.1 ii t '. .... . : i ' f 'KlW 8 CM, I. C, TLtSDIT MOEIIHQ, J1XC1RT 10, 1199. VOL If I-KO 137. ESTAIL1SUID im I I -k ' -- - - . 1, i T , 3 5355S$5555$5$5 g ISSUE OflABtaiJI fS . AbMlulrlT Illlble Alwym K 1 Superb StvU ami 11.nly of them. They are carefully built by fwrl .irlimn and are lWcrfitl Wrarrr. yiy n . y U o O - O vJi J Our Urn- f BLACK AND COLORED KID5 reduced from J j T5c t-i (. : Sp Al. BLACK DRESS SKIRTS in Figured and! Plain M. W ft hair. All Marked I Kin o. . -v. ' . jj fS We cjiII ntUntWti to our Satin Milliner-' FoU Trimming? (fS just tin- thing for tin- xcnmni. We only Imvi- two or thrw ivwt of Fur Trimming left g 0 0 0 " j We still allow tin- 5 per coot. PisoounL Fijraiwvn jeir'jW 4S itrili:ise ami you ill find that you can save a uioe' little'- turn M bv biiingof us. I thii the time to mm? We think a s, W iS J. H. HACKBURN. llSAtJ C AN KXIIIHITION OF HIGH .imii? anil Choice Provisions, that ill ini'i'' I'li ' "t "r iip- (ii. li.li (1 ,..i .y I. !-. nl.owin i ! I 1 1. ilic MlKI CiiIIhI IIiiIII II I 'I lill'ul- (Htl Itaniii i i'i Im m ih f t '" UllMkhiKl I'll H r illl'l HI II' ' ifialiii :l'l U"li-I' 'I ' "If' " I'll ""' Tcnfc I'ii hUhsI I''. bii.I iii'I'P "lil'il Isi'll villi III I'lll'l' III") (,'1 'll' l ox Kivef i: iil' i in 1 p '""ii IK 'Ui :knfi. s i.lwa.Vi. "II li lliu ij fioiti Ilif l-iiii) J. R. PARKER, 5 'Phone 69. iXyvxsiX! C...'?-.'?'i') r..J...Mx.i?v.'.?'S JOHN DUNN, Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Confectioneries l'OLLOCK STREET. ; s ' NEW BERNE, N. C: IN MAKING . . Give Something ' Our Kid Glove Slock Ji complete and up-to dale. We have tlovet of all kinds and at all Price. ,., . I Our Imported Dreaa Kid Gloves are as goodas any jjlove made. V . r We can give yon Undressed Kid dowe from 50 enta a pair to ft tfb. W' also have a good line of Boy'a and Children's Gloves and Mittena, ' ' ' , : - . . . . 1 . ' , - i- i t .. . t . .SHIRTS, ciCC. Our btock of Wblte Shirts in Complete ' We have the idlest Shapes In Uollars anu l. una. , f t i 4 ' Tie have Some New Blylea In Men's Half Hose at all Price. . t, ,; - IInilkpi chiefs are always needful, and Silk (jualilirs. ' , ' .T. FOODS JR., GROCER, $ 77 Broad Street. - , --'v. M t j . .A ' Useful as Well as T ' S v Ornamental. . : r-: and ibe Styles aie Numerous. our stock la new in bftlh Linen and ' - . i t Pollock, ' Glrcet. . cbocm to orroaa uu. nam mm Wm mm 'iiMit win av4isra r Tms mm j VuaiH.ii iuim SmTm dflelm. I Uo. of Wcfcard T Onr. tb.Ta.a.y hdarlafavoroftspaasloaandsBalBrt llvar aaa baea (raerally dlscasMl by I Pasanersllc saenberi Of Congress, Rep-1 praasatatlv Cm UranearaM, o isit,. said yaatarday: . ' i ?.' j "la rivlaf oat ab iatarrlew at this' ttma Mr. Crakar could bar had baton object to array hlauelf acalnst his party. Bryan caa taka It for (rraolea that Taanaany will Sght him la the next aatloaal coaveatlaa. Mr. Crvker'eoui- barsl will do bias ao good aad will aoi lajar Mr. Bryan's chances. Whenever Tun many baa left tbt precincts of Mew Tork ' for a wider political fteld It has always earriad diaaster la iu wake. The only Oamocralle President elected since th war reosived hb nomination In the faea of lb mosl bitter hoslillty displayed by lb New Tork orgsnlxallan. The snath aad west am aot Inclined to re oetva lb dlctalloa of tlie New York political Aagnale." Mr. de Oraffenreld I a pronoonred aatl sipaoiionltL "I cannot but nganl lb aoqaUllloa of the Philippine group with a feeling of horror," he said. "Ms- j canlsy, In aa of bis essaya, says: "Doc trines must generally he emliodlpil he far they can eseite a strong public feeling; The multitud is laor isuity ialerestad In tba nMMt anmaaalnK bad(ra, or the most innlgnlni aut name, ihsn In tba ssosl knpnrlant prlnrrle.' it is so with expansion. What possibility Is there I bat lb people, the grest mim of the bone and sinew of the country, will calmly antralHpailiinatuly nnalyr.e the resiecllve merits of expansion and anll- xpansioo tlieories "To theaverafto Asaeriran volerexpan slon Is symlmlizeil hyalmnnrr with n portrait of. Pridenl Mt-Klnley or K - mlral Dewey on Ii, while the nnli expitii slon idea is conveyed by n caricaluru ef Senator Hear, ilre.iieil as an old woman. With ideas so typilioil, rui a sre lei) to devote themselves to a ie lea of hero worshiper and, Ulnded by the radiuncc Of Ibe Budileulytlcvelop.il li.nlos nliout the beads of the military and nuval buoe Ihey legard Willi liiliet f:ivor situations and cndilioiii which would have keen invoking but n shorl lime previously. 'If, two years ago, a proposition had been submitted In purchase the Philip pines for $20,000,000, would it have received a vote In either branch of Con gress. Like other numbers of the Texas' delegation, I aia bound by the instruct ions of the State convention to favor the liberty of Cuba and the xacquireuiat of Porto Rico. Nothing was said, however, sbeiUlth Philippines,' and even If I had been instructed by the Stat oohvention to favor their acquisition; I believe 1 should disregard such instructions, so strongly am I opposed to this project." TV CD KB :-OI.D IM OUR DAT. Tak Laxative Bwino, Quinine Tablets. All drnggisu refund tba monejr if it failf to cure. 35c. The genuine Ja L..B. Q -I. o.nh f.Mo. 1 TUB MARKETS. I.' Yesterday's market quotation! furnish ed by W. A. Porte rftcld A Co. CommiBsion Broker. Nkw York, January 9 BTOCK8. Open, High, Low, Closr Sugar, 1271 149 45 : 1301 1401 98' 45J ,12(1 148 " 97f '45 23 1S4J (W 113 60 - 129 148 98 Am Tobacco. . J. 0..... M.O, P....... Reading... .;. aati. ... L. AN.;....:. Peoples 'Gas.. M.0;-.; 451 221 135 " (J5 112 60 Close "5 72 . 82 v22, . 136 125t . 5i 65 . 113 1131 ,.-60 OS COTXON. Open. Hlfh. . 6.66 A5.7J Low. S.60 March.'. OdlCAGO MARKETS. ,WhbT i , jUpeny High. Low. Close May .:. 70S 711 70 70 CbBi ' ' : '. t May-: . .... 871 37 ' 87 1 , , . 371 .m t" -): Speaking4 of shown, not one has a show compared with showing Anway's (Croup Syrop'has mad curing children's soughs and croup, wua we naa room ro give the hundreds of testimonials of Its merit. - - ' ii-t Qlv a light ot from 40 to 100' candle power. Guaranteed against self deatruc ttoa ia as for 40 years;-Morey Burners have no' mantels or ghost fllmt, which break at a touch. Tbey are nally) tialn ty and attractive, i Try. miemhttlutr i There Is no danger in safe' thing and It Is always safe to . bavti; Anway's Croon SvroD iu the house where vou tuin put yonr bnnd on It it cures-Mind being free from narcotics can be, 'given a to smallest child. 25c at Bnulham's. i ,'"-'.t-ir prim-. r Sesled proposals will be received by the .Secretary torn tldsj data to, Jry lOtuJ 18.10, m Irenfel vof.Rwit, Prult, antL Confeclionery, Sand witch, Barbecue and Cigar Privileges during the 12th Annual Fair of tl e East faro lina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association to be held in thhf'city Feb ruary 20-25, 1896. ; ' . ' George Gbeen, Secretary, SFLEHDID PRESIDING i J1 UjM M flr-flf ft j . '1 J ' I "clna fif Befnaldi. , i !Aa Aaaslas; Deaaad. Tks "Oaly Isaac1 a Party f Blmaelf. CaiBlsslaer f Imalgra tUa. Dr. Kllga RT. Caalaggla. Jocaaai. Bnaatc, I Raleigh, N. U.. Jaauary t. J 8peakar Connor mail have raooncill d area thos who did bk favor him for the olloe at -rat by hla splendid hind Ming of the fljuae. Mstleri are kept .' moving and each member Is recognised In his tarn and when the Speaker baa to refuse a favor Hi refusal I don in such a courteous manner that the victim feela that In some way or other he has been flattered. The presiding of Llut. (lov. Reynold In tba Senate has met with no criticism In the Senate as yet He seems anxious for the prompt and harmonious despatch of business. The amusing rdemand of the negro Senator Fuller in the Senate to know "whether be would lie beard on this floor In behalf of his race," when he was being quietly listened to with no Indication otherwise, led to some arnue ing remarks. After adjournment Rey nolds jokingly demanded of a group of Democratic Senators, "aren't you going to let our man be heard." As predicted Craven's only Isaac H Smith has made himself heart! and as a result of his voting for Judge Ceuner lie it lion grata p;r4ona to bis party. In their caucus the Republicans c-t hlin out and ho Is now a parly all lo himself. The talk of creating a CommUnion of Immigration has lend Senalnr Ilrown to say that he does not thnlt that the peo pie would approve of lhoroa'ion of the new oDicc al UiU time but hiv would lie a very valuable official. Senator Brown has miii'U eerieiice in briuging Iniini grants l Columhii county and speaks of the great work the Seaboard Air Lluc has done In that direction. While the Railroad Commission Is un der agilat ion, the lire laddies will be interested lo know thai Chief McNeill of Kayeltcvillo Is a candidate for cominia sinner and has excellent backing. Dr. J. C. Kilgo, President of Trinity College preached at the Edcnton Metho dist church yealerrtay and lie made the merutng service a memorial ot Rev. J. A. Cuniuggim, "Uncle Jesse," who died at his home in Orcensboro, Satur day night from heart failure. Dr. Kilgo took tor his text the appropriate words of Paul beginning "I have fought the fight." Probably seven hundred people listened to the sermon as the church was tilled to the doors. The Craven Memorial Hall at Trinity College is partially completed and now shows that it will be a striking structure. The charter for Wilmiugton now be far the Legislature is quite seriously objected to by many. It is proposed to to take the chief administrative powers, such as the management of the fire and police departments, and place the power in the hands of three individuals elected for six years, nor shall the mayor be electe j by the aldermen. The bill was introduced by Mr. Rountree and will be well discussed. The big Confederate Bazaar to be held in Metropolitan Hall from January 24th to tbe28lh promises' to be a Croat success. It is for the benefit of Veteran who cannot, although deserving, be ad milted to the Home for lack of room and money. The Senate met at ten o'clock today and the House at noon. The proceedings In both Houses so far have been very business llkf and no time spent in talk ing. When the Important bills come up for passage, tb good debators will be heard fram, , The prize book of the Twelfth Annual Fair at New Bern bave "been received here. ' , , i, ' I iTlicsei are dnagerpua ilmes for the health. Crotrp, colds and tbroat troubles lead rapidly to Consumption. A bottle ot One' Minute Cough Cure used at tbe right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like it. F. S. Duffy. : . - 1 . '. ; Acanellltt HlaaTUann. ' ' Madrid, Jan. S. If thu ability of Agoncllio, who has asked for recognition as Philippean Minister to the United State, was equal to Jiia impudence, he would be a "warm member" of tbe Dip lomatic Corps. He won't get any official recognition, but he has already made much trouble form in tbe Philippine. lie warned sometime ago, by some leakage In ofllclat circles, that Gen Oils had been Instructed not to use force In deiUag.with th nsurgehts,';withont further orders.' ami at .odea cabled the information to Agulnaldo, through the Philippine Junta at Hong Kong; that' why Aguiuajdo.has;,beoB putting up such a etin f mat towards our troop. Agoncllio Is also getting encou rag men t Irom. the anli expansionists In Congress. 'Senator Mason has offered a resolution,' declaring that the United State, will, ot awempt. to .govern ihe people of any other country without the consent of the people themselves, or subject theni by fore te our demlnlon against their will. x Assewiux Vvkz rrlakes the food tnore deHdous and wboleAottw f l-las. hv will. Spaeial lo Jouaaau Ru.noa, Jaaaary 9 A bill was latro- dacod la lb Senala today that tbe Rail road Commlsiloaers shall b sierteil by a void of tb people, ia tbt sam maaaer aad at the asm time as tbe members of th Legislature ar sleeted. One Com missloner to be elected every two years, th term of office la be six rears. A hill was Introduced in Seuste to change the time of holding Craven county Superior court. A large number of bills were Intro duced In the House, also the remainder of the committees appointed In tb House were aonnunrad. A. E. P. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga, suffered sgnny for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Will's Witch Haxel Salre. It heals Injuries and skin diseases like magic. P. S. Duffy. Tm trtr tt . r . Washington, Jan. M.-The threatening condition of affaire In the Philippines has been receiving the serious considera tion of both tbe Navy and the War De partments, anil while the latter Is hurrying troops lo reinforce General Otis from both Ssn Fraurisco anil New York, tbe former will add greatly lo the present strength of Admiral Dewey's command by dispatching light draft gun boats as soon as they can be git ready for the trip. Admiral Dawey anticipates an abund ance of work for tlie navy In palroling the Innumerable inlands of the archipel ago and suppressing any uprisings against American authority To enable him to belter control affairs, he requires a large fleet of small warships capable of long steaming Tadlus and uble to enter asters Into which the larger ships ran not go. Ills squadron is now nearly aa formidable as that on the station a year ago, and with the addition of the little craft under orders to join him will soon reach unusual proportions for an Ameri can fleet on a foreign station: CASTORIA For Infant and Children. Till KM You Have Always Bought Bear the Signature Rjllae ar rival IetlB(r (JrMltar. In the Eastern District Court of the United States, for tbe Eastern Dis trict of N. C. In tiik SIattru op O. Tailor, Bank rupt. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of O. Taylor, of La Grange In tho County of Lenoir and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice ia hereby given that on the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1899, the said O. Taylor, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that tbe first meeting of hi creditor will be held at the office of L. J. Moore, Referee, in New Bern, N. C, at 12 M. on the 17lh day of January 1899, at which time (he saitl creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tbe bankrupt, and transact such other business a may properly come before said meeting. - L. J, Moork, ' Referee In Bankruptcy, 8d Bankruptcy Division jn said District. New Bern.'N. C, Jan, 5th, 1899. Nallee f rival Mevltasi S'rMlliaro jjew Bern, N. C Jan, 8, 1899. In the District Court of tbe United Slate for the Eastern. District of North ' Carolina, ; , Ia TUB MATTBRir L. ROSERBADM, BAHK- . bupt. IN Bankruptcy. To the creditor of L. Rosenbaum, of New Bern, in tbe County of Craven and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on tbe 3rd day of January, A. D. 1899, the said L. Rosenbaum, was adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditor will be held at the office of L. J. Moore, Referee, in New Bern, N. C, at 12 M. on loth day of January 1899, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tbe bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before ald meeting, ' - ': " - . L, J, MOORE. Referee In Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy Division in said District. . i . ; . wiiharawM !. : Having received and accepted n offer for a business position for the coming year, I would respectfully withdraw from -the political arena as a candidate' for City Clerk and Tax Collector, . ' I I wish to cordially thank my good friends who have promised me their sup port, and release them from any pledge to me. . ' ; ' I might have staid In the fight and woo, hot "A bird In tbe hand is worth two In Vie bush." K A ;' Very respectfully, : J. M. Howard. V Havana, Jan. 8. Oeaaral La' camp was almost drowaad out last alrhl. But ay eampaale being drivaa to 0 btara groaad by lb vr storm that swpt over tba provlac. Raia fell la abowar all day, bringing discomfort, but it was aot aatll about midnight that tb real norm brska. Tba water fall la sheets, reseaibliag cloud bunt. Th Second Baltalloa of the Oral North Carollaa suffered most, being wlthoal tent. The mea ar wore oat by tb fitlgo of march from tb rny aad many rolled In bisnkeu, slept through th storm with th watr al most floating over Ibem. Tbe Fourth Virginia also suffered mnch. Th wind teemed to strike the tents of tbls regiment with supreme fury, sweeping tbe tents to the ground as If they were cardboard. Th Fourth aad Ninth Illinois suffered severely, probably one lent lo every four of both regiments being leveled by tbe wind. The tent thai remained stand Ing wer rendered useless by water, which stood kne deep In most of them. Dr.Bull's Hsa si wed many a ill I A. . Speedily cars Croup and isfOUKn Vhoop(nc-coih.Il-SAiM and sur. Mothers can si- J V TLI D. wsvi rclv oq it. ChJldrsa J ' " Ilk It Doss ar small. Price ZS cent. A drive in one of our Bupgies will de light you of tSrir ea-y ridiug qualities. We are wh desale and retail builder of the light running hand made young man's White Hickory Buggies and deal er will do well to write us for price on same for their 1899 buggy trade. Special attention given In all orders tent us by mall. Respectfully, H. II. Wntei a Non, 78 Broad Street. r PAY YOUll CITT LICENSE AND TAXES. All persona In arrears for City License Tax who have been notified lo settle, as well as those who have not, are hereby notified that If the same is not paid by Tursday, Jan. 10th, I will on Wednesday warrant each and every delinquent Also those who do not pay their City Taxes by above date may expect a com petent deputy or myself to levy upon personal property and dispose of same as the law requires. The above applies to every body, remember this and save trouble and expense by paying promptly. HUGU J. I-OVICK. City Tax Collector. I At th. Rnok btore a All kinds of- i SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, and COPY BOOKS. I Bole Agent for Turner's N. C. Almanac for 1899. 6. N. Erinett. J Pf-PCR, In Pound Package, Tablet, Ao. Legal Cap, all grade, Lod and Wide Bill Cap Ledgere, 7 Day Book, Journal and other Blank Books. Ledger from So to f 5 00. Arnold', Carter' anu Stafford's Inks. H. EWhitehurst's r 43 POLLOCK STREET. ; ! A 6ood . 2 Cigar Something that meet th ap proval of a Urge percentage of smoker who ar good judges of a cigar-i the "ROYAL BLUE". We carry - other leading brand. ' Let us fill your prescription. - Davis Pharmacy. is Phone 56. Cor. Broad A illume Bts ( 3S$SS- iS S I ' 1 1 f J ? S i t t i ' I McDANIEL Wholesale & Retail Grocers, : 71 Broad 3 : Ia the place to buy your Groceries and 2; 5 Provisions. S- 5: Everything nice in the Grocery Line 2 at the Lowest Possible Prices. Zz We respectfully your patronage and to please you. I McDanicI k Gaskill 'lMione 91. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Our line of shoes is lull and complete in all its branches. We have just what you want in quality, style and price. Below we call your attention to a few oi our Styles: jii:xs snoi:s. Our Special Tie is nn t-legant high quarter llreedinour, w.liil through and through, sewed and iicgged bottoms, a good value in regular sizes at 1 25 Another better at 1 50 Pebble Grain Creole Cong. A splen did plow shoe al 1 25 A Satin Calf BiiIh. or Cong. Willi plain or pointed toes, the best that tau be bad for 1 00 A better grade, the moot popular style toe in these Price 150 Remember that we are ugenls for Slacey Adams & Co. 'a Shoes and carry a full line in stock, f 4 00 & 5 00 Ladies Oil, Glove or Ptbble Grain.in butt or lace, sizes 3 to 7, pri"e 1 00 Ladies Kang Culf, cap toe, bull, sizes 8 to 7. price. 1 25 Ladies I. Dong, any style loe, itizeg 3 to 8, price 1 00 Same in Gen. Dong 1 25 CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. IP YOU, WAIT Old. Heiuy "WMskey Don't be influenced to Jake something else. It can be relied on Tor MEDICINAL AND OTHER PURPOSES and Is Guaranteed PU Ii K, MILD AND MELLOW.' Seeltbat tbe seals over corks are Intact'and onr name blown in bottles. Straus, Gunst , & RICHMOND, A Drive In Clothing for Ohristmas we are preparing now In men' and boys suits, overcoats and hat. We have an elearant line ot Waterhouse Tie and Mutters that make a useful and acceptable gift aa an Xmns offering. Our prices are special inducements' J.'.T. BAXTEU. sYkkt' ' ' Z-A , . i j & GASKILL, 1 Street' P 2 solicit a share ot F ml we will do our best b 3: WliolMtle ) sllHMOrM, mZ 7VJlrt St. f siioi:s FOR Children nml ISo.yh. Child's Dong billion, kill tip, sizes 5 to 8. Price ,r0 Child's Dong button, kid and pal tip, sizes ft to 8. Price 75 Sizes St to 11, price 1 00 Sizes 11. to 2, price 1 23 Chillis Dong button and lace, kid nntl pat tips, sizes 5 to 8, price 1 00 Sizes 8 to 11, price' 1 25 Sizes lit to 2, price 1 50 Littlo Mnns Hals, price CO Littlo Folks Pebblo Grain, riveted scam, heels and spring heels, size 5 to 8, price 5t Size 8 lo 11, price 75 Sizes 12 to 2, price 1 00 Little Gents Bala, sizes U to 12, xpt'e ml price 1 00 Boys Satin Calf Rals, sizes !! to 5, ... 1 25 rGo., Proprietors, VIRGINIA. At Willenbrink's Restaurant ! 1 Plate of Buckwheat Cakes and Maple Syrup with cup of Coffee, 10 Cents. Pork and Beans, Bread and Butter ami cup of Coffee, 10 Gout. ( 1 Cup or Coffee and Two Rolls, 5 Cents, Oyster Fry, large, 15 Cents" . noafor fit.. It S I :V. wifibi ... vmi Plulii nl Pan, O..I inn..). . l,Vi. ,,.., ., iv - Ham or Tongue Sandwich nndcup of ooff ee, 5 Cent. - ' f s 120 Middle Street, 'Phone No, 115.