m. ncnjusa cf syk? of nos J da sot ouljf to tha oriftnallly aod implicit 7 of Ui eombiaaUoo, but also to Um car aad akiU with whka It to ttaafactarad by aaieaUaa prop mo knows to Um Cturoaaxa Fib Bvbuf Co. oaly, and w wlah to Impress npoa all lh ImporUaca of parchaiiojr Um tru and original reuedy. A tha Caauioe Syrup of riffs to auaaofactorad by tli Caurosoria Fro gracr Co. m!j, a Koowledgw of that fact will aaatat una la avotdinr tba wnrtlrlaa imitations anauufsctiirad by oUiar par Ue. Tba biga at-aodlof of Um CaU roRBlA Fio Hraup Co. with Um medl ami pofeaaka. tad Um aatiafactlos ' wkka tha treauina Syrup of Flgt baa arivrn to millions of families), aaakea tba aama of tba Company a foaraaty of tha excellence of its remedy. It to far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acta on tha kidneys, liver aad bowels without Irriutiojr or weakea luff them, aad It dors not gripe nor oauaeata. la order to get Its beneficial affects, please remember tha oama of tha Company C4LIF0RNIA.FIG STRUP CO. : ssa raaxoBoo, ou. tills. a. uwrmaT. iJiB JOURNAL. ra tteran. tl. I... Dee. 17. Kg. w attkasTiaBaiUT. Davis Pharmacy Dues ha ami k ? Baxter the Jeweler Watcher. ' Duffy Candy, &c. Business Locals. I HAVE moved my Printing office sad Bicycle Agency to 101 South Front street, next to Draney'a, where I will be pleased to we my friends and customers. Bicycles, Grspbophones snd Printing. 'Phone f39. Wm. T. Him.. FiH RKNT-Dwellinic house with six rooms on Middle Street next to Metho dist Parsonnira. Apply l Mr. L. Jl. Hendren, 135 Middle street ' THE finest Deer always on draught, at JACOB'S. Middle m-eet A DAY IN TUB C1TT. Tha wsstber forecast for today is warmer weather with rain. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Esrly are Urlng at tha residence of Mr. Joel Kinsayoa George street. y , In tba local market yesterday, there were sales of 80 bales of cotton, at prices between 4 60 and 5.60. Christian Church, Sunday, Preach In? by the pastor F. W. Luxfordll a m 7:30 ft m, moining subject Anti-Christ, a nia, Biaare joar sins will find" yoa out All are welcome. Ths ssle of fsncy articles and refresh menu by the ijt. Cecilia Society will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the : ra-id. nee of Mrs. John Hughes. Theis wll be a novelty in the shape of Japan ese fine works. , Mr. R. H. Baxter of Stonewall, was nere yeneraay. Mini Katnarlae Grifflu csme home from Dover last night Rev. R. B John returned last night from a rialt at Goldsboro. ' Mrs. J. W. Duguid aad little daughter of Dover, came down last night to visit in the city. ' Messrs. E. C. Duncan And Frank Brown of Raleigh, L. L. Hoyt of Jack sonvllln; Demsey Wood of Falling Creek. J. W. Sutton of KInston, and Drs J. E. Person of Pikeville and P. W, Exum of Goldsboro, arrived In tha city last night to attend the directors meeting of the A.&N. C. Railroad. laaal aw-mt.Aaanal Dll0a4. . The Directors of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad met in the company's office here last night. The chief business was the declaring of a semi-annual .dividend of of one per cent, making two per cent for the year Some routine business pertaining to matters of the road was also transacted. A nrMsaa iay Marrlaa. Mr. Walter C. EriiisounndM'issJenni Paul of Grantboro are to be married December Mill at it o'clock. Mist Paul it one of Grantaboro'a moat accomplished and prettiest girls. Mr. Brinson Is one of , Pamlico's most promising young men Ha is now auditing clerk ia the A. & N C. Railroad depot. They Will be married in tho Frco Will Baptist church in Grantaboro. Rev. W. H. Frost of Ply mouth, N. C will officiate. ' . When yon ask for Da Witt's Witch Hatel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or lmita'lon. There are more cases of Pile being cured by thin, than all others , . i th a r,jr ouhiuiuou. f o 1SU11J. , Haerlflelaa a lalblar. Every piece of ready made clothing ia our house 'will be closed out at some price before Jan. 1, '90. ' A good chance to secure tome exceptions! values just bow. Barfoot's KICK'S CAPUDINE HEADACHE CURE, Is Guaranteed to Cure !iid cha, r'eurt'.;', La Cr r?f, !ck V -, r;c. IS Ssa( S-K.M The eWssaad for oysters la this start soailaar to be keen, aad eoaaeawre have to pay aif bar prkaa. The cjaallty to vfry Is this year, aad all thai eoaat are aajwly soogbl for, as pacially by the shipper whe caaaot ba lls to till Uwir orders, Some of tba paeaaf as seat oat last atght war for Korfoik, BaKlaaora, Buf falo, N Y, aad Totodo, Ohio, aad th'are war ordrrs her fraas St Loots. Thecals weather, yesterday, aot a braath of air hardly aUrriag, kept tha yatar Seat away, tba aatl easels belug a sable to gat p lb Maosa. TSm ata-aaaarM Sinwlay Itflbl. Taasday algbl next at the tbaatr will be oa of the asoat ptataaiiova drassstle tanalasseatsyet nadir take a by our local ana tsars. Tha Udiae of tba Epis copal caarch arw spoasers for it, which Carrie a guaraata of quality and aa assaraaos of tba ellaslaaUoa of aay featara objectloasble to aay one, Messrs Bertram aad Willard, tha aaihor ander whoa directiua la play to glvea are nt straagars aad their work baa rwoalvad to highest eadorwanaat of to dlffrat charche la Jarsry Important towa aad aity la KorthAad South Carolina VTh Midalght Fire" to said to b of tba beat of their nany dram alio writings. It ia of tba reallatlc, etcltlaic ktad, and wbea to sndieDC to not being held ia spell boa ad sympathetic emotion throagh the leader heart latere I, It Is being con vulaed with laagbter The triumph of right over wrong ws never mor vividly portrayed tbaa la the pretty d HnesVtoJ story told la the "Midnight Fire." Th play to brim full of oomeJy. Tha Bre men 1 shown both at homa and at work, portraylag la reallatlc manner tha thrill ing rescue of the heroin from her buru' lng bom. Clever specialties, ere Intro duced, the Rub RosaVfbangdoodlrrs will Uisbourse muatc in the second act, an I the Uom Orchestra will render aom special new music between the acts Ssat will be ready at Witera' Mtndsy uioralog. Star a la-a. . - f The fact Ins just cropped out that Colonel Wllllsm J. Bryan is having tome domestlo tmuule of a very emb ir rasaing character. As l he story not. Count Itsu, of J ii in, wro to the col oimI sometime ago tfto the effect that h h'l adopted L'Jlouel Bryan as a fath er. The gallant Nebra-kaa replied In a nice little not of appreciation, which he supposed wonU and "the episode. But th oount came to this country and tank up his abode with the Bryans, expre ing hi desire to act as a servant, and there be Is now. Unc. wueo be waa told to sweep the front porch, he swept th pavement for several squares, sup posing Mrs.' Bryan wanted to go down town. How to get rid of his adopted son without huriinK his feeling is a question tlielji now bothering Colonel Bryan. Maybe this Incident explains the strong stand that Pa Bryan his taken against annexation of any kind. Charlotte Observer. SWANSBORO. BwASSBoao, December IS. , Our fishermen have been catching a good many small mullets recently, also a few trout Clams are soiling from 33 to, 40 cent per bushel. J E Wation and Ed Foster are th principal buyers. Mr. 3 T Bartley, hat about, l.iOO bushels which be bedded the past summer and winter. Trade Is reviving some, which cauies our merchants to feel better. ,' P enty hogs and hominy railed around hare tbl year. Major J A Pittman, M Russell, D G Ward, J B Olive and D H Russell have some very nice ones to kill. Captain W W Kutsell, brothor to M Russell and D H Russell who has spent the past seventeen year in Texas aad Colorado In the stock business Is home on a visit His many friends are glad to greet him. Captain Terry and Dave Coslon are furnishing quite a lul of logs for the Swansboro Lumber Company. H E Mor ton also sent In a good raft last week. DG Ward made "a business trip to New Berno last week. ' ' Hunting around here has been good for the 'past few weeks. W K Mattocks aad ton Glen were out one day last week and killed 43 squirrels, several ducks and quit a number of herons. D G Ward Jr. and Charles Webb also killed quit a large number of ducks last week. Messrs Will Prlvett. Ed Hill Charles Duffy, Jos Bell, W 11 Duty, and W H Hill, who hav been at work on a dredge boat near Norfolk, are at home to spend the holidays. . g C B Fraxella hat accepted a posittrrn with Mr. P. B. Smith in his commissary department near Jsckxonvllle. . J M Jones, superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school and his excel lent Corps of teachers are making prep arations to give a grand' entertainment Christina for the benefit of the church. Ticket! will bo 13 cents each, children 10 oents, Everybo ly Is invited to oome and help a good cautc. f . Constipation prevents th body fn in rladlng itself or wast matter. De Witt's Mule Esrly Klsers will remove the trouble and cur Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or easMBsasee. FB-Dun, ' Make the children happy by going to Duffy's Candy Storr, go early and make your purchase, Choice candies, nuts' fruit, we have a full and C'.mpleie stock. Solid Gold, Silver and G, IS, 20 and 35 year gold filled Elgin and Waltham watches at Baxter the Jeweler, next to Journal. , All kinds of boxes and package candy for Xmas trees, Duffy's Candy Store. WhttTsn's fine chocolates at I' "V TUB AfElCAXS IN AKIC1CA. tar awtaisaa ISMt Uataa r t Th abav to Um title of th tollowieg diatwara tfttlrared Suadsy asoialas, D. ltih. la Um PrwbytaHaa charch by Rtv Dr. Geo. L. I.eybara, pastor, frost lbs taxi: 'Ethiopia shall aooa (or, aa tba rv4 veraloa ahali auae Itua u Ftrh ov bar hands ato Ood. P4li8tl. Ktalopla la tba Bibl waa th hud ia kaUud by th tJaoaadaBU of Cask Um bob of Baas. Tola fdr Um moat rt was aa ext4slv ragloa to the south f Egypt strrlcbiag wall dowa towards aad iota lbs heart of Africa. Aad so la the scrip Ursa Ethiopia anaos la gaaeral Afriea, aad Ethiopians tboat who dwell la Afri ca, th Africa a or aegro races. To "ft retch out Um haoda" to a sigalSeaat gesture, aad Um phr aseaa to atreat, to beg, to pray for kelp. "Shall aooa stretch oat" refers aot Jo Ike relative tlas aooa or lata, bat to tha geatar it self, thai swiftly or eeraaatly stretch oat th heads (th Hebrew to "rhall eaase br bands to rat out lo God.) The peala tot than hare foretells that th tin is coming wbea Ethiopia or Africa shall earnestly st-ek for halp lo God aad Hit pnpl. To tlm the foretold has coma. To day this scrlptur It fulfilled. Ethiopia is now stretching out her hands most f arnestly calling upon God and God't people for help. This Is true of Africa and Its millions today, aad th eill for hclDfrtHn I he "Dark Continent' waa. a-ver before S3 long, to loud, so (arneat. But this l also true ot I2t part of At- ins lu infinite I Siatea of Amerl ra. TUi-j too are calling upon God and thrialians for help, Tnls I our subject, vlt, "The Africans in America, our Kr-lations to them audi tneir Claims upoa us as Chrialiana," or the negroes In our midst, aad our Duty t thru. And in unfolding this subject lei nt notice: , I . Three Africans are here. In and part of ton United Slates. Tbls Ethiopia Is aot In another continent afar off. Bui tbey r amng ui ta our very uiliet, aad are here to stay. Soma 8,000,000 or more of our popula tion are negroes. They ar near at hand, at onr very doors, tlora tbey are. ami here tbey will remain for yean to coma. i. Tbey are oitizen of the United Slates d Amor lea and willconlinuesuch. All legal and political rights as well at all civil privileges and immunities belong to them by constitutional enactment. And in the enjoyment of these they will doubtless abide as United States citizens. 8. Tbey came to America Involuntar ily, and citizenship waa given thorn un asked. Th negro was brought to this country against hit will as a slave, and citizenship was granted him, If not forced upon him, without his asking and when he was all unprepared for it This Is trie of no other class of our people, and this should never be forgotten In thinking of and dealing with this race. Their being here, and their being dil uent was not of their choosing, and of their own free w!lL So" far at least they are not responsible, but tho whites who brought them where they are and made them what they are. So it happens that tbit Africa is here, near at bund, tt our doors, in oar homes, and before our very eyes Is "atretchlug out her hand unto God" and appealing to us for help. For: 1 II. These Africans have strong and peculiar claims upon the whole land, especially upon the south and the south ern people. Besides what has been said above, add: , ; '. V They were our laborers. The work of the aoatn was done by negroes, at least one great staple used by the whole country was produced by them.. But they wrought for others and accumula ted nothing; they labored but others en. joyed the fruit of their toll.' So when emancipation came of this world's goods they possessed nothing.. As freedmtn thty started with ouly their freedom and the ballot! "Only this and nothing more." This surely constitutes a claim upon the interest and sympathies of Christian men and woaea. And, reversing Paul's que, tion, the negroes might ask of us, the whites of America, pertinently, and just ly, 'If we have town unto you carnal things, is it a great thing if we should reap your spiritual things?"' i , These Africans hid long been in a condition" very unfavorable to the pro duction and maintalnenc of a strong, weli-rounded Christian character. For centuries be'ore their freedom both "heredity" and "environment" had been against them. In Africa their fore fathers had been savages, and they hav Inherited many of tha passions and vices of their ancestors. And in this country, while they enjoyed many unspeakable advantages of civilization and Christi anity, and thouaauds became true christ ians, yet their condition as slaves was not favorable to the best form 6f Christ ian Character. For as we all know it was well nigh impossible -for a negro lave lo be intelligent, truthful, honest aad chaste. Ye; these are cardinal Christian virtues, essential in every well developed and fully m .tured Christian man. So it came to past that, when the negro became a freeman and a citizen, he p ssed into these new relations under manifold disadvantages ana disabilities. He was a moral as well as Intellectual weakling Like the boy, David, lo Saul's armor, he was weighted dowit with duties and responsibllties too heavy for him to bear; His very condition appeal ed and doet now appeal to us as Christ- I Lvviit'i ARriICA SALTS, THE BEST 8ALVE in ilhe world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corni, and all Skin Erup I Hons, snd positively curns Piles, or no piyi- i!-- 1. It is gui'i- i ' lo f've I V t '.-n or h- " 1. I t r iaa aa aad patriots to Vm4 bna a 'p ts haad. A Their toad act dsriag aad (ev.a) siae ta war prweaai aaothav atroag elaUa. Wkll lb civil war was la prof rea Um aegro tlsvr aot oaly llll4 ta soil aad predaead th eappUet tor Um Confederal an iaa, bet tbay alas asrd for UM aoaaa aad were Um protector aad dfeaf.t Um faaaiUas of Um bm at lb froat, Aad ta their taral aoaof b It said, that without oaa escHloa they wr Ira aad faithful to that past, Toea slac th war aad f read oaa, walla thr ar aoaae Ullage to be deplored aad lamented, yet was all thlags ar eoa sldend their eoadaet a waoi ha ba admirable. 1 kaow of ao other race that would hav don half aa wall eadar th aaaM clrcuatalaacaa. Th great atlMake, or raibar i crime especially .agalast th aegro klsssalf, waa la foreJag apoa him tha right of saffrag wha k did sot waat It aad waa totally aafit for ft, thua raaderiag blaa the easy pray aad Ignorant tool of designing demagog and aascrapaloa politic! aa Hla tenths, it aot all, Um race difaealti aad trouble have growa oat of this aa th primal course. - "They hav baaa aaora tlaaad aralnai thaa slanlag." . To tun apt W hav hsr among aa a great mas of people of aa alien race, frm a haatbea lead, kept for oaatartoa la slvry, thaa taddealy aafraachlaad and to a ansa almost banded politically against their former master, their pres ent Beighbor and th Jr beat f Heads: her they are, arlepnuea) elaat-foMha aael partaraj-. Igucaft, Improvldeat, pr (tilioua, Vellgloua, but la some directions immoral, and oftea vicious aad crimlaal. j Her tbey are: what shall be don for and with thorn? Something most b done. For It goes without saying, that th presence of such a mast of Ignorance, p ivt rty, superatitlotv, elc.,auch aa "open tor" is a constant menac to th health and growth. If not the Ufa, of th body politic. Humanity, justice, 'patriotism, kindly recollections of th past (at waat fear the older among as.) Cbrlatiad love. and ven self interest and aelf preserva tion, alt allk call apoa at a pair Iota and christian to do what and all w oaa to help htm, strengthen him and cause him to stand, a real man, fallow elllsea, a chriaiieo brother, of whom we ar neither afraid nor ashamed. ' ' What then can be done? Various answers have been give j and suggestions made; the or torn of them may b wla an J helpful. But the ona true and sufflj lent solvent for this, at for other ill of1 men, It th Goipel, "the glorious Gospel of the blessed G.kI." This proclaimed, believed, loved, obeyed sod lived by both whites and blacks will bring relief and solve tho problem. And th great duty of christian men and womea I to tea that this people are thoroughly evange lized, beginning with those In their own homes, and especially commending tba Gospel by their own christian character and conduct We liear often and much of "Th Negro Problem." There i such a prob lem. Here ICis given: Two race dwell ing togetbor, yet separate and disllno ; one superior, the other inferior, oaa dominant, the other servile; one receiv ing from their fathers a rich Inheritance of Intelligence and freedom, the other only a heritage of ignorance and tlavery. These two by a strange Provldonce are placed side by side In tU tame land and at political equals. Th "problem" la: Can these live together quietly, peace fully, ' prosperously, happily, mutually helpful and helping one another? History says: No! It has never been done and cannot bo. Christianity says: Vest The Gospel is equal to this task; God't grace it sufficient for even this. For such a solution of this mighty problem let us labor and let u pray. ' (Then followed tome special reasons. why as Presbyterians tho congregation should give of their Interest, prayer and means to support "Tha Colored Evangelistic Work" of tho Presbyterian church.) . TUB BtOKK9 BIOTHEK Has found that her little one ar im proved more by tho pleasant Syrnp of Figs, when ia need of tho laxative effect of a gentle remedy, thaa by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy. ; Syrup of Figs It manufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Co. oaly rlaxaa Oat Male. .' R. Ulrlch will close out his entire stock of Furniture, Pictures &&, at cost for the next 90 days. 01 Middle street, Aa accoptabl Christmas present loany gentleman who smokes would, b a box of nice cigar. t W hsve them, Imported and domestic ones, 12 2.1 or SO to the box the,. 5c 10c or 15c kind, that picas he most fastidious and go well after the holiday dinner, -Bradhanv . - j Merer Baraera. Give a light of sfrom 40 to 100 candla power. Guaranteed against self destrno tlon In use for 40 years. Morey Burner bavo no mantels or ghost films, which break at a touch. They are natty, dain ty and atlrsctlveXTry them whether you buy or not, For sale by Richard N. Di'fft. Sat Ice. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the National Bank for the election of Directors, and the transaction of such other business as may come before them will be held at their Banking House on 2nd Tuesday, being the 10th day of Jan uary 1800. The. polls will be open at 13 m to be closed at 1 prt. - - - G. II. Roukkts, Csshicr, Military hair brnsbes make nice Christ mat presents. T.hcy re at '.J in j-e!t a, one to be uv-1 in e '. ' ','' -i-sine w' 'i en l ' ' 8-, If! - CASTOR I A - Tor XsiaJtU ax.4 D-Urta. Ill Vd Y:a Km kltiji 1:t?A ra Um Kgaatar As a raasladar, roar at la alio a It called I taatawa't Kodaks. They atska vry ale Cartotaaat prawata, alwaytaroepta bto aad aatfuU Bradhaa to afcal for Eaataaaa'a Caarea aad Kodak aad woe id a pleased to show thass to aay ooa. DeacripUr booklets aad catalog for yoer aaklag. W bv Jaat received or aacoad ahlpawat of ladies cloaks aad cap. A beauUful plash cap 11a sad throng bout with silk, prioa 4.M. Barfoot's. A foil liaa of Express Wagon, Veloci pede, Frames, - Pfetar arc for tho holiday, low dowa at R. Ulrica', i . a . A fresh liaa of Cocoanat aad Peaanl Brittle at McSorloy. All klads of ponltry, live or dreaaed at Oakt Meat Market. Best meat of all kiaJto, aad at the lowest prices at Oak Meat Market Carqlln .Cotglr Car is horn remedy mstl by Boss iaduetry aad guaranteed by doom poopl safe, certain cur for BoarscBeas, cough and Irritated throats. No to re no pay made aod told at Brad- ham's Rel labia Pharmacy. T.c.TvEi;iNG,.pec. 2oth, Under th Auspice of Mm Ladle of tho Episcopal Chdrch. BEKTRAri & WILLARD'S Bsalisllc American Comedy Drama. The flidnight Fire AS GRET A SUCCESS A8 "CAPTAIN : DICK." Writ'en by the asm authon. Same aug direction., A eK-ut cast of loctl talent Deiaila from both 6ra companter. , The rube road whang doodlers. - Clever Specialties, Ato, MUSIC BY THE HOME ORCHESTRA Admission -All down stair, 50c. Gallery, 2Sc. Children, 16c Pltn opens Moaday, 10th. . At Willenbrink's Restaurant I Plate of Buckwheat Cake and Va 1 Syrup a 1th cup of Coffee, 10 Cents. , ' Pork and Beans, Bread and Butter and oup of Coffee, W Cent.. Cop of Coffee and Two Rolls, 5 Cents. . Oyster Fry, lrge, 16 tjents. : Oyster Stew, large, 19 Cents. Plate of Raw Oysters, 10 Cent. Ham or Tongue Sandwich and cup of coffee, S Cent. ; 120 Middle Street, Phone No. 115. The Best Whiskey hi the World, i. p. a . at the Palace Saloon. DRESS GOODS! Imported for our Holldiy Tnde in Pattern Length. One of a kind. ' - Exquisite Novelties. $15.00, $17,50, $20.00 - and 525.00 a Dreg;. The , most acceptalle of all presentfor your lady relatives. Dobbin Cz Ferrall, - AT '- Tt'CKER'3 STORE, 128 & 125 Favitleville Street, s . a ....... xm y UNDER THE MISTLETOE The rl drward mil to nasally th on favored by th ladte Mo one caa be laultleeely d retard aala bis clothiag has beta made to th right eneamarew asrela aad perfectly Rued. W aut only Bt aad floish your clothing eiquUitely, bat we correct all imperfection of fores aad glv yoa that lodcnoabla something eeltod "Kyle." . F. 31. (Ii nd wick. atlddla street NEW BERNE, N. C, Sweet Thing Galore In choice and Fine Confection for toe Xmas stocking and to pleas the. little one Pant is slocking his pack wttn trom our store. W have a rich feast of Fin Confections for Xmas and the hnl-day, handsome I oief, baa- keta, lo ma' a presentations In that will make them a gift for a Queen. Duffy') inly Nlor. Our (Complete and Yarlrd HUx h EnaMea us to give vu Ju-t wlim yoa went No recnmmendinit fonir lhlng"just as good" No i-ubstiuit ng me drug fnranother. Ili.-ni h th. ir ncimi may be nea-ly identical. Our prf-w rip ion department is supiilirii with all the litest chemicala and pliHrrrmrciitljl" "iooebutlhe best" is our motto. We are the friends of our customers ai.d look out for their Interest F. S. DUFFY Cor. South Front & Middle Strcete. ft Boys Remember the Malnie) 1 ' Thing it to have plenty of ni e clean lsttndry ready for Xmaf, Now If you are going out for a few days don't fail to have some nine laundry done. Wo will do you i;ood work and do it just as you waul it. ' The fact is we un derstand our business and have years of practical experience. . We wash the dirt out not fn. We use good starch and work it well Into the linen, io you? col tars will be smooth and wont try to get upon your ear while at dinner. Yours kespeotfully, JTEW BEBKE STEAM I, AIJXDUY. J. E. DAYBERRY. Man. THE Time Has Come Amid the great vaiiety of articles, which can be obtained At WhiiehurstV v For-Cbrirtmas Presets. Especial attention t called to fie ' rSlitA TEA AND UINSElt SKTS. . You can make np the set to satt your taste in any number of prices from beau tiful patterns. ' Doll Carriagea anil Wagons. Toys, Velocipedes and lloises . i Ko. 4 Pollock Street Xr.lAS STORE ! A GREAT REDUCTION-IS ' T O IT S These XV Jlean : We will au II (he Butij Cart with the hign Seat for I 91 88 We will tell the USaiay Air i irl, for V OSe FOB nVE PAYS ONLY. We are doing this ion account of on large stock of Toys. ;We want to get rid of tbta all snd wo expect to do so. I? (lfC!f.i"v, Vaunt ifv." q pTwrwf ttavs r cv. liUJlj o o Hardly daj peatce but that wurthJng new aad novel is added to e ir stocks. Yon mart come her to ar tho Keweat and Lai est Cyrano B O o o o a o a o , TbJa ia the latest fad ia New York. Chains that are wont around the neck and ar as prettj as ran be. String, of PeaxI, Colored Bead and Black One, 50c, 75o and $100. Get one of the if you would be in itvle. Buckles Another lot of new Belt Buckle jast in they are prettier than ever and to cheap, 35c, 33c and 60c. Turtle and Lizard Brooches, aet with a pretty jewel, these are very chic, 25c and 50c New Picture Frame, white frame with center for embroi dering, a very pretty gift and one that will be appreciated, 35o and 50c. o a o o o o a o Sheer Embroidery Linen q A very fine IJnen for Hand Work, and for making any q kind of fancy embroidery, 55c a yard. O . Tos, Fancy Dishes, &c. O This wwk we will open the balance of all Toy, Fancy " Dishes, Ac. In Cups and Saucer, Creams, Ac, some of the nicest are J yet to lie had but we would suggest an early call. O The nicest things are in small quantities and will lie sure to be taken first M Sunday schools can purchase in quantities of tit at the aw LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. o a o o a a o o a o a Q Beginning Monday, Dec 12th Our Store Will Be Open Evenings until 9 O'clock December 11. OOCOQCCCOGCCOOG QQQQQiQ0 Christmas Goods ! We have Just received our NEW GRO CERIES for Xmas linner. Call and Inspect Our Stock:. Atniore's Plum Pudding, Atmore's Fine Mince Meat, ( ape Cod Cranberries, London Layer Raisins, New Mixed Nuts, Pecans, brazil Nuts. Walnuts and Almonds. the Very Beet MATERIALS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE: Seeded Rsitint, ' Cleaned Cnri-mitf, , Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. New Buckwheat ' Muple Syrnp Shafer ' Ham and Strips in fresh each week. PRICES LOW. ALL COOPS GUARANTEED JOHN DUNN, P OI LOCK STREET. i THFOLD RELIABLE . Colin Piano and . Organ Co., 134 MIDDLK ST., NEW BF-RNK, N. a VT Branch House WILSON, K. C llltrh-arado Iti-lilin. Bamllton 8. Gor don, and Foster I'iapoa aod BridgeporTj IKaui. - ....... . fell either for Cash, or, on the Eaav Installment Plan, as cheap as you can uuy anywnere else, 11 not cneaper. Oorreapnndpnca Solicited. Pianos Tuned and Polished for t-1 00. Just reqciveil for Xmas A nice Una of Accordions, Banjos, Violins. Guitars, Harmonicas, Ac , and all Itiiida Btrines. and LHtrst Sheet Music Also Piano Stools and Scarf. We sre thankful for past palrone!? ami aniicn a conimnancaoi me aama an t fn-;:,. - .a to fttv fv .r.tM'ttoa o evvy pur- o D O D a o o o D o o o a o D O o o o o o Chains o D O O O o Henry's 124 viiiiii r Pharmacy, I m hTEKtl. Cat aha na Waier. - Tarrant's Mixer Aperient. Wyetl. Vichy S.lla. noa Fruit Sails. Rapid Flow Fountain Eyringes. , Rubber Eulb PyriDgfs. ' .: r i . Atomisers. Hard Rubbor, Cloudy mtnouia, Stqd Soap. O 1 o " O n The Greatest Dyspepsia Remedy ofihe ' XIX Century: R1PANS TABOLES, , S Ceot and 25 Cents. Physician's Prescription! V....A Specialty. rtr I I PrTi TP i nrnAti HtALtSIAItAlirJUI Bouses and Lota For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tanements that will prove a fine Invest, nrient, . Collection of Rents Specialty. ( c st V '- Sz Bryan's ntore, op-