the Old Reliable , firm of , ' , -' .v. ... 1-. 1 ' ;. Roberts & Brother They keep a full stock of -7 Provisions & Groceries 7 Which they brier st Low Fig . ,nrns. You will alway find them Headqaartert for First-Clau Goods ?; - j NOTICE ! The co-painersbip heretoforeexlsilng v . I, in. ,.L .. -II . D ' ' netweeu . 11. i,iih....m auu - Delamar under the firm name and slylu! of Blai-kw- II and Helamar is this day by -mutual rnn-ent di-oled. All debts J nwinv hy slid firm will lie paid hy O. II. i Black well and a-l accininis or oiher in-1 , debttdncss due I he id tlrmof Blsck-i well and Delsmar will be paid by the' saiil C II IlNc, wt II. This Noveiu! ei 2ti, li' C, li Hi. At KWF.ll, ' I - - A w H. to Savr Money BOOTS A C Mens Black and Fancy Worsted Suits, well made, sslio piping, sues 84 to 41, worth $13, selling out price fl 85 Mens Suits, double snd single breasted, stylish patterns, worth 7, 9 and $10 , selling out price $4 97, A 59 and ft 50 tTAn Immense Stork of Ladles and Childrens Capes and Cloaks will go st at Astonishing Slaughter. BERN. N. C. $50,000,00 INSURANCE BUSINESS. W. B. BLADES, JOHN DUNN, Vice-Prest. Offices: OVER IITIZKNS K4M Kale Under 9Iortgfe. Pursuan- to that certain power of sale contained in the ninrtgngeileed executed by C H. W iggins ai,d wife lo Mart U. i Dewey on the Hili day of Aucust, I8H6, duly recorded in the "(tire if the ReniKter of Deeds of Craven cunnlv, in Honk n. 130, Foline 1.18, 1,')4 and 15. d.fxult liav inc been mail- in il-e peifi,nniii e "I ilie condiuons In said inonvaite inm -lid; and the said Marj I) I), wi v hav-ns nb-d int. state, and the umi, rsii-, l hav ,. duly adniinislered upon her eid e-mu ; now, therefore as sucl- mlniiiMH j r. I v. ill offer for ale ami II ai ' i - '.lie- An at the cinirt hitii-e il - in an n i i ' on Vlonilay llie 2t h ilav o I It , , n i 1S118, at the hi nr i.l i2 n'l-lt. It " highest bidder f' ' i -Ii a1 i-d - n l tht follow ini, p" ( ' I ,t-I t i.i il bounded and 'lenrri 1 r'l es 1"' 'W h i, v : On be North side of Ntum ii'i n taining one I lit -n- ntl uri't, ni it-. , heginning i-t a ci ,'es on .eu -o -. bt low Mud Seine i each, roi.n'i i Nf-i with Dower line hi (.lot- I s a t- il, i, Wei-t io Bear Pole wanp lo II- nrh n' line, thence Sonili wiihHil In eto Nancy Adams' line, thence with smd line m Neilstt river, i hence with said ilvt r to tl-e beginning. The same land s sold hy E. W. Carpenter, commissioner, lo A'ex Mitchell, deceasid hy deed da ed the 33d dav of Fehruarv, A D . I WO. reuisteied in Book No. 83,' pages 1110, 101, rec-rds of Graven county. This November Oth, to THOrt. F Mc ARTHY. Administrator of M. D Dewey, dee'd. For Sale, Valuable Farm t Pursuant to powers in tbe mortgages executed by John B Wooten and wife dated respectively January 8, 1890 and December si, itt4, registered in tne office of the register of deeds of Craven county. North Carolina in book 103, pages 123 and 134, and book 115, pagea -848, 849 and 850 to which reference is made. Tbe undersigned will sell at public suction for cash at tbe court house of ' said Craven county, in tbe city of New Berne, on Monday the 2nd day of Janu ary, A D, 1899, at 12 o'clock midday, the land conveyed by said mortgages, bound ed and described as follows, viz: Situated in said Craven county, ad joining the lands of R G Cobb, BH Wooten, J J Sauls and J C Wooten, con taining about six hundred and ten acres, ' being tbe same which was conveved Ho said John B Wooten by the heirs of Jacob Rhem by deed rec riled in Craven county in book 05, folio 509, to which reference is made tor more complete and : better description, saving and excepting about 200 acres conveyed to Lewis Smith by deed recorded in Craven coun ty, book 72, folio 683; about 189 acres conveyed to J J Sauls by deed recorded in Craven county in book 80, folio 488 N and about 60 seres conveyed to B H Woolen by deed recorded in Craven county, book 94, folio 681. Subject ton mortgage in favor of L H Cutler, for $300. - ' - Tits National Bask or Nsw Bern a. ' . , By JAMES A BRYAN, Pres. New Berne, November 21, 1808. - , - ..... ,., .... . .. .. : : Notice of admlniKiratinn. , ' Earing duly qualified aa the adminis trator of E M Sims, deceased all persons ' are hereby notified to present . their claims to me dulv verified o or before November 25, 1899, or this notice will ba ' pleaded in bar of recoVery. . - 1 All persons indebted to aM eatnie are. requested to make lnini-ti-te ta intnt. . This Nuvamher M. lHSr. - J.J VtoL FNII . : 1 1

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