ra nnuc;cE cf stcl? cf nss U da sot ot!y U the org-iaality end eiaplidty of lit eoeabiaatkat, bat alto . to Um tut and skill with which It k Biaaulactare4 by eden title promaesa ' knewa to th Ciuromsik 1a o r Bur Co. only, ud wo wish to fawpreaB boob all tba importance of parchaelnir Ux tnt and original remedy. At th a-eauuie Syrup of Vig W manufactarad by th CauroKsia Via Srairp Co. ouly, I'oowledf of thai fact will i!d on la BvuarilBf th warlhlaaa imitation wanafa Hnrrl by other par tle. Tli )U'U buMlinr of Uia CaU roajiiA Kto Svaur- Co. with th aaadi cal tofeMa. , Vul the BatksfacUot which the rrojiue Cyrapof Fig baa pirns to millioaa of families, make I ha name of tha Company a rnaimaty of the exoalleoo of lu remedy. It hi far ia ad ranee of all other laxatives, oa it acta on tha kidneys, liver and bowela without Irritating or waaksa intf them, aad It dor not gripe nor aausrate. In order to (frt ita beneficial effeett, pieaaa remember the MM of Uit Company (. CUIF0RK11 FIG STKUP CO. saa raixcaaoe. cat enariixa. i new reac . w- THE JOURNAL. ew Berne, N. Cm tre. 18. 1898. w tiTiimuun. 8 R Ball -Candidal. Steam Laundry Bub. Diadbam Thank, fto. Waller Duffy Candidate. Duffy Happy New Year. ' Duffy Oyter andwlchea. J C Whli ty & Co-Air riBe. ' j KParkir, Jr New Tear cake. Baiter the Jeweler Cat gut airing. Business Locals. CLAIRVOYANT Javotte, Clalrvt yant and Palmibt, now located for a hort time at llotel Albert, where ahe tolla Pant, Prevent and Future. Circa Damn and addressee, loat or stolen article graced.' She comfort the tick, and weary by ber natural power. Hour from 10 A. H. to 8 P.M. I DAVE moved my Printing office and '. Blcycl Agency- to 101 Booth Front treet, next to Draney a, where I will be pleated to ee my friend and customers. Bicycle, Orapbephone. and Printing. Pbon 128. ; Wm. T. Hill. THE flnot Beer alwsys on draught, ' Jacob's, Middle Sfeet A BAT IN TBB CTTT. Tb wealhor forecast for today I for cool and fair weather. t The Knight of Harmony will meet tonight at 7 o'clock. A full attendance ftdealred. Com out Brethren! There were only moderate receipt of cotton In the local market, yeaterday and the quality wa sot of the beat. Bale were made at 0.00 cent.' The Flth Eipreii Car of the A. A N. C. railroad hat nt coma oat from the company' thopt, painted a bottled green and otherwise In rery fin order. The car make a handsome appearance. A hone tournament will be giren, to morrow, -Thursday, at Stonewall, by the young men of that place. At night a coronation ball will be held. An enjoy able time Is expected by those who at tend, several parties are going from here. It wtt Tery quiet yeiterday. about town, the Chrlatmst reveller having ' hsd their holidsy nd being again at work. The merchant were busy looking over their accounts, and alt seemed well (ailtBed with their holiday trade and aaloi. " . ' A bicycle ridden by a colored boy smashed into the window of a restaurant on South Front street yesterday and ' completely demolished the entire lower half of the window. Another rider, a white man. partially nnder the influence of liquor, came near running over tome ladies. i : Haw Clerk Al DavU' Pfcaraaary. ' Mr. L. 0. Kenner, of Hendersoq bat accepted a pocttion at Davit' Pharmacy in (hi city. Mr. Kenner Is a well-equipped pharmacist, having bad- four or five years experience in that profession, and is withal a young gentleman ef courtesy and affability. The Jocrhal cordially welcomes him to our city. TMB MWOBttS BIOTMKB - ; Bu found that ber little ones are im ptoved mote by the. pleasant Syrup of Figs, when iiisieed ef the laxative effect of gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, flyrup of Fig Is manufactured by the California ; Fig Syrup CoTonly . . " Wc wish our many patrons a happy and prosperous New Year, and return - ihanki for their good will and patronage. , Yours for health, x C. D. Bradhak. A full line of Express Wsgons, Yelocl pedes, Frames, Pictures &e. for the holidnys, low down st U. lilrich's. HICK'S CAPUDINE IJ-ADACKO CURE, Is Guarantor! to Cure Headache, . Neurt' ' t, La (Tlrre, f:.k V. ' -I.e. r:c L ln. Sn. I TtuM l-.rK.Et J (sJ Lfaa:.li Uai ;t, ; j.i u. a ti cf ua total ec. ef it K -:'. j T b ecilpe froif cue as.oed Ut j I U B B tod tfaory ; 1 (i. . lU ! BcHf.a Wtt v( :!. tJ el t Ml p. ta lk aoe est a tie ft from 1 1 tbttitw riJlD WjU J (Ml U lb iMTttl. " Tl weelkar' wee k4 UroraUt for iLt otaenaiia of tl varr!Bf ibsa'owt bbJ ftHH lf 1U fcllpH, ktMBM UlMlUlXal. . The eieretat at the Cbsrch of CLrtal held Moatlay aifbl were Uriel y aitead ed aad from tb cleat eiuoiioa glvea by the aadieace they matt bar ba very ack tpprrciurd. Buading rvoa at at a prtaalais aad aaasy were turaed away because they eoukl aot get room. 1 a esercae enaslsied of soap ead redialioat give by the arbolarsof U Baaday ScbooL Caady aad fruits war handed aroead to the children du ring be evening. , Ike BMwa. Tb Canaan glvea) by IS Oetmaa Clo.b at Lewtbrop hall Monday evening was aUtoded by quite a large aamber of ladles aad gal)BB. The dancing br gaa at 10 eclock aad stopped at U The tosle by the Italian orcbesua was atech eajoyed by the spectator and those pcraoa wbe danced lb Carman. , This daaot will be remeabered a oa of the chief event of lb monih. After tb dance Ui.aad Mra. Kalph Gray entertain ed their friends al their bom on Pollen k atreet. ratuMaaai. Hon. W. T. Caho of Bay bore. U la the elty. Mr. R L. Woodard of Pamlko, In the city. Mies Asnla Calhoun la vltlllrg at Chapel UM. Mr. Fred Alphln teturned hut night from Klattoa. . " ' ' ; Prof. T. D. Warren returned to Tren ton yesterday. Mr. II. E. Jloyal returned last Digit from Ooldtboio. Rev. U. n. Uathbur returned from Elnslon last night. Dr. J. H. Benton, returned lust ntghl from a vltil to Bampeon county. Mitt Iluth llohltr, I in the city iptnd- ing tb holiday with her mother. Rev. B. B. John left yetlerday for Chapel 11 UI to spend a few day. Messrs. L. C. Humphrey and Lem Holland of Bogue, Were here yetteiday oa a ihort business trip. Mettrs. C. . Foy aod P. M. I etrsall went to Ralelirh yesterday to attend a meeting of the Democ ratio Executive Committor. ' 1 " ' ' Mr. Eric A. Alernathy and bride, nee Miss Laura Mace, of Beaufort, pasted through the city yeiterday. rolor to Chapel Hill. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your choghs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is to good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu mods, grippe and all throat and lung disease. F.8. Duffy. Trlall OllraTa ". Th college exercise were upaded Wedoesday and almost all the (tudent and several member of tb ftculiy are away to tpend th holiday. Th ttu dent who went to Washington with Prof. Dowd returned-thl morning. They had a pleasant and profitable trip. A meeting of th faculty and itudent of th college together with the faculty and ttudtnt body of Trinity High School wa held in th Chapel Wednesday even ing. There wa a large and enthusiastic gathering. The purpose of the meeting was to arouse an Interest in Secondary Education In North Carolina. '.Prof. R. L. Flower presided. Dr. W. P, Few poke on the aiue of Seuuudary Educ tloual Institutions to Higher Education; Head Master Bivlns of the Trinity, Park High School on "Trinity Park High School and Secondary Education, Presi dent KiUo on Trinity College and Secondary Education." : ' Dr. J. L .Htmaker has gone to New York to attend the meeting of the Ameri can Natural! t Association. Dr, W. P. Few will attend a meeting of the Modern Lsnguige Association which meet al the University ef Virginia. Manager Selee of the Boston bate ball team has been In the city for - several days making arrangements to bring the team to Durham for practice In - the pring. Be expect to bring the team to practice at Trinity Park, He waa rery much pleased with everything. DtcemberSG.1988. . - :F. lafasafeaaajpjM - , s, - , CASTOR I A For Infants and Children.'; , Tba Kir.il Yoa Kara Alwars Ecjz&t Bears the Bigoature of Cat Qui striDgs for Violins alto Banjo and Guitar... strings for aQ at Baxter the Jeweler, next to Joobxal. : . t Go to Duffy's Oyster parlor for oytter indwlche and coffee. Oyiter sandwiche take the lead of all sandwiches, there is nothing like them. . v Ht-rvlrvukl tuna. Some special offerings In Silk Um brellas, Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Dress Patterns, Rugs, ttc, at very attractive price. Barvoot. The finest beef ever told in Berne now at Oakt Market. New Turkeys, geese, Oskt Market. ducks, chickens at accsrrta to rss.siit ., Ut. I.i.-n-. I- it. ar.l rrMkji.ii.N ii.er.fc- Afirr tie rait Biorti.x ten Ire et ftm'.xtra clitrtb Wat SusJty coerk"aUuaai BrUc( was ! Inr patyin of tat.ag (oresai actio ea Ik r.lf onlo of Htv. J. Q A FaUee- . W ka bea betted at tbtt place for foarieta jetra. Th ittMiiie a acotptad te take eSart Jaaaary I, Durtag his Stay at AnoUn, Rav. fallaitoa ha eaade a boat of tritsde who will eiaeerety rtM hie departar. Tb gvaUeataa boeever feel that afier hi long euailaioaa aervice be U ealiUad now to a real, beare hit rvlroailoa at Ibla tiM Newt Hacord, Apollo, Pa. The gaatUasaa esaatloaad above, ever tee yean ao, purcbaaul the Boggy pUnlalloe or Hart Tract, ncarTaacarora tbiougk J t. Wolfeadta. Hewatmach pleated with Uila eiy while bar oa two ectauloaa' once la ejr-apaay with bis wife, aod be eipacu to tpead this wlater la New Bern. TUB TBIXD r.&TOOO. Ta be aaum eat BWaaaM ef Ita The Third North Carolina Regiment, which is commanded by James H. Young I to be BtuttreJ out of service al aa early date. A preatdltpatch from Macon, Oa, andardtte of the llthuysrfthe colored regiments In camp there, the TalrJ North Caroll' Regiment aud tb Sixth Yiglala. It I reported that the two nrgro regl- Btrnit ttailoned ber are lo b muttered oat of aervice, oa account of llitlr gen eral locapaclly for nillitary duly and becaut of th continual rl Xing aad murderous conduct of numbers of thtir members doc their enlistment. One of the regiment Is the now ne toiioas Sixth Virginia, which has been bo constantly before the public. It will be remembered that this regiment, was o 'unmanageable boob after they left Virginia as to provok th resignation of their white officers, which resigna tion hire not yt been accepte I. These troop have been a cemtant source of annoyance wherever they bare beea ttailoned, several of their number having beea killed In drunken TioW- The .whole Virginia regiment was si one time under arrest and were court martialed for nnsoldleriy conduct snd given a sentence that was considered by distinguished parties a inadequate for their offence. Mustering out the ' regiment would seem to be th happiest lolutloo of the problem, which ha given th military authorities no little trouble. Raleigh Pjt, Dee 87. - Many a household la saddened by death because of th fallue to keep on hand a safe and absolute certain cur for croup such sj One Minute Cough Core. Soe that your little ones are protected against emergency. F S Duffy attckar rlk ssawava B)ea4. ' Yeiterday about 7 o'clock ths family of Mr. R, P. Dowdee were shocked when a messenger announced hi death. - He latt homo only a abort lime before th ad announcement, to go to hi post of duly, apparently in better health and tplrit than foriomellme When Mr. Dowdee reached th Bull factory to go on duty, a gate keeper, he pasted th usual greeting with the watch man, A N. Ciabtee, who saked blra how be wa feeling and he replied that he felt very well: But In a moment or so fell Into Mr. Crabtree's arms. Mr. Crabtree asked him whit was the matter and on receiving no response called for help. Mr. M. W. lieed, superintendent of the factory brought water and bathed his face hoping lo restore him to conscious ness but his efforts were of no avail. Dr. Cheatham was summoned but lifo hsd already departed and nothing could be d'Hie, . , V--; , : He was about fifty nine years old at the time of hi death and wa "born In New Berne, N. C, where he lived until he removed tu this city twtnty seven years ago. ; 'W.' :''''.: ' He was an ex-Confederate soldier bar. Ing served In the army as a member of the Elm City Riflemen of New Berne. He was twice wounded al Chtncelon- vllle, being shot in the leg and never entirely recovered from the effects of tb wounds. He was never able to serve in th ranks again but did service in the hospital until the war was over. He Vyas a harness maker by trade but had to abandon- work of that character on account of hi wound and was given the place of gate keeper at the factory of the Blackwell Tobacco company and had been there about thirteen years when ho died. ' j ; ; ; ',. He wss a member of Trinity church and had been during ' his residence in Durham and those who knew him know that his wss not au empty profession but thai he lived up to bis vows as faithfully a he could. - . He had been suffering with neuralgia and It It thought that it had retched his heart causing sudden death. He leaves a widow and five children wo - daughters, Misses Myrtle M., and Emma E. Dowdee and three son.', Mestrs Herman H., Leon L. and John W. Dow dee." . , "' ;v ". ' . He leaves two sisters, Mrs. J. Hi White of Elnslon, and Mis M. E.Jones, of Dover, N. U, DurhBm. N. 0, Herald, Dec' iWiti. , ; Clafu Ottt KM. R. Ulr ich will close oat his eu'.lre stock of Furniture, Pictures Sc., at cost for the next 30 dnyt. 91 Jikidie street. " !"l.rf li. l tl llt. B4 .e a tat tmr Xa- J .i au-? tt:i tae charge ge asiMUd ts4 ttrafatai, ted aaall the work! be a.waxl le xk'.tk far oa aae aaat Ikat tb IVaarrallo peny of Crave cvaatr ever tupponai K. W. Carpantar , for oAre f la hit earo daayiag tAe chargea afaia hLm eoaulnad la lb reaelailoa of lb Btaaa aamitg rtceaily held he make the above fait ttateat aloag with atber satBau aatch be katw aal thia roav asaaliy knows, are wltboat Ike leeel fouadaliaa or fare la peel yeart the party may have beea redared le detparata etralta. lit proed baaaer was trailed la the duet, aad w were made to feel the atlag of defeat at the hasl of thl maa Carpeater aad kit black horde of follower, bet tbaak tleavea, ike dlaboaor of bavlag aup Don ad him for office canaet Uuihfnlly be charged agal est as! DaaocaAT. Mr. P. U. PeUetler aad Mr. John Duaa are earaeatly recomsaeaded ae eouadl aia for th Second Ward aad the voter a a arged to elect these geallcmea oa th 101 day of January, 1809. DraocasT. BCCTU.IMW.'B AJtinOA SAX VS. THE BEST SALVE la the world for Cut, Bruises, Sore, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, aad an Skla Erup tion, and positively cures Piles, or ae pay required. It It guaranteed to give perfect allfctloa or money refunded. Price V cents per boa. For aal by F. F.Duffy, , " The man I vlcloas, uatrustworthy and mercenary who dare to say -good enough:'' whan selecting remedle for the core of disease practice doing lit lie or aothlBg for th patient likely allowing an acute disease lo become chronic We sail only lb bait our past record (how It, and you find ll true If you becom a customer. Bradham't Pharmacy. rioTica i fh Maileaal Bah.r law Bfrar, Bj -, awertawvr letk, !. Tb annual meeting of the ttockbold- trs of thl bank for th election of It Director, aud the transaction of sack other business as may come before them ill be held at their Banking Hon oa 8nd Tuesday, being the 10th day of Jan uary 1800. The poll will be open at 18 m to be closed at 1 pra. 0. H. Robkkts, Cashier, Do you know a good investment? When you make one you don'l care to part iU Invest twenty five cent la Aaway't Croup Syrup, try It oa your child's cough or croup and you will agree with us that it Is the best Investment yoa ever made. Sold at Braahani'e. - erry araera. -. Give a light of from 40 to 100 candle power. Guaranteed against self drstruc Hon In use for 40 year. Moray Burnet have no mantel or ghost film, which break at a touch. Tbey are natty, dain ty and attractive. Try them whether you buy or not. For sal by , 1 , . Richabd N. Dvfft. Maw AtjrSvata, W ha v just opened two bales Satteen Covered Comforts, at the unusual low price 91.48 each. . , Babfoot. A Happy New Tear . Feast will be enjoyed by those who are fortunate enough lo receive a box of Choice Confections as sn offWIuir. Thry are at fresh as 1891) is on your new rat enuar. and aa daiii'V and sweet as a six. teen year old mni.ln- should be. Try tome of our Uliocc.latHi and lion Hons, jf you would giveyimrst'll anew pleasure. DnftyM Cnmly Ntor. Rub, Rub, Rub. . And the const tut ruli will soon wear out your linvn. Now don t lei this con tinue any longer, but let me do your Laundry work. We d-w't rub your shirts to pieces, but wash them in a'large revolving pool that flows with plenty of water. We use the test soap and guar ante no lye or soda.: Cull an 1 acn for youerelf. We wish to treat our patron right. Bend us your Laundry, J. & DAYBERRY, Man. A Day After the FEAST. Our Stock of AIR RIFLE i intende f r the Christmas trade arrived a da after Christmas. Now they" MUST EE SOLD. And we will ofTor them LOW DOWH iu ordor to dirpome of them. !T CoIlcCtCr ! I aarvbr anr mraalf a randttlai far Tas Co! feco of the tiiy i. firm . aad tjiiUUit aapport k4 Deat otraile aotcf at the t ppraacUHC prt- aery Bwetleg. ea laaaary 10U. in. WALTEK DCITY. T TIIC vnf IPfTATfnV OF MAW FRIKNUS. 1 V?'ii kbkmv announck MY- t'i hKLF A3 A rAKDIOAlK I'.tii -u n u ... a w rva vrritaur ui t i n jk COLLECTOU OF TUB CITY Olf KKW BERNE. IF ELKCTKO I PnOMtSS A FAITHFUL SKRVIUK. 3 ATI U EL R. BALL. f To th3 Democratic Yo ten of the City oil New Derne- I kertbj imoince ayielf 11 1 candidate for City Clerk aid Tax Collector of (he elt j tf New Bene. Mj Democrat has alwiji beea aaqaeitioBed, aod 1 would re apecifajly.uk the votes tf all Democrats at the' primary rote to he keld at the polls. - Very Uepettfullj, J. 31. HOWARD. ROMULUS A. NUNN, raw Btaaa, . a. c. Office! Opu. Hole! Chaltawka. South Front Slreat. tyPractlo. In North Carolina. The Practical FOR ' Christmas Gifts. W are ahowtng a Block of Turk ish, East Indian and Moorish Drap eries and Embrolde'lc. AU adapted for Furuiiblrg Cosey Corners, Den snd 8inokIng Roornr. Also Table Covers, Mantel Draper Piano and Table Scarfs. Ar. v . Our exhibit Is so worthy that ae suggest a trip to Raleigh lo are It. Dobbin & Ferrall, AT- TUCKER'S STORE, ltS ft 125 Fayettevitle Street, KAXEIGH, IV. C. To the Ladies ! . W have just received the Nicest Line of Hlttorlcal Pictures and Saint Oclelia Picture also a Nice Line Cheffoniers, Morris Chair, Toilet Sets and Library Lamp. : y 1 Any of the articles will make nice Christmas Present. ' Price Rock Bottom. ' '" Tl T I I O K I IT D Special Line of Empire Extracts, souno . J . I U X Vi C IA thing extra Onef Furniture Company, 15 Middle Street, New Berne, N. O. Lots Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. - ' A complete water and sewerage system to heintroduced. . - . Only $250. Balance $1 Every msn of moderate means, and every man working on a Hilary, may own a home. Bay a home and pay for ll installments, , Morn than one half of the lots have been taken. If yon want lo get in on the GROUND FLOOR Now is the Time. No Taxes. ' I will psy the taxes until you have fully paid up, and received your detd. Free Improvements. ) All improvements, such aa Streets. Side Walks, Shade Trove, Ac., will be made and completed al an early date, without expense to purchaser, . .. . . 'why pay rent When for fA Cash Down and Payments of $1. per woek, you ran buy. a Desirable Lot, and after the lot is paid for erect a Handsome Cottage, to be paid form month ly iiimalhnt'iits. Or if you want to build al once, for $350. Cash and 'mall monthly payno-uts you can buy a lot and build a house, ia a good locality, wbe values are absolutely sure to advatice. - , - Under my home building system you enn build at once after a cash payment of tha vHlue of the Int. 1 will build (or you a house, or will idvance you the money to build ' Yu extinguish both principal and interest by monthly installments, psid ex ert'v !" same as rent, but with this difference if psid for rent, every dollar it w 1, it pmd under my system, every dollar is saved, ' A ' t arable oi i tirtunity will never he oiTered, to provide a home. ., . Youi." ! . I ni om's, -''(. of 1 ) x feet. 7' ' ! f ' ; " ' "inn you nitty desire, ' ' At -WHlcnbrlnlc-s Restaurant ! -Ute.4BwkaaH'Ukaa aad Mapkt JjiBf alth cup of Co&tr, lOCeata. Pork aad Baaaa, Brvad aad Bauer aad eap of Coffee, 10 Caat. Cup ef CI sad Ta. BUU, 8 CaataT OytserFry, huwr, ItCaata. Oyalar St.w, Urir, II Crala. ' Fbae of KW Oyttera, 10 Crala. Haas er Toagua Baadwtch aad cop of aodra, I Oaia. ' M Middle Street, Phone Ne. Ill . A Gift .That Wss a todsend To the mechanie that appraelatea bi(h grade Toult was the Tool Cheat tilled with Superior Htrel Toolt with wall aliaped and durable hard baadlea, that was procured fiom our Al atork. Tbey also make a New Tear's gift, that will be received with joy. Our Tools ar all standard good, and will last a lif. time. All of oar Price Guaranteed. LH. CUTLER H'DW'E CO. i New Tear's KftcpilnD ' Or any of the social functions that always occur at this season of the vwir; require the man who would he corncily dressed to bavea new slyieeveninrr dress suit, such a we make in such exqitisllo style and finish. We will make you a handsome Dress Suit from broad Cloth, a business suit or Priooe Albert or cuts, way onat that is perfect in fit at a rea-on-able price. F. 51. Clandwfok. Middle streH. NEW BER NR. N. (;. XMAH GOODS kX DuAj'n Driis Sioro. CALL AND EXAMINE, Aluminum Hnd Enamel Tray. Comb, Brush and Mirror Hits, Complexion Brushes, Puff Boxes. Toil't Atomizers, Cologne. Extract. Toilet Watara, Keep flMii H.l. Rrti.hM .AVf.11 fli.lv A: ' A special drive in Leon Marganct & Co.'a EntracU. 8 ox. buille for CI 00. and other goods too numerous to men lion. mm 0m IBaalwa? iverside- : $5 Cash Down. 00 a Week. . ft 2JT r a v; t a -i I7n Apo Tnn m j mm. m hb.j i av M at f " Aavertisements ; But wish to thank their very liberal patronage and to wish you one and all A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy and Prosperous New Year. FRANG. H. J0NE5 & G0.. 87 MIDDLE HTIIKET. CCCO CC3CCCC3000 cooo oooc. 8 TH LAST WEEK BEFORE . I)ts of bnjing to be done yet nml its our lusiiu'.-s to tell yon wby you should do your XniHj) Chopping llt 0UI. ft(,lt,tu, advantages we have over tiny other store in New I'.erne. Our aeBorlnieiiU are lurge and as rule our prii-es will lie found lower thun pa-vail anywhere else in town. Handkerchiefs. Our as.ortnient of Handkerchiefs ure the nicest we've ever shown. New lota of Ladies Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in. both linen and Swiss, are just shown und in addition we Imve secured a large lot. of Sample Handkerchiefs which we ure sell ing ut about 1 their worth. ome early if you wish any of these samples. S Table Glotks. Napkins. 9 Nothing more appreciated for presents and surely nothing M more serviceable. The nice kinds are here at the right prices. J Triceg of Damask from 50c to $1 25 yard, fl Napkins from 50c to $3 50 doz. ValtF Lace Curtains n v . Nea designs, new styles, new prices. The range is 50c to Q $3 00 pair, and a special 'lot is offered at $ 2 25 t hut were 0(1. fi o o o Stockings. Ka Hang up along stocking A'mas. Get those long ones here, Q they are only 10o pair, heavy ribbed and extra long and w ill help an n o o Santa Clans with his heavy load. Ladies and Gents Umbrellas. ia o o s o o o D o For the holidays we have prepared a very nice assortment of Umbrellas that are suitable for gifts. Heavy silk with pret ty handles. Prices $2 50 to $3 50. Fur Collarettes. A few more nice Collarettes that will he acceptable to any lady, they are stylish and warm. Priced from $3 50 to $10.00. The holiday spirit is over the entire store, whether its Toys or a nice Dresa Pattern. AVe will surely please you. - , Come as early as you can and if you prefer, come in the evening as we will be open until 0 p. in. o o () December 18. tCCS30CSCC300 CSC00C8rf FOR SALE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT8 SITUATED ON NATIONAL AVE. . Bouse has ten rooms, with all modern Improvements, wstor, sewerage, etc. Location very Fine and desirable resi dence property or investment. For terms apply to . : ' ' . .. . J. P. TAYLOR. Eastern Carolina Despatch v and Old Dominion Line. Christ ui an Excursion -. RATES Z . Round Trip tickets from New Derm) will be sold on December 3rd and 26tb, to any station on Ibe Noifolk and Bnutb ern Railroad food lo return until Janu uary 4th, 1899 for one and one-third rates of the first snd second class fares CEO. KEXCSKSOX, Agent. ' T c. "rrc::;s, o. r. a , NSW1 Riiou tn V7pHqC3 m a a a-wp our customers for h! - D O CHRISTMAS, g O Q o o o a o t) a O o D B o Q O o a o THE" Time Has Come - Amid the great vaiiety of articles, which can Le olitaii.eJ At Whiiehnrsfs For Cliriftmas Presents. v Especlnl attention is called to the t CHINA TEA4ND DINNER SKT?. . ,.. , - " , .. , l. - al. - ..a a- a. m. van aueaiaaa ui iuo t h a suit J irti i taste hi any number of price from beau tiful patterns. , i . Doll Carriages and Wagons. . .Toys, Velocipedes and Uorses. V;;'-i No. Pollock Street. At McSorIe's This Week. , Candy from 10c a pound up. Nut of All Kindt: . O ranees. Applet! and Bananas aa Cheap or Cheaper than anywhere else. Sandwiches Ham and Turkey. Coffee and Chocolate, ' Oysters in any Style. ClgarsbytheuoxfoiACURlSTMA3 PRESENT. A Nice ripe for your father, brother or Sweetheart. C. J. :":erl7 C?. Country lard C: ' p irkct. 8 cents per pound st : ft l ' C. ft t"l f - !"

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