' r X I ,i YOU XTI -SO 2H. KIW 8 mi, K. C, F DAT U0R51I8, DECEMBER JS, 1831. ESTABLISHED 1833 LAMPS AND JARDlNIERS A Tb. iMe fr U.mWnc CI rieUaas rmcntt. Also ProUy thing ''' ta Item Goods. 4 ill TVs KewAaoortUa Puff fkrf for Udke liilakh found at par 'J H. . : , ' . L A We hra Far Trlsiaieg;.Jc, i tha yard in f"7rd bron. J Vj Wo sUII off.-r Ui 5 Ptt Cant. Isocount oa Oaaa Poroaaoai. V w . : ' - T , We an wIHbc Mora 8UOK9 AT RETAIL than any beua U Ik. W city, ftr um Causa W f nrm nnnr rnn'Tlir liniirU v VI BEST SHOE FOR k IT WILL 1 1 " '" . 111 11 " '. I Oriole Coffee, Nice Hams, its. 12. I. . Be Ut. Excellent' Butter, 1 S . 25c Xb. 'f . N WUat agalexyf IJfe'lSeceeitleet Astonishing Figures. (X Erer) thing els thai belong to tbe mke up of tha Largest of Inflltarr. I J. H. HACKBURN, piui'cEHi. AUCTION I CHRISTMAS EVE 8 P. M. FOR THE ITKPOSE OF CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE - ' OF MY ;'; '."' " Toys anllmas I will sell my entire stock ut Auction 011 Xniaa Eve, 8 P. JL, at my store on Pollock Street. The Goods Jrtust go Regardless of Price I My assortment of Candies, Nnts, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Oraie8, Etc., is very complete and prices are as low as the lowest. I also have full line of Fire Works and Fire Crackers, and every- thing to make the Children happy. Be sure to give me a call XMAS EVE. JOHN DUNN,- POLLOCK f THE REAL SANTA GLAUS Tliat can ctrr to the tauli of everjone in New Berne, i the grocer who Ims the lt .aaaort ' ment of good thing for the Yule tide ftaet. Ton will find tba highest grade Tanned Table Deli cacies. Reliahe, and Other Tooth come Morsels galore Id onrChoic' Stock. Fruits, Nut, and Rainim you will find of the best tha grows, at price that defy compel JUBl riPceiveiji a i'renii ovyyi) of Fox Klver uutier. .mere ib di Butter In thi -market as good at Fox Rivr. 80 "don't be induced to buy any 1 lb package Butter that ha not the u.ue, Clover riill Brand, Fox River Butler Company. , J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, Phone 69. 7 7 , Broad Street. F0R SALE DWELLING HOUSE AND i LOTS SITUATED ON NATIONAL AVE. ' House has ten rooms, with all modern improvements, water, sewerage, etc. Location very Fine and desirable resi dence'properly or Investment. -.; For term apply to . ' . . J. F. TAYLOR, Eastern Carolina Despatch and Old Dominion Line. Christmas Excurslou KATES ! Round Trip ticket from New Berne will be sold on December 23rd and 20tt, to any station on the Norfolk and South ern Railroad good to return until Jauu uary 4th, 1609 for one and one-third ratta of the first 9od second clam fares. GEO. HENDSRSON. Agent. II . C. nUDGINS. G. P. A , , ' " Norfolk; Yi. .fc, w . . k . . BEAUTIFUL LINE OF-sSj V THE MONEY. TELL. i - STREET. 1 A5. 2b. TI Time Has Come Amid the great variety of articles, rhich can be obtained At Whitehurst's For Christmas Presents. . topecial attention is called to the ; CHINA TEA AND DINNER SKTS. x 011 can mug up lue sei 10 sun your taste in any number of prices from beau- Doll Carriages and Wagons. , ... Toys, Velocipedes and Horses. No. 43 Pollock Street. At McSorlej's This Week. . , -.Candy from 10c a pound up. t . Not of All Kind: . ? ' : Oranges, Apple, and Banana a Cheap or Cheaper thaa anywhere else. Sandwiches Ham and Turkey. Coffee and Chocolate, ' Oysters in any Style. Cigarsby the box for A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. A iNice Pipe for your father, brother or Sweetheart. Qoods Stock. wamusaTon'jTOTAOf. MS iMtl tSMttM Is Tatafe (her H Maa ..r aa WAtBixaroa, December tl. On of Ut bom lalrMll& eraltaa aadartakaa 7 a Aawjcaa varahtp la ytam beglat wIlA tha dapaf era of laa WUkUjub froai tba K or folk aary yard tomorrow. Tha WUmlagtoa la aadar ordara to ai plora waltra and vtalt aatUaaianU whica aara aavar btfor aaaa tba color from a Calted Btaua aaval yaataL Tba ohjaot of tba voyafa ta to apaa a p. if poarlble, eloaar eomaMrclal ralatloal batwaaa aavaral Boa lb AaMricaa oonatriaa and tba I'altad Butaa. Tba Wtlmlnjtoa wlU ba goaa aboat a yaar. ' Bba will 11 ret rialt tba tmporlaot porta of tba Waat ladlaa, aftar which h la to prooaad directly aootb to tha Orlaoeo riTaraodioap aa far aa (racUcabla. Thl rirar wUl admit ahlpa of the W 11- Inctoa clau arraral haadrad avllea, aad It If propoaad to go joat aa far aa tbc eafatyot tba vaaael will parmlt. Tba ratlvaa along tba aboraa will ba Invited to angaga la trade with tbla aoantry.aad to look after tba dlplomatlo and Dnltai Bute Idolater Loomls will aooompany tba veaaet by order of tha State Depart, stent. 4 Tba voyage completed, tha Wllmlng- toa will anter far Into tha Interior of Sooth America, proceeding hundred of mile up the great Amazon. She will go ao far, Indeed, that aha will poaaibly be nearer the Pacific coaat than tha Atlantic wbaa aha finally turn baak. Visit ill b made to tba aeaport cities of Brazil and Uruguay, and than the Rio da la Plata will ba entered aa far a It la prac ticable to go. ... . " Mlawlaeaw Charl.. Wedneaday, Mr. Eon Daniel, wbo claims Cedar Point a his borne, was in the city and for tha night went to tha boarding hoote kept by Mrs. Willis on South Front street. Later In the night a young man ar rived at the same bouse, .and claiming to ba without money, asked the asilatanc of Mr. Daniel to pay for a night' lodg ing. Mr. Daalel very kindly took the young man for a room- mate. Awakening tha next morning Mr. Daniels found hlmielf the sole, occupant of the room, and npon examination of his clothe found that the pocket In hi pant bad been cut oat, and his money, estimated from tan to twenty dollars, was gone. . .7 ", A young man was afterward arrested on suspicion aa being tha room mate, bat after an examination before S. R. Street, J. P., the man waa discharged, there being no evidence agalnat htm. Many a houaehold I , saddened by death because of the fallue to keep on hand a safe and absolute certain cure for croup uch aa One Minute Cough Cure, See that your little ones are protected against emergency, F S Duffy Rearaa StavtB; . - Columbia, S. C December 20 The negroes of Greenwood county have be gun 10 emigrate. It is thought that several bundled will leave in the next fews weeks. Several carload of then, have gone since last week. They aie moving to the lower part of Mississippi, An leuilgratlon agent went into the county some time after the Phoenix raca rloi. ' 1 ': v;,i' : f A Greenwood man says: : "There la no denying the fact that the negroes In the populoua lections of the county are bad ly demoralized. They are in some places still panic-stricken en account of the Phoenix troubles. They have not been molested, but have the unreasoning fear so common, to ignorance.'1 Thenegroea of Saluda and Phrenlx will hardly make contract for another year. Merchants" have enforced collec tion to tha destitution of many families. Under the circumstances thl exodus is expected to thin out the over-abundant negro population of this county consid erably. The colored renters are leaving. As a consequence some of the best land in the county will be ocoupted by white renters hereafter. - " NO FAITH CURE ABOUT STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TAB LETS. They Cure Stomach Trouble sat In digestion Anyway, Whether Tea Hare Faith la Them ar Mot. . , Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will sot give you an appetite, will not increase your flesh and strength en your nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will do these things, because they are composed of the ele ments of digestion, they contain the juices, acids and peptone necessary to the digestion and assimilation of all wholesome food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food If placed in Jar or bottle in water heated to 08 degrees, .and they will do It much more effectively when taken into the stomach after meals, whether you have faith that they will or not. They invigorate the stomach, make pure blood and strong nerves, in the only way that nature can do it, and that is, from plenty of wholesome food well digested. . It is not what we eat, but what we digest that does ua good. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 8-e sold by nearly sll d---' s at f ' r f r f .1 ,!-.-,-1 r -., , r ! ' ' " F0SS1ELI SOUTHER Eailfaj fill i Mm C. F. Peaalaa Warrants Caatlag la Ksp- idly. Report rablle Charities. Ta Exastlaa Caadltlaa Pal- . .uallary. Railway Cass- salsaloa ApplleaaU. v. JodshaL Boaaao. I Raleigh, H.U., December M. ( It la now a Id that tba sal of tba Cap Fear and Tadkla Valley Railroad which takee place December 19, nay result t that road going to the Bouthera Rail road. Tba minimum price will ba' 3, 000,00a It waa thought oaoathat the Seaboard would ba the purchaser, but that road will not buy. Tba Coaat Line also ba aa aye on tba road. Peasloa warrant are coming in rapid ly for payment. Slate Treasurer Worth has so far paid out 10,M1. The total amount of pension money to ba paid out this year Is $130,000. . ' ' .. The Stats Board of Public Charities began Its annual session today. It wlL take two days possibly to finish up the busineie, for the report of tha secretary, Cap. Denaoa, of tha condition of avery prison In State as well aa tba asylums, etc, will necessarily ba vary long, and the report of the board to the General Assembly will be made ap from his re port Tha special committees appointed by the penitentiary board to examine the conditions of tbe penitentiary farms left yesterday. ' - j v' . The alliance men are not patronizing the aboe factory at HUlsboro established by tha State Alliance, ao a meeting of the Farmers Slate Alliance Is called to meet at HUlsboro on tha 20th to finally ettle whether the factory should con tinue operation. Tha Alliance In thi State once had 100,009 member, but it has fallen off so that the membership now Is only about 8000. , . There are many applicants for the Railway Commlsslonershlp. Only the best men ought to be appointed, for It hi a very responsible office, The examinations at the Agricultural and Mechanical College which ha been in progress are about completed. All the post.offlce employees all over the country will on January 1st have to be bonded direct by the government. The 10110 carriers have already been so bonded.' Federal court adjourned here yester day, sending 8 convicts to penitentiary, and 84 to jail. There is a great demand for good cot ton here.'- Owing to the late picking, there will be a larger quantity of stained cotton here. " . The fogs that caused so much dl.a t r in being the cause of rail road disasters north, seem 10 be prevalent all over the.country, for h;re In Ktlel&h they are so heavy .that the big electrlo lights twinkle like tiny stars an I one cannot sec aero 1 the streets. Again the mustoring out of the Third North Cai'oliua llejionnt (nrojs) U talked about. The record of thi rigl ment 1 sticrj that no plea for It contiu nance van well be made. , - To txas a C01.B) in oar. day Take Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets. AU druggist refund the money If It fall to cure 25c The genuine has L. B. Q ou each tablet. . , Wester Hwdb la Efflsy. Havana, December 21 The United States, transport Chester, which sailed from Savannah on December 18th, With the Fourth Virginia on board, arrived here yesterday. The regiment marched to Quemado camp today. ' Effigies of General Weyler were hung thi afternoon in Cerro, the autrurb, sur rounded by jeering crowds, while small processions marched and counter-marched along the streets, shouting constantly. r Business is virtually suspended In con sequence over the rejoicings over the evacuation. , " In some instsnces bands of Cubsns have visited Spanish shop-keepers sod compelled them to shout "Viva Cuba Libre!" and to wave Cubaa Hags. 1, Printed papers insulting to the Span iards and treatenlng to kill, them after January. 1st, continue to be circulated In various parts of the island. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually, with One Min ute Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recom mend It because it's good. F S Duffy. " Mr. Bllm' aaeeeaaer. Waruinhton, Dec, 21. The Presi dent today named Ethan A. Hitchcock, of Missouri, to be Secretary of the In terior, vice Bliss, resigned. Mr Hitch cock i at present Ambassador to Russia. He was appointed minister more than a year ago and when the rank was raised to an embassy he was reappointed. Mr. Hitchcock is a business man of St. Louie an,! vt t$ for sonn t!me an ev'ri"'i e plate glass manufacturer. He it a great f-riin I-.im of r 1 "i Al't a, of I 1 . ' n s y f . : , r. . Makes the food more defidous and holesofne jtitKtD TBstn mas. in )fv Sar- lwTar War ttib . "Washtsutosi. Dec Jl. a -April SO Easiga W. H. Bock, who was then at tba Naval Academy, aad Eaalga H. II. Ward, oa duly here, volunteered la risk their IWes In order to secure Informa tion which might ba of value to tba gov ernment. Iloth of these officer we detailed and, la diagoisa and nnder as sumed name, ttaveled abroad. Ensign Buck remained in Europe, where he followed and reported tbe novemeoti. of Aimlral Carmsr squad ron, and Eusiga Ward, after visiting Cadis aad reporting the strength of the Spanish naval force there, went to the Wast ladies, where ba was employed' until July 18, obtaining and reporting la regard to the Spanish force. He vis ited San Juan in Jane and waa there aelxed and detained by tba Spanish nav al and port authorities. He succeeded, however, la procuring tha Information which he songbt, and 'In leaving Ban Juan and cabling hi Information to the Department. Both officers returned home ssfely. . ' TBS lURim Yesterday' market quotation! furnish ed by W. A. Porte rfleld tl Co. Commission Brokers. New York, December 23 STOCKS. ' Open. Hlgh.-tLow. CIcsj Sugar. 123 125J 128 121 Am Tobacco. .. . 141 141 130, 140J M.O.P 42 43 42 45 J. C...... 04 94 984 9111 a B. 4 0, 122 123 122 122 L.AN OS, 63f m Manhattan 98 09 97 , 97, Peoples Gas.... 1081 109 108 108 M.C. 60 65 60 , COTTON. . Open. Hlph. Low. Close March .. 5.47 8 52 S.47 SftO CHICAGO MARKETS. Whxat Open. High. Low. Close May 8f 88, 68, - i CoBM '( May -. 87 87, 86 87 . . Ml OABTOIIIA. Bmr tas A M Vou HareArwars Bsufhi & Gift Tliat Was i Godsend To tbe mechanic that appreciate nign grade loig was the loot Unest niied with Superior ttteel Tools with well shaped and durable hard bandies, that was proqynd from our A. I stock They also make a New Yea.', sift, tba will be received with j iy. Our Tools are all standard goods, and will last a aie time.' .; - - . All of our Prices Guaranteed. L. H. CUTLER H'DV'E CO. The Practical FOR- Christmas Gifts. 1 ' We are showing a Stock of Turk ial), East Indian and Moorish Drap . eries and Embroideries.' ' - , J . All sdapted f9r Furnishing Coscy Corners, Dens and Smoking Rooms. Also Table, Covers, Mantel Draper ies, Piano and Table Scarfs. &c. Our exhibit is so worthy that We . , suggest a trip to Raleigh to see it. . . Dobbin & Ferrall, TUCKER'S 5T0RE, " t r 103 & 123 Fayettcvilie Street, A IT -WW r-r ypy ,ii-J iJ i - - J I .ili.. I " oMte l If1 -1 v f ""l t'i .t fir 1 m il.p.Vn, i " ,1 11- i zzl r I U Vllafcilf DC! 10 roo. ratal Celltotea aa laa reaaaylvaala autllraaa Baa BVehWKj, . J. Rasiwat, V. J, Dec ruber Jl. T wo of the fastest express trains of tba Peao.yl van la Railroad cam Into collislaa early this morning at Coloaia, a small statioa la Mew Jersey, just beyond thia place Tba early Washlngtoa express, gorng si tba rate of forty mile aa boar, crashed into the roar eod of tba PUlabarg "Dyer,' a Chicago aad New York through train, tearing the rear car Into kindling wood and killing two persons, badly lajuring tea others. A heavy fog prevailed at tbe time aad tbe Pittsburg train was going slowly, while the engineer waa endeavoring to read tha signals. Tbe engineer of the Washington express supposed be bd a clear track. Ta SlaMer Oat Se.aeO Valaaieera. Washikoton, Dec 91. At the cabinet meeting today It waa decided that exist ing conditions justified a further reduc tion of the military forces of the United States, and the Secretary of War was instructed to arrange for tbe immediate . f .A AAA 1 FTl J tails for ths execution of this order hsve not yet been arranged, and it la Impoa- dble as jet to atoertaln what organixa- tlont will ba first selected for discharge from the military service. Several of the volunteer organizations In tiie Phil ippines will undoubtedly be included In the number. COUCH SYRUP Will oura Tonsllitis and Bronchitis. A specific for Inoiplent consumption. Doses small. Price 23 ets. at druggists, HOTEL NEUSEE. NEW BfcfcNE, - N. C. J. M. RICHARDSON, Prop'r. Terms, Per Day, $1 So. Can accommodate a few Regular Boarders. Special attention given to the travel ling public. . aseiraiOfW 1 A Drive in Cloihing for Obrietmas we are preparing now in men' and boys suits, overcoats and hats. We have an elegant line of Waterhouse l ies and atunera that make a useful and acceptable gift as an Xmas offering. Our prices are special inducements' J. J. BAXTER. Doe "lie" Smoke? It doesn't make any difference who "He" may be, if he smokes; you need go no further on your hunt after a Christmas present, for ' him". What wouldn't a smoker give for a good after-dinner cigar, and how much more would he appreciate it, if coming out of a box from you? We have the moat popular brands put up In boxes of 85, 60 and 1W. By ail mean get oox of good cigar for ''him'' if "he" smokes. , t l. . Davis Pharmacy. Phone 5ft Cor. Broad & Middle St. MBaMWBa(BBBaBBBBe . kfy" ""JEST'S. A XII'E AKKOIITMEXT OF I Fancy Cakes and Crackers, t All uire and fresh just Call soJ See Tbem. Also Fresh New Nuts of all kinds. Dried Fruit, any kind you want. , Plenty of Nice Fresh Eggs. Mai sea Grape. A complete and well assorted stock of Choice Family Orooeries. The Nicest ?J Cents Cigar in tbe city. Fancy Elgin Butter Cents for 10 days only. Sat i fact ion Gnarnnterd in every article- yon buy m us or jour money refunded. ' ii aniol k Gaski IMione 01. 4tODon o a o a o w Vi k One of our New York buyers, has just tumbled unexpectedly upon us, by express, a package of "Beifeld" Ladles Gj Fine Coats, at such prices that would h have been unthought oi earlier in the season. An opportunity is now oflered the New Berne trade, to buy fine tailored M.rmpnts at. Ttrira lftast tVinn tVin whnlp- g sale cost. There are only 18 oi these coats and its worth the time of any lady 3 to critically examine these offerings. tut ta o Q O O Be Quick. o IH.B. DUFFY. AF1aHff11H555r WMWtlbdbii KF TOV WiXT$ Old. Don't lie influenced to take something else, It can Tie relied; on for MEDICINAL AND OTHER PURPOSES and Is Guaranteed PURE, MILD AND MELLOW. See that the seals over corks are intact'and onrjname blown in bottles, Straus, Gunst & Co., Proprietors, RICHMOND, IVIRtjrINIA, , The ZSTTTIDETX-L MrSUBABrCE COMPANY of America. ' Home Office: -V Newark, - N. J. A&'ETTS JULY 1st, 1893,. ....... SURPLUS. JULY 1st, 1898,. INSURANCE WRITTEN IN 1897...... PAID POLICY HOLDERS TO DATE, , THE PRUDENTIAL ba forged its way ahead U.ltil it stands In the front rank of the great life insurance companies of the (world. It oiler all that is good in life insurance, and under the best conditions. JAITES O. WYNN, Alan. Southern Department, ' j Atlanta, Georgia. L. LTLLOWEI L, Gen. 5: received from tbe Bakery. !J- They are Fine. 5. awM t Wholesale aV Iletnil j Orowrs, 71 lroal N(. nonov. -Deneia. O a o a o a o Coats. fiWi:EPi(j ItEIUJCTIOX o a o lItIE. Come Today. o o um ooDoi Henry John P. Dryden, - President. ; , 20,029,137 04 6,627,584 24" 143,900,000 00 81,000,000 00 '-?; .- r Agent, NEW BSRXr, N. C. liiskey V -