( i i 111' I I'M 11 - .- KIW Bits, V. C. TL'ISDAI K0&KI50. miiClEY !, J833. vol xvi-ko. m. CSTlBLISUtb 183! 11 i i ' V J rs m f , Wf ara rrty k a fVa.llf J Ur- of Iportd Kids )nH from Omntaf ta iIwih itfar Castor, wily $1 00 pair.ed lovely BUrk KM for II . rl? Nnly OfMxM to CUilon and Net VHiir aad roesplrt alack of Wat Hlh ltnr,U- la Piles 1 W again Call Attawllva to oar as rIV fl For ldlm, Grntlemnia- Pllwen nntl $ : Chlldrtn. Indeed If wtalilng anything la our Liaee. w articll call, fre.ing qui a nn ll al our prior will ML WE SET THE PACE, OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW. Three Carloads Kentucky & Virginia Horses and Mules Just Keceived. FINESl CLASS'OF DRIVE AND ROAD U0RSE& WEST AND MOST DURABLE CLASS OF WORK. MULES THE BEaT OF ANY DESCRIPTION, RANoiNG FUOJI 13J TO 1CJ HANDS. , - 80LD UNDER STRICT AND FULI OAURAJJXEE. . , : COMPLETE LINE OK BUGGIES, WAGONS CARTS AND HARNESS. See ui before bujin, It will pay jou. ' ' M. Halin & Co. a Rakinn llav is To lh houaewlfe when hi lih aaliraelorV baking ' material fr her pl. cakea and, i'mL' Too will have light rlU cake anl drticiii pi "hu wiair oit niKk Kntde "Brat in the Worl.l" Paatry Flnr, rre aixl Una Flavbrinn Kxtracla, l"'-ButU-r and OlifW. Our homr niMile Miiw e Mi', Vanned Pmrlx &c , tarea ll'iic awl Inmble. Fn-ahLoi Fn Himt Butler just mi lvotl. Ttre la no In ttr Biitter made. Try pV)unrt nnd r ou will use no oilier. 5 J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER; ? .. .... ' ' . mm T J D1...1. 'Phone 69. j At th. Rook Store Jj ft ' nnr r T 1 VI T? nB J Book-keepers J and J School Room J Supplies J JU3TME( EIVKD. I 6. M Pnnpitt i ml TTAiyTEO to BITY Wool, Dotton, EmwBX ' ! Hifhett Price Guaranteed. Cullou ExilinDRe vv V vv V At VI V! VI V! V! VI VI VI M rmnRlnf from to gl 00. Kl--tJSt Lie of VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI 1 v tk a Pleasure ! "5 i 77 Broad Street. Rub, Hub. Roll. And the eonstant rub will soon wear out your linen. fow don't let this con tinue any longer, but li t me do your Lnnrtry work, rve flon'i ruo your hirta to Diecea. but wash them in a large lerniv'wf pool that flowa with plenty of water. We use the beat soap and guar' ante) no 1 e or aodo. Call and tee (or younrelf. "We wish to treat our patrona right. . Bend na your Laundry. ;. , ' ar A r .&.-; J . -4. . -A. MM. till) 1 i.l J. DAVtl , . ...ii.' TBI DtSPBNBaaY 14. la UiWMirr. Mew I lUl!4k. Fal-y 0. There la aoawtLiet, gutug oa la thla Buir, tkat eaoepl tkan Iwalltla la tad lately . affected, la aot atlractlnf eck atteatloa. 1 kla U lb tprrad of tkt diapraaery law, faahioaed Buck like tke oh la foro la Poudi Carollaa where it la a Mate law. Here It I a local aire are, oeetaed to the eoeatiet tatereeted. Dut the a umber of thee poaatlea bu treatly lacrwaeed by the appUcaUona to lb Letialarare. 8om of lb law bar pad. Other eocb a Charlotte ar belnf arfaed before lb committee aad later will b before the AaaemUly. la their mala featare tb dlipenaary law ar atach alike. The proklbllloa people feaerally faror theia. Tbey fhlnk aay of them, that It I "tie aolulloa of the liquor question, Oa the other (id ar many equally at good people who are flghllug the bill from dltloleraeled motlTea. lluge pell I lost ar brought to th Capital, containing thouianda of aamea, for or agalnat the diapenaary, aad dalegaUoof oom by tb car load to Influence the paatage of tb law. .Tb diapenaary law Jnit pataed for Smlibdeld. Jobnawa county, caa be taken aa aa example of Iheae law. Many people do aot knew the featare of thl lew aad nay b latretd In the main facta. It proridr la tb flnt plac that It (ball be unlawful for 'anyone to ell liquor of any kind la lb county ex oepl by the dUpenaary. Three eomml- alooere ar appointed for the dupcaaary by tb law for lb town of Hmllhfleld. Tbey bold their office for one, two and three year and nominate their aucoea- ori who boweVef unit be approved by the town oommluioner. The diapenaary oommlaaioner are r quired to furnjah a aultable place ' for the ale of (plrltou, Vlnoua, malt and other liquor," not within 800 feet of any chureh. The commiuloncr chooa a manager for th dlipenaary who mutt give a bond for 500. HI pay la fixed by the com initalonara, not to exceed. $0 per month. It i tb duty of tb manager to keep a rrgiater In which, (hall bt kept a record of to name of penont to whoa any liquor are told, the quantity, priot and dale of tale, ill book and record ar open at all time to th inspection of citizen and officer of the law. The quantity of liquor to be told to anx one peraon I to be determined by the commiatloner, but In no case (ball wine or liquor be (old In quantity leu than one half pint, and none thall be drank In lb building oronthepremltet. The Diapenaary abalj open at sunrise and cloae at tuntet. . The price of liquor ahall he fixed by the commiationera and "shall not be told at a profit exceeding 80 per ceutum above the actual coat.'' No "broken package" ahall be kept in the DUpen aary. ; - ' Aa analytlt of the liquor on band thall be made from time to time and any con demned at impure thall not be told, aud payment refuted to the partlea purchased from, no liquor thall be told to any one for the of telling again, or they will be guilty of a misdemeanor. ' The board of commiarlonert of the town thall appropriate a tuttlcient turn of money from the town treasury to establish the Dispensary, which amount thall be repaid by the'prnfltearitlng from talet.and thereafter the Dlupentary alia 1 be anpported by profits from the salet. The Dispensary commissioners ahall pay the tegular license to the sheriff ol the county. The commissioners shall be paid for their services the turn vf $25 per annum. ; . .' . . Every six months the profits of the Dispensary shall be divided, one half iioing to the town treasure. The part going to the town treasurer shall go for the improvement of the town, the part going to the county shall bo placed to the credit of the school fund andapplleS to Ihe support of the freo public schools in the districts in which the town it tit- nated.;. .", '.' "-...;' 6uch In brief are the main poind of the Dispensary Law. . From the provisions of the law .it can be easily, teen that there it room for a difference of opinion. No other questions before the legisla ture have excited more netted talk, or greater efforts for and against. .Fayette rill baa bad the law and made a great effort to have it repealed but without avail. The opponent! of repeal refused to allow it to be voted on again by the people, and fought It out on that line and lucceeded. ' .-- Charlotte It now In-the midst of the agony and there are others, many7 of Uttre. :J -: -, " ... . BCCKX.EN' ABKICA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, C'ofns, tnd all Bkln Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itii guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 85 cenu per.box. For tale by F. F. Duffy. .. ." There lino need of saying anything about the cleanliness ef Bradham's Foun tain; it it proverbial, it is so clean that it is appetizing, Every glass they tre as tbln and delicate at csn be made it polished after nslng. We have gotten the name of serving the finest Soda in New Bern by cleanliness, daintiness and liberal use of. fresh, pure fruit juices. Like our entire pharniSky, our fountain service equals any thing to be found In 10SG DISCUSSIONS Oa EticLis as! J-ia Cm C3f .Eli!: Yen Mil T we w real Dayt la Lg Islalar. la ta ratee tie It AUag Slowly. A' Uit atOrjaalitd Utif. Xo Repillatlea. Joonxai. Brnaao, I Raleigh, N. C, Fbraary to. The great day at tb prat Legisla ture were but Friday and Saturday, wbea th coastilutioaal aaMKtdDMMit waa paaaed ia lb House aad Meaeta by mors than th aeceaaary two fifth vol. It I not likely that such a aoto will b enact ed again this icaaioa ..aad perbap ol for year to come. , When tb tim cam la rot oa tb amendment In lb ttenat Satuiday, It found the chamber crowded with (pacta tor. It waa necessary to refua further admission oa th floor. Ery seat la the gallery was occupied by ladle aad many beside war (landing up. la th part reserved for lb colored race wars probably a dozen spectator f lhvnt- fal ton. Nearly all the Senators wr la lblr teals. Glenn, Osborne, Skinner. Juatlce, Bryan aud other leader war awaiting tb catting of lb vote, not anxteut for It tafe carrying, bat tnxloot to hart tb Important question disposed of Representative Rountree who bad helped to greatly In th House, wai Mated near to Senator Glenn, and other Representa tives gathered around. Each Senator was banded a printed copy of th bilL Th flnt point of Inter eat waa when Goodwin, Populist, offered an amendment to th bill, that all per tout who wer disfranchised upon the adoption of tht -amendment thould bt xtmpt from all military and other duties and from paying a poll tax. "Tblt wat promptly voted down, 41 to I on a. roll call. Then tb amendment bill Itself cm up. Those Intending to vete agalnat the bill gave notice that tbey would explain tbetr Tola when their name wer called. Several, for th bill also did th tame, ' , ' In th House, speeches during th roll call were limited , to on minute and time wat promptly called by the Speaker or some member. In th Senate there wat no limit and some of the tpeechet were too long. Especially to that of tl negro Senator Fuller from Warren. received good attention, bat there was too much quotation fronfbooks, poetry, etc., to be appropriate and bit pltin talk wat wide of the mark. Senators Travis and Fields, Democrat, mad tpeechet, but the outburst thtt aroused the audi ence until cneer rang tnrougn ins Chamber wat from Benttor Glenn. Crisp Republican, Interrupted him with que. lion, nntil thoroughly aroused, his fact flushed, hi word echoed through the Hall, "I think God who has enabled me to be here to record my vote ia favor of the grand old Anglo-Saxon race, the virtue and welfare of the white women of the Stat. It 1 the proudest moment f myllfe." , - The final vote or. the third reading wat 43 to 8 and by that record of 7 to 1, the amendment goes to tue dectslou of the people in 1900. , A contest Is taking place In the Senate over Madison oouuty bonds. A bill is before th Legislature to validate the bonds, They wore issued in lb8t) to' pay county debts and to build bridges, etc,', and amounted to $21,000. There was tome irregularity in the passage and there it aa attempt to throw them over. It is claimed that the bonds were told at a big discount to speculators. The com mittee reported unfavorably en the bill, but there was a minority report with Osborne, Skinuer, Danlelt and Glenn signing it, and these ar among the weightiest men in the Senate, hence the sharp .fight over the bill. The amend ment question came up and caused .the matter to be postponed. There is much interest in the question, for this Legisla ture is cktrly against repudiation In any form. . ". The Insurance bill it having a bard road to travel and wat mad a special order for Thursday at noon. - ; . The revenue bill, natural'y of leading Importance will be considered In a Com mittee of the whole onTuesday, There is no telling how long the discussion on this bill may last, perhspt all tht week and It may crowd to the wall both the Intnr- anceand the Separate cart bills. The "Jim Crow" bill it such a weakling that it musn't be crowded too hard or it will bt smothered. Enquiries in regard to "Jim Crow" bring the reply that it will surely be treated fairly. . Trailing behind the Revenue bill It the Machinery bill which may make the Revenue bill operative. The Finance Committee it nursing these lusty infants tnd they are being fed on ttrong fod. . The "local option bill" which provides for elections ou liquor questions to bs hld in "off" year had a bad fall. It was amended to death and vu only saved from being finally withdrawn by Li r H.is saved many a li't I e , , F-ediiy cures Croio and U V noor;ins-rr.i'"-h.lm;sJrf sr.d surp. i . ai- r ca it, t I i i)er .1 " .1 Makes the food more being rfrd back lb oomtalliee. a ivxtuit vMtaai ttecv uw yuw Ik printing alsu gH kit vary bard. It waa finally voted to let the printing to tb lowest bidder la the Bute. There la t grwal bowl raked at thl by "organised labor" aad it auy block the metier la the Seaale. It will lake the prlnliug way front lb "Onions" and allow the work to be done by the to called "ca ba it ia'rlalmed that organised labor vf all kinds will protesl, a It la Ihi ehvte la lb elite that ha always stayed clot t tb Democratic party and tbey will r gsrd It at It at a tlap at them, only 18 toy wer cast la favor of "labor". Amoag those against was tb aulhiir of lh anU-tratt bill aad h opposed limit Ing tb work to be done In North Caro lina, aad got off the following, whlcb mean nothing, "I believe unorganized labor seeds protection more than organ lied labor." Th bill for graded school at New Bern wat reported favorably. , The bill for lh government of Beaufort, Cart eret county, was ordered enrolled. Thl bill provide for lh election of commis sioners and other matter at the next election. Ward ene and two each elect two commissioner, wards three, four and lira elect on commissioner each, aid warda one and two elect one com missioner at Urge. It also provides thai reglitrar and poll holdert "mutt be able ta read and write", and everybody It to vote at th Town Hall. There It a tuggettloa made that bonds bt Issued to pay the penitentiary debt of $110,000, buy twe of the Staie farm for 77,000 and hav enough betide to pro vide for work an the farm th coming year. - Th bonds In amount are to be $350,000, to cover th different needs. Speaker Connor baa been pretrntd with a handsome gold pen bolder and pen from Scotland county, and promises to hav It hsady to sign tht bill wbeu It reaches him creating the new county. A Dispensary bill passed for Clayton, Johnson county. Charlotte people are watching their dispensary law bill. It passed the House unanimously and now come before the Senate. It It for all of Mecklenburg county. Twenty tlx new bills were Introduced In the House oa Saturday. rHBsjatip s'vttitrtiAr tot chuk. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets re- move th causa that produces LaGrlppe The genuine hat L. B. Q. on each Tablet, 25c. THB STSO (TL ATIT41 MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations fur nished by J. E. Latham. - New York, February 20. STOCKS. Open. High. Low, Close Am Tobacco.... 106J 174 173 171, Sugar. ...... . . . 137, 1391 1391 O.B. y. ll 14(1, 14(1, Chicago Oat.... 1151 Hi 115 llt & S. Qai....... 0 v 61 0 6 SUL.&S.W,... 80t m 801 301 C.AO... 891 991 91 99 J. C. 105t 105f 1041 104 ; COTTON. T Open. High. Low, Close May. ....... 31 6.81 0.23 6.25 CHICAGO MAKKET3. WHAT .' Open. High. Low. Clwe May.......... 75, 73 73, . 78, May ...... 84,J 831 .S5J . 35 Gold Camel, Ceylon Tea, the finest n packages, at A, M. Baker's. . I Will Name a Few Prices: - 50 CHILDREN'S SUITS WAS $100 AND $185, NOW $ 60 60 " " 50 " " 60 t ' 40 BOY'S 8DIT3 WAS 89 ' " .. ' 65 MEN'S SUITS WAS . 60 Men't Black Clay Worsted 85 Fioneh Worsted 20 '4 - " ; y. 50 PAIRS MEN'S srlpES WAS 100 " " . ' BETTER GRADES $1 00, 1 85, 1 EVERYTHING REDUCED HERE ! A Big Line Top and Undershirts Cheap. Also the Largest Stock Hats in New Bern, going Cheap. Also a Full Line Collars and Tie3, Trunks and Valises. Come and Satisfy Yourself. Bmwio delicious end wholesome ALABT BtBOOnOH BAT. la stsa . tlefw Bmrummfm SVraa Biseia. alf rwa Suite uiaa. Special to JonraaL UtLkivai, Fabraary 10 The Bona peal lh day In coadderlag lb queelloa of salaries. - Th Stat Treasurer! salary waa re duced from $3,000 10 $1,280. Mecretary of .State from $2,000 to $1,800, and Railway Ceoamlssioaera t $1.00. Thar was ma red actio mad In lb salaries of Haperior Court Judges. Tb Director of lb Morgaatoa School were elected after t sharp eoa test by balk Honie. Only two bills ratified today, Mew Bern City Charter and the new ceeaty of Soollaad. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tie Kind You Havi Always Boogfat 81rnatnrof J J. Baxter has just received a new lino of E. P. Reed' ladle shoe In but ton and lac all styles. xecutor' Notice! Stat op ) North Carolina, ckavb5 couhtt. ) Having duly qualified as Executrix and Executor of Isaac Wayn Eubank, deceased. All persons having claims against said Isaac Wayne Eubank, deceased ar here by notified to present the same t eliber of lis on or before February 20lb, A D, 11)00, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recurery. All persons Indebted to said Isaac Wayne Eubank, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. This 18th day of February, 18i.lt. Lccinda Stanly, Executrix. G C Eduank, Executor. Administrator's Notice UNDER MORTGAGE. By virtue of power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed executed by Albert Uorum to Hosanna Moore, de ceased, bearing date uf November 29, 1893, and recorded In Book No. Hi, Folio SOi-0-7 in the office ef register of deeds for Craven county, I will aa tbe Administrator of the estate of the said Rosnnna Moore offer for tale and aell at public) vendue at the door of the court house in New Bern, ou Monday March 30th 1899, at twelve o'clock noon, to the highest bidder for cash. Die fol lowing described tract or parcel of laud situated In the county of Craven A State of North Carolina, bounded .as follow: Beginning at a dog wood-stump near the bout of the late Samuel Dudley, Wil liam Mitchell old corner and Running north 9, oast v 00 poles across the swamp to a ttakt Hieiioc south 481 east 28 poles to a stake, thence south 40 east 01 poles "to William Johnson's line, thence south 71 west 70 poles with his line to Samuel creek, thence up tald creek 130 polet to a gum on taid creek and Manly and Simmons mill, thence north 82, east 77 poles to the beginning. Alto another tract adjoining the above tract being near Trent road about four miles from New Bern, known at Mitchell Island containing 125 acres more or less being the same land conveyed by E W Carpenter to Albert Gnrura by deed bearing date of November 84, 1803, re corded In Book No 112, folio 265 in the ofllce of Register of Deeds ef Craven county and mortgaged by the said Albert Qiirnra to the said Hosanna Moore. This 18th day of February, 1899. V . Tnot F McCartbt, ' . Administrator of Rosauna Moore. - 1 50 : 8 00, , 8 00 8 50. , -"8 00 UP TO 100 160 8 50 : 800 AND 8 50. .NOW 175 8 00 UP TO 5 00 , , 8 25 6 00 NOW ' 5 00 AND 800 NOW 10 00 ., ,18 00 8 95 . 7 50 8 50 75 95 1 00 ' 1 85 50, 8 00 UP TO 860 $ s r. c I Mount Airy 1 BUTTER ! FRESH AND NICE, - DNLY 2Dc. LB. AUo Fam-y Elgin Butter at 25c Fox Rivor Prints at SOo. Krrah lot llarvej's tmall tocarcure l'ijj Hams. 1'roli Cakea ami Cracker. Hent't IlakrJ Umnt with Tomato Sauce; Unix's Pioklea. Froth Roasted Co (Tee- Full line of nioa frush canned Vegetables and Frnil. Ontario I'rvjNinsI Buck Wheat. Aovtbing jou want in Crorx-riet at the lowest pomil,!,. prioa. icl k 'Phone Ol. S . McDan - - - - - m a w R. H. RAXTFR t , New Goods. New Firm. I have just opened up r a nice line of Dry Goods, I Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishings, Etc., and invite the public to examine my line. No. 95 Middle Street, next . door o Eaon's jv, vv Vii y uui REDUCTIOHS CONK ! This time it is a few lines of STACY, ADAMS & CO. 'S SHOES J In broken sizes that we are going to close to prepare for our New Spring Line. A Ser viceable and comfortable Shoe may be selec ted from this line at a big saving, in price ii you can wear a size as given below. NOTE STYLES AND SIZES. 9186 Walking Fast, hand isowed, calf Bait, sizes 1 6ts, 8 6s, 1 6a, 8 7t, 1 7J. 8 As, 18J9) original price' $6 00, now f $375 9187 Walking Fait, double 'sole, . band tewed, calf bait, sizes 8 6s, 8 61s, 8 7s, 8 7,, 18s. 18,9, . . original price 8 00, bow 8 75 9189 Lond Cap Toe, hand tewed, . : calf bals, tlaet 1 5s, 1 6a, 2 djs, 17s, 1 7(s, 18s, 19, original prlc 5 00, now ., ' 8 75 These Goods will Only, It' V: VlllS4l ml 71 lCr.:r.l Ht -r? 5S o a Saskil 9190 Plain Square Toe, hand tewed ' ' . calf bale, sizes 1 5a, 8 6s, 1 6J a, 8 7s, 8 8s, 1 9s, original price 6 00, now , ; " 875 9191 Plain bquare Too, calf cong, sizes 1 5s, 26,1 81a, 1 10s, were ' 4 00, now y. . ! $3 00 9193 Plain Square Too, bals, sizes . 1 5J. 8 6s, 8 61s, 3 7s, 1 7,. 2 81 were 4 00, now ' " 8 00 9193 Lond Ctp Toe, calf bain, sizes . -1 6s, 8 6 Is, 3 7s, 8 8s, 1 Bit, were ' 4 00, now 3 00' be Sold For Cash r 1 nri 3 "1 lnrrre cilic-? mm's Founts