f "1 f Lodo I V0 r : : . 1 .-t - 2.. .rr trzzzL ZZflo n r - i AVgeUbk rVp4iscoLJ beg Oat SttaaLBS anr.ttbi - ins ari Ite-fCcaUas Ki. ." rw.m llnmV nv S"in-. V '15 a 11V . ae w w ' f-mm-S-J it Abated Bcmrdy fcr Constipa tion. Sour Stomach, DiarrUa. Worms jConvubions Jevwis n arss ond Loss or SLEEH ill Tat Sunk Signature tt NFVV YORK. 1J I Life t CXACT COPT OF WRAPPCR. A. A ST. C It. It. TIM I TABLE NO. 7. 10 Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 0. 1898, at It M. Going Eaat ScUEUCUt: Going Wostl No. 8 )'aKn; i 'I mi'. a 8TATIur.M . . . . Golil.tHiro . . . . ... LaUrange. . . . Lr. p m 140... 4 09... 83... Ar a iu .. 11 US . . . 10 83 . liillrllOU 10 12 40. 8 60 7 0S. ...Ar. New IWne. 1a 10 ...Lv. " Ar 8 87 Ar. Morehead city Lr 7 47 No 8, Mx'd Pt PassTu. No. , t U'd r't aud 1HMI Tu. Ar. P. M. 3.W 2 ia Lt. A 710. 7 48. 8 06 M. Goli's oro . . Best's .... LaGrange... ... 1 48 ... 113 ..13 58 ...11 68 ...1140 ...10 40 ...10 18 8 20 Falling Creek. 0 14 Kluaton.... 9 25 Caswell.... 10 15 Dover ... 10 40 Core Creek.. 11 IS Tuscarora... 1181 Clarka. 1000 13W New Berne 8 80 p. il A. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday .J Tuesday, Thursday balurduy. No. 1, f Mx'd Ft. aud faas.Tn. Lr. t m 710 748 I No. 8, stations: Mx't Ft. and Pus. Tu. Ar. p m . Ooldsboro 8 IS ....Best's 7 8 06 LaUrange 7 08 8 26 Fulling creek 6 914 Kins ton .613 9 28 Caswell 818 9 40 Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 1015 ..Lv. " Ar 4 20 10 40 Core creek 4 00 U 15 Tuscarora S 88 1181 Clark's 8 20 18 05 Ar. New Berne, Lv . . . . . 3 50 180 Lv. " Ar 10 47 313 Riverdale 10 10 ., 920...,. croatan 10 00 9 43 Bavelock 9 40 (111 Newport, Lv....... 906 8 25 WUdwood , 8 47 881. ..Atlantic 888 8 46. . . . Ar. Morehead city, Lv. .. . . 8 20 . 4 01....Ar.M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 . M. A.M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. 1 f Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ,v. 8. L. DILL, u i tiuperinte idenL Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & New ebki R. R., - TIMS TABLE NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Dally i : Except Sunday. Going Boutlvl bchbdulb: Going North ' No. 61, Passenger Trains No.50, Lv. a m, 900 986 .... 951 .... 10 02.... STATIONS: . . New Berne ;. . . Pollocks ville , ...Maysville .". .Jacksonville,., ' Wilmington, Union Depot Ar. p m, ..... 540 5 04 . 4 49 ..... 418 19 08 2.82 225 12 15 . . . Ar., Wilmington; Lv. No, 8, ' Passbnoki & Fbeiobt, Z No. 4. ' Leave Wilmington Monday,' Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. AM ' " ' ." . ',' Ar. K 780 ,i 8 40 ..! !... low.., 10 61',.'. 11 20... 13 05... 12 JO. .. 8t 6j.,. . 1 0... .Lv. Wilmington, Ar...., 1 45 . bcott'siiill.... Woodsiilt . ... ... Holly ridge . ' .... bUon....... ...Verona. ..... .Jacksonville, . . . . Northeast..... . Wuiuxak .... . Maysville Pollucksville.... ..18D5 .. 1215 ...-11 40 ...10 51 .,.10 0 .... 9 46 ....8 55 .... 880 ... 8 06 15 .. v.., 7 20 I 55 . Debruhl's 685 0 .....Ar. New Berne, Lv .... 6t0 tfatly Except Suwiay. J. H. KENLT, r -. ' . ; iUeneral lianarer, UORDF.N. , ; , . ; ti pt.Tracsp . tion For Tnfinti and OMMran. Ths Kind Yen Hava Always Bchi Bears the Signature 'of You Have Always Bought. HOT! WILMINOTON & WELOON R. R. And"BratKhe, v AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. COKOtRSKD aCHBOrLl. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Ar ft The wAP Kind V7 DATED o g ! - . Nov. so, js:" ' cm ii c j o dS KC Z.Q sr. 8 za X.Q IaIT p M. pTiT A.M. pTlT Lv. Wrldon It fiui 9 43 i Ar. H Jit.. 12 4ilU 36 ! Lv.Taiboro;l2 il..... 8 00; Lv. K Ut. I 1 Wi'lO 86 0 46j 6 4(1 19 B2 Lv. Wilson 1 5H II 18 7 IV 6 82 9 20 Lv. Selma..! 2 55ll Of Lv.Fay'vtlkl 4 1 01 Ar.Florence1 7 25 8 15 P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds 8 00 Lv, Golds '. 7 01 8 05 Lv. Mai'll 8 05 4 12 ArWilm'ton 9 80 5 45 I - P.M. AM. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. i i KtS sr, 8 a2 IS aHF "pTm! "7 LT.Florence M) 7 40 Lv.Fay'ville 19 25 ... . 9 48 Lv. Selma.. 1 60 10 55 Ar. Wilson. 2 85 11 85 aTm! P. M A.M. LvWilm'ton 4 7 16 9 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 55 1 CI Lv. Golds 5 00 .... 10 10 2 08 pm!"" ZiT p. m. pTifi Lv. Wilson 3 85 8 88 It 85 11 15 13 49 Ar. R. Ut.. 8 80 6 15 10 07 11 57 1 80 Ar. Tarboro 6 45 Lv. Tarboro 13 21 .... Lv. K. Mt.. Tio7Z7. 18 07?Z7 Ar. Weldon 4 82 12 69 .... P.M. A.M. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 4 15 n tn. Halifax 4 80 p m. arrives Scotland Nck at 5 30 p m, ureeoviue 9 01 pm, Winston 7 Da p m. lteturDtnc leaves Klntton 7 du a as. Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Hsllfsx at 11 18 a ru, Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex. cept Sunday. . , Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 80 a oi and 8 30p in, ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Washinstou 11 00 a m aad 7 20 D m. dally except Sunday. train leaves larooro, a I'.aaiiy except Sunday B no p m, Sunday, 419 p m. ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m,- Ra. turning, leave Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 oua m, ana Nunday v w a arrives Tarboro' 10 05 a m. 11 00 ml Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leave Goldsboro dally, except Sunday, 7 10 a. m. arrivins SmitbBeld 8 80 a m. Return ing leave Smilhfield 9 00 m; arrive at uoldsboro iu o a m. , , : Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 7 80 a m, 4:30 p m, srrivs Nashville 810 am, 4 58 p m, Spring Hope 8 40 a m, 5 15 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 9 00 a m, 5 45 p m. Nash ville 9 23 am, arrive at Eockv Mount 945am, 650pm, daily exoept Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 20 a m and 4 15 p m, Returning leave Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 45 p m. Train No 78 make close connection at Weldon for all point North daily all rail via Richmond. ' . H M EMERSON. ?'?'? '?' Gen'l Pas Agent J R K.KNLY, uen'l Manager. ; T M EMERSON, Trafflo Manager. aviwia Carnts, and Trk.)tarki obtained and all Pa-i ant busineas contluctcil ior MoncnaTC Fees, ' Our Omcc isepeosiTt u.a.aarcNTOrrieci and we can secure f aunt in leas time Uwn thoae1 remote from Wruhiufton, eeod model, drawing or photo with deecrip- ( tion. We adrlae, if patentable or not, free oi' char?e. Our fee not due till patent la eernred. A PaHrHLrr." How to Obtain Patenta," with coat ol aajne in the U.S. and foreign countries sent free. Adure.a, r aa r'"Mf , ha .t. ,.a 03 CTht MTTlti- P U Ski Mr ' B; , af tot J mm- wane.4. A IM eaaa4,s reek-el Iwf. Ta ejea e-ee, as kae ata aaaa. Vr saw U SB eaaat ataa barta. kiaa aro Iea4 ta awaaer'e tuna. ter tea mm ear katleev U mf weaae taa a.r aant Am4 tar rrwaa taa-e are taaat ta aWaaa Am aa waiaeinf aaaaai are haeaaaa, iai.au kaw taaa aa aaal tmm U tta aattba raiay OAa. Vaakls. tYMPATHCTrC KlPVlWa. aw Casks a at IslHu ml a Slak - attaaaaas. - -A writer la Um Saa PTaDslaaa ArrmawA kails tha follow Ina knarxkxa as eomliif (ran Was lips of aa Asnsrtraa travatar was ttsM la ta aoatpaBV of Him- yail Klplinc la Loasdoa: Ods anansoaa vr wan traawinar bd taa aoa, and walla asrolltasT oorms ear wars id by to moat aBwlaooholy smd4 1 have krer Ward, a anaiplalBlnii, frktalo. lamantinc atud praoaadlof from the atepbaat bouaa. Whki's ibs inattsr la absrsr' asked Mr. KIplliLg of b keeper. A atok aleiphant. sir. - lis aria all the Hats We don't know what to do with aim," was to answer. Mr. Kipling harried away from tarn In the dlraetloaj of the lament, whloh was growing I on iter aod snore palnfuL I fol- Vomti and aaw hlra go op etoss to the eaae, wbar stood an elephant with sadly drooped ears and trunk. Hk was erring aotual tears at the same thse that be hts lot moat audibly. In another Mr. Kipling was right an to the bars, and I heard klip speak to ths sick bus at la a Isnstnaga that may have bean ktevaankMk, but osrtalnly was not Kng likh. Instantly the whining stopped, the oars were lifted, the tuouaaar turned bis alaspy Uttls suffering eyes upon his visitor and put out hi trnnk. Mr. Kip ling began So earess It, still speaking In the anine soothing tone and In words un intelligible to me at least. After a few nlnutas the beat as began to answer In a uneh lowered tone of voice and evidently recounted bis woe. Possibly elephants, when "enjoying poor health," like to eon flde their symptoms to sympathizing lla tenereas much as do some human Invalida Certain It was that Mr. Kipling and that elephant earried on a oonversaikin, with the result thst the efopbanl found his spirits moeh oboered and Improved. The whine went out of -his voice, he forgot that he was tuooh to be pitted, hk began to exobange experiences with his friend, and be was quite unoonactoua, as was air. Kipling, of the amused and Intoreated crowd oolleotlng about the onge. At last, with a start, Mr. Kipling found himself and his elephant the observed of all ob servers and beat a hMty retreat, leaving behind him a very different creature front the one be bed found. "Doesn't that beat anything too ever saw" ejaculated a compatriot oflulne, as the elephant trumpeted a loud and cheer ful good by to the back of bis vanishing visitor, and I agreed with him that It did. "What lanRUMge were yon talking to that elephant?" I asked when 1 overtook tnyefrlend. "Language What do you mean" he answered with a laugh. . "Are you a mowgll," I persisted, "and oan you talk to all those beast In their own tongues?" but he only smiled in re-pix- ' ' ' ' How It Treeble Ulna. A traveler down south had beard a greet dealanenta certain "oldest inhabitant," Lsm Pickering by name, who dwelt (so his Information ran) In a small Georgia town. Beaching that town one November afternoon he forthwith instituted in quiries oonoerntng the local oelebrlty. , An old negro was basking tn the tun jnst In front of what, for lack of a more apeoifio synonym, was (tailed "the hotel." Going up to him, the stranger asked: "Do yon know Lent flokerlngr" "Golly, yaas," was ths reply.- "I'se knowed Lent dese fohty years, sah. " "I preenine his old age gives him quite deal of trouble?" "Specs It does, ash." ' "Keeps him Indoor all of the time ehr .. - -i . -- ' , ; "Not exactly, sab, not exaotly. But It do gib him lots o' trouble without keepin him indoors, sah." "Yon don't tell met Howf" " "Fan' Is, tab, it keeps him In de grabs-e-ard." New York Commenlnl Adver tiser. ' . , . CaoweralaaT by Oeatare. ' It Is well known that conversing by gesture was formerly widespread,, though now oonfined to savages- and the dumb. The elassiaal nations and the early Egyp tians set great store by gesture. Of late years It has been found that the pictures on Greek vases oan be interpreted by the language of gesture, and most earlier works on the subject will require to be re vised by this new light. Saored symbols, the attitude of idols, the hieroglyphs, for example, the Maya writing of Yucatan, also show the presence of gesture lan guage, and there la now a hope that we shall be able to nnderstand them better by this key. London Globe. : ' lagaeaelasr the Jadaxe. - "Dennis Halllgan, you are charged with beating your wife. What have you to say for yourself?" "At yer honor plate, Oi don't t'ink OI bate her at all, at all." . : . i "Dont think yon beat her?" ; V "No, sor. Kf Ol'd be'n rlffereein the sohrap mesllf, Ol'd called It a draw. Boston Courier. . V ( r.Sweet Jay.':,.-, T': "I was just going to ask you to sub scribe to this purse for Jibhlos'. widow when I happened to remember. that he was your worst enemy. " " : "I'll be delighted to subscribe. Just think how it will grind him wherever he 1st" Cleveland leader. , The wine of the ar.clents would not be thought ' palatable tooay, for they were mixed with sea water, resin, salt, pitch and aromatie herbs, exposed in smoky garrets till reduced to a sirup, and then trained and mixed with water. ; Statistics show that in London one per son in 46 Is maintained by public charity, while in New York the proportion is one iniOO. ' - ' maTKEMIHS BTOBIACH BlaEAAR. ' Permanently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalid need suffer no. longer because this great remedy can cure them all. I it cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and indigestion, ' The core be gins with the first dose. : The relief it brings is marvelous and (surprising. It makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter bow long you have sulTered, your cure is certain under the use of tliie great health-giving fort. Pleasant ami al. ways safe. (Sold by C. D. I . . 'tmj Druggist, New ben., N. , a, kaar tea aaej aaT aaaueara aaaaa taaa lias ahaafWrlaaj erau-eenpe neaa. Aast Sraei a'palaTTai aSia.ala fa Saa wtmm, aasn aai larlia esra. - as lartd auaraa era faaat Use askt. Am mm aMraiaf eansaea rear. tmvm mm tea nal Sa wta Ike (oal Qtaas- sneak t a a sea war I -Banaar's -4 ii - rt L ilk ailillll 4 ffK sV tkB M ft laa-aH a-O-SSiSal SkkT fceaek, aaiv-1 ksv CAUSED IT Ptai Cc:i:::a of tta Elxl CURIO BY . B3tt B!::l Balm (B.B.B.) THE CRUT BLOOD -REMEDY. Catarrh at doe tn k Impsr osadltioa of the blood, kd I nos of lb usseroo offspring of Blood i'ulaoa. It may have, eoens frvea loaf way bark is the fami ly history, but lb geaeral apiaiosvaaMeg medical kxa ia that Catarrh is tbet off shoot of Potaoneil Blood, pmdaclag bad breath sod lb above aaaied (vatpUHas. The fact t admitted by all that it is only curable by roasUtaiioeal Irealakeot. Botanic Blood Balm (U b B) ba scored Sim brilliant victories la the cur of this loathsome malady, and wbtf Be cauM 11. B. H. when taken a directed, ailir with the poison in lb blood, which produce Catarrh, so a t raos lb polio to be expelled from lb blood through the sweat glsads and. excretory organ. . R. U. Soulier, Athens, Georgia, wrote us not long ago that be was aur- rrised to observ how agieeabie bis reatb had bemrae since nsing only three bott lea of U. B B. He was also able to hear better. Mrs. Lula Banks of Alaba ma, wrote ut thai a friend of her since asing six bottles of B. B. B. thst the mucus discharge which ah had through lh mouth and aote bad Hopped and thai she was abl to breath freely aod talk without offending anrone with ber bad breath. A remarket) case is thst of Mrs. KliMbetb Knott of Atlanta, which we print in foil. Discharge cenious aod offeasive entirely cured by B. B B.: "For four years I have been afflicted with a very troublesome nasal catarrh. Ho terrible has its nature been thl when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would frequently corns out of my mouth and nose. The discharge was copious, and at times very offensive. My blood became so impure thst my general health was re illy I in pel red, with poor appetil and worse digestion. Numerous medi cines were used without relief, uniil I began the use of Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. aud three bottles acted almost like magic. Since Its use, over a tear ago, not a symptom baa retuned, and I feel in every way quite restored In health. I am an old cillten of Atlanta, and refer to almost any one living on Butler street." ,M US. ELIZABETH KNOTT, Atlanta, G a. The Seaf tlsat. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may Kecome temporarily deaf on account of cstsrrhal blood poison settling ia the ear. and then find quick relief by using B. B B. Botsnlo Blood Balm. John W. Weeks, Decatur. Ga., writes: "Six months sso I had a pain in my ear, and in a few days it discharged mai ler. Then I grew deaf and could not hear at all. I began the u-e of Botanic Blood Balm B. B. 11. and the running of my ear soon ceased, and I now hear, while rav health is much Improve,!, and I feel full of gratitude to God aud the proprietors of so good a remedy." As a Blood Purifier, B. ii. B Botanic Blood Balm has no equal. Buy the original and be on the safe side. Be ware of substitutes and insist on having the old reliable B, B. B. 'Then you are sure of a cure. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B )'lg a scientific vegetable compound used by Dr. Gillam in bit private practice for blood diseasei, such s01d Sores, Scrof ula, Boils, Blood Poison, Catarrh, etc. It cured so many people that it was put on the market aud is for sale by all drug gists tt 91 per large bottle. It has always enjoyed a large sale because 1J CURES ! CUrlESI " t'URKS! even after everything else bad been tried In vain. Book of cures sent free of charge. BLOOD BALM CO , Atlanta, Ga. MONTHLY SUFFERING. Jhousands of women aro troubled at monthly inter : Tal with pain In the head, back, breasts, shoulders.side hips and limbs. But they need not (offer. . These pains are symptoms of -dangerous derangements that can be corrected. - The men trul function should operate painlessly. make menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli, cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their worfc properly. And that stop all this pain. ' Why will any woman suffer , month after month when Wine . of Cardui will relieve her? " It costs $i.co at the drug store. Why don't, you get a bottle to-day? ; .,;-'';. For advice, in cases requiring , special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department,'! , The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. v , x : ROOM LEWIS, s ol Oeaaville. Teist, ss?st "I eas troubled at monlhlj Intervals wtth terrlbl pains In ray head and back, ' but hae Sets onlirelj rsiieiea b Wis I Carau' " vJAPANESC I ' 1 Jmu Maws !.,, V CURB A Nf n1 Cfwriplrte TrMtmt?nt, niting of RUPPOSITORIES, C-psulea of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Pile, of every nature nd decree. It makes an operation with the knife, which ia painful, and often results m death, unnecessary. Why ndura this ttrriblt titeitir wt sack a Wrilttn Guaranta in aaca Il Bok. No Care, No Pay . 50c. and $1 a box 6 for f Sent bv maiL Samples frea I OITCTMENT, 25o. and 50c I CONSTIPATION &:V7,.P,T. treat LIVER and STOMACH RKUULATORand BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pl-aatf In I Ba-e; awrsr-riallv ai-ianttxi for chilHre-n'. uv. r, f doses 25 cents. ; F R tT E. A vial oi these fornons little ?ellet will be Riven with a $1 box or more ol Pile Cure. NoTICg THK GRNUiHot FKESH JaPAIS&SS PlL Cm lur tuic gialy by F. S. DUFFY, New I 9, XT ! kwaartm- ta. -M earn til WltAttx mU JirtwrM ltt.i. , l IIAKVl 1'wi. r- .1 a I VirrfaeaaUv av1ta le wk a.miit. . linejkuwe a lien, roakurt !. el ' Vi Vi.ri. !! It IU.L i'rea.steai. J.aars II. bfcwk, bee y, B. K UUl.f Be'y. KXlCHTtr noXtiRtracerer KR Jews, Itarteloe; U L saaaa. Urtarsner. W f Kneatree, flesaal !trpenr Nee Ib-re Ledgm Sa. 4a stent lktd sad Frtrtsv airkie kt su e'rtocfc ia Kaeatre s Hail, l'altoea street. M". J0IIV8 LOIMjK. So. & A. V. et ki-H ; (leTk H 6 Prlsnmaa. W M; CkwftOisrs, 8 VT;C D Bradbsav J W; T A Grerw. Treaearvri W J Pill, bcrk erv; W W Clsr. 9 lTO Hte, J D. Kesralar I ooenenkkailoas M Wedaesday each SBoata. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, ISO 4, LU. O. F. Offlrstt-FK Hva.aa.CP; N C flua-be. II P- A K Ribtrd. K W: J L Moo.lv. J Wi 0 H llkil, fVrtb; K Gerock, Treasurer. Kenlar F.BCkiep sMat, 1st. Ird, and ih (il any) Tharaday Ights la aacb aaoaU at IM o'clock. ECREK UlDGR NO. 7. I. O. O. f OfflTr--0.llUlLN 0.; J. K Moody, V. G ; T. II. luuoe. H e'd. feCtv; J. K. Patter, Jr., Traas. Kearular meellng every Monday night at 7.S0 o'clock. baaroii ci.tKrftiMT a t. p. m, i. a o r Hticmn imo. kiHrver, tepulu; T. tt. Hy ikn. Urns.; l ,. peiletler, knal.kl Wsa. J f ilia, Cl-ra; s.4. Uiroel, Aeruanunv He aiar Ckinoamiuta, ad aiul tlk Tiiarsday a1ita la ea-h paoaitk all as) o'oloek il W aKRIR HAP-kH HU tt, k. A- M.t IRtearet T. al aireeb. It. P. k.l T. W. liewey.igrHiv; ika. trnttj-, C. II. Hra-lhajil, (terly. HeaUMr . UsaM IhMuifce eeeli aanaui. el. JiiMK-s tMMttlKtT Kit. tu. g.T.: txrweea -1 . laewr. K.C.; Jaa. kedruoad U. Hraiusai, C. S3.; T. f. Ms krkhy, Preikte; . . Puusttaaa, kmonirr. Resjaslki CoBWavea grta) aanl star rrulars ol toe moeta. i SKW s)Hst UMMJI NO. t, P. H AC.-J.C ftealee, Preel i J. II. Kn.fh, Heennllng aarty; St. at. UuMlefr, PlnandaJ iserty. Urmtm la knlklita of rtthlaa kail avorv lat akd trd aaeuneeiikj 1809 Will proye to the world that the bicycle is no lodger a fad, or a luxury, hut it has come to stay. It will show many im provements in Wheel and Sundries, Gearings, etc , and we will handle, none but thejvery best improved makes, and will sell them at a reasonable profit, Orit- it o0, Cleveland $40 and t)S0. Olive, 3.". other elegant high grade wheel) 20 and (S3. Braond band wheels from f! up. Also 101) pair Hartford Tnes vh itii we will offer at very low prices Dorj'l forget the Kdison Phonograph, vtliiclj we are agents for, price 130. We have everything that is kept In a First- Class Bicycle Establishment. RASKINS' CYCLE COMPANY. Planters Building. louthern ' Xuailway. ihe Standard Railway ot the SOUTH The Direct Line to all Points, TEXAS, : CALIFORNIA, ( FLORIDA, CUBA AKD PORTO RICO. ' Strictly Firsi-Class Equipment on all Through or LociTrins; Pullman; Pal ace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules, j Travel by the Southern andyou are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi, ttoua Journey. f Apply to Ticket A genu for Tim Ta, bice, Kates knd General Iuformatlon, or address F. E. DARBY, R. L. VERNON, c P. T. A, , T. P. a., Asheville, N. C. , Charlotte, N. C. FfiAKK S.JGANMOlf, . r J. M. Cl'LP, 8d V V &rn Mnn. Ttaf. Msn W. A. Turk, 0 P A. ' WASHINGTON, - D. 0. A Good Telephone SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS : ' NECESSITY, ' A 'HOME V CONVENIENCE. . A COM BINED . . ,' . , , , Necessity, Convfiilene, , Luxury ! Order Your Phone at Once! .ar4', BO YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE : r , " Traoc Marri K - Design ' r r f 1 COPYRtOHTt Ac Anvonn rrnfilng a sketch and dsr1itl"n maj tnlrkly asfrtnui our oj'inittn fra what hr an tiientton is probtiMr ptuentAhtft. Cunniitititft. ttnnsittrictlycoiiilcioiinal. )ian(ltnkon P14lb aent froft OMwt mrPiH'T lor u'curiDjf p?iii, , Fat em a taken thn.uuh Muiin h eo. raoelr tptfUiink, wltVioutci "-ee, la tbe t V V awa Jl.-.tllvv , hwnr?srnnif(T HlnT'M w-afciT. I ''". (Mf. cii': ; ii ,.f anr s.-i.- ' !;. t. i .. a J ' 'Iffl- "I Ua, !. t UJ ev tH'we. .- i. aiMUis uieaca roousa. ! i i Ouersi la i.-' . FenarVaa Il 1 1'asaertlBg la lis Allee tei-car i nt.l Theaxiak Bad Itufct Prvlrra. Tub Sex tHbUabr All as New. AU ike Tlaaa. hot at alms acat klkae ha eui. sea to he shgiadid by rkra.laiaiMal or partly saaksifciaal atler. EdMoriaJly, Talc Kr ia law CoaskveW aad Vocasagtag Cbaaiptoa aaal Defral der sat Papal ar Right aaal latere, is agalast political kaaqJiUM aaal Baoeopo lie of every characur. ladepradrat la all tklsgv stiresae la'aaaa. It I fur good laws, good revere karat sad good order. By Bull Fifty Ceal soallt. Dollar year. filx The aaAltsmsee Weakty ims The Wxxjiit 801 tsaUlabr all lb wt of each week, givlag com pins ac eooats of all events of laisrakt throne, h oul the world. The Wiaxlt 8s Is nsnrpassed as aa - AoBtccLTt kAL Parva It I odltetLby wrlt.r of practical b.aa .k.ku..l(.n.l..u.. and what farmer want In aa agrlcoltn- raj Journal. It contain regular report of lb work of lb Agricultarsi ei peri men t Mation throogbont the country, of th proceedlnr of farmers' club and insiltutea, aad tb discussion of new method aad ideas la agriculture. Its Market Report. Poultry Department and Veterinary column ar particularly raluabl to country reader. Th Poul try Department I edited by well-known poultry (Xpert, aad svery Issus contains practical Information of valus for poul try raiser. Poultry on many farm ha become a great source of revenue, and ; those Interested In this protHsbls Indus try will find th Poultry Department of the Wexsi.t 8m lovslnsble i th wsy Of suggestion, advice and Information, I very Issue contains Stories, Poems, Iousebold and Puttie columns, a variety . f Interesting and Instructive selected ; ratter and other features, which make 1 'it a welcome visltni in city and country I j tomes alike. if One Dollar a year. Inducements to ; fgetlers-up of club for tb Wrkklt Bin. Both the Daily and Weekly Sun mailed free of postage In tb United Ststes, Canada and Mexico. Payments Invaria bly in advance. Address A. S. ABELL COMPANY Publishers sad Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. The Best Whiskey in the World, a Pa Lla at the Palace Saloon. The Practical FOE- Christmas Gifts. Wo are showing 8t ck of Turk ish, East Indian and M orkh Drap erie and Embroide'tes. All adapted for FutnUhing Coscy Corner, Den and Smoking Rooms. Also Tabl Covert, Mantel Draper lee, Piano and Tabl Scarf. 4o. Ourexhlbltit to worthy thst we tnggest a trip to Raleigh to see it. Dobbin & Ferrall, . AT" TUCKER'5 STORE, , 138 At 125 Fsyetteville Street, RALEIGH, If. "tV II. W. SIMPSON, i i n n iiteciswru 68 Broad Street. Rub, Rub, Rub. ' And the constant rub will oon wear ouf your linen. Now don't let this con. tinue any longer, but let mo do your Laundry work. We don't rub your ihirta to piece, but wash them in a large revolving pool that flow with plenty of water. : We use the beet soap and guar antee no lye or soda. ' Call and see for yoaerelf. We wish to tieat our patron right. Bend o your Laundry, t -v ; KEW JBERSE STEAJI LAUrfDIIY, J. E. DAYBERRY, Man. EOIiCS JO 3B CHIRTEB Notice 1 hereby given thst apf I lest Ion will lie made to the next General, Assem bly of Sorth Carolina to amend fat char ter of tb Et Carolina i i1 f Oyster, Game nd lui-. ' : 1 i. tt , . j Frest, T. A. CRf-.LN. I-rta. OKORtiK GREE-N.h-crrta,. J. I. WOLFtSLIS, Cfi l kf.nl. To the Ladies ! Ws Wart just received la Nlceet Line ' of Bias or leal Plciurrs aad Salat Cerietia Pirlaree alao a Nice Lin CheffoBiera, Morri Cbairs, Toilet 8rU and Library Lamp. Any of the ankrh Cbriatmas Preerct. Price Rock Bottom. HI maks nice . - . J TURNF R I We I a I I a Iwa I Furniture Company, n Middle Street, New Berne, N. O. Russell House. While In Beaufort be (ore snd stop at th Rusell House. Flrat Class Board. A horn for traveling people. Fishing and hunting unexcelled. Terms $1.23 day or M.00 per week. O. A. RU8HELL Prop. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Houies aod Lou For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Home and Teueoients that will prove a tine invest ment. Collection or Rents a Specialty. Office al Roberts it Bryan's store, op posite post office E. E. HARPER. ICE FOR HOME USE Clean, pure, wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled wsler and free from impurities. Specially in tended and prepared for human con sumption. Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sundays (retail onlv) 7 a. m, to 13 noon. For prices and other information, address, New Berne Ice Co., a S. OUION, Manasib, Administrator's Notice UNDER MORTGAGE ! By virtue of power of sale contained in a certain tuortgago deed executed by Albert Gorum to Rosanna Moore, de ceased, bearing data of November 39, 1893, snd recorded in Book No. 113. Folio 304 8-7 ia the office of register of deeds for Craven couuty, I will as the Administrator of the estate of the said Rosanna Moore offer for sale and tell at Sublic vendue at the door of the court ouse in New Heme, on Monday the 0th dsy of February, ltsuu, (It being the first Monday In the month) at 13 o'clock m , to tbe hi -heat bidder for cssn, the fol lowing described tract or parcels of land situate in the county Craven and State of North Carolina, bounded as fellows: Beginning at a dog vood stump near the hous. of the late Samuel Dudley, Wil liam Mitchell old corner and running north 6, east 60 poles across tbe swamp to a stake thence south 481 east 39 poles to a stake, thence south 40 eaat 61 pole to William Johnson's line, thence soutn 71 west w poles with his line to Samuel creek, thence up said creek 130 poles to a gum on said creek and Manly and Bimmons mill, thence north 33t east 77 poles to the beginning. Also another tract adjoining the above tract being near Trent road about four mile from New Berne.known a Mitchell Island containing 135 acres more or less being th same land conveyed by E W Carpenter to Albert Oorum by deed bear ing data ot November 89, 1893, recorded in Book No 113, folio 2R4 and 365 in the office of Register of Deeds of Craven county and mortgaged by tbe said Albert Gorum to the said Rosanna Moore. Thtt 12th day ot December, 1898. ' Thob. F. McCabtbt, Administrator of Rosanna Moore. ; Administrator Sale ; of Real Estate. Pursuant to that certain power of sale contained in tbe mortgage deed executed by 0 U Wiggins and wife to Mary D Dewey on the 8ih day of August 1890, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 130, folio 158, 154 and 155, default having been made in tbe performance or the condition in the said Mortgage contain ed and the ssid Mtry D. Dewey having died Intestate and the undersigned hav ing duly administered upon her said es tate; Now, therefore, a inch adminlstra tor I will offer for sale and sell on Batur day, January Slrt, al the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Craven county, to the highest bidder for ; Cash, as provided for in said mortgage,' the . following valuable tract of land lying ou the north side of Neuse river, Craven county, containing one thousand acres, more or less, begin ning at a cypress on said Neuse river below Mud Seine Beach, running north with Dower line to Cltrve line, thence west to with Bear Pole Swamp to Hen rsbao's line, thence south with said line to Nancy Adams' line, tlienc with said line to Neuse river, tlience with said river to the beginning. Tbe same land that was sold hy E W Carpenter, com missioner to Alex Mitchell, deceased, by deed risted the 28rd day of February, A. D., 18t0, registered in book No. 83, pages 190 and 191, records of Craven county. ' This December lOt 1, W.t. Thi-3. F. MrCARTHY, Admiaintra r of M l 1'pwpv, dee'd- Yilmtle Liatis i . . Pu rsoe.nl to the powrrs Id ti.- 1 executed to abkh is reg'.aierrd in the oflioe of toe Un;!ler ol iwt.ie of Ctavea eon at y, Nortk Carolina, in boek No. 107, psge 445, I will sell at publlu auciloo st Ibo Coun Hnaa door of said Craven count v. on the tih dsv of March 1H0O. at 13 o'clock mid day. ail that tract or parcel of land situated In aaid Craven county on the sou lb (Id of Trent river, aboet i miles from the oily of New Bern, sad bounded and described a follows, vi: Beginning at th mouth of Cypress branch between Green Hill and Ksocoon Island at a marked cypress and running the various course of a id branch IBS poles to a place opposite aa Iron post ou the south east side of said branch, then in a line with said post from the ran, of said .branch 40 W 179 role to an Iron post in the north side of Oak Grove, then north Ho west 42 poles to soother iron pott, then w.iiib 4 west tflj poles to an Iron post, then north W west 36, poles tosn Iron aiie post In the lanil near a marked sycuiuore tree, then south 4" west to back line of Ilatcha lead then with said line eaatwardly to Dricea. crees, men down said creek to the be ginning, contsining l.OOO acre more o ess snd known as the Perrvvilla nlanta tlo. Terms, Cah. O. H Pirbt. Mortgage Male, Yalu able Town Lot. By virtue of the power of sale cop tsined in a rcrtalu Mortgage deed en cuted by L C Gotten and Marie Cott.j nis wile, on i lie 4th day of February 1H93, to Mark Disnswsv. dulv record. . in the office of tbe register of deeds c Craven county, In book No; 115, foli. i i. etc., sou en me zuiu any or Mar 1S:7, duly transferred and assignee me. : will offer for sale, at th bouse (ibo r. in Craven county, in of New Berne; State of North to the highest bidtlba-. for C' !th day of January, At-VeT M, all and singular the follow , ed renl estate to wit: One U rilh all the improvemeenta til uate in the city of New BenJ east side of Kilmarnock street T f n U 1 1! i U V i 1 1 11 bnnurn ma 1-,. V ' bounded as follows; Bcginnii northeastern intersection of ly street and llci.enstein alley, J iucihd uui tu niuiij itie eaei y street to the, southwest corf 137, thence cast along the k lot No. 17 to the southeasi said lot, iTo. 1S7, thence sot west line of lot No. 100 anil Kilmarnock street to Itelzen thence west along said alley ginning. Being the same cor deed from Cbas. Kel.ensleln an to L C Cotten and Maria Cotte This December '.Mb. 18H8. T. W. DEW. Assignee of Mark Dlsosw For Sale, Valuable F;l rursuant, to powers in lue it executed by John B Wooten dated respectively January 8, December 81, 1894. reeistereil office of the register of deeds oil county. North Carolina in bl pages 133 and 134, and book 11 1 348, 340 and 350 to which reft made. The undersigned will sell a auction for cash at the court hi said Craven county, in the city . Berne, on Monday the Snd dav v ary, A D, 1800, at 13 o'clock miduA idu; es, b land conveyed by said mortgages, eu anu oescrioea as follows, viz;. situated in sain Craven county. joining the lands of R G Cobb, Wooten, J J Sauls and J C Wooten, i taining about six hundred and ten ac being the same which was conveyed said John B Wooten by the lirirV Jacob Rhem by deed recorded In Crav.j county In book 05, foiio 509, to whi.f reference is made for more complete mi better description, saving and execpti? about 200 acres - conveyed to-. Lev Smith by deed recorded in Craven ci ty, book 73, folio 583; about 13'.f conveyed to J J Sauls by deed re1 in Craven county in book 86, foli, and about CO acres. conveyed t Wooten by deed recorded iu ( county, book 94, folio 531. Subjer mortgage in xavor oi l a Cu; 300 . . - ,! .;, ... L The Natiokal Bank -of Nb iin . " By JAMES ABRYA?1 , , nw oerne, iiovemDer 1, is. Notice of Administration. Eaviug dulv Qualified aa the siln trator of E M 81ms, deceased, all pel are herehv notified claims to me dulv verified on or bl November 35, 1899, or this notice wil pieaaea in bar or recovery J jvu persons lnaeotea to said estat requested to make immediate payi This November 25, 189K. J.J. WOLFENDEN i ' Adminlstrat Administrator's Notice" Having duly qualified as admi oi me estate or is ' .enthrall, on toe 13th day of December ail persons owing said estate notified to make proa pt r 1 All persons holdinJL-lni . estate are notified to p of the ' duly verified to tbe undij ,ned mi, istrator on or before DcoS mber 13, ' or this notice will be phSaded in their recovery. " ' ' : j-'-. '.J. M. REM, Admin'' December 13, 18!)tJ s. ROTICe OF ADKIKISTRAT! Havirvti duly oualifieii as the ii, trator of the estate of Kosanon ' deceased, all persons liav-niz gainst tue said estate c hert tied te present the k-.'ih' d'llv v me on or before the Tih ; vof 1899 or this notice will of Tecoverv. AH persons y- requested fo n This 7th day . j. E. &. r.. ( 1 aXa-k-k------'