Tha Kind Trm Hare. Altvnya Boo tit, and vlJtli baa beca -ta uko for are SO 7ara, bora the al.; nature of , - and ka made uder hla per- ; V I j&ft-f-iu Bonal upcrrtatoa sine IU Infancy, j t-yV7. S-cmUf Allow bo mm t dfcdT yo ta thl. v -All CouoUrfVIK Iro'luUoaa ud BabeUtulea ara hut J perliut tils thnt trlfia rlth Bi.d endanger the health f laGiaU end t iailii rea -1 Ji ,K-r tooea aralust Kiperlroeot. '" What fc CASTORIA sanatoria la a Vub-ttiluta fr Cator Oil. raJ-nrorio, Drop ' auid Kmtlhiii? K,rv;i. It ta Il.tniiWr and. Pleasant. It -coiitata ncilbrr Oi.urr, Morphine nor other Narcollo iiliaUuice. It tto In lut gfitnnuilfev. It deatroytt Wortua -and allaya Ktverlktiiir-ot. It cure DlarrhcM and AY lad 4 I Colic It rvllft Toothing Trimble, turn Oneitpatloi. ad FUttutenry. It a-utimiuiteii the Food, regalatea tha Ktouutrtt anil ltowoln. giving- Iiratthy mad natural Bleep. . Tb Cblldrca'a Iauaoea-Tha MotUor'a Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bean the SIX S tTs7 S7 The Kind You Haye Always Bought : In Use For Over 30: Years. J w rwm MMim. tt A. & X. C It. II. TIUR TABLK NO. 7. in Taka Effect Sunday, Oct. . 1888, at 13 M. Going iut HciiKPULlt! Going Wrat No. 8 Lv, p ID 840.,.. 409... 33..,. 440..., 5 50.... IhuuienKi'i ' nihia Nn.4 KTATliiMI: , Guldrtlxxn. . liaUnuigu. . KIdhIou . . Ar. a m .... uon io aa 1018 .Ar. New IVtiio, l,v,... " Ar. .. 887 7 47 7 OS. . . . Ar. Morrhewl city Lv. No. 5, Mid n & I 'am l'ii. L. A. M. 7 10 . 748....... No. 8, t MxM Ktand . 1'am Tn. Ar. r. a. ........ 8IM "7 8 18 J 48 ...fJnlll)lH)ro... .."77. IflntV..." ... IaUran go... .Fulling Creek. ..(.Kinaton.... . .VOiuwell.... 806 . b 2B . . 014 . U25.. . 118 .18 68 .1156 .1140 .1040 .10 18 ,.10U0 ,.8 80 a.: 10 15 Vovur. 10 40.. Cora Creek....... 11 15 .....Tuncarwa......'.. 1181 Clarka... ....... WW New Berne r. u. Monday. Wcdnmlay, Friday .J Tueadny, Tuuratlay Uaturday. No. 1, f Mx'd Ft. and Pana.Tn. , Lt. a m 7 10 No. 9, Mx't Ft. and Pass. To. Ar. p m .. .. Uoklsboro...,. ....Beat's...... ...... LftUmnge..,.. . . . .Falling creek. , . . .......Kinston..... , , Caawell...... ....Ar. Dover, Lt... ...Lt. " Ar... corecrtck..... ...... Tukcarora. . . . . . ....... Clark's ...... ..Ar. NawBerue, Lt. ..Lt. " Ar ...... Uiveriliile . .'. , . 818 7 43. 80(1. 8 24. 1 914. . 9 88. 9 40. 10 16. 10 40. 11 IS. 11 81. 1905 180. 918. 9 80. 3 43. 8 1. 8 85. .181. 8 48. 4 01. . r. m. ... 7 88 ... 7 08 ... 838 . . CIS ..518 ... SOU ... 430 ... 400 ...8 88 ... 820 ..; 8 60 ...10 47 ...1010 ... .... croatuu ........... 10 00 ...... IluTelock .......... 940 ...... Newport, Lt 9 08 .....jyiklwood 8 47 ....wOAtlontic. 888 Ar.UorelieadCily.LT..... 6 30 Ar. M. city Depot, Lt.. ... 7 50 Uottcluy. Wednesday and Friday.' ' fXueaday, ThuiaUay and Saturday. :y:i.-----V rj. U'DILL, X t, i t ' '" .; ' ! t tJuperinlo idenl. . Atlantic Ouaxt Xine. Wilminqton & New Been It. K., : . ' TIME TABLK KO. 5, ; m Effect tVcduesday, Aug. 7, 1808, Dally ., Kiret Sunday. ..,"''.. Going South HuiiRDiiue: Going North ' flu, (.1, l'tteuisorTMU fNo. 50, s Lt. a m, t voo.... !W..., DS1 ... 10 0-.'..., 13 OS. . BTATIONS: ,',. Nuw Berne , .....I'ollockuville Ar. p m, . . . 540 6 04 ....... Maysville....' . .'. : . JackaonTillo.; , 1 . Wilmington, ; tJuioo tiefiui , ( Ar. Wlluiingtoti; Lt. 449 .. 4 18 1..S2 2 35 13 16 V M No. a, Pamrrhobi & Frrioht, No. 1 Leave Wilmlngtou Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Borue Tues day, Tliuraduy and Saturday. v Lv. a it I - Ar. r U ' 7 30.....LV. Wiliiifnlttna, Ar..... 14.' 8 40., ' ).. 10 MS.. 10 61 . aw.. isua.. iaJo.. 8155., . ,lo. . , 8 15 . : 65 . ......Bnitl'aUiU ........ . .. WooitHide.... ,,' . , .... ..Ilollyridge ........ Dlxoii...,i.. . .. .... Veroua. ...... . Jacksonville,.., .. ..... Nnrthcatit. ........ ...... WhiUk'..'....w ..... MnysTille....... ....PolltMikitville.... , . . .. .. iH'hrulil'it ... .... ..Ar. New IiiTue, Lt.... .13 55 .Is. 15 .1140 .1061 .10' . U46 . 8C . 800 8 05 . 720 . 6 30 . t0 A3 40 limly Kxcvia Sumiiiy. . Signature of om.if mir, fcwrTH m. WILMINQTON & WELDON R. R. .. " i And BranchM, , AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. comdkxub ,acniaui.. ( TItAINS UOINU B0UT1I. - a! ' - iJKV, 8 M a u A.M I l. P.M. A.M. P.M. L. Wrldnu 11 AO 43 Ar. H. Mt.. 18 65 10 80 ..... . ... ..... .T.Taibon18 81 8 00 .... ..... LtTr Mt. 1 Of 10 88 8 46 8 4(1 18 63 Lt. Wllnou 1 6K II IK 7 10 80 f 40 L. Selina.. 8 6511 68... LT.Fay'lllr 4 85 1 07 Ar.Floranoe 7 25 8 16 .' ..... P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds... ..... ..... 7 50.; Lt, Golds. 7 01 8 81 Lt. Mag'li 8 05 4 86 ArWilm'ton , 84 0 6 60 P.M. A M. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. -s k5 Is ll 5 aa -" rvr p. Mi , LT.FIorenoe 9 60 7 40 ., . ;..7. LT.Fay'Tille 11 86 .,, . 9 4 ..... LT.Belma.t. 1 80 ..ii. 10 69.'t.v Ar. WUaon. 9 85 ... 11 81 ... ..... A.M fj M AMa LTWIIm'ton ..... ..... .. . 7 00. 45 Lt. Mag'lia .... ...... 8 84 tl 19 Lt. Golds 8 15 ..... 9 45 13 80 ' pTm 1A.M. Pm" P, M. Lt. WHaon 9 85 5 66 11 88 10 88 116 Ar. a Mt.. 3 80 16 10 07 U 67 1 68 Ar.Tarboro 7 04 .;..'. ..... L. Taruoro 12 31 .... I. R. Mt.'. 8 80 .... 18 07 .,'.. ....C Ar.'Weldon 4 i ..... 18 50 ... P.M. A.M. ' Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 86 p m, Halifax 4 15 p m. arrives SroUand Neck at 5 08 p m, urrenvine 07 p m. a.iasioa 7 aa n n. IlHuroin leavea KlnMon 7 50 aai. Uref-nville 8 64 am, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, weldon ll 33 a m, dally ex cent Huadar.' ' - ' Trains on washinKtoo. urancn leare i - . . . . Washington 8 20 a in and 2 80 p m, ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m. and 4 80 p ni. re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive wasntneton ll oo a m ana i w D m. dally except Hunday. i Train leave Tarnoro, it t1, aally except Sunday 6 30 p n, Sunday. 416 p m. ar rives Plymouth 1 40 p m, 10 p m. Re turning, leaves nymoutn aany except Hunday. 7 50 a m, and Monday v oo a m. arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m, ll uo a ml Train on Midland; H L) Branch leaves Goldaboro dally, except Humiay; 7 OS a. m. arrlvinr HmltuOelu H 10 a m, Return ing lea vee Smith field 9 00 a m; arrives at Goldaboro 16 26 a m.y. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount al 9 80 a m, 8:40 p oi, arrive Nastiville 10 10 a m. 4 08 pm, Spring Hope 10 40 a tn, 4 95 p m.Returning leave Spring Hope 1100 a m, 4 55 p m. villell22am, arrive atKocky Mount 11 45 a n, 6 00 p m, 'daily except buixiar Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw (or Clinton daily, except Sunday, 1 1 40 a m and 4 16 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 8 00 p tn. Train No 78 make cliwe connection at Weldon for all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMKR80N, Gen'l Pass Agent. J K K KNLY, Oen'l Manager. T M KMERHON, Traffic Manager,' lYeat, and 1 racie-1 .rhi c . " o and ill l'at btistneu conducit t n . .iti rrft. lOtt Orf let II QPW.ITE U f.Ti.TO'rieli caml we ran trrure patent 1Q tkM. uinc uiui ioom Iremote Irom wasntneton. fcend modfl, drtwiiix or f-rtnto,, WHO aesrnp Jtion. We advise, if p:t.!" m i. or not. Ire 01 i hare. Our not du h ' patent i. twnrtd, f PM,irT, "HOW lo lli i n riimu," S ..'Ml ll. '. A--. I mi el in mo v .o, aim ...j. . GHT KCMtST r A C0V 8 Lift B.p.1 Br a Mia 11 kltlim Uim 4 Burno.- aaaatarars la It. If Tby c tut t.V owe ftn. braas au4 ajar. Uikica Mun-rl as4 Urfk at iaet Uk is la t ui.h.a t tn kr aBu.-v!i.r b Uia.tWl a tl man k4er cut ua ho It rnuiMy L Kb. 414, Bui nouns bar kaa, l) ! .j dL lie was evlling a p' at tb lliua, but a soft has rue bowMT to.aUy, rwoo;-t dva an lb Bet ear end BtwHipand al Lb tup of bla tsard auar the flrt. HI, fculTT haaalML "Tow dropped Tfca alri la IB. dark bla navat was arrlrd ta ahopplail la tnrnol. and U boy bald ocl im Iciur. but cuildonly, no- Uclnf IBM It M BtuU.lJ. BadrvwIlqutrB tj Wk aad wiped It aMvfully m lite la stda of iu rcKl rrul )aok4, Un aa bt itx p-rH kav It. If ta bu who wmt ta bold wirow- serlpttoa oo th Bioddy raTrlop rrrr lr4 raMar unlla rruia ah flrl la blu thaa SB tuinmd ea tha Hula aewabur, a la B t ratko. Thank roa, very Binrh, aba aaM. I'm vary, very anarh oHiipd to yoa." . The boy tTlnned broadly aod ah(lahly mo a faubtlng attempt on the peak of bla eap aad backed off until Be eollklfd lib aaothor yoangaa . who Bad baaa looktBf aynloally oo. Trvla to aaaka a awabr' aaked tb yule bilwi pan's of a eliraiwtta end. Data tb dood act? Bow snooa did abs gt yar, Braaanr' Piaawy amda aa reply for a moment. Be waa looking aftar the atria, who bad Baarty ravdMd lb atnet eomr, and be bad a maBut of the aria still llBmrtng about bis dirty faoa. At lue-enmar lb girl la bin roraad, aodded and waved bar head, and Brainy waved a papar baok at bar. Whaa aha and br eompantoa got late tbatr eat, Braaary turned to bis elga- sataa aaaoklng tollaagna. "Didn't 118 aw nawthln," ba said "Wbat'd aba It m anvtbla fnrf" Tb aval enortad. Orm. yoa r a dfad Ml" k it marked. Yoa'd ooaht o' kap' Um later. You'd V gut a quarto If rou'd worked It rtarha." linaa v looked at aim wa arvereiirB enataanpt.. "Toow a cbeap skate, " be said MtbaraUly-r-Chlrao UohaM. . ' THE HUMAN VOICE. ' ' ' , t i , . ,r ' ' It Qaallty Diada t'aoa Haw b ' ' Imlk la Btaaaared. - Tea votoe la prodoeed hy rarlou organa, which bav funutkuia of life to dlaoharg before and above apeaklna. Those are the Innsa. the windpipe, tbe thmnt and tbe montb. 'The long are the bellow of IhM wonderful organ, viewed a a wind Inatrninent For It Is both a wind, a string and s reed Inatniment. It la of the nature of all' th anantltng Instruments and Is npraior to eaoh of them. We live by braathlnK.and we mutt breathe wlanly to apeak well. - Speaking hi a One of the long which human bvlnga nave round out. , - The breathing to live la of the aama na taia aa the fa notion of tbo eye or tha ear. Th breathing to apoak has to be lunrned If speaking la to bo dona well, lo limn age the bronth properly Is the Oral tw- qnlrainent oi the art of peaking; To upeoa and oondena tbe air in tbe lunga and then to foroo It atrnlghl at the vocal organ in tbe thnmt - la to manage the breath properly.- It laanartlnclal prooeea. There Is deep breathing, called dlnphmg- Batle or abaomlnal breathing; there la broad or wide breathing, onlled rib breath ing, and there la shallow breathing, eallod collar bone breathing. The full explana tion of breathing must be left for the In' tractor, tioflio It to aay that deep breathing Is the only tpomlbla breathing for tb true use Of th voice. Sound niunt oom without breath. . Breath oonilng with the sound exhaoata Ibwlf too soon, and lt make th sound harsh. ' You have only to try It to beooata oonsclotu how the tone Is affeoted by It. - Mr. Sandlanda tells us of a Very good hint be got on this point. Hold a llglitedH eandls before yonr mouth while you era giving forth the sound. If the llani Otoken, there la breath with the aonnd. The flame will not flicker If there la only sound, Chambers' Journal. . ' A Lawyer CompllaieBted. Jim, Webster was being triad for bribing a colored witness, Hem Jobnslng, to tes tify falosly. , "You any the defendant offered yon 850 to tesUfy tn his bebalff" asked the lawyer of Haul. ' , ' i "Yea, aah.-' ' I -.": "Now, repeat what he aald, using his exact worda. - ?- ' Be said be would gib me f 50 If I" Be didn't speak In tbe third poraon, did her" . "No, ash: he tuck good eon dat dar were no third puaaon . round; . dar wat only two us two." "I know that; but he spoke, to you In tbe flrat person, dldn t her : ; "I was de taut pumon myself. tvh." ' "You don't understand me. When he was talking to you, did he aay, 'I will pay you v.Hir , - "No, tab; be dldnt say not hi n .-bout yon payln me 460. Your name wasn't mentioned, 'oeptln he told me ef eber I got Into a wraps you was de boat lawyer In San Antone to fool de judge end de jury in fee' you waa da bant in town to oover pp reskelity.,'. , r J j., " ' i v ' 1 For a brief, breathlcea moment the trial was suspended. Detroit Free Proas . , - ' Dawloa CKy'a t.olattoa. . It Is a curious end almost anomalous position that Dawson occupies. There are few, It any, towns of Its size In all the world so locked away from the outside world for nine inootha In the year. Think f It I A city of 16,000 sonls, and the eon ler of a district of 30,000, a live, busy olty with the streets thronged with men, Its big warehouses, Its growing luteraats and olvto problems, abut away entirely for at least 'nine mouths In 'the year, during those aBasons when the loe la forming and breaking and with only occasional and la borious oommonlcatilon during the three other months Whatever happens of Ore or flood or fortune, It must remain for tunny Weeks or mouths unknown to the larger world outside. Toronto Globe. V: ' rjaaJaiBal Felicities. Mrs. Spatta (nou Gotiox) You're a per fect brute I I actually bclleva you married me simply because of my money. Mr. Spatta Woll, my dear, you'd hard ly expeot a wan to take such an Important step without some reason. Harlem Lite. . Tbla. . t , Barber (Insinuatingly) Tour hair Is a trifle thin, sir. . 'Victim (grimly) So Is your thanes of telling ni a bottle of your Justly celobrat td bolr restorer. l'lck MtAj'p. ', ; -. ' '.'- ' ' f ' KEElLr IS MIX IIOUIM Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved in six hours by "New Great Soulh American Kidney Cure." It is a (treat surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, in malu or female, fct'lieves retension of water nlrnoat im mci'.i. :.'!y. If ji'i want quick relief and r ue this is the remedy. Sold by C. D. '. li.'ham, Dru ' ', few P-rne. N.-C. : t Kftd VHf CUTtCUIA TVCD;E Hi for 4i -r I cljr kioa. Ill !( 1 -ut a. m3nm4 fciTiil. Vnr4, a rA. - aa. i IT T lhaa.caa.MaaMlaab t n it a., tr ftnai imt m ivw . ar.r-i.iA aota i -t a bh a Mt. I) G. r luu. tr al 1- . aa Ua M taaa. rlMa MJU. ! (M M rul at aM. -4 amiriwa.laa, ttt-tUn em aar aui Ctrmwa ( imi iiI), aad Hn.j.criUMtM.. IM at, BpMktya. I I r i a mn n4 fraaiaa ar bf laaav lasunMHrxA AIUraMaaa art 4 a half CvrMrat (umamij aad rtn,taiAr.lfNMamal IUis. w. . uit b. in wnt at, raua, ra, t TT" IT D ? T. ah. .wai w. -a (Vn. PlJIUnO .a a.- p. 4f mmi a. .-. K a,,... p.. Mt ta. r.' . M i A rarhHM Case ml aaaaai"Ja..aamw Tbe uooVtra uoveliat t very proa te fraud bla pluu on lb doing of lea- walker aad hypnotist, bat, a auiat. "troth Is atraucnr tbaa notion. " and hla effort ar outdone by actual ootmr reocna. Her, for axampia. ts a trot story flora Franc of a gontlaman mut ing front bis bedroom a packet aontaia lug boot tbaa 8.000 worth of bonds. Tb Uitef ouoid not b traoad. tntsbort ly aflarward In niurtrrai at tn booaa, who bad taken tb robbery to heart Ta mors tbaa her baabaud. was Ukan to a doctor, fur she waa en (Taring (rota a en otu prostrattoa ' " Tb dootor, a Brra believer ta hyp notism, was told of the robbery aod, potting two and two together, bypnotis- ad bis patient and extorted a eonfeaaloa from her thai aha bad takaa the bond. and bo tied them In the garden. There, npou aearoh being made, they w found, but the lady ta at yet qnlte Igno rant of tbe (act that aba bersBlt wat the peraoa wbo hid tbeta. Cham bars' JonrnaL ' Wktrt tterlr PtaalB U Oaslrabte. "I tell a wall tneaniug but perhaps not yet perfectly pan) stent young friend, wbo aaks m about It," aald Ma Stay bolt, "that there Is ao snob thing as aa Incubator that will batch oat eaglet from dollars while yon wall; that th only way Indeed In which a money erot can be raised It by the most earefnl and eonstanl cultivation, and 1 ventur tx remind him, being young and with tht world yet before .him, that this Is a crop in which II Is desirable to begia planting early In order to produce th best results. " -New York Boa. i v ' TwA tb Hint. "I dearly love birds. be gently sighed, and then aba didn't do a thing but hasten to the open piano and softly began singing. "1 wish 1 were a bird." They are looking (or a neat now. Youkers Statesman. laib aad Breadth. Mrs. Blllus Well. I'm glad w went Foreign travel does broaden one's mtnaaoi Mr. Billue And shortens his tooouDt. Chioago Tribnna Tbe quorum which ratified tbe Onlted Btates oouatitotion for Pennaylvania was secured by abduction and held be hind locked doors. "Trivial" Is derived from th Ltrtia for three ways, and meant the petty toatdp of the oroasroada BOUGH SYRUP Will cure a Cough or Cold at onoe. It nositivolv relieves all Ihmni trouble. Small dosoH. -Price 25 cts. at druggists, : ROMULUS A. NUNN, - ; . KEWBER.N. - . C. .' ' ; ' Offioei Opp. Hotel ChatUwka. ' ' 8outb Front Street. ' Practice in North Carolina v v COMMISSIONERS SALI. . By vlrture of the power conferred upon me by a Judgment of the Supetior Uourt of uraven county in tn aciton wherein uvit nines, l'laintirt ana 1. 1: Outlaw and others are delentlants. will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in New Bern on Thursday, the lHih day of February, 18SH) at the hour of Twelve o clock al.. all that certain tract or land, Ivinff and belnir in the County Of Craven tnd Slate of North Carolina, bounded and described as followi: , Beginning at a stake In Beth Wests line. N. . Jones corner, near the Cob- town Road, and runs wilh M.K.Jones line. North 824 degrees East 220 poles to a stake, thence South 74 degrees East 82 Poles to a stake; thence Soulh 824 degrees West, 100 poles lo a slske in tbe Carmack Field, thence South 82J degrees West 21 poles to a stake near a forked hickory; tnence eoulb oil uegreea ftast, 40 poles to a stake on south side of New ditch; thence North 50t degrees East, 88 nolas to a slake, known as tbe ilea uak corner, thence South 47 f degrees East 137 poles to a stake. Clark and Bectons corner of New Entry; thence Soulh 6114 degrees West 137 poles to a Maple on the South, side of Cypress Swamp; tbenee North 474 decrees West 127 nolet lo a Gum; thence North 81 degrees West 7 poles to a stake thent e N. 811 W.08 poW to a stake In a email branch; thence Soulh 461 decrees West 11 poles to stake on the edge ef Pine HMgr; thence North 74 degrees West 83 poles to etako, to a beginning, containing 1884 tcresmore or less. . , W.ll. BRty, - Commissioner. Jsnuary, 17th, 1699. - , BRANCH OFFICE l i I'cikiEcl'J & Co. fSursoBSors to H. W. Silsby & Co.) , : Hankers ' ' ; nntl IlrtTiorn. Stocks, Bonds. Cotton, drain, i'roTlsloni Boup-lit and sold for cash or on margin C one per cent, in lots Irom .u up. Over Cotton Fxeli:ie: c. 10TELNEUSEE, NCW ECRNC - N. C ' 4. M. BMCUAUD80N, Proto't. Tatna, Par Day, ll (a. t b-w Ragalat RrM-al aiieatloa glxa te lb travel. UntpabUa, 1 Rub, Rub, Rub. And ibe eoaetaatarutt will out yonr linen. Now doat IK Ibis coa- any loeger. but let aa do year Laundry work. W doat rah your shirt to piece, but waab thea la a large revolving pnol that ftova with pleaiypf water.. We aae lb brat i p and guai aaie no ly or and a. (kll aad ee (or yiMiarrlf. We wish lo treat our palrooe right. Bend as your Laundry. new iifjini; )STi:AJI I.AUNDItYt J. E. DAYBERRY. Man Facts I Facts ! ! Wbea you visit the city rWt fall to call oa th Old Reliable Ursa of . , . . . Roberts & Brother ' They keep a full stock of ProvIt4lnn k Grocrrlea Which they offer at Low Fig area. You will alway find them lleadquarteis for Flrat-Claas Goodai " The Best Whiskey In the World, i p: ii at the Palace Saloon. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that applica tion will be made I the present session of tbe General Assembly of North Caro lina for tbe pauage or a law to author ize the city of New Bern to Issue bonds to tbe amount oi one nunarea mousina dollars for the purchase or construction of Water Works, Sewerage and the Kleo- trto Light Systems. - January 16tn, . KOTICE. . Notice lt hereby given thatapplica- tloa will be made to this session of the General Assembly of North Caro lina for the passage of a law to authorise the city of New Bern to ittue bonds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for the purchase of Wtter Works, Sewerage and the Electric Light Sys tems.- ; . i. January 14lh. : FROPOSALSWAllim Proposals For Repairing; or Re-' ; building flosely Creek Bridge. Ordered by Hie board of Commission' ers of Craven county that the clerk of the board be Instructed lo advertise for sealed proposals, to repair or rebuild Mosely Creek. Bridge In No. 8 lownship Craven county. Proposals will be received up to 19 o'clock of the Olb day of Febru ary, '1899. Address all proposal! to the undersigned, endorsed Proposals , ta repair or rebuild Mosely Creek Bridge. . -; Kbkrst m. uaisa , ' ! ; Clerk Bd. of Commissioners. Jan. 6th, 1890. . Executor's Notice I Having duly qualified as the Executor of Loweua Fraxier, deceased, all persons are hereby notified to present their claims to me duly verineu on or ueiore ueceui her 81, 1809. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. t All persona indebted to said estate are requested td make Immediate payment. Thia 31st day of December, 1808., . A. W. WaTUKRiMOTOH, Executor J-.....- . For Loweua Fraxier, Sale oi Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Cravea county made and en tered on the 181 h day of January, 18K9, 1 will sell at public auction for cash lo the highest bidder at the Court House door lu New Bern, Craven county, North Carolina, al i M. on Monday the 6th day or March, 18iM, the following real estate, lo-wll: A tract of land In Craven coun ty, N. C adjoining tbe lauds of Mrs Ksle Move on norlli west.on the 8 hy tb lands of Fenner Adams and David Tripp, rtr, on tbe eat hy the lands of David Tripp, Jr, on the went by the lands of Kate Jloye, bein? the lauds purchased from Knoch Ma.iswonh by sa d Free man Iurns, end on h:i:h Joe Burton a I , H,r i, p- r-- !,e. Cm. 1. IEI401. lul BALTIatHKlt. kit TVS Pa 4 tb has. rr IU reupla d.aj'h iVt IVaal UtaaaaSA U 11 Mir. .. Faatlaaela Xtp l.ailja. ISMaad la PrhtHpl Cataertleg la h AlUfUac li , ' Rlgkl TWtan aad . nUWt 1'ranbaa. . . Taa " All Ibe New Alt the Tina-bat b tttra Bat a! U eut- asitattBbe dignilail by aat aailniinral ar parvly aeeaaik.s.lasatirr. . K-lluanalljr. Tata Mia U Ibe Coaaiaieal a4 L'acbsagiBd I bmibi4i aad Uefra- af t'lat.ala Kicbl BBd Ularaai. asauiM pululoal atatattM aad aaiMKipaj. Ilea al every rfcarartaw. . IxUpeaiWat la all lBlaga,itn asata mumm. it H fur good laws, good g aval a Bar at bb4 food order. By Ball rifiyCaau a atoola. Bit Dollar a year. . Tha MsltlBere Waaklf aa , Tha Wiiiu Boa peWlabaa. all jb aewe of eaoh weak, glviag ooapk-u i eoual of all areata of lateraat throogb- oat the world. Taa WtASLT Bua is AeatoBXTwaAi, Paraa.. It is edited by writers of practical ex perieaoa, who know what faravlagsseaaa aad what farmers want la aa ag ileulta- rat joe real. It coa tains regular reports of lb work of tha Agricultural iperl wat Halloas throughout the country, of taa proceedlagt of farBters' clubs aad lastitalaa, aad the diacuasioa of aew atethod aad Meat la agricaltnr. It Market Reporta, Poultry Department and Veterlaary colnata are particularly Talaahle to eoaatry readers. .The Poal try Departaseal Is edited by a weU-kaawa poultry axpert, aad every laao eoBtalas practical laformalioa of rain for poql try raisers. Poultry on many (arms has become a great source of revenue, and thoee Interested la this profitable Indus try, will d the Poultry Depart stent of taa Wbeblt Sua Invaluable la the way of suggestions, advice and Information Every Issue contains Stories, . Poeas, Household and Pusxleoelumae, a variety of interesting and Instructive selected Batter aad other features, which make It a welcome visitor la city aad country home alike. One Dollar a year. Inducements to geltera-up of clubs for the WcbkltSuh. Both the Daily aad Weekly Bua mailed free of postage la tbe United Stales, Canada aad Mexico. . Payments invaria bly In advance. Address A. & ABKLL COMPANY Publishers aad Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. nroTicBi Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Aaaembly at lu present session, to bav a stock law passed for the following territory situs ted la Cravea aad Jones counties, to-wit Beitinning on tbe west side of the Wil mington and New Bern Kailroad, at or uear Blarkled ire's Uuu. where the pres ent stock law line crosses toe -railroad, aod running along oa tbe west aide of the W 4 N H R to the Trent road al the tire mil post front New Be re. and then along tbe weet tide of the Trent road to where tb railroad creases the laid Treat road, near Rocky Run, and then along tbe weet side of tbe railroad to where tbe railroad crosses the Trent Road at De- Bruhl'a store, near the eight mile post; and then along the west tide of the Trent road to the ten mile fork, and tbenee along the north weet tide of the Trenton road to Bearer Dem near and above the residence of J B Banks, and thence a southwardly direction along tbe Beaver Dam Swamp and the cleared land oi tha aaid J B Banks, to the Trent river. crowing tb Treat river, enters the land of F G Simmons, and runa in the most available direct course to tbe north west side of the Quaker Bridge Road, nor'h west of F Q Simmons' gin house; and thence along the north, went aide of tbe Quaker Bridge to where the cleared land aiul tbe White Oak Pooosin meets, then crowing the Quaker Bridge road runs in a south eaal direction, and the most available and practicable route, around the cleared lands of John C Parker, Ben ton Simmons and others, so as to enter into what is kuown aa tbe White Oak road, above tbe residence of X F Sander eon, and tbenee along on the aorta west side of the said White Oek road, to the DUblic road, near Mr K C Oldtields, known aa tbe White Oak river toad, and then along on tb north weal side of tbe said White uak river roaq, running up to a point opposite a orow fence, known as the Oldfleld division croes fence line. Thence mossing tbe White Oak river road, and running with the diviaioa line Knee of Mr B C Oldfleld't lo the wood on the While Oak river swamp; and thence running along, ad down tbe north side of the While Oak river and swamp parallel with tbe. White Oek river saamD. tbe. most available and practicable course to the south east side uf tbe Wilmington ana new - oeru rail road, to the division line of Lewis By Bum and tbe J a rJav lanoa, wence in north eastwardly direction along , the line of the said Lewis Bynum'l and tbe late J E Hay's to the north east aid of tbe public road, leading J torn Ataytvme to Stella. . Thence along tbe north, east side uf said public road to a stake, tbe diviaioa line between the Maysville Land UomnauT's Lands and tbe Hay Land thence along tne eurveyea nue oi me Maysville Laud uompany ana J J nay lauds, northwardly to tbe northeast cor ner of tbe Land Co's. land, thence south westward lr 1.487 feet with the Land Company's north line, to the. right of war of the Wilmington aod New Bern Railroad. Tbenee northwardly oa. the east side of said Railroad to a point op posite F H Foy's cleared land oo the east aide or taia naiiroaa, tnence c.avwaiuij to the terminus of aaid cleared land, thence northwardly along the eastern side of the clesred lands of F II Fny, W W Freeman, i N Foecue and E L Haugh- ton, thent the most available and prac ticable northeastwardley and direct line to a point on tbe Beaufort road, between the residence of J J Hinee and Clay HiU Branch; thence on the southern aide of tbe said Beaufort road, running east ward! v and along and parallel with tbe various courses of tha said road to point ornosfe the norttf'era terminus of Im" "lot J ll i I, on "hat is known ss t e J, a t. t 1 p'int) ..on an I i i ' i t o r-. I s ! . ! 1 l r .' '' i , e, !! THE. NEW BERN OF NEW BERN. N. C CAPITAIa, tflTDOES A GENERAL TOLK A. OUKEN. PrtMtWot, (JKOKilK ORE EN. Maersiary. . J. WOimiitK, Gei'l Igfit. rr hair, VilBilIc Fill I ParsMavl lu ueaan la the Bortgagta txecatrd by Julia II Waotra sad wife dated ra.pax-tia.ljr Jaaaaiy t, l!M aad lMaBrr 81. 1804, reglMered la tbe otnea taf the ivgUiir el tircal of Cravea roaaUjr. Nortk I'amhea la book 108, laagaa III and 1X4, and book IIS, page Ue aad 84B to which reference la Bada Tb aBdersigeed will tell at public aactloa for rash at tbe court house of aid Cravea eonaiy, la lb city of New Bent, ea Monday tbe 6lh dsy Februsry, A D, 1800, at lt o'clock Btdday, tbe lead eoaveyed by aald Bortgagea, bounded aad described as follows, vix; Bltaaiad la aald Cravea cooatv. ad- tolalag Ibe laads of K U Cobb, B 11 Wootso, J J 8auk aad J C Woolen, con taining about six hundred aad tea acrea, being the aama which waa conveyed to aakl Joba B Woolen by tbe heirs of Jacob Kbea by deed recorded in Craven eooaly la book 65, folio 608, to which reiereoce it Bad lor mora complete and better description, saviag and excepting about 100 acrea conveyed to Lewis Smith by deed recorded la Craven coun ty, book 71. folio 68:1; about l.t acrea eoaveyed to J J Sauls by deed recorded la Cravea county la book oo, folio and about 60 acre conveyed lo B II Wootea by deed recorded In Craven county, book 84, folio 631. Subject to a mortgage la lavor or li it uuiler, tor fsou. A ATIOHAL UAMK OF NEW UKHNR, By G. U. ItOBEKTS, Cashier. Yiloable Firm For Sale! Pursuant to the powers In the mort gage registered in th ofilce of the Re gister of Deeds of Craven county, North Carolina la book 118, page 144, the un dersigned will sell at public auction at tbe court bouse or aald Craven county, oo Muoday, the 6th day of February, ISVW, (or cash the following lands: That certain tract of land situated in aaid Craven county on the north aide of Trent road about three miles from the city of New Hero, known as the Lorenxo U. Wbitlord land, beginning at we norm west corner of the land formerly of Emelloe r Kehoe on aaid road, and run ning north to the West Place owned by Samuel Bowen, thence aouth 83 west poles, ending In the mill pond, thence down said pond southeast thirty-three poles; thence south it", eaal to the west side or ssid pond and on lo the public road leading from New Bern to Trenton; thence with wld road eastwardly to the beginning, containing ISO acres, more or lew being tbe same tana which was con veyed to Edward 8 Street by Sebastian Bangert and wife by deed dated January 11. 1877, recorded in book No. 86, folio 844 and 845. also that tract of land ad joining the above which was conveyed to wld toward a street ny u j moo re ana wife, being about three quarters of acre,. Except that part of said first described tract of land which lies north of the Wilmington, New Bern and Norfolk Railroad containing 80 acres more or less and which was conveyed to A smith, Tub National dakk opnkw limn. By JAMES A. BRYAN, Pres. Administrator's Notice UNDER MORTGAGE I By virtu of power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed executed by Albert Gorum to llosanna Moore, de ceased, bearing date of November 99, 1898. and recorded in Book No. 112, Folio 265-6-7 In the ofilce of register of deeds (or Craven county, I will as the Administrator of tbe estate of the said tiosauna Moore otter for tale and tell at public vendue at the door oi the court house in New Berne, on Monday the 6th day of February, 1809, (it being the first Monday in tne moniui at la ociocx m. to tbe highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing descrilatd tract or parcels of land situate in the county Craven and State of North Carolina, bounded at follows Beginning at a dog wood Mump near tbe housi of the late Samuel Dudley, Wil liam Mitchell old corner and running north 9, cast 60 poles across the swamn to a stake thence south 48 eaat 23 poles to a stake, thence south 40 east 01 poles to William Johnson's line, thence south 71 west 70 poles with bis line to Samuel creek, tbenee up ssid creek 180 poles to a gum on said creek and Manly and Simmons mill, thence north 92( ewt 77 poles to the beginning. Also another tract'adjolning the above tract being near Trent road about four mllea from New Berne.known as Mitchell Island containing 126 acres more or less being the same land conveyed by E W Carpenter to Albert Gorum by deed bear ing date of November 29, 1893, recorded In Book No 113, folio 204 and 265 in the office of Register of ' Deeds of Graven county and mortgaged by the said Albert Gorum tn the wld Kosanna Moore. . This l!lh day of December, 1898. " . , Thos. F. McCarthy, Administrator of Rosanna Moore. Administrator's Sale of Ileal Estate. ' Pursuant to that certain power of sale contained ta the mortgage deed executed by 0 U Wiggins and wife to Mary D Dewey on the Bib day ot August 1896, duly recorded In tbe office of tbe Register of Deeds ot Craven county In Book 130, folio 168, 154 tnd 165, default having bwn made in tb performance of the conditions in tbe wld Mortgage contain ed and the said Mary D. Dewey having died intestate and tbe undersigned hav ing duly administered upon her wid estate-. Now, therefore, as such admlnlstra tor I will offer for sale end tell on Batur day, January 21rt, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Craven county, to: the highest bidder for Cash, as provided for In wid mortgage, tb following ' valuable tract of land lying On the north side of Neuee river, Cravea county, containing one thoutsnd acres, more or less, begin ning al a cypress on said Neuse river below Mud Seine Beach, running north with Power line to Cleve line, thence weet lo with Bear Pole Swamp to Hen rshao's line, thence south with said line to Nancy Adams' line, thence with wld line to Neuse river, thence with said river to the beginning. The same land that was sold by E W Carpenter, com-roi-doner to Alex Mitchell, deceased, by deed dated the 23rd day of February, A. ! i , l I, r-Ntered In hook Mo. 83, pages i m r.s, records of Cravea county. ;. !,-...! '.,1 i, 'i ! :T, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., $30,000,00 IN8CBANCX BCSIKESS. "W. a BLADES, JOHN DUNN, ve-PreM. ' Cficfi: OYXU CITIZISS BASK Yilnitile Linih Fur r'i!e. ' Pursuant to the powers In the deed ' xeceied lo me which it rrKi.iered In no omce oi tbe Uteitirr ol liteds of Craven cos a I y. North t'aiolina. la book no. i7, nag l will sell at nub io anclloa al Ibe Court House door of- aald Cravea county, on tbe tin day of March, 18V0, at It o'clock Bid-day, all that tract or parcel of land situated in said Cravea county oa tbe south side of Trent river, . about 5 Biles from the city of New Bern aad bounded and described ss follows, via: Beginning st tbe mouth of Croreee branch between (ireen Hill and Ravbooa Island al a marked cypress and runulnc tbe various courses of aaid branch 180 poles to a place opposite an Iron poet on tbe south east tide of said branch, then ' In a line wltb said iwat from tbe run ef eeid .branch 40 W 178 poles to aa -I roa post In the north side of Oak Grove. " ' ' - ,J I IM. IU IIIINIJC I iron post, then soulh 4 west 8:1 poles to an iron post, then north 86 west 854 poles loan Iron axle post In the land near a marked sycamore tree, then south kj.M ttlio w t J ....I , I. west to heck line of llalcha land. then wilh sal, I line eastwardly to Brlcea creek, then down said creek lo the be ginning, containing 1,000 acres mora or leas and known as the l'errvville planta tion. Terms, Cash. O. II PauSY. Return oi Purchases. Office of Register of Deeds, , Craven County,! i New Bkhn, N, C January 1, 1899. Slit: You arc required by law to de liver or return to me, within ten daya after January 1, 13911, a true and exact statement of the amount oi purchases made by you, as principal or agent or through an agent or commission mer chant (or otherwise llll the blank amounts), for six months ending Decern- oerei, icwo. i nc amount ot purchases, both in and out of the Slate, except pur chases ot farm products from the pro ducer for cash or on credit, must bo in cluded in your return. Keep tho sum paid (or liquors, ciuars, cheroots, dear ettcs, manufactured smoking and chew ing tobacco, acparale from tbe amount paid for goods, wares and merchandise. Prompt compliance with Hie law is earn rally requested, and for failure to do so you will be required to come before the Board of Ootiuty Commissioners. Cs(jivo number oi pounds of chewing and smok ing tohacoo, and tbe number of hundreds of thousands of cigars, cheroots, cigar ettes. Send fifteen cents to pay for listing. Very Respectfully, John B. Willis, Register ot Deeds. Administrator's Noticel Havinir dulv oualiflpil as administrfitnr of the estate of B F Cuthrcll, deceased, on tbe 13th day of Decemlier A. D., 18U8, all persons owing said estate are hereby noiinea to mane prompt payment. All persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present the sumo duly verified to the undersigned admin isirator on or betorc December 13, 189U, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. J. M. REEL, Administrator. December 13, 181)8. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having duly qualified as the adminis trator of the estate of Uosanna Moore, deceased, all persons having cluims against the said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly verified to me on or before tbe 7th day ot Decemlier 1899 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediato payment. This 7th day of December 1898. THOS. F. MdCAUTHY J. E. & R. Q'HARA, Attorneys. ( Auction Sale of Valuable .Property. Nohtii Cahoi.ina, Cakteukt Couhty. Under and by virtue of powers of sale, and to foreclose certain mortgage deeds given me to secure the payment of $13, 000, wilh interest thereon, I will sell at Public Auction, on tho premises in More head City at 12 o'clock, m., Wednesday February 6th, 18119, the property known aa the "Atlantic Hotel Property," sitna-. ted In Morehead City, State and county aforesaid, and more fully described as follows. .,'.?..' Squares (1) and two (3) in the plan of Morehead City, and bounded on the' North by Britlgers street, East by Third street, South, by Evans street and West by Fonrth street, on both sides of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, containing four acres more or less- Also the following described lautl lying east of Third street and beginning at a stake on Third street sixty feet from and Immediately opposite the north east cor ner of Square No. one (1) above men tioned; and ronnipg in an easterly direction parallel with the said Atlantic & North Carolina R R. 370 feet, thence at a right angle with said line in a south eastern direction 250 feet, tbenee In a western direction and parallel with wid first line 870 feet to Third street, thence with said street In a northern direction 250 feet to the place of beginning, (being square on plat marked H) containing aa area equal to square No. one (1) in said plan of Morehead City, the same being the land conveyed to the Atlantic Hotel Company by C. B. Denson, J. A. Holt and E.G. Harrell, Trustees, by deed dated February 15, 1888, and recorded in Book O. O., page 875, in the Register's office of said Carteret county. : , -, Terms ot tale: One half cash, the bal ance one and two years, deferred pay ments to be secured by first mortgage on above described property, bearing inter est at tbe rate of six per cent per annum. January em, ibiw. Jahks Redmond, Trustee. E. A. HcpnBKY, Attorney. Golds- boro.N. C. V nrir:::;:! Sol H SHLY.LLt, :M- hi MillAM . u s. Army i'-UUisHt, J. it. KF.NLY, Oinnil Miinacer. liOl.l'KN, tiijl.Ti!! t" tm

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