L STCVLN3, s , j r-.ra;rTva. ..:it;o.i rites. .,. -h" i la aaranea,. I carrier la U. evy , i I;ie I at the Poat Offlo, Bern, . utxl Caaa llMMr. -i rrr r Kew Bn aal Iraiea Ceaaty. w l'ora.X. c, rk. e. .. . vuzzt AMD CKUf . 1U1I finding cheep Bvea te ; S ic .'.!! ci mat I ode es lhas lb - - y oo hundred Ibooaaad Bea ni .N i:h Carolina who wonW lake the ' rut Governor it aeventyfivs U The above from the BalelglTFoat t 'U itory, whiob it woold have -a w!l for the present Legislature to have considered, before it went into the bminesa of wholesale cut ingot the salaries' of 8tate tod muni ofllcieU, What ii to bo Rained bj this re auction anywaj? Will the Ui pay er ' le sa?ed any coni.dsrable amount, will it promote fcood will anion; the Donvxiratio party work ers, mid last but not least, what U to be gained by getting a seventy fife cents -a day Governor, end twenty dollar Booth Superior CutirtOlerkaaud Ilegisteriof Deeds!" lathi what the Uxpiyere went, incompetent meu to fill oDicei ol trust in the Stale, and yet there cau be no question that this low waglr movement me tm just vach men tor office, for good Dea will" always command respectable pay, and par ty or no party they will not accept odine where the pay it inconsider able and the trust impoitant. This reduction of salaries and tees docs not coma in to effect tliOtS now in offioe, the political enemy, but it will take effect when tie next ect comet in. . ' ' ; ', Will there be mneh cause for en thusiasm in the Democratic party in ttiis State la the next campaign, where every office is found to be thoro of its pay to a great extent? There are ways of saving the tax payer, but this -Legislature Kerns k. hare blundered when it struck dow the pay ot officials, J making loo "wages, and thereby getting cheap men to fill them. .r --' .- ... It is this kind of legislation which increases the army of North Uaro liniaas suekins advancement beyond - the conGnet of tfj is State, which they cannot receive at home. T Btatb f Ohio, Citt of Toledo, " ; . ,. , Lucas County, - J is, , Frank J Cheney makes oath that he Is , the teulot partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing , business In the city of Toledo, County and Ulste afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars lor. each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ty the uae of 11 all' a Catlarrh Cure, ; ;w ; Fa ah a J. Chkkbt. - Bwora to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 8th day of December, A D..1880. bkal. A. W. GU.A80H, . v Kutary Public, U nil's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. .Send for tosll moniaU, free. :v " .... F. J. Ciiknkt & Co., Toledo, X). Sold by Druggists, 75c Haifa Family Pilla are the best. ' - Confedirste Konnmaftt. A confederate monumental Franklin Teiin., willba unveiled Not. 13 neit, tie aniiuyirsnry of the battle. The fight v. i cnmparativelr the bloodlettln wblth t'-e c'l. fi' Ieiale veterans were ever en- i ', Uie killeil alone numbering 1,800, f.i... ; : whom were several' generals, i ' " t'leburnr" . . u'i Cough Kemedy ia CUicage. " . ' : , the popular South Bide ,. , uiier (i9lli-st. and Went : "W'e sell a gieat deal of Coufch Iiemcdy, and find ' uiost satisfactory rt y sniong chililren for I ti mp." lor aale by ',uk Miss Sweetly t deal of feeling to t be feeling pret- , indolent sores, , and especially U Hazel Salve ook out for dlB to imitate and loraement of 1 ' sre not I i ,-1 r., r. II. J. l..k 1 tk, ff Ik, Itl ,lr. ptw r an a ( 4 ti. ' T 11 U ; (f'-"l uh rivr3 t t' ywUy Irwin. l"t ") ar 5i al U:. i, V l r fs:a I-ir ly ki lL jailin f r i r axt Ui ha b.r a d. T .11 ki c auW- t ulitklttH frra a f:.,-..i .i suiDt ot rrm, a lh t!anvt n utntcrdmary qtMltUre rt fcir bvtm and brilliancy, with h.,h on l 1 taU'O. p k, dow. ria ati'-in; t V vin. Pa" ut all ktoda ma t- u-4 hj avaua of a akarp strrl CM, acralcbra Ita nrfw. with dimutnn'ta ba twiwrrrv, tr di. eartri. kud UMorltriDaUijf t):i iu- dte actoally l4naikd Um pnwatw. Jtem of Limdi aJuoe ia una jmx f njiwurd afldOO.OOO. The cmml rmblte. as wrll aa jrwrl- sn, are aware thmS dtanKinda d a Tl- towUh tiwr. or, as lliry are called ia the trade, 'Vtrawa," are warth rj lit- tie. Large a4ocs of ttiU culir, errs wtx-n wruhlnsr fms l so loo caraU. are quite cuaumoa and will only Mr t in the markrt froai aa to .'0 pr cant. the valaa. tit tourm. incmniina In ratio with weight Diamonds of the aatne weight, U of the Brat water, or perfect ly colurtvea. woo Id be worth, fmin Uvt to tm tiroes as much. The methods of the Individual refer red to were aa fullow: lie pnrchar-d a quantity of "yellow" stones, and thee by a simple yet imrenioaa pmceaai so ceeded ia Imparting to them an evanes cent parity of cTOnr. This was done by procuring two ordinary glawea, a kettle of boiling water and a threepenny packet of tnsove dye. ' The "yellow diamond, wnicn was perhaps mA ia a gold ring or pin. was merely dipped In tbe giajis omUvininjr the dy and then in clean boiling wa tt half a duaen time, and allowed to dry, when it presented all the appear ance, erea to tbe eye ot tin expert, of a magnificent stone of the first water. . The next move was to place the ring on the finger, and the well dreamd dia mond dyer would sally forth, enter a pawnbroker's and pledge the ring for at least three times its worth. ; Within It hours, however, the effects of the dye would have disappeared, and tbe pawn broker could only wonder what on earth was wrong with hie eyes when he advanced so much money on such a yol- Tow Rtorjft ' , - . . Fortunately, owing to we inagniraae of this individual's operations, th frarid was discovered, and now pawn brokers, if they are suspicious of a dia mond's color, immerse, it in nitric acid, which dcHtroya. any dye. that may be present without in any way injuring the atone. London MuL - GOOD MONEY FOR BAD NEWS Pal ta . Learm That aiarht Woale Leave Him lm 111 ftiaatka, '. - Somehow it made luo foci bad, this happening thnt I am about to relate. 1 was in the oftloe of an ocnllst, one of the lending men in his profeasion-til Pitteburg. A big, strong and healthy looking man ontcrod. Ilia appearance indicated that be had many years of lite before him. He was well dressed, keen ly intelligent and of pleasant counte nance... .-- ' ' .. - a. V . "Doctor," he said, "my eyes have been troubling mo, and I would like yon to make an examination of them and treat them."- . " After a few preliminary questions the doctor told him to strip himself to the waist. He took off his clothes and stood there, a maKnificent speciuwo of man hood. The doctor examined him, pay ing liarticnlar attention to his back, for a reason "of 4vhicb I know nothing. Having finished, hesaidt - " - ! . .I'Prrt cn your clothes. . I can do noth ing for you. - Your sight may last six months, but no longer. Treatment will do no good. Blindness ia sure to come. " "What's the matter, doctor r he asked quietly, with a faint tremor in nis voice. - The doctor told him ia technical lan guage and then explained that the trou ble came from the, wasting of a nerve leading from the spine. I- "..-" . VWhafs your bill, doctor?" asked the man when be got his clothes on. "Five dollars,'' replied the doctor. '. He paid it and left the office without another word. In the fullness of life he walked out into the blessed light of day, doomed within six months to darkness until death. It waa an incident to the doctor; to me it waa a tragedy. Pittsr beia-r. : - ' " ' . Remarkable Beicae. . - Mrs. Uicbael Curtain, Plalnfield, 111 , makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she ws treated for a month by her family physi cian, but grew worse: He told her she waa a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; She bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted"? rom first dose. She continued its use and after tuklrfg six bottles found herself sound and well,' now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was, Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store, large bottles 60 eents and $1.00. . . London has a resident population' of nearly 1.000 professional orchestral in1 strumentalista. The eggs of the silkworm are about the sixe of mustard seeds. Bhenmatism Cared ia 24 Hours. T. J. Blsckmore,of Bailer & Black- more, Pittsburgh, Pa., says: "A short time bUico I procured a bottle of Mystic Cure. It got me out of the house in 24 hours. I took to my bed with Rheuma tism nine months ago and the Mystic Care is the only medicine that did mc any good. I had five of the best physi clans in the city, but I received very little relief from them. I know the Mystic Cure to lie what it is repw ;. and tnko pleH.iie in reeonini, nilln i t o ' er p m . r -." - j 1 1 . i 1 . . i Hm a . A V''- -1 V.:.: ...a t l r-! ua j jmirm nn ; - : jt".. ' - j ntl; vn in n a i-r --m f. ; l.-ir. In the atii r.-.i niil'ri t-i !-.; I f. h eoi.kiuir. "Tri Iw.-.ulr it tl. sneUta f.iiuily d.anar U.y In ti m- :im l!,e tnan.l U-U tt 11 toe in -riiU-rs rt Ilia h.in. J.-.W. lo dwinnaiiy at4 eiirurcry oil Aant Innaa. or -Atttt Kah. Aoiit Cfc'.. the eiJfc kiM-iv eaa.-tiy fl a Je.ir of pmrttre what each of tfw rh.l trrn liked, what Ui fmhwr miriruiiie,i f aul whut the tniirt dottDt4. and ab c m Id pteav all - "Tk, for exaropl a rif ptiddiu, ooeof ins fnruilinr M ini t;i In t lis mixing of the iiirel!i rrU Aenl th!rta wonll mnttet to berpelfr 'ilars Willis 'e Lke plenty o' cinnxm-A. 1 11 -a put la 'anther little piece o" cinn;urun fnr klars Willi. Uim Tavy eh, ilk sU-i r.iiea. I'll Jet put in a litt mo' all spice fa- Him Tary. Mi-rs iiUjWiam ' hit plenty o' cljvo." I Bunt please Mars Hubby wid n kttle bo' clovoa Vim Jnlia she find o' antme. Dar's a littla mo' anting fi Miaa Jnlia. Uiir ster 'e all r1ht if dey'a pl-tity o' rice, an ble mhwus eat all da eeff an milk. Dey all food e roesina, an dry all bkes angar plenty i so dar dey g.es an ds pnddin's ready fur ds nUn. ' . Kbe has been stirring all tbo tima for donr lifu. and, having kmked oil for each rnembexof tlie furtily. tbe dth Is bound to bo a aucoeea. ", New York Presa - - - - . ..- TtrCtfeaiaa ol It. - The rhiladrlphia Record Bays: "Al wiost the fintt thing a rini tir,d,.ea npon entering thi room in which the Dei In ra ti on of Ini?prndence was sigiwd ia W add bis autograph to the vat cnllsc tion of more thnn SO yer.ra. The custo dian ot the book a fow days ago. in speaking of his experience, said: 'Ton wouldn't believe it, but we have had only two at torn pts Umntilateths regis ter or tu write anything in it except names and addrrwaea, and on both of those ocpeainna . the culprits were wo men. " .. - "There's anothar , atrange thing about the visitors,' he continued. 'Of the thomwn'ls who' ousie here tbe only ouea we have any trouble with ora the women. 'We have a tape stretched across all those choirs,' he said, oa he pointed to a long liue of 'sents of the mighty,' as it were chairs of the signers 'to prevent people from sitting in them. Wall, ono woman only yesterday want ed ns to cnt the tape for her, because she claimed she. was a deacendnnt of one ut the signers and thought she bad a right to sit In his chair, and ehi went away mhd when wo wouldn't make err exception In her case. ."'' ... : .' . ' Old ead Hew.. r : ' An English newtrpapor contains an interesting parallel, discovered by. a cluasical scholar. First cornea a transla tion from the original Ureckof Anti- pater of Thessaloniea: . ' , , Once upon a time, when a ship was shattered at sea, two men foil r.t strife, fighting for one clank. AtitnRuraa struck away Piaistratna. Ono could not blame bimi it was for hi life.' RntjnsticS took cogniKanco, The othor swam ashore; but him (Antagorac) a dogfish seised. Surely, the avenger of the fates rests not, even in the watery deep. Then an incident recorded in the Lon don Chronicle nerves to translate the story into a modern event and to show how lifo repeats itself :- Two bluojockete, named Friday and Painter, were capsized .from n boat at Weymouth. After a stropr-rlo to get rnto the waterlogged boat Friday beat his comrade off, and Fainter swnui ashore. Friday got into tha boat nnd wua drown ed. . f - ' r. '- - - Ilia Hmtarst riaater, '" . The mustard 1 luster is n harmless looking wafer, but it : mnct be bandied with os much circrjni.spoction as a woman. .There was a newly married man once whose wife told him to put on a mastard plasterto euro a cold. He had faith in her. und pet it on. Then he went to sleep, being i;if ted with the power of sleeping under torments which is not given to ond man in a thousand The plaster seemed to him somewhat unreasonably hot. bnf ho argued that the hotter it was tbo better. . Coaidee. be had confidence in bis wife. Next day he found a well developed banter on his chest, and bis wife only luughed and said she bad supposed any one would have sense enough to take off a plaster when it nurt him.. Though that was 1 J months ago, the mnrk of the plaster is still upon the man liko a brand, and hs now regards his wife's remedies with suspicion. Iew York Commercial Ad' vertiser. .. .', . .. .r . ' - Married hr Blood. L ; In the island of Bnnquey there is a tribo of Dnanns differing widely in lan guage, religion and ctvrtoms from other tribes bearing that name,. Marriages are performed in the forest in the pres ence of two families. -There is no pub lic gathering or feast. . - - ..' , The rite consists in" transferring a drop of blood from a wooden knife in the calf of the man's leg to similar cut in the woman's leg. After marriage the man takes the bride to her home, where he resides in future as a member of the family. 'V' TV'hlnjlcal Advertliemeata. . The anthor of "Paos From a Private Diary" gives some whimsical advertise ments, aa, for instance: "Respectable girls, ajxmt 18, wanted for bottling." . And from a bookseller's catalogue: "Clergymen. A fine collection of 200 cloreymen, consisting of Protestant ministers, 'Roman Catholics, We.liynn Methodists, Unitarians and Presbyteri ans, nice clean lot 5 shilling " v A Valid Fcne, rieae excuse William from school today," wrote tho boy 'a uioiimr to tie b-acluT, "aa he sat up Into last i;-!it tiulying his liwrnw and is too sic, ; v to tome today." l'hihuh tyhia isurlb American. r a quit k rcn.eih' 'y sa'e. for el:'. i,l ne l! st A f , ; i t hi . I'. - i . J., k K I . yt -. I : - . f fc" : Mt i l,i!' M-ii ;-. 4 f t.,r rt- fm r;w it . e. , if X , T t . h Ur i-t tuaka hut ai t'. a.l t..tm 1-:.: art. Hu.;. ! 1 u-.-T In t-nfrr t anW t' a . u. 1 fif 1 - a. ' lrAr.rf r,U ary t -itixnu iu- u oit--r tM tavl a ;', -t ef -.a Th rr a liu- ! ! :.! j r,.r, fcf : ,. art U l.jsl J lit, ni i( bv afe.i.3-, or rukriii-a mtiet he a iloierti and aiUoVrd ly i : cup ula or a ::ie oihr ortbvr If Ihey are rt i;:r m.i.ln m board alup, aaJ Una is auurwhnt criiKia. If a a-ni-T l:lua lanaka his will on ah-ire. any ie can wiinn tt f, htm. Tmt en board atop th raae Is dlfTeiwct. Nit1Iiw U say t.'i'-y aluant all to a man chrre the UttT moras, aa they kuuw that thiiiK a ill be atruixbUT fiir bearing an iJlicrr's aittoarnre. If, how ever, an-ritig that lha veaapl was ia art ion aud a man waa to be struck down who had m previorndy made a will if be had to do so before he died. even if it were not atttwUol by an offi cer, tbe admiralty baa full power to art on the merit of tbe cava and to dia pertm with that or any other fa-mality that It wan impnaaible to comply with. Anotltcr thing a sailor aharva with a aiildii the privilege of when on active service being tbe only tnaa who caa diapnuas with a writun will and make a Verbal one. -.'-- In formiT times any one could make bis will verbally if he. so desired. but this, a may be snppoaed, opened the door to ao.end of frand. and it waa conatqucfly repealed in the 1138 act, except In the, case mentioned above. On tho night before ship or a regi ment goes into action there is no mora pathetic sight than to are the men. youug and old, laburioualy' ariting their wills in case tomorrow aboold be their laat day in tliia world, and what with witaewing wills and making theia on tbe forma istmed by the authorities far those who cannot write and thia clan lias now almost entirely disappeared froia both the navy and the army the officers have a Tory busy tima, Lon don golden Penny. . - THE FIREMAN'S LIFE. n Caaaot Atware Flal.fc Rla Tallet C. rar an Imr. - ''Of conn) everrthinir about tho fire dppartinent intcreKte na always, " said Mr. Olimby, "but there is one little thing in particular that I've aoen i suppose hundreds of times that appeals to me more every time I see it, and that ia the firemen getting- into their coatt ns they go along." Voa see this among the men on trucks and on hose wogona. Tbo men on the engine have tonse their hands to bold on. - - i "It's a, simple enongh thing in gen eral to see a man potting on bis coat, but here be isn't standing up in his room before a mirror, but be a jumped out of bed and taken bis coat under his arm nnd slid down a sliding pole and ia completing his dressing sitting on top of a rnck of ladders going through the street liko mad, drawn by three great horses at one end, with a man down nt the other end steering this outfit with a wheel. This sight never loses its novelty or its interest. You may see the- sarao thing on a hose wagon. ' "But what set me to speaking about this now was seeing a man on a fire patrol wagon, sitting on one of - their long scnts, facing outward, pulling up the tope of his high boots red wagon, galloping horses, banging gong, men in fire hate and rubber coats, the whole blooming outfit on the dead jump and this man sitting on the tide seat reach ing down for the tops of those boots and straightening up with each one as be got it and swaying, back little as he pulled it np inkrplaco. just aa a man would sit on the edge of, his bed at home to put on his stockings and slippers and just as cool and comfortable." New York 8nn. - . x , Geoa-rflpBr"B?or tVomaa. - Tho introduction to Parkenton's "Modern Atlas,"-published in 181ft, has a reference to "the sex" ' which ought to lie very Interesting to our modern college, girl. The learned author says: ... ."V: Geography is a study so universally instructive and pleasing that it has for nearly a century been taught even to females, whose pursuits are foreign from serums researches. . In the trivial- con versation of the social circle, in . the daily avidity of the occurrences of the times, pregnant indeed above oil others with rapid and important changes that affect tbo very existence of -states and empires, geography has becorno a ha bitnai resource to the elegant femab, as W3ll as tho profound philosopher. . ' Stopiiluir a Bin Stcaniaklp. - 1 To stop the'Etrnrin, whoso displace ment is 9,080 tons, horsepower 14,821 and speed 20. 18 knots an hour, 9 min utes ami 47 seconds ore required, nnd during the process ot stopping the ship will forge ahead 2,464 feet, or nearly half a mile. The United States cruiser Columbia, with a displacement of 7,850 tons, 17, 001 horsepower and a speed of 22. 8 knots an hour, can be stopped in 2 minutes and 15 seconds and within a space of 2,147 feet ' In each caso the vessel is supposed to be going at full speed and the stoppage produced by reversing the action of the propeller. Dnmaa' Qalck Wit. : Dumas fonud a man asleep in the Theatro Francais during tho playing of a biece by his friend Soumet "You see that!" said he, "that's yonr work.' Next evening a Dumas comedy was put on. Tho two friends looked in ogam and fonnd a sleeper. . . "Yon see, dear Dumas," said Sou met, "yonr works can pnxlr.ee sleep, " -"Do you refer to that maut" replied Dnman "Why, that's the man who trna there last ni;;ht. He's not awnlio .'tl" San Francisco News Letter. Laacre of the Giip. The grenlest danger from ai. (Irippe is of lis nsulling in pneumonia. If reason ii'ile care is list, I, however, and t loindier Iain's Cough Uciiifly tnk n, ad dai ill be avoided. Anmr-j l'".' ! s il ihoiiui'U who bate d li.'s r 'y f, f ! ' , : - P0 V f ijliVi! -! U) ' a of ft T r?.l a--. r-t -f Ti..'t.:fi f- . . ,fi mr-.i-.n l l , '.t r-.i .: ru-'-.-n. if t . ' : i an j.ti ft .!. t-f any ft?m;e - it I) c r..r :.. b t:f r''a I Of t k) xar'v, i,i prof 3t t r - -. trwtbie w ..! ahow ia 1 ;.r la- a. The tyfs w:;lic rncirclrd w:tS black, the ik::t af.U.;W tiotchtl an-1 rmi;'.,-a aiirrPr, and ttt If'dtt, aUboukh Tuoai ia y-aare, wi 1 rr' old ia looks. The o t...ng reaaedy ia tiltnu'l FlIiLI RtlBLlTtl It cores all ll!a cf tb womanly or- a;ra, ral)ng of the Wornb. Lracor-jbu-a or Whites end Pranng-dowa Pains. Cnrra Backache, lleadacbS and .VrrroniOfu. all of which an due to weakness la the aantoftaaa r UAernn asectrva i'u, n e Mat Tee HaatlaaL - PuUUhar I wish you weahl write at a good ats story. - - Orrat Am: bar Put I bava eever btaa tosea.. labliaUer 1 know li. I weal a tee story Ibal people eaa aadaralaad. far La Orivf a. Tboraat Whitfield Ce, M0 Wahstk av., romer Jobaaoa au, one of I bkago's oldest aual moat pruaiincai diuggtats rccouiuwaiie vaamurriain a !. jtetaa- dy for la grippe, as U But oaly ghee a prompt and complete relief, bat alas counteracts any taotlenry if la grippe to lesultln pneeiuonla. For sale by FS Uuffj. ,- ' ' ' - ..' Waat.t ta Eaear. ' What have we stopped here aa long for, coodaoloiT Inquired oee of lha Ulmibaa paaaengeia, Indignant at the prospect of being lale fur djnner. We have stopped, ma am," replied the shlverlug conductor, wltk tbe at moat polileacas, "to thaw out a hot box." -Oh, thanks," .he said, ashamed of her rudeueaj. At this season of the year wbea pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are ta be guardwi agalusl, nothing "la a Hue tnbelitoUV will aaiwer the porpoae' or Is "Jnat as good" as One kllaute (Jongli Cure.. That is one infallible remedy-for all lung,, throat or bronchial trouble Insist vigorously upon having llif "something claeJs offered. you. f 8 Duffy. J ; Aa apprentice.. Tbe hai-ghty, self ttyled "self made ma be boetti exoai dmx load And talks ot bis acbievemsata a very lime be strikes a crowds Creates within his hearers' breast not i one admiring throb '-' They rather feel inclined to think he did i . a darned peor job. Bobbed the Grave. . ' A Starting Incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, waa the subject, Is narrated by him aa follows: "I was In a most dreadful oondllloo. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated,1 pain continually .in back and ides, on appotile gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians nail given me up. - Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Eleolrlo Bitters,' and to my groat joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improvement, I con tinued their use tor three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim.'!. No one thoild fail to try them. Only 60 eta. per bottle at F 8. Duffy's rv l) . - LTUg OiUlVt ... , : - 1 he future. "That clairvoyant said she would allow me some ghost of tho past." - . . : "Well-whM of ILS "I told her J had corns there and planked down good meney to dud out whether I had a ghost ot a future.'', : If you have a cough, throat Irritation, ! weak lungs, paia in the cheat, difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us suggest One Minute Cough Cere. : Al ways reliable and safe : :- F $ Duffy, ... '. . s. " T. - - -i Feme Sifforeaee., : "Old ills i rkre saw a man nuder berf bjd at last. " , - "Good graolousl What Old she say?" "She told him to look out for the plastering. lie was carrying the bed downstairs on hit head." ; rim Ibfi m thai 1 aantlo t all loir at tentlon to, said Mrs. Hashein as llardnp ealljd to Inspect the rooms," "Is that my terms are strictly in advance." "1 no ticed it," commenlcd that youth flip nlantlr "thcv'ie aaav In advance ol i w - - . what 1 can get board for just acro,t the street. Ceod dy. . Bl Hie ar sirai aa.-aiiaa 1 i reauara, In the Eastern Distiicl Court of tbe ' United Stated, for the Kamem I Is trlct pf N. C. In tho matter of Sol C npcr, llankrupl. In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of ."nl Coeier f Oelils- .horoi N In Hie Co miy nf V a) no and District nfrn'sn d a bs ,kiupu Notice is hen by given i lint n ilie lfl h day of Fcbru r.i, A D, 18-1, the said Sol Cooper, was iluly adjudicated taiikrupt, and that lliO niM nialiii of lil.ciilliur will be held 1 lie oiHeo of L J Mi a ire, Ktfene, in N It, iu, -N C, :il 13 il on tlie27ili dny of Pulm.uiy, I Htrtl. l aiiicb time llie said credimr.-. Hllenil prove their claims, sp- -iiW a irn.ttre, examine tiie bnnkriipl, niid liiH!- i'l nu ll oilier busiiu-sj as limy lopei.y eumu before said meeting. "L J JI.h.hr, Iferee In r..iiikiuplt ' 8.l liankreplcy 1 i v : j i-ii in k::,1 I -l i, t. I' iv ! --ii , :' (', I !!, I "I. - c t cry. "litkl Ul Ut n 7. I O O. F. V, U ; W. T lloL Her J t ni,5 J tt 1'ukrt: Jr. 7nal Hinimt aUwllan if Muattay alkt at 7,J'cioc4. t'KAVr: loUCK Na. I. ISI0IIT8 K IIAKMuVr Meaia t4 aa4 ttk Hr-Ir fSB la aarfe aaacih la .audi it a lU.l. ruliotl ui. at TW .. ,!. n. IL li-a'i. rmxieaL Jaavaa II. Sail i a. rVe y, R. R. H III, T . Sac'y. KNIGHTS OF HuKOK-Offlcrai II Joaea, iHitalor, U L Vlaana, kapamr; W KAoalrea, naaaelal Jtrpartar Xtw Derae Lour No. 44 mumit lb lad sad 4i h Friday atfate at IH a dock ia Uwiauea's ball, 1'oUork 8T. JOHN'S LOIH)K, Hit. L A. . A A. M t (KBnar K B IVaraa, W M- (ianrye Oreeo, B W; G l hrartbaaa, I VI; T A ! earn, Tmaarar; W J fHta, beera larjW t lart.B U-.TU llavaa, j U Keaular aaaiaatatks ad Hadaaadaf aaca monlk. CALL MKT KNCAMrilENTv MO. 4, I. . u. r. ummt-r it iiyaaaa, i V; KU I la he, H P; A K UrbUnl, tt W; J UMrmHv, 1 Wi C M Hall. Herlb: Jt (ieraca. f aeaaarar. I tea alar Eaeaaaa- aaat, 1t, ant, aad aay) Tharada alf hi. la each aaoalk at 7:80 o'clock. I. ) TUX IfknKT ., I. M, i. a I -a.-w. axaer. anfaia: T. at. Il aiaa. Ltaukt f. U. PatkHtrr, aaalra; W . J rill l ir -, ad. uarort. IcnaMus. Baa atav i aainaianta, td a4 aia THanilaf w MKua cMAr- . as. a. a. m leana T. a. oraau. II. T. a.l r. ar. uraer. arrow. i,iaa. uavv. Tmaa : i.. 1 1. nnii'Hui, r 17. aara l-aai wi Smim aacb bkhh. St. JOIIKU IXIMHAKDKRT Mn. ML K.T.! iMBean! 1. W. liaaay, B. c. ; Ja. kadmoaa w.; i. u. nyaiaa, 1;. w 1 t. r. aia afanj, fcaJata: at. a. ft iaroaa. BMirrSer. Raaalal Cuueiavaa tnt a4 talra maave Qi aaa asontn. aitw aaiiNk uhnik i,r. 11.au. J.o Ncalea, 1'iiaa; J. H. Smlia. Kaeonluis aeetv: K. K. UuMiajr, rinaarial eety. Haata la Knialiw irf fvtiitaa ball evanr lal aad r4 waonaanay aiania ra aaea aaoaan. riMAMCIAU T. A. Mraaa, Has, B-H. Maadowa, Tlee frm .M.eaoraa.Caaater 1 CITIZEN'S BANK Binura,ir.pt SM) A UKNKtLSL BASIIlia BOSIMMa Tha aeaoaata ol Bants, kaa a an. -Comor. auoaa, ranuar. Merrnaata aaa aiaara ra MtmI ob lavoraM wraa towlaa4aan (vl auaauoa airaa to uia liui isn oar eae 411 euaae eapaaiauy. .. - boabd ersM aaoroaa. rannnaad Dlrtek K. U. Maadowa. I. a. Meailowa, ' ' Chaa. IMfly, it. FWmaal W.lKr, - Jamea Radianad, Chaa.H.rowHw, llayar HalioM i. W. Uraluaer, . , Tbumaa A.braaW, a. w. Bnianwuoa, . -v. a. ana. Uaa.N.lvaa. . W. P.Craekatt. F. & M. BANK, - MAT 1st, 18ft. Capital Stuck.. ...f7S.0O9.00 Barplai. 8,(00,00 Uadlvlded Preils...... .1,170.08 U II. CrmjB fresidenL W. 8. Chsdwick, Vice Pres. T. W. DiwaV.Oshier. J. W. BiDDi.e, Teller.. - ,., ' F. F. llsTTHawa. Collector . - ' " PIKBGTORS: Wat. ft. Blades, M. M. Msrka, 0. U. Brarthain, 1 H. PelkHk-r. LL. II. Cutler, -,-" Jno. Buter, , W. 8. t'hadwlck, J. W. Btewart, --.v T. W. Dewey. We w.-ml yonr businrw and ieel that we cun nff.-r yoa aa Bitu-h ia return aa any other Innk to the city. ' Ii la our Miileavi to make businesa relation mat' nally plaaaant and proutable. to our palrona, STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH LlUE AND FREIGHT V PASSING Hi. For All Points JSortli. The Steamer NETJSE will lea on Mondays, Wednesdays, slid r ridayt at' p. m., sharp. The Str. Newbern WilLsNil on Tiuidaja ai,d Friday at 12 o'ciiHk. liotin, niukiii(( land ing at all any stations. - tW Freiuht receiTcd not later lliao one hour previous to tailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt, M. K. Kino, Geo.. Mgr., ' - n.O. IIUDQiN8,Gen.Frt.4 Pa8a.AgU ' Norfolk, Va. Mew Berne, N, C, May 30th, 1898. Exwua4rr'ai Notleelv Btatb ( ' '- ) 1 NollTH 4 SHOI.IXS, ,-. .-'.'.-. I'KAVRH CotlKTT. . ) ' ' Ilavlitg duly qnnllll.td as Executrix anil tiXwulor ol Iraau v ay no Jiuomit decesxi-d. All porsnna havliif claim aalujt said Iaasc W avne-Kuliaiik, itutesMil are buie- liv notiheil Iti pTCM-nl ltie caine In lihrr ol na on or lietore reliriiarv -Till, A l. iniM, or (tils not ice will lie pleaded in bs of recoverv. All iersnH liiilel-led Ii said laae Wayne Euliank, deceased, are reooehlini to make ininiediale payment TLI8 ltfili liny ot f ouraarv, 1S-,'J. l.tciNiiv hTiNLT, Etecutrlx. G C Eubank. Executor.-, BY SPECIAL We have oi.lered some Extra Fine Sull I , J I ECP al li h will be U Cc,! for (he I holt e Cuts. ! r I'.'ef the (.;-! f: iro. 1 : v ' ' ' ' " t 'f'm Old Domiiiioii Sleainsliip Co. ... jversicfe Lots Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. A complete water to be Introduced. Only $250. Bsdnncc $1 EVCTV tataalat tTt ITwla'f lal " Kll Ixmm. Bay Ikmm d y for bMiaUlamt, Mnn tkmm Of hif nt Ihm I litf tmkm. U 9m waal U m4 U m lU r ' 'v No Taxes. I will pay the Utaa aatll yoa have fully paid ap, ead rrerlved ynar dead. L . Free Improvements. An laipmaeaieal, auca aa B'rerla, Bid Walks, BhadaTrara, Aewill be made I eoanpsHed at aa early dale, wiihont riprnae to parcuasFr. WHY PAY RENT ; Wbea for V Cash Dowa and Pay meals of tr. per , yn eaa hoy a Delral4e Lot, aad alur tbe tat as naM for arret a Haananaae Ox tare, to La nai,l for ia airniik ly luaiallateau. Or if yaa waat la hwtld paysaaata you eaa bay a lot aad build a bouse, la a fud UaaJiiy, vbere values ate abaulelaly aure to advance. , Under any beaia baikrini a rat era yoa eaa build at oece after a rash la) aval of the value of tb tnt. 1 will baild for yoa a bouae, or will advance tow Iba atouct to build. - ' Yoa ntlnfuieh both principal and Intrreet by aaoalhly Inslallmenla, paid rx aetly Iba same aaraat, but with Ihia difTeteaee-if paid for rent, every dollar ia waweu, ii paiu uouer my sysieat, every A more favorable opportunity will never be eaTered, to provide a homo. Toe abould act at out-e. else of Lota 60 s SO0 feet. Map showing lota, and for any further lnformatioa youtinay deahe, Apply to ' .-' WILLI AH DUNN. A SPECIAL ' PREMIUM -OF- '100 Lbs. J. E. M. FLOUR, FOR THE ItEST 1.0 A F OF RBKAD MADE Fl.'OM J. E. M. FLDUR, 110UGUT FROM MY STOKR. AND 100 -ms. J. E M. FLOUIt FOR IIIR I'.KST TLATE OK ROLLS MADE FIWM J. E. M. FLOUR. BOUGHT FROM MY STORE. BREAD AND ROLLS TO UK EXHIBITED AND JUDGED AT THE FAIR. - . THIS BRAND OF FLOUR IS TUB BEST NOW SOLD IN THIS MARKET. JOHN DUNN, DS10US' Meadows' Gold Tobacco Guano, Meadows folfon Ouaiio, . "... -; I-tse1y locratHi tbe Quanlily onj Grade : "' of I'otton. " - KfentlowM' IihNoIvrl, Roue A Potusli Ouii pound SXeadowV All Crop Onano. -Mrndowt' iiet Potato Giiaiio. SXeadown' Grent Cabbago Onano. GERMAN KAINIT AND DIAMOND b , : PHOSPHATE A SPECIALTY. . T " ' ., "' '',' I iaa-1 i i i.iiii . aa. a-a. - r. t . . BEND FOR OUR BOOK ON TOBACCO CULTURE,' FREE. " E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., ' ." . : Maiiurncliirerii, . ." " ; y V", ii. iv. sijipkoiv, kliilrct & Soporiiita fc CS XSronil Klrrol. BO YEARS' CXPERIENCE I'ARKB ..- and sewerage system - $5 Cosh Down. 00 a Week.' - tHWaSaf aaV4atat SMasA lata aVaa a aaatLasa aamatt M at aura, for tttt Caah aad aasaall awalhly oollar at saved. 1 GDfflOS! Leaf Prod noes Toltcco of the Finest Quality, J&peoiallj - Fine Wrjppcrs. ,r- R0MULU5 A. NUNN, .' -A-n osh irsr --.x - w i-vir,- ' f'ftleei. 0.. llnicl CI a'l,.als. ' -' Hotiili I'mhi Siii-i tr"" " Piai-lhi hi Nirtilt Cuioliiia .... K. ,) .' ,t ni moaV. J. II.- I on. - . ii. ti - n. l ea. ! , 5IM(1NS. I(JU cs WARD, , ATTORNEYS aad Vol MH.OR. a "lJ, r ,' ' - LAW. - . . : .- ' ; ' ;. rw .:, -- . OfThv 08 Ho, Front Street, nearly ojijo-- " t aiic iimei nailRW a. (Olllces also at Ralt-Ub and itmUliflcia ; ' j HnuHltm In the eoimlii-s ol t'raven. Imi'ltn. 4oiiei tlnslnw. viKrlernl I'njinl.o, W nke, I JuhnMon. Ilarneti . anri ailsoni in in. Ha I preine anil Koieral I'aulU, and wherever ' j aorv es are dealn-U, ; 1 1 1 . Li 1 12. 1cII?lirr,.'V';!;':: : -ATTORNEY AT I.AVV, Mlddle'Strer-t, Lawyers Itrlt'. BiiildinsT. riniito In te r,m,".. ot rrnvfa !""-"'-' ' "'"I I -" -.. V, H ' i.-' i -i- B . l t .