u, but also . - ..a avkkn. it ie . : X .i ci.flo processes Intromits. JPia tirntr .1 wuh to Impress npoa .!:. j( purchasing tlx I ir,-.iil remedy. A li - rrrp ut l'i it snanafactwrtd i iiuoHni Kro Srscr Oo a ''in.lcJf il thai fact will ' e in kTui.l.nf the worthies us r.anuf.ctured by other par- I J l.iKh iWidinff of the CU- i I m nwp Co. with tbe ndl- mit, nd the eatiefacUoi v i i i he ir.'Q.iioe Kyrap of Fig he ( v million of families, ukM 1 i uno of the Company guaranty if ,. rrn llcitce of lu remedy. It It "r m ajrsnce of all other laxatives, . a . m li i the kidney, liver and Umi j without irritating- orweaken U:: i.'i(:n, and It doc Dot irripe nor -.1-.-at. lo order togetlta beneficial ' " 'v pirate remember lb aazM of t i c v.t uipan J- CAUPORNIAnG.STRUPCa . rKAXOMOa, Cat, " tili . k. saw renc .. THE JOURNAL. New Unra. N. C Jan. 1, 1S. KW AOTKkTIMKaBITIS. r.tectilur's Notice. O. Marks Co. Guess, Kuoitt At tba Book store. Uaitbew Quail on toast, ate. J. II. Ilackburn During 1898. J. a Willis Retura of Purchase. ). II. Waters & Son Baggies, etc Jno. 11 Matthews Confectioneries, McDaulel & Gssklll Thsnk tba publle V. II. Jones As Co. Parlor suits, ate. Business-Locals. TLwe)lin House with IS i Middle street next to Mr. Hugh . Either a part or whole for trot, i.i Mrs. U M. Hendren. 153 Mid get. , E moved my Printing office and ' Agency to 101 Sooth Front ext to Draney's, where I will be ' o see my friends and customers. f , Qrapbopbonet and Printing. I2. ; , Wm.T.Hiu. neat Beer always on draught, at .. Middle Street. A DAT Dt TUB CITT. n't write It ttS. New liern Academy will open iw, Monday, for Its spring term, noted. meetings every night at the an Church. Good solo chorus fibers to the Telephone service i nested to put No. 130 on their V. A. Porterfleld ft Co. erllser who want to be certain of g their, advertisements changed please hand them In before 5 pm. lernacle Baptist Church, H. II. .burn, pastor. - 8nnday school 8:80 a Preaching at 11 a m and 7:80 p m. are cordially invited. ' . i lie monthly meetibg of the Female nevolent Society will be held at the lie of Miss Metis, on Tuesday afiei on, January 3rd at four o'clock. . There was very little doing In the loci 1 .'.ton markei yesterday, prices ranging bout unchanged. . There will be no market tomorrow, Monday, January, :'!,!, 1SS)9. V .'.'.'.''- '.- -' V. ' ' "'host persons who have been .Invited e Democratic ball, at; Vanoeboro, ' cordially invited to attend the New u'fi Ball, which will be given tomor- , Monday night, at Vancebo. o. ' -.v iildle Street Baptist Church, Preach ng today at 11 a m, an l 7 pm, by the m' or l ight C. Moore. Sunday actio.) I p m., ''Everybody invited to these : es.l ' Strangers always cordially Mne. v - -r: ': , ' j Christian Science reading room., iven street, are open daily. Service r 10:30 a m, and 4:15 p m, Wednei :0 p m. Morning lesson, subject, Acts 17;25. ' Afternoon lesann, , The True Light; John, 1; 9. All Ome , J- ' !- : -i . O. Marks Company will place a : candle In their store window to , Monday noon, and 11 who ' bases of goods in their store i titled to a guess as to the time the candle will bum, the 1 guesser receiving the hind displayed in the show window. :.jr Drawn Mabbrd. . , front door of the store Lorch, : on upper Broad , broken in on Friday night, , trance to the store effected, uoneyV drawer was robbed of s in lt,bs amount being un Ko clj to the robber or rob- ure a happy new year, keep tl a ar and the body vigorous by Wilt's Little Early liisers, the ale pills for constipation and ilea. F. S. Duffy. ; 'APUD1NE HEADACHE ; Guaranteed to Cure ', Neuralgia, La Her.Jache, Etc. t I Dr: Stores. ., ki. J U lb lu roi6 w II b TS. BV.eaaae. The foricasl k for a cold wae here, today, villi a enatlaaaiioa of cold weather aaul Bait Taeeday. Tba teaiparalnra la expected lo drop rapidly, aoaia twenty or thirty degrees. . ritia at Cnnm Cwiy Tba report o( lb Beaih of Mr. J, W. May is brought lo tba Jot axaL. Mr. May died at bis boat la Maple Cypress, la Craven oooaiy, oa last Fri day, bis deals belaf das to peeaaacala. 11a leave Ira chlldrea to atosra tbelr I a. Nr. May was a farmer aad worthy cillien, greatly liked by all who knew him. ' S.S)fraMMr.ny, . An enjoyable oyster roast was participated- ia yesterday, afternoon at Tba Oaka, the following bring la the party: Misses Mohler, Brooks, Hyaiaa, Annie and Eoma 6tsverson. Uukia, Bettle Wlndley, Agnes Foy, Louise Den nikon, Carrie anil Addle Clsypoole, Itabel Bryaa; Meaara E A Sloat, WW Clark, Oulon Duun, N C Hughea, Mark Slavuason, J Leo Burma, D It Davis. '( ttsismN tM m The awarding of the handsomely dressed doll recently shown iu the front window of D. F. Jarvla store, wlioav name baa beaa tbe subject of aiauy gueasers, will lake place tomorrow, Mon day afternoon at 4 o'clock. There were ten successful guesser of thd do'.t'a asm, (Virginia Dare) and the following, who guessed correctly will pleake call and decide to wboni tbe doll shall be awarded: MIteee Annie Mace, Katie Street, Mrs. Knight, Xri U 1C Slovor, MIm Emelle Parket, Mrs O S Attmore, Bettie Sutton, Merlel (jrot , CII, Miss Leah Jones. 4-n. La Grippe is asin e I emlc Every precaut on ahuu d t lakeu lo avoid lL Its specific cure is (Jm Minute Cough Cure. A.J. Sbrpaid, Putjisher Agricul tural Journal and Aiier1Sor, llden. Mo., ssyr: "No one will be dWuprotal-d In usiuc One Minute Cough Cure toi La Grippe." Plea oLt to t k.', tjulck to act. F. 8. Duffy. Mlal Mnil. The splendid reception and enter ttlnment ahiidi Miss Mary Moore gave In honor of her guest, Mis Brooks, of Louisville, last Friday evening at the residence of Mr. L. J. Moore, od Craven street, will be remembered as the chief social incident of the holidays. There were halt a hundred or more ladies and gentlemen present. The rooms were brilliantly lighted and decorated. Misses Moore and Brooks, assisted by several Intimate friends received. An honr was spent In playing Progres sive Cp-Jenks. Mis Brooks and Mis Emma Stevenion won the ladies prizes. Mr. Lonl Moore, won the gentleman's prize. . v At eleven o'clock an elegant menu consisting of numerous delicacies was served. s Miss Brooks recited two selections in the bappleit vein and waa earnestly solicited by everyone to recite again. Miss Lizzie Hancock ssng a favorite song which added pleasure to the even ing's dntertaiument. Miss Mary Moore sun; a group of songs. She pouese a tine voice and" was highly complimented, Mr. Jas W Water accompanied the voraliala with his violin. Among others there were present; Mr ani Mrs E K Bryan, Mrs Wultford, Mrs C S HollUter, Mr and Mrs Jaa W Waters, Mr and Mr C B Foy, Mr and Mr Thoa G Hyman, Mr and Mra W P H Bryan, Misses Annie and Emma Stevenson, Sadie Holltater, Clementine Wbitford, Addle Claypoole, Bradford Hyman, Isa bel Biyan, Bessie Ley born, Lulle Ives, Belle Marks, Marie and , Ruth Mohler, Mary Oulon, Lizzie Hancock, Agnos and Annie Foy, Fannie Cutler. Bettle Wind ley; Messrs T W Waters, W W Clark, S K Eaton, D F Foy, J Leo Burrua, Jesse Claypoole, Win Dunn, Geo Henderson, 0 D Bradham, F R Hyman, H R Bryan, Jr, J G Dunn, Wm Fletcher, R A Nunr, Mark Stevenson. . . ISf OLDER TISEt ' People overlooked the Importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient actian; but now that ft is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanentlyoverconie habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but Anally injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. ,' . . : Try "Old Marster" cigar at Matthews, RvrvtcMbta 6fta. ' Some special offerings in Silk Um brellas, Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Dress Pallet na, Rugs, &c, l very attraptive prices.' ; Bahvoot's. , Fruits at Matthews. We wish our . many patrons a happy and prosperous New Year, and return thank for their good will and patronage. Yours for health, ' C. D. BiuodAU. Qnail on tnaat at Matthews. .-' C ' ri I'littlUI . a . L..'rkoa; la lw of God' ; t Ztni grace, too l!ti wsteoaaad atil irrlf (.brut aUJIcf preaeao, bxi litUe diacwrted and fall; lb Pptrtl (SMUace aad poaar, lae little dcairad aad yiliJ lot tbe pnvilrg aad daty al CkrUuaa linaaiiag, too lit U. prited aad Ulfulcd. MaU. T.U; TUas I II. Matt. attJOt JoU las, t. lo, Jetl John lfcT,,l, JohaKL; AcUl e. rrannaT jaananT Ibd . trratoMtt rainrn FaaaUlea and acboola, Prayer: That lb fasally aaay be irveieaced as a divine tnslltuitna; that all feanilr aaay be held la the blaiiad boad of aaulaal love aad ataal honor, that, aader God, paraatal affection may caeriah Utialbovd Into joy, aad parental eaaaapl lasplra la aolilanaa of llfr, aad that whatever la againM lb Christlaa Uaal of the family Bay be opposed and vereoaa. That all edaoaUoa aaay be more aad saor valiMlTlbat tna lb highest well being of both community and Ballon may be cured, aad Christ be all and la ell IV to: laa-Moc Mat 4:0; Bpb.I lo; Job W:KkEpk.10,lL WIDNKKDAV, JAJtOant 4T, TAaaSKACUl urm encaoa. ' Borne MUiloas Prayer: That Indi vidual Vhrlstian may feel their aacred obligation to do tbelr unoat toward making their own lead Immannel' land: may realise tbe unity of tbe natioaal w.ifar the peril of one member being lbs li II of all; and may fully perceive that the (saltation of tbrhl In tbe borne land advances Ills klagdum in all lands. That Homo Missionary organization may be endued with the Spirit of lovr and power; may worthily tajy t be com plete confidence of the churches; and that they may aeverally move forward In practl.-al Christian comity and tnolual helpfulness. Ea. 85: S0-X0; Ia. tit; ti lt, i; 82:8; 1 Cor. 1Z: 4 6. TH UHSriA V, JSKCART 5TB, MrilDLK STRKZT BAPTIST CHl'BVH. Foreign- Missions Pryn ThJt la dividual Christians may lender lojl obedleuce lo their Savlunr's last .emu mand, and take fresh courage fruia bia last promise. That our Foreign VI i slooary organizations may be filled .U CUrlstlike devotiou, and Chrmlike.'Kjv tiwaid each other; and may ever be mindful of the new lessons which ei peilenre teaches. That or miasionarlea may be gloriously lucceksful, being divinely enabled to reeogniz providen tial leading, and lo maks fuil am of the wltues to Uimseir, which God has pre set ved in even heathen land. And that, to save the lost, miasionarlea of the Cross msy speedily be seut to the veiy end of ths earth: Mark 16: 13; Act 10: 84; 35; Acta 17: 23; Rom. 2: 15; 10: 14, IS. Service will begin at 7 30 p. m. All are cordially Invited. PKaiauaAI. Mr. George N. Ives, left yesterday for a short trip to Raleigh. . . . Prof. T. R. Foul and family returned, last night from a visit at Graham. Mr. Owen H. Guion, returned last nl jht from a business trip to Raleigh. Mrs. J. C. Watkins and son Cutler, re turned last night from Washington, U. O. Mrs. E. T. Berry and children, n turned last night from, a visit at Tub carora. . . , , Prof. Andersen returned last night from Wilson, where he has been spend ing the holiday.. . . Miss Ett Nunn, who ha been spend ing tbe holiday al home, left yesterday for Hancock's Creek. Mr. U. A. Harris, Supt. Henderson, Telephone Co., returned last night from a week' visit at Louisburg. Miss Gertrude Davis, of Beaufort, who ha been visiting her sister, Mrs. Chsrlea It. Thorn, left last night tor her home. Mr. S. H. Neal and little daughter,and Mrs. Elizabeth Neal, returned last night from a viait to Mr. J. H. Bell, at Wash ington, D. C. . . Mlas Annie Cbadwlck returned last night from Kiniton, where she baabeen spending the past week visiting relatives and friend, - v..-.' BBCKLSN'S ABHICA SALTS. ' THE BEST SALVE in the world to Cuts, Bruises, Sore, Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever . Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 95 cents perNbox. For sale by F. F.Duffy. i : v" rear trvl)r;ra. - iSealed proposal will be received by the Secretary from thi date to January 10th, 1889, for rental of Restaurant, Fruit and Confectionery, Sandwltcb, Barbecue and Cigar Privilege during Ihe 12ia Annual Fair of Ue Eaat Caro Una Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association lo be held In thi city Feb ruary 2025, 1806. : .' Geobge Gjiekn, Secretary. Baantks TIlS too Vw IllflJWS tejIS gig-iatus f - A full line of Express Wagons, Veloci pedes. Frames, Pictures die. for tbe holidays, low down t R. Ulrlch'. , Oysters, lialf shell, Hoast or any ityle at Matthewa. , Tlie finest beef ever sold in. New Berne now at Oak Markot. Turkeys,' geese, ducks,- chickens at Oaks Market. - , Cpuntty lard 8 centa per pound at Oalf market. ;..r. rirrLL ' JuiaL la loukfhf over k:th ot U J as al each mora ia. I toil tb slit f eaadidalM plae t( ibeakaeifM bcTur tae v. Mow all I bia U eatattag aerbapa, bat Aem M a at look i'k all -daaipbliL nm to at aorh cnuabl tor foo! Boalaeaa meat be mighty poor wbea sack a crowd want la get late petty Oeaa watch, lb bawl of is, hardly pars taoogb fof a CoeaferubM Ntiag. A eoara every oa te bl cketos bat to the Mtaide apeetaioe It looks like aa aaeemly tcraacale or la repeat, "dm- paoouaeaa.- I fracTToa mnstMss tMS Pa !. Co, Jot as a i WJtboat detract lag from the clalaae or Vlu of etber gea tlaasen wboae naaaeai bar been maalloa d a Jcaadklau fof the mayoralty of IS city, I dafclre to preaeal the BMrlia t f our highly eemd tills sad christlaa reoilecnaa, Mr. Willi sa Dais for Mayor, subject to rail Seal lota by la majority of the Dsmaaratle aoaer at the epproacfc lag priaury electioa le be held oa Jaa aary H, ti, ' Mr. Duaa ha afrkyt beaa loyal te Democracy, a liberal cjoairl halloa of hU means la it aopponl has aever held a political 0010, belong! to no political faction. He is oa of oar moat enter, prising clliaraa, beia eoasMCted with many industrial Interest of the city. Aa Praaklent of the East, Carolina Flak ft Agricaltaral Fair aa given year of hia Urn aad alteatloa without atlat, at great penoaal tacrine, wlihbut rwrd, aav the merited praise of It Ncee, to which hi (fort contripaied so greatly. And truly may It be ai) ear Fair weald have long tlace.beea anlrrdaaoanl recol lection of ibe paabut lfor kit tlrele eaerjey. II has done muck for the de velopment of oar iracklo ( IntereM which bat been so beneficial I all ele of our community. Ue I I deed a maa of affairs, practical, liberal and energetic, ad If elected would nn oobtedly wear the ermine of thi high sad honorable position with great credit to hlmatlf and II tbe people would feel j utly proud of having beat owed apoa be it highest tun. r. "Let tbe office tee k tbe man." ' AMti Factiox. EFEIIDIIIII THE NATION. Cetrri is tttr cn trf tenting. La grippe. lung troublce and othc? dbeaare of the tnulcou mcn , branp take hold of our people and fatal results follow with alarnllnjr fre- where the membrane are tlcan and healthy. I Mra. Lou Darin, Fayetteville, Tenn., tells in her letter how Dr. Hartman'a great catarrh remedy, Pe-ru-ha, cored her of la grippe and serious Ibng com plication. Bhe any i " I was afflicted with a disci monly known as 1 grippe Mro years ago; 'the doctor eaid I had consump tion. I got one bottle of Pe-ra-na and the second night my cough htopped. I took several bottles, and I will any that I believe I would be a dead woman now if it had not been for Pe-n i-na. Mary M. Pruitt, Palpo, Mo., aye: Pt-ru na Mtdicint Co, Celumt is, 0. " I had la grippe for three u ceaalve years; it seemed to get a tight :r hold on me each year. . It seemed I waa ia the jaws of death. What had helped ma kfnM M ma( (Ia nw an ' irood. UC W nvu.M hw ..w jm W 1 saw an advertisement of Pe-rulba. I procured two bottle and it cured an. I have sot felt any aymptom since. You may uaa thia in any walr jr please. Almanac fofthe'year 1899. Ask any druggist for free Pe-rn-na A New ?i;ai' Recepiion Or any of the social function that alwav iiccur at this season of the year, require the man who would be correctly dniosed lo have a new style evening drea suit, such as we make in tuch eiqulatte style and finish. We will make you a handsome Dress Suit from Broad Cloth, a business suit or Prince Albert or cuta way coat that is perfect in fit at a reason able price. F. II. Chadwlck Mildlestreit. , NEW BERNE, N. 0, J. H. Matthews ! . lii Middle Street. DEALEtt tX ForelgiiJjHntl Domertle FRUITS! Hot & Cold Lnnch, '. ) Oyater in ny Style. Confectioneries, Cigars Tobacco dtc. J mm -r : i fc- f M-AJcdrkiSki V M a v w caiae ! faffi 1 Eagle caijd t 0U IUUSnTTO rkHPHUT Bl m tUV HUUMCU. " Mtw tnaM OMBtmea FOlt JIAYOll. At theaarswet e-lirtalloe of a iiaaw; tm say irteooa aad IrUner etiuasw, tepte lally tmai Ui Uborlag , I kave Ooaarated ko beona a cmadldaie before Ik Dtmnrimttc PninarWe for the anmt atlloa fir Mayor of tbe ciiv of hew ttrra aad I brty aaawuaea myerlf a a candidal forth poMikoa. 1 also take Iki. nr.M.ioa la dsual myarlf to abide by tbe eipreaaed mMM i 00' 01 01 ro,k-"d mf moW Um Pimoeraim votevo at the primariaw7, J. K. LAND. aaa wiu swpport le goo lailb waoevwr hi aomiaaled. Reauctfullv, W. F. HILU Xaowa amoog bks fnrad aa Big fJlrl. Announcement I . . , . 1 " rfrrrl 1 tW',,?lh W V "4 folly ak the trotea of tna Deasocrau at Ik. BU- 1 k. .A.. 1899. I kav votrd Ihe Drotocnukc tiok- t thirty year. Have iwtvr held any ' political offlcr. Reapecifully, ( J.J. TOL80N. Tax Collector! ' I hereby announce snyaelf a eandidale for Tai Collector of lb city ot New Berne, and aolicil tba aupport of Dem Ot mile voter al the approach! UK prl-nia-y bm cling, oo January 10th, 1890. WALTER DUFFY, 51 AT TIIK SOLICITATION OV MAXV FRIENDS. I IIKREBY AXNOONUK MY KLK AS A OANMDATK K0U OFHCKOFCIIY TAX l Ul.l.KCiUK OKTIJii ClTi" OK NKW ItERNK. "IK ELKCTKU I PROMISE A FAll'HrUL SKRV1CK. 5A!tUEL R. BALL. VI -is ! To the tniicrHtIc Vi Um of the City of lV?w Heme:' I liertby knnounce myself a candidate for City Clrrk and Tax Collector of the city of New Berne. My Democracy has alwiys been ODqufsiLned, and 1 would re sptcl fully ask the votes of all Democrats at the primary vote to be held atethe poll. Very He.pectfully, J. M. HOWARD. I AtBook Store I! ! 1 I CHRISTMAS ItEMKANTS 5 SI a I I S 88 PER CT. S Turner' Old Reliabl ? s Almanac for 1899. fi. H. Ennett I, overside' Lots Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. A complete water and sewerage system to be introduced. Only $250. Balance $1 Every ratn of moderate means, and every man working on a salary, may own a home. Bay a borne and pay for it Iastallmenta. More than one half of the lota have been taken. If you want to got In oo the GROUND FLOOR Mow 1 the Time. . - - No Taxes. - . ' I will pay the Uxea until you hv fully paid up, and received your de d. Free Improvements. All improvement, uch a Slreeta. Side Walk, Shade Trees, &c, will be made and completed at an early date, without expense to purchaser. ' WHY PAY RENT ; When for $& Cash Down and Payments of 11. per wek, you ran hoy a Desirable Lot, tod alter tbe lt ia putd for erect a Handsome Collage, to be paid for in month ly installments. Or it you want lo build at once, for $250. Cash and small monthly payments you can buy a lot aud boild a house, In a good locality, where values are absolutely euro to advance. . - - r- - T -1 - - ; - Under my home building system you can build at once after a cash payment of tha Vnltie of the lot, I will build for you a house, or will advance- you the money to build . .-, You eillnmnah Imth nrinrlnal and interval hv monthl V Installments, natd ex- tantlv t.h atiniM na rent hut Willi llna HirTffifiw-A if nairi for rent, everf dolhur is watted, if paid nuder my system, every dollar ia saved. , A more favomble opportunity will never be offered, to provide a home. Ton should act at once, eiae of Lot SO x SOU feet. . ' Map ahowtng lota, and for any further Information yon may desire, Apply to Cciidziised Milk. lHTITUfBABltS"Sol VcsrV tm AH.CATiO.. Hkm Ca m. :TO TUE VOTEIW! OF THE City oflVew Ilrn: I deelre to anaoanee that I am a caa dxUu for tba office of Chief of Police of tbe eity ot New Beta. I refer the puhlie la my record while I we a Police omoar of la diy. aa to .my fliaeae to fill the TO THE DCIOCRiTIC VOTERS OF HEW BERH. . 1 bareby aBBOoace myartf a eaadidate for the oOoe of Chief of Police of tut .peem-lf electedtod.1 Ihe be for the good ot the cltywd the ezecntloa to that office. , v - . rf J JAMES T. LEWIS. Announcement ! I hereby ao source that I am a candi date for tbe office of Tax Collector of the city ot New Bern, and ask the aupport of my friend. DENARD W. ROBERTS. Announcement I I am a candidate for all the trade In j Clcare, Conf.ctlonery, ic. C 4. MoSORLEY. To the Democratic Voter of the City of New I'erne: I hereby aincucce mvM-lf a n c indi date for lb ottiru i.f Tax Collecler. aud ro.p cllu:y -k ihu v. t . t-t hIi I Vino crau. 1 have nver Chi 1 to vote nt any etevllon. Very H-H-ctfii:y, L. r. WOOD. TO U DEMOCRATIC YOTEES Of the City of New Berne. Al tbe solicitation of my many friends I hrrvby annoiiut-o myself us a randidute J.r I hi position of Chief ot Police and if eltcled promise lo diachaie the duties faithfully. Reepect fully, JOHN M. 1 1 AUG ETT. WOW X7H1LH GOODS At Dufly'tt Drug Store. : CALL AND EXAMINE. -Aluminum and Enamel Trays. Comb, Brush and Mirror Hrts, Complexion Brushes, Puff Boxes. Toilet Atomizers, Cologne. Extract. Toilet Wa'era, Keep Clean Hair Brushes, uizell Daly & Co.' Special Line of Empire Extracts, tome thins; extra fine. A (pecial drive in Leon Marganet & Co.' Entract. 8 ox. bottle for $1 00. and other good too numerous to mention. $5 Cash Down. 00 a Week. WILLI AH DUNN. n o o u tl o n o o o CI o o a o o o ci u a o GUESS HOW CANDLE WILL BURN. 0 00 We have placet ia one of our front window a very bur ranJk ahich we aitl light Monday at 13 o'clock and to the one that peaara the rwnreet the leagth of time I lie ranJIe will bunt veiUprtaratFUEKthebrautifntPmFil 1V.11 ia the in Jow. - Tbe Goeetce are Abeolutely Free U) cuj-v one that tuakea a parrhaae. Gneat a often at jou make a purchase. Holidays Are Over. Now that the Holidy are Over, jour thought tun to omething more terioai than Gift, Tova, etr., aud we have ome good new for yon. Cloaks and Capes. Trying to keep op full aMortmcnU ha left ns with more garment than we usually carry at thi teaaon. n e chop the price off about one-third and expect to make short work of them. $12 60 Jackets 10 00 9 00 8 00. 6 00 Cape are reduced in the lame proportion and these value are tuch that ought to command your immediate attention. The garment represent the bVtt workmanxliip that is pos tihle and the newest Style. Fur Collarettes. te also have a few Itir Collarette t hut must be sold at Q once. s s a o a o o a o o o a o D They are principally black $4 00. They were 4 00 to f 6 Picture St mi new picture f mines, for enihroiilerinpr, liatc just Im ch O receiml. The fram and piee uf s-UimiH'd linen aiv together ff and the price is 3fc. q Some fancv f mines are 50e. Art Squares. A belated ahipnient of Art Siimres lias jus; ln-en opened. They ure none the leant pretty because tliey mv late. hihI the prices lire low for such iinlitv of nil wool Sjtiaus. 3 2 vds l 60. 3 x :j yds fl! 00. 3 x 3 vds f i 50. January 1. 'oococcccoocoooo oooceeooFS JS9SSSSSS3SSS3SZ. LOOK OVER And See It Need Bed I!pom Suit Parlor Suit Sideboards Pining Tablet 1 lining Chair Morri Chairs Fancy Dockers Cheflonier . Hall Racks Roll Top Desk Ltdiea Desk OotnbinationJCases Book Cases Brass and Iron Beds FRANC. H. J0NE8 & GO , i 87 MIDDL.E STREET. F0R SALE I. ;' DWELLING HOUSE 'AND t LOTS SITUATED OH NATIONAL ATE. House has ten room., with all modern Improvements, water, sewerage, etc Location very Fine and desirable resi dence property or Inveetment. For term apply to . J. F. TAYLOR. A Day After the FEAST. Our Stock of AIR RIFLES intended for the Christina trade arrived a day after Christmas. Now they MUST BE SOLD. -, . ' And we will obV them LOW DOWN in order to dispose if them. - Tour Tra'y, J. C. Whitty LoflG THE o a o f) o C) u o o n o o o u o o o u o n o o u a o o a o a o o o a o are now $0 50 7 60 7 00 6 60 4 60 o a and the prices now 00. are fe 00 to t Frames. o CI o THIS LIST You Do Not Some China Closets l'ictures K isel Lamps Onyx Tables Polished Tables Carriage Kobes Far Rugs Velvet K.UK8 Tapestry Rues Smyrna Hugs Carpets -Mattings Carriages. THIi." - Time Has Come Amid the-great vii'e'y if article, wLIch can be oi taine I At Whitehurst's For Chriftma Prescn'e. Especial attei t on i calhd to the CHINA TEA AND UINNEIl SKTS. Yon can make up the m t lo suit voi r taale in any number of prices from beau tiful patterna. ' ; ; Doll Carriages and Wagons. Toy, Velot lpede and tloraes, '-, - ; No. 4S Pollock Street, HOTEL NEUSEE, NEW BERNE, - N. C. J. M. RICHARES0N, Prop'r. ' Terms, Per Da. f i So. Can accommodate a few Regular Boarder. . , '' " ':. .Tiiv;';. v,'. v Special attention glvoi to the travel ling pnbllo. ;, !''- a Uea r

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