V V JU r"Cj Tf ( j oa ta srvrwa It a.it 1 r 1 1 voice cr t; r. r ?r. I 4 - . rfi fi - iff THE EICHUNCE CF ST JIT CF COS U daa bj4 ouly to th orirlnallty aad aimplkily of Ui utnUnUun, bat alio to U care aaj akdl with which It is lanotanunxl by ecleouflo ironn known totiia Cauroan. Fia Bvbpt Cak only, uJ w with to impreee apoa ail the Imporlaec) of purchasing; the true ml original remedy. As U faiinin Sjmp u( i'lg is manufactured by tbe CiuroHMi Mo Hrwr Co. only, a. Vamvledfo that tact will u&ibl one to avuitlins; the worthies Imitations manufeetared by other par tie. Tlio hljrh standing of tba CaU Fuuu F10 bricvr Co. with tba snedt cal MofelQ. Vad Uta satisfactior which tha rename Syrup of I"i(ra baa jriven to million of families, make the namo of lira Company (ruarauily of the excellence of Its remedy. It Ja ar ia ad ranee of all other laxatives, as it acta on tbe kidneys, liver aad bowels without Irritatiuif or weaken In? Uicm, and it docs not (Trip nor na useate. la order to get its beneficial rffecti, pleave remember tha name of the Company ' , CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. eax rnajiciao. oL SVH.l t. xsw rear. . k. Th aJTertis;&( ssturr has I'lfl sad pasUe iU U Wca la a ir dsjs. Tae Kaa-stmi of Us A.tociato at fully alir ai to their do ilea, aad very aUort U brief put bilk U asts the Ilia Aaaaai fair eil.pse say ol In Bmltnwf. The lralaa List Is as alios! ready fur dial ribelloa, aad copies will be ll!y furaisbed by iheBermarv to tbosa aa way desire I baas IPyo baia f rlaads oowtd of the riy seod s list of their asoMS aad Copies wOl bt sasiM lees. THE JOURNAL. w terse. N. C, Dee. 80, 1898. IIW SaTHTMUUT. ' Itoy all Bananas. J T Lewis To tbe voters. . . Denard V Koberts Announcement. Business Locals. BANANAS, Oiangrs and Apples at Roy all s Fruit Store. 1 FO't RENT Dwelling House with IS rooms 00 Middle street neit to Mr. Hugh Lovtck. Either a part or whole tor lent. Apply to Mrs. L. M. Hendreo. 153 Mid dle Street. "."; CLAIRVOYANT Javotte,- Clairvoyant and Palmht, now located for a short time at Hotel Albert, where she tells Past. Present and Future. Gives names and addresses, lost or stolen articles traced. She comforts, the sick and weary by her natural posers. Hours from JO A. M. to 9 P. M. I HAVE moved my Printing office and Bicycle Agency to 101 South Front street, next to Orkney's, where I will bo pleased to see my friends and customers. Bicycles, Grupbophones and Printing. Phone ISO. , Wm. T. Him. THE finest Deer always ou draught, at Jacob's, Middle 8teet . Vassaaf H EuiTua JocaxaL.- I hereby auoooece myself a candidal for aaythlaf aad everything in sight. Tbe saor lucrative the position', the gresler my satlafactiM will be, but I will rest more or leas con tented with anything from pump la spec- Ihcjoad Uat line. tor to Haiiroad oommlssiooar, I lake this action voluntarily, and without any solicltsiloa on tba part of my trieads. 1 have never believed 1 the theory vt th office seeking lb man, and hare always been of lb (-pinion that Clucljinstus was dead wrong. If he wr living aow, he would doubt leas agree with me, or els grow grey in- welting. It is likely that some will say that I de serve nothing. Perhaps this Is tru. But It doesn't Interfere with m wanting something, however, and wanting It bed. Uenc I wslt It Is quit true that I oou trlbuted neither time, money uor brains to th late campaign. But this was not wholly my fault. ' 1 possessed Ultlr, if any of tbe flrsli still less of th second, and none of tha last. How tbrp could 1 ipuct to contribute any of th three! Then Is on thing, however, which will recommend me to the hearts of all. I voted 1 Yes, Just a few hours after the poli war opened 1 deposited my ballot in tbe box, and I can prove U by several wituesses. Therefore I wsut a Job a political lob at that. If I bad nut voted I would atk for nothing. But inasmuch as I did I wsnt something, snd I nropvi to have It too. , Hoping tbat my friends will see the wisdom of acceding to my wish, I am, Yours for pie, . 0. Hl'XTRIt. a v 1 1 1 si . . It J..'. L Is t- l .'. . . t SuJ S- ' Ihiloa nf m;, eiitrmea sad ctkf polk el U-s ;'. vt t fWia, It U verv Isponul last e H atea Ihsl til mass U plnia, snd 1 soea to rsirj est sees a plr!(S to rid Near Bern of such pvtis ss tafr4 the l ailejs lf.llrt Into htuJdle stieet, e rcially tbe wast std aikry, aad also to reasov from aaoag respectable people the low char acters that lafest oar beautiful city. ' I ask tbe people la all earassiaass aad In lb laten-sl of oar youth, to aelect men that ar God fearing aad virtuous, or at least, those that have semblsao of tbeae virtues, They should be men that wJI leave no stone aataraed la their ell ins to hav removed from among th Til wretches who ar polluting oar sons and bringing sham upon oar city Draw a Use aad pass law th st no oa of queatloasbl character ahall live Th Dollo of a city 1 iav more tba any other ofloer to see that decency b not outraged by th ope sal of whiskey on the Habbath, w want polio that will eofarce th Sunday law, aad w want men la all th offloas that will not violet th law they make. Law ExruucxB. 1 ' i iiiiiuultUwttlwlU Catax. K. SV Jasse tm Siayar. Id. Jocbsal. I would nam aa miy or a ma of spotless reputation and in ' ery way eompeteat. K. It Jones I thst msn He Is not controlled by any clique or ring, nod would All th podtion with honor and satisfaction Vv th cltlxans. He Is bo modest to annouiios himself as scsndldaW.but will serve if elected. B. Many a household is aaddenod by death because of the fsilue to keep on band a safe and absolute certain cure for croup such ss One Minute Cough Cuie, See thst your little ones are protected against emergency. Y 8 Dully. a PAT IN TBS OITT. Suavile in ntodo our politicians Just now. , . -. The weather forecast is 'for fair and . warmer weather, today. There was a Urge supply of trout and drum la lbs market,, yesterday. Only ' one oyster schooner arrived. The School Committeemen of the Eighth District of Craven county, ar requested to meet at (he Jocbhaj, office .. on Friday at 8.30 p m. f Itemcmber that tonight ia ladies night at tbe new skating rink. , Skates wilt be furnjfehed them free of charge. Tbe beet of order is maintained at the rink at all times. .,",. : "-. ' ',- The poor of Christ Church, parish, on .Wednesday, were given their annual dinner, In All Saints' Chapel.' The'dsy was the Feast of Holy Innocents. The school rdom of the dispel was prettily decorated. Those present were given a ' One dinner, and there was ample left for . those present to take horn for another .- meal. a, . . ', - . A rnkaia ! Ust'. Editob Jouhsal: One of Craven county's best cltixens Mr. James Jackson died at hit home in the lower part of couuty near Uatlowo, during last weik agedM ' ' As one of his many warm friends allow me to pay this tribute of respect through tiiecoluuinaof your (luper to his memory. He wat a good fanner, an honesi man, aud highly esteemed citizen, to sum it up the dtceastd possessed all lh attributes of a Christian geutleman. He was a strong Democrat, and always had the Interest of bis County and Slate at heatt. ' ,;. Hi Iom it to be much deplored, but it is comforting to know that he died in triumph, in the hope of life eternal. For many years II r. Jackson had been a member of the M. K. Church South, and hit life Was consistent, his works, strong and he died happy and triumphant. , . A Fkibnd, f . .-. peimmisj a.U . Mr. J. A. Patterson, went to Klnston yesterday. , ' Mr. C. E. Foy, left yestorday for Nor folk, on business. Mr. J.Vf Morton of Harlowe, wak In the city yesterday. Mr. J. TV. Stewart, returned last night from a business trip. . , , Mrs. James W. Blddle returned horn on last night's train. " . ' . , Mr. Ernest Wood, left last night to spend a few months at Sprlngle, teach, ing school. . ,. ' . .. " r; . Miss Janla Brown, of Bed Springs Seminary, who spent the holidays in the city with her parents, left yesterday morning. i- . , Canst LIB Bajs C P, T. . at. At Fayetteville, yesterday, the much noted sale of the Cape Fear aud Yadkin Valley railroad took blace . under fore closure. :.' : ' "': The bidders were the Southern, the 8eaboard Air Line and Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Companies, and after lively time the A,. 0. L. became the" pur. chaser, tbe price being $3,110,(101). Petaawal reaaarawatlaaa. To the Democratic voters of the city of New Bern N. C. ; I take pleasure in recommending, to the Democratic voters of the city of New Bern, Mr Jno. M. llargett for the potl tion of Chief of Police. J During the campaign lust olosed Mr. Hargett rendered valiant service for tbe causa of White Supremacy and by his untiring efforts aided g salv ia the Great Victory, . , He was in dose touch with the Connty Executive Committee anil aided in the efficient work of tbe campaign. : , ' Bespectfully , ... f '. HisnY R. BnyAK, J11. Scc'y Craven County Detn. Exe. Com. lib) sU H ,v. Malar n Alt. Ed. JocnuAU Noting th 1 constantly Increasing no liber of candidate for th prla Ipal olty offices, ss announced la toe columns of th Jocrxal, tbe Inter etting question, to mo, present (self, how is th candidal who will receiv a majority vote at the primaries, th rea choice of th msjority of th people. Say for Illustration 00 votes are cat for I S csndidstes. A candidate might receive 13.) vote and b declared elected. and yet there would be S7S vote out of 00 cast against him. clearly proving1 him not tbe choice of th msjority of th ptdpia. ? lo te ike ieil choice of the people 1 bould tay a tandidat ought to loceiv a majority of all the votes csst. r, . : Fair Pi.st, . tub itsata rat Jss found tbat b t little ones are tm' proved more by ti pleasant Syrup of Figs, when In need f th laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any olber Children enjoy It snd It benefits them. Tbe true remedy. Syrup of Fig It manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. only . . - Tt s.-un jinMk kas bara slaaipH poa the Jul am, m, of aabacrtbsrt whose SBbscrlptioat have expired. It it siatfly a aoti&catioa Mtkatlboa who wish to htv their Iotbsals roa tlaued ess advise thia offa. Faar Dollars year foe tb Daily, or ta psper a week for Oa Dollar year la a pries so low that ta Jul axiL only b sett on lb Cask Basis, wbkh tt PAT 15 ADVANCE. Ta Legislature steals next weak, aad after lb recent slectioa what k will do toot vital letrratt and Importance M STsrjOD la. North Carolina, aad aspsoi ally a to th people of this seotiosu Ta Jocbjial will hav good aeearev reports of tk Leglslatnre Proeeedlsp aad no oa should fail to aabaerib Sot this paper aad kepaforalL Beside tbs procaedlagt thar wOl be a variety f aewt of local, aeciloaal aadSlate Importaac. ' If yon hav been a aabacribar, Sad ta abort aotlc appear oa your paper aad then yon do not renew your Subserlp lloa, your paper will be discontinued. No word from saucrlbr Indicate a desire to dUcoa linn aad will b acted apoa tt this office. Remember lb Daily Joobxal Is only ftOO year, aad tb Semi-Weekly is aly l Wayear. Delinquents are requested to not this and b prepared lo pay at one for your paper will be (topped after January ltt, 1SH9. Tb Joorxai, bop for an Increased patronage during I80. It bat stood for tbe best and safest policies for It Mo tion and State, and It proposes to b Truly Keprentatlve of what Its patron want, tb development of various local Industries and tbe promotion of good government under the whit man's con trol. ' V i liifl r anFKu(H4 C.l I sa a csaut d.i lur tbe oAce Ol Tst t ilrtlor uf Uw fatty of New rVra.eed ask iKe seppovi I ml frtecdA DESARD W. UOUr.KTS. TO THI DEI0CR1T1C VOTERS OF HIW BERK. I kareby aaoac myself eaodidat for lb o0os of ChUf of Poiios of this city, snd respmfally ask for yoor aup porttpmmlsia. if elected to do lb beat fur tb good at lb city aad tbe execution of duties aesigiMd to tbat office. Very Truly, JAMES T. LKWIS. At Willenbrink's Restaurant ! PUl of Buckwheat cake aad Map! ?;rnp a ilk cap of C afire, 1 Casta. Potk aad Beans, Bread and Batter aad cup of Coffee, 10 Ceat. Cap at Coda aad Two RolW, S Ceala. Oyeiev Fry, large, IS Deals. Oyster Stew, large, IS tea la, ' Plata of Saw Oyster. 10 Cm la. Ham or Tooga Sandwich aad cap of COffe. I Crlta, 130 Middle Street, Pbon No. US. TO THE YOTE1XHI , ' OF THE CIlj ofXew Derm ' I deaire to aanouoo thai I am a can didat for th offlo of Chief of Pojto of th ity of New Bern. I refer th public to say record whll 1 wat Polios officer of tb city, aa to any fltaeat to All to offic of Chief of Polio, aad my rfficko cy. . . J. K. LAND.. Announcement 1 I hereby anaonnc myeelf a caa didst forth oUoa of City Clerk and Tax Collector of Maw Bern. I respect fully ask th vote of the Democrats at tb Primary to be held Jannary 10th 1809. I bar voted th Democratlo tick et thirty Jean. Hav never held any political office. Respectfully, ' J. J. TOLSOlt. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children, Tba Kind Yoa Have Always Bonght Bear th Blguature of Of my own knowledge I know thst J. M. Hargett did faithful work In the last campaign, and a recognition of his services by the Democratic party would be right and proper, F; T. Pattkrsos. Chmn. Dem. Ex. Com. ' t hetsisnns at Sasatssrs. The entertainment at th Methodist church ou Christmas eve night under the excellent management of Mr. nd Mrs. J. M. Jones, assisted by Misiea LultHatsull, Kills an J Dairy Pttman was a success In every way. Though the house wat crowded th best f onlor prevailed. P'V Bell acted at Santa Claut and distributed tbe many presents to tbe delight of the llttl onet Dr. J W Sander made an Interesting address which was'enjoyed by all. On Monday nlghi following there wat a Christmas tree at the Baptist church under the mtnsgsment of J E Watson, Mrs Foster, Mrs M Rustall, Mr and Mr J B Olive, The church ' was beauti fully decorated and the tree was loaded with presents for the Sunday School. Speeches weie made by nearly all the Sunday School scholars which were very good and thowed well for tb manager. The welcome address was delivered by Miss Emma Howland. We Would be glad to mention the name of all the lit tle speakers but space forbid, Th peo ple in Swantbor know how to get up a good thing like this and It would be something unusual for a thing of this kind lo be a failure. Good order pre vailed throughout tbe exercises, and everything passed off pleasantly. If you want to have good time just come to Swantboro any time, but more especially Christmas times. ' , ' l ; Seaside Lodge A F & A M held a refrn lar communication last Saturday. The fullowing officers were elected for the ensulntr year: DJ Banders 'W M, D G Ward S W, J A. Plttman J w, Dr J W Sanders Sec'y, Dr W J llontford Treat. and Titos Merritt, Tyler. - F. - A congh it not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. ' Cure it quickly and effectually with One Min ute Cure, the best remedy forall ages and for the most severe cases. We recom mend it because it's good. F S Duffy. ateevleenbl tufts. Some special offerings in Silk Urn' brcllaa. Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Dress Patterns, Rugs, 4c, at very attractive prices. Barvoot's. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your chnghs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It it to good children cry for It. It curet croup, bronchitit, pneu monia, grippe and all throat and lung disease. F.S.Duffy. KICK'S CAPUDINE HEADACHE Is Guaranteed to Cure Heaiache, Neuralgia, La Grippe. Sick HvsJacIie, Etc. 23 C ; rt f.M J ftores. We with our many patrons a happy and prosperous New Year, and return thanks for thelrgood will and patronage. . Yours for health, , C. DtURAOnAK. A full line of Express Wagons, Veloci pedes, Frames, Pictures &c. for tbe holidays, low down at R. ITlrlch'fc. BCCELEN'BARKICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores? Tetter, Chspped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. . It if guaranteed to give perfect satisfactions money refunded. Price SS cents per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy. , v rate Privileges. Sealed proposals will be received by the Secretary from this date to January 10th, 1899, 'or rental of Restaurant, Fruit and ' Confectionery, Sandwitch, Barbecue and Cigar Privileges during the 12th Annual Fair of tt e East Caro Una Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association to be held in this city' Feb ruary 20 25, 1896. Gkoror Gbken, Secretary. Do you know 'a good Investment? When you mske one you don't care to part 'it. Ilivest twenty five cents In Anway't Croup Syrup, try It on your child's cough or croup and you will agree with us tbat It Is th best investment you ever made. Sold at Bradham's, 1899 Will Drove to the world that the bicycle is no longer a fad, or a luxury, but it baa come to stay. It will allow many tm' Drovement In W heels ana Biinanes, Gesi'ngs, etc , and we will handle - none but the very best improved makes, and III sell them at a reasonable pront. - , Orient C50, Cleveland 140 and tSO. Olive. 98V other elegant high Brad wheels i0 and $23. Second hand wheels from SS op. Alto 100 pair Hartford Tires which we will offer at very low i prices Don't forget the Edison Phonograph, which we are agents for. price Oi l. We have everything that is kept in First-Class Bicycle Establishment. . cycle company; QASKINS' Planters Building. J: ',: NOTICE ! . Notice ia hereby Riven that application will he made to the next Geueral As sembly of North ( arolitu for an amend ment t the Charter of the Oity of Nevr Btmi, z?.. - - K Gift Tbat Wis i ; 2W t e s Vo Are Too Busy to Vrite Attvertisements But vrish to thank our customers for - their very liberal patronage and to wish you one and all A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy and Prosperous New Year. PRANG. H. J0NE5 & G0., Godsrnd To the roechanlo tbat apiirerlatea high grade Tools was tbe Toul Cheat tilled with Superior Steel Tmla with wall shaped and durable hard handles, mat was nmcomi rrom oar At sux'S. 1 bey also make a New Year's gift, that will In received with lov, Our Tool ar all standard good, nd will last a HI llin. -All of our Price Guaranteed. L. H. CUTLER H'DW'E CO. & 87 MIUDI.E fiTItEET. ujcjuje: M1 TO M DEMOCRATIC VOTERS Of th City of New Berne. At the solicitation of my many friends I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for tbv position of Chief of Polio and if elected promise to discbarg th duties faithfully. Respectfully, v JOHN M. UALGETT.. Tax Collector ! I hereby announc myself a candidate tor Tax Collector of th city t New Brrnr, and solicit th support of Dem- orrailu vnteis at the appmecliiiiR: pri mary Dueling, on January 10th, ItfJO. WALTER nrFFV. o a i New 9l" I P 1M1IJ Kill (1'ITflTflV ff OF MANY KfflK.NDS. I kj llKRKrtY ANNOUNCIS MY ELF AS A OANI'IOAtK OOLl.KoiUH Or s'lib Ol lY OK NKW IEK.K. 'IFELKCTKD I PlIOMtSE A FAITHFUL 8ERVKK. SAflUEL R. BALL tCCCO CCC0OCC000O COOO OOOOr. p THF WFFR S q a sa- s aw q BEFORE CHRISTMAS. O O mi Hie Year' lteceptitm Or any of the antial fuuetinns tbat alwava occur at this s'nsoti uf the year, require the ninn who would lie cnrrwlly dressed to have a now sly le even! n drcNe tuit, such aa w make In urli rxqinelie style and finish. We will make you a hemitonia Dress Cult from firnid Cloth, a lioalnet suit or Prince Albert or cuts, way onat that it pel feet in Hi at a teuton able pnee. F. M. Clindwlek. Middle stre-it. NEW BERNE. N.O, To the lemocratle To ters of the City of t;MTew Bern- y I berebjr annoance myself is cindidate for City Clerk and Tax XMAS GOOUS Collector of the city of New Berne. A t DultytH DrlIS stoP4,. mj democracy urns mwiji gcti .1 i ..j t i j I uoqucsuuueu, iuu spectfully' ask tbe n o ta o o o o o a o IoU of buying to be done yet and its our liugjnc.-s to yon why yon should do vour Xnms ishoppin-r ut our tow- ud vantages we have over uny other store in New I't-rne. Our assortment are large and us u rule our rio s will 1e found lower than prevail unywhere elso in town. Handkerehiefs. Our assortment of Iliindkercltiefii are the nicest, we've ever shown. New lots of Lnriiex Kmliroidered Handkerchiefs, in both linen mid Swiss, are just shown iind in addition v.c have secured a large lot of Sample Handkerchiefs w hich c are sell ing at ubout i their worth. Come early if you wish any of these samiles. Table Cloths. Napkins. Nothing more appreciated for presents and more serviceable. The nice kindsWe Ihtc at 1 1 Prices of Duniask from 50c to $1 i!5 yard. Napkins from 50c to $3 50 dor. surely nothing ie light prices. Lace Curtains New designs, new styles, new prices. The range is 50c to $3 00 pair, and a special lot is offered at $2 25 Unit were $3 00. Stockings. I would re- votes of all CALL AND EXAMINE. Aluminum and Enamel. Traye. Omh, Brush and Mirror Hits. Complexion Brutnes, Puff Uof. Toilet Atomizers, i vi r... ir a.. Democrats at tbe piimary vote te Ciean tuir Bruahw. ur.-n Diy & tva Hpeclal Line of Empire extracts, some thing extra flue, ' A special drive in Leon MarRanet '4 Co.'s Kniraets. 8 oz. boille for tl 00. and other goods too numerous to mention. ' be beld at the polls. . Very Respectfully, ; J. M. HOW1BD. 4 iverside Lots Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. r ; .. A complete water and sewerage system to be introduced. , , The man it viclout, untruslwortliy and mercenaiy who dares to tay '-good enoueli:" when' selecting remedies for the cur of disease a practice doing lit tle or nothing for the patient likely allowing an acute disease to be- me chronic. We tell only the best our y 4 recotJ show it, and you find ll li if you become a customer, iun '.hm' PbarmKry. I . Cletln ttai Hale, "R. Ulrlch will close out his entire stock of Furniture, Pictures &c, at cost for the next 80days. Bl Jlidiile street. The finest bet-f ever sold Berne now at Oaks Market, in New Rub, Rub, Rub, And lite constant rub will soon wear ont your linen Now don't let this con tinue any longer, but let me do your Laundry work. We don't rub your shirts to pieces, but wash tlirm in a large i evolving pool that flowe with plenty of water. We use the beet soap and jtuar antee no lye or soda. CnU and. nee for yousrelf. We wish to treat our patrons right, fiend us your Laundry, '; KEW ICTE t STEJa.II IlUrDIXY, J. E. DAYBERRY, Man. Turkeys, geese, diuks, cliirkens at I A Day After x the FEAST. Our Stock of AIR RIFLE? intended for the Christmas trade arrived a day after Christmas. Now they MUST BE 80 LD. And we will olTer them LOW DOWN in order to dispose or them. Yor-'T :', Only $250. $5 Cash Down. Balance $1 00' a Week. Every man of moderate means, and every man working on A talaryC may own a home. Buy a home and pay for it installments. , ' More than one half of the lots hay been taken. If you want lo get in cn the GROUND FLOOR Now Is the Time. . . . ' x No Taxes. ; I will pay the taxes until you have fully paid up, and received your deed. . : Free Improvements. - v All improvements, such ss Streets, 'Side Walks, Shade Trees, &c.,will be made and completed at an early date, without expense to purchaser. WHY PAY' RENT ' ' When for $5. Ca.h Down and Payments of 81. pe' wovk- y ,,,n ,,0T Desirable Lot. and alter the lot isiiui.l for ereel a Handsome Cottaur, to lie paid form month ly luatallnu nts. Or tf you want to build at once, for K0. Cash and smalltionthly pHVmenls you cud buy a lot and build a house, in a good locality, wnere values are absolutely sure to advar.ee. - Under my home building; system you can build at once after a cash payment of the value or Hie lot, 1 will build lor you a House, or win aavauce you ine money to bmld You extinguish both nrinoinul and interest bv monthly installments, paid ex- 'v ti 1 A tv. You us rent, hut with this iliiferf rice if P"'d for tciA, every dollar it it i uuo a' my pv-:.. ,n. every doiinr is saved. . r i v v. 'I i er fr' i " ii I, to provide a home. ( f I H X Hit f ' r , ' -1 veil n . di-'iir Hang lip a long stocking Xmas. Get those long ones here, tbey are only 10c pair, heavy rihbetl and extra long und will help Santa Clatts with his heavy load. Ladies and Gents Umbrellas. o a o O G O O O O a O o () o For the holidays we have prepared a very nice assortment of Umbrellas that aro suitable for gifts. Heavy silk with pret ' ty handles. Prices f2 50 to $3 50. Fur Collarettes. A few more nice Collarettes that will be acceptable to any lady, they are stylish and warm. Priced from $3 50 to $10.00. The holiday spirit is over the entire store, whether its Toys or a nice DreBS Pattern; AVo will surely please yon. ( omo as early as you can and if you prefer, come in the evening as we will be open until 9 p. m. l6t44 O O O o D o H o o s o O D o n o o o o December 18. CCCOOCCCCCCCOOOCCCCCCCOt F0R SALE DWELLING nOUSK AKD LOTS SITUATED OK NATIONAL AVE. Bouse has tea rooms, with all modern improvements, water, sewerage, etc . Location very Fine and desirable resi dence properly or investment. , For termt apply to :. ; . ' ' J. F. TAYLOft. ' I ft At the Rnnk ;tnri I sj( MsBBBsBmaVsT V Vla aVVI W t Bibles, Bibles, Bibles. Testaments, Testaments. ( Relislous Classics. Musical Instruments and an end less variety of NOVELTIES. THE" Time Has Gome ....... i Uiuiu tuu .Viaat ta.v-.V aa iibiisi wMuh can be ol tame i sn. M. Ittl. 1 A-" lX wniienursb s - For Chriitmss Pre ten's. E pesial attention is called to the CHINA TEA AND DINNER SKTS, You can make up the set to suit ymir tasie in any numoer 01 puces irom beau tiful patterns. , Doll Cat riages and Wagons Toys, Velocipedes and Uorses. Np. Pollock Street. HOTEL riEUSEE, NEW BERNE. N. C. G. kit uilv C.'.4 II ;y 1,".! '-- 3 i RTpninriH.-tv t.,.'. Terms, Per Day, ; Ji 5o. Can accommodate . a few Regular Boarder?. . FpfChil attention given to the trnvel-

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