TOL. XTl-KO !17. KEW BIRSE, I. C. JflTL'RDJI alORSUG, DECEMBER 17, Iffl EST1BL1SUID 1831 -jai BEAUTIFUL LINE OF-sSj $ & LAMPS AND JARDINIER5 $ A "p" 7 tM BJ Chneun Pi.senta. Also Pretty taioge . : . . w ! T Kew Aes4ia P ocarr roe CtS WafcrwTriBilrflo.byayarJla'7aiahw. - W A Wt Ull offer lb a Prr Ceol. D.soouel oa Cash Purchase. W v IV w. u!ti. u RlinFQ. AT eily. 8 la Cans t nr-n-r nunr rnr jK Kr- H u- J ULUI UIIUL lull 1 1 it- iiiumlii fa ' IT WILL TELL. I Oriole Coffee, fl 12 Lb. Excellent Butter, Jjy 25 lab. . A YTUmt. a nlur of Life's Necessities at AstoolsblDg Figure. Everything else that bclooga to tbe nuke up of lb Largest of Indlter. VI I J. H. HACKBURN; PouSAn la Canned Deliciousness, Aromatic Coffees, hoice Mince , Meats and everything that will tickle the palate of tho gour met and whet the appetite of . the dainty, we have in apro fusion of good thing. Fresh Nrtteyl'audy, Cheese that wo w ill offer you through the holidays Fox Iliver Butter always on hand fresh from the Dairy. Jnst Received a fresh lot of Frankfurt Sausages. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. S k flLl rJIitJr"ir"ir1nr-ip-irirlir"irJ1ir"ii HOLIDAY : SUGGESTIONS 1 1 We are offerin: to our cuetomer one. of th Handsome' Line of FURNITURE AND CHRlTM NOVELTIES Em Booghtio this city. It would be UMleaa f u to Iry and coumrrmtc them all here, but we sive below a fe uetioD thai oiay be of arrvica 10 jou in making jour Mlectiona. ' , Golda-n Oak Clieflbii Irni. Nothing could m ike a more handsome or dt-eirable prevent than one of tbeae. , . ' Banquet and Parlor Lampn. A large- aumri mrnt of these, and tome of the moat t e.iutiful detlgas ever ahowa on this market. V".-'.v-"-Bra and Onyx Tables In a variety to suit the moat fastidious, , Whlt Fur Carriage Robes, Don't forget the little onea when making your pnrobaari. .We only have a few more of tbeae lobe lft, and cannot get any more until after the holiday. Iland-Painud t!lilna Smoking Sets. Jaat the thing to pi a your buband, father or brother. They are being taken rapidly, so do not delay, ' We invi e au inspection of our goods, and you cannot fail to find what you want in our well selected slock. .,-. FRANtH. J0NE5 & t0., 87 MIDDLE STREET. nen imw ami u s. Oiva tomething usefuL We have a line of Shirts Handkerchiefs Ties s Half Hose is I! p t 13 ' Which would rejoice the heart of any man. When buying from na you can always be certain of getting the Latent Style and Best Quality for the least money. We have just recoived our Christmas Line of Neckwear And we invite our friends to giv u a call. Never lias a more Stylish and up-to-date Line ben seen in th city and the quality cannot be sur passed. . c Wr h. v receite f alto a nw line of . ' ' Jewelry Cuff Buttons, Collar B.ittnns, Studs and Slick Pins, all suitable for Xmaa Gifts. - :' . Call aod examine our line and you will bo suited. T. c--: x:TJisrisr co., 87 POLLOCK STEEET, NEW BERNE, N. C. lil a l am rwi at vor VI a W RrTjill. tliu an house ta la W Tlir liniirtf ' . l K Hh M Nhl VU VI VI VI Nice Hams, $ 8c Lb. VI VI W VI VI at Very Low Price, Shoes and Hats 3 2 a U 1 3 ALL arrLtCTB B.BL a Alias- isw. WaaainioTO, Dae, IS. Not aacoad to aay of Lbs carraat loplea dlaooasad at tba C.pW, the depanaavata aad pablic place gaaaraUy today war tba paternal eealiaMBta asprcaaod at Atlan ta venerday by Praatdcat Mctlalty. Advara eoaaateat was ta aiotptioa decidedly. Nearly avary eoa who spoke gave cordial approval to tba Preaideat't atieraaea aad at they may aaaaa to Imply. . ' ' It I andantood that what tba Presi dent said was la reaalt of dallbarattoa deuralaed apod after eoajaultati) wiU lb members f kis eablaet, prior I lb departure from this dty. It may a re garded a the key not of anothwr branch of tba President's policy, aad deaigaed to link his aame to wrenu aad transact ioas making a paga ta the history of the republic not outshone la brightness by any other. Tn stirring aad thickly crowding Incidents and issue upon which public attention has centered for tbe last twelve month have unques tionably broadened tb public character of the President and developed la him thoughts and feelings, of which he was before unconscious. At tb period he entered opoa the presidency ther was no anticipation la his mind, or la that of any other, that bis administration would be marked by any unusual occurrences or con sequence A high tariff measure waa expected, and also more or lees remedial currency leg islation. That was about all. Yet, almost In the twinkling of an eye tb -country was plunged Into a foreign war, and questions of tb greatest moment fol lowed almost precipitately. It was a wise and fortunate stroke for tb Presi dent when he put souther men la high places of command. It tended to wreathe a halo around hi name, sad It aet off tbe spark of dosir to hew a broader and mora enduring path along tb same Una. It i not to be marveled at that thr project of eipansion, born aVmoil In a moment, dazxled the Imagination of tbr President and excited his ambition. - If t Is possible to mak this redound to tbe lry and the welfare of the country the President may succeed la writing his name ta living letters forth respect and homag of future generations' of LI countrymen and of the world. But If all blaviews and aspirttloos la regards to this are doomed to defeat andd ltaster he may well be content to rest his chances for enduring and -honorable fame upon the uappy fulfillment of the promts which he yesterday held out to the ear of tbe south. Even at a distance of hundreds and thousands of miles there can be heird In fancy, the roar of that great volume of appreciation and reciprocity bursting rrom tbe tnroal ol toe warm hearted, brave and cblvalric peoplu who listened. Aaarieaat a Manila. . HaRiLA, Dec 18. Nearly a thousand soldiers are seriously 111 tn the hospUals, bile twic that number are walking around unlit for active service. ' Abant twenty patienta are in the small pox tents. ' These tent are anything but pleasant places for the sufferers. .They stand la an open square in the central part of the new city. No shade protects them from the Here heat of the midday sun, nor Is there any flooring to keep out the water when it rains. :. ' With the Arrival of every succeeding steamer the city takes oa more and more of an American appearance. New store spring up and old Spanish signs disap pear. Wives of army and navy officers have arrived and the sight of a pretty Americaa face is not uncommon now on the Lunet or the Kacolita. Many a household is saddened by death because of the ftllue to keep on band a safe and absolute certain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure, See that your little ones are protected against emergency. F 8 Duffy . ' Prey fas alir'e III. Way. , Loxdok, Dec 15. Th Paris corres pontent of the Dally News says it Is be lieved there that Dreyfus Is now on his way to Franc. Tha Paris correspondent of the Daily Cnronicle says: ."A warrant was issued today for tbe arrest ot Count Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy. The thoughtful mother sleeps well, she knows there Is a bottle of Anwtys Croup Syrup In the house, and It is al ways a safeguard against any attack of croup, her child may have keep it on band 23c at Bradham'e. ' THS IKARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfleld A Co. Commission Brokers. . Nkw Yoei. December 18 STOCKS, . ; - , Open. High. Low. Sugar........... 136 120 123 Close 124, 141, Am Tobacco.... 143 143 f K.O.P 44, 45i J. C 01 85 C. B. AO, 133 123 L. & N .... 64, 64 Manhattan 98 98 Peoples Gas ... 1091 110 M.C.... ..' 90 m , COTTON. 141 43J 94i 131 C4, 97i , 43 95 123 971 10S, 85 ' Close 5.45 108, 85 ..Low. Open, Hi?h March. . 5.55 5.5JK 1.53 CHICAGO MARK HITS. Wbbat Open. EUrh. Low Close rr 'l V i c-i rj TOR LIILITIRT FUFFOStS. Citofl Prtacisri Mt:i S:l n Fire B. 8. aUysUr Assa'ated AdJaUat Veaeral. Larg Kasiaer lar rlag Lie a sea. ravers Elee tlas la Aagast Par ehaaaa fer laasaai. IUlsioi, Dec 11 Th report of th adjutant gaaeral to th Governor was mack today. H ask for an annual ap propriation of $20,00a to eover armory reata,iaMraao of military property 1 araori, aa cam patents and practice marche. Tb practice march of the Fourth Regiment two years ago waa so beneficial as I be aa object lasso. Qn of Its result was a marked Improvement ia th personnel of that regimat and ta Its eight companies volunteering ta a body aad being aow th First Regiment of Volunteers at Havana. . Rev. Samuel Vase, colored, of this city, recently delivered aa address at Bait! more, copied by th papers here, which was full of sensible advlc to his race. Last night aa attempt was mad to burn his houseTwhich cam Beer aucoeedlog. Shavings and kindling wood had been well laid under tb bona, and a box ot matches was found doe to th Are, which was promptly extinguished. Vass Is out of tow a. . It U aot known wLathar th attempt to bunt hi dwelling .waa due to anger al hi speech. New Hanover eounif ha ousted the republican board of education aad ha put In three good citizen and thorough uuslneeimen. There Is a great demand for. North Carolina oysters so great that not one fifth of th orders can be filled. Governor Russell ha appointed Bever ly S Royator, of Oxford, adjutant-gen- al. He had for some year beenjnspector general. This appointment Is sn admir able one. General Royaler entered the Third Regiment as privet twelve yeais ago, and has held every grade up to his present one.4 He Is thtrty-thre years old. His commission Is dated December first, '- y Aa effort Is being mads to get Judge Purnell to reduce th sentence of J. i . Boddia, who was postmaster at Nash ville, and who for taking s doien or more letters belonging to other people, wa sentenced In the Federal Court here to be Imprisoned for a year aad pay a Sue of $300 Th effort to get the impris onment remitted. A petition isnjw being circulated, but the odds are against its success. y. Daring the year ending November 30th 16,294 marriage licenses were Issued in this State, or on to each fifty-fire per sons. Wake led with 483 licenses, Meck 1 n.mrg Issuing 418. Mr: John T. Pullen, so greatly beloved i i this city for his work of charity and religion, Is In poor health, an l will go to tha Jackson oaaiiariuni In New York, .v The Confederate bazssr will be held here during the week beginning January 13ih, la aid of L. O. B. Breach, Camp of Confederate Veterans. The date of the organisation of a Norh Carolina Vete ran Association Is set for January 28th and 7tn. ).:, i ; .- ' Duringflba two years' past $00,000 of the State educational fund, which ia the proceed of the sale of awamp lands, ha been disbursed, and there Is now on hand $5,500 in cash, besides $148,000 ia Bute bonds. ; ; Ia the Federal court a sentence of a year's imprisonment and $20i) fine was imposed' upon a moonshiner who, by threats to kill, had made a slxteea year old boy work at his illicit distillery The State B ardof Agriculture will purchase the extensive Ray collection of mineral and Indian relic for the mus eum. It will also considerably enlarge the museum Ambrose E. Illlemin, who was a pea le er of the lower Houae in th laat Legis- tnre, Is dead. He had been in ill health a couple ot year. . - . ' ; Ex Judge Avery declares himself as in favor of holding State elections in Aug ust (as used to be tbe case) in order to avoid any possibility of Federal inter ference. David A. Field, a merchant f Pine Level, made a voluntry a assignment In bankruptcy. It is due to debts for com mercial fertilizers. Tbe legislative examining committee laat evening completed its annual exami nation of tlie pUlce ot me Stale auditor, and reports that it found everything In proper shape. fissnths SlfUtm ef A II MM 13a Kr1t 1U Kind Van Han Krm Bouftt There are puff boxe at $1,00, puff 25c and 50c, perfume atonlzers $1,00 til $1,50, pomiade jar with embossed and lacquered top 25 and SOq illver novel tie in brushes, leather goods, and no end to perfumery at Bradbsm'i, Call and see them. ; Winter Underwear. A full line for ladies, men and children, union uit ail two piece suits. All wool men's shirts and pants T'c up. ' ! i. I It lakes the food more vstu otrr TOLoamua. sWfea)are We ataMtl eewte fiaaaxsaiy Smj fee cae a) bm raiiiaMSM. Wasbmtob, Deo. 18 Being ap- proecbed regarding kis attitude cob ceralng lb voluatr soldlsra, Colonel W. J. Bryaa today xprad a!melf as follow: "The ,oluaer should b muaiataa eat al the earliesl possible mo ment. They enlisted for war when sol diers were seeded for actlr aervio aad many of I hem did so at great pecaalary and pareoaal eacrifloa. To hole them la the e nrlce for garriaoa duty would b a gross Injustice. Ta adalaiatrailoa be si pressed It iateatioa of ralaaalug th volunieer aa ooa as regulars eaa be secured to tak their place, bat th bill providing for a permanent increase la th rwrolar army la likely to arouse dls cos. ion and delay lb day ot discharge. Many consider that lb army as it stool bVor th war wa sufficient for all do mestic purpose. I share la this belief. If the volunteer are to be held a host ages to force a permanent increase la the regular army a prolonged contest Is in evitable. I think it will be better to recruit a temporary army of occupation to erv la Cuba, Porto RIoo and th Philippines. Thit would poatpon tba discussion as to tbe tegular army until a mora coa- enlent season. There Is no Important dty for action in. regard to the reg ular armyNbut these is need for immedi ate action iaegsrd tthe volunteers After th army ot occupation Is re cruited and th volunteers mustered out. Congress can deliberate opoa "th vari us planji proposed and make suitable provision for such a regulsr army as mi j be decided to be necessary. Con gress could fix a maximum and empower tb President to recruit within that limit so many aa may be necessary for an army of occupation. The enlistment could be made for two or three years, unless sooner discharged Before th term of service expires the country will have a settled policy and can then decide whether such an army is longer required. - The bill codld provide for tb reduc- tio i ot the fore at any tims and for tb entistm. nt of the natives at tbe dlacre thu of tbe President, la recruiting this army of ocrnpalloa preference should b given to th volunteers now in the ser vice In order to cucourag enlistment companies and battalion formed from the voluutref regiments now ia the ser vice permitted to elect their own ffl'-er from amon their associates n w in the st-rvlce. The psy of. the private and aoa-commlssioned officer in an army of occupatloa should be considerably in creased ver tbe present rat ' Services la the semi-tropical regis is attended by so m icb danger that Increased com pensation is both just and necessary. " A cough Is boi like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with Oue Min ate Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the moat severe cases. We recom mend It because it's good.' F 8 Duffy. Sahtugo, be Cuba., Deo. 15 Geueral Wood, governor ot tbe military depart' ment of Santiago, is determined to pro tect what Is left of the ''surrender tree," Jeneath which the Spaniards consented to the capitulation of Santiago, lie has had It enclosed with a wire fence and has iued au order imp ising a fine ot $100 or Imprisonment for one haudred days as a penalty for mutilating it. The tree U already Injured by relic hunters .DeliOO'o Has saved many a life I A . Speedily cure Croup sod W U l whoopinj' la safe r and sure. Mot hers can aV !j V T U D ways seiTon it. Children Ult h. Desei r snul. Prlc25emb DoenIIe" Smoke? It doesn't make any difference who t'Be" may be, if he smokes you need go no further on your bunt after a Christmas present, for ''him". What wouldn't a smoker give tor a good after-dinner cigar, and how much more would be appreciate It, if coming out of a box from you? v - We . have the moat popular brands' put up in boxes of 35, 60 and 100. By all mean get a box of good cigar for "hint" if "he" smokes. Davis Pharmacy. Phone 58. Cor. Broad 4 Middle Sts Kns k'P in lif? : ,il !- n'M.-e M i; f ..., i T f :"-ri t' t upnllciition IT I 1 PfxSfVmVrSMBBV delicious afxJwtolesonie riatetSM m Slevaava, Havixa. December 15. Ivery arrlv iag sua net bring a great crowd uf visi tors aad the hotel are filled to vifiow lag Laat Bight asreral AaMrican were compelled la auk beds la chairs la tb hotel corridors. Tomorrow's alaaaiers will mak th situailo worse. Erery house la la city that has rooms to rent is filled regardless of price, sltuelloa or condition. Scantly furnished rear rooms along the Prado rent for $39 aad more a month While capital for Investments flows la a steady stream to Cub bualneas men la till city are panic strickaa and are can calling order because of a report that th Americaa will depredate Spanish slim aad gold. . American will ua doabtedly compel th Spanish gold to clrouLate at lu tm InUraalioaal value instead ot al a premium of about six cent on the dollar, a at preeeot. If due notice ia not glrea of this change It will cans untold confusion. Banker are reserving lb right to issue gold al the premium named, no matter what the market price may be. Few de positors agree to this. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglat refund the money If It f sill to cure. 25c. Tbe genuine ha L. li. Q. oa each tablet. ,4v mrJurjirjartrjirjv.tBJarj! x Atthcv Book Store H Pretty Xmas Cards. Beautiful '99 Calendars. Xmas Books aid Games and lots of CUTE NOVELTIES." 5 G. N. Ennett. ( 4 ! Xmas Gifts From Santa CI huh In tbe shope of an ERIE BICYCLE for either Ladiea, Gentlemen or Children, will be appieciHted by all lover of out door sports. If you have a eon, brothet or husband that you would please, an Erie Bicycle writ do it above atV other itifis. We have a superb assortment of thiwe high grade wheels, beside other makes from $5 to- $50. Complete line of Sundries at the low est cash prices. Don't I or get the Auction Bale every Saturday evening and night from now to Christmas. . ; v tJASKlNS' GTCLC COMPANY. ' Planters Building, Notice ! A Big Knock Down on Wood. 400 Cords Oak and Pine, muat bs sold. Store Wood, any length, a Specialty, de livered to your door.. Brick and Hand.Mad and Sawed Shingles always on baud. , '-Bicycles, Drays and Harness and 'two good wtgons, i All the above will be sold In th next three days, , Now we will cnt prices again on Beef, Pork and Sausage. . I BIG HILL; Tie Man. I: ! ii - ... J mm 2 O LY 23 CE TH PE It POUX D FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. 0 0 0 Also a Big Stock of Good Things to Eat during the Christmas Holidays at Prices to Suit the Times. iiaiicl 4. Mill, SS' I Phone 91. with Comes Thoughts of GIVING. LADIES UJIHItELLiS. Fine black taffeta silk on steel rods with Jap., pearl and sterling handles, $2 50, 3 and 3 50. Heavy twill gloria, on steel rods, close rolled, Congo handles at $1 00. same frame and handle with finer cloth at $1 25. Heavy twill gloria silk, Jap handles, 1 50. LADIES GLOTEK. The Maggioni glove, formerly hand'edby P. Centemeri & Co. 2 snap in colors. 5 button in black, each $1 50. T.flfifflfl tllT1 tnn floarorl HnnHyonnnn rrrv.;- dog skin gloves, a splendid cold w ather driv ing or Dicycie glove, at 75c." GlvT GLU-VEH. Gents 1 clasp prime mocha, raw edge, walking glove at $1 00 Gents 1 clasp, over seam kid gloves gener al shades at $ I 00. Gent3 1 clasp, pique sewed, kid gloves, our best grade at $1 50. , Sevei al desirable stvles of erents cold weather gloves at 35c, SI1K HANDKERCHIEFS. Gents large size extra heavv hemstitched Japanese silk handkerchiefs at 95c. H. B. DUFFY. IP YOU, Wi If TH Old. Heniy Don't be influenced to take something else, . It can be relied on for MEDICINAL AND 0THEK PURPOSES and is Guaranteed PURE, MILD AND MELLOW. " , See that the seals over eorks are intact and onr name blown in bottles. Straus, Gunst & Go., J Proprietors, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ' The ,TJIDE-1TI-A.X. INSrS AXCE COMPAIffY of America. Home Office: Newark, - N J. ASSETTS JULY 1st, 189S,.... ., SURPLUS, JULY 1st 1893...... ....... INSURANCE WRITTEN IS 1807,,.., . PAID POLICY HOLDERS TO DATE, THE PRUDENTIAL has forged its way ahead until it elands i the front runs, ol the (crest life innunnce companies uf thr world, li offers all thotjit good in life insurance, and under the best conditions. JAHES O. WYNN, Man. Southern Department, Atlanta, Georgia. L. COLLOWELL, G.n. Agent," Nl W BKRNv", I t, V.Vm.i.iV.V HBOTTBRI 1 2: i 71 Kroa'l St. 50c, 75c and $1 00. John P. Dryden, ;.: President. $ 26 029,137 IH . v 6.i7,84 24 . 143.900 000 0 . 81 000 000 00 Ah i.) .