HE ncaiDvCECPSTlUCFnGS Uilo a. 4, only to Ue orificallly aad kimtJ.city of tba eoaabtBaUcav bat also to iKe cm aod akiil with which U hi cnaeufariarod by ft tit iuniin known to Ue CaxiroaaiA Fie SrUP Vol only, tad ww with to lapraae opea 4 the trauortaae of purchasing tb true u4 original raaaedy. A tb CtboIm Sjrrnp of Pifm is Mamf aetorad by tl Uurouu I'm Brier Co. ouly. a Hmwledga that fact will eak.t on (a avoiding lb worthlia iuaiUtia manufactured by other par la. Tha hljrh Blaadlaf of tb CaU foriiia Kio bmup Co. art la tba asedi cal pttifeaaiua, tod tba seiisUrtiar "hick tba frenuta Syrapof Fig has ' g'trtm to millioa of families, stakes tha Hum of tba Company a ruarBly f tba exenlleoo of IU remedy. It ia Xur ia advance of all other laxative, -a it art oa tba kidney, liver and . luweln witbont irritating or weekeu in thesa, and it dora aot grip nor aaanato. In order to get iU beneficial effects, plea reatenber tba a use of . Uie Company ; CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP Ca , s raxc rjmxa. a aw nu,Ei. THE JOURNAL. NewBira. N. CM Jaa. IS. 1899. . IIW BEBTIKBEkia. P radium Cipar. Hecklarw Fhore. 0 H Knnett-Bchool bonks. Nolic General Asacmhly. , II N Duffy Morey burneie. O Hark Oo Clearance sale. Business Locals. I HAVE received a Rample M9 Colom bia Chain Wheel, price f-V) anil invite inspection of aame, Bicycle, Grapho phone and Printing. 'Phone 138. . , s Wk. T. Hill. TRS Uncut Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Miiliile 8t-eot 5END IN YOUR NATlES . For the Journal' Fair Edition to be Issued in a few days. Papers sent free to names hand ed in to this office. Do so at once. 1 a pT IN THE CITT. , The forecast 1 for clear and colder weather, today, which I likely to con . llnue tor everal days. The innnal meeting for the election of tha officer of the Craven Club, postponed from Ut Friday night, will be hld to , morrow, Monday night, at 8 o'clock. Why cannot the hotel and boarding ' house of this city make public their addreise and accommodations, so that . visitor during Fair week can know .- where to gof , Tho Christian Science Reading Rooms v 8? Craven street, are open daily. Bervl ' , ces Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. Wednesday 7.80 p. m. Horning lesson. Subject: Truth. John 1:17. Afternoon ' lesson, Subject: Turning Water into Wine.. John, 5:8. All are welcome. . ' Z. T. Harrington who hss been travel- Ing in the Interest of the New Bern ' Fair Association during last week, : through Lenoir, Greene and Pitt counties returned here last night, and report - that the people In those counties will . ; generally attend the Fair, next month. ' Christian Church. Preacblnir bv the Pastor Rev. F. W. Lux ford. Horning ' service 11 a. m. Subject: "Follow He," 4 7.80 p. m. Subject, "The Sin Against the - Holy GUost. Bible School at S p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7.80 p. m. All are' wel come. ! yl .. v MnUtosJAI.. Mr. A.D, Ward returned from Raleigh last night. ;'-''V . ' Chief Shell Fish Commissioner White of Hertford is in the city. ... . V - Mr. H. L. Gibb of Bayboro arrived In the city last night from Raleigh. Mrs. E. S. Jones of Laurel, N. C, is In the city on a visit to her son, Mr. Franc H. Janes. ,.'. : Mr. C. B. Richmond who was manager - of the New Berne Tobacco Warehouse during the past season, left yesterday morning for bis home in Lynchburg. . Smoke 4711 cigar. All wool French Serge, black and colors worth 85c, this week - 23c O. Marks Co. . Smoke 4711 Cigar 5c. sold at Bradhams in oi.oea TIB EM People overlooked the Importance of permanently beneficial effect and were satisfied with transient action; bnt now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, bnt finally injure the system.' Boy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. , " IV.ZX'S CAPUDINE HEADACHE CU2, Is Guaranteed to Cure ! ' ' e, Neuralgia, La r . e, Ick Headache, Etc. : Ct "i ft all Drujj Stores. Tba kmHl tirtl t 1 . a . v, k cWajvd f roak lteilau.1, - C. lmn.lmt lTik. far Ui Vo",u U pkai far t II 4 J. JL Xrlt, of Wklrb ao ward bad We aaant, was r aortad yaataroay as ka'iag arrivad sad aaebored at tba lklCaf Lookoat. Tae crew war raoonad all a tlL aad tisisl aad oarga all rtfkL ; t, I ta iSaau SSatat a.. The aaUcai of I We Bablkc aala of lb AUaatk llotat praparty ea Fabraary Sta, as pabUabad la laws oolaatoa, la aa laportaat eae, aad tha Ofponaalty for lb parchaa of this property at a bar- gala ahoakJ attract lavas ion wko auy be abla U gat a goad property at a low fru ra il vast ors will do wan la tkoroegbly laveatlgau that property, aad be oa kaadabea these! Uk a place. a la a luaM Ball. Roaatraa Hall, wkicb kas baa Uaaed by lb Kalgbta of llamoay, baa bar lhewohly reaovaled la ovary way, aad I now a aroet aitractlva lodg haU.. Tba walla kav baaa papaiad, carpet laid, tba window trass; with eartaia aad draperiee, aad aew faratlar plated aboat la lodge rooav. Tha ateasbrr of this orgaaizaiioa kav bow a stoat eoafortablo ateeling place, aad oa wblcb narts tba Usta of tb cat extra critic. 4 - . . Q)e taaraOla SHWII. It woe id ha difttcnlt to Imagine the streets of this city to be la any worse condllloa tbaa tbey bare baea duriag the past week. It bas rained before, tb streets hav bera muddy 1ml aot la aocb bed of mortar (late a tkey are bow. Tb Fair I coming, lb city will be Tnl! of sight srers, and the reputation of our streets is at slake, and unlet they are Improved before that lime, tba boast of good street will b a vary bile one. 1 he rity authorities should act in this matter at once. ftaetl fair Kaer. in sddltlon to lis special lacing pro gram, the Fair Association bas provided Special Race la the 9.17 class, trotting or uiciug to harness, with a purse of I'.'Oo.OO, mile beau, best Hire In five. The entrance fee will be Ave per cent of the pure, and live percent additional from money winner, at least five horses to enter, and tbiee to start. The purse will be divided a follows: AO per cent to first horse, SS per cent to second, 15 per cent to third, and 10 pt-r cent to fourth. The tluie for entries on this race will close at II o'clerk pa, February 18th, 1809. The rule of the National Trotting As sociation will govern this race. T a la la Uva mp sa. The Baltimore Manufacturer's Record prints some lexis that are first lata things for the people of the South to take up and not only preach from them but practice them in the year 181)9. Capital Is of more advantage to a com munity than demagogue. No cily can permanently thrive upon the policy of slurring a rival. No bucket ever returns empty from the well of honesty and fair dealing. Legal technicality 1 no excuse for dishonesty In dealing with leglllmkte creditor. One of the best advertisement of a State or city ia promptness In meeting obligations. , Campaign speeches are valueless as fertilizers of farms or a lubricators of Industn. Local enterprise in exploiting resour ce I toon reinforced by energy and money from without. All wool dress goods, reduced from 25c to 19c, this week only. O.Marks Co. Smoke 4711 cigar. , Prapeaale Waaleal. Proposal for furnishing wood to County Poor House. : Ordered by the Board of County Com missioners of Craven county, that the Clerk of the Board be Instructed to ad vertise for bids to furnished wood for the County Poor House 1 pine and mixed wood. " Address all bids to the Clerk of the Board. Ernest M. Gbbkk - , i r Clk. Bd. Corn's Good Mother,' why do you not git your children Auwsys Croup Syrup and care that constant coaghing and wheel ing? It I coming Into general use, and the sooner you try It" the greater your thanks will be that your attention was called to it. 25c at Bradhams. , : ere Barara"-v-j Are used by the best people In the country. Read this testimonial from ex- President Harrison: Morey Gas Burner Co: ' The Morey Gas Burner you placed in my library ia giving excellent satisfac tion. ', . Bbkj. Hakrison. There are three styles, Nos. 1 and i sell for $1.50. No. 8, Mitrailleuse, $1 00. Morey Burner are fast replacing mantel burners all other the country. They are practically Indestructible. For sale by, . Richard N. Duffy. v Any mother : whose child has a cold, conch or Is hoarse,, should use Anwaya Croup Syrup. It will immediately relieve the little fellow, and yon will bless the good doctor who first advised Its nse. Sold at Bradhanf s Reliable Pharmacy , I rtlac. In your resolutions of reform and economy for the year 1899, remember the prompt, reliable and cheap watch and jewelry repairer. ' - Baxter tub Jewmxr, '' " , Next to Jorkal, - 4 i w y i.K 1" . M i; u o t . a rs.. . 1. ; j r t U CaUar, prrna M kt t' bead a Cuat&keuoaar aJ TraMa ' lb Slaktag Faad, laa km barlcf U saoUaad aad foaad aoAcivat ta ! artiy tbaraof. Was, oa saaiWe t Coram ttaioaar R f Wllllaau, aerar .r aad ordered ta bo recorded aad t, t. CoiaitaaUaera tUddle, WnilaaU at! Maarly voUag so oorpt tbe sasaa. Oa aUo of Ceauaisaioaer WUUas,, Ibe regular saoalkly bills war ailoaad Ordared, oa Baoliaa of Caasaibaiuoer Wnilaaaa, that apaa tb raalfnaUoa of 8 B BUdle as 'race Cosassiasioaar of No 3 Tewaablp, Ja W Blddla, Jr, b appoiul ed to fill tbe vacancy. Ordered, that Coamlssiaaar Williams b aataorixad to plaos igs at each a traao to Neoa rlvar brMga, aotlfyiag tba public that h la a aiLdassaaanr to ran ar trot taaasa across h, puaUkaU bytBeofliOO. It wa ordered by tb Board that tb clerk be toel reeled to advanlaa for bid to repair of rebuild Muealy crack brblgn. OB saotloa it waa ordered Ik at ta officer of Kef later of Deed, Sheriff a Clerk Bopariur ouurt, b faniiabed with coal to beat ibair raapedln offlee. Tb Board proceeded to draw a Jury for Fabnury Tern Superior Court, luM wbea to fall wing aaaaed paraoa war drawn: narr wan: 8 W McCoy, col, I TnwasMp. Aloara Pelbaat, eol, do. Jobs W Bro a, col, 8 do. Albert Fnlcher. wklte, 1 do, Thoa U DiUsbunl, rol, 8 do. J C Green, wklie, 9 do, Abraham Daanla, oul, do. ' W PToUr, white, I do. Jack llsnly, while, I do. 0 W Dougherty, while, 8 do. . Albert A Hprulll, col, 8 do. Jessie Dudley, while, 1 do. Wa Sultan, while, 8 da W PUurrus.whlle.8di. W F Morgan, col, 6lk township. Ulltiert II Wateia, while, 8 do. -Dsnlnl Galhlo, while, I do. Wat K Row, while, do. 2nd ui J M Hol'ls, while, 8 township. . Samuel Uolloway, col, 8 do. J a Plgolt, white, 8 do. Vergil S Bryan, while, 8 do. C R Saddler, white, do. . E B Heath, while, I do. Noah Jackson, while, 1 do. . John F Hanff, white, 8 do. John S Fisher, white, 7 do. R B Heath, whit I do. ; E 0 Toler, white. I do Isaac Button, col, 1 do. A'U Hawkins, white, (do. John N Brown, cel. 5 do. O W Hill, while. Id. D M Hollowell, white; 8 do M D Lane, white, 3 do. Geo P Lewis, white, 8 do. The following 'named person were drawn to serr as Jgrors fof the Febru ary term of tha Criminal Court 3rd Mon day In February 1899. . A A Smith, white, 1 township. J E Smith, white, 8 do. Thoa R Purify, white, I do. J P Vollva, white, do. Madison Morris, while, 1 do. Alex Stuart, col, 6 do. . J F B Gwaltney, white, 1 do. E 0 Taylor, white, 8 do. , Richard Lane, col, 9 do. Solomaa II Scott, white, 8 do. William Lewi, while, 1 do. L N Lancaster, white, 1 do. R L Tolson, white, 8 do. John 8uter, while, 8 do. . M C N Fisher, white, 8 do. W H Boston, col, 5 do. E L Dougherty, while, 8 do. P A Gaskina, white, 1 do. -B F Jones, col, 8 do. . t Thos B Purify, white, S do. ' . U 0 Satterworth, white, 1 do. B F Ormond, while, 3 do,. D W George, col, 5 do. Samuel W Willis, white, 8 do. ; S A Peel, while, 1 do. Ed M Street, white, 8 do. B S Galoa, white, 8 do. J M Sloar, white, 8 do. Cicero Gaskina, white 8 do. John W Simpson, white, 1 do, - '' , J H George, col, 5 do. t v Wm M Fnlcher, while. ,1 do, C H Dlxcn, white, 1 do. . Richard Sawyer, col, 8 do. Cope Andrews, col, 8 do. R W Smith, white, 1 do. " v Ordered that S W Willis be relieved of poll tax on account of clerical error In tax list, - '-. On motion of .Commissioner Moseley the chairman wa instructed to ate his judgment la releasing Sherwood IIu kins, Harry. Rouse and George Manly from tba county jail, they having served out tbeir respective sentences. " On motion the Board adjourned until Its next ragnlar meeting on tbe first Hon day In February, 1899. - f ' . " . Ernest M. Ghees, Clerk Bd. Commissioners. BTJCBXEN'S ARKICA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 85 cents per box J For sale by F. F.DuffV .' Finest display of fresh meat, pork and sausage ever seen In North Carolina, nw on exhibition at Oak Market. ' : The finest beef ever sold In New Berne now at Oaks Market.. Country lard 8 cents per pound at Oaks nisrket. OA.' Bean tha Early la 190, 'aa effort was aiade la tbt city to atiabiish aciiy beapital, aad far tbt parpoa aa aaurtalnmeal wa (lva, a saqDerad ball, lb raaalt be ing about 170.00, aad (bis ut kaa Ibcc bera la tbe bank drawing in Ureal. lwaanad trass re r of lb Uoapllal rad by whoa I know aot, tb proceed aVr haa'ded to bi by Dr. N. U. Mrret, a.1 I am Mill holdlag Ik awaey, aad tblakea aot king baa com of tba boe pllal iooveiiieBt, aad nothing U bow being doaVTor It that this a-oaey should b pot to olMivobnt aa. Ituggwl Ibatioa LaiUe llenevoleni Society be glvea lb ABoaal of prindpsj and Interest. Who ar lb Interested parties. , It esa pleaaa com forward, orvf I bear Botblog wllhla tbe aext Wa day I (ball tura Ibe mosey over to tb Ladle Be nevolent Society. - James Rkdmoxd, To Inaura happy aew year, keep the liver clear and tbe body vigorous by nslng De Will's Little Early Risers, the faroi.us little piila for cnrwtlpalion and liver troubles. F. 8. Daffy. iaa Carolina Cough Core I getting to be a houaebold remedy In eVrry home In New Bern. It Is tbe adult cough cure ahile Anwsy's Croup Syrup la (or chll droa only. Made aad sold at Bnulham s Pharmacy, cornor Mlddl and Pollock street. rera orThaaha. 1 desire to express sincere thanks to my friends for their vole, and energollc and untiring support ' In Ibe primary held on the 13th Inst., for City Tax Col lector, and to assure them that I appre ciate their service. 1 also wli-h to sav that my heart Is large enough to permit me la recognize tha right of every one to act and vote as be choose; and I hav nothing but the kindest feelings and lest of good will for those who were arrayed against sue. With kindest wishes for sll, I again thank ycu. v ,. J.J. Tolson. . Don't throw away your mony, spend It where It count most. We can ssve you dollars In run of a year, save your health, and ssve yon annoyance. Oar specialty 1 prescription filling, thongh everything in our stor Is the lattit, newest and best always, but especially our prescription work. 11 radium's Relia ble Pharmacy.. .' . Baviriy T we-Ilea, In the Instrumental line of sheet music I can furnish yon with it of every des cription. Society Two-Step Is quite original In theme aud If heard once, one I sure to remember lis most striking melody) dashing In character aad pleases the most fastidious. This piece contains a most elaborate title page in. colors. Price 35c Order received by Jot. Nel son, Jr., at Journal office. Smoke 4711 cigar. y NOTICE.. Notice I hereby given that applica tion will be made to the next session of lite General Assembly of North Caro lina for the passage of a law to authorize the city of New Bern to Issue bonds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for the purchase of Water Work, Sewerage and the Electric Light Sys tem. ' : ' "-, . " January 14lh. , Southern - ' Th Standard Railway ot tbe SOUTH The Direct Line to all Point, TEXAS, -CALIFORNIA FLORIDA, 4 CUR A AND PORTO RICO. Strictly First-Class Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Car on all Mght Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules. ;, Travel by the Southern and yon area sured a Safe, Comfortable and Exprdi lions Journey. - ' , , .... ".' ; - Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bios. Hate und General Information, or address , F. R. DARBY, R, L. VERNON, . o. p. a t. a. t. P. A.; - '.. Asheville, N. C. Charlotte, N. C '' Frank S 'Oaknok, '? ,. J M. Cut.P 3.1 V Pt Gen Man. Trnf. Man W. A.Ti K, OP A. x: : - - e. Gov. MacCorkla's Endorsement W. A. HMTaAtt, Ba ia at Waal t iaa. aaaa a mmmm Sa ska S-aa m m4 miiwn I tnl ba r-iaa-Ska ft.aru.jr rxwwwaa Nutaias aa arrt, narff aa4 tmali Doa. W. A. MArCoaiLB, ae-Cae. at Waa Vmna. Csiuamia. W Va. klanrb a lea 'Pt-ru-mm lltdn imt C CWaaar, O. GaxTLBtfaa: Your I V-r na. aa a sonie. ta errtainly uarxccllrd. aad la a aumhrr of raar that bare new under Ay ooarrrati where it baa beea Bard fur eatarrb. or an diaraaa which ha Ita origin la that malady. It baa beaa of irreat beoent. ie-ra-na aa my hearty reeommendatioa, both aa a tonus and catarrh remedy. W. A. MacCORKLE r-ru-na la a parmawnt aad aciaa- tlfle core for eatarrb. It la purely verctablo and works ta harmony with Datura. All druggist rll it. Ask any drngglst for a free P-ia aa A Imanae for lb year 1809. To Cure Dyspepsia Take a Woml Saw Ami Saw Ruck ' Tlirre TinuH a Ray. For Sale ly J. C. Whitty CO. 85c for the OutliU WINTER BUGGY ROBES, , And HORSE BLANKETS AT LOW FIGURED, to Close Oat Stock to make room for Large Stock of Summer Good. Robes at 8oo and Upward! blankets at 65c and Upwards Harness with Co'.lar and Hamcs . . .v. . $475 Other Goods of High Grade at Pio- portionalely Low Prices. ; Big stock of Buggies, Harness, Horse and Mule. ; t- ' Do.i't lose sight ot the fact that I have a Urge stock of CART WHEELS. - j. IV. STEWART. Cocoanut and Peanut Brittle, ,XOc LTo. Cream Cocoanut Candy, 20c XaiTo. At riVSORLlvYJS xTIen Willi . Artific Tasf-t ; In dress always admire the perfect Ot, exquisite tinish and swell si vie that our finished skill in the tailoring'art outa upon inn cunning mai vce muKe. We suit I'very individual tasle in fnhrics and our own in giving our patrons elegance and refined nppcHranop I n dress, if tbey nave n nm. ji uiey prefer it, they cau gniue us. jLfiir prices are U. K. N. C, Eat as You Eat at Home. J rial a emefarUltW aad larti Irf baaa. Jat taa aaaaa oaerf el aMawilaa) to yaaf wtatoa. Eaaaiirat coaUaa, (tvat vuitxy of dtikre, aeraaeioa riaastiaiae aad uk aarvlr. Xaarytblaf ba eraena. Oar aiss la ta ear asatilimal koasallk to oar Baxroav. So hib tanl. caargi vary rsnslils. At Willenbrink's Restaurant ! 130 Mlddl Stmt, 'Pboew No. 1I& KItehrn UlciistlK Conklnr Stove, lUorr and lira tan w hav la a variety that will suit all Bead aad testa of tha booarkeeprr, aad re am arlltiif laaas aimoat for a (one. Our Boa Amu War annur many new Shan- aad tmprovemala, while our line nt Tla War I unlimited. KTerytliiiit In the Hardware Lin at guareaianl Prkea. u. tin on n. desrajtwr' A Drive In Cloihliifx forOkriatmaa we are preparing now In ""n'Msnd hors mills, overonaia and hat. W hav an elegant Una of W-' Tie and Mutter that make a useful and acceptable gift as ao Xmaa offering. Our price ar special Inducement J. J. RAXTER. R0MULU5 A. NUNN, ATTOBWXTr . JkJX IA.-W, MEW BKRNE, - K. C. . Office: Op p. Hotel ChatUwka. South Front Street. Practice in North Carolina. J. U. Matthews! 1-23 Middle Street. -PBALRB IS- Foreign.aiid Doin?slIc FRUITS ! Hot 4 Cold Lnnch, Oyster In any Style. Confectienerioa, Cigar ft Tobacco &c. 1809 Will prove to the world that the bicycle la no longer a fad, or a luxury, bnt it haa come to slay. It will show many Im provements in Wheel and' Sundries, Oeariaga, etc., and wo will handle none but tbe very best improved make, and win sen mem at a reasonable pronu Orient B50. Cleveland S40 and 150. Olive, t&l. other elegant high grade wneets 2U ana f oecomt Dana wneeis from t5 up. Also 100 pair Hartford Tire which we will offer at very low price Dont forget the Edison Phonograph, which we are agents for. orice S3t. We have everything that ia kept ia. a Mrst-Ulass Bicycle tstaullshment. ASKINS CYCLS tOMPANY. Planters Building. . " Henry's Pharmacy, A 124 M1IMLE Z STUKET. Combs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Whisk Brooms, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, 4c With every purchase of FAIRY SOAP amounting1 to 25 Cents, a Handsome Calendsr with 1 hotos of Dewey, Merrill and Wheeler. Physician's Preset Iptlons S-pedulty. w - w . iVi wicoajear iJ "tj 1 w w v w m0 GHEAT CLEARANCE SALE ! CJoinmences Monday Moniinjc, u t A At II M m at J O Jan. 10, ana coniinuesuniu ea ( ) urday, January 2 let. 1699. o O . o O O () O UOTIKATICI. I MO yard fWker HVarblag. la. - til FraU ut Lana. & tun) (to. d yarl ai.1 tUracklaa. 4e. IM N-w fr t IW. an. low " lleavy )artt aula Caba-art-Ug. V- tUUO " baa lataad Uabtracbtag. te. DRKH.H faOOD.H. Doubl Wnkl Ptfto Oorata, bar brew I Or, aow V. lalW Fold Wnraled, la. Ilnuhla Width HaarWtoa and Caaba ere. IV All Wool Free eh Marge. Mark. Mar ci'tn. won IV. now t-V. PUl(Caakaarrsaad Nvally Wool Couu alao P.aUK always -.Ae Ua aala IBn. Faary Wnol Ooada. tf laced fmei 40r lo tV. liluaiinalad tWgra, Mrkua Cloth aal Cuvrrt, rrdured from 00c .. lo'ta. o o o o o o a o D LIFftNN AM) TOWELM Rnaw nf tb Oraaleat IWgaiD await yea bere. and you ota put la a Tw's rUipiily, for frlora war aevar au Low. AH Um-a Huek Towel, S0i0 10c This Towel was aevrr sold fur kaa Uiaa lao ll.ey Con.h Towel, tl it5. Sc Honey IVwnh Towel, with turkey red border. Ilk-. timelier else Honey Comb Towel, e Urge Hleaca Turkish Towel, 12c 'turkey Knl IHtmaak, fast ml or. rtr, ti Inch II leach Damaak. Mk: aad 4i:. 7' " - ' Uc Turkey Red Napkiaa. . Itlua ami IU-d Check Napkin. c each. WbiU Fringed Nauklna, c aarh Doylies, radured frvra HOr, f I 00, and SI ?5. now AOc Hlic nJ $1 00 Towelling, wa lOe, and He MDERWEA1L Prior oa Underwear are reduced very much. Ladiee Kibbad Veat, the I He kind, now f.V Kslra Heavy Hlbhed Veat or Pants ltto. Half wool Kibbt d Veat or I'anls Kk: Thire fnuilbs wool Uibbed Vests or I'snls Ma-. All wrail :uc. Men's Hrark-l Shirt. 43c. I hihlren's Wool rhirt, n-diicrd slmut one thinl IV II IT K 1IK1 NIMIKARS. Two Grand nrrain4n Spreails. The7V kind, an-Wle. The $1 M) kind. l HI. NATEKi. Fnrl niark Saleen Wl 10c noa Fancy Figured teen. wi.rh In ami l'-Me, now ft.-. KOTIOXN. I liihlrrn's Iliac 8upnrlrrii, Be. Ladies " lltr. Ilox i f gnml I'nper and Enveloea 4c. lailiea (larlers, r piiir. Ac I turning tlollon, M-r pool, lie. ltn ss Mih-Mk UkI Hlockinel. Or. I'earl Itliltnh.s all atxe. ilos Wv O. s o o o o () C) o a o D O o o 8 8 w liien lluilotm, all sites, doz, Q Kenlher Slili-li llrald, Uuiich, Olilck Krtek lirsld, :1c. Shoe I'olUh, .V. n January 16. Jflflmffiwi q CCCOOCOOOOOSOO O OOCOOOOOf An Appetizing aat. J. R. PARKER, rnone ow. f2S!aafrt'! SlX1 If. c5aSE J.. Lots Located on National Avenue, and others: equally desirable. , :i , A complete water, and sewerage system to be introduced. ' Lfuiuiibb . ais a ' t Every man of moderate mcflns, and every man working oo a salary, may own a home. Buy a home and pay for it installments, ; - Mom than one half of the lota have been taken. . If von want In rot In on lha No Taxes. . "' -'v-; : I will pay the taxes until you bay fully paid up, and received your ded. A , . . ' Free Improvements.' : ! .. , : v . All Improvements, such a Btreeta, Side Walks, Shade Tiees, etc., will be mad and completed at an early date, without expense to purchaser. . -., - - WHY PAY RENT When for 5 Cash Down and Payments of SI. per week, you can buy a Desirable Lot, and after the lot is ld for oreel a Handsome Cottage, to be paid form month ly Installments. - Or if you want to build at once, for $260. Cash and small monthly payment you cn buy lot and bnild a house, in a good locality, where value are absolutely sure to advance. - , ? , . - .' ' Under my home building system you can bnild at once after a csah payment of the vslu ot tha lot, I will build for you a boon, or will advance you Uin money to build . -- - .--,.. . ,-. - Tou extinguish both principal and Interest by monthly Installments, paid ex actly the same as rent, but with this difference if paid for rent, every dollar is wasted, if paid under my system, every dollar is saved. v . A more favorable opportunity wilt never be offered, to provide a home. " Vou should act at once. . IJuse of Lots 68 X S00 feel. , Map showing lot, and for any further Information you may desire, - Apply to m 0 0 m m f . I 0 J W m v w v w 4 o a o a o o o u a o o o a o a o o o a o o a o a o o o o o o 8 O o '2c, O .. Q O n Breakfast Will be enjoyed when you serve our choice cerenls and fari naceous f.Mnln, cooked by the re ceipU given. Our self-raising Huck wheat gives you a delicious hrenkfasl on n cold niori Ing, when served Willi our Fox Hiver lluller or Maple Hjrnp, and a cup nf fof fi, mnde from our fragrant Mocha anl Jiivn t 'i fl.-e, ' Fresh Itoasled and Kxnjsite In Flavor. Our Prenkfiut Fomln aie of superior qn nlity. JR., GR0CEP, t isroaa street. s K lXlSl'lXlSSl' . verside m vv a a-. . Willi ah Dunn