Tna Ktod Tot Hare Ahv. la use for orrr SO years, and has 'GtfC aHi-tt no AH Counterfeits 1 iutluaj perlmeaU Umt trUo T.Mh . Infant and CltiM.en - Exp What is CASTORIA Castorta It a atibatJlul f..r Ca-tor X)l. rarcjrorio. Drop and Soothtnir Hjrti;. It U 1Lu-iu:ckm aud I'loamanU II contain neither t,luni, Morpblno imr other Karcotio bu balance. IU aim is It ;uxrw.utce. It destroy Worm and allay FererUnae. It cure Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It rullce Turtbln.,' Trouble, caret Constipation and Flatulency. It alntllu the rood, jwtjalate tha Stomach and Uorvcla,. srltlng JieatiUiy aud nataral sleep. Tha Children' Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE' CAST0R1 A ALWAYS 1 Boors the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM ! . T flaMV fJTtWfJT, tlWfwM fTT. A. A JT. . II. II. TIKI TaBLI MO. 7. in Tak Effect Bumlay, Ocr. 9. 1898, at 13 M. Ooiog at UCRKODLB: Going VV't-tt No. 8 Pauenger Train No. 4 ; Lt. p m bTations: A r. ttiii 140 Goldtboro 11 03 4 00 LaGrange 10 82 tSi Klnrton .10 14 40 Ar. New fern, Lt 0 CO 5 60 I.t. " Ar. .... 8S7 7 05. . . Ar. Morehead City Lt 7 4? Mo. 5, 1 Mz'd n k Put Tn. No. , t Mx'd rnd l'aw In. Ar. P. M. ihn 818 1 4i Lt. a. 7 10. u. .. .Uiildiilioro IVul'ri . . . . ltUrange 7 43... (' .. b W .. 14 .. V 25. . . 10 IS... 10 40... 11 IV.. 111)1... UDi .. .Falling Crrek ... 1 li ...Klubton 13 f 3 . . . (las well . . . . Dover ..Cor Creek... . TuM-arora . . . . Claikii ..Mew Berne... .11 88 .11 40 .1040 .10 IS . 10(10 . U M A. II. P. a. Hondny, Wednesday, Friday .1 . J TuwhIb), Tliur.dy Saturday . Nohl. t Mx'd tT. and faaaTn. Lt. a m 7 10 7 43 806 8 88 11 9 8 40 10 IS No. 2, Ix't Ft. ami Pass. Tn. Ar. p n .. ... 8 18 783 718 m . . . 613 .. Goldsboro..., best's ... LaUrauge... .Fulling creek.., , . . . Kluaton .... .... Caswell,... Ar. lioTer, Lt .Lt. " Ar. ...Cure creek... . , . Tunuaroiw 518 600 -4ii0 . . .. 400 .... 838 . . 320 10 40.. 11,15.. 11 81 Clark' . 1108 ... 180... I IS.... 120..,. 148.. . IU... 181 ... . . Ar. New berne, Lt . . . ..Lt Ar .. UiTerdale ...... . 260 10 47 10 10 10 00 940 906 8 47 888 820 cruaUui .. ... HuTeluck Newport, Lt. ... Wild wood . ..1, ....i ...Atlantic .Ar. Murehead City, Lt. .Ar. M. City Depot, Lt.. 8 40.. 401,.. p. a. 780 A. M. Monday. Wednesday tod Friday. fueiay, ThuiMlay and Saturday, 6. L. DILL, Buiwrint dent. Atlnlitlo Coast III lie. . Wilmington & New Bkrnb'R. B., TI1IK TABL8 KO. 5, - - , In ElTect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1893, Daily Except Sunday, , J - Going Boulh hcbrouL: Going North ' No. 51, Pasnenger Train No.ftO, Lt. am, btatiqks: Ar. p m, 900.,... 9 86..... 9 61 .... 10 01 ... 13 04 .... Ne JJerae .... Pollocks vllle Maysville, . , .. .Jackon ville., J Wilmington, 5 4U- cot 4 : 4 18 2;32 8 85 I union uepot 13 15 ...Ar. Wilmington;' Lv. r a rr, - . r a No. 8, Passsnobb & Freight, ' No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. . Lt. a H V. :M 1 Ar. P M 780.....LT. Wilmington, Ar...:. 1 45 8 40 ...6cott's Uill .12 55 980 ... .. . Woodaide.,..,. ...12 15 10 05... i i. . .. .Hollyridge . . .....11 40 10 61 ..... A,,v..Uion. .... 61 1 1 30. .... i W'A y roo ....... .... 10 20 1 05.....itiBkionTille,.;. ... 9 44 13 30. ...... Norl.'eat. . i . . , .J. 8 55 8(65..,.. ....-... 830 180......... Maysville......... 8 06 9 15 ........ Pollocksville..., .... 7 20 9 65 .... .. .Debruhl' .. ...... 0 35 I 40...., Ar. New Berne, Lt...... 600 Daily Except Sunday. -. - i. R. KENLT, General Manager. roi.rKN, M i4.Tiinp iion t :tzj Bouirnt, luid which Lm 5ce ku bora tho l,rnattirn of br :-. r.8 nndr ru per one t t! jau la tub. m.u iuii-titute are but Ex ar t rtulu.-i.Trr the health af - rl.K - j arrnJnst spartment. Signature of WILMINOTON & WELDON R. R. And Branche. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. C"M)l!5IIKO trnKDCLR. TRA1S8 OOI.NU M.Um I DATED Not. SO, 06. c a e a Kb 'A a . M P M. P.M A.M P.M. Lt. Weldoi. 11 .VD 41 Ar. h. Jit.. 'IS .V 10 S6 1 Lt. Ta'lwro 13 21 C, CI Lt. K. Mt. Lt. Wilton, Lt. Selina. .: LT.Fay'villi Ar.Floreuut 1 0 Hi M I 6r ll 1 a m i 4 f 1 (m 7 sf a i. P. M. A.M. i 4" is sa Cl'2 2 20 7 n- Ar. Uolda... , Lt, tiolde... Lv. Mait'lia , ArWilm'um (1 0 7 HI 11 (15 4 II 5 45 P.N. 8 05 ' 81' I P.M M T MAIN 8 GOING NOKTU. la 1 0 A M P.M Lr.Florpnee 950 . . . 7 41'! 9 43 LT.Fay'Tille 18 25 ... L.T.Belma. 1 50!... 8 80 ... 10 55 11 85 Ar. Wilton A.M, P.M A.M. LTWilm'ton 7 15 8 55 10 10 9 46 1 01 8 OS Lt. Mau'li Lv. Golds. 8 00: .... - -. maTm P.M. 3 85 P.M P.M. Lt. Wilson Ar. R. Mt.. S 88 11 85j 10 10 07! 11 15 11 57 13 49 8 80 1 SO Ar Tarlioro Lt. Tarbnro; 6 45, 13 21 Lv. It Mt.. Ar. Weldon 8 80! 13 07,. I 9 59'. A.M ! 4 112 P.M Train on the Sco tland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 4 15 p m, Halifax 4 80 p m, jti rives rlroiland N ck at 6 20 p m, Gr. en ville 6 57 p m. Elusion 7 68 p m. Returning leaves Kiuclon 7 50 a as, Greenville 8 5i a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a oi, Weldon 11 88 a m, dally ex cept Hunday.- , 1 Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 20 a in anil 8 80 p m, ar rive Parmi'le 910 a ni, and 4 00 p m, re I uruitig leave Paruielr 8 8.1 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Wtaiiingtou 11 00 a m aad 7 20 p m, dally except Sunday. ' - f-- ; Tiain leaves Tarborn, N 0, daily except Sunday 680 p m, Sunday, 415 p in, ar-, rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re turning, leave Plymouth daily except Sunday ,-1 50 a m, and Sunday 9 00 t m, arrive Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a m Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 10 a, in, arriving Smithfielil 8 80 a m. Return ing leave Smith field 9 00 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 111 25 a ni. , , . v' W Tnint' On Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 7 80 a m.4:3(i p m, arrive Nabvlle 8 10 a m, 4 68 p m, Spring Hope 8 40 a tn. 8 15 p m. Returning leave 8ping Mope 9 00 a ni, S 45 p m, Nash Till 9 32 a m, arrire at Rockv , Moont 9 45 a m, 6 50 p ro, daily exe pt Sumlay. . Train on t;lintin Braucb leaves War saw for Cllntn daily, except Sunday, 11 80 a ro and 4 15 p tn, IN "1" ing leaves Clinton at 7 00 a in ami 3 45 n. Train So 7 makes clife connection Weldon for all pnniia NoMh. daily all rail via Richmond. U H F.Mfi;soN, ' " , GtVi Paft Agent J R KENLT; fienl Manserr. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. Careat., and Tradc-Varku obtiincd and all Pat-, ent bu.incu conducted Utt Moocratc Pres. OuaOrricc isoeeosirc U.S.PaTenTOrricr andweranwure ):icntinluatimethaullioM remote from Washington. Scad model, drawing or photo., with deaerip-, t;on. We advise, it pcntable or not, free oi Jch.irire. Our fee not due tilt patent it secured. A PAelLrT. ilorr to u.iwin ratcnu," wnn cost at baincln the L'.S. and forciu coontriea sent free. Address, 4 rtaaltaa tweri. TVrr li mmII ail bit bj wo tau4 t( tM M Utl l tarwt fed 10 lead aad It palid apiJ boat Icr (teelf ad It cc Ibat wiiii Wrt akipt ar Making ttajatr art aa kbit to tee lb mvrm It to sboal la perfect asfr! T Too HiUo mil teat okt oor tad te tberalart called teathla. ll aa aaaallaheJl ad I bar project treat tat eaoer tr of tat body lueg. toaf-oeJis pteo of Baa. Ihle it Um left, d U It bollt apoa bom teiaatiBi principle, for tt tat paniaepu la M tor alt. it it broad aad tbt tlr mm paruneat art aodaraaalk. thai h eanao canstae. , Moreover. Uit mail fcaowt how to tow wty It aargo, far tit oidaM acrt sad iboM which as lob tb toon ail ua plaotd la tb stile, IB tbt light aadaawtatoatbaaidaiof tbtna Tbt taothio Alia ita twa air eooiparUMa by getting global of air ndnath it bead, lot body U lb oarrad down ward branth tat raft, and ibtbaad bt iag tilMd oa ona tida tbt tir ratbet Bp ad allttbt tpaoat. It tatd oa a basi nful hula Jtllyata, wbicb bat aflat, rafillkt tana with a pretty imlt Mil apoa It, aod tbty eotigragai ia ajaltl tadat wbc tb tat it eala. . - SooMllmea tpacimaaa art waabad apoa tbt aortbwaatara aoatt of Franc oo wbte tby art baadltd tbey girt at a viola dya Philadelphia Praaa t 1 lrb la at Ik, ' It will ba raadily granttd tbal tot iatptclioa of aillk aod it toorcct of apply It of tb mora inportaoot from pobllo baaltb point of ritw than tb iatptotion of Biaat, tinot milk it to larg aly attd at tb food of Infant. Milk immediately it It take frora I tbt batltby tow eootalnt do miorobat. Hardly ba tb milk tattled In Ibt pall tbaa tbey aboand, to taany at 10,000 in OM-qnArtsr en bio Inch bariog been deteoted. Tb qoeation wbioh natarally prtasnti Ittelf la " Wbert do tbty com from!" From tbt aoilad Mata from tbt tolled baodt of tb worker, from tbt atmorpbtrt of tba milking tbtd and from tb pailt tbaaiatlT. Tbty pot tea tht property of propagating very rapidly It. dt Frtodaarich of tbt Bern la boratory aamrtt tbal milk Jott drawn containing In on-onarter coblo inob 0,000 microbe ttTtn bonn later wt bond to contain 60.000, After a period of IS boon bad elipted 5,000,000 mi crobe were prttent in Ibt am qnan tity of milk, and If tba temperator b raited to 05 degree F. tbt microbio popnlttiou of tb nut milk daring tb mm time woold roach tbt tnornionl total of 8 1 1,400, 000. Children tppear particularly prone to contract cuntomptioki throngb the tgency of milk containing tubercle bacilli. Chamber' Journal Hew We Walk. In The Literary Digest appear tranilntiou of n reviiw of "Comment on Morcbe" ("How Wt Wnlk"), tht latest book on the subject by Messra. Reguanlt tod Raoul. lu this work It it olairaed that wa bavt bteu wrongly ed ucated in walking and that tht erect posture and Qrm ttep that wt bare been led to believe were tTidenoet of health aud strength ere conventional and Ti oiooa. M. Marey, who wrote tbt Introduc tion to the Tolome, says that there it style of walking that enables oue, with out excessive tatigne, to go distancet of from 30 to 85 mile in third of the time usually required. This may be ac complished byi walking with-tba kueet bent and the body inclined forward, a method which bat been observed io pro fessional pedestrians, mountaineers, peasants, huutert aud soldiers fatigued by long marches lu not adopting this method, it it claimed that, kt with all tht other aot of life, we remain slave of conventional aesthetics. ' Re Keovr Row Adaaa Pelt. A young man wat recently taken to a Lewiston hospital and suffered tht removal of a rib. When be earn to himtnlf, he wa told whit bad been done and teemed satisfied. Shortly after be dropped Into a semiconscious state and kept calling for "tb woman." For two days be wat delirious, and fre quently called for "the woman." "I waul to tu tht woman," be kept tay lng." - - "'. At last tbe nurse in desperation said, "Well, I'm tbt womtn," Tbe man looked at her critically from top to toe and taid, V Who would have thought that tbey could have made inch a pretty girl out of one of my ribs. " t And then he nettled back on bit pillow, and when ba awoka again be, was in bit right mind ind wat batter. Kennebec Jour nal. . -V : ' " - J ' . x ' . Ther Warn Alike. : - A fly bad fallen into tha ink wall of certain author who writet a Tery bad , and a Tery inky bind The writer' lit tle boy rescued tbe nnbtppy insect and dropped him on a piece of paper After watching him intently for awhile be called to bit motber, "Here'i a fly, mamma, that writet just likt papa." Current Literature . , , - ... ..... . ' 7 Vhc Oersaa Fire Departneat,' : "1 have tbe honor to aunonnce, cap tain, that the tire It iu Ibe fuurtb stury, and our ladder aud bose will reach on ly to the second " ' - "Indeed? Tneu we'll have to wait till tbe. fire gets down to the second." , -FUegeude Blatter . ; Tba tongue it divided into three re gion of taste, the first of which is chief ly sensible to pungent and acid tastes, tbe middle portion to sweets or bitters, while tbe back ie confined entirely to tbe flavort of roast meats, butter, oilt and rich and 'fatty substances. ' Wt never enjoy perfect bappineka Our moat fortunate successes are min gled with -sadness. - Some tnxietiet tl wayt perplex tbe reality of our aatirfao llon Osrneilla aiHTaEMMiae aTaaacii bihbamb. , Permanently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonio. Invalids need suffer no longer because thit great remedy can cure them all. Jt it curt for tht whole world 'of stomach weakness and indigestion, The cure be gins with the first dose. The relief It brinjrs is marvelous and surprising. It makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter how long you have sum-red, your cure is certain uod,r the use of tine ront hcalth-i'ivipir forot, T' -'t "! al Tl Ininl BrtMK, All lb waria (lata froa erAa t I TP. it, r lust.1 iu lb biiittaI deposit . rrvaa-i It tawia tt iit ,rii Cyaar, , Unit Ojo. birjt.r (Um Catraib aa4 i ih Ultia Btruktr. whik B)ra (lb ) !SleUM)Ulia4wilheiqaitiltwblla , l.k pnrorUla. rnakluf ll a fimag nt- i Ml lot 111 ou-kiiig of luod and lut lar -! ifalag boiling waitr for oar tea a4 toff, it wa o tiaooib aad baaatifal that I wuaiad lo ta taaiilaUag aune Ikluf rara wbaa i eaopped o7 piaon of lu lining, bat 1 knew tbey woeld b TalBblf toavaolr, aad tb aewy. baotllng water woald too toMod tb dntocy.- Tb mod pool oa Uia plat ar tb moat daeiraroo. tor tary rpoot hot mad dlaaooally oat of lb carta Cuming poa tbwa I oa d Iran too I bey ar not era, ttd many Ttsllar ba goo boat with artldra foot Tb bydmlm dis play it tow Tery Btfnl, ae laeoBaldcrala tooriitl btT Inland tbt spooling toon tain by loadioai ttooat law them to tt tbm out oat. to yn mat tak yonr tnl with yo and oeauip oa tb plat to await tb plcaaar of tbtrma)sti. Bltai Will ant yoo will whUt wait ing Tb Crcal Caytar had aot a poo 14 for week whan w war tber. and (oeh rarlin indicatod near act lity Th water apoa ud noraally high wbc it Anally appeared, ISO feat, aod ibowd II tb tlnu of tb rainbow, majtatit at tb am elm and myttertoat It playtd tor II mlnotet, and tbaa lit beautlfol eatoadaa av balded ia laatbary. miat. a re fined and graceful withdrawal International . Oa War a4 tatlllatt Ic. ' Aa tmnting comedy in real lift It reported from Pari. A married man waa in a cafe aaar tb Optra with bit 0ttr ntir on sreniug ana mi ner tor ttw momenta Whll b wat absent bit wit waa insulted. Tht lady roes from her aeat aod want to meet bar hoe band. Tb latter re-antered lb eat in order toehattie tbt offender Tbt lat ter, however, bad goo, but th bus band foond bit aamo and addreta Tb man wat a card printer Tbt Iratt husband went to this person l place, but be did uot find him at bom, to ba left fan card with tbt ebief shop man, taylng, "Tour employer will know what that mean" "All right, " rejoined the person ad dressed, "w thall tend op to yon to morrow. " Un tb. following day the Indtgntnt hatband wat araaaed to receiv a ool lection of 100 Tititing card In bit own name, all beautifully primed, accom panying them being tba inevitable bill Thit helped to clot tht mttter, and it it recorded that after brief explanations on both tide tha hntbtnd paid the bill, and tb master printer apologised to tbt lady. Pearson' Weekly . . Cat aa taelltaa. "Did yon ever notice the oatt about tba oyster ttandt of tbt cltyr" asked a gentleman who takes an iuterest in to ology . "Tbey are invariably at fat at butter That it because tbey gat plenty of shellfish to cat, and. by the way, the fondnett of cat for that kind of diet It a mystery wbtcb I'd likt to bear torn evolutionist txpltin A cat will go crazy over a tbrimp, and it it all tha tamt whether it' a city cat or a hay seed oat tbal oever saw water except In aciatern. U't a tastt boru in them, likt their tear of dogs, and tht question ia How tht mischief did tbey aoqnire tt? "According to tbe evolution theory, tucb trait are inherited and traceable to condition away back toward tha be ginning of thing That would aeem to Indicate that tht primal ott wat a fhh er. but bow it one to reconcile tbe idea with tb Instinctive abhorrence of (tht trio for water? Their craving for shell fish is certainly to pronounced that there mutt be an excellent reason bebiud It, and. altogether, it la quita a pretty lit tle problem for tome suvant It is too bard for mt " Exohango. ' Wouft Hameleae In Karea. Tb Korean woman bnt act even a nam, in her childhood she receives a nickname, by which she Is known iu tho family and by W near friends, bat which when tbe arrives at maturity it employed only by her pursuit To all other peisoni tbe is "the sister" or "the daughter" of inch aud tucb a oue After her matriage her name it buried . -the ittbsolutely uamelosi. Her own .parents refer to her by mentioning tbe district into which the baa married Should ber marriage be blessed with children tbe it "the motlier" of to and to If it happen that a woman bat to tppear tn a law court, tbe Judge gives ber a special uanie for cto while tbe ease lastt in order tn tavo time and to simplify matter National Zeitung. ' The tlmiile Minded Dahe, - . ' Tbe Duke of Wellington waa largely endowed with that modesty or sim plicity which make a great man al most unconscious of . his greatness He met a lady friend, wbo was going to tt a model of tht buttle of W iter loo, relate a writer in The Cornhill Moga tine, and remarkeofto ber: "Ah, you're going to tee Waterloo. U't a very good model. 1 wat at tbt battlo, you know.'' Surveying a Held of battle he could de tect almost at a glance the weak points in the disposition of 'tbe contending forces, bol be could' never tell whether bit diuper wat cooked well or ill '. The (reaasore Tree.' , " Tbt sycamore baa been called tbt Egypt luu fig tree Tho data ot its being planted in England it not known, bnt it wat very early Uary, queen of Scott, brought over from France a young syca more, which she plumed in the gardens of Holyrood, and from this hive sprung til tho beuntif ul grovel of sycamores now to ba senu iu Scotland 1 , -;""'.' t:i-eraie4 Teeik. , r Never pur. a hot water bag to an ulcerated tooth It ' the dentist Is Un available at the mabient. apply, an lev bag. which will reduce the swelling and next to tbe gum lay a hot ruisiu.. ateiLr ia mix hoc a Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved in aix hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It it a great surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys tnd back, ta male or female. Relieves retension of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure thit ia tbe remedy. Se.d by C. D. Bradham, DniRbiint. New Ffli'tje, .N. C, LOCK-ID LIHC RAW MIAT. (vf I ij' aa d Bee was an saw aaaat, n eooirt lul l. Ie as. Th My th a w tlrri, imtoT kM ee . k4 .f n r Bif ! a H aMuUf tbk-il.ai4 lhcbWa mmi So towlne ket " cLka. WJ smwa tt Sii naair u ee raaalt. r atar Ccmu lagu vcrr, Crrna ba oBmair, Cxraoraa nar, tn rM m mmiy Mis uaaxJoea. ru Nm AvBraokrja. M' hmt bbmv mm. vww B vh CVvwv a. . i . ... trtfttia.,.. MtM IM m4' M 10 IfelU. a4 at . 1 1. .4 V, rt, , , , n, U.uimi..m Mm. m.aM,MrwM. VwBr as Pawfkelt, At football all manner -cf men bavt playtd at tb end of tb rash line at ideal ma woold b eutnpoti: of all tb other meti to tb team He woold bt tbnqtt tret 10 1 height and would wtlg about 166 or 168 II woold- htT tbe speed of a bait, tb qoickoeii of a quarter, tbt bulldog plnck tml barrt (I a guard, aud tbt brain of a captain In addition to all these (and contrary to tbe opinloui of meat people) bt woold bar quick tamper Tbtr. I nothing iu toot ball Dot indeed in tny form ot athletic la compatible with a little ot lb "Old Adtm," nor I then anything I ik an ger to pot lito and fir into a tired man lit in a bard fought gam . On can bt a angry at b may and till be a gentleman. Tamper, properly directed and controlled, will add flerot DMttoono'i tackle,. speed to bit run ning and strength to hit blocking, aa nothing alt on earth will do, and mtny th captains there are wbu. knowing this, bavt ttirrcd op tbeii wearied men with harsh word cf command wbioh tbty tbmolve realised were unmerited limply to mtko their teama work harder aad fatter. College Athlete. The lar La Cripy Car. There Is no use tuffering from thit dreadful malady If you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver it out of order, bavt no tppetlte, no life or ara Mtion, have a bad cold, in fact are com plrlely need up. Electric Billert la tht only remedy that will give you prompt aod sure relief. They act directly on your Lives, Stomach and Kidneys, lone ' ' . 'i - like a new being. They are guaranteed a " " ' " F. 8. Duffy't Diug Store, only 60 cent per bottle. - Dcialy t gainst It. "Are you in favor of thit 'open door policy we hear to much about these dJ-" "No, sir, not by a jugful, with tht cold weather coming on!" Twt Point , Question Anawtred. What It the uae of making a better trtlclt than your competitor if you can not get batter price for it? Ant. At there It no difference in the price tbe publio will buy only the better, to that while our profits mty be smaller on a tingle tale they will be much great er in Ibt aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make it the best? It both" articles are brought promin ently before the public both art certain to be tried tnd the public will very quickly pass judgment on tbem and use only the better one. . Thit explains the large tale on Cham, berlalu't Cough Remedy. Tbe people have been utlng it for yetrt tnd bare found that it can alwavi b depended upon. They mty occasionally take up with tome ftsblonahle novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy thatthey know to be reliable, tud for coughs, coldl and croup there It nothing equal : ,n fftt.mlu.l.ln,a f,i,ith Ttamrtv Vnr : tale by, F. 8, Duffy. ; Tht Bear Begins. v "There will be a fierce' b.tlle lu the Senate on tbe expa tlou quertion." , "Yes; both tldet have cleared for talk." Ia llama tory mBhenmatitm arid la 3 '':':: 'V' lya -. . ' ' Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Inrl.,iays: ''My wife had Inflammatory Rlieumall-m in every niutcle and joint; ber tuffering was terrible anil her body and face were swollen almost lieyond recognition; had .been in bed foss'u weeks and hail eight physician", but received no beneht until i-he tried, lht Mystic Cure for Rheuma tism. It gave Immediate relief anil the wis tbie to walk about in three days. 1 am sure It saved ber lire " Sold bj Henry't Pharmacy. 1 . A Timely Uiat. Oh, Chrlstmn time iscomiau fast, " -, So cheer up, girl, te pleastut, And thtke tbe fellow rtlb the put . For that out with ybe irear.t. RS tehM Mothcrsl .1 hj wondcrr j , 1(VL. ful remedy will live yoor Q U i ehlld't We when attacked L by Croun o Whopping-SjyTUP. congh. It never iiilito t cure throit aod lung troubles. Price 25 ctt, HJIfJDIPO gEsiosrt VITALITY i tSoJ. a THE ; Of Me. GREAT ,..-. - FRENCH ITEMEPY producen Iht above irmtt in 30 Q ft. Cites erttmu Debihty Imftmcy Varicocele, J-aihttf Aimoty. bioi s all crain and losses caused liy cir-TS at yonth. It Hams or. In snnity mid t'nn.nimpuon. S iuije Wen rt;iin Mai botjd and CM Men tecover -VoLihinl i.T. H gives vtfct'T A nl s ! to shrunken ot s mis, B'id fv a man tt r btnincjs or m t -v. I v rniffi iri tlie ve"l i'OC-i. l'rjre f "J i T . 6 l -x.t-it2. I W I S ISp-LBmBDo AND WILL An Unprecedented Opportunity to Save Money. Having come to tbe conrlusion to Move irom this City we will in the Next 30 Days, Irom December 1st, Sell cur Entire Stock ot clothing, dry goods, boots and shoes, H ats & Motions, at cost. Now is the time. This will be the Greatest Slaughter Sale that has ever taken place in the City of New Berne. To avoid double freight on our geods we will sell them Down, Down, Down, Regard less of Cost. It seems too good to believe, nevertheless it is a factv and to convince yourselt come and see if our prices will be as tollows: Mrns Soils, strong end dujahlr, fancy paderat, worth (4.00, tell ing out prlol f I 98 Meai Black t'btviott and Finer Ctaimerea, worth 6. 7. tad $8 telling out price $3, 4 ttd 8 00 went Wool Top-cape-Macklntub, strictly drat clan goods, worth elllng out price I 7) Mens Fine Riniin Overonais, fully I wool, worth $8 50, selling out price 8 87 DOUBLE STOHE OF AMERICAN STOCK CO.. 50 bii1 01 9IIDDL.E NTIIKF.T. NEW It i: HMO. X. Ledge Directory. ST john'S LODGE, No. 8, A. K. 4 A. M ; Offlcer: R 8 PrimroM, WM I George Green, 8 W; C D B radii am, J W; f A lireen. Treasurer; W J Pills, Secre- lary; W W Clark, o D; T O Hi man, J D. Regular Cxnimunicalinnt 2d Wednesday each moi th ! CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, 1 I. O. O. F Officer: F R Hyman, C P; N C Hughes, U P; A E Hlbhard. 8 W; ! J L MihxIv. J W; C II Hall. Scribe; E I ,1...L Tr.... R..,,l.r menl. Int. Hrrt. and i ! ment, 1st, Ard, and 6(b (if any) Thursday nights In each month at 7:30 o'clock . CRAVEN LODGE Tfo. 1 KNIGHTS i op i,AKMoNV. Meett 9nd tnd 4th i Wednesdsv nights in each month in Rnunlree'i Hall. Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. II. C. Whitehiirst, I'readent, Jts. II. 8mlth, Sec'y. R. R Hill. F Sec'y. ! EUREK. LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. F Officers: C. H. Hill, N. G.; J. L. Moody, I V. G ; T. 11 Sutton, R'c'd. Bec'ty; J. It 1 Parker, Jr., Treat. Regular meetings every Monday night tl 7:80 o'clock. USNTON CLEbatONT KO. t, P. at. I. O. O. t .ncera . Oko. Hliiver, Captain ; T. U. Hy nan, Lieut.; P. II. Pelletler, Ensign ; Win. J rnia, Clerk : Ed. t4eroek. Accountant. Keg uiar ( anlonnienU, id and ttb Tiiuradav a-vbta tn eaoh month i t tt) o'clock i W BKRNE CHAPKR NO. 4t, R. A. M. : ifnearei T. A. llreou, H. P, k.; T. W. Dewnv, 8ciite; Cba. Duffy, Treas.; C. I). Ilrailliam, tWo'ty. Kegular onvnea tons id Mondav eaeh month. 3f. JOHN'S COMMANPERT NO. 10, R.T.: IfDcers: 1. W. Dewey, K. C; J as. hialmond G.;T. O. Hvman, 0.6; I. . He arnhy. Prelate; R. &. Pinnroee, Recorder. Rennlaj Conclave Orst aud third Fndave ol tb month. KNiaHT or HONOR I'flicera : 8. tl Pope, Dictator O. l Vtuaou, Reporter; W V. Boantree, Kin.nclat Krpnrter New Rarna Lodae No. 44S meeta the tnd and 4t r. Krtday niirhta at T:Mo'eloek In Sountree'a Han, roiioca bireet. NEW BEKNB LOOtiE NO. 1, T. II. AC-J. C. Koaloa, Preat; J. H. emnn, Keonramg aecty; E. K. Quiniey, Financial rteety. sleets In Hiilghtr. ot I'ythlaa ball every let and trd Wednesday awbta lu each mouth. BRANCH OFFICE VV. A. PorterDeld & Co., fBnr jeason to H. W. Bilaby ft Go.) .. Bunkers and i llrokem. itoekt, Snadt. ' ' Cottna. Hrali, - ProTltloai Bought and told for cash or on margin ne per cent, in low from 3 up. , Over Cotton Exchange. , , tlT National Bank Reference. . f-yC'oiiaiant Quotations. A.1 0( NEWBERRY, " i . . Manatet A Good Telephone ' ; SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, : A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM-, B1NED .. , . , r ... . Necfwtlty, I Convmlen Luxury ! -s Order Your Phone at Once 1 Russell House. While In Beaufort be sure and Hop at tbe Rusell House. . Firtt-Cltet Board. A home for traveling people. Fishing and bunting unexcelled. Terra. $1.35 a day or $5.00 per week, ' ' ' " , G. A. RUSSELL Prop II. V. SIIIPSOW. . Archltecl fi Superintendent C3 Ercifl direct; t.i. Eti.lLLt, P.tst!lshPd In 1 MaJ. li. HI N' .. I-t. "- CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS. Ment Blot tod Black Bearer Over coat t, guaranteed Ian cior, well m-vl, worth fl, srlling out price Men Heavy Diagonal Mackintosh warranted, north $2 75, our eel Ing out price 5 25 1 40 Men Shoe, worth (I 75 will now go at uu... u a. -j, go at 1 J5; Men.Sh.- wu.ll, 4 will now go .1 4 49 Ladle, and Cbil drens Shoe at sacritirr price. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL,, MTDOE8 A GENERAL FIRE T. A. GREEN, President, GEORGE GREEN, Secretary. J. J. WOLFENUEN, Cen'l Agent. Southern IRjailway. The Standatd I!aily ol ll c SOUTH The Direct Line to nil Points, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FJLOltlDA, CUBA AX1) FOIITO IllCO. 8trictly First-Glafs Equipment JonJ all Through or Loral Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Cars ou, all Night. Fast aud Safe Schedules. Travel bv the Soulhi in ai il you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expecli; tiout Jouiuiy. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bit, Ratet und General Information, or address F. R. DARBY, R L. VERSON, C. P. J. A, T. P. A., Asheville,.N. C. Charlotte, N. C. ' Frank S. Gakkon, J M. Cclp, "Sd.V.P& Gu Man. Tiuf. Man W. A. TcbK, G P A, WtSIUNOToN. - - D. C. BUSINESS BE' ORE PLEASURE. 91. I. IIO I. LEY De sin a to iif"rm ihe put lie that he has a Mill line id Fall anil Winter Samples on band. wlrr they can gel Suits made at Short Notice fmm $10 00 to 12.00 and upwards. Old Clmhea Cleaned and Made to Look New. . Presatri In La't Style. Overcoats changed into single breasted Sack Coats. Prince Albert Frock coats changed into Cutaways Our Dveing Department second to none. Silk Dresses and Suits or Clothes Guaranteed 85 8. Front St.. nrx' to P. M. Draney Facts! Facts!! ' When vou visit the city don't fill to call on tba Old Reliable ' , - flrm of - . . '. ' Roberts cS: Brother Tbey keep a full itock of IroYMlons & Groceries ! Which they offer at Low Fig- r ure. You will alwiy find them Headquarters v for jfirat-Clast Goodt, . ' I '- " ', ' NOTICE I The co-pirtnersblp heretofore existing v , i II ni.r.kwoll and P. O. Delamar under the firm narot tnd ttyle' JUCIHlUar UUUOi tun uuu J t of Blackwell tnd Delamar it tbls diy by I mutual consent . dtuolved. Alldebttj owing bv taid firm will be paid by (J. II. t Blackwell and all account! or other in- tlebtednett due tbt said firm of Black well and Delamar will be paid by thtj said C. H. Blackwell. ' This November 2, 1898. ' O, II BiiACHWEM., V. (J- Tkiamak. Men Black and Fancy Wmttrd Suit,, well made, satin piping, aire 34 to 41, worth $12, aelling out pri-e 6 25 Men Suit,, double and pintle lrraieil, i.tli-h patt rna, worth 7. $U md $10 . aellins ul rice i u? mi 6 50 a d , '. , OTAn lmme,i-e I., k ,,( i.. li. ' '1 '""'" ' ,,' ' ' 'h.-k- illg.. l ' A"1 """h -I"'"'' BERN, N. C. 950,000,00 INSURANCE BUSINESS. W. It. Bi.ADEH. JOHN DUNN, Vice-Preet. OSm: dVEK CITIZENS BANr Kale Untler Jlorljjage. J Puraumr to I bat ci rtain power of ale contained in the mortgage Iced executed by C. H. Wiggins and wife to Mary D. Dewey on tbe Stli day of August, 1800, ( duly recorded in tbe office of the Register 'of Deeds of Craven county, in hook No. ! 120, Folios ir;;, 1,',4 and 155, default hav- , : ing been made in the performance of tho I conditions in said mortgage contained; i and the said Mary D. Dewey having died intestate, and the undersigned having duly administered upon her said eatate; now, therefore as such adininiatitor.I will offer for sale and sell at Public Auction, , at the court house door in Craven county on Monday the 12th day of December, ! 18118, at the hour of 13 o'clock m, to tho i highest bidder for cash, all and singular the following piece or parcel of land, . hounded and described as follows, towit: On the North side of Ncuse river con i tain ing one thousand acres, more or less, beginning at a cypresa on Neuse river, below Mud Seine Bench, running North with Dower line to Cleve line, thence TrainsiWest to Hear Pole Swamp to ilenratian't line. thence Sou Hi with said line to Nancy Adama' line, thence with said Hue to Neuse river, thence with said river to the beginning. The same land was sold by E. W. Carpenter, commissioner, to Alex Mitchell, deceased, by deed da'ed the 23d day of February, A.' D , 1W0. registered in Book No. S3, pages 190, 191, records of Craven county. This November Oth, 189S THOS. F MCCARTHY. Administrator of M. D. Dewey, dee'd. For Sale, Valuable rarm I . Pursuant to power in the mortgages ...J I Ink. U ' .... ...J ... i , dated respectively .lannarv 8. 190. and DeeemlH" HI, 1891, reiriaterei' in the ollice of Ihe regi-iei of deed ot Crav n count v. North Carolina in hook 1HS. pag s 123 and 124. and honk 115, page 348. 849 and 3".0 to which reference ia , made V The mderaigned will tell at public ' auction fur cash at the n un bouse of aaui t raven c"imiy, ni iup ,-i-y 'i iesr Berne, on Mondav he 2"d dav of Janu- rv A n 1RI1Q sit 19 nVln. B n. Hit lh iwju uiiircjc, u, O', V. in,', i , n, ,,u,i- ed and described aa fol ow-, viz: ' Situated in said Craven county, td- ' joining the land of R G Cobb, B H wnoten. J J sail i a ana J u n mien. con taining about tlx hundred tnd len acres,' being the same which was conveyed tn said John B Woolen by the lietraof Jacob Rhem bv deed rec rH in Craven cuiilliy io ia,a of. iimii hup, w niui:u- reference is rur'io tor more complete anil better description, saving and ex etding , nini,, t , , i. v.- i ' , v . , , , ,i m . in Smith bv deed rtc-rded in Craven coun ty, book 72, folio .183; about l'W u rea conveyed to J J Sauls bv deed recoidi d in ('raven county in book h6. folio 4H8 and about 60 acrea eonvered to I) K Ufiul.n Kv ' AumA rui. ,r. luH I , l'..un county, book 04, folio Ml Subject to a mortgage In favor of L H Cutler, for $300 - -- U By JAMES A BRYAN, Pres. Kew Berne, November 81, 1898 , ' ' Nntip nr Adm inlslrnttnn . , v Hiving duly qualified tt the adminis trator of E M 81ms, deceased, all persons are hereby notified to present their claims to me dulv verified on or before November 25, 1899, or thit notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. c - All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. thit November M, 1898, J. J. WOLFENDENV Admin Istrttoi. ' II' iu:h synip. Ta- . i ,5-t , v , i hv r. . i