H US w- ' n: ncairxE cf sveit of hgs tJ'J ' only to lh origllity Bad a.im holy oj U eosnbtnaUoa, bat alio to tix car and skill With which It at nuwufartured by aeaeaUS prim k nown to tb CiuroBniA Fi 8nur lo. only, and are wish to luipr l poa a4 the IrhportAav of purchasing the true and original rented;. A tba on urn Sjrnp of Kifi ia BBaBufartared br in CAUroHUtA Fie Br but Co. ''r. a KnoaUdr of that fact will aar.u.1 ont in anwlinf the worthies Imitation manafactared by other par tic. The hijrb at.ii.dinj of th CaM ruvtia Fia tiritu Co. with th medj cal p,o(uaaioo. aJ ths eatlafacUor which I ho genuine Strop of Figa haa n-iven to million of families, Bali as the name of the Company a f-oaraaty of t lie excellence of lu remorlr. It ia far So advauoo of aJI other laxatlvea, aa it acta on tha Uidncya, liver and LuweU without Irritatlujr or weaken ing them, and it does not grip nor nnnacate. la Ol-der U)ret ita beneficial effects, pica remember tba BUM of the Vompturf CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. aaa raxnciaos, cm. rrTiL.. k. - new rear, a. T. THE JOURNAL Mow Hera. N. C Jaa. SS. 189. H AtkaTSlEiBTS. Lost Mourning pin. Q N Ennrtt Tb Latent. Brad ham Soda water, Ac. H B Duffy Inventory sale, 1( DeW Bltvenaoa-Notice, x O Mark! Co opring Oxfords, F U Jonoa A Co Hpring season. Business Locals. LOST Mourning pin, with hair In U, be tween, Express office and corner Broad and Middle Street. Reward given for ita return to Journal office. LOST-rFrldy, ahont 4 p. in, on Broad street, a school voucher, favor Mr. W. N. Williams, for services a teacher for term ending December S3id. Amount $ W OO. Tha public is warned against negotiating for this voucher. Its return, will be appreciated, to Mrs. Williams, or Jourkau I DAVE received a Sample 1899 Colum bia Chain Wheel, price $."0 and invite inspection of same. Bicycles, Grapbo phones and Printing. 'Phone 120. , , Wm. T. Hill. THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Hfeet. t SEND IN VOUR NAHE5 For the Journal's Fair Edition to be Issued in a few days. Papers sent free to names band cd in to this office. Do so at nee. ' A SAT EM TUB CtTT. There were sales of cotton in the local market yesterday at 5.75. . No change In the weather Is Indicayi J. Warmer and partly cloudy li the fore cast for today. - ; -v lie ports from Vanceboro yesterday said that Macon Bryan's condition was improved. lie was still unconscious. The first harblngors of spring ware seen here yesterdny, "de Italian" and his faithful companion, "de monks". The customary hand organ completed tha outfit. . The chairmen of the various commit tees of the ladles department of the Fair to be beld next month are requested to meet at Mrs. C. E. Slover'i at twelve o'clock Mondsy. The Christian Science Beading Room), 87 Craven street, are open dally. Services . Sunday 10.30 a m and 4.15 p'm, Wednes day 7:80 p m. Morning lesson, subject: Love. 1 John, 4: 18. Afternoon lesson, subject: The True Birth, John 3: 7. All are welcome. .v r ; nnrvlvora sf tba lad. aj. tv frssp The members of the Sod Regiment North Carolina Troops C, S. A, are re quested to meet Monday night at 8 o'clock at the office of 8. R. Street, to . take action In regard to the battle flag of the regiment lately returned to the Adjt. General at Raleigh. i .vL, These are dangerous times for the health. Ccoup, colds and throat troubles lead rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minnte Cough Cure need at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like It F. & Duffy. Inventory Sale at H. B-. Duffy' will continue for a day er two longer. Prices same a advertised. 1 . . Mediterranean bath sponges are con siJered the finest that grow. We have some large ones for 1 00 each, soma for 1 .50, bleached or unbleached. Surgeon' r pnngea 10c each, and many other kinds. rraiiliums Pharmacy.' ; . Uuy your cocoanut from McSorlcy nd he will grate them free. ; S CAPUDINE HEADACHE I j Guaranteed to Cure ' -, Neuralgia, La ; " Headache, Etc. ; - i f ry 2 Stores. ws.'ia ,i a. Tt4 t Tl. fc S cf J - J A t:.;d at Nurf jik. T A, in Uut!,;tc U.1 ai jiit by traia, a4 all! procaWy b lake by private r miia lt-iJ. la ks kM ta Usaasbom, Oaio Ca. Juaaa was ai.0Td ty the govara aMtaa4 waaklUadby lae braaiiag of a chala aa a dmlf boat at Norfuik. Taalll mmn. That waieoaae aJUilioa to aaarly y ami, the erg, a most Inportaal article of cohubmvc, and as a kxal iaduriry U has bee qaltea praaiUiag oae with J. R. rarkar, Jr, the aaUrprUIng Broad itraet awecbaat. la addltkMi U hia lae tnetrJ vt ae be does aa age shipping doiIbcm to Mortbera saarkrta,aad daring tba paU week shipped froas here over ee tboaa aad dotra egsa. At tba reakieatw at Mr. T. M. Watber lagioa near Vaaeaboro, oa Saaday avaa lag tba 15th last. Mr. Laoeard Bright and Mies riallle EdwarUa, were anltad ia boly Wfdlnck. Kev. 1L S. Daveaport offlciatlag. Tba atleadaau Mr. M. t. Swell and atlas Clara Brewer, Mr. War raaBumerrl and Mias Iaa Brewer, Mr. D. W. Brewer aad Mias Faaaie Griffin. Tba happy couple will ataka their future borne at Taararvre, iatMrota aas wumnr. Fields and Baaaea's vlittrels gave a perfoimtace at Greensboro, K. U. on tba UU last, aad of it tba Oreensboro Records aay: i "Minatrrla are like circa a great deal of aameaeaa la all of them, but ine performtare given by Fields (laneoa'a crowd last Bight at tha Academy of Music was as Beat, clraa aad interesting as U generally eeea. Tba band and orchestra la Ine, the latter especially, for there Is leas f us H and nolsj aad aor mniic. lather words, tba effort lo bide defects ia voices by load playing la absent.' If a maa caa't aing the aulieoce catches aa at onca. Tba quarteltea were fine, the dancing excellent and the eollie pro gramme was a good one." - awaBitra at ike Vaafoalerary . 'The first annual meeting of the New Bern Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy wa beld at the reaidenc of Mias Mary Oliver, Jan 19th 18U0, Dne to the absence of our President, Mrs. John llugkea,tba Vice President Mia Oliver railed the meeting In order. Proceedings. were opened by the Rev. Dr. Leyburn la a moat .eloquent prayer. After the usual routine of business the following oftlrera were elected for the emu ng year. President Mrs. John Hughes; Vice president, Miss Mary Oliver; Corresponding secretary, Mrs, Mary McK. Nash; Recording Secretary, Miss Addle Culler, Treasurer Mrs. A. H. Powell, The report fromShe different committees were then read, after which the meeting adjourned nntll Febuary lGlh 1809. " " rastftwtiat. ' Mis Oliva Water retained horn on last night's train. ' - , Mrs. F. W. Hughe returned from RalelKh last night. , Mr. Henry R. ' Brjan.'Jr., returned from Raleigh last night. ; - ' :; ' ' ' lira. G. W. Summerill retorned last night from a visit at Klnaton. Mr. J.J, Baxter apent tba day at Goldaboro yeiterday on busbeaa. - Mr. J. W. Stewart, who ha been Weal to purchase stock for his livery (table, returned yesterday. 1 Mrs. Walter Peterson and little ton, of New Britain, Conn., arrived lost night from Goldsboroto visit Mr. HlgbtC. Hoom. v '-V" Mr. F. P. Avery left yeaterday morn ing for' Wilmington lo stand exami nation before the Medical Examiner of the Brolheihood of Locomotive Engl neers. : ''... -,. ; - - To insure a happy new year, keep tha liver clear and the body vigorous by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famou little pill for constipation and liver trouble. F, 8. Duffy. A Saaairal Wwdlaa. At Beaufort in Su Paul' Episcopal church, last Thursday evening 8:80 pm. Mr. H. L- PottecJed to the hymenal altar Mias Etta Davis, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jas. C. Davta. Hiss Fannie Davit, a cousin of the bride, played the wedding march. ', , . Mr. Will Potter, brother of the groom, acted a best man : and Mia Gertrude Day U, slater of the bride, was maid of honor. ' "' '.i x: V i ; , );'f u ' The church waa handaomely and artle- lically decorated and precisely on time the ushers, Measre John Arrlnglon and WHI Pierce marchrd np to the altar oa one aide, and ( Willie Hue of New Bern and Ikey Ramsey marched np the other, following them came the bride on the arm of her father, where they were met by the groom and hi beat man from the veatry. . .'. ' - The Rev, T. H. N.George of New Bern, In a beautiful and Impressive service made them man and wife, after which tba entire bridal party with a few of their friends repaired to the home of tfie bride's parents where all enjoyed a boun tlful reception. ';' The present were numerous and beau tlful. Among those present at the re ception were: Mr. and Mrs. P. K Dey, Rev. Mr. Tutlle, Mlsa Sarah Davis, of Beaufort; Mr. Jno. K. Ruodea, Richmond, Va.; Mr. Mallard, Wilinlnlon, N. C; Q. N. Ennett and John Davis, New Bern. , G. Coughing injures and Inflame sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, slays coughing and heals quickly. The bent cough cure fur child ren. F. S. Duly. r i . St 1 1 a At rrm V Ti.eJ. IuML Ly f , i,4 Kltr, liaora acr-aata of l- ot . t' of llrn' eneek btljf, a Iti.'.b wtU a taoud be kept la oo4 oror, fur U liaral ovat h U 1T' Word aa seat the Joi bial that It bad Us a "realtad by la eoaaiy toa siaaioaeta, aad that it was bow all ri(hl for public traval To be fully aaihvSad apoa thli qaoatioa of lbs bdilft eoadltioa, lb Jot aaAL bad a rrprrsrBialiva vlut thla brtJre yaatrrxUy, aad give tb brtlga a carcfal exaadBBiioa as to lu balag all right for traveler. T the who do aot kaow tkla bridg from poraoaat kaowtedga, a tlail to It would prove a tilp well taken, having la mlad tb fad that It U now said to be safe far travel. The bridge I litgbar lhaa tb ordinary ereek bridge. It baa a "draw," or rather "lift," to permit lb paieag of boeu. Tela -Uff fat la two sections aad te opea the bridge for boats, tb bridge lander Btost I rat bnlat on aectloi, tbea lake but boat, paddl acroa tba Creek, acranUda ap tba bridge and bolat lb eeeoad aectloo. . To mak tb bolat easier, both aectioat are ballasted with rocks, placed beneath each sectloa oa a ihelf attached to tb glrtkra, Tb two lift section "when down are held together by loose Ira bar aad Vehicle paaalaa vr produce a rocking notion, which area tba mol atolid ox and Indlffereol person feel nnoertala about, aad tbeordiuary lravler look dowa aod wonder bow deep lb water is. I'poa examination, tb girder oa oaa td were found (pill, aod banging by a narrow margin of wood. Aay fur ther break mual rale tb tck ballast aod drop that sectloa of the ".lft.n Tba "repair'' to lb bridge were qnlla nollcrabl and eonaiated of several two inch plank Bailed to tha Hoar of lha drive way. Thee plank probably cover bole In the flooring. Aa examination of tha bridge ahowa that it girder are rulUui, and the plank of a poo It, many of them loose, aad with lb rottsa gird er beneath them, no nail can be driven to bold the planka firm. A panel In lb aid railing hat enllnly disappeared. The "repairs" mad to the bridge ba made It rougher than a corduroy road. Aa Illustration of this waa seen by th Jouumal'b man. A cart approach J ooutalulng man and two women, all colored. Reaching tha bridge, the women got out, and th man alerted up hi mule. when t scream from the women Hopped htm. "Let we have my egf, and each woman lifted out a basketful of egga, carrying t hem across the bridge, and again taking their place In th cart on the road beyond. This Indicate bow rough the floor- There can be no question that Brlce'a ereek bridge U In a miserable condition, and the County Commissioner are liable far any accident which take place. Let the bridge be repaired at once. ' La Grippe I again epidemic. Every precaution thould be taken to avoid it. It specific cure la On illuut Cough Cure. A. J, Bhepard, Publiaher Agricul tural Journal and Advertiser, Elden. Mo., tayt: "No one will be disappointed In nainc One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleaaant to take, qulik lo act F. 8. Duffy. 1 " . Plamlrta WarrkaaM alaaietbMk. Dr. N. H. Street, proprietor of the Planter Tobacco Warehouse in thl city, ba isaued most , complete little haodbook on the cultivation and curing of tobacco. s ' i . . This bock contain Information which every tobacco farmer should read, and a copy of this book can be obtained upon applying to Dr. Street. BUCEXEN'S ARMOA SALTS, . THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cure PJle, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box.? For. iale by F. LF.Duffi. . ... Umrri atarBvrs . . Are used by the beat people in the country. Read thl testimonial from ex Preaident Harriaon: . V Moray Gas Burner Co: The Morey Gas Burnor you placed in my library II giving excellent aaliafac tion. . " Bbnj. Harrison. "There re threo styles, Nos. 1 and 9 sell for (1.50. No. 8, Mitrailleuse, $1 00. Morcy Burners are fast replacing mantel burner all over the country. They are practically indestructible. For sal by, - , ' RtCflABD N. DUFFT. " Mr. F. M. Chadwlck, the tailor Jsaya: "Carolina Cough Cure is the beat reme dy for coitghs that I have ever tried. I have been using it In my family for sev eral ycAra, always with bene lit. In fact It cutus." Carolina Cough Cure ia manu factured and sold by Bradbam a Phar macy, pric 25c per bottle. E4aieAltanKl BJotke - ' Tle Board of Truateea of the New Bern Academy will meet ou Friday, Jan nary 20th, at 4 p. in., at the Citizens Bank, to consider 'he necossity of having an Act pasaed llie "Legislature establish ing a Graded school in New Bern. . I!y order of President of Board. W.M.Watson, Sec. and Trcus. I O yi. 1 .!? it" XT X A. S of - , u.u.utn;::) i ;!1.. s Bw BWr' BU4 Si.i,f 9 tr ! F B ! !. FrM Sk.vi in riM Tb Fair Ak.xi:lia 1 1. tat Tear will ba bciur protuird ILia r before la rerjr way, tat aitoatag tis eihlMia, ta tenainlBi ih ibeBtaaUa wko ' by a variey af anuaesMttia, anaay of tbea BUaout (luaooat lo U vlaUor, aad fuiatahlcg aovaltle lo tboa at km Bad f roaa abrnad. Tb dally perforw aao I frost of the Grand Staad U aa auraciioa which will aaaa everyoca. It Bill ua place betwaaa tb racra, aod will be aa aialUiioa oa the Wild WbbI order, uf Ia.liaa aad Molcaaa, with lb aoooatpaalaaeat of faacy rifle shooting, Uirowlag of kalvoa, aad akib f ul boras baca riding. Tba New Bera Fair eoaae bat oatre year, aad It la aa oocaaioa wbea tbe whole taajilly caa be laatracted aad aaaud. lit foryoaag aad old, aad every oaa should visit lu It la a Uat wbaa assail pariia caa atoM ea jojably apead a week bars. Bad lag eadlea aaa aa ant, aad at small A visit an aaa asoat proBlahl returns lelbuea who at lead lb Fair. It dot everyone good, and especially I it a treat to iboaa.wb live la tba country to at lead, bring lb eel Ira family aad hat tb children bava aa ''outing" which tbry will remember aad Ulk about all tba rest of tbe year.' "Th father whs bring bl entire family to lb Fair, make aa Investment in bappluex tot hi loved ones, bleb 111 jleUi eplendld rlura. People overlooked tb lmiorlaora of permanently beneficial effect aad ware asliafled with transient actios; but bow that it ia generally kaow a that Syrnp of Figa will perBtaaenUyovarromababilaal eonallpalioa, well-informed people will not buy other laxative, which act for a lime, but dually lujur tba ayaUni. Buy tne genuine, made by tbe California Fig SrupCo. There are people who a ilk a square by other fuuulaiua too t get a glaaa of our good soil water, aimply Una us they aay we make the beat to be bed. Our drug department ran be judged by quality of aotla water and vice versa Every prescripllon put op In our More, help I be sick Bad please the doctor, proscription tilling la our specially.' W kaow bow at Bradham'a Pharmacy. atlfwsr rira ! r Irsaiiara. In the Easter District Court or the Culled Slate, for th Eaalarn District of N.C. In tbe Matter of I In Bank Qao. W. Coun, Bankrupt ( ' ruplcy. To tbe creditor of Geoqr W. CobbK of N Kllrabclh City, In Ibe Couuty of Pasquotank and )lsllc aCoswald, , a bankrupt: ' Notice I hereby given that on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1893, the aald George W. Cobb, wit duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of hi creditor will be beld at the ofllo of J. W. Albertson, in Elixabelh City, N.C., at 13 nv., on the 2nd day of February, lb'Jfl, at which time the said creditors may attend, prov their claim, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact auch other bualneaa at may properly coin before said meeting. New Bern, N. C, Jan. 18th, 1899. L. J. Moobk, Referee In Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy Division In said DlstrlcL , . The baby Is a very precious poaaes ilon and you should takt'every care of the Utile fellow. That dangerous, dl tresalng diaeaae,Croup, If almost inr to cure your baby, and the sooner you pro cure a bottle of Anway's Croup Syrup and lave it on hand, the aooner ynuywlll be en safe ground. -"It sever falls to cure. 25c at Bradbam' Pharmacy. Fine lot of dressed turkey selling at 12) cent a pound at Oak Market, ' Go lo the Oak Market and get a fine fat turkey dressed at 12) cents a pound. Today you can get a fine dressed tur key at Oaks Market for 19 cents a pound. Every sale of Anwayr Croup Syrup means a cure, and every cure means a friend, and en appreciative one. We have yet to bear of first complaint fol lowing lis use, and If you need inch a remedy in your family, and will buy a bottle, If It does not cure, we will refund your money. Bradbsm's Pharmacy. . : IBS krr.lia(, . , I :". ' In your resolution of reform, and economy for the year 1899, lenieuiber tbe prompt, reliable and cheap watch and Jewelry repalier. - - - -; Baxter, tub Jbwelku, " Next, to Jormal "Whatever la worth doing at all Is worth doing well," I equivalent lo the alalement that there la uotlung ao Insig nificant that It may be done carelessly. In our store we have the beat equipped in this part of Slate, we recogwUn the Ira parlance of attention to details, every thing hal it place, am! everything sent out, whether rM-uscriplion or box of sorp is llie best money cau buy, Brailham'a 1'harniacy. A Good Telephone SERVICE 13 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A ' HOME CONVENIENCE, a' COM BINED ; - - A.cco-Kil w f .. . Tivr: U IIC, T .!cc!;licn of Ohio Roj Ltin Crtally DcntCUd by Pe-ru-M. Dr. S. lltrtmtm. Clmmimt. O. Paaa Kik I ba ward areeral bo Mm of P-n-ta and frl rrraU beaai tad tharst y. 1 bars baaat aAwtsd Boo. O. V iKtmoa. with catarrh of tba bead aad reel -eottracvd to belleva that eoaUnBsd of Pe-ra-BBV will fully eradkcsU a dtacaao of Vhirty yean' standing. Toon alneoraly, D. MEEK1SON. Tba eon tinned receipt of endutae tnenU Uk thla for Dr. llartmaaa great eataurh remedy, prov Its valaa beyood queation. Mm of prominenea everywhere are rceofrnising the merit of Ps-rn-na and ore willing to giveexprea alon to Utcir judgment bcauae a certain, absolute eure f.ir c-.nrrh la a publie good. All dntlaaaJ r-ru-na Aak any druggie! tor A free Pe-ra aa Almanac for the year 1899. "A Baby in Ike House la a ell spring of pleasure," the poet aay. Itut It nemtit goiHl ram and nur -ing. For all ail men U of children we have ahMtlutely pun aod fresh Drugs, the lieHt known brand ol Jiifant Kh1 and other net r 'arh . as well aa Toilet licqul'ilr. - P.-eaciiplloua Carefully Coiiipouiiilcd. iyiillt lMinrmncy, Cor. Middle 4 8. Front Streets. cibaaciSaSctactagacHaatiai ar-ii ii THE SPRING n Will sonn be upon ns iljj ' try braninir. n r ar van vnlnir Ia nl liu rx "Ma If yon arewe'cai8how yon a line of rilUNITUKK, Jin r ( CAKPLTS, MATTINGS, RUGS md CURTAINS (hit are n Dnexctlled in Style, Flnlsb, We have just received Hand Painted Comb and Brush $1 50. We can save you money on anything in onr line, and only ask that you give ns a 9 FRANG. H. 87 MIDDLE RTKkET. MOLT eadows' Gold Tobacco Guano, MondoMtB Cotton Calunno, Largfly Increases tbe Quantity and Grade . .'' . - v of Cottoii.- . -; ' Sleiulows' vtl laoiio e,V PotitMla Conipotiinl 3Iealows AH Crop (jJuuno. -5I'jmIomV Ci rout Potato Chin no. .TIratltMVs' (niit C!ulbiir CJiiaiio. GERIIAN KAINIT AND DIAUOIID PHOSPHATE A SPECIALTY. SEND FOK OUR HOOK ON r. f p, I n Las Ha vi Ja Ita Y ::"r: new m mm Wednesday, Jan. 25th, OSLY OS, I tKruHMtNC t TOE rOlUVtK FAVORITIA Fields and Hanson's MINSTRELS! TU Aen-ptrd llifk Oradr WM of MevrtasBSt. Tb ikiv of lbs srtu4. Krfnahlnc Miaatrv-aiy awrpt by Ocsaa (Varar of Uraaia Wa, 3i -HOT MEHBER5 U Oraod Concert Band aad Super) Pyav l-betiy Urrbesua. fW lbs sw ckrtaia raiser -Ab Kv ingwhklBsKlka;tBetiaitrly kH. "Dm Dumwi4 laawsoa lily's eutr; aha Baaur aiScsal 4t tare, "la lbs TkdtrtMa"! tb aanBaeiBg pfctarW, Tb tioldsa rVhower"; ths daaaliar rtll dtspiay, -TVs Uraad UW Uawra"; Fletda Uaa eua'a aes act, -Brat ta tba Wrid." Do aot mwa tb Uraad Midday ParV lbs rahlliralisa Ussd Cuaaosrt at 1 V am, REHKIiVKD BEATS, 75c GALLERY, 60c Mow BrlliMg at WateVa. Eat as You Eat at Home. , Jiast a eua.ArtaU and Inviting bera. Just lbs careful atloolloa to yuar tabes. K lor Ilea t ca Uine, great variety nf tlUbea, swapuhMia ctraaliaesa and quick srrvics. Kverylbtng la araaua. Oar aim I ta awake our satabllahineal boassllk to oar patroas. Mo bigb tariff, charge very reasonable. At Willenbrins Restaurant ! 120 Middle Street, Phooe No. 115. In roon I Package, Tablet, Ac. Legal Cat i H grades, Long and Wide thl Cap ' Led jre ra. Day Bo ks, Jo iron! nd other Blank Bookr, (j Ledger from 5c lo t 00. Arnold', Carter' ami Stafford' Ink. H. E.Wh7tehurst's 43 POLLOCK STREET. ii ii irr-ii ii ii ir-ii ii ir-i&j SEASON bow. Are yon going to borne- rvfiirnlsh t'uer hnn ar rouffl f Patten orCotoriag. another shipmeBt or itaoie Seta, assorted decorations at call and be convinced. JONES & GO.. Leaf Producei Tobacco of the ' Finest Quality, Especially ; Fine Wrappers. TOIUCCQ CULTURE, FREE. 1 m. " p:mr? ' no a...-... ...Vj J J j : ' c. w bf vaa saa w w f" - ' - Larf LwIaid ( ) () U 14 O o o CI ( Q O o o () o o o a o o D () D Q a o o o o o o o n o a o o o W ar bob aboa b- lor OXFORD S FOR NPRINC1 AM) ML JI5IKII OF 1800. o o o Tb ealUe sbowiog k of Drew, Selby & Co.'s Make, Wblca ia itarlf i a Ouirsales of Biyle and good aerrioe. Tbe B ldth of tbe Toe ai (nora ptosotiaced than usual aad tbe aba pa generally svlll ecanmend tbrnuelve to thors ladies bo Ilk a eery stylish Bboa. W have alao a alee selection of light weight Bhoea for early Bpriog wear, la sare or buitoa, black and taa. We would call panlcaUr biUbiIob to a TOB SLIPPER with Patent Leather Vmp and Fine Kid Back. Thry are very drea y, eepeclally for avealog Bear. SILKS. Roane lies Silk ie juat nprnrd. Taffet Silks for Waiel Pur pose. Principally Siripts, also Tan-Tom d. Th priors are .Sc. 60c and BSce. ART SQUARES. Blnwe the Uoliilay we have received Km very prelly Ail Square of Ibe beat all wool Ingrain Carpet ami madx in Pretty Palleroa. 2x2 1-2 yards, $4 50 2 1-2 x3 6 00 3x3 1-2 " 6 50 o o o x January 22. (CCCOOCCCOCCCOO O COOOOOOOr ? An Appetizing J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, )j 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. S Riverside Lots Located on National Avenue, and otbers equally desirable. A complete water and sewerage system to be introduced. ' Only $250. . " Balance $1 Every man of bi oiler ate meanm and every man working on a salary, may own a home. 'Buy a houieand pay lor it Installments. . More than one half of the lot liaye beea taken. If yea want to get in on the GROUND FLOOR Now la the Time, - , i ; No Taxes. I will pay the laxea uutilyou have fully paid up, and received your detd. . - Free Improvements. All irnnrnvniruu, aut h as Sheets, Bide Walaa, Slmde. Tics, Sr., aill lie made and cuinpivied at an early dale, without txpenaelo pnrt'haM-i. . v . - ; WHY PAY' RENT. When for t5 Csh Down and Py menu of tl. pr wwk, you rnn itiy a Per Ira 1 I.OI, anil alier Hh- Inl la paid for ernH a llaniiaouir CnitHee. In lit- miil fur in nioml ly iiiaialliuenla. Or if you waul lo build at once, for -6l. Caeii and small minnl.ly paymenta you can buy a lot and build a house, in a good limuliiy, where value aiu absolutely sure lo advance. . Ti Under my home building ayalem ynu can bnild at once after a eauh fiaynienl nf ths value of the Int. 1 will build for you a houar, or will advance ynu llm mont-y lo build , You exllnKuiah both principal and Interest by monthly tnstallmenla, paid ex. actly the sanieaa rent, hut with llna difference if paid for tent, eveiy dollaf is wasted, if paid under my aystein, every dollar is saved. , A more favorable opportunity will never be offered, to provide a home. You should act at once. Eise of Lois 60 z SOU feet. kia'p showing lots, and for any further Information you may desire, Apply to ( ( asa ' "aa Naar bbT a W mt J av ar w W i a O ri o o o u o a o a o o o o o o ci o a o a o o o o o o o trst Uas U KEW STYLES V 1 ' Breakfast Will be enjoyed when you serve our choice cerrala anil fari naceous foods, cook i'd by llie re ceipt given. Our self-raising Jtuckwheat give you a uvlicloim break f n't nn a cold mornlnc, when rorveil with our Fox River Bulger or Maple Syrup, am' a nip of Cof f.v, maile from our fragrant Mucha nnil Jiivn ('eft iv, Fresh 1 cant I'd and Kxquiaile in Kl.ivor. Our Break fat Knoilt me of Kiii rrior qimllly. $5 Cash Down. 00 a Week. WILLIAH DUNN.