J I;:: UCOLKCE CFSlILTCFnCS U Jus not only to the oripiaallly aad : '.;;.iiT of the combination, eol alio U tne cora aod akill with which K Is 11 in i-'a.-turrj by ecicoUfl pronwM known to i.H ("iurontiA JFia Srtur (a. on'y, and ws wudi to Impress poa ;l the Importanoa of pcrxhailnj the true nd original remedy. ' Aa the ci'im.m Sjrmp of Hg fai tnaBafactared t-f the CAUronvu Fm 6 race Co. only, a knowledge f that fact will awiat one ia avoiding th worth lea imitation maqtifaelnrcd by other par tie. The h!;;h aUading of the Cai roaaia Via aruvr Co. with the bmU "cal profession, nd the satiafactior which the rrenjin fjyrup of fgt hat Riven to millions of families, make the name of the Company a guaranty of the cxocllcneo of iu remedy. It to far la advanco of all other laxatives, a it acta on the kidneys, liver and LuwrU without lrriUtiDir or weaken ing them, and It does not gripe dot nauseate. In order to get it beneficial effects, please remember the Bams of the Company . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aa raax 0100, , tTtJVILI Kit nwtNKai. THE JOURNAL. New Ben. N. C, Jaa. 81, 1809. rw aftWfcBTlHBaiEBTfc. Lott Voucher.. - ' , . llackburn Tobacco. " -F S Duffy Baby In the House. W W Clark Trustee Palo." L J Moore Notice of Meeting. Business Locals. ' LO iT Friday, about 4 p, m, on Broad ' street, a school vonclier, favor Mr. W. N. Williams, for services ai teacher for term ending December 23rd. Amount $40.00, The pnbllc It warned tgainti MA(vAtlallnr frvr i hla vnnchfr. It return will lie tpprcciatou, to airs, wiuitms, or JOURNAL. I HAVE received a Sample 1809 Colum bla Chain Wheel, price $50 and Jnvll inspection of tame. Bicycles, Grspbo pbones and Printing. 'Phone 130. Wm. T. Him. TUE finest Beer aiwys oh draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street SEND IN YOUR NAflES For the Journal's Fair Edition to be Issued in a few days. Pnpera. sent free to names hand ed In to , this office. Do so at once. A DAT lit TBS CITY. Sales of cotton in the local market were made from S to 5.75. Partly cloudy and warmer, li the weather forecast for today. Subscribers to the Telephone system are requested to add to their list Phone No. 133, Roberts & Bro. , (j Word received from Reelsboro and Orantsboro, Pamlico county, states that the people In that section are all talking flew Bern Falr and a crowd from there will attend the Pair. Christian Church: Tomorrow, preach ing by the pastor, 11 a m, Subject Provi dence or the Two Sparrows; 7:30 subject The Final Judgment. Bible School 3 p m. Christian Endeavor meeting at 0:30 All are welcome. .' " Within 'a few days four attempted burglaries have been reported In this city, the thieves in most Instances affect ing an entrance, bat being frightened away before getting anything. - Where are the police? -.. . Middle Street Baptist Church; Hlght C. Moore, pastor, Pratching tomorrow at 11am and 7:80 p m, by the pastor. Morning theme: The Price of Piety, Evening theme: Glorying in the Cross. Sundny Schawl at 3 p m. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Strangers and friends are cordially invi to! to worship with the congregation at each of these serviccj . La Grippe Is again epidemic Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific core Is One Minute Congh Cure. A. J. Shepard, Publisher Agricul tural 'Journal, and Advertiser, Elden. Mo., says: "No one Will he disappointed in using One Minrte Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick to act. F. 8. Duffy. Good Mother, why do you not give your children Anways Croup Syrup and cure Unit constant coughing and wheez ing? It is coming into general use, and the sooner yon try it the greater your thanks will be that your attention was called to it. 23c at Bradhanis. All wool French Serge, black 'and (ora worth 85c, this week 23c. O. ; .irks Co. . ' . .: , y your roiosnuts from McSorlcy 1 he will gnitc thein free a 4711 r' -ir. NG HEAD CHE r.-r iced to Cure s:' -ia, La -, He LI riCM TDI CTITltr.t.t. W Sirtt(Hn ,a The Joi aL has a kt.r frow U oyster at MraK, I'amlloo eotr, who yt 6kB , Law of lit", says Ail oywert takes Iras say of the vaiar of this Staia, libr wlia xp, dredg, rake, toafa, or aey other Inairu total, shall be called spoa the aamnl Urd or bar a bra tales; and all shell ahall ba retoraed to U bed or bar from hick they wars lakes. . "We wish to can lha aUeallos of the Inspector si Kaw Bera, sad tho ai othsr points to the sbovt atcUoa, sad also refer thest to tectlos IS of tbs aasas law ssawly, - Dalles of . Inspectors their dstlas are Is sea to It that oysters are called oa lbs soitosat fraoi wners they are taken." . We want this cuH law looked after, so that yatars shall ba called before Ibcy are seat to market, as ha rasalag of ayetsra lata market withoat btiag called is raining the market for lh toag oral era." , "We want to tea that seclloa S is complied with." " ; And this is exactly what lha Jocaatb has ss4 to try lag to sea doaa aad ths oystersBca will hava ths hearty efforts of ths Jodmal 1b this direction. .... A rrBr Sjbewlas.; , .. Ths annual meeting of tbs Guarantors of ths Mew Bera klulual Firs Insurance Company, was held oa last Wednesday night, the 18th. . Keports of the eondlllon of the Com pany's business during the past year were made, and the showings ia all par licular were very dalU-ring. . A easb dividend of SO per cent was de clared oa all policies which had matured up to Dec mber Slat, U3& , The following ofllcsrt were electeiL President, T. A. Green, 1st, Vice Pres ident, W. B. Blades, 2nd Vies President, John Dunn, Secretary and Treasmer, Geo Green, General Agent, J. J. Wol fenden, Guneial Counsel, O. U. Gulsn. The old Board of Directors were re elected. " The success of this borne Company is most gratifying, and proves that local enterprises when properly managed ate the best kindof enterprises. -, ' . The Mulual's losses from Ores were exceedingly small, and are ssid to be about one hnudred dollar In all for the )'r-' .v' ' , ; '. '. ' rtasetst, ; Mr. Chas. 8. Wallace of More bead was bets yesterday. . , , ' ' ; . Mr. Geo. D. Dall returned last night from a short visit te Snow Hill." r ' ; Mrs. Geo. Allen of Haleigh cams down laat night to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Ives.."'. ' r '. .' ; ; "'-. ;S .- Messrs John 8. Morton and Joshua Adams of Barlows were in the city yes terday. . .. Mrs. L. M. lloortren left yesterday morning to spend some time st Durham and Win ton. Mr. John B. Soyntour returned yester day morning on the steamer Neuse from a northern trip. Mr. Ferd Ilahn left on the stsamer Neuse last Bight for a visit to New York city. From New York Mr. Hahn goes west to buy stock for M. Hahn & Co. lie will be absent several weeks on this combined pleasure and business trip. ) Fields and tlaawsa'a laatsvla. Next Wednesday evening Is the date announced for Fields and Hanson' Fa mous Minstrels Stars performance In. this city. The organization Is ths cream of the profession and has met with gen eral approval both by the press and the public wherever they have appeared. For many years Fields and Hanson have been the recognized leading Musical Comedians in this and other countries sod have been she highest salaried feat ores of the various loading organizations for the past decade. In this their own enterprise they have surrounded them, selves witlt the highest grade of comed ians vocalists and musicians, an assemb lage that will bear comparison with any and a most enjoyable evening entertain ment may be looked for. Reserved seats now on sale at VTrcrs" -for a BrU4 MebMl. The Board of Trustees of the New Bern Academy met at tho Citizens Bank yesterday afternoon, to consider the matter of a Graded school for New Bern. After some discussion, a committee of five, Messrs. M. DeW. Stevenson, P. H. Pelletier, O. H. Guion, II. C. Wfailehurst E. n. Meadows and Dr. Charles Duffy were appointed to formulate and present a plan of operation and report same to the Trustees. ' ''"f ' ' . Coughing Injures and . Inflames sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, slays ronghln,g and heals quickly. The best cough cure for child ren. Y. 8. Duffy. , , ,' , " MrrlnK ai Su,bws. , On the lSili, in Swansboro, Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. J, Cox, was married to Mr. Joseph Fulchcr, of More bead City, Hev. C. P, Paul, performing the ceremony. The newly married couple left at once for their future home at Morohend City.. . . . v BCCKLEN'S ARKICA SALVE. ' THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by F. F. Duffw . All wool ilf(?-9 goods, rciliii c lo 1 ' , !' 'a Hi-.- k or'". O. " ft ti3 E 1C1 t tmi.a T rrMB SnMS m. b Sua. t, San'w TrwUta, Jaacary Dta. W are bavtnf s qolat tint la er vtl ai Uto tlsMi. Tas tatiMra, aad la fart Try aaa, to nB.'.aloleg af oar abMBiaaM roUa. Tk snails la every direnioa leading hns are srarly in paraa' te axevpi oa boras back, a all empty vtblcks ere la great daagrr of bttag brekaa la paasiae over lhaaa. Ta Cors crest road is said to ba buoyed vita -stakes warning traveler of the (Uagerova bokra aloaf ths roi Why doat ear poop to swaks la a batter aya tcm of workiag ear public roads f Mr William Uammaad is moving back to Titatoa today. Ws welosas at! sack elUawaa a Mr Hammoad la our lows. Oa Wsdoasday of last week kltos Lis ale Moors aad Mr Charles liours cams war to Traoloa aad oalicd la the sar vicss of oar ctovsr magtotrate, J D Her riuge, wha sailed thsoi la the boly bonds of aiatrlmosy. Having eluded ths watchful ayes of tbs bride's paresis they went to ths groom's boms rejoicing with the many good wishes of their friends. v' i Bat Utile cot loa U bought here aow, la fact the roads are so bad the farmers cant bring h bars, occasionally they brioi la a couple of baaketa full of seed cotton of a very Inferior quality. Wbea I was s boy, sixty years sgo si a cross roads near Trenton aa eld gea llemaa kept a store filled with wet sod dry groceries. It was a small 8x10 store with not a window Is It, lu ouly svsbus of antra nue waa one door mouoUtd on wood hinges which abea upened was aura lu wale op all lbs Boar neighbors with a peculiar squeal Incident to such htugee. , While lbs country now to Bile.) with burglars, could not oar inrcu,nt j profit by taking a aots of lid and pro vide sons such syslsm of burglar aiaroi. . What a aad sight to atteud an old bachelor's funeral wtih But a,, wifs nor child to mingle their tears oa his grsvu, nons to call him husband, none to lUp ths name of father. How sad. How many are there hers ia this vicinity who are going Jowa ths rosd to s bachelor sad fats. Waks up gentlemen before It I too Isle, don't be afraid thai you ean't&take carej of a wife. Re collect you have a right to take your chances like many other havo done, bead the item to me rtcoliecl I always keep a pencil sharpened to a. fine point to let the world know that you have changed your road and have found out Ihst il is not good to be alone. . Tho farmers have mads very little work on their farms in consequence of tbs bad weather. ., ,, , ZZZZZZ t The chitons around here are complain ing of the scarcity of money but many of them are build lug and repairing quite freely. ' .l,: Uojof pur citizens are having new wire leooeaeroand their Jolt sad fields. We aro havjng quite a healthy time in Trenton and vicinity, no sickness at all. Tj insure a happy new year, keep U e lrver clear and the body vigorous by using Do Will's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. F. B. Duffy. BKTAN STtlL ALIVE. err 4rra"l aaslrlaa af Brias; t'-'ri ', -v' ..:.'.'.aia' Aamllaal. .- i Report from Tanceboro say that yes terday morning Macon Bryan's condi tion, who wis assaulted on Wednesday night In his stars at thai place,, was greatly improved. A negro at Tanceboro has been ar rested woe had blood spot on his cloth ing and is now held In confinement. ... i Dr. Josh Tayloc, of Washington, N. 0., had the negro's clothing cut where the blood spots were and wasto make an analysis of the blood on the clothing to sea If it wss human blood. V. : . ' The feeling Is reported as being very high among the poop at Vaucelioro, and fears are entertained that if the blood en the negro's clothing is found to be human, he will be lynched, - i . ' IN OLOKB TIKH ' People overlooked the Importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it Is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which set for s time, but finally Injurs the system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. ' . i. TlMbft lrifir aie. Nokfoi.k, Va., January 19 H,' McU Green, pne of the largest lumber dealers la North Osrollna, said today that ell grades of timber In his State are bring ing from f 3 to $3 a thousand more than at this time lsst.year. These prices, il is thought, will hold for the entire season, as the mills have very little on hand, and will need atjeast 3.1,000,000 to 40,000,000 feet during the year. ;From the outlook there Is not mora than half that amount in sight, at the season Is so far advanced that lumber men will not have time to cut much before the crop season will be upon them. ; ; m Smoke 4711 Cigars Sc. sold at Bradhams ' Any mother whose' child has a cold couch or Is hoarse, should use Anway's Croup Syrnp. It will immediately relieve the little fellow, and you will bless the good . doctor who first advised its use. Sold at Brad bain's Reliable Pharmacy . lhue sjr!to;. . ' In your resolutions of reform and economy for the year 18!W, reniemlwr the prompt, roliable and cheap watch and jewelry repairer. . Baxter ftm JrjwFi.nn, t t) J.i!,I.. Wmmm r ua,fna. swav trM an a ii. Vtawa. la lik-aanUoa aad Lry Toy weal la Klaaves Tusaiay evaatag M r. r. . Dliaa aad alf rvUraad ba yeaurrday frma aear Mapto Cj fa res. Mr.T. R. Row sad litlle lielh of TtaMja, ram daws yesterday vtsltlsg Wrm-U. V. UkUrdM. Mr. 1U need lo b operator btr aad w all learaad to love br ssd are always mot tkaa glad to bavs br with s. Mr. Seth Wsai ha hi saw mill aeariy rsady to eotaowBO ruoalng. HI box factory to aowrDaalng oa full lime; Mr. Wad Is a very iudualrieu sad baslaeM Uk maasd woald auks as aa sxcellrnl county oommtoaloaer. W bop wbea lbs board la loerstasd ba will b ap polalad. A batttv tcleclloa eaa not ba md la tb eoosty, Mr. Urlaaoa, reprasssllag Tb Amari. caa Tobacco Company sail Mr. Ward representing Humi. J. A. Parria & Co., remalalng over alghl with as Tuesday sight. Mr. J. J. Btrsst west to Ooldtboro Ihto morning oa baal net, will retura this aveaiag. v Hardly thlok the garden pea farm will be large aroaad hero Ibis teaaoa. Doa'l bear of many btng planted. Good many are talking of Increasing their ft late acreage tol. Alt of our people seem 10 ba well pleased at the progress of la Legisla ture aad la all that they bare don so far. It's very refreshing sad roesoling lu read how oar worthy Senator, Mr. i. A nryaa Is making sfforu to redeem old Cravea. Lei ths good' work continue until -Republican official In Craven county and oa lbs A. N. U, railroad will be aa tcarc a hen' teeth. ', Three io dangerous time for the health. Croup, cold and throat trouble liwtl rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure need at the right time will preserve life, health aad a large saiouut of money. Pleasant to lake-, children Ilk IL F. 8. Duffy. aMlrr rirss MmOc t VrtHlurm. In the Eastern District Court of the United Stales, for the Eastern District of N.o. In 1 iptf rui ueo. w. Cobb, bankrupt. ( rupicy. To the creditors of George W. Cobb, of - Ellrabeth City, lu the County of Pasquotank and District aforesaid, X4 bankrupts. " ' . ' Notice I hereby given that on lh30tb day of December, A. D, 18U8, the laid George W. C'qbb, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditor will he held at lb office of J. W. AlbertaoB, in Elizabeth City, N.O., at U m., on Ibo 2nd day of February, 1S08, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examies Ih bankrupt, and. transact such ' other business aa may properly come before said meeting. New Bern, N. C., Jan. loth, 1800. L." J. JIoohk, lie force In Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy Division in said District. Soar to f "l(4 HamAlws Bouih ' Sigutu ef Mrrj Baraara . ' Are used by the best people In the country. Read this testimonial from ex Presidcot Harrison: -v Moray Gat Burner Co: . Tho Morey Gat Burner you placed in my llbiary is giving excellent satisfac tion. ,'. , Bknj. Harbison. . There are three styles, Nos. 1 and 3 sell for 1.50, No. V, Mitrailleuse, $1 00. Morey Burners are fast replacing mantel burners all over the country. They are practically Indestructible. For sale by, RtcnARD N. Durrr. Fine lot of dressed turkeys selling at 121 cents a pound at Oaks Market. . Go to the Oaks Market and get a fine fat turkey dressed at 12 cents a pound. Today yon can get t fine dressed tur key at Oaks Market for l?t cents a pound. .' , , Don't throw away yonr money, spend It where It countt most. We can save you dollars in run of a year, save your health, and tare yon annoyance Our specialty is prescription filling, though everything In our store it the latost, newest and best always, hut especially our prescription work. Bradhaiu' Relia ble Pharmacy. Pcnuul Brittle, 10c tb at McSoi ley's. Smoke 4711 cigar. Mm rNmirrim t V . hi i Wednesday, Jan. 25th, ONLY ONE PERFORMANCE. THE FOREVER FAVORITES. Fields and Hanson's MINSTRELS! Tiie 'D8 Acwpti d High Grad Wheel of Merriment. I lie show ot the period. Refreshinp; Minstrelsy, swept by Ocean Breezes of Genuine Wit. 38 "HOT MEflBERS 38 Grand Concert Band anil Superb Sym phony Orclieati a. See the new curtiiln miser ''An Even ing with the Ellin"; llin timely lib, "The Dance of Dawson t iiy's 400"; th mstf- nilicent. picture, "In the Tenderloin' ; the imposing S)rctacle, "The Goldeu Shower"; tho ilHZilui)r drill display, "The Grand OKI Uuard"; Fields & lluu soii pi new act, ''iii'st in lite Worltt." 1 i i 11 - I " ( M ' v I Mill'; t I 1 t ( I It hi 7 p 111. "A Btb J U the Hone , I w ell rin( pVamia," lb poet My a. JUm it swvdt good eara and sun int. Piwail ailmmta of childica w bar alwnluuiy mr and frrah IVn-, Uw btvt kamrn braad 04 Infant K,la and oihrr M-rrmrira. aa well a TIH Hrqulattm. PreacriplloD Carefully IXMnpoaooea. . . 1Iu!Ijh 1 harm wry Cor. Mlddls 8. Froet Btrent, -.A Irive In CIoiIiIiir forOhrlalmu we are preparing bow la men' and bo) t ami a. ovnronai aad hat. Wo have an fh-ganl linn ot Waietbouxe Tie and Muflrni that make a useful and acceptable ;ifi as an Xiims offeriB(. Our pricis aratpecial liidiierinrnta' ' , J. jr. KAXTEii. Henry's. Pharmacy, $ 1S4 HIIIULE S HTttEEr. H6 , , Comb4. Hair Brushex, Tooth Brushes, Whisk Brooms,. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, &c With evpry pmcliiu of FAIRY SOAP mounting to 25 Cents, a Handsome Calendar with I Imlotof Pewry, Meirltl and Wheeler." Physician's Preset Iptlons ' ,..A Specialty. IMS' Meadows' Gold Tobacco Guano, SVrr , " ' . . meadow' Colfon Guano, - Largely of Cotton. Jflfai.owM'DiKNfklvtMl Roiiea&PotnKh Compound MoimIoh'n All Crop Ouiuio Ittoadows' Groat I'.olalo Guano. Ifloiidowi' Grtat Citbbage Guano. GEKMAN KAINIT AND DIAMOND SEND FOR OUK BOOK ON E H. & J. A. Mauufact urerN -------'-J LISTEN J I a PeM the floods." There is no qne- tton but what we are in a poaitiou lo do' Ibis. You know tliut we hare uu of the Largest Stocks of Furniture : Evor-aliown in litis sontion, , Wo know tliut wo ominot si'lllhe Roods unless our .'.-.prices are rijjhL V h artnot iell'nf out at coat, but. we aro MAKING UKDUtri'lONS JUKINO TI1K MONTH 01'" JANUARY THAT AUK T0 VOUli .' ADVANTAGE. OUR SPUING STOCK WILL SOON HE : COMING IN AND WK NEED THE ROOM. . ,',,.' GET OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED. PF AT if? 71 TPlrH- A r:,n 1 i U U A lie) V - W V KJ W If Trustee's Sale I Pnl-ll w ist fmwmt CMHataml la laaonaiu l4 at lt. s.eaid oa Lb 14. B day u lionotrr, ltsss, by J. a J . dkw aad ail ,W). ha W W a4 O U iiiikm. 1rwt,. tulr rmaerd la tawwllkwui Um kntaiue of I Was , Craraa ammiw m buok Urn. lie. (olio &T Ac, aad apoa lb rrqaawt ai tWka hrta, aairta. tb twty at lb Third pan aa satd Ua4 U VrM aaasad. a4 hokkr of tl aul taarvby -eurrd. W Will a fcscb Traatiia. UIT !i Mate aad Ml at tW Court tiuaawduor J tkavra eoaaiy, oa Muarfay Ymtrtymij Jib, IfW. at Ua boar U II uVtuck sh., I" In bt baw btddw fur Caati all law M lowlaig eiiifa) pare or pares or Iw f Uh4, lying aad brat; aiuiata ia that punkta at Um diy of hw Un, kaowa ad dirtiagatobrJ la a asap or plaa r eanWd la tba office tat tba UrwmUrf f IWd of Cravaa enwaiy la book No. 100, se 64 sad ST. bagtaaiag al a total oa lb Mart nd of Oar- amt aad oimiUi stdV of Elm Mmrt, at tbs lalermtaua of aid twn trM aad raaalaa thraca eaat ai'Mif Kim Mivd, to tb aunhwfwt rora r of tut Hk 17 wrarding Ui Mid pJa. Ibrao aoatb paralM with Uarmrr am t lb aoaihwaal eorar ef atd tot Mo. 1ST, taaoee wat tarallet wilhkUnturret lu CBrav alai i, U aorlk shag lb aul liov4ararrlia4 lo IU iBtersautioa with Elm Mnart tb brftaalng. It bclag lb eartala twa toes I id out ua the ptoa fnrnald beat lag Um Numbers, 13a aad ISO Thto January 0, 1889. Wat V. tYaae. Treal.' O. M Uuioa, TruaiM.1 Eat as You Eat at Home. . Just at cotufoitabHi nd Invitlnc aw. Juat ths aanMi careful aliealloa to ynar wlahna. Esorllrnl culalor.gma variety of dhdiea, aoiupuHMi etoaiilint-sa' aad quick" servlos. Everything la Bean Our aim to to aaak our atubltohtBaot homelike lo our patroav. No high tariff, charge very reasonable. v At Willenbrink's Restaurant ! 120 Middle Street, 'Phone No, 115. In Pound Packages, TableU, Ac. Legal Cap, all grade, Long and Wide Bill Cap Ledgers, Day Books, Journals and other Blank Books, talger from So lo f 00. Arnold', Carter's ami Sttffoid't Inks. AT H. EWhitehurst's 45 POLLOCK STREET. HIS ! Leaf Produces Tobacco of the Finest Quality, Especially Fine Wrappers. Increases the Quantity and Grade PHOSPHATE A SPECIALTY. TOBACCO CULTURE, FREE.. MEADOWS CO., at ih C'ifl tr'iO C'3 id n f i i j 1 1 o o n Continuation of- ci ,. . mm SALE ! i u o o o o a intTATION 15 A SINCERE , FORM OF FLATTERY. t.i Q Q 0 , The success of our Grent Clearance Sdh has naturally eauted imitation, but while our BiethotU are imitated our priv are Dot. The tocceasof all our salre is that ae have slut adror tite anil aelt what we tay we wilL Is addition to the oilier fn-at values we are piiii,' this week and to make Thansday, rriday aud SalurUsy liusy lavt with nt we will sell about 40 Pain Drew Selby niake of She-, fornM-rly old at 2 00, your choice ' $1 50 Also 20 pain saoie make that sold for $2 5C and 3 00, your choice $ 1 75 These are great Bargains and the quick buyer) will be sure of findiug sites. WE CONTINUE TO SELL 1500 yards Barker Bleaching. Or. Iiui - Kraft of Loon, hfe. 1000 Howl yard aide lllnu-hine. 4o, 1UUU h Heavy yard wide Unbk-achlng, 4c. 1UIM " - Hr Island DnblraehiuK, V. 1500 New Style Calico, 3c Doable "old Die Good a, have lawn lOr, now Sc. Double Width Hcsrietaaaad ,'alimere. 13c. a o a o a o o o a o a o o o g Plain Cash mere and Novelty Wool Cooda also Plsids, always Sac Q lilts eale lOo. - fancy Wool Ooodt, reduced from 40c to S.V. " lalNEKS AND TOIVKT.S. g All Lloea Buck Towel, t040, IV. This Towel was nen r sold 2! ' for lea than 15a. O Honey Comh Towel. 11x411. 9c. f hmaller aite Bnney Comb Towel. 4c large Blmon Tnrklah Towel, 12)c. D OT Inch Bleach Damk, Wo and 4.V. A 7 ' 70r, , Towelling, was lOr, and He. . D TnVDIUlWEAIC. g Ladii- Kibbed Vest. I lie IRc kind, now 1. M Eilia Heavy HII,Im-, Viu-t r Pnnis 19c. O Half wool Itlbbed Wat or Pant JOo. Z Tluee louiiBTi wwd '.iiblwd V sis r Pauls Mir-. W All wool .. .. ,. .. VM. Q If OTIONN. D f Idldreu' Hose Hupporlrrs, Or. O Ladle ltlr. H Dies Hhields, bral Slookinrt, iU: ZL Petri Biitton.s all siae, dot. t 9 Kealher Siiirh Hi aid, Biiuch, ik: f Shoe Polish, Go. EuvehM-, lilo boi of SM). T Paper, splendid quality, 15c Pa"knge. Q Special Bargain ior Thursday, Friday 5 and Saturday, Ladies Black Kid Gloves, 39c. e January 19. tfWmim ICCC30CCCCCCCOOO OOCOOOOOftv An Appetizing m.wv J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phono 69. 77 Broad Street. iverside Lots Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. A complete water and sewerage system to be introduced. Only $250. Balance $1 - Every man of moderate mean and every man working on a salary, may own abome. 'Buy a honi and pay for it installments. , Store than one half of the lots have been taken. . If yon want lo get in on the ' GROUND VLOOK Now it tho Time. , , , ' , No Taxes. ' 1 will pty the taxes until yon have fully paid up, and receltcd your dd. ' - Free Improvements. All linprovi ments, am b at Streets, Side Walks, Shade Tieit, 4c., will l made and coiuplrted at an early date, without cxpente to purchaser. ' - WHY PAYRENT When for fS Cash Down and rtymenls of $1. per wek. you run hny a DeKirsli'e Lot, and ai lr the lot is puld fur crcrl a Handsouir Coltaice. In In- mid for looioml . ly ioMallowiua. - Or if you want to build at once, for tMI. (ah and nun II monll ly payments, you ran buy a lot and build a house, iu a good I.H-atilyj where vnlucs aie absolutely sure to advance. l ; Under my home building system you enn build at once after a cash payment of the value of the lot, 1 will build for you a house, or will advance you Um money lo build You extinguish both principal and interest by monthly Installments, paid ex. c.tly the same as reul, Hit Willi this difference if pnid for leut, tveiy dollar is wasted, if paid nuder my system, every dollar Is saved. 1 A more favorable opportunity will never be offered, to provido a home. You should act at once. Site of Lots 50 x 800 feel. Map showing lols, and for any further Information you may desire, Apply to is. a o a o o n o 13 O O O O o o o o ta o D O o o o p n o u O O Breakfast Will be enjiyed when you servo our choice cen nls and fail naoeous foods, cooki d by the re ceipts given. Our self-raising Buckwheat gives you a (It Melons breakfast on a cold moruinc, wheu served wlh our Kox Bivcr Butter or Maple Syrup, and a enp of Cof fee, made from our fnigrant Mocha and Java rnffi. Fresh Ki anted and Exquisiie in I hiror. Our Mreiikfn-l Komli me if niirior - q-inlily. $5 Cash Down. 00 a Week WILLI AH DUNn.