JOURNAL. f dT la ih year, , U M ..JJ BUM. 1 w t Na. 8. t ! 1 A W I J15 L STEVENS, .rrUSCIUPTION BATES J - rr, la iil'un, H , not ia advance,. ........ . . ..y, t.y uarra la lbs otvr ,im-,nli iUlot faraiafced est PP"- S .Una. Kuiamd at U Post Offloe, Maw flora, h.Uu wooud data meilar.. oarlal raaer ef Maw Bera Cravea Ceeaty. 4 New Bora, I. (X. Jib. St. ISM. WHAT 11 TBI UOUUTOU ooinor This i the constant daily qoeiy which the people of Kastawn Norla Carolina seek to God an answer for, ami aritich tbut iar remains, anao swered to Ibeir satisfaction. Tlx third week of tbe Assembly . . t a . a tr . bas nearly passed, ana sun me ig ulatnre baa made no demonstration to cork along tba line which tba people expect them to do Do the members of tba Assembly of 18D9. already forget what they were elected for ? i Would no eue to visit tbe legis lative hll, and liaten to tbe bills introduced, or read the discussions a reported having taken place in tbe Senate or llouee, imagine what issue it wm which elected the men now filling the eeaU, represent ing the while people of North Caro lina? . YVhat wis the issue before the people in the lost State campaign, which brought out the while rote, and t looted Iho mem bora cf tbe "present General Assembly? Was it the individual merit of the gentlemen now seated as mem bers of the Legislature of ld'Jtf, which gave them their right to sit aad make laws. for the people of North Carolina? . Judging from the reports of tbe proceedings thus far, it would seem that the present Legislature was elected opon the personal merit and popularity of its individual mem bers, and that they were reapontible bO lUtmlBQnOJ UUIJ, Win UV W hMOIl constituents. Well may the people inquire, "What i tbe Legislature doing," when they read daily of bills iutro dnced upon various matters, with not a one opon that most important issue ".W'bite" Supremacy," which many of these same members made a "burning question" during the ctmpaige, and which they promised to carry out if elected. ' The Legislators at Raleigh wiih pleasant surroundings, and with no populace ' to face, may think lo cover np any short comings by oc casional tpasnis of economy, to save a dollar by reducing some official's fee, or cutting off some employe, at the same taking up time by their talking which they are paid for, av the expense of tbe taxpayers. The members of the Legislature in j say. ''time enough, don't worry uuont the negro question, we will settle it as promised." When are. you going to settle it, when those members who have axe to grind, shall have satisfied their own aim and purposes? . Was there auy talk last Septem ber, October, or during, the days just before the election in Novem ber,' about ' delay in settling the negro as a political factor in North Carolina? - '. ".; '. , "Put us in the Legislature was shouted by the candidates, "and we will at once : Battle : this negro ianue, and forever r-y---'-V What the members of the LegUla ture ueed now is a little of that "burning desire" which filled - them so completely during the campaign, it prompt them lo keep their pronv ices, not duridg the last days of the f jsion, but NOW, and without a day's delay.' ;": , ; Wlia. ure private bills to the peo ple of Eastern North Carolina, when the negro's political status remains unchanged; when they see the Legis- 'are delaying action; when they ) the danger of an ad jm rued As- ' and nothing done, with A imi, Butlerisna and Negroum ! ;i"r,ii) abroad; when they ' f.i. a again the ' abuses with vJ l ull? 1 v !;!iOut fail. lionping-congh 1 : i. al urur-guts. Lii tl.ta Ifcrre Le 1UH il m llioa . Il m aot surprising that the Jul K SAL M daily aed, ,'Veial M Lrgialalore d.Mot" and look og J t ils proceeding, cannot rrj4y. 11 Ue Lsgitlrfere u-i be lbs usie wbich Weird it, to thai Ike people shall ea lo Joegrr ak. that at preeebt SBorMitaooustjaattiou efj "What is the Legislature do iogr XHafkMa Cuat Be Carwi by loral applkailoas as Ibey caooot FMca IhadU-aarJ port lea of Ue ear. TWie Is oalj eaa wy to care daafaeat, aad tiMl b by enaMliaUoaal reaMdka. Daafacat Is oauMtl by aa laBaawd coa dllioa of lbs macoos tin I of of tbe Ka slacblaa Tvbr. Wbca Ibts tube Is la taaMtl you aave a rambling aoaad or iBpcrfect btariag, aad wbaa It Is sallre ij cluwed. Iearaes Is tbe retail, aad aaleas tbe taflaataiailoa caa be tabaa oat aad Oils labs mlorad to Ils aoimal eoadlltoai, hearlag will be detuoyed lor evtn alae eauea out of Im are eaoaed by Catarrh, blcli la aolbing bat aa la tunti ooDdliloB at Ibe ameoiissurfaeaa. We will give One nnadred Dollara tut aay caw of Deafneta (cawed by tatarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cars. 8al for circular; frea. r. J. Chexev Ccl, Toledo, 0. Sold by Dragfltls, T5a .. .. , Hall's rarally Tills are tbs best. Km Wnlrr 41m Xfrut. Ao fTeltfd n kldle sped larly bnnncrAJ Into tbs lutal pollne sti.lloa tba other Cay and aorastrd Um lnnjrur on duty. Lara's my Jlmr" te demanded. "11U pardo, uiodaia dug, I prw aairef" said Ibo oflicor. "Iloa'l oa dnra lo praams nothing ot tha kind," tupped tbe My. "Uot dradl Ma, air, hatband my hatband. hf m tail nir dWppoared, decamped" 'You don't tar to I" l "But I'd bava 70a to onderatand that I do ar to, young man. How dare yon til then and Unlly oontradlss a ratopnyer leattwa! tba lawful wife of oner I'll r port yon, sir. Do you bear that? I'll r port you I Wbcro't my butoondf " "Uy dear madam" "How dare you call me your deal madaruf Do you tblnk I come bera to bt Intuited! 1 tell you my buaband baa de ramped, and yon tit tboro Uko a dummy What do yon tblnk of tbnt "Well, innrinin," responded tba pollti Intpeotor, "I boren't the pkmtura of yooi hutbabd's bcqualntanoe, but I should aa) bo's a very wlto nmn. Conttahla Blank, show this lady out." Poarton's Weekly. , . n Did it. The Philadelphia Kooord tellt of t taaobtr who bad juat flnUhed expltlnlnf the un of the ditto marks, when the jh tloed ononf bar young aearoben for knowL adsw atarohlng for It In a half dime nor ei. Bo tba mado him stay after achoa aad told blm to wrltn tbe tentcnot "Al wars Dty attention" 100 tlmoa. In a very abort time be gave a glac shoot, "I've did 11" "What kind of language Is thatf" she rmnarked toterely. "And yon surely haven't hnd time to do It 'V "Well, I'm done It, then anyhow, bert It It." Ho held up bis paper. The tonoe wat written 01100 at the top, and the reuiMnliig turfaoe wat covered with dote. 'But yon haven I done It," ane ex- elnliced. He gated at her scornfully. "Uourat I have. Them's ditto mark. Mads 'em W tiinea. They're good thing. " What elaa wnt there to do but to lot htm go at onoa, which the did? The Pntrwa Salat of Uwrert, Who, by the way. It the patron taint nf lawvertf A famoua lawyer In Brtttnny onoe appealed to the pope for a saint. Hit bollnem pmposed that he thould go round a certain church blindfolded and lay hold of the taint nearest hit baud. He Hopped and grasped a cortaln Image, erying, "Thlt be onr taint; tbit be our patron I" When tbe bandage, wat removed, he found that, though be bad stopped before tbe altar of St. Michael, to his horror ht bad laid bold not of St Michael, bat of the figure under St. Mlobaei's feet tbe devlll London Sketch, l . ; Ta the Pablie. : We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be ss repreiit.d and if not satlfac tory after two thirds of tbe content! hive been used, will refund the money lo the purchaser. There It ao belter med icine ntde for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. 1 Price 33 snd 5Jc per bottle. Try It. F. B. Duff v. - A Natural Deduction. lllion Are you engsged in the same business you were in list yearf Dixon Yes, snd al the old stand still HixoD At the old standstill! Why don't you advertise and stir things up a Utile? . ' ... fir. 8. A. Fackler, Editor of the Mlcm opy (Fli.) Hustler, with bis wife ltd children, suffered terribly from La Q rippe One Minute Cough' Cure was the only remedy that - helped them. It acted quIcklyTbomands nf others ute this remedy as a specific for La Orippe, and 111 exhausting after effects. F. S. Duffy. ? . . He Novice. .1 .'Prisoner,? said the court, "hive you anything to say for yourtellf'. "Whil'i tbe user replied the culprit; you guys wouldn't believe me." ' '. ' The smallest ' things may exert the greatest Influence. De Witt's Little Early Riser are unequalled for overcoming constipation and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe plU. F. & Duffy. Illation af Lore. 1 "I'll wear my picture bat," said Grace, I answered, "What of that'?' . : Any old hat above thy face , Would be a picture hat." . aioe. . " Dr. BYDefehoa't Aatl IMnreiie May be wortbmore to you than $100 if you have a child who soil bedding from Incontinence of water during slern, Cures old and your? nltlse. It am 5 trouhle at p. V . 1 1 y C. ' h'r:. i! . . C. t y t Infant foQd Gail Coi'Jan Esglo Di'Qiid Condensed ptakiaf Aboat V spaattoa. Brows appears to la t great expan tlonirt." -Vat;bt wont evea conflae hlmtclf to tba truth." faltBsutary Iktwaatint Cnw4 ta 3 Zaya. Morton L. Hill, of Lelianon, Ind.,ttyt aly wlfs bad Inflammatory Rbramailtm la every muscle aad jolal; her sufferinc was terrible and her body aad fare were twntlfS slmnst beyond rceognllloai btd heel In bed for six weeks and btd eight physician', but received bo benefit nnlll the tried the Myillc Cure for Ifbeuraa tlm. It gtve Immedltie relief aad sbe wat sble In walk about la tkive dtys. I am sore II taved her lift." Bold bj Henry's Pharmacy. - Apparaatly. . Its ns calkd ms a ptle gray tst. She He mutt be color blind. Tbt tare La.Oripya Care. There Is no ute suflorlug from this dreadful malady If you will only get Ibe right remedy. Tou are having nain all through your body, your liver is. out of order, have no appetite, no life or tm billon, have a bad told, in fact are com plclely uted up. Electric Bitter U tbe only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly oa your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feul like a now being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, only 60 cent per bottle. .' CiaUa't Briw the Wail. "Women would be at one great disad vantage in active politic. ' "Iawbatwajr ' -i " "They would never be able lo halt campaign lie." . , . ( . La Qrlpf e facet tefhUy 1 reated. 'I hiye Juit recovered from the second allack of la grippe this yesr," says Mr. Jaa. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, . Texas. "In the . latter ' case used Cliamberlaln's Cough Itemedy, and 1 think with considerable success, only being In bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. Tbe second attack 1 am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first' but for the ute of this remedy as I had to go to bed In about six hours after being 'struck wllb It, while In the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down." For sale by F. B. Duffy. JLBemlaler. , :" Tis but a little faded flower, Which gleamed In Daphne's hair an hour; t - And ytts Its beauty haunts me still, For twice a week I gel the bill. No besllby person ned fear soy dsn gerous coustquencet from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It Is much the same a a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly al home and take; Chamberlain's Couth Remedy as ditecled for a severe cold snd a prompt and complete recov ery is sure lo follow. For sale by F. S. Duffy.' '" Propawala Wawlert. Proposals for furnishings wood to County Poor House.. -A '. Ordered by the Board of County Com missioners of Craven county, that Ibe Clerk of the Boardlm instructed to ad vertise for bids (o furnished wood for Hie County , Poor House 1 pine and 4 ml led wood. " " . Address all bids to the Clerk of the Board, ' Khnest M. Orbbk Clk. Ud. Corn's Beus tbt T Si 11"1 M ' r,, Wtaler Taarlat Tlrkvla Haw Mai by tsaaiaera Raiiwan Commencing November 1st, 1898, the Southern Railway will selj from prlncl pal stations on Its lines, round-trip Winter Tourist tickets to best resorts In Florida, tbe Son 111 and Asueville, N. C. In "The land of the Sky" tl greatly reduced rites for the round-trip. Tickets will be on sale from November 1st, until April 80, 1899, and inmost eases final limit returning May Ulst,18!0. In connection with the tliove ll. Southern Railway offers I ho quicker an finest train service and connections to all rcsorU In the South, Mexico, Call fomla, Cuba and Porto Rico. Any information as to rates, schedules, sleeping car service, accomodations, etc. cheerfully furnished upon application lo any -nt Pout! -rn Railway, or 11. L. V :, - " ' 1' .. - r - Ml SV AHnrtcT Suemnrn foe V ' Horwios Hrut. row YUHi TKI ItMMRO 6ftAMPA rooi) that ixjumx THINGS THAT ArfuCTtO PErtSOKS 6MOULO NOT CAT. If Taa Uan a vr ta CWat. Skaa Slat aa Im WnU Tartar. A IKII, aalo la Ik Crttt trai a Saffrr aai Pnyinlfc k pb'tlrtan. wrlilnt la tbe Phils- dc'rhlt ftiprnT on Tooer ltfTTbtlr EITnot oa tbe Uaman Sjrutn, tayt: 1 hat oot of tortt faeilna rreaa which nntt of at soffw half the days 4 oar ift Is atotlly 4u m dm eit g rhtnes we sboaldn't. ltbnagb w at coa- stroctad on tbe same avwtel, ararcely any two people have euotly (be aame kind of heart, flrrr tud otbet onrana, end aa a retail aotblna ta traar than tbe saying rbat "One man's mast la aa otlwr ataa's poltoo. Meat, fur luttanoa, la a slow poke. lo a a am bar of lndlvidnala. If tbare la a sqoty strain la yoor family, yoa are, storing np fatura turtara for yonraelf l very time yoa tat a chop or plana of banf. Goat Is simply tbe malt of too much aria acid In the blood, and meat It fall of tbe tustsrial from wblok arte eold Is made. . , Too may tblnk that so long aa yoa havs not to sit In an easy chair all day tbere Is ao Deed for precautions lo diet. Bol the Brat symptoms are always mild, and If yoa feel irritable and un able to settle dowa to work yoa bad bettor be careful bow snoeb meat yua eat, EnRlitbniea are said to be tbe worst tempered people bo earth. They are also the most goaty, and tbere eaa be no doebt that they are tba greatest meat eaters. Nothing is more nourishing; than snear, yet It la absolutely poison to those who are proat lo diabetes, and any one Inclined to oorpnloooy abonld regard il aa a natural enemy. Two nmps of togsr par day In excess of the quantity required by Ibe body would add SO poondt to a man's weight In five years that K of oonras, it be bad tbe tort of eoastitatioa tbit easily pats oa flesh. Out il Is not snenr aloae which is In jurious to diabetic and stout people. Tbe former should not look al porridge, rloe, beet root, Spanish onioua, port wine, rum or giuirer beer; tba latter should luke neither soop, beer, potatoes nor treacle, while goaty people should not touch peas or beans. 1 If any near member of your family bas BtxVitos' donee or epilepsy, yoa should eat meal very sparingly and orapes out at all, while yoa might ns well think of committing tuiolde as fre- quontluR tbe barroom. For dyspeptics it Is Impossible to say what food la good, because everything Is bad. White bread remains nudigost' sd for bonrs, brown bretd Is moat Irri tnting and Injurious, vegetables are con. verted iuto gases sud paiufnl acids, and most kinds of meat are too heavy. The dyspeptic. In fact, ought never to have been born. However, sluee tbe sufferer from dys pepsia niust eat, lei him follow Ibis role. and it may bring rolief: Eat a little of everything, bol eat sparingly, never leaving tbe table with a sense of bav. Ing eaten sufliclent; eat slowly. Maetl cntesll fond thoroughly and never driuk wbile eating. If be must drink, let him drink after bo bss finished eating. No doubt tba majority of people see no connection between tbeix ailments aud tbe breakfast or dinner which tbey bsve enjoyod. Bnt there are many per- sonswbo aresosevorely affeoted by par ticular articles of dial tbat tbere is no question shoot the fact that some kinds of food are more or less poisonous to ns all, although we may not suffer very greatly after eating tbem. An acquaint' anceof tbe writer's, for example, falls iuto convulsions If be eats a single strawberry, snd even tbe odor of straw berry jam lu toe uelgnboruooa 01 sm factorlos almost throws bim Iuto a fit . Tbe writer knows a lady whose heart comes to s stop if she eats an egg. Ot course ibe never intentionally eats one now, but frequently oa taking a piece of cake or some kind of podding or sance oontalolug eggs sbe swoons. . . Many people get cramp in the atom aob from eating bouey, and more than one death bas resulted from this cause. Others are made violently sick by tbe smell of apples, and a patient of tbe writer's bas of ten averred tbat even tbe sight of beet root seemed to suffocate him, . while another bad to give np drinking milk because it produced in tense Inflammation ot tbe eyes. Many kinds of fish cause serious Ill ness. Lobsters and crabs produce most painful itching in some people, and tbe writer baa known several who alter eat ing salmon felt a horrid taEte ia the mouth, and soon after suffered so badly from headache as to be compelled logo to bed. : . - . These latter are tbe extreme inatanoes of Injury from food, but tbey prove that tbonrauds of people suffer in a less de gree, and that probably no one can lunch or dine without swallowing some- thing poiecnont to his system. - - ' ' ' Trala.' , -Bnene A railway carriage. " First Artist Children don't seem to me to sell now ts tbey used. . Second Artist (in a hoarse whisper) Well. I whs at Ktndga'c vestm-dey 1 He t url just knocked off three little girls' beads, horrid raw things, wbeu a aeaier came in, sir, uougni em niroci ly, took 'em awuy wet as Iboy were on the dretcher aud wauled Stodge to lot bim have some more next week, i Old Lady (putting her bead out of tbe window aud shrieking) Guard, top tbe traiu aud let me out, or I'll be murdered! Loudon Tit Hits. . A German bistorlou directs attention lo the fuot that iu the middle ngut the Mediterranean wnt connected by 3Btial with the Red sea: and tbrtt in lfiSS tfte Mohammedan" powers yhat irojcct of rclnlliliug this predecessor of the Sues canal. DiaTREMMIHU arOWAf'H 'filtF.jfftE. Permanently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids ned suffer no longer because this great remedy can euro them alL II is cure for the whole world of stomac weakness and indigestion. The enre he- eins will the first dose. The relief it iirins is marvelous and mirpr r;'. 1 nin Vies no f mlure; never dumi 1 1 neill'T lloW -r y-.11 hnve f'i - rr. Cn.t2.1T it to Consumption A Forerunner of the Mot t Fatal Disease. - Though ita offensive features are sometimes almost unbearable, few people are aware of tbe danger of which Catarrh ia the forerun ner. Catarrh invariably leads to Cousnmption. Growing worn and worse each winter, those who rely upon the usnal treatment of pray, waahea and inhaling mix tures find that it ia impossible to check the disease with these locaO applications which only reach the surface. The offensive discharge increase all the while, causing a feeling of personal defilement, and guts deeper and deeper until it ia ouly a queetiou of a short time until the lungs are affected. Tbe importanoo of the proper treatmeut cau therefore be readily appreciated. But no good what ever con be expected from local applications, as such treatment never did cure Catarrh, and never will. Attacked ta It, lirlggt .Tnar roommate speaks high ly of ynnr new dress tuit. . (Itlgg Yes, - lie Is greatly attached to It. The Deadly Chrip. It agsln sbruftd In tbs land. The air yoa breath may be full of lis fstal germt! Doa't neglect the "drip" or you will open the door to .rneumonli and ton iin.pllon and Invite death. Ils sure ilgnt are chill wilb fever, headac he, dull beary paint, mucous discharges from tbe Simp, aore throat and never-let go cough. Don't waste previous time treat ing this rough with troches, tablets, or poor, cheap syrups. Cure it st once with Dr. King's Mew. Discovery, the Infall ible remedy for bronchial troubles. It kills the disease germt, heaja the long and prevents Ihedteided aftereffects from ibe malady.. Price M) cla. and $1 00. Honey back If not cared. A trial bottle free at K. B Duffy's. .... " I r ircEtTbiagtelt.1 Forelgntr Vou don't bare any pit- en t of nobility iu your country, 1 think Native Amorlcan I don't know. "Am. bissidor lo Oreal Urltalu" comes darned near It. Horrible .agony Is caused by Piles Burns and Skin Diseases. These are Immediately relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Dazel Hnlve. llowsre of worthless Imitations, F. 8. Daffy. At the Wake. Mrs Ilnggerly Good mnrntnV Mrs Casey. O'lm af tber hearln' ut wuz an lllecant wake yex altlnded at Doolan's night before lash!? Mrs Casey Indade an' ut wux that. Shore Casey's unconscious ylU. FJny Keep Young The real secret of youthful features la women is regular menstruation. If there is an irregularity of any natureif the menaea be tmppressed or too scanty, too profuse or painful the trouble will show In tbe face. The eyes will be encircled with black, the skin sallow; blot-chef aud pimples will appear, and the eufferer, although young in yeara, will appear old in looks. The un failing remedy ia Biadfield's Feiki Reiulator It cures all Ills of the womanly or gans, Falling of the Womb. Leucor rhcea or Whites and Bcaring-dowS Pains. Cures Backache, Headache and Nervousness, all of which art due to weakness in the Bameorgrana tarn atil are aalS by Oraaaltt far M. THE tXAOfiJUO UJtaULtTOM LU, MlmUL, , Henry's Pharmacy. Combs Hair Brushes, r -, Tooth Brushes, . ; Whisk Brooms; Toilet Articles, Perfumery, '&c PR-SE . With every purclisto of FAlltV POAP amounting lo 35 Onts, a Handsome Calendar Kith I Iiotoe of Dewey, Merrill and Wheeler. Physician's Preset Iptlons ; A Specialty, Fads! Facts!! When yon vlsll the city don't full In call on I lie OKI Kcliable . firm of . ' . . . . Roberts C: Brother Tlify kcop a full stock of T ...... .... V - t. i t h is, : . gpop aw JjasW "I had sock a severe ease of Catarrh that I kat my aeartag la ON ear, aad part of the boo la my aoaa alowgbad off. I at aurielaaily bra tad with prays and waahea, but eaoai wutae Ibe dite ate seemed to hare a triaar hold oa sne. I had final It baea ae- tUred incurable wbea 1 daeidai be try 8. 8. 8. Il emoted to rat right at tbe seat of tbe disease, and eared ate permanently, far I have had ao toeaa of Catarrh tor Sevan ytars. Mas. Joaarwnra rtutu, "Doe Wait, g. a- Those w bave had the first tOBeh of Catarrh will aaveendleas suffering by tak ing the right remedr at- tba VtX f outset. Others S 'i j who have for Vk: W 1. ifv F. ears sought re lief and found only diaeppoint ment iu local treatment will find it wise to watts no further time on sprays, washes, inhaling' mix tures, etc., which are only tempo rary and can not save them from Consumption. Catarrh is deep seated blood disease. 8. 8. 8. is tbe only remedy which can reach the very bottom of the disease- and cure it permanently. Books sent free by tbe Swift Speoifio Company, Atlanta,' Oa. The Best Whiskey in the World, i p. a at the Palace Saloon. WINTER: BUGGY ROBES, AndllORSB DLANKET8AT LOW FIGURES, to Close Oat Btoek to Make room for Large tttocfc nf Summer Goods, Robes' at 80s and Upward Blankets at 65c and Upwards Harness with Collar and rlames . . , . . $4 75 Other Gooilr of nigh" Grote at F10- porilonttely Low Prices. - Big stock of Buggies, Harness, Horses snd Mtrlesi ; . ', Don't lose sight of Ibe fact that V have a large stock of CART WHEELS. J.W.STEWART. HOTEL NEUSEE, NEW BERNE, N; C. J. II. RICHARDSON, Proper. Terms, Per Day, frSw Can accommodate a few RrgiriaV boarders, s ? . Special1 stteation given for the' (ravel- lingpublic. Rub, Hub, Rub: And Ibe constant rub wilt soon wear out your linen. Now don't let Ibis con. linueany longer, hut let' mo do your Laundry -work. We don't rub yoftt shirts lo pieces, but wash litem in a large revolving pool that flows with plenty of water. We use the best snap and guar talee no lye or soda. Cull and ee for' yonsrelf. We Wish to treat ouf patrons right. Send us your Laundry. J. D. DAYEHKRY, Man. RO.V.L'LUS' A. NUNN, ' UKW PI 'tN'R, - N. C. 1 (!!'-: '! ). ll.ilel Clialtawks. bo m e 5 J . 'V 7k L:7;:y, cJb and Exchange Stables r"'A jSlaii 5..:'BCSN- CO., -WHOLESALE at BEtAlL DEALEfffl IN HORSES . AND . MULES. tW" A Oomph Line of BUGGIES, FINANCIAL. . a. Urata, rraa, MM. ataadowa, Tlaa ftta . V. Oaortcatbtar. CITIZEN'S BANK or unsrw santira, xw. o. DO A SKMKKAI. KASIIMa BUSINEHI Tb AeoaaU at Baaka. Saakara. Clorunf attoat, runan, Marcbaota anil otbar rt talTtd aa laTorablt tana, t-roaipt an1 ear tat eUaaUoa giwmu to tba latai at ot aar aat vou. euona a apaaianr. boibd ovDiaaoToaa. rardtaaaS Dlrlek K. II. MMdoaa, Uhaa, Don, Jr. JaaM- kiBiDa, MararHaiiDjs Tliomaa A. braea, 0. 1-. ro W.r.t.Tnckatl. J. a. Maadowa, ttaaiaal W.lpork, Cba. U. nnw, J. W.Uralnirer, St. W. Sraallwuotf. Mo.M.lraa. F. & M. BANK, MAT 1st, 189H. Caaltal Stock,.. $76,000.00 Sarpla 8,600,00 Undivided ProUt 8,170.0(1 OKFKJER8: L. H. OrTi.xa President. W. 8. ( naowick, Vice Pres. T. W. bxwiY, CHRbier. J. W. Ultima, Teller. F. F. Matthews. Collector. DIRECTORS: Wm. B. Blades, M. M. tfarkt, O. U. Bradham, 1'. ii. Pelletier, I II. (hitler. Jno. SuWr, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Htewart, T. W. Dewey. We want your business and feel tba we can offer you as much in return ai any oilier bank in the city. It Is out endeavor to make butinets relations mut ually ploasant and profitable to out patrona. .WANTED l ItllY Wool, Col Ion, licrHwnx Uigliit Price Cnsranteed. J. K. LATHAM, Near I'oiton Exchange DEAL! It IN Hardware and Fire Arms, Bash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, , Oils, Cement, Lhne, Etc. , ARMt for (furliid Stoves & Bangen and Devoe'd, sad BeDj Moorei' READY MIXtn PAINTS. -. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW REBNE, JT. C. II. W. SIJIPSbUT,- Itecl 8 SuDermteDdenl 68 Broart Nlres?t Thtr Practical FtJrfii . Cf.rfctc.riGfts. " Wtfar snoa lng-aStJcl" of f utl lslr, East Indian aulf BobrislT Drui - erres and EarbroldeHmr i , . ' 1t udipted for Fursrrfrrg-fJotey Cottters,- aunt and SraoVtnf Rooms. : AhWile CirYev, Marrref Dfipler- . In, PintrtiBd'fableBrArfi. 4iA - a . .'.-.)- : ,,. . - ' : , ' . Our exhibit ia so worthy thai we suggest a trip to Raleigh to see it. Dobbin Cz Ferrafl. AT. TUCKER'S STORE, 153 & 125 Fayetteville Street, wm ROAD CART-t AUD HARNESS. PB0KERS10NAU F. M. 1. 11 i I. H. fee. v w p.. SIMHONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS ssd COUNSELORS at LAW. MEW R1.BN1:. M. c. Dfflc 68 Ho. Kriiiil hlre't, nearly oppo- niie noiei i iianawia. (Oftlies nlo at Knlcieli tnd Hmithfleld.) rrat iitu in tlie n.i.niii ui CrTen, IMiplln. J,...M I ill. . ............ u.k. Jnhuncoii. Ilarneti mimi a lhi.ii; in in su- lieme nn M-mrm uit, and lirTr Mrvl. e are ilt-nln-il. 1 II. l'?l)lier, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iddle Street, Lawyers IlrliL Building. Will pruotloo In tMe (i niitle ol Craven arlvrel, .lone, (imliiw aim I'amlli o. U. a 'ouil at New Hitiik and hupreuie t ourt o he HlaUa. S. II. STREET. F. P. GATES. STREET & GATES, Physicians and furgrons. Middle Stieel, New Rune, N. 0 -STEAMERS- EAKTEIIN MOLINA DISPATCH LINE, AND Hid DofflifliooSteaoisliipCo. FREIGHT & PASSING KK. For All IV i ii(s North. The Steamer NETJSE eill leave on Moudavs, Wednesdays, Hid Friilujs at U . in.,shaip. The Str. Ke-robern Will mil 01 'I i ifdavs Fridays t-1- oV o k I111011, nrnkiiig land iiiK nl nil wy r uiioiis. Preiglrt received not later thau one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. BENDEKSON, Agt. M. K. King, Gen. Mgr., H.O. HuDOiNd,Gen.Frt.& Pass. Agt. Norfolk, Va. New Berno, N. 0., May 30th, 1898. Notice ! A. Big Knock Down on Wood. 4(0 fords On k and Pine, mint I e sold. Stove Wnrat, any length, a Sucrialty, de livered In) mil di or. Brick ai.d (Inmt-Mnde and Bawed Rhlnirle ala)t 011 banil. kl.v.,lua Tlru..B u . 1 nuvnAaa n .. .1 . good a Kgont y All the above will be sold In lie ne three days. ; Now we will cut prices g a rn Bee, Pork abd Sausagea. , BIG Hill, & Siils Ban. REAL ESM AGENCY Houses and I.oU For Ss'e at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements tbat will prove a line invest ment. . ' x . . , Collection ef Ri als a peelslly. ' Office st Roberlsat Drj sit't More, o -posile post nflier, ' E. E. HAllPEIt. ; Russell Houo. While In Beaufort 1 sure snd slop ai the Iiueell Enure.- First-l'ltrs Br.aid. A borne for traveling people. Fishing snd hunting unexcelled. Terms f 1.S5 a day or $5.00 per week. . O. A. KCSSELL. Tmp.

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