I V." V. ;; 4 " ' mm THE nCEUXNCE OF SYH? OF IKS is dee Dot only to the orifriaallty aad simplicity of lb earn bias Ikm, bat atae to Ur ear and skill with which H la iimuufaeiurwl by eciealiaO pi untax known to tha Caufobjiia Fie 8vnur Co. only, asd we with to imprwa apoa all Um lmwrtaao 61 purchasing Iha true and original remedy. Aa the Ceaalne Syrup of Figs ia nunafactured by the CauroHMiA Via 8vaup Co. only, a Vaxm-loilfe of that fact will assist one to avoiding the worthleaa imitations tnaaafaetared by other par ties. The high standing of the CiU fmia Fia Myhip Co. with the medi cal Nfeskkm. V the aatiafactlor whU h tha (Tenioo 8yrap of Fig baa Riven to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of tlie excel k'Dco of Its remeily. It ia far la advanco of all other laxative, as it acta us tha kidneys, liver and tuwelft without irritating or weaken ing them, and it dors not gripe nor nanaeato. Iji order to get its beneficial effarta, please remember tlie aame of tlie Company CUlFORNIA FIG STRUP Ca nuewx. ci. -i"tT l.r w )iimt,ll. THE JOURNAL. r New Ber. N. C Jan. 10, 18K1I. II eB)WKaVriftMJ1. board W. IMierte Tai Collector. O H Waters A 8on-Uugnii t. f H June A Co Lilen. , Dotty Candy. &r. Business Locals. GASChaodellcr ollac. wanted. Apply this I HAVE received a Ssn.ple 18118 Colum bia Chain Wheel, price t'i0 and invite inspection of same. Bicycle, Orspbo phooes and Priatlng. 'Plmne 1 '!. Wm. T. Him.. FOB SALE Very Cheap for Cash 1 law? year old Mile, peif-cily genile and will work anyway. Apply to K V Armstrong. GOLD Watch Lout A small plain case ladies gold watch with fob chain. Wsa lost north nlde Neuse river bridge. (10,00 Reward for its return to Mrs. W. P. Burros, New Bern. CLAIRVOYANT Javotle, Cluirvoyant and Palmist, now located for s thort lime at Hotel Albert, where she telle PoKt, Present and Future. Oivea namra and addresses, lost or stolen articles traced. She comforts the sick and weary by ber natural powers. Hours from 10 a. m. to p. in. TOR KENT Dwelling House with VI roovs on Middle street next to Mr. Uuph L"'ck. Either a part or whole lor rent. Apply to Mrr. L. M, Hendren, l.'i3 Mid dle Street. . THX finest Beer always ou draught, . Jacob's, Middle Street. at SEND IN YOUR NAflES For the Journal's Fair Edition to be Issued in a few days. Papers sent free to names hand ed in to this office. Do so at nee. ' A DAT lit THB CITY. Warmer weather with rain is the fore cast for today. ' Christian Church, protracted meeting every night at 7:80. Subject to night, "If a man doe the best he can, will b not go to Heaven," The American Bonding and Trust Co., represented In Ibis city by R. A. Nunn, has given its local agent power lo exe cute all classes of judicial bonds. The Tobacco Planter's Outde, a book oo the management of the tobacco by practical planters and experts, and com piled by H. D. Harftion, editor of the Southern Tobacco Journal, at Winston, N. 0 , baa Just been Issued by Messrs. E. II. A J. A. Meadows. The book Is a vsl liable one for those engaged In tobacco culture and can be obtained upon apply ing to the Messrs. Meadows in this city. Choice Oranges, Bananas and Apples, Duffy's Caody Store. : - - - . all as waweebara. The ball held at Yaoceboro last Fri day night was not largely attended, owing to the bad weather, but those who were ' la attendance passed a mart enjoying time and voted the occasion a euccess. -IH WLOBH TISJEti ' People overlooked the Importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient actian; bat now that ft I generally known that Syrup of Flga wllf permanently overcome habitual constipation, well-informed people will not bay other laxatives, which act for time, bat finally injure the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. ' . : . - , ; Remember Daffy's is the plec to for Caodies. HICK'S CAPUDINE HEADACHE CURB, Is Guaranteed .to Cure Headache, Neuralgia, La Grippe, , Sick . Headache, Etc. 23 Cents at all Drue Stores? ru a a at, a. . The steam KewWs b) dee te arHvs tela esoraiag aad aali at aooe. The itt Nee which was dee to rrlvDeday Basralsg wesaWlaywi la Craaiaa Boa ad Balareay elf hi aad Wet peeled bare isle BMraiac aad ill sail oa rrfalar acbedale Wednesday after- Tae ealertalasarat for the beaefll of the Wear Bern Orchestra will be glvea at the theatre Friday sight asst. This Is a performaaea that aboald be paUoalaad by oar dliseaa. These geatbsaea who eossnoat this orchestra bare wllflagty aad withoat charge glrea their service U all lb perfurasaaoM leal haw takea plar lathe city Ikls a later. Lm lb whole cnasauaily tara oat aad recipro cal thsir kiadaess. rtw tawiwi. The Firetaea' Herald of the Si h last, oriels the plctares of tee officers of lb North Caroliaa tUsi Flreskaa'a Aaeocia tlos for lrj, Jss. U McNeil, rWJeal; Jos. J. Hume, V. Presl.lenl;C. L. Badger, Jnd V. Pres. T. A. Ureea, Treasurer, Dr. J. W. Orlfflln, Hecretsry, L. J. Tsy lor Htallaliclaa. Tbs picture are all sicelleet likenesses of these officials, and will do to cut out aad hang up by the dr laddies of this 8Ute. The Herald Is to be congratulated oa Its excellent work. AllaalM PS. r. St. . . SutlH. The regular annual Installation of the officers of the A I Untie Hleam Fir En gine Co.upany, look place last night. After the lualallallon, the officer gave tbe cusloinarv banquet to the meniiiers ef tb c inpsor, C J. McSorley, being tbs est er nf the occasion. The b inquel was largely sod greatly enjoyed ly the "iMiyt." A nuulier were ralleil upon for lieechei anil replied, which leul adJi tionl gaiety to the occasion. Mr A II llariiiHin left yesterday for New York. Mr W II Gui.iu lull on the Wilming ton tiain yesu-riluy morning. Mrs W. II. IHU returned last night from a visit lo relative st Cove. Mr. Kred VYIiltty left laitl uigfat for Morthcad and lleaufort on buines'. Mlta Carrie llendren left yetenlar morning for Durham lo attend Triuity College. Rev. N. M. Jiirney of Mt Olive spent Sunday in the city and left but uiglil for Beaufort Rev. H. II. Minimum preached at Pol- lockavillo Sunday anil returned home last nigh'. The County Hoard of education held a special meeting in the clerk'a office yes terdsy to transact business which re quired Immediate attention, Mr. Thos. Daniel, accompanied by his attorney Mr. O. II. liuion, appeared before tlie Board to submit bis bond as treasurer. 'The Hoard examined aud approved tlie bond. A motion was pasHed requesting Kx-treasurer J has. B. Hill to turn over lo Mr. Daniels all the books, papers, etc., belonging to the office. The treasurer's bond for the rafe keep lug of the county school funds is eleven thousand dol'ars. Mr Daniels gave bond through a security compsny. This sort of boud is considered the best form of bond which can be given. Mr, H. C. Wbitenurst was elected to fill the vacancy on the school committee of the eighth district which vacancy waa caused by the reslnallen of Robert Hsncoc't. OeatB of J. A. CaalasKlm Mrs Kate Richardson of this city re ceived a leUgram Sunday morning from Greensboro, N. C. Conveying the sad intelligence of tbe death of her brother, the Rev. Jesse A. Cunlnggim, which oc curred Saturday night. lie hadtleen 111 for some lime, bat the immediate cause ef bis desth was heart failure. "Rev. Mr. Cunlnggim, waa one of the oldest members of the North Carolina Conference, M.E. Church, South. After long and successful service in tbe pas toral relation he was called to the respon sible work of presiding elder. In that capacity he served tbe Raleigh district 4 years, and with tlie close of the last con ference year completed his lime limit on the Durham district. Admonished by failing health and the Infirmities of age, he realized that bis work Iu the ministry was finished. He was too feeble lo attend tbe conference at Elizabeth City, tnd wrote a letter to his fellow laborer In the ministry,, asking to be placed on tbe superannuated list. His request was granted. . Te insure a happy new year, keep the liver clear and ibe body vigorous bf using De Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills for couatlpatloa and liver troubles. F. 8. Duffy. , We keep our soda fountain running all tbe year, and you will find those de licious Orange and Lemon Phosphates just as refreshing now as In hottest weather. Brad ham. isat armilac. In your resolutions of reform and economy for the year 1890, remember the prompt, reliable and cheap watch and jewelry repairer. Baxter the Jkwblkb, , " Next to Jobial. i Both your health and parse may be benefitted by having your prescriptions filled al Bradham'i Pharmacy. Every one yon send will be treated right and you will get ' what la asked for, not 'something just as good." - - tirtixto rxotg cacc?. tfi wm be av-awi- Ls4tw. . Wbere U appears trass the rami acbaa, HwruMi aad twias af Ias U. UsarU, tb ReprsaeataUra frme Crewe eaaairy, that the aaid Hatha I Laot la trw aysapaihy wm4 good accord with the RepaUieaa party aad Its ptla dplea, tbasefar "Raaolvws, I rat, that tha Said leee B. Bsailh be aad ba ta berabf excluded fraaa partkipaliaf with ta Krpablaa eseaa bars la Ibair carsna. -Itowlred, MCMd, that Ik IUpubU eaa party will la aa way ba reapupalbl for the acta aad lasaclns aad votsa of Iha said laaae H. Hatkk." N , The above saolauoa was adoptaJ laH Might by tb ttopabikaa caaeaa bU la Ike dial Library baikilag. The laaae Sail lb referred tot tb aegro Uepraaraiailv frosa Ciavaa eoaa ly, aad a baakar at Meabera, Mis off tares eoaaUt, It It staled, la tb followlag: Acta Kefutiag to b booad by lb ae lioa of Ute Repablicaa eaocw. Itpercbra Ills speech ia lb !loa FiM.y oa Um -Peg Leg Williams'' Bill. Utieraavs His letter publltbed la Ibis paper Tharsday atoralag. . Totes His vols for tb Uawwratic Speaker and other o Rloer aad soles oa oerlaia ateesuretjla tb Hoaa since. Tbe speech was la part as follows: "Whea I bear tb baish tbiag said by the will asaa about my race, I can only ask, 'is Memory Dead, la Memory Deadr I'm told that this ve.y Stale House was built by colored bsads and paid for by saoaey dig from Mother Ltrlh bv colored slave. Are these things forgotten? Whea the war rlwud r se end darkened the S ulbera sky fur four yeais, did wa aot serve yon ml UilhlullyT Wins )ourtnng men weut out lo bailie did we aot remain auJ toil for and care for your women an. I cbil- drau? We are friends of good goveru- uienl, did we lull know how lo on. All we want Is good opportunity to show what we cau do. We waul go kI btudi lo protect and guide u arijlil. Too long we have been led by falM) fiiend We want good and true fiicn.li, ami when I hear It said that this Uuueral Assembly will legislate to tbe hurt of my race, I can lull ask, 'Is Memory dead, Is Memory dead?'" In bis letter published Thursday Smith lenouncc-s a circular sent oot by certain leaders advising Iho colored people te emigrate out of the Slate, Ibe represen- talivei of tbe race to meet in Raleigh ou an early date and organize lotbis eud and while there assembled lo memo Ul l.e and dictate lo lbs present Legislature what kind of laws to be passed for the colored people. Among other things Smith says iu this letter. My colored frieuly, this present Lej- lslature is riled as the wisest and most brainy of any since tbe Civil War. Then again this Legislature is constituted of Carolina's most honorable sons iu prin ciple, learnlug and are versed in Hie law of right to man aud to races. I have never believed I hat the Democratic par ty was a self constituted enemy to my race." New and Observer, 8th. BCCSLEN'I ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilblaiuB, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cares Piles, or no psy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.' Price 35 cents per box. For sale by, F. F. Duffy. i Sssnawam), While I thank my friends for the ex pression of their confidence in running me as Councilman from the First Ward. I am not a candidate for the office and could not serve if elected. I J Very .respectfully, . ?; ' J. A. Mbadows. That Nsnipual rami Mswey. Early In IDttfl, an effort was made In thii city te establish city hospital, and for this purpose a entertainment was given, a masquerade ball, the result be ing about $70.00, and this sum ba since been In the bank drawing Interest. I was made treasurer of the Hospital Fond by whom I know Sol, the proceeds were handed to me by Dr. N. H. Street, and-i am still holding the money, and think as nothing has come of the' hos pital" movement, and nothing is now being done for it that this money should be put U ora benevolent pse. j J suggest that tbe Ladles Benevolent Society be given, the amount of principal and Interest.; iii; ii I 'J)i;ij-if '. Who are tbe interested parties. Let them please com) forward, or; UI hear nothing within the next ten days I shall tarn the earner over to the Ladles Be nevolsut Society t- I Rkdmonb. La Grippe isj again epidemic Every precaution should be keo lo avoid IL It jpecifid enrej Is Oaa Mlnnte Cough Utfe. a. J. Bbepkru, l-UDiisiier agncui toral Journal and Advertiser,' Elden, Mo., says: "No one will be disappointed In using One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to lake, quick lo act. F. 8. Duffy. . . ' ' Telt laaa Tear Treablee. Rai.kkui, Jan. 7, 1S09 Ed. Joukbal Allow me space for this brief snaounoement-td all the people of Craven connty 1 If there be anything L san do for any one, in any way, I kindly invito you to call upon me or writ mo. U'.rt r .....11. I t ' ISAAC II. SHITn, If . 15. : Vote for Denard W. Roberts for Tax Collectro. He is the Man for the'OiEce! t tuitoh mm. a.wa sjaa. Traatoe, M. C, Jaa. t. IS9S. Mr. U A. Usfweod bad tb SkkfeA- a to loss) by fir goad toaaat boas at bis ptealeitoa a Cypres arark last week, aappoaad I be ta warm at aa Isffwadisry. Mlas Rasa aad Mr. Siasaoa Ilajwood, wa bee asaa v tallies ratalivaa at War saw for several days rataraad boss Mr. Willis Ueadetao aa moved frusa Trent back to hi pUaiatlua. Ta Uaclptea eharcb bat we leans will b pushed to coaapletioa bow that la holidays sr aver. . Taectsrkaf oar oapwiov Coert ha appelated Kubm Uaaa, eoaaty casa sstaaioBaf. We eoasidar It aa xcelleal appolalaseal, Mr. 8. Barkerbaa parcbasad saachla ry to pull up, logs at ataaai skill, aad will la few days ba la readlaeaa to sal . ply all lb biBuber atedrd, aa be caa S oat it a lb mill aad select aay klad of lo Beaded. Mr. Barker is quite a real kaslkr sad geoersly makes a si case la every aadertakliig. Kodder Is seiinc la tbl. market al 71 ceats per cwl .onralO coals per btubcb pol aloes SO and S eaa is per basbel. Mr. L. A. Ilaywoad has art out Hisny cabbage, so has Mr. Uarktr, many moie aouldgointbe buslnea If they could procure plants. We are glad to see Mr M Oawsoa aut on tbe streets aareia after his severe iu- dlspnsitloa. Miss Bessie Uarvev of Avdsn is visit ing Mrs. Julia McDaaiet. Mr. Hauiuel Wludlry la repairing hi. dwelliusTaod makios; quite a decided change arouud the borne. I Colloa sold ou Wedueadav Ual here from 4 S3 to V4 I 50 bale were sold, oo Fridav follow inif 87 bale were sold isngiug from 4.1't lo 5 50 ur cwl. Seed cetion sokl lai week here ranging from 1.40 lo I HO per cwl I' be pump boier Mr. Evans bat put t new pump dowu la the yard of Mrs. b E Browu. Pumps aie gell lug pleutiful in Treutoo now, nearly every citii' n bar oue lu ru. klasler Harry Brogdeu returned to al lend tbe a-bool si Cliocowiuiiy on Fri lay lal after spending Ibe LiirliJa a bt-re. Miss Jeunie Wiiidley is visiting frieud at Kiiintou. Masters Ernest and Caiwell Winbery aie visiting relatives at Trenton " The many acquaintances of U. W Kellum who wai an attendant of Treu lou High school for the last lwoessiou will regret lo learn that be died al hi borne on tha Atli of January Iml with pneumonia. Mr. Kellum was quite hard student and bid fair for a loug aU'l useful life. L. J. Hunter lias completed bis new dwelling and moved iu 10 it. Mr. A. C. Burt has moved to Trenton We welcome such citizens as Mr. Iiurt and family aud hope many mora may do likewise. VUICK Of TIIK PEOPLE. Ed. Journal I desire to suggest the names of Messrs C. E. Foy and Edward Oerock for Councilman from the Second Ward. Each of these gentlemen is a true and tried D mineral, aud will rellect credit both upon Ibe Second Waid and tbe cily at large. Sbco.ni Wahdkb. Ed. Journal Messrs C. T. Watson and Mark Disoeway ahoujd b elected a . Couocilmeo from tbe Third Ward. They are both men of excellent business ability and untarnished Democracy, and would ably represent their Ward in the Cily Council. Jeffbbbonian Democrat. OABTOHIA. Be ths : The Kind Yoe Haw Hiwm Bougtsi ; The Kind Yoe Ha- Sigaatus f Daelrijr Twe-siea. In tbe instrumental line of sheet music i can furnish yod with it of every des cription. Society Two-Step I quite original in theme and it heard once, one Is sure to remember its most striking melody; dashing in character and pleases the most fastidious. This piece contains a most ' elaiiorate title page in colors. Price 25c Orders received by Jos. Mel- son, Jr , at JoUMKAt office. KOT1CC! Taa Mailaaal Kk af S Berae, BJ. v V: C seabr lath, !. ' ' , Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockhold ers of this bank for the el iciion of its Directors, and Ihe transaction of each other business as may come before them will be held at their Banking House on nd Tuesday, being tb 10th day of Jan r. men - i The polls will b open al 13 m.to be closed at 1 pro. '. T' . :- Q. H. RdBKRBt, Cashter,- Violet soap 850 a box Isonr most popular seller, we have other kinds from 10 to 50c, but tbe Violet, 8 cakes for 25c, beats them all lb popularity.' Bradham's Pharmacy., . . -,- ' - Stall fed Beef, just as good as western beef, only 10 cents a pound dvOaks Mar ket. , The finest beef ever sold in-. New Berne new at Oaks Market. Country lard 8 ctnig jer pound at Oaks market. . s . rieMac Wat Male. ' R. Ultlcb will close oat his entire stock of Furniture, Pictures &c, at cost for tbe next 30 day s. 9 1 Middle street. Why dortU you slop thst bsrklng? Carolina, Cough Cure is guaranteed to cure you, or your money will be refund ed, Sold for 2c per bottle at llradbam's Proposal For Ktpairtag or Ro- baildlagnoocly Creek BrMr. Oiwarad by tbe board of Cessalastoa- f of Cretaa eoaaiy that lb clerk ef lb board ba Issuer led to ad Tenia for Jad propoaaW, ta repair or rabaUd MowlyCrrek llndg la N. I lawaabip Cravaa eoaat , Projiosala will as rarelved p to II I'rtel of ibe Sib day of Fvora ary. IW9. Addrraa all proeoaais lo the Badrrslgaed. radorsod PrnpoasU to resiair uf sebalhl Moiely Creek Bridge lavsrr M. Qbbbb Clrik lil. at ('(Haalsaloarr. Jaa. Sib, 1M. ci rf rKOM A I.OVIR . . . , u Or husband of our Fine lion Bona, ru.i...i.... ...j ..,. roe:lin-, Tilbne and Dainty Marah nialloa. or any nf Die superior Candies made here, is a awn-lener I hat b ppre ciaUid and n-todo-d with giMrin, lialaly woim-n revel in our Tnssied Marshmal lowsas i'slate Ticklers. Iliifiy'M (Hiitly Ntnre, Kllolirn ITlriiallN, C.iklng KlovtK. ItHiiges snd Heaters we have in a vorii lv Ibat will suit all ne tin and turtles of tlx liouiekeeM-r, and we nre iM lliiitf Hiem nlmimt fur a souk. Our tin Ausle Wnre shows many new sliH a and iniprovi-ini nlH, while our Hoe id liu Ware is unlimited. Kv rylliinir in ibe Hardware Line at Kiiaramevd Prices. L H. CUTLER H'DW'E CO. For Clerk and Tax Collector I hereby Announce myself as a candi- ale for I lie orllcu of Clerk and Tax Col lector nf the City of New Bern and resnt'Clfully ask for Ihe support of Drino rat. 8. F. FULrORD. For Clerk iind Tax Collector. I beivhy announce myself as a candi date for Ihe oil Ice of Clei k and Tax Col lector of the City of New Bern, aud respectfully ask for Iho suppoil of all Democrats. UARDY B. LANE. 7lf AT 'IM1M SiAI IPITATIflM 4 OF " MANY FRIENDS. I I UBKFJtY ANNOUMUK MY i SELF AS A CANDIDA TK . FOR OFKICK OF 'ITY TAX COlJjRCTOIt OF THIS CITY OF NKW HERN K. 1 IF ELECTED I PROMISE A FAITHFUL SERVICE. SAJIUEL R. BALL. Riverside Lots Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. A complete .water to be introduced.- (inly $250. Balance $1 ' , Every man of moderate means, and every man working on a salary, may own a home. Buy a home aud pay for it installments. . - More than one half ofliw lots hay been taken. If you want lo get in oa tb UKUUNl r'LUOIt Mow Is lb Time. I . - " No Taxes. . . I will pay tli taxes until you bar fully paid up, and received your deed. ' i v Free Improvements. All.impmvcmenta.aucb as Streets. and completed at an early date, without WHY' PAY RENT When for H Cah Down and Payment Mil, ami ai cer me ki in aiii lor erttl a ttaiHisome uoiuure, 10 on paiu lor id woniu ly lust ailments. Or If you want In build at once, for $260. Cash and swsll monthly paymeuts you cnu buy a lot and bnild a bouse, Iu a good locality, where value are absolutely wire lo advai.ee. . . r , . .. Under rtiy heme biiilillug system you m vsnie 01 tne lot, tjwiit build for you 10 build .:'""'-;- , , - You rxliiigiiiidi lioth iirinclpal and actly ihe sHiiieaK n n', l. ii with ibis difference if paid for tent, every dollar is wasted, if puid under uiy system, every dollar is saved. V, A more favnrulile npportuolty will never be offered, lo provide a home. .. ' ' Ynu should-ecrat once. Sise of Lots 60 x 800 feet. ' : '' Map showing lots, and lor any further InfoimatioB yoe may desire, ' Apply to . , - ; WILLI AH DUNN. Announcement I I Wtwbr aaaoaace ssraUf a aaa. shdaufortbe asVat af Cite Uwrit aad TasCbliactavaf iUm tVra. I niii. tally ask tbe vwtsa af las Uawaamss al la PrWry te be bald Jsaaary I (Ah IWI. I bate eatos lb Dianirrsili Uok 4 thirty yaars. Baveever aetd nay polilkal aatoa. Hasp l of ally, . i. TOLBOM. FOR 5IAYOH, At thaaaraeat snHetatloa at a aambar 4 my frssaos aad fellow siilsaas. sitis btlly asaoag lb latariag asaa, 1 have enassaliw la sarin ei s caadidata bat us lb Ursaarraiic PrtaaarW for tbe aasat. a sitae fur Mayor at la eitT of Maw Brra aad I bareby aaaoaace sayseif a a caadidata for that puallloe, I abas lake this orcaaina to do Ual whit b ao ether raadidal aa. I ptaag yarif lo abide by the eiprsssaa will af Um Democralle voter al tbe pn atari as aad will aapport la good faith wbotvar eosnlaated. Raapwifully, w. r. bill. Know amoof bl triead a Big UilL TO THE YOTEIU4 ! OF THE VI ty f New Hrnt I deiir to announce that I ant a ci I didate for lb office of Chief of Polio of I tb city of New Ber. refer lb pablk lo my record wbil 1 waa a Pol(p afficar ... . ... im in ciiy, ae 10 ny niDas lo oil ia 1 offlc of (."hisf of Poltc. and my efneiea ry. J. K. LAND. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF NEW BERN. I hereby announce myself a candid ale for Ibe offlc of Chief of Police of this city, and respectfully ssk for your aup- I ort, promising. If eh cled lo do tbe best for the good of Ibe cily and the execution of duties assifned tn that office. Very Truly, JAMES T. LEWIS. Announcement ! I b ivby aunniu.ee that I am a candi date for tbe office of Tsx Collector of Ihe cily of New Bern, snd ask the support of my fiiendc. DENARD W. ROBERTS. Announcement I I am a randidate for all Ihe trails Cigsis, Confectionery, dec. C. J. MoSORLEY. In To the Democratic Voter of lie Uty or New Berne: I hereby announce myself a a candi date for the office of Tax Collecler, aud respectfully ask the voles of all Demo crats. I have never failed te vote et any election. Very Respectfully, L. S. WOOD. TO Th DEMOCRATIC YQl'IBS Of tb Cily of New Berne. At Ibe solicitation of my many friends I ber. by announce myself as a candidate for llii. posltiou of Chief of Police and If ehs-led promise lo discharge the duties faithfully. Respectfully, JOHN M. HALGETT. ROMULUS A. NUNN, ATTOHMXT . -SVX NEW BBBNB, N. C. Office: Opp Holel Cbaltawka. South Front Street. Practice la North Carolina. NOTICTK ! Notice I hereby given that application will lie made Ihe next General- As sembly of North Carolina for an amend ment of tbe Charter of tha Oity of New Berne. and sewerage system $5 Cash Down. 00 a Week. - Side Walks, Shade Trees, Ate., will be made expeuse to purchaser. of fl. per week, you raa bur Deairsble can build at once after a cash payment of a house, or win advance you ina money t ' Interest bv monthly lostallmanla, paid x o. M LISTEN ll We propose to sell the Ooods. Thorn is no ques tion but what we are in a position lo ilii linn. You know that we have erne of tlie Largest Stocks of Furniture Ever shown in this suction.. We know that we cannot sell Ihe goods unlefg our prices are right. We are not seljina; nut nt cost, tint, we are MAKING KEDUCTiONS nURIHe THK MONTH OF JANUARY THAT AKE 'JO YIU ADVANTAGE. OUR SPRING STOCK WILL SOOM 11E C0MIMG IN AN WE NEED THE ROOM. GET OUK PRICES AND BE CONVINCED. FRN(L. H. JONES & G0., , 87 MIDDLE STREET. FOR SLE DWELLING HOUSE AMD 1 LOTS BITCATEP OK NATIONAL AVE. ' r,' House haSjlea rooms, with all modern Improvement, water, sewerage, etc. ' Location Tr Fin and desirable resi dence property er Investment. For terms apply to J. F. TAYLOR. J.H. Matthews! ti , .. .. - lii Middle Street - ; '-DBALBakIH " Farclsnand Domestic FRUITS I , Hot . Celd Loach, . .. ' Oysters in any Style. v, ; .-! Confectioneries, - Cigars te Tobacco Aclingpublio, slalmery. IWn u ru Henry's 124 MllMM.E Pharmacy, 1 8TKm Combs. Hair Brushe., Tooth Brushes, Whisk Brooms, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, &c With every purchase of FAIRY 80AP amounting to 25 Cent, a Uanri Caleudar with 1-bolue of Dewey, llerritl and Wheeler. Physician's Preset Iptions' .....A Specialty. HOTEL NEUSEE, NEW BERNE, - N. C. , J. U. RICHARDSON, Prop'r. . Term, Per Day, $, 5o. Can accommodate a Tew Regular Boardera. Special attention given to the travel- Pharmacy. .. . 1