' f ' ' , J StW BIKf, f. Cm THLDil VOSIISO, ftSCIRT J, US3. TOL XTI-KO Kl. ESTABLISHED MS.. I 1898:, Its . ffS WehavommlrrriTT effoft to ee" coatoetter IN full worth for every wat eyeSt with m and the' fk Lirgr itnmgr ncordej t warrant! the Mief ft, that our i (Toil liaebti appreciated. IfOR THE COMING YEAR! fl We promise incmuvJ cuergy, if uch be poaaible, fl and Mieve that our Experieuce. Ample Capital and Implicit Belief that it i good policy to com- fl Line UKillEST QUALITY WITT! LOWEST fl lmsiHLK 1'KICKS will mty it to the iutereet uf all U ffive us their pntrotjpxe. W No other nmf in this cUf cover each a etofk . ami we think we can truthfully My. that 2? ii other etiiMihmeiit can offer Ton each advn- t J. H. HACKBURN, pollock strut AN KXIIIKITIOX OF HIGH ;iiaii: FOODH and CIidmo l'rovlion. that will iimp''' ruell-'enw mi our up- tit il.iii- .... !) .... i.t.K. c 1 Klmoifi: urn ilm "r llmii in. Sniftir ( nnil tt.jn tii'il Kri'at fhl Itiimn i ili l'c i. n f .r j"iir Hri KU'wl I'll a ii'lil im. irmni;. a,d mir line iiyiliii f Khw nd Rimalnl tITvm nnil 'lmii-f Tea. Ineakritst tU ami we invite nininriyn with in I'liev ami Q inlily. I i.x UIvit IlmtiT in 1 HMinil u-kir alwavx Ii.hiiI fn-Hli from tin- I n.r.v . J. R. PARKER, 'Phone 69. JOHN DUNlSr, Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Confectioneries FOLLOCK STREET.! NEW BERNE, N C. IN MAKHSilG Give Something . Our Kid Glove Strck ' kinds and at all PrioesT to complete Our Imported Dress Kid Gloves arc as good as any glove made. . v We can give yon Undressed Kid Gloves' from 50 Cent a pair np to $1 50. We also have a good line of Boy'a and ChildrAj's Gloves and Mitten. ' SHIETS, c35C- ' ' ; Oiirtock of White Shirts ia Complete and I lie Sly lea aie Numerous, t We have the Latest Shape In Collars and Cuffs. . , V . ' - . We have Some Now Styles In Men's Half nose at, all Prices. tlnndkeicliiefs are always needful and our stock ts new in both Linen and ' Silk Qualities., "t f P; CM! yy I . sjjf !T i VI VI M VI VI VI VI VI Vl VI VI VI VI VI j'.''j JR., GROCER, 77 Broad Street. Useful as Well as Ornarhental. . . and up-to-date. and up-to-date.: We have Clove of all 6 CH 57 tltreeU TBI TOT BAT. ..SalW ' IMH StaafclB trinl lmrmf a a. a. ..I. a. Special te JoeraeL RaLus, X. C, Jsaoary 4 la Us Udtliure aQ Iba ameers aad dark van elected aooordlag to caacaa aoant aaiioaa. Jedge H. O. Oaaaot waa aoaaiaalad la ike II ow ay Lock Craige, eeeoaded by Laa 8. Orersaaa. raet applause greeted Connor tak ing Ike oath ef efflce. laaac U. Smith, laa eolnrad aMaitiar from Craven, yotad for Caor, and broagkl do we tbe koaaa wllk laughter aad applause. Administering taa oalk took aa hour a taa Hoes. Foer ebrs affirmed laataad ef laklag tka oalk. raaolalloa waa Introduced, to look to tka pa bile printing mailer, efur tka electloa of officer, aad tba House adjourned. Ia tka Bcaate tka Fusloniats made no aoaalnatloaa. Oa motion of Senator BrowB. taa ralaa of tka lejitUlur of 18M war adopted. Saaator Gleaa lauoduoed a reeolutloa radoelng tba aalarie of all employee to fonr dollan par day, which ander lb apBloa of rule wa ananimoudy adopted. Benata adjoaraed aatil tomorrow at twelve o'clock. Manage of Governor RuaaeU'a not read today, but will be tomorrow. The eontrau ia Ike Hoara are from Greene and Pamlico conntie. A. E. f. Paul Perry, of Coluuibua, (ia, tuflered agony for thirty year, and men enreu hi Pllea by aaing De Wilt' Witch Hazel Halve. It heal injuriea anil akin illncaw Ilka magic F. 8. Duffy. McKIRLET'S PDBPOsr. tlaHaaalr raw tka laanraasia Waiiikoto, January 8 General Oil, commanding at Maulla, baa cabled the War Department that In hi opinion General Miller baa the aituation well in band at Hollo, and fully understand the Dumoae of the Preaident not to crowd the Inaurgenta unduly. I la highly dealrable that ahoitilccol llaion between the American forcci and tha Inaurgenta be avoided at all hazard, at leaat Dendlns the ratification of the peace treaty. A General Miller under. tend thl purpote en the part of the Preaident, be will be guided by it, and mar be relied upon to resort to force only under compnlalon. Official here are now fully satisfied that tba troublea at Hollo may be traced directly back to General Rioa, who waa the unior Spanish army officer In the Philippine group, and directly in com mand of the Vlaayaa group, including the principal Island of l'anay and the olty aad garrtaon of Hollo. General Otis' report ahow that though bealeged with eight hundred solder in Hollo by a superior force, the position of tha Spanlacd was thoroughly tenable They had repulsed every attack of the Inaurgenta and had Inflicted great loas upon the latter. , There was no reason why tbey should not have held out In definitely. Thl wa particularly the case in view of tha knowledge on the part of the Spaniard that by the term of tha treaty the United State had under, taken to carry them back to Spain, In Tolving, of course, their release from the lege at the earliest practicable moment. It Is significant that Rio delayed the evacuation of Hollo until be became in. formed that the American were coming, and there Is curiosity here to learn how that Important . Information reached Hollo In advance of tho movements of the American transports. Undoubtedly It was cauveyed by a vessel, and there may be a question raised as to the legltl macy of ttanamltting new of American Intention In advance in tbi fashion. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds and throat troubles lead rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like It. F. S. Duffy. TH MASKETI. Yesterday's market quotation! furnish. ed by W. A. Porterfleld A Go. Commission Brokers. v . ' -4 Nw Yobx, January 4 - ' . 5 STOCKS. . Open, High. Low, Close Sugar... 12 120 133 135 Am Tobacco.-... 143 1481 981 45 , 831 1351 1.14, 1311 148 981 44 , 331 124 118 130 147 08 44 33 J. 0..... M. O. P P.AR.. ...... a B. & Q, ... R. I. ...A.... 8L P.......".. L. St N Peoples Gas.. 981 45 33 135, J14t 181 041 109t 135 641 -041 .1101 100 M.C.. 55- CO ' 65 61 COTTON. Open. HhrhLow; Close March.., 5.53 657" 6 538 5S CHICAGO MARKETS. WhbaT ., Open. High. Low. Cle May 70 71 70 71 CoBN . -. . .' v '.' ' "' ; :' May ...... 87i - 87 871 87 Both your health and purso may be benefitted by bavfhg your prescriptions j- one yon send will be treated right and you will get wbat is asuea "something just as good." for, not 1SSEMBLT OFFICERS Five Eep.tiEiIatiTt. to llis Pta Werk af Kesalea Belaf JttelM ta. reefrderete Basaar Keferee la BaakraaUj Far Faartk . District Neva lUata, JoCaaai Hoaaao. I RaLaraa. M.a.Jaauary 1 It wa 1:30 tbia ssoralag before the Senate aad Boaaa Democratic caucuses adjoaraed. Tba large a umber of caa- didaiet made Ike aelactioa for tka tffleee and clerkibipa a (low pmceaa, mora tkaa on ballot being required la many caaea, Tba chief interest centered la tka election of Speaker of tba Uodae which resulted la tba choice of Judge H. G. Connor of Wilson. Tba contest for Speaker wa aa entirely friendly one Mr. Connor bas served one term la the State Senate aad two term aa Jadge of tba Superior Court. Hi honorable ac tion In refusing to allow hia name to be put on the fualon ticket while en the Democratic ticket will be recalled Walter Clark took tha place refused by Judge Connor. He Is much liked and has a kindly and Interesting face and white balr. The following were the principal of ficer elected In the Senate: Chief Clerk af the House, Brevard Nixon, of Meck lenburg. Door-keeper of tha House, Stall men of Macon. Principal Clerk of the Senate, C. C. Daniel of Wlloa Engrossing Clerk of Senate, F. A. Cll nard of Catawba. Reading Clerk of Senate, Waller Murphy of Rowan. Ser- geaat-at-Arm of Senate, J. B. Smith of Cumberland. First Aeaiitant to the Principal Clerk, A. J. Maiwell of Col umhua. Ft rat AaalsUnt to Engrossing Clerk, H. L. Godwin of Uarnett. The Senate a'so endorsed Mr. E. B. Norvell of Cherokee, for Enrolling Clerk. A E. Stevens and Mrs Margaret Buaboe Sbipp wero elected assistants to Enrolling Clerk. In the House Brevard Nixon ef Mack lenburg was elected Chief Clerk and W U. Stallcup of Macon, Door keeper. Great interest was shown in the election of door-keeper, no leg than twelve can didate being put In nomination and 1 the nominating peeche were modela of 1 and forciblonoaa. Tbe Yarboro lobby I always filled it to vrertlowlng when the legtslatars are not at the cspltol. The caucus for office w 111 not give place to the discussion of -the message to be passed at this most Im portant session of the Assembly, Lit tie discussion hs been Indulged in aa yet, at leaat a openly axprewed opln ion but tbe sentiment on the more Im portent measures is being quietly form. ed. Tho gathering of the members In the Senate Chambei and tba House demon. strates what has been claimed of newly elected body, that It I the finest Legislature that has met In many year. Quiet, orderly, and extremely buaineas like, they make a floe appearance. The opening of tbe Legislature was at 12 o'clock today. As usual there wa large attendance. Many ladle were In the galleries. The desk used by Governor Vance ill not be sold as it was stated, but instead will be given 'to tbe State Museum. There will be held here beginning January S4th to continue until tha 38th a big Confederate Bacaar under the direction af the Daughters of tha Coa federacy aad tbe Ladies Memorial As sociation. The ladies are all anxious to make It a success for they desire to put the Soldiers Home In a good condition. The Confederate Veteraas Convention will be In aesslon then and. tba Legisla ture will be asked to make a decent ap propriation for tka Home. -, Mrs. Margaret Bushes Shipp, widow of Lt. Sblpp who waa killed in the battle of Santiago was one of the ' appointees to a Legislative clerkship last night. Judge Purnell appoints Samuel B. McIUe of Fayettevllle Jemperary referee in bankruptcy for the 4th bankruptcy district. This embraces Wilmington and Fayottevllle. . AOAIN SILVER ISSUE. Maya ' halrmaai Jaw .a Wirt ha Dtaieerall War try. Chicago, III., Jan. 8. William Jen nings Bryan, it is said, will have his own way and in a short time will sound the keynote of the national democratic cant 113 ' patgn of 1900, which will be silver at the 131 ratio of 16 to 1. r 64 ' The fight against trusts and monop 110 lies and opposition to Imperialism, colon- ization and expansion will be issues, but ' subsidiary to that of s(lvor. 8llrer demo- ml8' ,llver P"bllns and populists """" J'u ogemer in mo couum ami, as in Mr. Uryan will be the leaner. I This was settled unsn at a meetinz of the ways and meaus committee of the i" CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. . T)a VlnA Vin )'" ff - Bears the STY r ' Signature of ( A I - i j aLales the food more aaUoael dt.rU oeatasJltee, wkkk bagaa today aad lasted aatil far la to lb eight. Tkoa praasal were National Chalrsaaa Jesse K Jonea. Senator AUea of Nebraska; fiiratar Governor Altgald, of Illinois .ad W. U. (Colo) Harvey. repreaeallag tka aeiloaal doaaacraUa eowiailltae; BeeLlor Tillman, of Colorado former Coograaamaa Toaae, of Mlaae sot, and former Senator Dakota, of Idaho. After tba meeting, which took plana a Senator Jones' room at the Auditori es Anaex, Senator Jonas aald: l am profoundly oeaviocad that tba platform of ltVX) will be eaiouii Jly tbe same as that ofltOfl. Tfce free-ail vor plank will be a ttroag a ever, and the ratio will undoubtedly be the ama. though the queslloa of ratio 1 aot tba question of tilvar. Ia my oppioion the outlook could aot be brighter or mora encouraging. Tba republican kave failed completely to carry out their premise, and are de pending oa the war for Issues. Tbey seek aay aort of ublerfuge to keep tba people away from tha thoughts that have made total failure of all promises made. But the people are thinking. They will not forget the campaign of 189iL" Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If il faili to cure. 25c, Tbe genuine has L. It. Q ou each tablet. Speaking of shows, not one has a show compared with showing Anwsy's Croup Syrup has made curing children's coughs and croup. Wish wo had room to give the hundred of testimonials of Ita merit. 33c at Bradkam's. Mew Atrivaia, We have just opened two bales Sal teen Covered Comforts, at the unusual low price tl.48 each. Bakkoot's. Fur Sale, Valuable Farm ! Pursuant to powers in the mortgages executed by John li Woolen and wife dated respectively January 8, 1890 and December HI, 181)4,' registered in tbe olnce of the register of deeds of Craven county, North Carolina in book 103 pages 123 and 124, and book 115, pages Z4n ana 24U to which reference ts made, Tbe undersigned will sell at public auction for cash at the court house of said Craven county, In the city of New Bern, on Monday the flth day February, A D, 18tr3, at 12 o'clock midday, the laud conveyed by said mortgages, bounded and described as follows, vis: Situated In said Craven county, ad- inlnins: the lands of R G Cobb. B 11 Woolen, J J Sauls and J C Woolen, con taining about six hundred and ten acres, being the ssme whieh was conveyed to said John B Wooten by the heirs of Jacob Rbem by deed recorded in Craven county In book 65, folio 500, to which reference Is made for more complete and better description, saving and excepting about 200 acres conveyed to Lewis Smith by deed recorded In Craven coun ty, book 72, folio m, about 139 acres conveyed to J J Sauls by deed recorded in Craven county in book 88, folio 488 and about 00 acres conveyed to n u Woolen by deed recorded in Craven county, book 94, fello 581. Subject to a mortgage in favor of L H Cutler, for fsoo. - National Bask or Nrw Burns, By O. H. HO BEKTS, Cashier, Valuable Farm For Sale! - Pursuant to the powers In the mort gage registered in the office of the Re gister of Deeds of Craven county, North Carolina in book 113, page 143, the un dersigned will sell at public auction at tbe court bouse af said Craven county, on Monday, the 6th day of February, 1809. for cash tbe following landsi -. Tbat certain tract of land situated In said Graven county on the north side of Trent road about three miles from the city of New B r.i, known a the Lorenao D. Wbilford land, beginning at the north west corner of the land formerly of Emellne F Kehoe on said road, and run ning north to tbe West Place owned by Samuel Bowon, thence aouth 83 west poles, ending in the mill pond, thence down said pond aoutheast thirty-three poles; thence south 81, east to the west side of atid pond and on to tbe publio road leading from New Bern to Trenton; thence wilh said road eastwardly to tbe beginning, containing 190 acres, more or less being the same land which was con veyed to Edward 8 Street by Sebastian Baocert and wife by deed dated January 11, 1877, recorded in book No. 96, folios 344 and 843, also that tract of land ad joining tbe above which wa conveyed to said Edward 8 8treet by L J Moore and wife, being about three quarter of an acre. ,. : Except that part of said first described tract of land which lies north of tha Wilmington, New Bern and Norfolk Riilroad containing 80 seres more or less and which was conveyed to E A Smith. Thb National Bank of New Bans. By JAMEi A. BRYAN. Prea. We have some Special Bargains tn New Buggies, Drays and Farm Carts. We keep also on hand Wheels and Axles of all kinds and size. Con sell cheap for cash. You will do well to seo us for snything in our line before you buy. liespcctfully, CI. II. Valers Tz Con, i n Baking deTidous sod wfofesocne raT ua TAora. IiiiiI ai Tee ! Cast a aow Wasafca WaaeTwe SUUS raaeta. Oeuaa, Xi Jaaaary I Tka aaw faat small t raise ea tka Barllagtoa aad Hartkwaetera Reads lalekad tkalr pke aaaaeaal raaa froai Cklraga wltkaat (ctal laddaat today. Tbe Kmtkwaal era arrivad aavaaiaea sslaalaa aksad ef aobadala tisae. Ia addition to tka euflalaed apeed of these two tralas balag raasarkabla, aver fifty miles aa koar for tka distance, there ware aoma atill more remark able burst of speed daring tka trip. Several times a mile waa covered la 57 second. Tbe actual time from tka atart at Chi cago to arrive at tka local depot waa aa follows: Northwestern, 4M mil, with 18 slope, koar aad M nlaata; Bar llagtoa, 501 miles, wltk lt slope, 10 hoars snd T minute. A fast rua was made ky the aastbouad train oa tba Burllagtoa, wklck left ker mat eight one hoar lata, arrivad la Chi cago on time, and tba schedule time Is thirty salnatee faster tkaa tha west bound train, wklck, It Is said. Is tha best record for any trala belwaea the two points. tail's Ha UTid many a Ills I Cough Speedily cans Croup and Vhocftog-erjah.Itli and Mere. Mothers can al Syrup. ways rdy on It. Children tlk H. Dost are smalt. Pries 25 ctnta. BY SPECIAL REQUEST We have ordered some Extra Fine Stall Fed BEEF which will be 13 Cents for tha Choice Cuts. Other Beef st the old price. Those wishing something fine will do well to call on us. Respectfully, Sam' I Coh n& Son. "-TSS 1 GIFT FROM A I.0VIR Or husband of our Fine Bon Bona. Delicious Caramels and Chocolate Con- cocoons, Toothsome and Dainty Marsh. mallows, or any of tha superior Candle maue nere, is a sweetener mat ss appre ciated aad relished with gusto. Dainty women revel in our Toasted Marsh mal lows as Palate Ttoklera. Dufl V Candy Stor?. i At "'Book Store I 5 3 CHRISTMAS REMNANTS MARKED ;DOWN 85 PER CT. run ti. - ' s Turner' Old Bailable Almanac for 1899. 6. H. Ennett. J 1 &V. Quarter-Mile of Prescript ionN I , Paste together the prescriptions we nave nuea during the paat 13 month. and they will form a eontinuoua strip about four inches wide and quarter of a mile long. Imagine aucb a atrip closely filled with willing, probably 10,000 items; ana you win get some idea ot the time and care we have expended in this department, not an error, baa been made, not a drug need that was not ab solutely rresn and reliable. The Increase in the number of prescriotiona filled. over the previous, year waa more than 47 per cent. During tbe coming year we expect to give the same care and attention to our prescription department aa wa kave in the past. Send us your prescriptions and you may rest assured they will be filled care fully and promptly. 1 'Phone 60. Cor. Broad & Middle Sts. Or.E TV rlaiacy, Davis i J SI MJI MIMMMJUMMI f uiiiiirniiuirifiiiiiiviiiiiifiiiiiiaiiiiiiiAsI We desire to thank the public for their liberal patronage dur. ing the year just closed and wishing all a Happy and Pros perous New Year, we remain Yours Truly. Mctaio k Gusli 'Phone 01. ODOOl o o o c THOSI When this store offers a line;oi high grade garments, Beifeld Coats, this season's work, at about 60c on the dol lar; thematter isat leastworth;;inves tigating. These fashionable garments are in tans, blues andtblacks,witha,tair,ange ot sizes. They came tous injsuchalway that that we are selling them at about halt their value andtili;haveasmall mar gin of profit. The loss, we presume, must be on the maker, its;not'our. loss. o o g o 5H.B. DUFFY. IF YOr. WiNTle Old. "Wilis Don't be Influenced to take something else. It can Jbe relied on for MEDICINAL AND OTHER PURPOSES and is Guaranteed PUIIE, MILD AND MELLOW. ; Seefthat the seals over corks are intact'and our name blown in bottles. ? ' Straus, Gunst & ; rtCo., ? Proprietors, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. f a. A Drive In Clothing for Christmas we are preparing now in men's and boys suns, overcoats and hats. We have an eleirant line of Water house Ties and Muflers that make a useful and acceptable s;ift a an Xmas offering. Our prices are special inducements'- - aJ"-i 1: Wlioleutle' aV ILXntljVl 71 Rroa'l Ht. eifeld o O a o a o o a a? a ES o DODO At Willenbrink's Restaurant ! " - TMafaa r T)at.w,l.n.t wAl.a.. IT. .1.. a ajj w uuva. aw iiUUw yaaUa Alitl iiidiu 8yrnp with cup of Coffee, 10 Cents. Pork and Beans, Bread and Butter and cup of Coffee, 10 Cents. Cup or Coffee and Two Rolls, 5 Cents. , Oyster Fry, Targe, 15 Cents. Oystor Stew, largc,i5 Uentc i Plate of Haw Ovaljra in Pinfa Ham or Tongue Sandwich and -cup of coffee, 6 Cents. - s , ':.. 120 Middle Street, . 'Phone No. 115. r-