TUii JOURNAL. KftCCItD CCT r IVTIT. first- to cf.qm chasgls. ' r- Put'.hd Tary day ia Ut ytar, n atuoiay, at w MaUi buMi CHARLES U STEVEN. uiitoi in) raomcroa. 8UB3CKIPTI05 BITES: Otf year, ta advaae, j , (Mr yaar. kot ta sdvaaea. 00 HoeUilv, by emr la la ottr AdverUatat- Bat lorakUd oa eppll alkie, . Entered at la IVrtC4Boa,l(w Baim, .G.e OBelal Faaer f Hew Bora '.r- Craves Ceaaty. Sew B.ra.K. C, Fea. 11. 18M. iMMOIUU OOBOIlll ' , " Within a few weeks and tba Fifty fifth Congress will hava ended. - Sioee the Ciril war do CongriM ' haa been to memorable, w remark- - abla in ita itirrinf action,' and with reoord of to much of ilal iutarcat ' and importance to avert section of tbit eountrj. " Tha Fifty fifth Congraaa fau ac compliabad a mighty work in de stroying and wiping oat the last vestige, with a aingla atroka, of tha ; diaability aUtotea, tha product of tba war between tba Stale, thus ailenctug forever the aecticual dia j cords which havo marred tha pei- .frct lymmelry of tbia great nat.on. Thia waa a work in itaelf luDioient to mako nolo worthy tba Fifty fifth , Congress. . Than cornea tba legislation which waa necessary to inaugurate, proee cuta and bring to a successful con- cluaion a war with a great foreign Power, and history shoes tio wai which waa ao quickly determined in ' favor of one tide, aa against tba . other. i The annexation of tha Hawaiian Iilanda, waa the work of the Fifty- - liftb, a moat imporUnt achieTeme'it, Of the mauj minor matter which came under the Fifty-GftbCoDgrtea tha record ia a notable one, but the . miuor acta fall into insignificance, being over thedowned by tha great erenie which thia Congress was ' callid opon to.decide and administer upon. '.''', , It haa had ita weaknesses, made failnrea by not coming up to inert iasnei which it might have success- - fully coped with, yet in those most momentous affaire it has shown . greatness, and its members have risen to the measure of statesmen and patriots, worthy of the name of - American. ' . : The Fifty-fifth Congress must .'- alwayi be rgarded in history aa a - memorable and notable one. State op Ohio, Citt of Tolbbo, . Lucas County, j is. Frank t Cheney makes oath that he Is the tenior partner of the firm of F J ' Cheney & Co., doing business In the city ot Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay tha sum of one hundred dollars for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be -. cured by the use of Hall's Csttarrh Cure " . '- Fbank J. CnERKT. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my. presence, this 6th day of December, AD, 1888. BKAL. I ..... - A. W. GLSABOlf. , Notary l'ubllc. . Ilall'a Caurrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood snd mucus surfaces of the system. Bend for test! monisK tree. F. 3. CnBKBV ft Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's Family FlUs are the best. .' Br Any Other Rama. Some one asked Smalor . Hanna whether his subsidy bill would paa. Mr Hanna threw np his hands In holy horror. "Don't call It a subsidy bill," ha exclaimed. "Please refer to It ss the bill to aid our merchant marine." . -. aioe. . ,i. , . Dr. K. Uetefcaa'a Aatl Dlaratie May be wortbjmore to youban91(IO if you have a child who soils bedding from incootenence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrest the trouble at once. 91. Sold by C. D. Brad ham, druggist, New Bern. N. C SilaatKoraaa Brides, During the first day of her married life a Korean bride must not speak, not even to her hujband. It Is considered a shocking breach ot etiquette. But the next morning she Is permitted to give f res rein to her tongue, and may Jabber thereafter to her heart's centent. - ;:r. S. A. Fackler, Edlior of theatican ,- (F!a.) Hustler, with his wife and ; ten, suffered terribly from La Grippe n inula Cough Cure was the only "y that helped them. It acted ,,'y. Thousands of others use this y as a specific for La Grippe, and e ' ousting after effects. F. 8. Duffy. , ; e tui tut toriAlwm BccjIS Ta fUeale U froa aa anirl fb- Uabad ia llw Bklilnor 6aa oM aaaths TV Ural. Tihjhaisa SMaltoa4 ia tba arli- etoh a frtaad of Major Great Dana of cliy. Tba story was east la 6aa frees Kastoa. aid.: , -Cot IHwald TiUbasaa, at Eastoa, at probably la oaly tha bow liriag abo kaockad Adailral George Dvty oat ta of war. But it waa waca Dy was a yoeagtler at Potl Uadsoa, dariog th war batwara the Slates, wbie Ut. TUghaiaa, Utea a Ueaoaat ot to Rock Ctly ArtllUry.hadcaarraof a Cfd arata battery, and Dawey was la ooav mtbi ot th Mlaalatlppl gunboat, at tached to Adailral Farrajrut's fleet.whkh was opcalog p tha MUshwlppI riser aad claarlng It against Confederal as aaalt. Ha iraloed his own (aa of hU batwry oa Dswey's boat, the Mlsslsi;pl and destroyed U. Th following Is Colonel Tilghaaaa s aecoant of U basin: -As soob u the steamer Mississippi aT la sight as opened a kot Breoa brr whlck was responded to by the eaemv. It appears thst oae of oar ebots struck the rodder chains, whlck caused the tiller to brooms fouled, ao that lb veatel was soaa emenageahla and ia a abort went a'gouad I a d and fast. This was our opportunity, and we began to bore shot Into her faster Ihsa ever, and soon the vessel gave signs ot sinking Yount; Dewey waa one of the officers on tbe vessel, and as they saw there waa ao chance to save it, tba ship was abamloa d and many of tbe crew and officers took to th water and swtm to the other ships, among whom was Lieutenant Dewey. "I had almrst forgo.ten this Incident nlil I heard of Admiral Dewey's victory at Manila, when it came back to. me. 1 Immediately sent blm my congratula tions, and will send blm a letter telling him of oar fight, and at the same time inform him that each night I pray to tbe Lord to protect sbim and at the same tbaak tbe .Lord also that I did not kill him at tho Port Hudson fight, as he bad a mixtion lo accomplish, audit would have lieea a shsmo to hav thus ended tbe existence ot such a brave man Inci dentally, I may remark that I am thank ful I was not killed. I hope we will live to meet each other." , Maj. William E. Stewart, who was at Port Hudson, remembers the Incldunt. The s;an Lieutenant. HlgUiuan fired at th illsalaslppt so effet-lirely was after ward broken and diaiuantleJ by a shot from a Federal battery. A photograph ot It was made, with other Port Hudsoa debris sketches, years after the war, for tbe New York Historical Society, sir Tllghman baa in bis library ' at Kastun this picture sent lilm from the Ulttorical Society by Capt. Charles Satterlee, who was a United tilates officer aiding In the bombardment of Port Hudson, and. a cousin of Lieut, diaries 8. Carrlngton, now an officer ot Company F, First Maryland Volunteers; and so history makes and fits Into history among the years as they pass." ' ror La Gripp. Thomss Whitfield & Co ,' 840 Wabacb av., corner Johnson st, one of Chicago's oldest and most prominent druggists, recommends Chamberlain's Cough Heme- dy for la grippe, as It not only gives a prompt and complete relief, but also counteracts any tendency ot la grippe lo In pneumonia. 1 For sale by F 8 Duffy. Tha Baasan. "Papa,'' said Benny Bloobumper, "why are days of grace allowed on a note?" 'To avoid weeks of disgrace," replied Mr. Bloobumper. ' . ' Chamberlain'! . Coach Bemedy la : Chicago. ; ; ' : Hisgen Bros , the popular South Side druggists, corner fiOth st. and Went- worth. ST., lay. "We sell a great deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and find that it gives the most satisfactory re salts, etmclilly among children for severe colds and croup.". For sale by F. S. Duffy. ; ( Pat op Dob. " "If that Isn't just like a woman) Here tiro fellows fought over a girl, and she married the loser." Perhaps that was a condition of the fight-" . ' ' "life Beoewer" Far Ladies . OMvIa Peterson, of Coldwatcr, Mich., writes: "I had not been able to sit up a half day at a time for thirteen years. until I used the Mystlo Life Renewer. It has cured ms of nervous troubles, headache and a very bad stomach. It has helped me in so many ways, and cured me of afflictions that the doctors said could not be cured. The blessed Life Renewer ha done more tor me than )l the Patent Medicines, Doctors and Christian Science treatments combined. It is tbe niott wonderful medicine I ever saw." .' Sold by Hcmy's Pharmacy. . - reililaa far Bleaiiaa la Caaatde r lorn- ' B-aftlfiaa. . . Distriot Court of the United States, for , the Eastern District of North Caro lina, ." ' ' ' O. Tavlou, Bankrupt. O. Taylor, of LaGrange, N.'C, luiy adjudicated a Bankrupt, has proposed a composition to his creditor of thirty per cent net of unsecured claims. A meeting ofViredllors wll) be held ia Gold&hornJ M. C, on the 13th day of Ftbiuary, ISVi to act opon said proposal. L J. Moohe, Referee 3d Bankruptcy division, Kisieru DU Uiet N. C. January 30th, 1899. in I vCu i .Is ..ivHtf: i "Iia Utx t x.-:. cw C V Til Da -OM. xt -r. e:-v-d SU iva c--t.i. SJ b all d-ajjiala. "Wall air." oYtn:.r J larttio Pnl lioo. "what rartireUr nwl br yoaoo!TT f r a- lin tr to kt yoa bT tny owncb'.T GUiItsT I lixro bf r. tad he lores Eoo," Rnrinald liidd)ethwait nf Jicd. "OU. of coonn." tho LK-nt old Bur aato rrt.irUd. "I're board that arms; fTJta bait a dosea others. That's to bt takra fur -araaL lint what otbrr qaaliflcatiaSM bar yoa T" "I tnoat ootsfras," the tranblinit young man answerrrl. "that I am not rich, but I can trolhfclly say that I bao ro erprmdr habit. I don't drink. I dun't aamble. I don't chow tuhweo, I oV-a't amoke. 1 dn't" "Uuld on I" tho miUii naira broke in. "That's aaoaKbl Yoa'U da. Yoor board and clatbra won't cast mnt-h mure loan the gas you've bora burning late ly. What I object to ia supporting M lows like my other three ama-in law, who have all tbe fan Ita yoa say yon hare not, I don't mind fnrnUhing the hoabanda of my danhtpra with the nec awirirs of Li'o, bat I do hate to hav to actUo tha bills f their Inxuriea. Now, then ia just one other point I want to have aottled before I frivo any consent " 'What U that!" Mr. Uiddlcthwait eagerly asked. "Pruniiae me that yoa will not start a newspaper. The others have all tried it and I can't stand many mora such erperioncFB." Reginald's promise made three hearts happy. Cleveland Leader. Taaellas Paarakra. Ctrrar'i creek, on tba Florida coaei, was named after a fumona old pirate crJkd Clack drear, whose rrofemion add?d to tbe riaia of nmrine intmrnnce. After the pirates the Florida WTeckrrs rame, of whom H. A. Willonhhy, in his "Across the Everglades." tells thia story: A largo Rtoamer was stranded on tho reef not far from Cape Florida. No soon er had aho struck than the news spread rapidly clonir tho shore. Tho people for 23 niil.w around pithered on the beach oppnsito the strandod steamer. Among them were a number cf Indians from tha Everglades, who chanced to bsdown thero and know what a "wTeck" meant to the wret l-prs. Tbe stoanier, loaded vrith an aborted cargo, betenn to break np, and barrels, rases and boxes drifted gradually aidiore. There v?ero coeks of vrine, boxes of soap, coses: of buttles of wino and iron and a hundred other articles. Tho Indians seized open the wine and soon were in a condition that allowed tho white men to secure tbe mora valnable prizes. Tbe aquawa strrick a bonanza in a e.iso of vaseline. They tbonght it a new variety of the white man's frying fat and, Gtcrting a fire, fried pancakes in it What a dioh pancakes a la Seminole I Meaaaice by Vibration. Curiously enough, the fact appears. according to a recent traveler among j the Indiana of Catnquinarn, between the rivers Embrya end Euihyraan, that those people have long employed a wire less telephony, but rather after tho or der of unwritten science. It is node by digging a hole in the ground insido a houso and laying the bottom with coarso sand, vrell piled. On this ia laid a wooden drum or hol low cylinder of wood, half filled with fine sand and layers of broken wood. bono and pewdered mica the upper part of the cylinder, which is empty. rising above the floor of the hut and closed first by leather, then by wood, and lastly by India rubber. Outside, the cylinder is packed round with frag ments of wood, leather and resins, end covered with hard rubbor nt tho level of the soil. To cso this peculiar apparatus the drum is struck by a wooden hammer, and tho vibration ia ovidently transmit ted through tho solL Tho answer is Heard in tuo drum, which acts as a resonator, and messages ara thus sent over 1,500 yards from hones ta houao. Folltlca, Indeed. ' , "There is a Vather crusty old gentle man attending oy church. " says a De troit clergyman, "and his absence for several weeks led mo to coll upon him. He is not a communicant and I am afraid at times that he is slightly skep tical Ho is very pronounced in his po litical views, and as conversational ma terial ran rather short L sought to iu terest him by asking, 'How's politics?' " 'How's politics V herepoated with out a change of countenance. 'How's politics T That's a pretty question for yon to nsy when you trow that I haven't heard . yon preach for the last seven Sunanys. Exchange. : ; xbe Storr of : Letter, Tha National Advertiser tells a story of an old bachelor who bought a pair of socks and found attached to one of them a slip of paper with these words: "I nm B yonng lady of SO aud would liko to correspond with a bachelcr with a view to matrimony.'' Nome and address wore given. ; The bachelor wrote, and in a few days got this letter: "Mamma was mar ried 20 years ago. The merchant yofl bought those socks from evidently did not advertise or he would have sold them long ago. Mamma handed me your latter and said possibly I might suit yon. I am 18 years old, i ' v Ior laaouala A curious remedy for sleeplessness is used by the inhabitant of tho Samosn islands. They confine a snake in a hol low bamboo, and tbe hissing sound emitted fey the reptilo is said to quickly induce slaniDer. ... .. 7 TZ .. .. "Liaaics una goniieicn, said on IrifJi manager to an anoyance of three. "ib liicra is nobody herVXI'll dUmiiis you alL . Tlij pjrforrjnnce it this night will not bs pcnforcicd. but will be re peated toirorrcw cwnin;;." , Erpn frcm Acst-tilia are landed in loiidon in such perfett rresorvatien that they lire sold ns new hud. Horrible agony is caused by Piles Cnrns and Skin niaenses. These are immediately relieved and quickly cine by De Witt's Witch I'a.rl falve. I'cwa'e 'if wnrM;'.; i n . V. . I' r. 4 latM Tka I t taa r-vlfcnft Bta T cruijr ot Lxaui&na Is aa mmv ti.auliy r r varMy of that fruit, and otnmaob a c J-rva in th aaarkrS, Tba arant-a waa Hivt InlMdarial iota coketal LoaUiaaa by tha Jamita. baa- !a bnra Brat irruao t y Ua nrmhm ( lb awiaty ua )tmt eroaavla, which formerly onjirtM that part of IbocJty of Kaw (Jrtma c ootMtitat taa tnwer part of lb fim diatrwt. duwa to Cnmama atrart White St IVrward aa4 Plaqaamlawa parUixa ara tba rhr1 eraus-s of tba atanir rnlturaaf Lnoiaiaaa, tb froit also rmw well ia tba parlb Cr- Baptlrt ft Okarlra,, rH. Mary, Terrrbnnne. Lalnorrha, Vonnil- tow. Caaaeroa. Iberia and Sabibe. Tbe orange tree braina to bear at aboat the Bevrath year, althrwigh It la not rca ooed to have raacbn) ita full growth ootil ita twrlfth or ftftarntb year The orange cnltura ia Louisiana 'la probably th nanst proAtahl iadnatry of tb atat under favorahl eondltiona, a full BToara tree prodocing from 1.000 to B.000 orange, tb trait oa th tree generally selling fi 10 a tbonaand. and a mm of tb largeat orchard ta th atat yield aa nuny aa 1.000,000 orangea tbeir market value givea a princely Income to th owners of the tree. Comparatively a very email acre age of th stats ia devoted to the growth of orangea possibly sot more thaa t.OOO'acrea Tbe sweetness, delicacy and Juiciness of the Louisiana orange, the best of which are n yarded la the market oat- aide of Louitdana aa superior to tbe nruntrea ft liha in whij-h llan1 1K Mojt I indigenous, render the Louisi ana orangea highly prised in the north and west of the Lnitod Statea, ao much so that the supply la not by any means equal to' the demand New Orleans Picayune. TAYLOURS AND SMYTHS. Thar Wara th Caiaaaaaaat TvaSva la tha Thlrtaaath Caatary. The manufactnr of leather In the thirteenth century enema to have been important showing that leather jerkins and breechea were commonly worn. V have 19 akynnora. 40 barkers. 6 aad delera, I cordewenera. "167 sou ten. (shoemakers) and 8 glovers. The sur name ferufter ta a trade namo denoting a maker ot pack saddles. The commonest trndea are toy lour and smyth, since one lived in almost every village. Tbe taylonra number 407. ot whom 140 ore called by the Latin name of cissor. In addition, to 861 amy tha. several are specialised. There are two arusmythv three Mresmytha, three goldsmythsi five fferonrs . (shoeing smiths) and six marshalls (farriers). The wryght wrought both In wood and metaL The number catalogued is 188, of whom 81 are called by tbo Latin name tuber (French favre), one of the few cases in wbicb the Latin transla tion of a trade name haa become a com' mon surnnma The wryghta' trade, like that of tho smyths. was specialised. Tbe arkwryght made the great arks or chests in which the clothes or meal were stored, and we find a plowwryght awheclwryght two shippowryghts, 11 cartwryghts and two glnsawryghts (gla ziers), who were probably concerned with the windowa of churches Glass windows in houses were rare, aa ia atill the case in Sicily cr Egypt Thebaketer8arofew(l&), suggesting that families baked their own bread. There are 20 butchers (fleahewer, bocher or carnifex), whence Labouchere, while the surname potter shows that this trade was in existence. The fysshen (48), were opulent being taxed 19 times ns much as laborers. Notes and Que ries. - . . ' Tha Tna. My introduction to this prince of the Pacific was on this wise: My brother and I were trolling for yollowtailoff the island of Santa Catalina. Suddenly out of the summer sea a flying fish the bumming bird , of ocean noshed athwart our bows and then, not a dozen yards distant tbe waters parted and a huge tuna, in ita resplendent livery ot blue and silver, swooped with indescrtb- 'ablo strength - and rapidity upon its quarry, catching it mirabile dictu, in midair. In a fraction of a second the deed was done. The, ocean, recording the splash of the leviathan, ripplod ap plause, and our questions pattered like hall upon tho somewhat hard under standing of our boatman, a son of Al sace. . '- , . ' . "Tee," he said, his white teeth in curious contrast to a lean, bronzed face "yes, messieurs, that is a tuna, a 300 pounder, at least! Pnll Mall uazctto Smoke Oa With ale. ' "Do yon smoke T" asked tbe middle aged man. '.'"You dii'.n't two months aga Yon oughtn't to suioke, my boyi you re too vonng and not strong look ing.' Then the elderly adviser started to light a cigar. "Have a cigar t" he said abscntmindedly, as he scratched a match. .The yonng man took the cigar and hit off the end. "These are very mild." ended the speaker, presumably for the. benefit ot bis conscience "very mild, and won t hurt you any. " New York Commer cial Advertiser. - Capacity of 01. Paal'a. ; As many as '80, 000 people have been accommodated in 8t Paul s cathedral, but taut has been with temporary gal leiies. etc.. erected. On festivuls only between 0.000 and 7.000 people find scats. At an ordinary service about 4,000 people will make tho cathedral look quito full V ' ' Tira Point af View, "J'y children" said the poor man sadly, "are crying for bread. " . "Which hhows. " replied the rich man soldly. "hoW much yon have to be thiKiktul for. Now. mine are crying for bonbons. " Knviklyn Life. DIHTRKHNI.HH NIOAll BIMKAHK. Permanently cured by the masterly power of South Amerieavi Iwvlie Tonio. Invalids need sulTer no pr. beeauso this preat remedy can cur ttVont all- It is cure for the whole world t stxriach weakneHS and indigestion, The cure be Kiri8 with the first dnpe. Tim r -!ief it liriiiLH in niarvcliiua and snrp-' . . It niiikes no failure; never diwi!i . No matter how Inns: y'm have tin r eiirc w 'cri;iin iiiiilT i tie lit :. -t hriiJl-fivlPl' for.'-. I --'ft t Bl u iiVl t S- V I . ! . I Lout Co This IV-a'I lk la ta r n I snaot cirvea balers lb btU oa comas. Th aixtarrar th baalta of bcrtl aether sai MOTHOrS mrUiO, tb pod aai kit(-rad taiaal iiaiaxat will reliav tb carty diarrna aad lb later pais bav lav than aorthtng LM la th world. Iti irand rdeca aea aooat maraad Bat aal betors ehikHnrth. but I'onof thaordaa) ItaaM sod aflarwaid. Dtttraas is avar com by It nain laaasaad labor sbnrh asad aod aabaraBt daarers aroadad, Ut4 by Drantaat ha tl a Santa. Sa-4 mmmm Bl i I II M B aaaak. - m laABTIlU actaToace,Oaaawa Katar ta Way. Blobba What aaoseoa It Is for aews. rprt la Ibelr accoenta of waddlag to describe tb bride balax lad to tbe altar. Blobbst-Hnw srf Clnbbs Why, most of lb girl could ad Ihrlr way la the dark. Aa Baa st ratsaisla far ta Ortpaa. George W. Walit of StMiili (lanlinar. Ma says: "I have bad I bo unt c.m(h. OiiIU, rbills and grip aad bar takes tots of trash of ao arrmaal bat profit to tbe vendor. t:i aita-tln'a Congh Raronly la lb only thing I tat has doe any good whatever. I have oed oneSo-ceul bnill snd lbocbllU, colit and grip bar all lelt nw, I cunKralulaia llieaiaaufaclar- ers of an lioiuut uietilulna." Fur sale by K.N. Duffy. Caaaed CaoMtt. n said be would brand me as a ea- prlcloas coquette. What did you aajt I told blm be talked at If I were a ran of sumelbing to eat. ' XiscsTsrsd by a Wmaaa. Another great discovery has brea made and that tuo, by a lady la this country. "Dlneaae faalened its clutches Dnn her and fur seven cart she with' loud lis aurerett tests, but her vital or gans were undermined anil death aeenied Imminent, Koi three mouths she Coughed luct-ksantly and could not sleep. Uhe nully discovered a way to recovery by purchasing ot us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dikccvery for Consumption, aud was so much relieved oa taking first duae,lhat she slept all night and with two buttles baa been absolutely cured. Her name i lira. Luther Lulx.' Thus writes W. C Uauinlck & Co., of Shelby, N. a Trial bottles free at If, 8. Duff'a Drug Store. Kegular size SOe and $1.00 every bottle guaranteed. A Lover f fcaoe ( : An' poor Moike prayed for a peaceful ludr He did tbol; an' be towld me t hov two cups at th' wake to see thot bis prayers wui answered. To insure a happy new year, keep lb liver clear . and the body vigorous by using De Will's Little Early ltlsera, the famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. F. 8. Duffy. ! Ia Msmcry f Ctiar Bay a. Tommy Mamma, why hsv yon got papa's bair iu a locketr , - His Mother To lemlnd me that be unce had some, Tommy. .. Y' Dangers fthGrip. The greatest danger f roia La Grippe It of Its resulting In pneumouio. If reason- slile care Is used, however, and Chamber latu's Cough Remedy takeu, all dangor will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who bave until this remedy for la grippe we have yet to. learn uf a single case having resulted in pneumonia wuicfa shows exclusively that this reme dy is a certain preventive of that dan' gerou diseaae. It will cure la grippe In leas time Uian any other truatmrnl. It U pleasant and safe to take. Vor aale by K 8 Duffy. ' - i .; " A New Kind sf Preserrsa. ' ' A Philadelphia exchange says: "Penn svlvtiila Dutch girla make excellent pre- seives, , It neglects, however, to gfv details as to, the quaulily of sugar tb each pound of "Dutch girl,'' how long they should be boiled, etc. Our esteemed contemporary has an opportunity la fill a long-felt want by publishing tbe recipe for pieservlng "Pennsylvania Dutch girls" In full ... - ' Tellew Janadiee Cured ' Buffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for Its 'relief1. It is with pleasure we publish the fol lowing:, "This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice fur over six months-and was treated' by some ot the best phyt-lclana In our city and all to no avail Dr. Bell, our drug. gist recrminended Electric Hitters, and after taking two liettlcs I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending Ihi-ui to any person suf fering with this terrible ntnlady.' I am gratefully yours, M. A-Hogarty, Lexing ton, Ky. told' by F- S. Duffy, Druggist; 1 y 60 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE . ,-..71 .' Ti'.-' ! I - ...KB ...... . " r " ...'.." in. fl '. .'"l ' umT V. a. laiaa. flaa. KJI. MaaSaas. . 1 CITIZEN'S HANK aakjajaa,M.p. DO a anaJtai, ititam acsiaaaa Tka Saaaaaia l Baaaa Baaaaia, fmaai rK.t Iva MrjkU aa4 MkMI va wim aa M Sl anaallna r i -la taa taw- 4 faaui mnah a. a. , 4 awHwii l-fcaa. l . Jr. aw.l W IporB. . j4attMhKaij waHraaxa, kiialuij - 9 1 Tanaaa a.teraas. tf.lauliMl,. C B.Vn F.. & M;-BANK, AT 1st. m. CaplUI H Uck... ..,..,-...$:. 0O.aa Saralas, ,. .00,M CalvUa rrella, t,U.8 ornoEitn. L. tl. Orrua Pnaidrat. W. B. I-badwk-b, Vlr Pre. -T. W. Dswav. Caabler. . n A. W. rlltWLB. Taller. tt. F. BtarraBwa. CotWtor. IIIRECTOB8: W..a Bladaa, .. . M. M. Marka. O. D. Brsdhsm, '. II. I'ellatirr, UlLt-MUrr. - Jan. Hutrr, W. S. Chad wirk. J. W. Htowart, , T. W. Drwey. W want roar boaiBaaa aad feel thai w eaa offar yoa as much la return as say other baa a la tb city. It I our sBileavrtc to saaks busiitaae relation ami aallr ptosaaat aad proAtabls to our palrona. - murEssioNAU ROMULU5 A. NUNN, KIW BIBMt, - U.C OfBcet Opp. Hotel t'bslUwka. '- Puma Front tflrwl. Practloa In Monk Carolina f. H. SlmaiBas. - A. D. Ward J. H. faa. K, W.faJ 51MT10N$, POU ATTORNKYS aad LAW. a aar itasr, a. v. OfOru C8 Ho, Front Street, uearly oppo- ait Hotel Ubattawka, (UfUcea also at Raklith and BmithBeld.) fraallea la tb uantia ot Cravau. Dtinltn. J4iaa, oiuunr, uartarat fauillro, waha, Jutauaton. llaraata aad Wllauni in to sa prwua aan aiivral lourw, aud aharavar aa-vk aa araoaalcio, IMI. relltller, ATTOBNET AT LAW,! liddle ntreet. Lawyers Brltt . ., UalldlBR. WUI nraeilra la the dmntlaa ot Craves artarat. Jouaa. tln.loa and Painlk-u. (1. H. Ouurt at Kaw Hani and Huprrai Court I aa Ban. N. H. STREET. F. P. GATES . STREET & GATES, i- Phylclnn.and Surgeons. M Iddle Stri-et, New.Berne, N. C STEAMERS- , CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, -AND- t rttIIGHT.i:PASStN6IR. For Jkll Polala DTorlh. The Steamer NETJSE will leave on Mondavs, Wotlnesdajs, and Friilujs at. Up. ni.,sliari. i The Strj Newberne Will snil on Tiipsdata and Friilujs ut 12 o'olix k, noon, making' lainl hi(.at all whj stalions. i Freight received not later than one hour provioni to tailing, ; For further information apply to . , OKO. HENDERSON, Agt. 11, K: King, Gen. Mgr.," .. tl.O. lIuuoiN8,Qea.Frt.& Pas. Agt. Norfolk. Va. New Borne, N. 0., Mav 30tb, 1898. Efifalteool DEALF.R IN flardwaie: acd; Fire Arms, ;'i fiaali. Doors and Blind. Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc. ( Arnt fur Garlainl Sloven Si, Kjngpg , and Dfvoe'g, and 4ienJ MonrenV HKAUYk&IIXCIJ I'AIIkTS. i Undersold Chattawka, NEW BEBJii jr. c. KOK HOME USE ... olean, pure, wholesome, guaranteed to be clieiiitaully made from distilled water and free from Impurliii. Specially In tended. ami prepared,, for human con sumption. I :. Ice delivered dajly , ( Sundays) 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. t Sundays (ivIkH only) 7 a. W. to ll noon... For prices ami other information, addrvHS, '''.) - i:c- r-rr.3 Ice Cp.,V IGB fileadows' Gold TobacpQ;Guano, 9Ieadow t'ollen Guano, ' .'. Largel Incn-asis the Quaulily and Gradt of lotion. 9IrMt1owDIaiiAl-cl alPuf ('ompound IIeacloTr All Crop Guano Sfeadowk Girat 1'olato Guano. Meadows Gr?at Cabbaiv Guano. GERMAN KAINIT AND DIAMOND PHOSPHATE A SPECIALTY. SEND FOB OUR BOOK ON TOBACCO CULTURE, FREE. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., " ManufacturerN, Livery, Sale und Exchange Stables v mil - turn - f WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALEUS IN HORSES . AND . MULES. ty A Complete Line of BUGGIES, ROAO CARTS AMD HARNESS. JOHN DUNN, -, .Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Confectioneries '', pollock stiii:i:t. NEW BERNE, N. C. II. W. SIMPSOBT, j Architect Spperiiitendenti .,C8. IXr3ad (Street - j WAITED; to BUY r Wool, Cotton, Beeswax Highest Prioes Guaranteed. r T. E.. ItATIIAM, . ",'. .H J4ear Ct tton Exchange NOTICE. .... f Notlee la hereby given that applica tion will be made to the present session of the General Assembly of North Caro lina for the pannage n a law to author ize the city of New Rem to lusue bonds lo the amount of one hundred thousand dollars fur the purchase or construction of Water Works, Sewerage and the Elec tric. Li lit Svotems. - . ' January ltlth Leaf IroJaca Tobarto of tho Finest Quality, KuxtuJI; Kiue Wrappers. Rub, Rub Rub. . And the conslant run will soon wear out your linen. Now don't lei Ibis ten. tinue any longer, hut let me do year Laundry work. We tlnn't rnli vour shirts to pieced, lint wiwh them in a large levi.lvinf pool tliHt flows wlili plenty of water. Wc use I lie beM a- np aud utiar nnlee no lye or b'mIh. Call and ree- for yonareif. We wish lo neat our pal rone tight. Send ns your laundry. flTIAJI LA I! ?i DIlYa J. E. DjVBERRY, Man.