TOL XVI-KO. HW BtRl, R. C BU'DIT SJ0&SIS3. JiXCAET 23, 1899. CST1BL1SUCD 1S31 Smia n?.JF WEEK m ft to ! -J U I I Ullia tEOLvsiKo wrni HONOAY. JAN. 30th. ... AS IN LISTEN 1 Comforts from 65c to f 1 79. Connternrs, from 69c. Our Special No. 4000 at 89c. And t offer onr ioft etoaut AN f lets, for 3 00. 1 onie and se us. i OI VuilU, lMililrrtUt aut Boll I mowj ww yy immensely tteduced I'liees. aiy This U traij Guides) Orportonitj- for housekeepers who .7 N A customer's good word travels and IV whom it U iDoken. The wine retailer wil all his customer thiuk well of him. Such has been our eo- yy - W deavor, and onr Short are so full cf Style, Oood Shoe Making Ay J and Service that thoy hare mode hosts of friends fur us." V A vi I l:PER CENT REDUCTION lj 3 Our enUre stock oC WINTER CLOTIHNQ must 'he sold TUW t MONTH to make room for Spring Styles. Wo will give our customer 3 (he Bjoiillof mir M niii 1 1 Space, Our Wm k In ww tlil kwoo, awl 55 fc: everyihln at 14 i LU i NT. l.t!tt THAN USUAL l'HlJ- $12 60 Suits, 10 00 8 60 6 60 " 5 00 Yuuth't ami Clilldreu'i SulU will Youth' Suits liave been aold out almost entirely, hare only a few left. Call Early and Take your Choice. No ruott Suits bave ever been sold in town at Such Low Figure CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. B J. G-. XDTJTiT co.,1 B7POLLOCK STREET, vjiuiiiiUiiiiuiaiUiuiaiiiiaiuiaiiiiUiUiiiiaiuiuiiiiaiuiuK JOHN DUNN, Wholesale and Retail Groceries and PO la LOCK STKEET. . " ' " INEW BERNE, N. C. ni-:4i ache f Will cure Ueadache. TK-ey g . .Hi are prompt, surcand safe. . 10 Cents per package. Made and Hold Only By Davis' . . FrNvriplioii Pharmacy. I . r HWE12T CREAM, Fn-Kh from Reparation 2rc qt. 13c pt Delivered Tuesdays and Saturdaya Also liuiter Milk and rlveet Hcparated Milk 10c gallon. JNO. HUMPHREY,' Clark, N. 0. I . ' V! i r- .. LISTEN VI M VJ VI VI VI VI , ' Cannot be beaten in priwv all wool, 10 x 4 N O'hUn helps the reUiler of VI The wine retailer will si ll Shoes that make ( now $10 63 8 60 " 7 23 " 6 63 " 4 25 bo aold at the SAME SACRIFICE. 3 3 at NEW BERNE. N. P. 3 Confectioneries era, The Senator Who Opposes Expansion Wouldn't buret his buttons oft In emphasizing: his argument if ins tailor was an adept in bis art. We fit larire men in such a manner as to make their outlines graceful, and at the sumo time ejvetbcin comfort and thoroughsatis faction. Our work in elegant, onr foli rics choice and our fit superb. Try us once on a suit and you will never lose ua. s F. II. Csimlnhla, Middle 1 NEW BERNE, N. 0, -vawan If kaoam racRS OOUTT. trmi f r aiMia. svr n ra4, 8pclal la JottraaL WjlmisoT", Jsassnr la lkeat of CoamtiMry Ccaerml Cbar'4 P. ta j ckarjed with eoadud aaureoailBf aa oOoar aad (eaiiaiaii, aad vlth eoaBart leodlaf la lit prrjodkw of (ood OtJrr aad military diadpUoe, a Ttrdlci wat d kf Um coart ataitUl, wiW k fiMiad Oaaaral Ecai f B"ty- The Tardkt was ihtt Oea. Eifaa a joiliy of U crioM cbafed, wulck wa agaJaal diaclpllaa, (ood order and de- oeacy, aad wltaaan a ebow af aa aicata. Tba annlaacs was Ual Eafaa be dla- mlasad f root the army, wlia ao rrooai- meadaiioa of atercy. Tba General was (really brokea at the saateao (oaad, as be bad hoped for a different reaulL Conjhlnj lnjurea and laflaaes sorr uug. One Mlnnte Cough Care looaeas iba cold, alays eongbiof aad beak quickly. Tbe best eoogh cure for Child ren. K. 8. Daffy. ewlt aay tm lalalaiMa.B Special te Jooraal. Riuciou, January t9 There was only routine businau la both Ilooaes, with general dullneaa, today. ' Tbe bill regulating limber measure ment was reported unfavorably by tbe committee. This canead a debate la tbe Uonae, and It was finally referred to a new committee. Tbe bill of William of Dare to pro vldo a supervision of the oyter Indus try, and the bill 10 provide tin Vance Textile Department to be added to tbe Agricultural College, Raleigh, paucd favorably. A. E. 8. - mm KteeU XrU Special to Journal. . IlAHnianoao, fa , January 29 There waa no change In the Senatorial eouleat here toilty. To Gala rienh, t Sleep Well, ta Knew What Appetite and tlood Digestion Mean. Hake a Test of f tnart's Dyspepsia Tablets. No trouble Is more common or more misunderstood than nervous dvsneDala. People having it think their nerves are to blame and , are surprised that they are not cured bj nerve medl clues. The real' seat of the mischief is lost sight cf. The stomach Is tbe organ to be looked after. ' Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever in the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of ktomach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows itself not In the stemach so much as In nearly every organ. In some cases the heart palpitates and is irreQ' lr; in others the kidneys are affected; in others the bowels are constipated. with headaches; still others are troubled f ?Zt . I f). ' Isl ' I ' ?V'1S . : f I ' Y,i ' vhiVvVv VHOV, HENRY W. BECKER. A. M wilh loss of flesh and apetlte aiihaa ciiniulallons of. gas, sour rWloua and heartburn.. ' . It Is safe to say that Stuart's Dypep sia Tablets will cure any stomach weak ness or disease except cancer of the stomach. They cure-sour stomach, gnu, Iocs of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness, palpitation' heartburn, constipation and headache. Bond for valuable little book on stom ach diseases by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. All druggists sell full sized packages at 60 cents. Prof, Henry W. Becker. A. M.. the well known ! religious worker and writer of St. Louis, German Methodist Church. Chief Clerk I and Expert Accountant for the Harbor and Wharf Commission, . Public Secre tary for tbe 8t. Louis School Patrons' Association, and the District Confer- ence of Btewards of the M. K. Church-1 .1.. ..1. . 1- .1. i ,1 ateu hk an active ai iu iue wura. Ul the Epworth LcaSue, and to write on re- llgious and educational topics for several ; magazines. v How he found relief Is best told in his own words: I - "Some weeks ago my brother hoard mo say something about indigestion, and taking a box from his pocket and said "Try Stuarj's Tablets." I did, and was promptly relieved. Then I Investigated tbe nature of the tablets and becamo sat isfied that they were made of just the right proportions to aid In the assimila tion of food. I heartily endorse them In nil respects, and I keep them constantly tm hand 4 Jmk M IIODE IIIHIOH. Trisi Urea G.e:i amixX if E2i!ro:i!t The fteaaU la raaservallve. Kssull al WIImb fae. yalYaga Caa ens- 8a4 X.JC. sUglmeet Celarr CaadUsUs Far A. AN.C.freal4ary. Jocaaai. lUmaaO. I Ralxmb. NdCJaaaary S9. ( It Is not made public yet, but tbe Fla- aoea rommiilee te about to recommend a new departure la taialion, nothing ea tbaa a 'at of from one to live per ce. on tbe gross earnings of rallroada. Wbes this propoaed tax becomes kanwa It will raise a racket. It is deslguad to make good lbs loas from the repeal of the mer chant tax of about INO.OOO, but will do much mora by furaisblag la tbe neigh borhood of A350,0M. Tba railroads will be gives a chance to be beard In the mai ler nest Wedaeaday. Il will amount to a double tax on tbe railroads as tbey are already taxed oa Ibelr valuation. As the leanings aad Inclinations of tbe Legislature become known, Il la seen and felt that lbs Senate Is mora conser vative la a general way than Ibe House. An exception might be quoted la tue Uairston bill 04 foreign corporations Introduced In the Senate but which waa turaed down, and the milder Cralge bill in the House which was passed. But tbe Ual ret one bill was Ibtroduoed by a man who didn't know what he was doing and does not count. A remark make by Chairman Osborne of tbe Wilson Investigating committee at the hearing Thursday night would seem to cover a good deal o ground in the case. He said that the position of the committee was that the Governor had tbe right to suspend the commission ers and need only civs bis reasons and not furnish evidence. Russell In his usual style has plunged iuto a fight in stead of resting on his rights. As a result the Legislature will pull him off his high horse and Major Wilson will exult In his overthrew. Talk of Impeaching the Governor on the basis of the Wilson is oontidered mere rubbish, unless new light is thrown on the scene. The Joint' caucus held last night In the hall of the Hi use discussed the Winston bill, prepared to cover tbe suffrage ques lion. The meeting lasted , over three hours aud It was after eleven o'clock when the members left the Capital. No definite conclusion was arrived at and no amendments to the proposed bill' were adopted and the matter will be considered again next Wednesday. The caucus was a secret one and from the talk of the members afterward, it ap peered that the debate was an animated one, aid it waa continued by small groups late at night In the hotel corri dors. Considerable opposition has developed to tbe existence of the Inebriate Ward which is maintained at the llorganton Insane Asylum and any proposed eaten- alnn nf the TVljm. Tim nrnnnuul nf a r rr - Prt of th peu'fnt'siy for all of the criminal Insane has brought out the ex pression that these should bave separate buildings in no way connected with the penitentiary before provision is made for the care of inebriates. Tbe cost of sepaiate building at each of the three asylums is estimated at tlQP.OOQ and several Senators stated that' in tbeir opinion the Slate was not prepared to go to sucn an expense. I Tl16 Governor has under consideration I request of the Associated Survivors of tbe 2nd N. U. Regiment of New Bern for the possession of the battle flag re turned by Geo. H. Buck of Massaubu setts and now in tbe bands of thp Adju tant Generals Tbe rciUjt camo through Capt. Matt Manly who bases the reiiiet Umu the fact that most of the memliera of the section were from the Near l!o;n section hud the Aug bearer killed at the battle of Cliancolloravillu wa a .uieiuoer of the New Beru company. It la sMlud that the Governor will grant Ike reqiie-il. , The proceeds of the Confederate Uanaar were much larger than anticipated About f 1300 will be realized from the affair and tbe ladiss are highly pleased fwlth the result. There was a great deal of hard work done In the getting up of the Bazsar and much credit la due to the promoters. Thoy bave not failed to re ceive praise for It however,- for tho papers here have distributed it with a lavish hand and have rivalled each 01 her in applause. 1 v Nothing new has developed iu the A iiU Railroad matters, not on the sur face, but there is a heap of work being done on tbe quiet. The selection of Die next President has brought out. tbe names of four clliJ' r the poailion and 'there are others" who do not want th8ir n,me9 BPruuS lu,t yet. Craven claims tue rigui to name tue rresiaent, Today Is real winter with a heavy fall fnow.- It began last night and threat- Sns to become very deep before it stops, The temperature is only at the freezing 'point but the wind is from the north and It will probably be a cold Sunday. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suffered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt's Witch Iliuel Salve. It heals injuries and skiu diseases like nngic. F. S. Dully. - j Makes the food more I laws I Seaatnr Frye euted la the executive session of law tJawaia that tbe Praableat would send 10 la oeaate important doca meals rcialing to Ibe pcaue irsmiy. i Seaator Uotaua, la a speech la tbe (senate, declared that unless Americas troops were wliadrawa from a tropical climate .Vi.OJO names would be added to the pension roils. Tbe Navy Department Is considering the advisability of Btlef the triple screw system with lbs aew warships. Democrat and aali Quay Republicans in tbe Penniylvaaia Legislature have agreed to stay away from ibe Joint meet ing la oider to prevent the re-elrc-tloa of Senator Quay, who still lacks thirteen voles of tbe another aeceaeary to elect. Announcement has been made that Andrew Carnegie has offered tl0U,(M) to reuus)'lvanUtilata College lor ibe erection of a library building. These are dangerous limes for the health. Croup, colds and throat trouble hud rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at tbe right lime will preserve life, health and a large amouut of. money. Pleasant to take; children like Ik F. 8. Duffy. TUB HlaUTl Yuaterday'a market quotations furnish d by W. A. Portorlield A Co. Commiaaion B.-okira. New Yoax, January 28. STOCKS. OiMin. High. Low. t.I.e, iugur 14J 1US 134 BUi AinToUacoo.... 140 140 146 140 J. C 103 103 102t 102 J 0. H. ft 14. 188 18ot 1374 m it. I 121 121 1204 1304 L. Jb N 084 08 684 08) Peopios Gas.... 118 1184 110 118J M.0 70 70 60 Oil COTTON. Open. Hiph. Low. Close March 041 617 6.11 0.16 May..... 6.18 0.22 6.18 0.21 CHICAGO MARKETS. WhsaT Open. High. Low. Clote May m 784. 774 77f CoBM V 1 May- SOi 304 38 38 TO llStSC A tULS (SJ SINE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. 25c, The genuine has L. B. Q. oa each tablet Solleeef riras !; ef creaitwra In the Eastern District Conrt of the United States, for the Eastern District of N.C. ' . In the Matter bf I In Bank Gao. W. Conn, Bankrupt ( ruptcy. To tbe creditors of George W. Cobb, of Ellrabeth City, In the County of , : Pasquotank and District aforesaid, abankrupl: Notice is hereby given that on tbe 30th day of December, A. D. 181)3, the said George W.-C'obb, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and thai the flr$t meeting - of his creditors will be held al the oflluo of J. W. Alburuon, tit Ellzalieth City, N.C, at 12 m., oil tho 2nd day of February, 1809, at which ( lime the said creditors may at load, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, -examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come liefore raid, meeting. New Born, N J., Jau. IHlh, 18!!1. V '. v ! MiMiiiR, Referee In Uniikriil y. Snl liankiuplry Division in aaiil I'ixliivl. r a OR1 .lor Iaanta t-A Children. TTia Kind Yau Kava Always Ccugtit Bears tho Signature of On and after today I will sell either the celebrated Rochester or Budweiser Beer to families at one dollar per box. of two dozen bottles. J. F. Taylor. The baby is a very precious posses sion snd you should take every care of the little fellow. That dangerous dis tressing disease.Cronp, Is almost sure to cure your baby, snd the sooner you pro cure a bottle of An way's Croup Syrup and have ll on band, the sooner yon will be on safe groun.l. I cure. 25c at Brndl Il never fails to Brndhsin's Pharmacy. J. J. lbtxier is closing out his winter clothing, alioes, hats, underwear, dress goods at cost In order to make room for bis now spring slock. 1800 ermlllf. In your -resolutions ' of reform and economy for the year 1899, remember the prompt, reliable and cheap watch and jewelry repairer. Baxter tub Jrwetxb, Next to JoitSAU New f rn T; H by. i. delicious and wholesome asns (wm Imiauia, Ppeelal to JoaraaL Waeaiaaron, Jaaaary A. Seaator Maioa has requested that tba HeaaU vols oa his reaolilioa, next Friday, which decWres that It t Ibe policy of Ibis country not to govern the people of otuer natlpaa. COUCH SYRUP Cures Hoarseness and Sort Throat. It Is the brut remedy for stnbhorn cold. Small doses. Prkw S& ota. at druggista. Every sale of Aaways Croup Syrup means a cure, and every care means a friend, aud an apprecialive one. We bave yet to hear of first complaint fol lowing Its use, and If you need such a remedy In yonr family, and will buy a bottle. If II does not cure, we will refund your money. Bradbam's Pharmacy. IS SUFFICIENT. Those who have uard our In Spepsl ('lire bave no doubt been benefitted (nn..nrially al least.) And now we call your attention to the following t A Dust Pan for 10 cents. A tsncy Dust Pun 25c. A French IWt Trap (or 60r.' A Stove Shovel for 8c. A Kboe Brush forSOo. A Dusting Brush for 2.V. A nice handled Ax for 60c, A Box Coffee Mill for 50c A Farm Bell for ,12.00, A 5 Gallon Can with Pumptfor frlr. A Rihle for 20o- A Tea lament for So. A Testament with the Psalms for 20c. Come and see ua I. C. Whitty to. NOTICE ! ' State of North Carolina. I Superior Craven County, f Court. P II Pellotler vs Greenville Lumlier Go., ana otuera: Notice is hereby liven to all creditors ana stockholders or the Gieenvllle Lum ber Company wbo have" not Hit d their claim airalnsl said Uomnanr or been made parties defendants to said suit, the said claim of interest or as creditors of said Greenville Lumber Company to oe maae on me receiver, iiovti rimes. wnnn sixtv nays from the date hereof. W. M. WATSON. 0.8. C. Craven County. j93 Bingham School ElSHiiVlLL: KmalHIalml In in, tlaj. It. OINUHAM, 1000 A.M., LL.D.,Hupt. 1030 Military; II. 8. Armjl IN. C. offloar detaum. ' LARGE 5T0GK . Qp . . Horses & Mules JUS? ARRIVED Which will be sold for CASH er one and two years time. ' Large Stock of BngtcN and Hurries, And Xlarneiw. . ALL KINDS OF HOK.SE GOODS. J.W.STEWART. At th, Rnnk store I hi - v - ,i I Tn LATEST- . 5 7 Tim l.hniwl ftniol." Mil. Snri 9 i : a White Bond Stationery. v Twenty Five Thousand En- velopos and a New Lot of. Book- & M(wra Rnnnllpa JnAt ftawived. ft G. H. Ennctt. "A Pi v,.,.. .... . -r.VA-.N ZX-.TS&iZ i ' ..sw -vmwnfl..Btsieje' .r" C J HilllllnaS-lilllalSalwliirlMWtW MtiiirYiiriiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiir 1 Fresh Grits I 5 . and : . . S: Big Hominy. ; Prrah Ixoaa Oal fakes and OnUrio JJ- lleckers' Vt hols Wheat Flour- Jiios Dried reaches only 10c lb. 2; Dried Apples and Prunes. JJ Alt more 's Mines Mi at. 5 Fane Klgin Butter, Ho lb. It aa Full line Fresh Canned Goods, all iind. JJ . Tohanco Clinwere will find it to their interest to -i- J amine our immense stock of Cliewinc Tobacco whii-h JJ- for variety and quality cannot be surpassed in the city, JJ- before making tbeir purchase in that line. Jj" McDan id & Caskill, t 'lMione 01. 01 MIMiY SALS! Satisfactory results from our efforts in 1898 to give our trade advantages not se cured elsewhere and special sales over those of our competitors, coupled with the month ot January which is our month for unloading stock left over from. our Fall Business, has induced us to place on sale many things useful to housekeepers and families, at such prices as we are sure will command your attention. The ready cash is the only requisite, but this we we will require. - Our former line of lour (4) cent Calicoes, including a large range of fancy plaids, small and medium figures and checks suitable lor children's dresses, aprons, bonnets, etc. 3c. Our line oi standard prims including beau tiful large plaids, rich in design taken from imported stuffs, figured and checked are to go into this sale at the ordinary price oi common prims, 4c. ElaiinelctleN. What remains nf our 6c grade n( Quaker City' Flannels will be aold as long as they insl at 8Jc Belter Grade ia Bcatiliful Styles, 7c quality for 5c All of the 8c i-nd 10c qualities. In cluding Very handsome styles, we mnke a pile of llu in and Hie pi ice is CJc Uiuivrivrar. Ladies all wool PanlB and VeBts, $1 grade 75c Ladies wool Punts and Vests, 75c grano 55c Ladies wool grav Vests, 50c U hi Ida Vest, siEe2, 10c " ' 24, 15c " " ' 2 and 28, 20c Men's Scarlet UndersliirtBund Draw ets. 50c grade, 35c Mcn'a Gray Undershirts, 10c i' Also a fvll line of other grades but no space to mention prices, all. marked down. , ' . IManketM. The verv lnt N. V. Blanket a few pair" left, :i aO-adv, IU4 3 50 S4 0O ttnulc, 11x4, 3 00 TabU; liiiiriix. Colored table linens 2V. grnde- l!)c " short lengtli " 15c " " " U iler grade . 25c Bleached, table dumask 1 Half bleached table damask GO inches wldo ' 88c Half bleached table damask 70 inches - wide, 60c grade . - . i 48c , A few short length pieces, various qualities will oe closed out at a sacri fice; each piece marked In plain figures so you can wait en yourself. Xapkliis. Turkey red dovlies 5c grade 8c " " ;:' 10c graile 5c Plaid doylies, 25c doz All linen, white doylies with colored borders - 86c doz All linen, white dovlies colored borders, better grade 47c doz A few dozen loft of "our special" all linen doylies 75c grade to close 60c Our white doylies, pure linen very . . cheap at 7ftc dozen will be sold ' as long as they last at , 60c doz . . -.Capeti, . ; . ; " Ladies black cape, fur trimmed, 75c value, : 60c Ladies black cape, braid trimmed 90c alue, 05c Ladles black rape, all wool trimmed with braid ami fur 1.25 value 95c Ladies black beaver cape, 1.73 value 1 25 " peller grade 8 00 value, , 8 20 Very fine beaver capes, plain and simple Hi style, excellent mate rial, value 4 75, now (05 Also a full range in plush capes and a few shoulder fur capes, all marked down and mast be sold. VlioUale IMjiiI 71 IlW-vl Si. the superiority ot our JDreMM Goods. Double fold brocaded dress poods, J wool good colors aud excellent value at 10c J Cashmere i wool, colors and black value ltic Several pieces plain caphmcrs. 32 Sc 8c inches wide, double fold, the best loc value to close 10c Brocaded dress goods our leader at 15c meets the same fate and is reduced to 12)c Plain black brllliantlne, .111 Indies wide,, excellent to make skirts and suits, value 85c 21c Plain do, 50c grade, excellent lustre 38 inches wide 10c Plain do, 45 inches wide, lias lustre almost equal to silk, value t c 60c Brocaded brllliantlne 38 inches wide beautiful designs and good black a ready seller ordinarily at 60c, but as we have too much of il and will sell a few pieces in this sale at 005 Our GOc line of novelty dress iroods In colors are to go at !7c A few morn pattern lengths worth from 75c to $1 25 will be sold from. - k(!0c 10 8.c IIiMs?r.v. Ladies' Blk and Gray Hose, ftc - " Hose. 10c grade, 5c Childs Improved double knee hose 1 fast black, heavy ribbed, 12J and 15o grade meet like reduction and the price 10c Sheet! fc Pillow Cases. Ironed sheets,, bleached, 54x8f, " - " J " 63x90, " "stan'rd gr'de" 81x90,. " " " 90x90, fine Sic Soc 674c All our sheets are well mode, tbe is lorn and the sheets are hemmed goods reariy -. .- 5c 10c 15c 17o for use. Your time now to buy. Knockemout pillow cases, 40Jx3 Better grade " 45xS Hemstitched " " 45x30 54x30 ; Miscellaneous. 5-4 Table oil cloth per yard ' 10c Chirks crochet cotton In all shades "c Brass Dins . 'c Ladies Gossamers, value 1.25 C5c Genta white H S bankerchtefs 5c Ladies " " " pure linen He A few pair ladies shoes 8 4 . 25c Misses and child rens Deng., shoes 9 to 13. 18 to 8 " 50c Infants turned shoes 2-5 ' v 8"ic 22x24 Buck Towels, . 15o Orders from tbe country accompanied by the cash will be filled with our UBiial promptness and at the prices goods are advertised as long as each item lasts. Millinery. What Is left Ic hats snd caps snd fancy feathers will be sold at and below cost . : I I I M Y j

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