TUS CQULTNCI OF STEP OF FliS klMkt only to Us orttfWity aad iapliaty ol lbs eats bis lias, bat also to lb ere and skill wils which It to aaannfactared by ackatias promssss knows to lbs Caxirossx. Fxs HrrnvT Co. only, tod w vies to tmprsas spaa all the iaportuea of purchasing la torn ud original rssnedy. Aa lb reasla fjnip ot Fbj la auil eetared by the CxurosaiA I'm 6rarp Co. only, a fcaowlsdf of that tad wUl aausi ana (a afofaliaf tba wwlhle tmitsUosa saaaafsctsred byotbar par tic, Tba high sUadlna; of tba Call sonatA FiO bmup Co. srlla tha Bedi eal profcatloa, tod tba aatiafactior which tba swauiDS Syrup of Fig baa rives to mi'dona of families, aiakaa tba auna n tba Company a guaranty of tba excdlenos of lia remedy. It is far la sd-aaca of all other laxatives, aa It acta on tba kidneys, liver and Lwarvi without Irritatinc or weaken ing them, and it does not fripa nor nauseate, la order to get its beneficial r Recta, please remember tba sains of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SIRUP CO. rBANOBMa. Cat nanus, m. xvTaaK.s.Y. THE JOURNAL. Ntw Bon, IV. C, Fet. 11, 189. !. sMUaSI eVM ah . .Business Locals. I U Fisher- Real ratal agent. ' Citiaeoa Bank Statement. D F Jarvls For Fair. TWO Laditi Aerial Elcycle, new and very cheap at Geo. 8lover's Hardware blot. 1 HAVE received a Sample 18WI Colum bis Chain Wheel, price $50 and Invite nipectlon of fame. Bicycles, Qrapbo- phoaea and Printing. 'Phone 19. Wm.T. Hiau THE finest beer always on draughty at JaOOB'8, Middle Bt-eeU Rev. Hight C. Moore hss placed few copies of bis book, "Select Poetry of North Carolina," on tale at Ennett'i Book Store, The price hai been reduced from . to SO cents per copy In order to close out tne edition. The book was published in 1894 and received cordial commendation from the press and liter all of the State. Those wishing to secure the volume should get It at once. The art of compounding prescriptions ao as to bring out their greatest medi cinal efficiency, cannot be accomplished without modern appointments and per fectly pure drugs. The pbyslcisn cos atanlly carries on research to Improve his prescribing; while we keep pace with his investigations by our study of the progress of pharmacy, Improvement of our already elegantly appointed estab lishment and honest medicines. It will pay you In health and dollars to trade at Bradham's. New Bern Fair, Feby. 2oth. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy will fill your prescriptions promptly and with the greatest accuracy. Have yours filled there. Medicines delivered to any part of tha city. Phone 50. Night bell at front door. OABTOniA, Btantlu Iha Kind You Haw Always Bonght Blgoatu af ' Gold Camel, Ceylon Tea, tha finest n packages, at A. M. Baker's. Tongue Sandwiches at McSorley's. : Coca Cola, wine coca, phosphate, all refreshing drinks from Baker's fountain. Horry Baraera Are used by the best people in the country. Read this testimonial from ex' President Harrison: v . Morey Oas Burner Co: The Moray Gas Burner you placed in my iinrary is giving excellent satisfac tion.. - . . Bkrj. Hakbibox. There are three styles, Nos. 1 and S sell for fl.R0. No. 8, Mitrailleuse, tl 00. Morey Burners are fast replacing mantel ' burner all over the country. They are - practically Indestructible. For sale by, v RtCBABD N. DorrT, .New Bern Fair, Feby 20th. Carolina Cough Core 1 made In Brad ham' Pharmacy, from pure balsam, gum and herb especially Indicated in colds, cough and bronchial ailment. It will cure your backing cohgh or we ' will refund the money paid 'or it. No remedy i a "cure all",- but we don't want your money unless we. can cure your cough, 83c at Bradham's. Try a cup or surpassing conee and s ham or oyster sandwich at A. M. Baker's. J. J. Baxter I closing out his winter clothing, shoes, hats, underwear, dress goods at cost in order to make room for his new rpring stock. ' MICK'S CAPUDINE HEADACHE CURE, Is Guaranteed to Cure 1 ' J ache, .Neuralgia, La " pe, Sick Headache, Etc. a PT li tui t.4TI. n aj a4 fr h.'ki It tba '! cart to U'.j. ' Tto Imiii rrpsrt a to a l orfiara atwve arm, la ti.u vldst'r. FikUy aareteg . Csa. T.a Tort, of Capy C, Tstrd Kona Oerollee Ker1ssl 'lejlara, has retsiesd koma. Tha Jitw Bera roe tlaf rat of ike Third ta sow at aoo. Yesterday Iks lataraoos eeaes oorupted tba suae i lea ef the eeett tba entire day. Tha Jary la tha ease of slortoa va Bad aaa Lember Compaey has sol yet eo la a verdict. - Word froaa Mr. X. V. Berriagloa. ska has apeat tba peat week la Carteret, Oaslow and Joare aoaoltea, aaeda woid that lbs people at tha poll u be has bera are aU talking of Ike New Ifarra Talr, and expeet to altaad. Clirietlaa Cbarck fcrvlra loaaomw si 11 and tML Moralng aabjedi The hta of saoaers salsaioaa. ' Night: rails. ve FaaUaga. Preaching by tie pa4or Rev. F. W. Laiford. Busda) school at t p sa. Cbrlstlaa Endeavor a) Mrs. Paraona vrlU lead. . rssutoaau Mr. Ferd Ilahs returaed horns last sight Mr. AbsCoka retsrsed from Oold- bore last sight. '. - Mr. J. a Jones of Beaufort, was Is the city yesterday, ' Hoa. F. M. Simmons returned lo Kalrlgh yesterday. , : ' Iiedrll Ifaares. Esq , of Wilmington Is la the city attending court. Mr. H. a nanly la la tbertiy in the Interest of the Kews 3t Observer. Mrs. Batch well sad daughter MIm Fan- sle, of Washlngtoa, N. C arrived la.t to vUlt Mrs. W. P.M.Bryan. ' CapL Matt Manly went to Ilalslgl jeaterdajr on busiutea concerning lb etura of the Second lleglmeot l stile Wlllle-Wallaer, Os last Thursday night, February tih in the Methodist Church, at More bead City, Mr. Martin I. Willis wa married lo Miss Stella Osgood Wallace, daughter of Mr. JoliaO. Wallace, Kev. L. 8. Massey, performing the marriage ceremony. ' . The attendants were Miss. Sue Davis with Mr. J. W,, Willis, Jr, Miss Eudora Wallace with Mr. Jobs P. C Davis, of New Bern. . Mr. Willis' home ts Moreheatl City, but he holds a position In the A, fc N. V. railroad Auditor's t race In New Bern. Quite a party went from this city to attend the wedding, returning Friday morning. : " H all Blebl. Craven county, among her newly sf pointed county commissioners, has oni named W. C- Brewer. If he Is as good a buaineat mail as Wake's county com missioner, W. C. Brewer, then Craven's Interests are in excellent hands. Hal elgh Press-Visitor. .New lint af Harare was a. Mr. Ferd Hahn of M. Bahn A O. who has been west, returned ts the city last night, with a ear load of horses and mules, which can be seen at the stables of the above firm on Middle street. . Buyers who want to make s selection of s rood horse or mule should call early. - ' flV4 llluirj npaaia. , The New Bern Fair Association re ports that five military companies have sent word that they will attend the Mid Winter Fair In this city, February 20th lo 23lh. . ". These companies are from FayetU vllle Elnston, KlUsbeh City, Washington and the local ceinpany. . A handsome silk Bag will be presented to the best drilled company during Fair week. - . THE MODEKH WAT Commends Itself to the well in-formed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well To cleanse the system and break op colds, head' aches,' and fevers without nnpleasant aftereffects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co. ' CM BmSv fsr ikt rslr. ' ,' : We can help yon to s beautiful line of new mattings, rugs, draperies, taoie linens, towels, blanket, ready shirts. pillow cases, Ac . - D. F. Jarvis There is no need of saying anything about the cleanliness of Bradham's Foun tain; It 1 proverbial, It 1 so clean that It is appetizing,: Every glass they are as thin and delicate as can be made Is polished after nsing. We have gotten the name of serving the finest Soda in New Bern by cleanliness, daintiness and liberal use of fresh,, pure fruit juices. Like our entire pharmacy, our fountain service equals any thing to be found in large cities. Bradham's Fountain. Baxter the Jeweler is fitted up with costly and complete ret of tools to do watch work in all Its branches, we do it wetland guarantee It, Anew oik Is our specialty.' - Baker's store is open every night until twelve, o'clock. - Call on him for one candies of any kind day or night. " Smoked; sausage at the Oaks Market, 10 cents lb. Dressed snd live poultry at the Oaks Market. Stall fed Western Beef, grown In North Carolina, 10 cents lb, at Oaks Market. ';-.. BinlasMfs tsi" ' V at run iiAsiaiU. rt I . at. uuaiH'a Cb f Mtai C I. U'-llim, ba ap puu-J 11. luliuaiR Saw Cera grale ea to as h a.i.iai dona Fair W.ak- Daaard Ro'vma, Harry rtoin. Toai fUbrn, IWrt Roharu. laa IlobarU, Harry Marks. MOW tinnNi, Dr, B D V Joe, Itsraer Jose, f U Fuy, I) f Fy, O N Ceneu. B II Ei, M Brlaaoa. C It Wahrra, J C VYeUiDS, 8 L Dill Jr. A T Dili, r M II. ha, U li Dea- . E. Ellis WUllaata, i T HaruneU, E t Cl.hop, SCEl.bop, UaiWrtltUbop, B W It jMBtbal, E D Uackbara, C J Mc Svrky, PM Chad wick. A E Hibuard, Jas B Daweos, Jaa B UUt, D A Hargett, U H Baxter, i L Maody, J no T Uarell, Stewart Calloway. Jaoxa Simmons, F T Patierson. EJ-r JUB, W U War J T W IXwjy.TQ Hymaa, f R Hymai, U R Bryan, Jr.O U Oaloa, B S liulua I Uuloa Uuaa, J Us Barrus, D II Davis r 8 Duffy, Dr. L Duffy, F Duffy. Rich ard Duffy, T W W aura, Geo B Walara. Oao lleadaraoa. Jr, N C llugbea, P B C(, Torn C Dealele, R S Primrose. It S Nb1, P TravU, Y If Matthews, Dave Uongdoa. Jos Coogdoa, Jouea Wahab, W P Uua, Ralph Gray, Lieut W U BlalMlal, Uat D t DeOite. Lieut D i Atoawotih, A T Land. Ed Uancock, F 0 MllcUall, N A Bray, FraJ L Bray, A O Nawberry, Juha Beymiur, Seymour Danniaon, Farnle Justice, A II Bangert, W W Clark, Edward Clark, C O t'larr, Jr, A E Stevwaa, CbM L Stevens, Dr E F Early, Jaa E Dellamar, Will Buy, U U Green, Fred ltlcliardtna, J . T llolllster, Fred Whltty, Thus Kehue, Jr, D V Ward Dr J Ward, W H U irvey, Jaa Wk.lfort, Lfl Cutler, J r, L A Taj lor, ilurbcil Draney, Paul Perry, of Columbus, Oa., sufferrd agony for til In y years, aud tbea cured bis Piles by using Da Witt's Witch Uaxvl t'alve. It beals Injuries and skin diseases .ilka magic F. 8. Duffy. To Taha TamtMiy. The trustee! of tbe Cltr of Sew Bern met yesterday afternoon, there being preseut, Messrs. Q. U. Roberta, K. It Jones. Win. Dunn and T. A. Green. Cspt K. It Joues was made chairman of tbe meeting. A notiticstioa was seat to Mayor Den- aison sod all the old city officials to be present at s meeting this morning at mO o'clock and for them to be prepared to turn over all the -city property to the trustees at this meeting.. Coughing Injures and Inflamesisorc lungs. One Minute Cough Cure Jossens the cold, alays coughing and heals quickly. The best cough cure for child ren. F. 8. Duffy. Waaaaa'e volt-wt Swelaly. On rsxt Monday night, al 7: W o'clock an entertainment ' will be giver In tbe Curistian church by the Sunday school assisted by tbe church choir, for tbe benefit of the Women's City Boncvoleut Society, Addresses will be delivered by Rev. G. L. Leyburn'and Rov. Hlghl C. Moore. A silver collection of not less than ten cents per person will be taken up. . Every one Is urged to attend and a sist In making up a liberal contribution for distribution among the poor. ' . BOCELEN'S AURIGA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruise-, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corn; and all Skin Erup tlons, and positively cure Piles, or no par required. It if guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Price 28 cent per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy. , .. ' ' , - ". We will buy back at lull prices any goods purchased ot ns that do not prove to be a we represented them.1 This is our way of doing business, a new way, but it protects you and make it to our advantage to be sure of the quality of anything before recommending it to our cuitomer. It means to you pure drugs reliable goods and safety. It means to us your good will, confidence and regu lar patronage. Let us fill your prescrip tions. Bradham's Pharmacy. Oysters, raw, 'fried or stewed at hour at A. M. Baker's. : , ; ,V all : J.J. Baxter has just received a new Hue of E. P. Reed' ladles shoes in but. ton and lace all styles., . . Lemon 30 cent k dos , at McSor ley's -.: Mr. A. E. Hibbard, the jeweler, says: "Apway's Cronp 8yrup is the best metll cine ever tried in a household for croup and children's coughs. It hs been oped itb greatest benefit in my . family, anil no mother should be without a bottle. It acts quickly and cures the child." Bold at Biad ham's Pharmacy. : Wlaiev Tosrls ' Tlrkela .Mow ao Sale . .. or so ln Bnllwnr. Commencing November 1st, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell from priuci pal Stations on Its lines, round-trip Winter Tourist tickets to best resorts Id Florida, the South and Ashenlle, N. C, In "The land of the Sky" at greatly reduced rates for the round-trip. Tickets will i on sale from November 1st, until April 80, 1899, and in most cases final limit returning May iilat, 18jB. In connection with the shove the Southern Kail way offers the quickest and finest train service And connections to all resorts In the South, Mexico, Cull fornia, Cuba and Porto Rico. Any information as to rate?, schedules, sleeping car service, accomodations, clc, cheerfully furnlnlied upon application to any sgent Southern li.iilnny, or II I. Vernon, Travclii'g raet:-r Ai'-it 11 !-V'!i Trv.'Ti Fl i, V..:- !': lll. k.Klrili (-. Tba N IWra Jihuui, .New Bwa. S. C Gaatleawa.' :wa Jaoetry M.h when my tara pyl t s laM gaaa, a reator has bra eartvat aawag tha fwot ball ealhaslsats aad "pons" of oar elty la iha aSaca that oar -W. IL B. FiMH Bll Taaa was wan tad la Nvw Bera lo, play la a taste so met to doriac tha Fair, which, asks well knows will corns off the lat ler pan ef la sa saoa la. Ths rumor weal ao far a to aay that tha boys la Nsw Bsrs woald gaaraataa ar eipraaas, a good, claaa game, aaa a las Ubm for oar bays. The boys of oar elty, Uit sympathisers of my teea espec ially, seem Very much eaihesed over tbe ramoral propotltlaa sad ar Tory sa i lous to kaaw w bother ar sot thsrw U si.y fuandaliaa to It. sly team ts composed ot b)y troa IS lo IT year of ago sod their average weight Is about IM pound. Shuuld this report be csnfiraaad w ahsald ex pect to aav as oar soabataata s team of boy whose age aad weight wooUl sot exceed oar oar aga and weight . Having written to yoar city about thl setter before aad sol having received as answer, I ask that yon publish this Is your sext laeae so that, eaoulj any one be lata rested, they should kaow the main points of our Isaa aad may alo h v aa opportunity to kaow to whoa their somminicaiioo should be ad drat. L If las one iaterosied is found I should Ilk lo have thai Informal at osci. , V.ur truly, H I McLacsik, M'gr"II. as F. B. Team " Ba-rOBTOF OOND1T10W . !, , or rni ;- Cita Bail, or New Ben, A', the close of biiiiiuma, February 4tb, 180ft. RESOUKCE3: Liansand DbioounU.. 84.SS0 8I Ovt-rdrafta, avcumi aud unse- . cuml ....ye..... 8,419 OA Real JUte , 4.515 01 U inking Houso 4,WM)tM Furniture and Fixturva 1,0X4 00 Sum ks and Bonds . . . f 6.07S Ml Die fmia oilier Banks and liunxem 1 1.807 71 Caaliuu llsqd... S.sm li 131,180 34 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in 150.000 0) Hui plus ai:d undivided pniflts.. 8.WI4 60 Dju lH-pnsium 60.VU4 SO Doe olk?r Banks and Bankera. l.Szl 5i ' 8121,180 88 I, II, M. Groves, Cashier of , I lie above named Bank, do solemnly swear that this statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. i 11. M.GR0VE3, Cashier. State of North Carolina, I County ol Craven, ( Sworn to and sutwrrllied before n this HXh dny of Fdh.. 109. ' 1. J. UiTCHSXL, Notary Public Correct attest: T. A. Gkkkn, , ' Jamrs Rkduond, E. W. bMALIiWOI'D, Director, John H. Fisher, Ilenl XlNtate nml Collection Agency, 117 BROAD 8TREET NEW BEEN, . N. C. ' Tloiise to Rent, floub-a and Iils for Sale. Town Lota sold on the Ins-ailment plan . HiwcUl attention aud prompt re turns to collection of rent, Ac. 1 1 ' - ti2.Book Store Everything ij 5 You Want in Office Supplies J School Room i y vj. iii kririuhk. a. FOUREKT! Is your house vacant T Is it for rent f applicants for hounea do not go to vou for a bouse, they go to an Agent'a. oflice becH?e tlicy know he la In the business ai d can Suit them without their walking all over the city looking tornnc. - Ulve me your tiustness it you want 'our houses occupied with pood tenants, make returns promptly, first of every montn. umce wttu J. j. wnirenaen Real estste agt., over CHIsns Rank. ... , ,. J. It IlAItTHFIELD. l' Li I I l I kJ VMA UMk-iBM U. I. STORE, PLANTERS BUILDING, . , Middle Street. Best stand In city for any kind of business, but on ac count Tobacco Wurehouse in rear, suitable mme ear ecinlly for farmers anpi In a. Wanh- Ufie or Storafe room amie. Secure the prize bo fore Tubncco Settoon opt us. Torms moderate. II. OFFICES, SECOND FLOOR Planters Building, either singly or in combination. Suitable for r fc8tiional. insurance and other similar purposes, or as sleeping apartments. III. HOUSE OS NEW STKIET. near Centenary M. E. Church, 7 rooms, nuthouses, w.iteron lot, mott oVsimble ncirblxu bond. For Termi, Ki-. Ar '; to. GOO.; BOARD! At kawxmstla k'sta. At lira. 8. II. Smith's IWARDINa HOC5E, Cl 8. Fioat tu. New tWra, N. C FIR5TCLA5S ACCOHHODATION lice Up-to-Datb ! - W korp always os baad-llard Brick. !iaea. Pjrk BauMKO, I So host sod (a last Mo Boat btaak Bo, Stawlag Barf oe All kinds of Dry Store Wood seder large shad. It sever seta wrt Is rainy wralber. j-cxjctl goaraalod to lb load. Hand made Heart Mingles, Huggiea and Biryctra, . Hi n ica fciwava Ui Ut- A large stock of Ciroorrioa, Flour aad Meal Cheapor taaa aay aaas. Post for fornnnf. Ws eel! all above snealiosad St tba Qh apeat Prires. R. O. GODLEY, Salaams a. EIij'EILl, lis Shlnre Mai. 7. THE ORII Is now renins:, the Ideal preventative Is Duffy's Tonlo Ague Pilla, which by but Mine; up tbe rtrenslh and giving tone lo tne system is really the only way thai this dislnslng malady can he warded off: while for an actual attack there is nothing better, nm-d in enooeclion with UiifTy'a Anu-litlinus Pilla and Couth Killer. ' This treatment wo ruaranlee to cure the wor.l case If taken In time. F. K. DUFFY, PHARMACIST. Cor. Middle & S. Front Streets. Fnaiiielcd FoIm, Pots Kettles Pans Rice Roller, mid NikuivpatiN. Silver llntel Spoon and Table Cutlery AT; ' n; E.Whitehurst's 4J POLLOCK STREET. 'CSOOOOOOCCCOOOOCSOOOOOOI. O O o o 0 o u o Mohair and Sicilian. o , , For general uwlulnes there nothing that equals s nice, briglit , Mohair. You git mort service snd better wear than you will , out ot Serge or Henrietta, : . Our Mohnirs are carefully tested snd re warrant every yard to give satisfaction. Borne new number have just been recelvid snd their low , price makes them particularly attractive. At 29c n Ynrl. ' flue and Black Mohair, 88 iiiche wide, s fine luatioua qiiali- ' At 30c a Yard, i Deavy Black Sicilian, 89 inches whle. This I s splendid quality and will give, extra good service. . At 50c a Yard. Very Luftrous Mohair of a boontiful quulity. It will ennpare favorably with the usual 00c quality. At GOc a Yarn. ' Pure Uol air, 88 inches wide, of proper weight. At 85c Yard. - v Pure Mohair. 44 Inches wide, like what jou are accustomed to' - , paying 1 00 for. '. , - o o o o o o o o o u fl o o o it g Children's Hose. I) Three yoso neve just tieen reotiveu ami are wiiiioui uouui -the best value jossihle lo get. Heavy Iiibbed Una , absolutely fast black, sin s 7 to Si, only Lr Vine Bibbed Hose, made of Muco cotton and very soft nnd fine, size 8 to OJ, ' -t . 13c psir. n Scrim, With Colored Borders. j Uainij scrim, paruouiunj ior otuiu LurutiuB, w imuci www v . ith colors of orange, blue and groen, - 10oyrd. o n C) () ( ( C ) Souvenir Pins. , ft -rling Silver Bottvenlr Flag Pins, enamelled In Red snd Black, - , ... . ' . - 25c THE QAKliLE Is yetbirning snd every purchaser I entitled lo s Ones as tn how long it will burn. The nesrest guesst-i1' will i" celve a bolt of Fiuil ol Loom Blenching. O" 1 -. rwT tt Our entire $8,402.85 stock ol Dry Goods, Clothlnu, Shoes, Milli nery, Etc , will be closed out quickly at a Great Sacrifice. Owing to my retiring from the firm oi which I am Manager and to settle the affairs ot the firm this entire stock must be converted Into CAN IL. Bale Commences Tuesday Morning. February 7th, at 8:15 o'clock. Store Closed Monday.' ' Bleaching. Frail sf lb Loess ssd Barker. Bill Uescsbig, 1,009 yard Is stock ' st eteperyd Men's Dress Shirts. AD liaes beat aiaal.a, work 73c ssd , cloetag pries I Men's and Women Underwear. Od lot heavy weight andorablrts for both ladle anil getlcmes al 15c Millinery. M Ladles line fell walklag bat arts- ally worth tt 00 at IV Blankets & Comiorts. Two laloa satlsrn-fovered Comforts. To clot out 97c Men's Shoes. ICS pairs men's fine calf shoes, sell ing pries i SO. Closing out price ft SO Lace Curtains. Beautiful line handsome Lace Cur tains, sold from ft 00 to 1 1 50 Now I COc Men's Hats. New style Alpine and Irbv lists. Regular price $3 00. Ourchwing out price 0.1c Phenomenal Spot Tasli UffeiiDgs. MM Dctei minalion (o Sell. Fin mflmmTwiFiBm Q. A. Opp. P. 0. X ale ? 0 o o o o o o o o D o o C) () o a o D o o u o u o o () 1) () 3 U o r j ( ) ( i o o S ' ft tl Carpets. Oss lot Isgrals earpat, wonr- Kle. Mowwsoffaral tie yd Store Fixtures. Show cases. Ac, for sals. lavilailos lo lore korpora. WIU sell whale or asy part of this slack al big dbxssal far cash oor opeaod Tscsday aoralng. r cb rsary 7lh si 8:13 o'clock. Tuesday Morning At 8:15 Promptly. Starts ths movlsc of tbe Immense Stock of II igh Class Dry Good. Cloth log, oboes. Hats, Millinery, mc. This will be a sale long renumbered a nit where your own price prevail. Dress Goods. 1300 yards and black and colored drfs goods, woitb 23c and 35r, sow al 14c yd. Men's Suits. Several hundred suits men's clothing st 50c on Ibe dollar Umbrellas. Silk umbrellas, atuoiUd bsnd woitb l SO closing price Ladies' Shoes. i0 paint lino button shoes, all hires and widths. Quick moving price 711. BARFOOT, Manager. Opp. P. 0. $ Baking Day To ihe hounew'fe wlien i-lin Is pr.ivi.tl a till salinfHelnry baking ninleiial for lu-r pi. k, enki-H anil breml. Yi II will I nvn liht rieh cakes and d lirimis pica v. hen liaing our liitk uraile "Ibut in lb" Wurld" I'iMlrv Flour, pun- and flue FlavnriiiK Kxtraota. Mne Lard ItnlUr nml l'i'ii-ai. Our h 'Un made Mim e Mi ai, IJannwi P. aebi s Sc , Save lime and tr.nib'o. Fresh IfH Fox Uivi-r Hnilei juat rwclvnl. Tip-rt'iinn Utter Duller made. Try a pound ard ou will use no oilier. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, $ 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. S .'.- w J. Riverside Lots Located on National Avenue, and others! nntiallrr HcofraVkla ) 1 1 A complete water to be introduced. Only $250. $5 Cash Down. Balance $1 00 a Week, ;.'.-',.'' ' -- . V Every man of moderate means, and every man winking cn a salary, may own shonie. Buy a home and pay fur t Installments. , ' More than one half of the lots have been taken. If yon want to get in cn Ihe GROUND FLOOU Now I ihe Time. , - No Taxes. Y'vv , I will pay tits taxe until you have fully paid up, and received your dei d. Free Improvements. All Improvements, such as Street. Bide Walks, Shade Tie a, Ac, will be mod and completed at an early date, without expense to purchase), . WHY PAY RENT When for (5 Cash Down and Psymenta of 1. per we k, you ran boy s Desirable Lot, and after tbe lot is paid for erect s Handsome Collate, In iw umi form niomh ly iustallmenla. Or if you want to build al once, fur $2511 Cash aud ,nnall monthly payments you can buy a lot and bnild a house, In a good locality, where values aie absolutely sure to advance, ; ' j - Under my home building System you can build at once nfter cosh payment of ' the value Of the lot, I will build for you a house, or will advance jou Dim money to build . . . . r : ' .. :'-.'. Ton extinguish both principal and interest by monthly Installments, paid ex actly the same aa rent, but with thia difference if paid for relit, tvery tiollar is wasted, if paid nnder my system, every dollar is saved. A more favorable opportunity will never be offered, to provide s home. Tou should act at once. Uizo of Lots SO x S00 feet. , . . ' , Mp showing lots, and for any further Information youjniay desirr, Apply to - j '. . Jaa -a Rest Calicoes. . Regular S aad so, doolnc etil pries tjo Ribbons. Pull line of colors In gro (rains, laf- Mas and satins all aidths aad qualities IS ami Mc values, al Ifie Towels. Large sited bleached towels, al 3 Silks. Beautlfal line of colore, goods worth 7V 10100 per ysnl, will be ' sold al 40r Black Dress Goods. All wool raahlmercs, benrhtlas, flsnnels, hrillianline Ac, worth 0r to $1 00 ysnl, will I sold st 7te Our store tor Rent. $500 Reward I We offer the slmvr amount to any per son or HronH lo proe r sie not telliiix oi l Iti cIiim biiniiie.il. 175 "'Public Pule l-rglns Tuesday. Keb. Till at 8;l.t o'el.K k. Closed to business, Monday, Feb. 6. OwiiiL' to Ihe en'iiHiiiv of thin event nml in order tlint Ihe public may see the ililTerenl tlcuirinii-nl in printer plmpe I be hi ore uillnnl n opened Slondny, ou niiciwsicici r, is a Pleasure ! 4?: and sewerage system V WILLIAH DUNN. 4 Fresh made McSorlcy's. " ts st all Drvz Stores.