i! i V-1 M-nMJV'st.ccniiiiir.d- t r a i ImmmhmtmU- ftrmJld- A rxrfett Remedy forCorrstip rion. Sour Stomach.Diarrtkxa, Worms Convulsions .Feverish gess and LossorSlXCP. Tac Simile Signature cf ;rvv YORK. A. & Jg. C. It. It. TIKI TABLE HO. 7. 10 Take Effeot Sunday, Oct. 9. 1808, it II M. . j - , x Going East BCBCOULE: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lr. p m 80... 409... .88..., 840... btatio.ns: Ar. a m ....Goldaboro 11 Oft LaGrange 10 82 ."... . .Elnetoo......Y...'.10i2 ....Ar. New Berne, Lr...... 900 ,...I.r. " Ar. .... 887 ..Ar. Moreliead City Lr 7 47 R KA 7 03 No. 5, Mz'd Vt & Pass To. No. 8, t Mi'd Ft and Pass Tn. Ar. r. M. Lr, . A. M. 710 Golili'joro tu 7 48... Best's 818 8 08 LaGrange 148 8 29 ...... .Falling Creek 118 S 14 KioBton.. 1J58 9 25 Oaawell 1158 1015. Dover 1140 10 40 ".Core Creek 10 40 II 15 Tuscarora 10 18 11 81...... ......Clarke..... 1000 UUJ New Berne U r.M. A.M. Monday. Wednesday, Friday 4 . J Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. No. 1, f I Mx'd Ft. and I stations: v Pasa.Tn. No.9, Mi'l Ft. and Pass. Tn. : Ar. p m Lv. a m 710 Ooldsboro. 818 ........ 7.83 7 48... ...Beat'a 808.. 8 98.. 914.. 9 98.. 9 40.. 1015.. 10 40.. 1115.. 11 81.. 19 05 . '180.. 813.. , LaGrange 7 08 Falling Creek....... ........ Kinston..... ... ........ .Caswell.... .....Ar. Dover, Lr .....Lv. " Ar core creek . Tuscarora .........Clark's ...... .. ...Ar. New Berne, Lr.... ...Lr. " Ar.... River dale ........ ........ croatan ......... 8 . 818 . 518 . . 5 00 .. 4 90 .. 400 ..8 88 .. 8' 90 . 9 50 ..1047 ..1010 ..10 00 .9 40 1 90.. 1 943.. 919.. ' 8 95.. 8 81 . , 848.. j 401.. r, m. t. ...... Havelock ......... ...... Newport, Lr...... Wlldwood .........Atlantic.... . . Ar. Morehead City, Lr. . . . . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. . . . ..908 . 8 47 .... 8 se 890 750 A. M. Monday., Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ' 8. L. DILL, J ," Superinle ideal Atlantic Coast JLine. Wilxibtgton & New Bebnx R. , TIXR tBLB SO. b, IoEtfect vcdnesday, Aug. 7, 1808, Dally .' Except Uunday. ' doing South vcHiDDUt: Going North No. 51, : Passenger Trains No. 60, - Vr. in, " stations: ' , Ar. p m, 0 09. ...... I. New Hcrue 840 9 88..... 981 .4,: .10 08.... 12 08. ...PollocksviUe ,. k.... ..i.Maysville. 604 4 if 418 . "....Jacksonville........ . I Wilmington,' , J Union Depot . ) ' . Ar. Wllmlngtpnj Lr. ' , 19 15 995 No. 8, PASSKNQRKfe FBIIOHT, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes- slar and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, Lt.au , . Ar. m 7 80... ,"Xr, Wilmingtoa, Ar 40 ...... ...-Srott'sHill.... . 146 .....12 85 , ...12 15 L...1140 ; D80.... .. Woodside...,. 10W... Hollyridge . . 10 51 ...Dlxoa 1130...... ...."Verona. .... 12 05 Jacksonville,.., 12 JO.... .....Northeast.... 81 55 Whiter ak .... ' ISO........ Maysviile ..... S 15 PollocksviUe. S55 .... ... .DebruM's .. 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lr . ...10 51 .....10 20 . .... 46 ..... 8 55 ..... 8 80 .... 805 .... 720 ..... 8 85 8 CO i EXACT COPY OF WRAfFtH. Daily Except Buody. ;j. a. KENLY, ' Oonwal ftlauscer. 4 a fc r it Infanta and HiHJrfn. 7f;3 Kind You Hava Always B( You Have Always Bought. WILMINOTON ft WELDON R. R. AndJBranche, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. COXDEKSED aCUKDVLB. TRAINS GOING BOUT1L 2i ?. 5 DATED Nov. 80, 98. " 41 A.M IP U. P.M. A.M. P.M Lv. Weldon, 11 60 Ar. K. Ml.. 19 65 9 48 10 88 Lv. Tarboro lit 81 8 00 Lr. R. Ml. I Lv. Wilson Lv. Selma.. Lv Fay'vITU 1 On 10 8S 11 18 8 45! 6 40 19 69 1 6Bi 7 19 8 23 9 90 9 Mill 68 4 25 7 95 1 07 Ar.Florencc 8 15 P.M A.M Ar. Golds... Lr, Golds... 8 00 7 01 8 on 4 19 8 45 P.M. Lv. Mag'lia ArWilm'ton 8 05 9 80 P.M. AM TRAINS GOING NORTH. Bears the Signature J Afl)- Kind 1 j iv &i - . iSe S sfs; Skj; il a il Is il - ' ,- AM pTm " ;-. Lr.Floreoce 950 ..... 7 40 ... , ..... Lr.Fay'rille 19 95 ... . 9 48... Lv. Selma.. 1 60. ..V. 10 85 Ar. Wilson. 8 85 ... . U 85 LvWilm'ton '. 7 15 9 46 Lr. Mag'lia 8 65 1 01 Lv. Golds 6 00 ..... 10 10 9 OS p m a.m. p. m p. m. Lr. Wilson 9 80 8 88 11 85 11 15 19 41 Ar. R. Ml.. 8 80 6 16 10 07 11 57 1 80 Ar. Tarboro . . . . . 8 45 ..." Lv. Tarboro 18 81 Lr. R. Mt. . Tm ..... 19 07'.... Ar. Weldnn 4 82 19 59 .... P.M. A.M. - Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Rnad leares Weldon 4 15 p m, Halifax 4 80 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 6 20 p m, UreeovHle 0 07 pa, allusion 7 S3 p to. Returning leaves Kinston 7 60 a an, Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 am, Weldon 11 W a m, daily ex cent Sunday. ? -.. . Trains oo Washington Uranou leave Washington 8 20 a m and 2 80 o m, ar rive f urmeie v 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 8 80 p m arrive Washington ll oo a m aad 7 20 p m, dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 5 80 p ro, Sunday, 411 s m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, ( 10 p m. Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 50 a m, and Sunday 100 i m, arrives Tarboro 10 08 a si, 11 00 a m . Train on Midland; N C Branch leaves Ooldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 10 a. m, arriving Bmiioneia mis, Keturu- ins leavea hmilbOeld 900 a m: arrives at Ooldsboro 10 25 am. , . Trains oh NashviUs Branoh leaves Rocky Mount at 7 80 a m, 4:80pm, arrive Nashville 8 10 a m, 4 68 p m, Spring Hope a 40 a m, 5 15 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope B 00 a m, 6 45 p m, Nash ville 9 22 a m, arrive at Rockv Mount 45 a m, 8 SO p at, daily except Sunday, i rain oo bunion oraaco leaves . v ar taw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 20 a m and 4 16 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 45 p m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dally all rail ria Richmond, - - H M EMERSON, Gen'l Pass Agent J R EENLY, Gen'l Manager. T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. U FOB HOME USE Clean, pure, wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially In tended and prepared for human con. sumption., - ,- . , Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 6 a. tn.to 8 p. m. Sundays (retail oolr) 7 a. m. to 12 noon. For prices and other information, address, authcks1 mavjscr;fts. 4 rr r t t K.4 Civkw an lb til iM nmni nl its soiIkw o mi a )iry ( tr ) t.r- als aud hi II rr1arwr4 T ' J ix tllllWI BATIDf br ft- H SMW U M s k4 pa d two 4 lb tutvUMf. Very liktly. we do not think at redie Ihroagk a half a nort-r tt the aruclta Uxt are aral to as. ! of era does aot bks fcalf nlDBtsiodts- ! eard what cm knows ke doeaa't waaL I It U aa eld saylat that om soaa sm4 so sal whole Joint to Mora whether It Is tainted. II wo Id ke rvvelaUoa so eqene of Titers to sm how fas aa exp rleooed and eoosctaatloos sditor oaa. al time, go taroeia a big pile of assays, stork or poems. The tills Is otsaa soon a. aad he woold aty, "i doo'l I aa articls oa that subject." The axt artiele aeglBS wllh a page or two of eomsBoaplaes latrodoctioa, aad thai la throws aside la aaj' a sslnata's In tpectioa wltboot taraiog Bore thaa the aext pas The aext bactne with a platitade "We eaat print inat stuff," The nnt rarae of this aext poesa has falsa aaeter aad la snaaed aalda. Tba xl bafllns la aohoolgirl stylo, with dors" aad "love:" 11 la aot reed throegk. Of the aext the editor reads teas Hoes. It la simply a dull descrip. Uoa of a stream la a forest not want. ad. The next poem begins la a fresfc way, seems so as eonstroeted according; to too rales, is pretty good. It is pal side to see If other better poems will erowd II oat. Tba aext is a story. The flrsl page Is promising, bat the seo. and shows a coarse strain, aad the read ing stops there, Tea) artioles are decided apon, and with nOoieat good judgment, in tea minntrs, for a minute to a manuscript is often twice as much time as it need a It does not take that liaig for a dealer to stick an Iron skewer la a smoked ham, draw II oat and smell of It Not on artiolo la a dotea perhaps needs to be road through. Nsw York Independ eat. - INSECTS AS HOOOOOS. Tker Keee S tiler AWar Fresa Maar Parta ( the Werla. Nothing eoald more strikingly illus trate tba importaaos of small things tbao. tba large role which is now at tributed to the mosquito in the etiology of some of ths most serious and wide spread diseases to which the human race la subject. It is truly said tbst what prevents ths socoewful oolonisatioa of many tropical countries and what throws tba greatest obstacle In the way of civilisation of snd good government in vast regions of, central Africa is not oliruate, not rMtlanoa from home and not unfriendliness on the psrt of tbs natives. The obstacle is malaria, and cow we find that tba prevalence of ma laria. an far aa man is concerned, de pends on tbs mosquito, and that (bis pestilent little insect, in addition to ir ritating and annoying, is the means by which tba poison of malaria Is props gated and distributed. ' For years back botanists bsva known the Important part played by birds In the scattering of seed and of insects iu the distribution of the pollen of plants, and it seems not unlikely that pathol oglsts will have to recognise in a lunch larger degree than has till lately bees done ths large part taken by the subor dinate forms of life by wbioh wo ara surrounded onr cattle, onr horses, oar dogs and cats, our flies, our mosquitoes. and perhaps area onr fleas in dia tribating disease from man toman, and, as is stated In regard to the mosquito and malaria, in deciding whether Ilia extension of onr empire over great areas of the globe's surfaos shall be pcesibls or not Hospital. ... ' raaeteatlaa. Z, What a great difference in the mean Ing of a sentence a misplaced comma can make! Take tba following, for "ex ample: .' "James, my hatband Isa.rerysiok man." r ; : .. , . "James, my husband, is a very sick The following bit of perverse punc tuation was perpetrated by an English compositor. . What the author meant to say can be ascribed by a rearrangement of the punctuation marks: - . , "Cawar entered on bis head; his hel met on his feet; armed ssndala npon bis brow; there was aclond in his right hand; hit faithful sword in his eys; an angry glare saying nothing, he sat down." Pittsburg Chronicle Tele graph. ' - - - ' . ";; ,-- n -- i . '". Gar Vawkea' Laater. '' It has been settled beyond a doubt that tba identical lamp which Gny Fjiwkes carried in poking about in the f cellar of I he houses of parliament, when he intended to plow fliem np, It now in existence. This (anfern Is in the Ash molean museum at Psmbridga Gny Fawkea was carrying Ibis lap tern when ba was arrested. The history of the lantern has now been tally established and it most take its place among ths most celebrated exhibits in the museums at the world. London Mail . : y- Cblldrea'S Sleep.- V. ' Growing children cannot too careful ly be enjoined to get plenty of sleep. The boy or girl who has lessons to learn must waken early after a good nigbt'i rest, and this is ipsured only by punc tuality in retiripg. Eight o'clock is a good bedtime for all yopng people un der 16 and should be insisted p pop by parents. Harper's Bazar. ' Professor Bryce made g bad slip1 jm bis book ou jSputh Africa. He accuses tba oers of abusing the English by speaking of them nsually aa "rotten eggs," whereas tbe Transvaal phrase is root neck, "red neck," aud applies to the British complexion. Iron horseshoes hare been found dat ing back to tbe year 48 L D1STKEMI1IB STOMACH DINEAftlE, Permanently oured by the mastcVly power of South American Nervine Tonic Invalids need sutler no loi jcr because this great remedy can cure them all. It it Cure for the whole vrorM of stomach weakness and iw.J'pwi. n, T' e rnre be gins wrh t' e fi it t . T" t f it brip?- i r- ! v ..i. n ': l- PILFibHSESS. IIni). Ifcttr It tm Pr- ti..t U ' iaM(cotM U lb I 1S ain't pri'l ir.lin sud kt M tn ' sraa line we totn twist reedily la I uttavrs. la -mm 4 it H. 'a I citinii gomipitia The list It k, ewl we know II wtlhout going tale drisil. hot lUst a bkb w i'.o ool seta to real ise Is that the very suoM coanioa ball el s all as a ojaa is sslahoaa. We do keow tbst nearly every owe I meet is srlAfSi. bet wo seldasa dta covet bow selfish we era ourselves aa- less sbowa by a soddea toarh of deep ragTet. Most of as discover, for is stance, tbst ws were stlfla la refer ence to soese dear friend aVad. bat we top right there, and wbils we regret lite past and shed vneJevs tears over tae lost cbaaca we do aot make aay new diaenvartse aaraelr. that ws are stlflth to oar liviug rrleodi and while we tbtok thai tbey are being anfair. on kind, to aa we firgel to be geoorooe oarselvea, to lock beyond the trowa. the bard word, the atiflsh act or neglect, aad see what It is that eaotee all this. to See what strain oar friend is beating and share it In so far as patience, gener ous forbearance, will lighten IL Think bow selfish suost of as bars in time gone by, how qalck words bars gone oat to bar! hearts already hurt, when from as al least that psrtio- alar arose friend bad a right to hope lor better things Do not make a very close axamina- tjon of tbinas la general end sm whether roa are aot yooraelf mora alOth haa arsyoar trtenna ana rememoer idm the greatest generosity tn tail worm is to have patience with others la Ihoir wlSthDeea." for la half the esses al least it is pain or worry, not real In tended uuktodneesataJ!. Philadelphia Time. OUR JAWS NEED EXERCISE. Utk ( Maatlewtlaa raaea Drastep ala aad Teh Ttwablm. Masticatioa is rapidly becoming a lost art, and, althnogb wa have become hardened to tba fact that thres-foortbs of the dyspepsia Is due to lb is causa, it might surprise soma of as to know that tba early decay of tbs teeth and diseases of the gams are occasioned by this same lack of maxillary exercise. A disease of the gams, called Bigg's disease, which is every day becoming more common, is canted almost entirely by the want of proper mastioation. Twenty-five years ago this trouble was not considered of any importaoos ,by tba dentist on account of its rare occur rence. Today it is gives) mora care then the decay of tbe teeth, aa ba if frequently consulted by patients who have a (aft vet of natural teeth which are quite loose in tbe jaw. Aside from this tbey ara sound and healthy and after a pertain development in the disease nothing can be done to help them. . By tack of exercise the blood wbioh should nourish both the bones and tba gums Is not carried to the part, nor does the blood carry sufficient material to the teeth; hence the enamel formed II de fective, aud early decay results. Fre quently, too, tbe mechanical develop ment of the jaw Is arrested by this same want of motion. " ' 1 Most of tbe food among the belter class of people today ie cooked so as to require very little mastication, and tba oonseqnenoe is thst the muscles bare become flu buy, tbe jaws slender and tbe processes for tbe attachment of tbe muscles almost . obliterated.Bosjxin Ulone. ' - y 'V Obedleaea of Orders. A naval commander in tbe retgn of Queen Anne was ordered to cruise witt squsdron within certain limits on the coast of Spain, Hsving received infor mation that a Span lul) fleet was In Vigo beyond bis limits, ba resolved to risk bis person si responsibility for the good of bis country. He accordingly attacked and defeated the Spanish fleet with un common gallantry. When he joined the admiral under whom be served, ba ki ordered under arrest, .and was asked, If he did not know thai by tbe arti cles of wnr be wot liable to be shot for disobedience of orders. He replied with great composure that be was .very sensible that be was, bnt added, "The man wbo is afraid to risk bis life in any way when the good of bis country requires it Is unworthy of a command in her majesty's service. " Noggets. .. ; ' - '. : : ' . ',' 'V , What He Foaad. . . "I've opened about 8,000,000,000 oysters in my day, " said the old oyster man who sells you the real genuine nn fattened aud unspoiled "salts," a penny apiece, in the shadow of one of the big market buildings, "and I bare never found a pearl in one yet.' : "But I've found something just as good as pearls," be added with a wink. ."I have found four nice paying tene ment nooses and good balances in eight savings banks. There is a good deal in go oyster (hell besides pearls, yonjigj man, if you will look eiose.'l-NW York World. ;'r V;-..---V , ' ' The Seaaible Clel. v "No," en id the heroine ."smart" novel, "I can never wife," ; '; of the be your "Bnt why?" wailed the stricken man. , "Because," she replied, "you do not converse iu epigrams. "Philadelphia North American. - . ; It is an easy thing to be a millionaire in Berlin. A yearly income of over $9, 000, representing tbo interest on 1,000, 000 marks, Ifl fbe qnalification for that title; which is enjoyed j 3, 00? 'Berlin era. ' IV " - Oarlio came from Asia and has been used siuoe tbe earliest times. It formed part of the diet of the Israelites in Egyjjt end was used by Qreek and Ro man soldiers and African peasants. RI'.EILr ;iiix BOI'RS Ditftresning Kidney end B'aiMer disease relioved in sii hnuis l r "New Great South American -y Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its eiceed- li -:; prompt!)?:'. in r-"cvir:g psin in Mad. 6Vr, kU!- 11 '., ia n or fi-nmV. r - v i i r f - .-, r i ' -1 iiu- r e . , , r 4 La 13 i f Cm aula r r1 Sfjw iwiimI wtfka t-af swl mum wamiM .1. bmt H kH ( mm4 H t j ? i UK-tia M mm m r M m4. mnm fwiiWif eM tU I is l k4 r ail IM lmm 1 Jt U Jm. Imm rrmmr Urn, a mmn mf Imt mrnr a tdirMM s.iar.MvaMJaM. V uU lb mmt M car. ta4 IbaS ska ( r- . lv vtwBL Ws mmmm Cvmu .ann mm4 mmrntty ikast rmcafea (aKi,u4 k a abort imm sbs wmt mm. UrrrtvrU. nlnrnt r trmrm ml mm m.mmmr. Mav WX.CMl('NBVTUI.riawvtUatOI. Iwf rmmm Tmvvmmrr lm,J ' " Z,,. ., ... t-- '-w mmm unvm,mw ---HINDIPO 3k usimu viTAUTt Z?V Wen iv rVeO Ml of Ma. FRF. VC1I SVFPT fftMTfwti tliax fthr rmmW t ew jVi 1 gfj VtWw. MgsajfP. Vmntc4t tmtimg Atuwy. hum kU i.rakggM guatl bsgaMS cattBwxl lr sjrn n 9i -mftW, ll wrftrUt of tw mmaf tmd lomaiiagcm. W ra2i Uattt- ta0l aMt UM M lCrVwT 9 uajutiui IJOC. (! VlaTor laJfl m MrTta OTftUm, Bttsl it toT WilTaatM Of aawtfgt. EeWty CstaTTtW tiimim&ii'hx F. 8. DUFFY, Naw nVrna. N. 0 A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A BUSINESS NECESSITT, A (HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BIN ED lVvMXMMlty, ConYrniene, Isuxur ! Order Your Phona at One t Facts ! Facts ! ! , - When yon visit tbe city don't fall to call oo the Old Reliable firm of ... . . Roberts & Brother They keep a full stock af - - Provisions k Groceries Which they offer at Low Fig ' urea. You will alway find them ' Headquarters for First-Class aoods. THE SUH. 1899. BALTIMORE, MD. j The Paper of the People, For the People and with tbe People, Honest In Motive, Fearless in Expression, Sound in Principle. Unswerving in its Allegiance to Right Theories and Right Practices, Tin 8ox Publishes All tbe News All (he Time, but it does not allow Its col umns to ba degraded br uncieen,mmora j or purely sensational mattes. Editorially, The Sdh is tbe Consistent and Unchanging Champion and Defen der of Popular Rights and Interests against political maohlnes and monopo lies' af every pbaracler. Independent in all things, extreme in none. It is for good laws, good government and good order - .; By mall Fifty Cents a month. 8U Dollars rear, v : - Tba glaltimore Weakly ga. The Wkkki.T Sdh publishes all the news of each week, giving complete ac count! of all erents of interest through out ths world. . The WabciT box is unsurpassed as an ' "'''- ': ' ' AoKtCOLTUBAt, PaPEU " .' ' rlt is edited by writers of practical ex perience, who know what farming means and what farmers want In an agricultu ral journal. It contains regular reports of tbe work of the Agricultural experi ment stations throughout the country, of the proceedings of farmers' clubs and institutes, and the discussion of new methods and Ideas in agriculture. Its Market Reports, Poultry Department and Veterinary column are particularly valuable to country readers. Tba Poul try Department is edited by s well known poultry exptrt, snd every issue contains practical Information of value for poul try raiser. ' Poultry on many farms bas become a great 1 nrce of revenue, and those Interested in this profitable indus try will find the Poultry Department of the Wkski.y Sex invaluable in the way of suggestions, advice, and information. Every Issue contains Stories, Poems, Household and Puizle columns, a variety of interesting and instructive selected matter and other features, which make it a welcome visitor In city and country homes alike. . , , ' One Dollar a year.- Inducements to getl ers-up of clubs for the Wesklt Sea. Both the Daily and Weekly 8un mailed free of postage in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Payment! inraria. bly In advance. Address , ; A. S. ABELL COMPANY Publishers ant' Proprietors, , , Baltimore, Md. L3 Cl nsJ. fa ORE AT I J e I J ' Tib-llTS AND WILL An Unprecedented Opportunity Ha vine come to the coneluBion to Move irom this City we will in the Next SO Dayi, Jrom December 1st, Sell cur Entire Stock ol CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & NOTIONS, AT COST. Now is the time. This will be the Greatest Slaughter Sale that has ever taken place in the City of New Berne. To avoid double freight on our geods we will sell them Down, pown, Down, Regard less of Cost.' It seems too good to believe, nevertheless it is a fact and to convince yoursell come and see if our prices will be as lollows: Mens Sails, etroag ad tfaiaUs, faacy patterns, worth ft. 00, se 11- i ing oat price $1 99 Mens Black Chariots sad Fsaer Casimeres, worth 8, 87. and 8 eelllag jrat prices 4)8, 4 aad 8 00 Mens Wool Top-eapa-Mecklatosh, strictly first-class goods, worth 18, selling oat price 8 T! Meal Fiae Haataa Orerooala, fully wool, worth 8 50, sailing out pries 187 DOUBLE STORE OF AMERICAN STOCK CO.. 50 and 01 MIDDLE STREET, NEW RERNE, X. . (Southern IRmilway. JheJStandard Railway ot tbe SOUTH The Direct Line to all Points, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly First-Clars Equipment on all Through or Local.Tralna; Pullman Pal ace 81eeplbg Care on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules, TraTe) by ths skulkers and yon are as sured Safe, Comfortable and Exprdi! tinut Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Tims Taj bios. Rates tod General Iuformatlon, or address F. R. DARBY, R L. VERNON, C. r. T. A, T. r. a., Askeville, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Fradk 8.y!os, ' J. M, Cpxr, 8d VPAJOen Map, Traf. Man W.A.ToBg,QPA. WASRINSTON, - - D. C. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Houses and Lou For Ssle at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homeland Tenements that will prove a fine Invest ment. . ' r , Collection at ReaU a Specialty. Office at Robert ft Bryan's store, op posite post office. E. E. HARPER. Administrator Sale of Ileal Elate. 1 Puriuant to that certain power of sale contained in tbe mortgage deed executed by 0 U Wiggins and wife to Mary D Dewey on the 8l h day of August 1898, duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book ISO, folios 158, 154 and 188, default baring bean made in the performance of the conditioas in the said Mortgage contain ed and the said Mary D. Dewey karlng died Intestate and the undersigned hav ing duly administered upon her said est tate-, Now, therefore, at such adminlatra tor I will offer for sale and sell on Saror day, January 81st, at tbe boar of twelve o'clock, noon, at the court bouse door in Craven county, to tbe highest bidder for Cash. . aa orovlded for in said mortgage the - following valuable tract of land lying on the north side of Neuse river, Craven county, containing one thousand acres, more or leas, begin ning at a cypress on said Neuse river below Mud Seine Beach, waning north with Dower line to Cleve line, thence west to with Sear Pole Swamp to Hen rattan's line, thence south with said line to Nancy Adams' line, thence with said Una to Neuse river, thence with said river to the beginning. The same land thaf was sold by E W Carpenter, com, mlssioner to Alex Mitchell, deceased, ay deed dated the 83rd day of February, A. D., 1880, registered in book No, 81 pages 190 and lut, recorfls oi uravea county. This December 19th, 1808. , tuos. f. McCarthy, Administrator af M D Dewey, dee'd. BRANCH OFFICE I i I'd:;::! 41 Co. fSnroessors to H. W. Silsby ft Ge.) ' rr-Iieni '.!'.'' Stocks, Bond, Cotton, drain, TreTi. r ' t it- 1 ' ! f -r r- h or on m-; iOBI a ( moal liali list, CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS. Meas Bine aad Black Beaver Over coats, guaranteed fast color, well made, worth $1. selling oat price Meas Heavy Diagonal Mackintosh warranted, worth (I 75, our sel Ing out price 513 1 49 sImi. fiktfM. ,k a, . m .A WK) at ens onoea worth $2 50, will now go at $1 96; Mens Shoes worth $4 will 1 . . ..... T ... bow to at 8149. Ladies and Chil dress Shoos at Sacrifice prices. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL, t"DOE9 A GENERAL FIRE T. A. GREEN, President, GKORUE GREEN, Secretary. :J. J. WOLFENDEN, Gen'l Agent. II. XV. SIMPSON, JArchitect & Soperintendent OS Broad Street. Administrator's Notice! Having duly qualified as administrator of the estate of B F Cuthrell, deceased, ou the 18th day of December A. D., 1898, all persona owing said estate are hereby notified to make prompt payment. ,iaj i m. . All persons holding claims against said estate ara notified to present tbe same duly rerified to the undvrsicued admin ttlrator on or before December 13, 1899, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rocorery. J. II. lir.r.L, Administrator. December 18. 1898. Administrator's Notice UNDER MORTGAGE ! By rlrtue of power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Albert Uorum to ltosanna Moore, de ceased, bearing date of November 89, 1893. and recorded In Book JNo. 1U, Folio 205-8-, In tbe office of register of deeds for Craven county, I will as -the Administrator of tho estate ot the said Rosanna Moore offer for sale and sell at publio vendue at the door of the court house in New Berne, on Mondsy the 6th dsy of February, 1899, (It being the first Monday in tne montni at 13 o'clock m , to tbe highest bidder for cash, tbe fol lowing described tract or parcels of land situate In the county Craven and State ot North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at a dog wood stump near tbe housv of tbe late Samuel Dudiey, Wil liam Mitchell old corner and running north 8, east GO poles across the swamp to a stake thence south 48, eaat 88 poles to a stake, thence south 40 east 61 poles to William Johnson's line, thence south 71 west 1i poles with his line to Samuel creek, thence np said creek 180 poles to a gum on said creek aad Manly and Simmons mill, thenoe north iH east 77 poles to the beginning. Also another tract adjoining the above tract being near Trent road about tour miles from New Berne.known as Mitchell Island containing 123 acres more or less being the same land conveyed by E W Carpenter to Albert Gorum by deed bear ing data ot November av, ltsvs, recoraeo. in Book No 118. folio 204 and 2tt in the office of Register of Deeds of Craven county and mortgaged by tbe said Albert Gorum to the said Rosanna Moore. This lZtb day of December, 1898. . , ; ' Too F. McCabtht, .' Administrator of Rosanna Moore. NOTICE !. y '.; . Tbe co-partnership heretofore existing between O. H. Blackwell and P. Q. DelamanAnder the firm name and style of Blackwell and Delamar la this day by mutual consent dissolved. All debts owing by said firm will be paid by ClI. Blackwell and all accounts or other in debtedness due tbe laid Arm nti Black well and Delamar will be ptid y the said C. H. Blackwell. . i , This November 26, 1898. C, H. BLACKWEL&, . ' P. . Delavah. KOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having duly qualified s the adminis trator of the estate of Rosanna Moore, deceased, all persons havng claims "vtist tbe said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly verified to n' ou or before the 7th day "of Icember 1 9 or tliis notice will be pleaded in bar of rfovery. AU pernons Indebted to said estate are 1 to ' imme-!;nte rnvment. to Save Money. Mens Dlsck snd Fancy Worsted Suits, well made, sailn piping, sires 84 to 42, worth $13, selling out price g t J Mens Suits, double and single breasted, strliMi patti-rns, worth $7, 19 and $10 , m l'.ing out price $4 07, 5 5!) and 6 50 T,,, --" , CMldrens I spei i and Cloaks will go at at t A sjt sn I n It I n Klaiiirlit&e at Astonishing Slaughter. BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 INSURANCE BUSINESS. W. B. BLADES, ( v , JOHN DUNN. ,Vl-Pret- Offices: OVER CITIZENS BANK llortine Sale, Valu able Town Lot. By virtue of i lie power of sale con tained in a certain Mortgage deed exe cuted by L C Gotten and Maria Cotlen his wife, on tlio 4th day of February, 1895, to Mark Disoswar, duly recorded iu the otlice of the register, of deeds of j Craven county, In book No. 115, folios i 3". ctc- aml on llie 2l" d.v of March, ' m iuly transferred and assigned. to 1 me- 1 win olIer for 8le. ' cur UOU80 do,,r in rven county, in the city I nf Now liArno Si a I a nf rv rrt l f'strvtlinn to the highest bidder for Cssh, on the 9th day of January, A 1), 1899, 12 o'clock M, all and singular the following describ ed real estate to wit: One lot of land with all the improvemeents thereon, sit uate in tbe cily of New Berne on the east side of Kilmarnock street, In Rei zensteinsvllle, known as lot No. 159, and bounded as follows; Beginning at the northeastern intersection of Kilmarnock street and Reizcnstein alley, and runing toence nortn along tne eavt side of said street to tbe southwest corner of lot No. 157, thence east along the south line of lot No. 157 to the southeast corner of said lot, No. 157, thence south along the west line of lot No. 1G0 and paralell to Kilmarnock street t" Reizenstein alley, thence west along said alley to the be inning. Being the same conveyed by eed from Chas. Reizenstein aud othera to L C Cotten and Maria Gotten. This December 9ib, 1898. T. W. DEWEY. Assignee of Mark Disosway, M'gee. For Sale, Valuable Farm ! Pursuant to powers in tbe mortgages executed by John B Wooten snd wife dated respectively January 8, 1890 and T A, ,'(Htl - . ... . . . ueceuiuer oj, iou, repcisienni in ufl office of the register of deeds of Craven county, North Carolina in book 102, pages 123 and 124, and book 115, pages 348, 849 and 350 to which reference is made. . The undersigned will sell at publio auction for cash at the court house ot said Craven county, in the city of New Berne, on Monday the 2nd day of Janu ary, A D, 1899, at 12 o'clock midday, tbe land conveyed by said mortgages, bound ed and described as follows, viz: Situated in said Craven county, ad joining the lands of R G Cobb, B H Wooten, J J Sauk) and J C Wooten, con' taining about six hundred and ten acres, being the same which was conveyed tn said John B Wooten by. the heirs of Jacob Rhem by deed recc red in Craveu county in book 05, foiio 509, to which reference is mado for more complete and better description, saving and excepting; about 200 acres conveyed to Lewis Smith by deed recorded in Craven conn ty, book 72, folio 683; about 139 acres conveyed to J J Sauls by deed recorded In Craven county in book 80, folio 4SS and about 60 acres conveyed to B II Wooten by deed recoftied in Craven county, book 94, folio 681. Subjeot to a mortgage in favor of L H Cutler, for 300 , . . ' Turn National Bask of Naw Berks. -By JAMES A BRYiN, Pres. New Berne, November 21, 189f . y Notice of Administration. Having duly qualified as the adminis trator of E M Sims, deceased, all persons are hereby notified to present tlieir claims to me duly rerified on or before November 25, 18i9, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estste are requested to mak Immediate payment. . Thii November 25, 18ss. , ; . J.J. WOLFENDEN, " . ,-. Administrttoi- iai Biuijaaui Sen t tv.ilHshM 1n 17(tf. It. li! Millii! ,