JUUUNAL, v .. I - i'T t t yaar. CHARLES L. STEVENS, BCBSCWTO03I lUTtS: ,t W, ta BOTeae. (w . sot ta Bdvaaw. fcoauv, bj cams ta U est Adrarualaf. Hum tumiabea ob, afpU- Entered ai Ux Poet Ofllc, Hew Ban, K, U as sarood etaas saaUar.j ttbtclal Faaar Hew era Crarta Ceaaty. Kw Bera.H. d Jaa.ll. lMt. hub itrma no th- ILTXt. "There ara 15,000 negro folara ia Xorth Carolina, of whoa only V . 000 ara qualified to form to opinion m U auffrafe. I regard thia aoliJ black foU m treat uenaoe to onr gotarnment. Tha argToea need, in lect, to bo Bared from IhemseWeo." Tbia U tha opinion m e jtpreeerd by Trof. Crosby, principal of ono of iba CUala Normal schools, i And there are thoaiandt of 'no. groat la tbia Suta who ara Dot rinoipaU or teachers of achoola, who can do but liul reading, wbo feel tba udi as regards tbia auf frage and wbo aro perfectly willing tbat tbey bo left tba privilege of citizenship, ibo right to labor atid earn a livelihood and enjoy tha rights gained thereby and . at the aaoie lima aro perfectly willing to be relieved from the praaeut politi cal bondage to which they ara sub jected, even if it means the loss of ibeir Tour. Last Wednesday night, the lfcUb, Int.', at Kaleigb, there was held 'a negro convention, whose object it tu te make an appeal to tbe pre eot Legislature, that no legislation be made which should allect tbe privilege of the negro. ' Wbo were the leaders of this ne gro movement, who feared au abridgement of their special privi leges!' Were they negroes of the Crosby kind, or of the lower class of laborers or farmers, who ask to be able to pursue their daily humble work, and be protected in the results ot their efforts? Look at tba names of the leaders. Geo. II. .White, the only negro 'Jongresstnan at Washington, the negro wbo a few months ago smote his breast and defied Anglo Saxon ism, and invited the issue of a fight for supremacy between the White race and the Negro race. ; John 0. Dancy, the negro Col lector of the Port of Wilmington, . who kept oat of Wilmington during, election time, and was enrolled as Vice President in a convention of negroes in the north, which favored , intermarriage between whites and blacks. - ' - These are two of the prominent leaders, who are now crawling and begging, that their political privi leges may remain iutact, so that1 they may again be able to lead the 125,000 negro voters of North Caro lina, and be themselves kept in! ofiice at government expense. : Both of these' men a few' months 1 ago defied the White people, by their openly expressed words and ' stand. Defeated, they seek to ward off the' carrying out of tbe issue which they ' invited, and seek to appeal against any legislation which might "affect ; their future welfare aud prosperity' in the Slate." Affect it as political leaders and ' office holders? Or, affect it as defi en of Anglo Saxon supremacy? The legislstor, who is moved by such a memorial as White and Dan cy aud their tools shall present, are not true men, ' are : not,- the n.eu , whom the people' voted for as de fenders of Anglo Saxon supremacy. Let legislation by this Assembly be unaffected by sooh memorials, let no member forget the issue' which placed him in the present Assembly, an issue which every member of tbe Assembly has tworu to stand by North Carolina for Whit Supre macy! ' ' - . : - It is White, Dancy and their kind who menace the masses of the negro, aud from whom the negro should make every effort to steer clear of. for they invite destruction by ibeir actions. see. Ir.;V Dvlchaa'a Awtl Dlaretle ' V. iy be worthmore to yon than 9100 U you kave a child wbo soils bedding from i ui. -ncnce- of "water during sleep. ,,3id and young alike. It arrests tbe ( at once. $L Sold by a D. Brad ! , .: . -.wt, New Items. N. 0. una . - i r ? We t (a Ui wf i -- , UniJ fa NiflS t Hv. u i ; that 6er!y one bsndrvd jmi a. baa Kaibadicl II aeon tit NurlB tarolioa ass 5jaer of l! lloear ef tbe Natioaal Congrraw, Nona Carolina bad li oaraibais in that body, while tow the has only alee. Aabtrilla Cltia0. ' - ' J Daaraaaa Oaaaet Caraa hy loral apptkaitoei as lay raaaot rrark lbs dU aJ portloa of Ue nt. TWf Is ealy owe way te care Oaaf aaaa, aad ibal Is kr ooaaUlatloaal raaiadias Drafam Is raaaot) by aa liliaii ton ditto el Um atacoaa Ualng of lb Ka taralaa Tab. Wkea Ibis tub U (a aaxd yo bav a ramUlag soaad ot lajiatfaia baaring, aad aaaa U to ait lycloaad. Dmfaeas Is la molt, aad aatt lb la8aaBialtoa caa Utakea eat aad lab lob rralorad to he Boratal cosdlltoa, aoartaf will b lUairoyad tor erar, sum case oal ot lea ar eaaasd by Calarra, wblch Is aolklrg bat aa la luted ooadlUoa ef 114 aiDooaasarraCta. Ws wtO give One Hoodied Dollars for aay caat of Daafneas (canard by calank) that eaaaot be cored by II all's Caurra Car. 8al for circular) free. r. J. Caaaav A Co Toledo, O. Sold by DraggUia, 7Sa UaU'sfaaUly fills are lbs beat ; ta r.Utica. ma' '' -1 'J Lawtoa How did yonr caodUaisur lbs Conneil coma outf . J ' " rtuoler Spleadldly. , llo gti balf lie vuUrs bs elalmsd, a tbird of lb number preailatd bin) and a quarter of wlial bo kpcclrd. u mmmmmm 1 a Bw ta rrvat Paaaiaaaia. ; Yoa are pcrbsp awar that pnevno aia always retails from a' cold or ftom sa auark of la grippe. Ourli g tb epi demic of la (ripi a fw year ago wbeu so aiany eaan rcaulird lu pneumonia. It was observed that tba attack waa sever followed by tbat disease wbea Chamber lain's Cough Remedy was used. It Cuba UiscU any tendency of a cold or la grlpp to result In that dangerous dlt eaa. It la tbe beat remedy la tbe world forbad coUjs and la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by F. S. Duffy, j PONDEROUS PLOO0ER9. Hair Gleakaata Craaa a RlfW Tbat Uaa Sleep Daaka. ' It il a great aUrhl to me a lloo of el.' pbauta crowing a rlvor with stoep banka 1 b.'jr go down alowly, atrlklng th irooDd with their truuks before each step and norar making a slip or a nilaa, although yoo feel every mluuto ai If they were go ing tu Ink a bsador Into tha water. Then they wade or awlm, as th ease may bo, and thitf nwiui Vautlfully, not hesitating tooroai balf a Hill of deepwatarlf need ba. I must say, hoa War, that tba aenaatlon of sitting on tbe bock of a swimming ele phant Is tbe Nvene of pluaaaot. Von taney yoursslf on an enormous barrel wbloh may rull vonnd at any moment and take yon under. Raaldcs that, I hey awlnt ao low In th water that yon an aura of a wetting, whloh In India means aa asoa. lent chance ot fever. 1 Having eroaaed tbe stream, they muni limb to the top of tb bank, and thla li tbe moat peculiar operation of all. Down aa their knee they go and with trunk and tuks dig out a foothold for them eel tm, and ao atop by atep work their way to the top, their poaitlon being aometlmea like that of a fly ellinblng up a wall. As they reach the top they give a lurch Side ways and shoot on leg straight over tb bank, then glv a lurch to the other aid and ahoot out the other log In the same way, which brlnga tbeio Into tba poaitlon of a boy hanging by his arms from tb edge ot a rout. Then tboy eom to thel? kneea and dually, with agr9at sorambllng and kicking of their bind legs, bring tbemaalvea to level ground again. In iplteof these perllnna ascents and descents I never knew an elephant to miss bis foothold, although there w a ease when one of th herd gat stuak In the mud and sank gradually deeper and deeper until only bis bead and part of his back mold be seen. Tba rajah ordered ten other elephants to be brought up, and they were hitched to th unfortunate animal, and by pulllrg toother ot the gtvea word brought their bellowing comrade put o th mud with a ploinp Uk tha pop of g thousand ton cork. Times of India, . THE NUMBER THIRTEEN. Tim Waa Whca It t'aeS to He Csa . aldsred Lacier. ' '5 '" :'. Abtfraot aoleneo hns not only donemnch for humanity in tbe arts, the profession and Industries, but It has alao don much In brushing away tbe oobweos of popular superstition, and abstract tclenoe estab lishes th fact tbat It In anoleot times had quite a different meaning from the 18 of today. Oriental popple found in 13 something divine, and beaoe something good. Thus It la la the folkloreof the Per sians, tbe Indian and the Hindoo. ' Old Testament Jew were of thf earns opinion, as Blblioal student well know. TMrtoBO cities wen especially dedi cated to the priaatly tribe; li high priests descended from Aaron i 19 kings sat In the high eouneU ot the anolontsf on the 13th day of tha month Nlssn the preparations for Passover began, and th holy looenai eonsisted of It different odors. It is woll known that all the nation of the old world were In more or lees Intel leotual rapport. ' The Ideas ot on tribe deaoeuded to tbe other. , But it is certain ly Interesting to learn that the figure 13 bad Its sacred and divine meaning also In America of yore among the long linos extinct tribes ot th Iroae and tbe As tecs. The Inhabitants of Peru oounted seven days, without any particular name,, in the week. Their year bad seven times E! days, or four times 13 weeks. Tb fathet waa compelled to support his lllogitlmats ehild to the thirteen! year. Tb At tent had weeks ot 13 days, each with a special name. Their century had St years or tout times 11 Their pubilo amhioe were ol circular form, with a aun in the center ol each of the It parte, and 18 were theii tribes.. . This Is the brief anolent history of 18,and It may be said of modern times In Ger many that of en today a "baker's dozen" Is 13 that la, tbe original 12 with ont thrown la fur luok. Haw York World. ; BSaeatlanal aTatle. , ' The Board ot Trustees of tbe New Bora Academy meet on Friday, Jan nary tOtb, at 4 p. m., at the Citliens Bank, to consider tbe necessity of having an Act passed tbe Legisluture establish ing a Graded school in New Bern. ' By order of President of Board. ' ' . ( .: W. M. Watson, - ' ' , fee. a 1 Tr .. t f at a V X U P, cx4f -i. It rf L ta ' m t nat ana Wu naha, Prks 15 ctk Vb4 Cp. alaasiacr da Fraaoa To alol ip a clerk Ui matt T laj for ' Keg lUa Tator Esarlly. JtaaalMfde FranZra what for yew alad aa m snalsaas ta atal bla snt ( XU aarwar rr Laawa 0:iviaPaUraoa,or CoMwaUr, MIcL, writea: 'I bad eel bar aid to all p a half day ai a llovs for ihlrtea year aatil I Waad U MyMt UI Kaawwwn- It aaa eurrj Bis of aerruu IroaUea. beadarh aad a vary bad stomara, Il has halpaJ sm la a aaaay way, sad eared aa of affliction that lbs docwrs said could aot o cored. Ta baaal Lift IUaewer kas do saora for at tbaa all the Paiaat Hadlclaea, Doctors sad CbrUliaa Bcteao traauaaat eucabUMd. It 1 tb most wonderful atedtciaa I aver saw.' . V Sold by Uaat's Ibarmacy. '' Me WaiUr. Mrs. BraggMy htubaad setvta tbiws years In lbs tluaes ef Reprautlvcs in Waahloftoav . . Mrs. fanatic Indeed f I waa ana aware that dialog roosw wsreooaaectcd Iberawkb. Tk tar La Qripae Car. Thar Is no use suffering from Ibis dreadful malady If yoa will only get th right remedy. To are having pain a'.l through your body, your liver Is out of order, bsve ao appetite, ao llf or am bition, bare a bad eold, bs fact r com pletely ased ap. ' Electric Bitters 1 tb only remedy tbat will glv yon prompt and sere relief. They act directly on your Liver, blomsch and Kidneys, lone up tb whole lyaicni aud make you feci like a new being. Tbey are guaranteed locate ovprk-e refunded. For sab) at F. 8. Duffy's Drag Store, only bO cents per bottle. ... , - . - OaaMtie. Could yoa nse a poem on a bicycle? be asked, tremblingly. ' Oh, don't know, answered the editor, with an amiable and most picturesque smile. Uow would yea suggest using pnem on S bicycle as a sort of brake, or it Is loud enough to take th place of a bellf ' , But th visitor bad long since fled, and was, lu fact, at that very momeut engaged In falling down tbe last flight of stairs. ' Tbe smallest things may eiert the greatest Influence. Ds Witt's Little Early Klser are unequalled for overcoming couBilpallou and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe pill, F. , Puffy, 0a Off, , His. Crlmaonbuik I wonder wber In lb world the alarm clock bat gone, J taw it on Ibe mantel yesterday-. , 1 Mr, Crimson beak It was there yes terday, but I beard It going off . ibis morning: ' ,'. ; ,. Woll, I hope It hasn't gone where you told It to go. : , . Horrible, agony 1 cused by Plies Burns and Bkln Diseaaca. These re Immediately relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hawl Halve. Beware of worthless Imitations. F. B. Daffy. v , 'ii. .... rear. "-: .... ..-." Putter Someway, I've always been afraid to marry! ';1V, - .' 'Uenpeck That's strange! Why, I never knew what fear was until after I married! 1 - ; ' : . . , No besl'hy person nwd fear any dan geroua consequences from au attack of la grippe It properly treated. ' It Is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Beaialn quietly at home end take Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy as directed for a Severe cold and a prompt sod complete recov ery is sure to follow. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. ." " " n; . fraaals Waalral. Proposals for furnUhlog wood to County Poor House.' Ordered by the Board of County Com missloners .ot Craven county, that tbe Clerk 61 tbe $bard be, instructed to ad Teniae for bids to furnished wood for the Counity'J,oo tlat J piue and i ml ted wood. Ji " .' --. Address all bids to tbeXlerk of tbe Board. ;EiitiKT M. Okkrk Cllf. Bd. Corn's Ilstinilteili'rte Bears tha 8lgaatars ef Wlatev Taarlat Ttrkrla Haw Hale , allw. Commencing November 1st, 1808, the Sontbern Railway will sell from princi pal stations on lis lines, round-trip Winter Tourist tickets to best resorts in Florida, tbe South and Asheville, N. C, in "Tbe mad, Of tbe 6ky" at greatly reduced rates for the round-trip. Tickets will be on sale from November 1st, until April 30, 1899, and In most cases final limit returning May 81st, 18.(0. In connection wlih the above the Saulhern Kailwny offers the quickest and finest train service and connections to all resorts In the South, Mexico, Cali fornia, Cuba and Purlo Rico. Any Information as to rales, schedules, sleeping car e ervloc, accomodations, etc., cheerfully furnished upon application to any agent Southern Hallway, or U. L. Vernon, Traveling Pnwem.'er Jt cent 11 P." -'i Tryoa t'l., Ct-iiiml IV: H': ;., A l'U.'iM'IC ru:iLi)Y. thc iPi:iNct t a win who WA.NTID COLCIM KAi. " Sttaialaa AaMtkaav, tk MwWs, aa twrMi, Vk aa la Of VmS a Baa ta lb Oaaia ata4 aa as aria tSaaa Baa. !1 kalr waa aaaUal I tiat ar ttata or- bauar, is was aanSaaa taai a) (v aar. laaraam auada ol aark allow, a aaavy uadnraualaia at InaacMva brow aa4 a eaabiaf anaad imot arnaai lad. AU at ta katr waa aatarailr wary, aad M a raibar aurarna aa Utaata aa aa auaat at laa ciltiy 4 taa ana 'in of It. liar host llkad la a a tea. aadar oas BMtitaBad t " irsir-m. siigln Kara kaaa aaa and aaaaiWd aar lha " r) a Sow kaaard" aad taa "priamaua balrad" aad ta "araay aatl klnajtod." not la a aaaa. aaraa, aaaaeaUa way at all, hot ta a maaaar of aHaaUna, baraaas a rraUy tlkcd kla wire1 katr as N was. But sb didn't Ilka It. Tba variety of Mute worrtad aar. Kb waa lad ooa oulo katr, aod taa ana autov aa waaaat aaa goldaa. v -Jim." ah aald to bar koabaad a fww warka afo,Ta goloa to Barulca say aalr." Jim lat hi pip fall eot at hi aaada and aot aabas aU avar hi aaw (111 faaey vast. "Too ar, Vyr aald ha. -Tow aly IhlBk row era, and yoa'v (ot aararal suor thrbks omlBC. What la tb auo caa yoa b draamlnf of, aojhowf " Juat thla." ah replied. -Thara's a Ml ot vry old eotor known to ansaaos ta Biy hair aioapl bin and arena. Yoa yourself (all aa Toar'nhaianlana kippad.' I' tired of Bavin all Bort and oBdr tlon of hair. - Moraovar, 1'ra (ot a fair. Illy walk akin and beanUful aaaal erra (I'm only quottog yoa yoa waad to tall m tbey wer th fiirinwuaart ya oa tb map), and yellow aalr would lust suit sua. Just fancy th oomhlnatloa goldew hair and taa troravooaaat nasal, are oa la wuipl Wberafora, I raraark nffala, la a too Oiled with pnaatonat yearning, 'Jim, I'm olna to peroxide my hair.' " 'Wall, I'll sell yoa on thln,M b ra plkat, (aslng at her steadfastly. "If yoa do, It'll ft mm ont It'll ba tba finish. I'll ao to era. I'll r to New York er tak ansa othar qaally abort root to th dctnnttioa bewwowa. Ton bear as a-talk-Int" "But, Jim" aad ah addiaasad him now from no greater dlstaoc than hi own knee "I just want to, paroxlo my hair, yoa know. , clear" " You're a piwtty fancy wheedler, bat It doesn't go. HaoF" waa J lu' retort, ''1 don't e anything tb matter with your hair as it stands. What's tb matter with your halrf You'v got bully hair. I'd rather toy with that bead ot hair hero, temm alone I can't gat my breath. Who's bran potting such stuff Into your bead? Whom do yno want to look like any bowf Lydla Thompson at tb age ol 11a? put It out, my dear. Your halr'i good enough for ni. Walt'll you vet "is ander tb sod and thor, yog can bav It painted Ultramarine If you wont to," ' . "How dreadful you do tnlkl 6odrh replied. "As If that wouldn't Just break my but, Jimmy boy, can't I Just touch It op at tha aides and around Wis front and top, then Just a lectio, teeny, weeny bit ploaa, mlator man, cnn'l II" "Nope, you can't," aald Jim, with d olslon. "It's aU off. I hare 'poke.' And, aay, d'ye think yoa oould lot tu road my paper for a boot four oonseoutlv minute, plcam, ma'am?" This didn't settle the matter, thoOKh, by aw nolo lot She got a very swagger black tailor made dreai about ton doya ago, and tbe Idea ot yellow hair la oombl nation With the black drees took poawwalon p( her, 'JlnV'sbesnldon the evening tbeblaok dresa was delivered to her, "with refer ence to ray about to be peroxlded hair" "I have th honor to Inform you thai there ain't going to b no poroxlda," Inter rupted Jim, parrying out her business form pt ppuvtsmlipo, whereat she eeaaed. "I'll Just go down and have It don anyhow," ahe snld to herself tba next morning. "He'll bs ao dollghted with the way It looks that he won't do a thing but fall noon my neck and weep for very ' Joy." ' 8b bad It done. Net touohod up. AU over. A dead yellow. "Hempen yellow. W ben the Job was done and she saw her ap)f In the glass, she didn't admire It quite in iiupb M She anticipated she would, fipr was she quit sq ooufltlont that wheq Jim saw her transformed head be would fall upon bor neck, etc "IJb'hpb," said he whoa be came in that evening, "you've done lt,l soef" "Like It, Jimmy boy?" " A'Notbya Jugful, do I like It I" here piled, not amiably. "Where'Uo'I cut In In this outfit? W hat did I any about this chemical blond business, bey?" There waa bo conversation In the house for the remainder of the evening. - A gloomy silence brooded o'er thsnhrpeta. When Jim went to his ofiloe the next morning, a steely light was la his eye.' Bs tugged at his straw, red, brown and au bprn mixed Vandyke beard savagpl. Then b9 retired to a hotel bart)er ahop and bad bis straw; red, brbwtf and a. bum Billed vandyktf beard dyed a deep, dull, unfathomable Stygian black. When be emerged from tho hotel' barber shop, tba hirsute trimmings on bis countenance were blacker than tb blaokest thing eves seen on land or sea. They were so blank that tbey made the exposed portions ot his faoe took ghastly white. Ha looked like a photograph taken after death. Hr en dured the gnylng of his friends and aaso elates tor tha remainder of tbeday, and then he went home and burst Into the bouse with a grisly attempt nt a cheery grin and a bluff manner. His wife met him in the hall. "How d'ye like it?", hi asked her. "Great, ain't It? Real thing, .bey? Tbonght I'd have it fixed up as port of contrast to yon, y'know. blow, we're both ornamental around the houaj too. You leak like an oraaca padded, ft: ponrat, and, 1 look Ilk tb prosy ecctlpn of an oil store. Oh, alp 't ws a lovely uuuch!" Tben bo.onaght sight of himself n the mirror over the niniitel and fell into a shalr ar-1 howled mirthlessly. Affr several hours of pleading she In. aopd him to sneak around to a lata clos ing barber ahop, whore he had his beard. and wustapbP removed, phe cannot, q return, have her dead yellow hair shaved eiqae to her bead, of course, but he hns her promli in typewriting that she will . let the peroxide wear off, never in this 1Mb to b renewed. Washington Post. . A tlaaalaa Woolaar. A Russian wooing culminates Iq the betrothal breakfast, at whloh the brda pleot oasts off a long tress of half and give It to hor betrothed, who In turn, present hor with broad and salt and almond cake and a silver ring set with a turquoise. DlnTREMNING KTONACH DISEAflK. Permanently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonio. Invalids need suffer no longer because this great remedy can cure them all. It is cure for the whole world of etomach weakness and indigestion, Thecnro be gins with the first doao. The relief it bni' -s is marvelous and surprising. It nii'K.. no failure; never ditmpimiuta. No nmii.'r how long you have suiU'rcd, your cure is certain umler the iihc of lliin threat l-,.!. f.,ne. ('i, ....,, t n-l al. " i- . . '! ! I V ('. i i. 5 . i , : . S , TWO LI V E , rta Urf " Strrr ,.h an.' cna.:.'.ia af at aaprrum nii m dVpraU au I ecly bar own I . . . l . , , an ... w int vaa luv aad prrtrctjoa of her child. Jf OTHER'S rSXEND wfll enmsit all ills yjecaliar ta flat prnod prccr-lingcbiKiliinn, and will pra par th dclicata orgaiuam cUrartly ia olrd K Um anal ordcaL HotWl Fncnd i(Mn tntnskil rara-ail, but a carntific bniaarnt aprwoaad by k-1h I aatbonty aad aaCaUulxd by yaan J 8okl b dranriata kar ti Valnahla book, " Sclbr baby ss Bun," Beat ba oa eradication. nts anvtonua Btstajtrca co, mtisu. ta "Row dkl yo autaage to keep ereri . bwly fro kanwiBf, If yoa 1 4 It to yoar wifr ' "Ob, I told ber It was ao sac rat" La Oriyy taeceaafaUy Treated. . "I bay Jual rcovrd fmai tbesecoad utk nt la gtipna Uila year," aay Mr. Jan. A. Job, publlahar of tha Leader. Mrila, Trtaa. "la tbe latter raa I uard Camlrlata' Coagh lUmedy, ami 1 think with rAaalderaU saccaaa, nly bring la lied a llliU over two day azaln-l tea daya for lb fiitmar attack. Tb serond allark I am ratlslled would bav lar Hnally a I Hal as tb 8rt bat for tb as of this remedy as I had la go to bed la alwul six hour aflr twlag" 'struck' with It, while b lb flrat raw I was able to attend to bualaes ahoot two daya before gelling Mowa.' For sale by K. 8. Duffy. Aa Eceaemical Tars la a. Sb-Wbat do you mean by giving ate aa imitation Russia leather pw.kel-liook . H Imllalloab) tb ilncerot flattery, Ultnoi? , ' Tetbe rnklic. We are authorized to guarsnlee every botll of Chaniberlalp' Cough Remedy to he aa representrd aad If ant set I fac tory afler two thirds of Iba content have lieoa used, will refund the money to tli purchaser. There la bo belter med icine mide for la grippe, cold and hooping rough. Price 2.1 and COc per bottle. Try It, F. 8. Duff v. A night errancy. "1 hat dull Miss Wlggs doesn't to bsve a panicle of Imagination." "Yes, sho baa. She thinks the ran sing." Mr. 8. A. Fackler, Editor or th Mlcan opy (Fie.) Hustler, wilb bis wife aud children, suffered terribly from La Grippe One Minute Cough Cure was lbs only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. ' Thousands of others ase this remedy as a specific for LaUtlppe, and Its exhausting after effects. F. 8. Duffy. Time Eaeagh. "A vacation of two works 1o get mar ried? Un'i that rather a short lime?" ' "Ob, you know we've given np having a high church wedding." Tbe Eeadly Orif ,' la sgsln abroad In lbs Isnd. Tbe air you breath may be full of Its ratal germs! Don't neglect tbe "Grip" or you will open tbe door to Pneumonia, snd Con sumption and Invite death. Its sure signs sre chill with fever, headache, dull heavy pains, mucous discharges from the nose, sore throat and never-let go cough. Don't waste precious time treat ing this cough with troches, tablets,' c poor, cheap syrups. Cure It at once with Dr. jClng's New Discovery, the Infall ible remedy for bronchial troubles. It kills tbe disease germs, beaia the longs and prevents tbe dreaded, after elfeell from tbe malady. PriceJOcte.'snilft 00. Money back if not c ursd.vA trial bottle free at F. S. Duffy's. , NOTICE TO AMEND CBlHTEfi : Notb"e 1 hereby given tbat appllcalioa will to made to the nrxt Qeneral Aaaem bly of North Carolina to amend tbe char' tcrof the Et Carolina Flhj Oyste, Qame and Industrial Asanrinilon. WM. DUNN, Preal. Southern ; " Railway. 1 " ' ' ' ' " '.-!. " ' - i . . 1 . ,' Th.,8landard Railway ot the BOOTH Th Dlreot;Wne to all Poiutv - CALIFORNIA, . iIorida; CCIIAAjNh roilTO 1SICO. Slrit'tly First. Vas K uintnent on all Tlirongh or Local Ttalns; I'ullmaa Pal are Bltn ping Cars ou all Night Trains; Fast aud 8afe Schedule. ; : . Travel by Hie Southern and you areas. s iroil a huff, 'Comfortablerand Expedi tl ius Jin rnev. Apply to Ticket Ag .nts for Time Ta bit's, Rates und General Information, or address F. R. DARBY, , R, L. VERNON, c. P. t.a,' T. P, a., Abhevillr, N. C. Charlotte. N. C. Frank .;onnon, J. M. Cui.p. 3d V l'.f.Oi i. Jlnr. Tn.f. Van W. A.Tn K, GPA. - i i - LodgQ clrc;tory IH4TE1 lnrv;E 5a !, isioFTTS r UAKMOBTi Vwtl tad Badv a rtlaaataV aUSla a r, h. Iloaaura s Ms.l. fwl l.k ra, utM n. It ItaiL frraaat. J i at as IL mn a, nary. aw aV liul,F. Sat'y. klMCHTa Of htNOK-fVra; K Jar, tHrtatar; O L Vlaaoa, Haaortar W f Koastraa, KtnaactaJ Rrrnar-. Smm fUraa I m v. Att - . j aad at k Friday Birtii at tag e'etoak la lUMitr ttaJl, I'ollaca nr. JOIIIVS LODGE. NO. t A. K A A. Hi lificaru H it Pri w a. tranrg Qrera, 8 W; O D Itradbaam, 1 wj raaa, l rasrif, w 4 ItUa. Banrv- Uryj W W t tork, IftTO Hysaae, t D. nagutar I'osamBBloaUoas ad V auaa I auaaadty Bach avnatk. CALl'MtT KSCAMPstENT, KO. , l.aUF. Offlcerw-PK Hysaaa.Gr7 J L Mo.lr.J W; O M HaM,' rVrlaa; hi (rt, Traaaarar. Hrfalar Kaoaaa. Barat. 1st, ard, aad tta (it aayt Tkradv alghta la each asoolh at T 30 e'eiook. ECRKK UiimB wrt s n a ai omrw-C. a Hall, N. 64 J. L. Moody, Parkar JJr Traaa. Regular bmUb " aiguin Lova-cnca,-- Ca NTiiB CI.BkallHT ). a. f. at, l.u. o.r lax.'f. . j,m. aanrr, caiMala ; T. u. Mr ? "Tt M rIM. kaavai Waa. ft -. ww m , wm. wwnra, aomaaianv. Baat '.Tf'.T J" a Taraday SW SIBNg CHsrg HOk L tL A. at. owaral-T. A. rrah, H. P, .! ilnHMSiaaiVaHtaraai, . sT. JitRK-a mikaiknlir Hn m a a. iPF.TV. w- r. C; .aa tdaKBai Hrrlala; K. i. Pi isaro, Aorlr. Haaaiaf ttoariaraa Sm an tnir Pn4av 04 taa BKW BRHNB IjirMilail I r. H C-J. C. rrvm , a. n. an.ua, naronua aautv : S' .'h )"!2,7' " "rry. aaata (a KalaliU nt HrUilaa ball arrry lat aa Bnl Wadaaadajr aiabu sa aaa atoata. To Cure Dyspepsia THkft a Wiod HitW And Naw alutk Three ' TIiiiph n Day. For Male lly 1. C. Whitty S, SSe for 1 the Outfit. . WINTER BUGGY ROBES, AndnORSE BLANKETS AT LOW FIGURES, to ansa Oat Flock to make room for Large Stock of Summer Goods. . Robes at 8oc' and Upwards Blankets at 65c and Upwards Harness with Collar and ' liarnea . . , . , $4 75 Other Oomls -of High Orade al Pro portionately Low Pi icet Dig stock of Buggias, llarne, Horses aud afiiles. Don't lose sight of the fact that I have a large stock of CART' WDGELS. J. W. STEWART. A Good Telephone SKHVICE IS A BUSINESS "'. ' NECESSlTy,'. A HOME v CONVEN1KNCK.- A 'COM?',!' . BINED . .. . . , j .,V 4 ConTrnleiie; Luxury ! ' ' Order Your Phone, sf One '"' FOR HOME USB dean, pure,' wholesome guaranteed to be obemlehlly made from distilled: water and free front Impurities. . Specially In tended and'' prepared for human" con sumption.' , : Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) a. m.tol p. m. Sundays (retail only) 7 a. at. to 12 noon. - For price and other information, address, New Berne Ice Co., Tt. 8. GUION. Manaosb; "";. BO YEAWf-v EXPERIENCE lf"'t 1 ' r , . T. ' !': , ' s -.. J. (Mill e y-vi r LijLiSalaand Exchange Statles. -tV-C. ' ZLS.A aallT CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS in HORSES . AND . MULES. WAOomplate TJM B00QIE8 ROAI CAKTH AMD IlAllNEftS. FINANCIAL. T. A. Wraaa, rrsa, I.H. Meadows, Tie rrt ..BOn,emsr. ' CITIZEN JUNK a WB-wisinutK.o. DO A AKNKHIL KSMSIhu HUalNkMa aboas, raraiara, atarcbaata aa.l oibani r. aalvail aa laworaiil . . fwl atlaaUoa -lraa t tna latm . ol oar eua -.Muaa BBIMWiaiir. boabb oroiaacToaa. BanMaaa mrih K. II. SJawlowa, Ch. Duitv, Ji. Juiii r kaJlnoiKlJ Mayer Halia,? Vaomaa A.braaa, O. K. ror W. r. Crockett. J. A. Uu,ln. hamaal W. Ipuct, t-aaa, . mar, i. W. Orah.Krr, at. W. aitiallwuoit. Was. M. Iras. F. & fil: BANK, AT 1st, 18UK. Capital Stock 97S.OOO.OO "rplas, 8,500,00 Uadlvlded prslts 8.17O.0S 'OFFI0EBS: L. II. Orn tR- President. W. 8. CtiAOwici, Vice Pre. T. W. 1iwiy, Cashier. J. W. lliDDix, Teller. F. F. Mattiiiws. Collector. ' MKECTOR8: Wm. B. Blades, M. U. Marks, O. U. Bnidham, P. H. Pellrticr, L, II. Ciitlcr. Jnn. Buter, W. 8. Cbadwlck, J. W. Stewart, 1. r. iiewey, W want yoor busines and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank in the citv. It la nur endeavor to make business relations mut ually pioaaaut and profitable to our patrons. WANTED 1o BUY Wool, Cotton, Bmwnx Highest Prices Guaranteed. 1. R LATII4M, . Near Cotton F-xt'lianre DEALER IN Uardwarc;and Fire Arms, Saab, Doors and Blinds, Paintf, Oils, Qemenl, Lime, Etc. Agent for Garland Stoves & llangf s aid Deroe't, ind Ilrnj. llooret KIAUY MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel Chattawka.( NEW BEKME, X. V. II Wa W 51 PKON, rchiteci & Soberinlendenl C8 Broail Street. The-Practical ' F(B- ' Cliistf.::::Gifts. Ws? ar sbowthg'a Btrclt of Tutl lair, East Iudlanaoa-atoorVh Draf- eriee Snd Embroldeei; All bdtpled for FttirjUMtrg Coaey Corners, Dens sr.d 8ulothi- Rooms. A bin Tabm-CorersWalrter Draper ! IraVTiano and Tablr8c. c. . Our exhibit is so worthy tbat we . suggest a trip to Raleigh to see it. Dobbin iSr Ferrall; rT. TUCKER'5 STORE, 123 & 125 Fayetteville Street, FUOKESSIONAL. p. a. Kim..... A. I. Ward P.. YT. Pan. !J. 11. PB. SIMnoNS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS aud COUNSELORS at LAW. nr.m stami:, n. c. Ofllca 68 Ko. Krout Nlrna, nearly oppo- Hite lime! CUttawka. ((Mice kIwi ai Kah-leh and SmilhBeld.) l-nu.llrt. In c nlirt ol Cmveu. Illinltn. Jiaiva, U11.I..W. CKrUnl I'.m.u.u, Vi'm. J. .1.1, um. Ilan-U 1.1. , 1 WHmmi; in ina Su? priiiie 1.11,1 rii-rai n.uiu, aim wl.raver "f"l. t art. .1. ir. .1. P. II. lVlIetler, ATT0RNET AT LAW. Middle Street. Lawjera Brltt Bulldlnp. Will iram- in tl t'uiintifs ol Craven "arteret, Jour, liuiih.a um fninllco. U. H. Court at Nra Harnv ami tiupmim lourt ol dm mat.,. N. II. STHEKT. F. P. GATES, STREET & GATES, Physicians and Surgeons. Middle Street, New Heine, N. C -STEAMERS. EAKTEIIIV CABOLUA DISPATCH LINE, -AND- Old DominioD Steamship Co. FREIGHT & PASStNCKR. For All PoIjiIn Norlli. The Steamer NETJSE will leave on Montluv. Wednesdava. and Kriilajs ut (i j. in., ahurp. The Stf. Newberne Will f nil on 'rnCFiliiVH ntiil Vriilara ut 1"J 0V11, k. 1 0011," iimkiiiK land- lUtr nt all any Mlulions. Freight rt i civi-il nut Uiar than one hour previous to sailing. I'or further information apply to GEO. HENDHKSON. Ant. M. K. KiNfi, (len. Mur.. Ii.0. HiJiniNB.Gen.Frt.4 Pass. Aft. Norfolk, Va. New Berno. N. C. May 30th, 1898. Notice ! A Big: Knock Down on Wood. 4 0 Cor.li. Onk and Fine, iiiiiki I a anl.T Stove Wontl, ny length, a Siw ialtyTrte livered to your tliHir, s 1 Brick and ilnnd-Mnde and Sawed Shinnies always on linnil. Blcvcle. Dravs ami 1 1 good Wbgon - -r1 .-' All th above will lie sold in the nnl three days.. Nnar wa will nut n,i,. A T. m : Pork and Sauwutea. - BIG BilL, Tl3 airjls Bat. REAL ESTATE AGENtTY " Houses and Lots For 81 e at lowmt Polble Figun s. Us mile Homeland Tenement tbat will prove a fine Invest ment. Collection of Reals a Specialty. OOlee at Hoberta & frs au'a fctom. niw posile pr,t olllti 1 "; : E. E. HARPER. Russell House. While in Beaufort tie sure anil mnn .a Ibe Husell Houfe. FlrH-Clam Ilnnrd. A borne for travellnir iw-nnlp Pii.u and bunting unexcelletl. Terms 1.P5 a day or 85.00 per week. G. A. IiCSSELL