Huxnv A.K3 TM oaTta. Cold Weather v a "r k TkM rmmut . butt dy Is tl fas'. UV4 kuMk. u, 1 w af Um ImU. , kivjuttcf, at a BimIiU I iwOum n uu "rianiiin rtiTa m tha ku 4 M MiauiHi Vm anilin l. ku, urn Mivw IV. mrrmm mm mk Urn Aim- Brings Catarrh. Titoa No. . in Lata JOURNAL Linj, Sale and Exchange Stalk a' ka mmt au Nry tar. aa4 CMARLE3 U STCVEN5, ;mto 4ao wsnmaro. SCB3CIUPTI0JI RATES: ;rf, la edfaao. iw yr, - la advaaea. aUaiblr. by oamwka Usscilr,.... ' Advwrtiala; Baas tureUtad oa) ppU- eslioa. Entered at la Poat (MBo. Hw Bars. H.Um acouua class saaUsr., OtBcial rapor af Naw Bars Ml Crave Cty. Sew Bera.N. 0. Jaa. 11, !. apenut wise rouncax rouor What blunder lha Democialie parir can commit Id Iba nam of economy. Aud tba present Legielalar-Mm to be on tba ruad to cootinoa tba record! Tha ohl popul'stio alort of plj iog to Iba Farmer, la bain; vle tba aUr act of tba Democrat, and til is performance goe under tbe naino of "Koononij". It ia tba old threshing orar of re ducing one' a'.rr, aoine ofli oiaT foe, and it la all dona with aoriouaot aa of diacuMtcn aa if tho engaged io tbe movement kuew what tbej were doing, aud thought their effort wtuld Bueet tbe appro val of thoughtful, intelligent people. - The public diaapproval of the legislature of 18U7, 'or iu creation of new oflioea, for those wanting them, and the iuorease of tbe emol ument in the office already dialing looms to hava made luch au Itnpru aiou upon some of tbe member of tbe proaent Legislator, thai they aie now proceeding to the other ex treme, namely, abolishing oflioos and lowering salaries and fee re garlleg of party policy, the right of Ibe otlice bolder or tbe public welfare'" - ' ' "County oflioer are getting loo much for their aervioei," aay these wise men of 18'JSt, and their coin Den tation for the work they do must be cut down. The Kegiaterj of Deed are es pecially getting rich on the fee received for registering mortgage, iuuing county voucher and mar riage licenses. ' . Has any Register of Deed retired from hi ollio with an over abund ance of money, which he has earned for honestly performing tbe duties of his office? And are these penny wise politic ians who seek to lower the com pen Mtion ncaived by county officei at ail personally familiar with the sum which county officers receiver , What i tbe character, reputation and ability necessary for a mad to possess, in order to be a county offi cer, i the question. These county offices are not eveu now. with their immense (?) fees, any sineenre. The work required is of the ut most importance to tbe people. It takes an intelligent, educated aud painstaking man to perform corroct ly tbe duties of a Register of Deed. A good and sufficient bond is re quired of him. lie must not merely perform the routine clerical work of bis office, but be must bold himself "to meet numerous inquiries regard ing the ' books and papers in his office. -. V N : The farmer comes to tbe county court house seeking some qnestion of title, and the Register of Deeds is asked to assist in finding' what the farmer want to know. ' Tbe farmer nrght easily fro to a lawyer and get the information, but he cannot afford to pay for a law yer's services, and' the Register of Deeds is sought, which costs noth ing. " "." This is but a single illustration, many might be given- - I , And what economy is it to Cut down tbe pay of those employes working in tbe Legislature, to heap tbe work upon the" few placed' in office, instead of having the ork done by an ample force of employes? This kind of '-politcal finauoer ing" may provoke tbe applause of a few for tbe moment but its after effects will prove disatrous to Dam ocratic interests, aud" the few dollars saved now, will mean tbe loss of many voles for the party "in the norO Ui in '..- V Cot'1 h and W w ......... Tki. : ,' y w 111 cure w j'rUI , j coals. Soli by all itu Ishw 4 Out luusTRArfo PAHsmitr tt m tVtWt HOVUMOLA. nits Yomn CoNKHsa futnrt, V4um Irgiilalion uf ris kind eaooot decaiva, and the ri Jt ful tffio bolJr la lha Ddiaucratic party will ooly jadg lbt tby havr been daerivad. IVoitinyU tight and neoraaart but U. it b put ialO flT-rt whma It k nfoeaaary, and paring dow thr nay of asaployee aaJ oflioa hnklera. at in same lira nqiinn; mil work i f then, ia aot ti oaonrnj which i waniod by tbe f.iter. - OaalkM OuMt Be Cw4 - hy lorml ar-pllcalioas aa tkff cimkU rrvk Iba dU.aed-port Whi of the tar ! There I naljr an way to ear uWama. aad Ikal la ly eoDMllullonil rtmwltt OcafaeM U eaaaad by aa !n(Uay4 con dllloa of tb aiocous Unlng if lk Ru slachlaa Taba. 'Whra Ihh luln la la Biuaal yoa bav a rambling aoaad or Inperfect beaiing, aad warn H I eattr lyrloaad. Daafoaas la tha rHolt, and Im IIm liifliaimailna caa betakaa aul and Ibla tub imoml lo lis aorraal rordllioa, bearing will be oral roved lor vtr, Bin caars out of lea are caused by Catarrh, wbkk b aolblag but aa ln- Bamrd condllina of the mooon snrf are. W will glv On Handled Dollar for any case of Dcafnats (ranrrd by catarrh) thai cannot b cured by Ilall a Catarrh Cur. Beal for circular; free.- F. J. Ciiuby 4 Co., ToMo, O. Hold by Drngglita, 7Se. Hall's Family Cilia are tbe best. ' ' i Nearly 100 000 pounds of snails arc dally sold in Ibe ParUiaa marktls Well tbat's not so slow. .- !. '.'". B)r. B. aMrliwISMI UiiMM May be worth more to you Ikaa 100 11 you have a cliild wlto anils bolllng from inonnteuetice nf water during sloop. Utirrs old and young alike. It arrrata the tmuhle at onre. 1. Hold by C, D. Brm'- nam, druggist. New Berna. M. C . , ' : BefrtshU;. : . ' - : 'Dickie, what did your mamma aay when tbe saw ns coming along the walkt "She said, Well, well, what on earth his your father picked up nowf La Qrippa tacaafnlly Treated. "1 baye Juki recovered from the second attack of la grippe tbl year," says Mis Jan. A.Jones, publisher of the Leudar, Mexia, Texas. "In the Matter case ued Cl.amberlaln's Cough rtemrdy. and I Iblnk with considerable success, ooly being In bed a little over .'two days sgsinal ten days for tbe former attack. Tbe second attack I au satisfied 'would have been equally as bad as the first bul for the use of this remedy as I bad to go lo bed In about six hour after being 'struck' with It. while In tbe first, case I was a)le In attend to business about two dvs before getting 'down.'. Tor ea'e by F. 8. Duffy. , ' ' After AIL ' , He So yon love me after all? She After all tbe other. ' - Remarkable Beaca. ' Mrs. Michael Curtain, r rain field, 111., makes Ibe statement that she caught cold, which settled on ber lungs; lhe was treated for a month by her .family physi cian, but irrew worse: He told ber she was a bopelea viulim of consumption and Ibat no medicine could cure, her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's Mew Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. 8be continued Its ns and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well, now does ber own homework and Is as well as she ever was. Free tela! bellies of this Great Discovery at P 8." Duffy's Drug Store, large bottles 50 cents and fLOO.,- kj rre t It. Friend Why on earth do you wear those tall callats? The Confirmed Dude Because there are bo taller ones made. Coughing Injure and Inflames sore lungs. "One Minute Cough Cure loosens tbe cold, alaya coughing . and beali quickly. Tbe best cough cure for child ren. F. B. Duffy. - . . .a. ft. X A. . Beanuia 8igaatn af . lit in mmi iw nan iwars lhe Kind tm Haw !wars Boujlil Wlairr Taarlut Ttrbrla, Haw Male " air 3wiwrB BtatHaiiy. ' Commencing November 1st, 1803, the Southern Railway will sell from prlnoi psl stations on Its lines, round-trip Winter Tourist tickets to best resorts in Florida, the South and Asheville, N. C. In. "The land of tbe Sky" at greatly reduced rales for the round-trip. . ' Tickets will be on sale from November 1st, until April 80, 1899, and inmost cases final limit returning May 81st, 1899., In connection with the above the Southern Railway offers the qbickest and finest train service and connections to all resorts in the South, Mexico, Call- fornla, Cuba and Porto Klco. " Any information as to rates, schedules, sleeping car service, accomodations, etc , cheerfully furnished npon application to any agent Southern Railway, or It. L. Vernon, Traveling Passenger Ascnt H South Tryon St., Central Hotel 1 :.' -, Charlotte, N. C. .Cc:;dz:iszd Hi li.. f fnnt EASits'snooio UT on ApOCaVtOH. Mica. Co, vom. ' . Alr 'aUB. M.Obar tea.Ug awlfilj )-Wby Willi.! Striking your UlU atalrrT . Willi (WgdIr)-Aaal Froalfar arte ate. , . I I Auat FmMfar- Why, WilIM I aal.1 if y M mrikm bar I vnM Bar am oa aala. Will. (.lOI .IrwlliJ-JTrli I coo U Ui a caaac Ilk that slip. I h4 Ua Crar. A Blartiag lacldVat of wklrh Mr John Orlrer of Fhtladelnbla, the audit Is aarralHl by him as folio a: "I i la a moal dreadful eoodllUra. Mr akia almost yellow, ye suakan, longne coated, pain, Uk and aides, an appeth giaJually growing weaker day by day. Tbrr pbyalclaaa aad given at up. Fortuaalely, a frlrud advised trying 'Electric Bluer,' aVid lo my gnat joy ami surprise, the flrA bnl tie mad a decided Improvement, I coa- llaord their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know Ibry saved wy life, and roblvd lb grave of another victim. Mo oar aanuhl fall In try Ibea. UalyMlcta. per bottle al F. 8. Duffy's urug mora. a " Bw t 1 taat a ia. Toa yoang rondrrl,a said II father,- seizing his diaubedlent soa by lh hair, "I'll show yoa bow you ought to treat ynnr mother. . And be gave him aevral bang na lb ear, and Inea ahooK aim till bis bslr began lo fall out. - Horrible agony is caused by Plli Burns and Bkln Diseases. These immediately relieved and quickly cured by Do Will' Witch Haxel Halve. Beware of. worthless Imitations. F. 8. DufTr. . X r-e . Ead it fafoly. Mil, Uwllllauis-I heard yau tell Mr. Sllint to como around at lunch Urn down Iowa tomorrow aod you would hav hot-scotch. . What is a hol-aeoU u dear? Mr. U Williams Cooked ostmeal, my dean . ' ' ' . ' ' Mr. ft. A. Fackler, Kdltorjof th Mi can opy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wife aod children, sufTcretl terribly from La Grippe One Minute Couh Cure was the only remedy that helped lliem. It scled quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy a a specific for La Grippe, and Its exhausting after effects. F. 8. Duffy. ' ' " '- . :! -. I . riping. . , If letters through pneumatic tubes Shall carried be, some (lay, Tho poet, to Ibe magazine, Hay truly pipe his lay.. -I th rublic We are ulborlzed to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy lo be a repiesenlad and If not jrallfac tory after two thirds of Ibe content have been used, will refund the money lo the purchaser. There is no better med telne mde for la grippe, colds aod whooping cougb. - Price 83 and 50c per bottle. Try it.,, F. 8. Duffv. "Why do the rose fade slowly away?' she Inquired poetically. ' 'Well, replied the bald-headed young maaiwlth wide ear, "when you Iblnk k ver It's all for the best. It more com fortable to have them fade slowly away than 1 re them go off jfil-bf a sudden like a torpodo. . ' . laAammatcrx Bhenmatiam Cared ia '.v Baye. ' Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.,Mys "My wife bsd Inflammatory Rheumatism in every muscle and joint; ber suffering was terrible end her body and face were swollen almost beyond .recognition) had been in bed for six weeks and bad elgbt physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystlo ''Cure for Rheuma tism. It gat Immediate relief and she was able to walk about in three days, am sure it saved her life." ' - Sold by Henry's Pharmacy. . ' i ' . ' Assortment. s ' Mrs. Brown I wss in the new drug- store today. It's just lovely, . - ' tin. Joues-i-Tesf . ' - Mrs. Brown Yes, thoy hsve six dl.' ferent shades of pills! ' 'No lieal 'li j persrn med fesr any dan gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe If properly treated. It la much the same a a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment'. Remain quietly at home and lake Cliamlierlnln'i Lough Kcmedy as iJlrecied for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recov ery Is sure to follow. For sale by F. 8- Dully. ' " m "-'-, ; .. . "- Afraid f Angels A little girl, whose ami her loft ber aloHe at night after telling her the room j was full of angels, was beard saying to her doll: "Now, dollle, you musn't be afraid. The room is all full of sugels. ,It beat9 the devil how afraid lam of angels." Tho smallest tilings may exert the gr,;iiestinlluencc. D Witt's Little E;ir!y lv its are uni'ipialled for overcoming c i-- lii.Li mi I lier troubles, i i'I i.-st piu, s . e rn. f. s. 1- 7. lull It wvitiiMr U UlMntk mi auahar - r 1 .1 j ml lii 1 iiiiinn. m Id ba munm) Im mraltmmm ask AWmImmW Sn brlna- ataUr of Klama Twaiiinaa broucbl, tmtastkx )ula aaa has Inoaa Mat pnrfaaanr ni no to rut tr paarr, mmt aa thnm tsa alamm duwa la SUwaaV saVUac last m !, "Vara ahaaea, pt faMar." amkd A ! "I tall ro Ur naV eai." said Hatter. "Try eta," aaM Alaundar. "Tlerltl el." Tm si ma1 tn acata, and aot aua- arlna mxld anniaahal aatMIx, "Bring air of Kau" Lord(tnaa rUllaaa ArawJroof atapoa tmard aid aroarad Ahixaadet W) S aad buy a a a "V n irttkd aswara, hlr WU- .1 Mil i-d Aauaader, and picking Um a Mon (mat tha lalila aad ptarlns kirn than I aad tomanm lulo to kandk hm Mrn Irrward asd aaki4 II utwy Bow aa WaMt4 taaiar aus. "Cut II aid Ulr BHuawha tartly, at XI I ma Iraxatioa a plana w I ia au lom- Cainw ' Ali-xaalar tank bold of th paper, and. Inaartlru tb arianra, urad tb blade taueMMf txl oat all tha raualmd tnrtloa aa nraUr'a If a had aasd a strain hi oil fra. than turl na tn tb pralouur with a fath er 1(tuiinl lor aad Iwlnklaof tbopv aid, " bAtnre an alrt dinita gang tarn (ithor, J liaaur. " Iluakey and all prra- ant oollnld. Hosloy put bw band lata bis pn-M ""d. takln oat a toTrrabjrn. v It tuabuaadar, addlnn at tba aaaM lima, "Vt hav dona mm." Tb aansa evealns' Aaunuar rrlalnl tbe story wttk area! (uatl to a friend. Wbea asked how aa diund iak ao fro with sack a dutta Catabad rtsn, ae replied with graa pbasla, "Lrd. mon, they bluo prafeasor bud toe he narthtnt at a' xeept thalr bulks." (LrnblU hUgaalna. WASHIiGTON A8 A SENTINEL I Walked a Oaard Vallaf Para ta Rail' m Starvtac all. Wllllaia rorrfu fivaa a irraphM plotora of Wnshlnoton'a WMwarablewinkwof Buf fering at lalley ronr In Tb Ladles' lloma JournM. Houtlnals pacing la tb snow oa th4ontpoau took off tbalroap and stood la Ibera to aara tbalr feet train trenslna," b writes, "flora and there could be fo4nd vea ejaeers In a sort of droning Rwjn mail of old woolen bed covers, lhrstoat hearted women of Now Jerwarnt Ufclr quiited olothea aa Christ mat prvacnttj with tb patriot ke )ost that as women mm nld oniMlnio to wour tha troaaoMLio Bow tbeas would be an ez ease tor mm who might wenr tbe pettt- eonta. I . . i "Waahlnirtia, who never aaasgaratsd. anld that tw nicn had mora than on shirt, nianjrliwlr half a one, and nisi nono at all I Nearly 1,000 men were bare footed, and tocastonally might be aenn a wildkirwbowia all but naked. Sometime then was mmlig to eat In tho camp but ntren-mlted lioiTln. Mm wnra known to auatoh nt ire dough of pnlf baked onkoa In IbuklUboni ol tb (ariuers'wlvus. The eoutraetors did tb oonimlasary ngont and tlie eontliimtul eonirrraa had broutiht 18,000 nwn to b verge of atarvntlon, and tho blood of Gtnnrul Wayne ran hot with rage as he tonk1 on his ronr fellows, wont with hunger. I Indeed there was but on horn tnmblur and alio but on wooden dish for every not. .. "Washington himself dined one day on potatoes and Mokory nut 'My good man,' ho said to tbo sentinel In frontal bis hoariiiuartcn, pacing up and down la the bitterness it a onld morning, 'have you had nnythlig to eatf 'No, air,' waa tho reply. JUi.o ma your niasket, then, and go lnstda mntl gel some breakfast.' And tho tnll ecnimander gravely walked up and down aa guard over hla own bouse." , A niKkland Dear rarest. A highland dear forest Is not, of course, vast, densely wooded park-. A a high binder said to as Knglbibinan who won dered that trout wero wanting there. ."Whoever henrd bf a forest with treeef There may bapiun to be tree la tbe for est; natural blnib woods may cling to tb aides of a gleu. pr tbo loner slopes of tb bill astound tbo lodge way be clothed wlui modern plantntloua of ur and laron, but these are Irii.My ornamental fringe of the forest. . lite forest I Unit la a great waste of mountainous moorland, treelesa, brown with heat I or or gray with course grass a wlldernets aacretl to the led deer, from whlob hiiimn dwellings are ban ished. .. , ' Th many hundred of aquara miles of bleak, high lying moor now devoted to doer fonet novor nnld hare maintained a large population, There bav been farina and erafta In tbe green patches In the glens, and In the old times tho cattle were driven In the sunnier to tbe shelling high up among tha hills Now tbe only people who live In the font throughout th year are the forester and bis family at the lodge, with perbnp an underkeeper there and one or two othW keepers at tbe oppo site side of tbe fcsVtst, some doxen miles away. uenuuiuna s nngazioo. "WsaM JtkH. "Rear me, Josob said Mr. CaHlpsr to her husband as lltpy strolled along tbe street,-"what a gliyif It must haw been from whose inouthfcaul tooth was drawn I" And ns sbo spoke khe Indieated a mock tooth, a foot In heibht, that was hanging In front of a dental establishment "Why. Cynthln.t' anld the matter of fact Colonel Calllppr, "that Isn't a real tooth; that's just nj made up tooth out of sine and gilded."--: - ----- " Why. I thoughtji hat came ont of some giant's hood," snld Mrs. Calliper. "No." said tho oMncl; "It s just nuule up" - ' - . 1 ' ' t Across the street t wre was a hat store with nn emblem sign on the nsif In tha form of a silk hat with a crown as bis as a barrel, but Mrs. Cull I nor mmlu no oke au wins, woa,ivaif ino use, lor me ooiu kel always Invariably took ber little jokes soriouly. New xmk Sun. Correction Das, "I see," said the farrnor, "that you have ne wrote up as the prdud father of a new iirl." "Yes," said the editor of the country Taper, visions of fatahlrkensand npplnsby ho bushel Hosting before his mental vi sion. "Seems to ine," edntlnued the fanner, "tlmt 'resigned' would have been a hotter word than 'proud.' She's tbo ninth." Clnolnuati Enquirer Uw to Prevent Pnenmonia. Von are perhaps atrare that pneumo nia always results from1 s cold or Irom an allack of In grippe, t During the epi demic of la grippe s few joars ago when so many ca-es resulted in pneumonia, it was observed Hint the attack was never followed by that disease When Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy was sed. It coun teracls any tendency i of a cold or grippe to result In that dangerous ilia ca-e. Il is the 1 I remedy In tlie worl f ir : 1 colds n !' --rlppe. Fv.! v ' -, !. 1 l.y F. ? ' The Severity of this DU case Increases Each Winter. Thocrt th d itaxreaabla gt of Ca- lArrh ar felt all lb year round, sold and unpleasant weather acaravate the diarist and it ia during Us win W mron that its e rarest funa I felt. eb ueeeeding year see ma to In tensify tb disease, aa that It gradaally fas tons lu bold apoa the aofferer with a grasp that beaomea nnaer aaek aeo- a. Catarrh often appear a only a oid at first, and is hardly noticed. But gradually th old return, aad it I snor ditflealt to eur. and stays kmger than formerly. The symptom eo- not b mistskaa they mark the first appearano of a disease that will de velop ia seventy and stubbornness .and which It ia Impoasibl to ear with th oeai treatment of pray, waebe. and similar application. Being -a disease of the blood, only a blood ramedy ean bare tbe slightest elleet apoa it, B.8.S. (Swift's Specific) is tb ooly ear for Catarrh, because it 1 tb only blood remedy wnlca go to the seat of all ot aunate eases , ana lores out tbe nit teas Mr. T. A. Willi am, a leading snar- ebant of Spartanburg, ft. 0., write i 'For four year I had nasal eaiarrh. and though the eaa waa a mild on at tint, it was not long until I noticed thai it was trraduallT arowinc worse. Of course I waa under treatment af flrspj class physicians, but their remedies war applied locally, ana ue uatarra ' sail Hay. Salt bay Is aaed in winter for color ing various kind af plant tbal grow close to Ibe earth. It baa a long stupl, and it servo this purpose well. Straw with long staple still is and for han dling np plants and shrub having stalks. Salt bay 1 need iu oemetari to cover up Ivy clsd grave The ivy is thus kept in bettor condition than If It were left exposed to Ibo blast and tb onld of winter. Tbe brown bay ia laid longtbwir upon tbo grave in a covering of uniform thickucm all over it. which la held in place by bent tcda settled down npon II nt Intervals, hooplike, and with their ends lu tho firouud ou either side. Polities,! Wit. The rcpurtee of tbo ixililicaJ platform is fniinoutly surpassed by tbe repartee of I lie crowd, llcmilly, at a Uuuaerva- tivu luceting, a local politician "on tbe etniup" declared, in vindication of bis devotion to truili, that when a boy he bad been thrashed by a uii.tuken father tor tolling It. It Wns au ill maiiiiurcd Democrat io tho body of the hull who brlakly re plied, "1 cnessll'a cured yer, fjuvuerl" London Chronicle A lenitervatlve Verdlrt. "He died through hi own exertion, witb some slight assistance from bis neighbors, was the verdict of un early day coroner's jury in Kllsworth county after it bad hoard testimony to tba ef fect I hut tbo vigilance committee had made a bursa thief climb a ladder agnint-t a telegraph pole and jump olf with a runs around his ueuk. Kansas City Journal. - , In Germany "von" implies uobilltyj and all persons who belong to tbe no-' bility prefix "von" to their family names without any exception. Tbe Boston Public library baa a file if tbe London Time complete frdm (BOO to tbe present time. Modest Women Modesty in women is no less charm than beauty and wit Ia it any wonder thnt wo men afflicted with Dhvsical disorders pecu- t uar io weir sex shrink from per-1 tonal exanuruv-1 lions by nmlc -physicians? The mm weaknesses and IrreRularitiea of womea may. lie recognized by certain unfailing symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing down pains, irritability and extreme nerv ousness indicate derangement of tb delicate female organism. Bradfield's Fe male Regulator is tlie standard remedy for characteristic diseases of women. Sold by dm(rgista at f i.oo per bottle. THE BA0F IEIB RE0UUT0I CO., AtluU, ta, FOR SALE DWELLING HOUSE AND ,1 LOTS HT0ATED ON NATIONAL AVE. - Douse has ion rooms, with all modern Improvements, water, sewerage, etc. , ' . Location very Fine aud desirable tesl dence property or Investment. , i.For terms apply lo J. F. TAYLOU. . BRANCH 0FF10K ' IV. 1 'MM 1 Co, . (Successors to II. W. Hilsby & Co.) IsHiikcr nutl lrokfrt. Stocks, Ilonils, " Cotton, ii ruin, s , 1'rorlsinnt Boii(?ht and sold for cosh or on margin t one per cent, in lots from $0 up. Over Cotton Kvohnnee. f VNnllonal liiink b'efnronces. J,:'t'0HH!ait t,l!ltlt;l! I'.ns. A. O. M-'-V!"' "-V, in lai. in inn I asistsd to b rstllag tiraw bold oa mm ll lAo wtls. AtVer apendtng to aoh Boay for atsMtat wbea aaosad to b all ta vala. I was erred to try B S. B- Tble y psasad ta t b Was rixht one, far 11 go a th di , and tow bottles eared m perfectly. Tb ear ws permanent ooa, and I haw aot bad a toueh of Us dieses dor aaaay yaera. Swift' BpeeiA la is only ram ally Lbs will hav lb sUfhtest Seet "ipoa Catarrh. BITr trwa Catarrh abooM re m Start mm th -as bctor tb aold weather gsivae H. Those woo hava beea relrla apoa .kxaltrlmsnl will afjiiod winter weather .it all that t needed to w tha tha 1 ediseaM kt UU with then. A sjoura of 3. 8. 8. (Swift's Bpeeifle) will pro all assertions made tha It i tb only r for Ostarrk ; H roes to tb ouea of tba troubl tb blood ' and fur oml ail tree of th diseosa. Swiff 8 peel a i th only remedy which reaehes real obstlnats blood dis eases It ars Catarrh, HheenuUisra, Oaaear, Oontsgiou Blood Poison, K sema, Serolula, -and rry otbes diMM of tba blood. It i gnoranveed Purely Vegetable and Is th only blood remedy containing ao ipotaeh, atereory or other mineral. Book mailed fre to an add res by tb Bwifl Bpecifla Oa, Allan U, 0. The Best Whiskey in the World. I P. IL at the Palace Saloon. Rub, Rub, Rub. And lb rub will soon wear nut your linen. Mow don't let this con tinue any longer, but let me do your Istundry work. We don't rub your shirt to pieces, hut wash them iu a large revolving pool that flowa with pleuly of water. We use the beat soap and guar antee nn lye or soda. Call and see for yousrelf. We wish In treat our patrons right. Head us your laundry. NEW STEAM IaAUNmtY, J. E. DAYBERRY, Man. HOTEL NEUSEE, NEW BERNE, N. C. J. M. KICHAKDSON. Prop'r. Terms, Per Day. Ii So. Can aorommndate a few Ueulnr Boarder. Sperlal attention given to Ibe Iravel- HniHililio. Accuracy In ; Filling Prescriptions ' And comnoundlna them from fresh. pure Drugs is our specialty. No-m'stake are ever made in this departineni. ana our Druir and Medicines are all bigh grade and pure. O ur charges are rea- sonable, and our service prompt and oungiue at all umet, INiITj'h Pkarniftry, Cor. Middle ft 3, Front Streets. BY SPECIAL REQUEST , We hsve ordered some Extra Fine - Sull Fed BEEF which will be IS) Cents for tbe Choice Cuts. ; Oih-r Beef al tlie old price. , : Those wishing something floe ' will do well to call cm us. -Respectfully, ' , Sam,l Cohn &Son. Facts ! Facts ! ! When yon visit the city don't -fall to call on the Old 1 tellable firm of . , ..... Roberts & Brother They keep a full stortk of ; IroI ! ::h & Crt-frrles rV'hlch tliey ofTer at Lovi Fig ures. Yon will alwsy lind them 1 . ,i . ! teis for Fii'bt-Clas IprriV ; 3afli aaq, JMtaatwwM'aSBtatTsTaTtaWa saa- TZmmttlX- d5 CO., W HOLESAE t RETAIL DEALERS IN HORSES . AND . MULES. trAOon.KeLinof BDOOIES, ROAf CAKTS AND IIAltNRffi. flNANCIAL. r.A.Uraan,Prss, BJt. Meadows. Ties Pnt .If. SaovBS.Oaahlar. CITIZElTs BANK of bTbtw Btraiva, nr. o. DO A 0KNKHAL RAJIINU BUSINfcXl Tbs Assoaauol asaka, Bsaksrs, Corput atwas, r armors. MiirrhanU al nthara rr anlrsd on laviirahlr trruis. ' rHnil sun oan ml aUsnUos lvu lollminun'st ol onrsiis losiars. Coll atlou a spaelallr. aoiao orDisaoToa. rardlnas Olrlsa J. s. Miiilows. imuiimiI w. liNirh, K. H. MmiiHiwa, Chan. Iinfly, Jr. J Kini - Kmlmotiil, Slayer Halm, a Tliouiss A . 4r-sa, 0 S. Vow W. r.CrnrkKtt. mas. n. roviar, J. w. Urainirrr. K. W. Kmallwumt, HM. M. Ivos. F. & M. BANK, MAY 1st, lHllf). Capital Stork t7a.000.00 Sarplas, H.&00.00 Undivided l'ronis S.I70.0H OFFICERS: L. II. CiiTi.iH President. W. S. ('HADwira, Vice Pres. T. W. DswxY. Casbier. J. W. liiimi I, Teller. F. F. Matthiwr. Collector. DIRECTORS: Wm. II. Blades, M. M. Msrks, (, D. Unidhuni, F. II. Pelleli. r, L. H. Cutler, Jnn. Suter, W. S. Chadwirk, J. W. Stewart, T. W. IVwey. We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other hank in tbe city. It la our endeavor to make business relations mut ually ploasant and profitable to our patrons. WANTED lo IIUYx Wool, Cot Ion, Hci'Hwax Highest Price Guaranteed. J. E. I, AT II AM, -Near Collon Exclianp DEALER IN Hardwaic aod Fire Arms, Sash, Doers and Blinds, Paints, N Oils, Cement, Lime, Eir. Arnt for Garland Stoves & Rangf g ui beme'g, and BenJ Moorek' KEADT MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel ChatUwka, NEW IIEItNE, IT. C. II. W. SIMPSON, rehiteel Superinlender 68 Krortrt Street The Practical Christmas Gifts. , it'ii n 4 .'' ., ' ; f ft g.' 'i- We are showing a Stock of Tuil- .' ish, Blast Indian and Moorith Draf- eriea and Embroide-les. . - , i , .- i All adapted fo Furnish ir g Oosey ' CorneM, Dens and Smoking Rooinr. Also Table Covers, Wnntel Draper- llano and Table Scaifs. &c, ' .: - - ' ' if v '4 ;; '' ' Our exhibit is so worthy' tlmt we tiirgest t trip to Ileltfh to see it. Dobbin & Ferrall, AT TUCKER'S STORE, 123 & 125 Fayetteville Street, "1W IT --T Ml .'4Ul i.S Va f KUCESSIONAL. P. . Slavaieam A. It. Ward J- . E. W. Fa. SIMriONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS d C01NSEL0RS at LAW. a aw ms.bnk, a. i OtBci 88 Ho, Kioni Strct-t, nearly oppo site II old Cballawk. (Olllces also at lishleli and Htrlithfleld.) erw-iira iii IIh roiinin-aoi llavrn. rmplln, Jours,, caHt-n-l fsunlro, VtsAa. Jiibuston. Hiini-u snu HIIm.h; is ids Su l.iniia ami ri-oeinl Lutiiu, u,u wbarsTsr m-v, , are ik-aln-il. P. II. l'ellclfer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Slddle Street. Lawyers BrliL Jlalldlair. Will practice In thr Counilrs ol Craven srlt-rrt, Jouns, inloa aim l anilleo. U. H. 'oui I at Nw Heme ami supr-uis Court or bs Hlsta. N. II. STKEET. F. P. GATES STREET & GATES, Physician and Surgeon. Middle Street, New Berne, M, 0 -STEAMERS- EASTERN , CAROLINA DISPATCH ' LINE, -AND- Old DominionStcamship Cd. FREIGHT & PASiStNGER. For All Poi.ilH No rib. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Kridu) at 0 "p. m.,sbaip. The Sir. Ke-wbern Will nail Oil 'I ll-Sllats Sl,d Vriilar. at 12 u'r o k. i noli, making land ing ut nil why stations. 13?" Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Kino, Gen. Mgr., II. 0. HuDGiNo,Gen.Frt.& Pas. Agt. Norfolk, Va. New Berne, N. C, May 30th, 1B98. Notice ! A. Big Knock Down . on wood. 400 Cords Oak and T ine, nun 1 1 aold. Stove Wood, anv lenctb. a Sw-cislt ri. livered to your door, Brick and Hnml-Mada and Sawed Shingle alwsys ou band. - -' . Bicycles. Drnvs and Harness and two good wkgnns ' All the sold in .11 a neit Ibrve day. ' t Mow we will eut prices again on Beef, Pork aod Sausap). . - , . BIG HILL. The Shinale Kan. REALESTATEAGENCY House and lots For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. D si raid Homeland, Tenement that will prove a One Infest-' ment, Collection ef Rent a Specialty. ORire at Roherla & Brjn'a store, on- posite 'post oflioi-. . t '.-.' 13. E HARPER. Russell IloiiOD. v While In Beiuforl lie sure and stop at tbe Busell D use, FiVst-Clsss Board. A home for traveling people. Fishing and hunting unexcelled. .Terms f 1 25 a day or 15.00 per Week. G. A. RUSSELL Tt, ji.

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