THE JOURNAL. twU.-W &f le IW4 tear, '& t y UumitJ, el M W IIM, faaa So. e. CMARLE5 L. STEVENS, '.umtob raormraroa. SUBSCIUPTIOS JUTES: js )w, ta khum, Oor jar. X4 ka advaaea, Hornerv. bj cvm fat laeottr,... - . AdvarUsiaa; Reese fnraUaed eppli eattoe. , ' Fntared at tk PoetXXaoa, HeVBerae, OBcIal raaer ra Crevea Ceeatr. . Vew Bane, V. a. 8. ISIft. "A few mora days, only, before - thoaa oa est of good resolutions go ibto effct. " ' . " Judging from lb returns sbowo, jour nnele Santa Cleoa, la tba aama Una old fallow. - - Tba candidate for office for tba next Assembly of North Carolina ara now ataodiog op to ba counted. Thus far Editor Marlon Dntler la the odIt endoreer of Saoator Marlon Butler'a bill to pension tba ri-Con-fsdtrttes. - Tba Raleigh Newe-Observ'er en doraaa Hobtoo, tba Kiascr. It la to ba hopad tbo esteemed N.-0 will noi get recklees and alaoandoraa Congressman Roberts, of Uub. Tba Richmond Timaa may have tha beat of intention! ia rrqoeating Hon. W. J. Bryan to retire a a aeeker after tha Preiideocj, but the Tiinea doea not aeem to know Colonel Bryan very well. The Charlotte Neva issued an edition of 04 pages, last week, de scriptive of Charlotte and lta vicini ty. It ia a. moat creditable and in teresting iieuo. The Neva ia a dia liociite factor in Charlotte's prc- T" ONTBUtOTOOOVUDlH. With the near approaota to the meetjnn ot tha-Geneial Auemb!y, nd tha legislation which will result from lis sessions, it ia quite natural that there ahonld be an active bait ling for the offlaea which a change of administration brings forth. While there fill 1 considerable rivalry in it all, tha contention ahonld be of a character quite dif ferent from previous changes, and there should be an awarding of of fices based npon both Democratic prinoiplea and Democratic party services. ' . V In other words, tbare should ba a wise and intelligent office giving this year which shall deal justly wiih party prinoiplea and the party work- era. ; ' , . v':j;f ":. '''-"i":- ' i Who labored during the months between the declaration of princi ples by the 8tte . Democratic Con- ' Tension of the people, and th 8th : day of November? ' ..' 1 " Who were the workers dnr'og the long -months, when the fate of White Supremacy was at stake? ' Who fought in the skirmisheaf Who led in the charges, and who nailed the flag of White Supremaoy - and good government to the . mast heads in the many conflicts, ' and stood to their gusa, indifferent to threats, and scorning compromises of every kind? " - There are many of these men in the Democratic ranks. They saved the State, and carried the princi ples of Democracyi to a glorion victory. And now that the battle, . the real hand-to-hand conflict is ; over, let not those champions, the : real warriors be forgotten in the giving of the rewards. There are many Democrats of ex callent character . and reputation - seeking the offices, but were they in : the fight, in July, August, Septeu- ber, October and November?- Perhaps they were in part of it, when victory looked safe. Perhaps they came in after the polls closed on November 8th' and joined the shooters .'. I ,-: ' , ,: Thoy were weloomeJ, their Dem ocracy was and is not challenged, ' but should they claim equal rights in tha sharing of the oflices with those who fought in all the fights? Such a question is hardly neces sary and yet it is Heat toconsiderthe h'.Et'uoo. aej til I r,i i: .j ) psrtf r.i j't uU T horf r throuf b il 1. TtiT ( laiiU er baswl. and let not t'irre te any nuUtake la gitit g rter. atere reeerj is atie. Bow a TkM. W eu Oh Baad-vd DoiUr IU- wri Uf af cue U Caurrb cm- mot ta ceiaa by BaU's C'mirli cere. r.J-CBKSZT COToWd.0. We, Ike Mve aeowa t. I. Canty tor the tM If rem. aa4 be ttor kla parfaal aoaoraU la ail bns taws iraasadloas aa4 aaacUll; abls la lo carry (Mil aay eWlcatloes mmi by ibtlr Wen TaoAt, WkokMl Drealut, Totode, O. Watetae. Eiaaa Vabvw, Waole- aWDftiiU.Toll0. BaO's Catarrk Car Is Ukea UteraaUy aetiag directly apoa Ik blood aad ma eoaa, sarfaea of ike sysua. TatrtbB- alak) seal free. Price TSo per botll eld by all Dnigf lata. all's really fills ara the beet. kUfU at tb ttottMB. Xr. Orlawoabaak Do yea aappoa Ike natives la tk PkUlppla will t aaylhlag la tkeir stockist; U.U fnrl - Mr. Criauoabrak Mo; w'U bavelo btgia by giving ikem the slockuij. Ter Petatod QaaatUas itiwml. Wbat Is Ik use of making a better article I baa your conpclllor if yea can aot gel a baiter price for It? . - Asa. Aa there is ao dinofenre In tk price lb public will boy only lb better, ao that while oar proflis may b amsllcr oa a slag 1 a tbey will be muck gnat- er ia Ike aggregate. How een yo -gt Ik public to kaW your make Is Iks best? ; " ' ' If both articles are brought promla- nlly before the public both are eertain lo be tried and Ibe public will very qnickly pass Judgment oa then and in only lbs belter one. - ' ' This eiplalDs Ibe Isrge sale oa Cksm- berlain's Cough Itrmedy. Th peopl hsv been ntlng It for years and havs found that It can always b depended upon. They may occasionally lake up with some fashionable novelty pot forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return lo the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is nothing eqnal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by,-r. 8, Duffy. ' ' Castrate' Cupid. He (reading) Of love that never found hit earthly do ' . She . (interrupting) Isn't Tennyson just great? Ton can always learn some thing from him. Now I nndarstand why Cupid Is ' elwiji represented without any. But please go oe. . 'J ' j . SUcareraa by Wesaaav V Another great discovery hu been made and that too, by a lady In this country.; "Disease fastened its clutches upon her end for seven years she with stood its severest testa, but' her vital or gans were undermined and death seemed Imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. Bhe finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept sll night and with two bottle baa been absolutely cored. Her name is Mrs. Lather Lutx.', Thus writes W. a Hamnlck & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at F. 8'. Duffy's Drag Store. Regular size 50c and ll.OO1 every bottle guaranteed There's many a slip . ' ; , 'Twin the cup and the lip, But that isn't all aay, nayl . -- When It rain In Ibe night v And then freezes tight . ' ; There's many a slip next day. , The sooner cough or cold is cured without bsrm to the sufferer the better Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough It distressing. One Minute Cough Core quickly cares it. : Why suffer when seek e cough cure it in reach? It w pleasanl to th taste. F 8 Duffy. S . v Wky B Bagaia. :e j;'; Mr. Sntggs When my wife has' the grip I suffer Intenselr: z . - Mr. Bnlfflu From sympathy, I sup pose? -y ; Ji'yf' ''f Jy"' -." -Mr. Snaggs To soma extent1, from sympathy, but chiefly because she calls : It "the le grippe." .j ,;: X ' ; eiee. -v '' B)r. B. DMikn't Aad BMamtM May be worth more to you than 100 If you have a child who soils bedding from indontenence of .water during 'sleep. Cures old aud young alike.' It arrceta ti e trouble at once. 9L Bold by C 0. Brad ham, druggist. New Bern. N. C. ' " 1 'i 'X: ; Legie. ',,:''y' : '. ' ; "The mialster asked me hew I could defend the- practice of skating en Sun- What did you say?". y . Mid it might thaw on Monday." ; - Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve ia 'the implacable enemy of sores, burns and wounds, It never falls to care Piles. Yon may rtly open It. F S Daffy. ; 'j Yf.' hT. ; . ' Firtt Burglar Dis paper ssys yon're a notorious criminal . . Second Burgltr AVe'll, dst's so; sn' I'm sorry fer it, ' ; " Firtt Burglar Yer sorry? . Second Burglar Yet; I just ht!e no' toriety, bom Doubt ... trt l It 1 pecnz:j ftfioi ef f-nt pt.a si4 d-wrvft. Tt.c dou&t ebtincT aav irtnlc,no cjn t.ine tbcr tuSmtfU .TcU tr.v Ccy be hum a( tat:R tbo lujurtuss InRreal m.rtur s widely to'.i. Bui ibry tuy place U;!icU Ui:U In MOTHER'S FRIEND ebich Is a tertesicg. rclaiing and oob Ing boimcnt for eitrreal ete. Douarmg noiaen should f a icU at ch nig etor for $1, aad teat it. There It ao possibility ef H doing bam, and nVsrt la every littiibood ef its saving them maay boors of pain. Jt THE ERADFIELD RECULATOK CO. at Baw Aata. Aastrallaa aaraget rat tke gfvsa ante raw. Tbey stamp apoa an ant kill enttl thaaateree op tkslr kgs, when tbey scrap them off as fast at ikey coma ap and iraoefsr these t ibelr atonine. TtUew Janaalae Cared . Battering kamaaity should btiupplled wltb evary tneaa posaible for its relief. Ills wlthpleaaure w publUk the fol lowing: "This Is lo certify that Iwaaa terrible auffarer from Yellow Jaundice for ever all months and waa treated by some of the best physicians la oar eity sndall lo no avail - Dr. Bell, our drag gist recommended Electric Bit tors, and trier taking two bottle I was entirely earrd. I bow take great pleasure in recommending ibens lo any peraoa suf fering witk this terrible malady I am gratefully yoara, M. A. Hogarty, Lexlng tou, Ky. , . . Sold by F. 8. Duffy, Druggitt. Billed by Lemonade. Cobwlgger When did the old custom ot New Tear calling begin to die oiit? . Morrill About the lima people began ssrvtng lemonade Instead of wine. .. -. Pains In the chest when a person hu a cold indicate a tendency "toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Tain Balm aad bound on to the chest ovY the seat of pain will promptly relieve tke pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will cnrealama back in a few hours. Bold by F 8 Duffy Dramatic Criticism. ' Customs Barnes doesn't look like an astor, does he? , .. " Clarke No, doesn't act like one either. '. ; 'I . " . : ' - A Giant Narre Bnildsr. The Mystic Life Renewcr Is the most Powerful Nerve Builder known. It ab solutely cures all forms of Nervous pis esses and Weaknesses no matter how ag gravated or how long duration, such as Neuralgia, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, St. Vitus' Dance, Palrltatlon of the Heart, Physical and Mental Weak ness, Debility of Old Age, etc - Sold by Henry's Pharmacy. ' . v . Bia Btaaaa- Etch lesson has ber favored son, For times are fickle as the dice. The fancy skater's now the one ' Whs figures most at cutting Ice. Late to bed and early to rite, prepares a man for his home In the'skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer end better and wiser; F 8 Duffy. ; ' ' Light lnuatry. The signal comes from the standing army: Tls 'Fire away!' You know, '. The stsndlng army we have In mind Is ths rati array of girls yon'll find Btneath the mistletoe. ' ' Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar rboea Remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant and safe to take Sold bvFS Duff. '" eriBler Taaflnt Tiekria Haw Bale '- '"'t by aiaaitirra StKllwny. " , Commencing November lit, 1808, the Southern Railway will sell from prlncl psl stations on its lines, round-trip Winter Tourist tickets to beat resorts in Florida, the South and Asheville, N. C, in Theland of the Sky" at greatly reduced rates for the round-trip. , Ticket's will be on sale from November 1st, until April 80, 1800, and in most Cites final limit returning May Viet; 18! 9. 'In connection with the above the Southern Railway offers the quickest sad finest train service and connections to all' resorts lo the South, Mexico, Cali fornia, Cuba and Porto Rico. Any information as to rates, schedules, sleeping car rervice, accomodations, etc , cheerfully furnished upon application to any agent Southern Rsllnay, or lt. L. Vernon, Traveling Passenger Agent 11 Booth Tryon St., Central Hotel Blug., Charlotte, N. C. . , : ; , ' nolle rr Mrtilm f Creilr. " . . New Berne, N. O, Deo. SQ, 1808. In the District Court of the United Statea for the Eastern District of North ""r Carolina, 3rd Bankruptcy Division In tub Mattkr nw J.-.D. Dinkins is .; Bankkdptcv. ' ' Eastern District of North Carolina ss. Upon tbe petition of J. D. Dinkins, B&nkrnpt, it is Ordered, that a meetli.g of the Creditors of satd Bankrupt be held at New Berne, N. C, In said District on tbe 4th day of January. A. D., 1899, at 13 o'ciock, M.,at the otllceof L J.Moore. Referee, in New Borne. N. C, 8rd Bank ruptcy division in said District, for the purposes named in the 14lh section of of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to establish a Uniform System of Bank ru;'ey t!wf-hout the United Ptalcs," TH CCiP.-1 S3 Thg GftOWHia USg Of tUCTRfClTV. rar Vkl lh Bwl aur at mere framavtir Smb Ik Sariut i a . wrtP A tHm tMaT. Allboogh th lorratioa and lalradoe- tioa of tbe trolley ryttaa ef streat rail ways kav bww of Wttaiiblt aalee Is tiTlllaaliaa II has lat-MfCUnywroaxibl earn karta bare aad rbera. Katnbaai waa laid oa eoe ef lbs dreweaoaa So laoirte traetiua) la thaMr dallvered by Prof A. W. Raekar ala hMI atetki ef eke twlllab Aasociatloa Far tbe AdTaocameol ef Hcleao. lavarteot parte of to world ofaarrra- terlea bava hna artablitbed fnrtb eat-- poaa or Beeping tracjr or Tke cnanee la tb direotka ia whtcb tbe aaacaatie swedle aolnu. It waa long ago diaooe- ared Dot oely that ta eoatpaat aata not a lot directly el tbe aorta pal, bet that tbe eteooai of variation In let iadlaa tioo front troe nortb amaergoaa alow aiteraliooa, Hence It le etc nary to umbo I rat ebarte, abowlng tbe varia tion far different pares of Ibe globe every few yeera. Bat la order to get tbe oatn lor taefe eornctioee of tbe bignm Importenoe so tbe snrveyor and snarlner it Is reqniiite tbaloarfal ob servatiooa b made oontinaoosly at a nember of widely raparated poiata. Two of tbe moat famooa and hitherto asef el hmltailous of thiaoias are titu ated la Washington, in the errand t of tbe naval observatory and la Toronto. Tbe tnterfereuce of tbe electric current that ran through tbe eartb end th track ot trolley lines which have been eonstmcted near tbaas ebearvatoriea In terfere so mock with tb behavior of tb Instraments of both plane that the record now obtained are practically worthies. And lb experts are greatly poxaiea by the problem of escaping from this vexations Interruption of tbeir work. So delicate are tbe Influesoea which the msgneta in soeh an observatory ara intended lo laveetiaate that tbey can be perceived only wbea tbe apparatus It most scrupulously guarded. The roam In which they are mounted is nnder gmbod. Visitors are never admitted ex oept nnder nnososl circumstances and ara required to deposit tbeir Jackknlvee, keys and all other metallic object about tbeir person before entering tbe apart meek Th magnets, generally bars ot steel not over sia inches long, are poised above a scale that is graduated to tbe moat minute fractions, and a telescope, on an adjacent pillar, la need to read tbe fluctuations, which are too small to be discernible by the a atari it ed eye. A tiny mirror, as big as a dime, catcneee beam of light more slender than the lead in a pencil and reflects it away to a sheet of slowly moving pbotographio paper, on which a permanent record is made. Tfaearrangemeutof tbe apparatus is snch that the movement of the mag net is magnified many times in the' rao ord, In otder to render tbe changes pa ceptible. , There are three sets of instruments en duty In snch an observatory. . One swings horizontally, like a mariner's compost Another dips ap and down. A third is designed to measare the in tensity of the earth's magnetism, which Is a separate thing from tba direction in which it acts. And so sensitive are they that tbeir readings are apt to be interfered with by exceedingly trivial eaneea It is rostomary for the superin tendent to inscribe on the scroll "Visit ors admitted," whenever such a breach of the regulations is permitted, so that if any abnormal fluctuation I detected in the motion of tbe magnets a suspicion ot its meaning will be excited in the mind of the scientist who afterward ex amines the photographic trace. lu spite of tbe delicacy of the appa ratus, it may teem surprising to the lay mind that tbe passage of trolley cur rents at a distance of many roda from tbe observatory should be able to affect tbe instruments within. But tbey do, and it is impossible to separate in the record tbe variations prod need by genu ine changes in terrestrial maguetistn from those which are caused by tbe trolley. Professor Bucker said a few days ago: "From all parts ot tbe world we ' bear ot observatoriea rained or threatened by tbe invasion ot the elec trical engineer. Toronto and Washing ton have already euoenmbed, Potsdam, Pare St. Maur, Greenwich and Kew are besieged, aud the issue largely depeuds npon whether these great nationul ob servatories can or cannot make good tbeir defense." : . ' . - i' -- ' Although tbe practical service to mankind which ia rendered by iuitito tions of this class is alone sntBoienl to justify tbeir maintenance and to war. rant alarm as to tbeir future, there are other questions involved which posses profound In teres.! for the philosopher, We know that tbe earth is a magnet, but as yet no one is able to say what makes it so. The fundamental secret of terrestrial magnetism ha not been solved. .Then, too, there are various cbauges in direction which mark the behavior of the needle that remain to be explained. What influence is it that makes tbe needle rwing to and fro to a microscopic extent every day? Wbyiait that tbe dinrnal swiog is greater In yeara of son spot abundance than at the minimum stage of solar activity? Why do-the indications of the needle differ in gammer from those ot winter? What is the key to tbe mystery ot the long period movement that makea it neces sary to recbart the situation? : What causes tbe convulsive behavior of the magnets for a few hoars or day when these is a great outbreak ot suu spots? And is there any relation between the weather aud tbe fluctuations in the earth's magnetism? There are theories on these subjects, but no generally ao cepted doctrines, and tbe human mind ia so constituted that it will hot rest notil further light ia obtained. New York Tribune. . Mr. Hardin Norrls, clert of the drug store of R Shoemaker, Perry, 111., says; "A man came into our store the other day and taid, 'I want a botl'.e of that stuff that saves c'-.ililrpi's )iv-s. I r"ul in the News ' I i'. 1 '. a c' ' ' i get s: k v ' i - Leit . - m. mm tt U Cc. . .D i!LIC. . Has ajS as am Ihfaht Foolx "mnurr ritAUHVir mrJ tapoTjlV ri iiy deer air, write UTftea Doyle ao in tag lit h trieod. "pray pratral my oomplimcaU to tb Ormtae Uolf eleb and wish tbetn front ate a vary happy evning. 1 sot myailf at tntarmiUaat gulfar. gHtinji vrry violent aliacki at ragolar intarvala. It eeoally takes ate yseJt etnat two months so coaviace iastsoaJiimrrtaoy gooa.an4UMsi I give it np aalil a frttk beret of ao- erfV ett to tryinf one mora. I played In KfVDI enlil tbay told at that esse- vttort bad to pay a special tax. I la- a ago rated a private conn la Vermout tbeir llnkt retnraed. I mold undertake T A Grate. Treasurer! W J PliuTbecre In a few game to clear away any tod tary; W W Hark. 8 f. TO Hrmaa. J D new existing." . Kealar Coaasualcailoas M Wednaadav ; 7 " V tu, .mm ns, A aav niven np trying to collect that lit- tie bill from 1311 kin. Yos ere, be 1 a pretiy big, bosky fellow, and he need lo throw my oollevtnr ont." . "Then why didn't yon employ a woman collector? He couldn't do that to woman." Tbat'a what 1 tboegbt. So I not on and sent ber around, bat she never eama back." "Why not?' . "He married ber. " Chicago Poet A taaaallaat Tbsaitkt. The bishop of Wakefield was once eooaoiing an aat od ooslermanger for the lose ot bis little son. Tbe poor tuK low was rooking to and fro In bis dis tress. He suddenly looked at tbe bishop. and. wltb tear running down hi cbtekt, mid. "D'ji tbink 1 ooold get th young beggar stuffed?" London Hew. . .. i i at A Ckaaca fee Bis, lira O'Brlde Before re were married you often wished thrre was some brave deed you could do for me to show your love. Mr. O'Brlde Ye, dear, and I would dell now. Mr. O'Brlde Then, lovego down te the kitchen and dlacharga the cook. COUCH SYRUP Will cure Tonsilitis and Bronchitis. A specific for Incipient consumption, NOTICE ! ' Notice is hereby givro thst application will ba mado to tbe next General Aa- tembly ot North Carolina for an amend ment ot the Charter of tbe Ulty or JNew Berne. ., v A Big Knock Down .on . Wood. 400 Cordi. Oak and Pine, must be sold. 8love Wood, any length, a Specialty, de livered to your door, . Brick" and Hand-Made and Sawed Shingles alwaj t on hand. Bicycles, Drsys and Harness and two good wbgons, ,.:;. All the above will be sold in tbe next three days. , Now we will cut price again on Beef, Pork and Bausagea. . BIS HILL, Ttie Shingrle HaB. Xman Oifta From Santa Clans i In the shape of an ERIE BICYCLE for either Lartia, Uentlemen or Children, will be appieciated by all lovers of oat- door spurts. If you have k s5n, brother or huaband that you - would please, ao Erie lcycle will do it above all oiber Kins, vve Lave a euperb asmrtment of thoee high grade wheels, besides other makes from 5 lo $W Complete line op Sundries at the low est cash prices. ' r . Don't foraret the Auction Sale every Saturday evening and night from now to unrisimas. - . , . , QASKIS' ctCLE COMPANY. . Planters Building. ' y ' BO YEARS' . EXPERIENCE JSTotice :::.' Lodjce Directory. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHT OF HARMONY i klls tad aad etk Wadataday alghta la each taoaik ia RoentsM'a Hall. Pollock street, at TH o'clock. S. R BalL Platdnt Jmtmmm H aiJl-8c'y.R- - Hill, F. Bee-y. KN1CHTSOF HONOtt-OtBec KR Jo.- Dicuter. O I. vt. W F Roeatree. Flnaarlal Reporter New Berae Ledra No. 443 inset a I hi lad ,nd Friday alt hit at 7 50 o'clock In 'Mouoiree't Mall. Pollock street. leach moatk. . 'vALUalKT KNCAMPMEMT. NO 4, a. v. j. w. vmcern f It HymaB, V f ; u iia-nas, M f ; K Hlbbard. 8 W J L Moodr, JW;CH Hall, Scribe; K Oerock, Treasurer. Kegnlar Kncamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and tth (if any) Thursday alghlt In each month at 7:90 o'clock. EUREKA. LODGK NO. 7. I. O. O. F Officer C. II. Hall. N. Ci : J. I. Vvl Y- i T. H. Huiioa, U c'd. tSte'tr; J. R. "rlLer,' ' Treaa. Het-ular meetings j every Moaday nlit at 7:80 o'clock. J BTOSI CLBWiIOUT no. t, . m i. o. o r 'mera.-tto. Slnrrr, Captain; T. G. Hy -nan, Ltut. P. II. pclleUar, KntlKn; Wm. J JTHta, Clwk; Kd. Uemrt, aoconnlant. Bm liar CantonnMnta, Sd and 4Ui Tiiuraday I W KIBNB CHAr-Ehfso. isT H. 17m.: 'AVm T. A. uraw., MP, K.: T. W. Dtwry, arnbei that. Duffy, Ttmi.; C I. RriHiun. dticty. ktular oovnea lona M Mnnu Ml nmath. ' r. JOHK8 tX)HMAMEIIV HO. IU. K.T.: :-l . W. Ik.ry, Jm. Hwlmond 8.J T. a. Hyinaii, C. O : I. V. He, Praia!; B. a. Piiinroae. Recorder. Keiii OODelarw arts uid Uilrd mdava ot Utr month. saw hrkni LrtrxsK m.i, r. h ac j.c. Hcalea, Frvat ; J. H. Nnit'li. ItMnllnir wtv K. K. Qukllev. Plnanrlul Meeta in Knlalit ot fytlilaa ball ever 1st and Srd WilnnTtlllahtii In rmrh month. Russell House. i While In Beaufort be sure and stop at the Rnsell House. First-Clsss Board. A home tor traveling people. Fishing and bunting unexcelled. Terms $1.25 t day or $5.00 per week. O. A. Rl'SSELL Prop Henry's 0 1S4 HI III OLE M'KEE I'. I j Pharmacy, I Carnbana Water. . Tarrant's Seltaer Aperient. Wyett's Vichy Salts. Enoa Fruit Salts. Rapid Flow Fountain Syringes. Rubber Bulb Bytinues. Atomisers. Hard Itubbcr. Cloudy Ammonia, Sund jSoap. The Greatest Dyspepsia Remedy of the j XIX Century: R1PAN8 TABULES. 8 Cen's and , 25 Cents. Physician's Prescriptions m A Specialty. OUR MOTTO : Alway Isead. ' - JSever Follow. With the npf -oachine of. the boliiltys there is Hi way an anxiety, and a study to thu people, what ami where they can obtaiu such aa would satisfy their wants We prido ourselves In Kiviuirto the trade the very finest ibat can he had of every thing in our line and audi, and no other, you will always And here. Our price "nmpete with all and our stock superior. The following Is a list whkh will help yon when you ieei that you hardly know exactly what you want: A fresh lot of Chip Beef of first quali ty, fine stall fed beef, dreys d turkeys, ge se and chickens, veal, pork. '. , Soliciting! your further patronage, we are respectfully, " , Sam'I Colin & Son. A. Colt ii Piano - 1 THE OLD RELIABLE ; and : . v : s; Orga n Co.; ' ,. 133 MIDDLE ST., NEW BFRNE, N. C. fW Branch Housed-WILSON, N. C. HiRb-grade Melilin, Bamilton K Cor don, and Foster Pianos and Uiidt;eport rgaiia. . - . j- fell either for Cash .or on Hie Eiiay Installment Plan, as cbeap as you can ouy anyfhere else, if not oiieuper. Correspondence Solicited. Pianos Tuned and Polished for $9 00. Just received for Xmas A nice line of Accordions, Banjos, Violins. Guitars, irnnmicas, c , and all kinds Strings, i Latest t-hfet Mueic Also Piano - -id t 'i; k t! ' I f.-r pt pitrnn? tar . i 1 iie i .: l tl Livery, 5a!e (6 Exchange StaMes i i 2v- T31JI3:2T CO., WHOLESALE A BETAIL DEALERS IN HORSES . AND . MULES. OT A Complete Line of BUGGIES, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. I FINANCIAL. t. A. Urea. Prat, B.H. ateadowa, Tie Pr H. Bt.SBOvaa.Caabier. CITIZEN BANK 01 wwwaiua,K.o. DO A OEM ERA L BA.HKIMfa BDBINKte Tk AeeoaDta ot Baaka. Mankara. cwmm. arJona, rarmora. Merehaata and othar re I atTfl on favorable term a. ITouipt andean Ml attention t1an to the Inivi ai of ear ens tomer. Coll euoaa a SpMlaltr. eoAao or Drawrroae. Perdlnand tllrloh K. 11. attndowa, 9, a. Meadowa. Chax. Oufly, Jr. RamiMl W. Ipork, lairti-a ttedirOBd, Chat. H. Pnwier, Haver Habn,S J. w. Ura aver. Thfma A.fareea B. W.Smai.auod, C. f.rnv o. H. It. w. r. Omrkott . F. & M. BANK, MAT 1st, 18 tit. Capital Stuck $7i.000.00 Surplus 8,t00,00 Undivided Profits 8,170.08 ! OFFICERS: i L. H. Cftlir President. i W. 8. Cradwick, Vice Pres. T. W. Dewiy. Cafbier. I J. W. BiDDia, Teller. F. F. MATTntwg. Collector. DIRECTORS: ! Wm. B. Blades, II. M. Marks, I G. D Bradham, P. H. Pelletler, ' L. II. Culler, Jnn. Buter, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Stewart, ! T. W. Dewey. We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank in tbe city. It is our endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons. E.W. Smallwood, DEALIRIN Hardware and Fire Arms, Sash, Poors and Blinds, Paintr, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc. Astntfor Garland Stoves & Ranges and Uevoe's, and lirnj Moore' HEADY MIXII) PAINTS. Under Hotel Chattawka, XEW HERXE, JT. C. WAITED to UY Wool, Col ton, Bmwax Y, Highest Prices Guaranteed. ' J. E. IjATIIAM, ' Near Cotton Exchange) ItVi'o,.. HORSES AND MULES ! ry y' To Suit FurcJiasers urt at Prices y . ' That Are Right ! A... fM;; SPECIALTIES s ' T v A Fine Open Bnggy, ,l . . . . $23 00 ' i A Good Buggy Robe, - - . - - , 95 ' Extra Fine Buggy Bobe, , - ? - - '2 00 And it big Assortment to aelect from on hand. A Good Set of Harness for only ; - ' - ' 5 00 If ' 60 Pairs Cart Wheels, made at Large Line ot Harness at various Prices. ' - Whips at Below" Cost Prices. ; ' . ' . . . FOR CASH OR GOOD NEGOTIABLE PAPIR PROFESSIONAL. F. . Sinmoat, a. I). Ward ''oa, t. W. Poa. SIMIONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS aad COUNSELORS at LAW. nr.w nt Biir, n. r. Offlcj 68 fo. Front Street, nearly oppo- biif iiuiei vnaiiavaa. (Oflices also at Raleleb and Smlthfield.) rraoUee In the counties ol (raven, Dnplln, Jonaa, Onslow, carteret ramlko. Wake, Johnston. Harnett ami Wlln i,; in me Su preme and tiriai touiu, and wherever sent, ea are dtaln it. I II. 1VII ll r, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers Brkt Building. Will prarttee In tae Counties ol Craven I arteret, Jones, insluw and l'amllco. U. H ( ouit at New Uernt and uprrme Court oi be 8tat. N. H. STREET. F. P. GATES STREET & GATES, Physicians and 5urgeons. Middle Street, New Beine, N. C -STEAMERS- EASTEItN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, FREIGHT & PASSl.NGIR. For All Points DTortli. The Steamer NETJSE will leave oo Mondays, Weduesdays, aud Fridays al ti ji. in., sharp. The Str. Nt-wberne Will eail on TnfFiiutg ' ai d Fridays at 12 oV- k. i (ion, making land iiilt at all way stations. feey Freight received not later than one hour previoua to sailing;. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. ( M. K. King, Gen. Mgr., tl.C. HuDQiKS,Gen.Frt.& Pass. Agt. Norfolk. Va. New Berne, N. C, Hay 30th, 1896. Hickory, N. C. " " AND Old DominioDSteamship Co. 1ief ! s- .,''"',! o Vv w .1.

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