UP AlfDuu- HE UCHLD'CI CF SYK.T CF MiS U du not ooly to th originality sad simplicity ot lit eomblnatton, but also M lb car and tkiU with which il ia muufactorad by tcienUfle. prooetMa known to th CiUrotttA Fie Siavr Co. only, and we wuh to Impr poa ail lh liaportaoo of parchaisK the Xm ao4 original remedy. Aa th (renin Syrop of Figs snaaufactnrad by the Cauroiuri, Fie 8raor Co. only, a Knowledge of that fact will asai&t on ia angling the j"-orthle luuLatiooe manufactured by other par tie. The blah sUnaing of lb CU roxi. Flo briar Co. with tha medi cal piofeakiun, lad the aatiafaetlor which the foj-.ne Syrnp of Figs ha f iren to millions of familkea, nalcea tbe name tha Company a guaranty of tlie excellence of lta remedy. It b It. a In a il nw. nt 1 1 atiKjk 1 a va t i M it acta oo tha kidneys, liver and Uwe withoat irritating or weakea-tn-r them, and IT doe not gripe nor nauseate. Id order to getiU beneficial effect, please remember tha name of the Company - CUIFORNUHGSTRUPCa eta rsaxonoa, cat, enavriLa. sr. hew vmk. b. t. THE JOURNAL. New Bern. M. C Feb. it, 18f. W TBTia")5TV'- Business Locals. LOST Bunco of Keyv Suitable reward for their retura to the Keg liter of Deed office or IbJW. Diddle. TUB Uowliog J.Hr on Middle Siree' nejt to Hahn't Livery (tablet, will be op-a all lh week. TWO of ithe flieit Bank Punic heia from Beaufort by 8. P. Hancock. Can be area at T. J. Hitch!!'. Stables. Qua! Illea guaranteed. For saddle or buggy, , THE largest and nicest line of Fruit, ever seen in New Bern, jut reolved at U. E. Koyall'i Proad itreet Fruit atoie. ale a on aaie at the Fair C round. SOUVENIR SPOONS-Don'tftil to gel a Fair Souvenir Spoon, very handsome. at II ibbard's Jewelry store. TWO LadUs Aerial Bicycle, new and very cheap at Geo. 81over's Hardware Store. , I II AVE received Sample 180 Colum bia Chain Wheel, price tDO and InvK uspectlon of tame. Bicycles, Qrapbo- phones and Printing. 'Phone 129. . - -. i Wi T. Him. '-TUK fluest Pter always on draught, at J .cob's. Middle Bltet The art of compounding prescriptions so as to bring put their greslo-t medl dual efficiency, cannot ba accomplished without modern appointments and per fectly pure drugs." Tha physician con statu ly catties on research to Improve his prescribing; wfcile we keep pace with his investigations by our study of the progress of pharmacy, Improvement of our already elegantly appointed estab lltbmenl and honest medicines. It will pay yon In health and dollars to trade at llradbam's. Prescriptions a specially at Davis' Have yours tent there loTe filled. They ill be given prompt and careful atten lion. Night bell at front door. ' Coca Cola, wine coca, phosphate, all refreshing drinks from Baker's fountain J.J Baxter is closing out his winter cloth inghocs, hats, underwear, drees goods st ccst in order to make room for his new spring stock. ; Mr. A. E. Illbbard, the Jeweler, says "Anway's Cronp Syrup it the best medl cine ever tried tn a household for croup ami children's coughs. Il has been used , with greatest benetlt in my family, and . no inoiuer Biiuutu uc uuuu, u utiwo. i acta quickly and cures the child." Sold it Hradham's Pharmacy. . . -; , . Lemons 20 cents a doz., at McSor Iiker's stere is open every night until twelve o'clock. Call On him for fine candies of any kind day or night. l)uyis' Prescription Pharmacy will fill your prescriptions promptly and with the greatest accuracy. Have yours filled there. Medicine delivered to any part of the city. Phone 50. Kiglt bell at front d r. Y, i ill buy back at full prtcc any goo j pnicliaaed cf ns that do not prove to bu ss w a reprr?ented them. This Is our w :;y of doing business, a new . way. but it protects yottand make It to onr aiivaiit.i t be suro of the Quality of any i.ir 1 "ore recommending It to our c . ; i s. It i! '-an to you pure drags r. ,. gun '.i i . 1 s.ifcty. It meant to v..- .re . ! v 1, confidence and rega- t..,!r. lt us fill your prescrip. i j ..'s I harmacy. .- - . v.. 2 HEADACHR teed to Cure ralgla, La 'tche, Etc A C4I 1 1 t The aart;r. ( t -- 5-- vf lUiy :i Is tr. l ,' at 7 o'cl, at their aa!l oa lkk irrl. Ail au-at tier ara rrs e kI to U pies died ytttenUy afteraoo at bet hua oa Broad ivrrH. Or a Buateair Fair Barl ) Wn the eliy. For eaJ J hei rtsMiiu Mr. sad Mrs. L. A. CU of Grlfvoa dew a iseterday. Mr. Jaaua Gaaklas'bf Gillloa Is speeding this week la lbsrliy.- Ur. Jwad Bisvea-o df Klnsloa St- rlted jesienliy. "Kr. Wjas Mitchell raata do we fron Klaatoa Uat eveJlug and I lb gust of Mr.DatkJF. Foy" It Uux Edith aad Daisy Oetllngrr of Kiaalua are vlsiiiog Mrs. M. M. Mark. s Mauri JuIjb U Aadrewt aad Jam Letchfordof Raleigh are la ,tb diy aU rUadiag Ut Fair. Mr ilaary Btrsase, of the Uatdssoa Telepboaa4.'ompay, b la Ik city. MrJalUaB Header of PollockivllW blatbacit). Mr Geo lloUetBOaa of Tarbore I la tha illy. . Maasrs Ire Illek aad H X Russell of New Brilaia. Cona. ara ceost of Mr Ralph Gray. MUt Mary Donald, Mis Mary B weeny aad Mi Louis Baukt ut .Wilmiugloa are vl.lllBjf MUs Daisy Baeil a Broad street - Mr. John Sweeaey of Wilmington It spending Fair week tn New Bern. Miss Susi Felloa came up tram Beau fort jesterday to at teed lb Fair. Mesart Anson Wood King and Fred Burr of Wilmington a ere la lb city yea- tenlay Tlalllug friend and lakiog la the F.lr. Miss Madife Bell of Uarlowe caruo yeJ ten! iy to attend the Fair. Mayor C 8 Wallace of Morehcad spent yesterday la the dl) i Chief fcbell Fish Commissioner White of Hertford Is la the city attending the Fair. . , Mr Leon Richardson of Wilmington was here yesterday. . Dr J W Duguhl Is In the city attend ing the Fair. , ' ; 'Mr J Peterson and wife of Gold. boro ara visiting lurlr 'daughter, Mrs lllght C M.ore. - Miss Lillia Edwaids and Mr . Robt Maxwell of Goldsboro are visiting at Capt Illnnanl's. ' M Fred Dixon left yesterday morning for his borne at Durham. MrF W Hancock or Oxford arrived In the city last night. Mr 8 0 Hamilton, who for several years was secretary and treasurer of the ritim son Lumber Co is In the city at. landing tho Fair, ' ' ' Mlea Midlle aad Bessie DilliarJ cf Stanhope weie attending tbe Fair je- terday. ' - MIssU B!nibrd Taylor, of Rocky Mount came down yesterday to attend t :e F ir and ridt fri. a Is. Mr K.1 Willis of Beaufort Is attending the Fair. . - . ' " Mr Cl aries Springlo of Boaufort is visiting friends In New Bern. . " Mr A G Coward an J Dr II Johnson of Griflon came dnwn yesterday.' ' n MIis Cora Field, of Klnsttm came down yeattrday. , ' i' , Mr GmmeU Woolen ofnTinston csme down yesterday. . Mr Phil Dorch of Goldsboro spent yeattrday In the city. ; ' Mr Dan Richardson of Dover Is in the city atteudlug the Fair.-. Mls Sallie I,ec of Goldsboro it visit lug Miss liradfoid Hymau on Pollock street. : , ' Messrs Ilcnry Harper aad Will Fields Of Elnston are attending tbe Fair this week. :', :, . . ' Mis Mamie Isaac and Hiss Annie Cohen of Goldsboro are visiting Mrs Dannenberg, ' ' i U Mr Charles Pearl of Goldsboro is tbe guest of Mr Abe Cohen. 4 ' Mr Will Snelllng and bride arrived on the steamer Neuso from Norfolk and are stopping with their parents on George street. Mrs Cnpt Dave-Roberts of Soothport It attending the Fair. . Mr S D-Walt, of Raleigh Is here for teverat days visit.. - . ' Miss Kate Griffin is In Ibe city to re main fot several days. , - Mr F M Moore, pf Brunswick county. Is In the city, attending tbe Fair, , Mr Jmct II Chadbourn, Jr. of Wil mington was In the city, yesterday. T . Mr. Bebjamia Bell, of (he Wilmington Messenger, came over yesterday to visit the Fair. ; ' Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. People have learned the ralue of One Minuto "Cottgh Cure and use It for severe lung aad throat troubles. It Immediately stops cough ing. It never fails. F 8 Duffy. J Q Dunn & C6 received last night the handsomest line of neckwear ever seen la the city. Gold Csmel, Ceylon Tea. the finest a packages, at A. M. Baker's. OABTOniA. feu. tli. si 1! Kind Yo'j Him !'" Bae-M Bifcaton of V J.J. Baxter lins jtut received a line of 1". V. V !' ladies shoes in ten ir, ! ..." ': 1. new 1 t- 1 G:i2l u rrr,,f r la.MJL Vi rilssWlh'tlll WII Krarraealea. aillttry rra Caatal Drill . fsr Fls Thrra Special Iralss. Fair KeUa. The snempt of lb W rather CWtk to dUeoara Ut Fair people early yester- lay norrring, proved a failure. Il va ch'ody but before aoon th tea was h alo; aa4lk akf elojllea. VUltors froes Iberwieiry coanaieaord arriving early. Th arrival of Ibe sieemrt Nruaa was lb early event. Ibrrewae a crowd on th dock, aad Hum was a hearty reception awaiting lb iailort oa lb boat. The Albtntarl Flit Coropaa)' band. IS pieces, with lb Division -tiaral IU erve of Eiliabelk City, formed and ataivaed from I he boat lo lh head uuatlers prevUeJ for them la lh PlALler Building. . The Military pared reacted lb Fair grounJ about aoca, after snarcblag throogk the principal streets. Tbe parade w lead by Chief Mar ba) Bradhats and Altanl Chiefs, and th Kllxsneth City and New Bern bands aeoompanlwt, followed by lh Washing loa Light Infantry, th Naval Reserve of Elisabeth City and of New. Bern. At tha Fair ground the arena U(Kn lh parade' arrival was a gay owe, tkr three special train Laving p Aired their eonteat of pa-eenger Into the sounds. and lh crowd wrra.revellric la the wight sun.LIn and balmy air. , The A. A N. U. special from Gold boro, hal fourteen coaches, all crowded; th A. C. It. special from Wilmington bad eight coach, and tha A. C. L pe cial from Scotland Neck, had six coaches. The first Ihlnk on tbe program was the Ui ill contest forth handsome silk flsg offered by the Fair Association. Theie.were three entries. Washing a Light Infantry, Elizabeth City Na val Reserve, Aew Bern, Naval Itu serve. . Tbe di 111 took place on the race course In front of the Grand Bland, which was crowded. , V Tbe Judge were Lieut Blaltdell, CD Brsdham and K S Primrose, ' A prngrhm of the maneuver to be gone through with was given th offl ccrs of th companies contesting, etch company having the same coarse of tac tic. V v Each company wat given a hearty re reptlon at It came forward for the con test. Upon tha finish of th three compsn ies drill, the Judges awarded the contett to the Elizabeth Ulty Naval Heservea la the presentation of th-pri.e, tbe handsome silk nag, the Fair Associaiicn made a happy hit In selecting a lady li make the award and no more tilling and charming a lady cmld have bacn made lh choice, than the one chosen, Mrs Jack Hollister. Immediately upon the Judgesdocision being made known, Mrs Hollister came forward to tbe front of the Grand Stand and facing the three military ceuipmles which bad been drawn up, she ta d f '"rVhen asked by I ho Fair A.i jol tllon to present tho flag to the winning mill tary --company 1 felt It quite an honor and sald,"" yith pleasure, I'll do my best.' Now since seeing the competitive drill I kunw It is an honor far too great for mj. A flag so meritoriously won do serves -ffresertlntlon by a most g.fted orator. Uwevet-not being one, I can simply say today's victory only proves you will win forever laurels on every field of action. I Inks great pleasure I'll assure you in presenting the Eliza. brtb City Naval Reserves Ibis flag In the nme of the New Bern Mid Winter' Fair Astoclallon. -v. - Take this flag, may it ware Proudly o'er the good and brave As an emblem of sacred trust. ' In cause that's right and just Fight and die, if die ye must,' But never lot it trail in dnst. ' . Live this banner as a tokno, That old barriers duwa are broken, - And love Bows full and rccv Those who fought with Grant and Lee From north to touth from sea to sea Are brothers now, and e'er shall be. Now this banner waves so lightly, -Now its colon glesrn so brightly, ' But, In years when beans aro hoary, May you tell with pride the story. How In battle rent and gnry i It Is e'en the same "Old Glory 1" . 1 After the flag presentation, there were cheers for the victors, and well they de served the flig, for their drilling was ex cellent, and 'their splendid turnout thirty three men showed their disposl tion io win, and everyone wa glad to see them get the flag. - The Elizalielh City bund was a feature of tho day, its fine playing and marching being greatly en vrcd. , ' The crowd on the Fair grounds was a fine one, ami while not .the largest on recoid, il was estimated) to le five thous and. ?'.'", - ."' ' . ' 1 There was the greatest order every where, and a thorough appreciation of the exhibits with only praise on every tide. ; .. ' KAIH SOTKS. ' The Elizabeth' City Reserves and Bai.d left c.n the steamer Ncuse, last night, to the regret of everyone. The first of the Fair Marshals dancis took place Inst night, at Lowlhrop Hull. hut ci .! ! fold ii Try : ii i.-J.y. Tl -;Je tin t ca It. grimndt ' rs'r'f I tJrtiaiioi, aad ja ftuoi lb luJu at tbrm. ibtr ul ktrc brwa At lit Jot .!.' oWe la Afrkuliur BuilJiBg. lb beattest lady arlUnl, r'.0ay, was IS7 pNiad, alka. a powwtla. Lljhuwt wrlht wa St pOUu.ii. Gsttibd, It ctottl aotblng and tak sway a suutmlr of lb Juva- Sil.'.' Scxc dot aol parull dtwrlpiloa of lb sklUu at I hit tlst. These ar good la all drpn.ais. Ia tplta of lb rrcaat had weather th oyster aad 8h axhibiia art larrt aad (Oud, the eaat tibll.lt It tbe Baest vtr shows. , , Th U. B t Bout well, lying off CaUa Pulat, ohaetsed Wtthlngtoa't Birthday la si) I. At sua lit a jroa was (red aad in at tun set, whit at twelve o'clock aooa, th National salul of twenly-OD gent in fired. - Th Boutwell wa la fall ho Way lire, tbeealir vessel being dratted In flag. ' ' The rlr Trsterday'a Fair rare were a running race, woa by Grandma, bast two out if three, Fischer's jockey being titled aalnat la tbird h-at for foul riding, rat going to Grandma, lime, 1.16, 1 20, 13 The trolling, free for all race wa won by Trim, fUlereaa second, Gleacoe third time, t.8Cl, 141 S-4,141. Todsy's races will ba a troltin(, 1.5 e'ata, for which ara entered, Uollln 8,1 Bertha Bsroa, Mitt Childers, Blu Iklle. i A running race, ealriea being W. - J Harding, Fbcber, Herman th Great. Ia Ibe running rata, yesterday.Grand- ma Jot key fell and was trampled npon, and a substitute rider, was nerestary. Before tha discovery ot One Minute Cough Cure,' ministers were (really dis turbed by rongblng congregation. No excuse for It now. F 8 Duffy. lw wt t-irt sfy. Tbe many friends of Capt. C harli A. Abbey, V. 8. It M., who for year wa in ummand of the Revenue Bliamer Steten.", at this port, will learn wIlTf regret of tbe death Of hit son, "Lasae", which oecored In hbanghal, China, la the early part of January, where ha wa et Inlillfhtd In busjnes for himself. "Lanse" at he wat familiarly known th horn in New Bern about twen.y- right years ago, nd with many of lb present generation of yoong men atten ded the New Bern Acadomy, nnder the lutlos ct Prof. Fetter. "Lasse" maile msny friends and was full of life and ambition, anifthe sympathy of nu mcrous friends of the Captain and bis estimable wife in this community Is ex tended lo them In their bereaveWnt. Ulvo me a liver regulator and I caa regulate the world," aaid a genius. The druggist handed him a bonis of DeWllt't Little Early Risers, tbe "famous little pills. 8 Duffy,,. rit I. Ii ktvllle sk fire last Sunday night, dittroyed the hoUM) and contend exce t two be. a, oc citpied by Mr. B. K. Klggs and"7tm:ty who live oii the plantation of Mr. K. L Uortoji, near Pollocksvllle. . Mr. Iligira and family hvl loft the house Sunday nljht for church t rvl nd looking back after proo-edin; a few hundred yardt Ihey ttw tbilr house on fire, the flame omlng ihrourh lh roof " . t '" ' - ' - . By tho lime Ihey had retu nel the en lire honse was In flames. Tho fir h td probably been burning for lonijliin) bo fore discovered. : It wat due tn a defect ive chimney. ' The lest is tttlmtled at $-.00... . 1 1HRBBEBI WAT . Commends Itself to the well In-formed lo do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done, tn tbe crudest man ner aad disagreeably aa well. To cleanse I he system and bieak op colds, head ache', and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use t he- delightful . liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. . Made by California Fig fciyrup Co Try cup of surpassing coffee and a ham or oyster sandwich at A. M. Baker' : The latest colors and shapes In neck wear just received si J 0 Dunn & Co s. Oysters, raw, fried or sic wed at hours nt A M. Baker. "- all 2 Whitman's fino Chocolate at ' Mc 8orley'. 4- s Carolina Cough Cure is made In Brad ham's "Pharmacy from pure balsam,s gums andhciht especially Indicated In colds, couglit and bronchial ailmenl3. It. n il I rureyour Lack Ing cough or we will refund ihe money paid 'or It. No remedy Is a "cure all", but we don't want your money unless wo cau cure your cough, 2"ic at Bradham's. Tongue Sandiviches at MeSorley's. C4t a faoiiveiilr Il.ufyje! Or Mid Winter Fair, 1803, for sale on Fair Grounds, and at MeSorley's Baker's and Davis' Pharmacy. Price 15 Cenjs. BOLT riano tuner of Ludden & I'ates S. M, IL, Savannah, Ha., is here for a short time and will premptly attend to n'l or ders lb;il m iy l e le'l at T.-- ' U :'.. ire. 1 pii ; hi. 1 . ,v, ..' J. L. l!art;fic!da- j KV.KL LSI NT il AGl.Nf n4 ! i It r b inru( It fc w. irtaatiU tf ) "M hm9 pT-at . I twic luf it oTti in mm hmm ciM t I HiHlaw fltff lllf Iu4 I ltr Mraj fKTsril j OMr vrt t u lUbh. viltk. J J A Limited (Quantity Fatra Early BH VahrallM IVana. Landreth't Kitra Early Mnnflng 8Ur re. ; Il.Hi'l-v Main Early l!o rxrd PblMort. At CHA5. B. HILL'S Fat Bill Market Dock. bH. Matthews m Middle Street. DBVLKB I 1 ' V . Foreign and Dome.! FRUITS I Hot it Cold Lunch, Oyster la any Style. Confectioneries, ' Cigar A Tobacco fte. I. STORE, rL.lNTF.RS ill'ILDIKO. Mi.lille Hin-ci. IVwl ManU In city for anv kind of imainrwa, hut on ao count Toliaccii Wan-honwo In roar, tnlUlile nioie fni winlly fr-4urmrs tupplict. Wanhnute or Htorae riiiu ample. Secure the rfze 1e fore T. baeoo Season oren. Terms mmlerate. . . ii. OFFICES. SECOXD'ii FL00B Plnutera Hnlldliy, el t bet singly or in combinaliiin, euHalile l.ir pr- frsaliiiia), insurant e and oilier Jmilar purposes, or a leeplng a arlmeuls. III. HOUSE ON EW. RTRF.ET, ' . . . u V I 'I. .....I. war vcint-iiij . rrM'nis.ulbouses. water on lot, moal desirable neighborhood. For Trims, &0. Apply to. IU. JT. H. STREET WE IIAVtJ JOST.HECElVED THE ' Spring Styles I KNOX HATS, nd will be g'od to show them to our , patrons. - s PRICE, - $3, $4 AND $5.' i llliii ilakjlu ii I 'KrovHats took the SIXHIOHEST AWARDS . at the World' Fair and are Famous for their - Exclusive Shapr, Superior Quality and "Never- . Fading Colors." . Call'it ml jExainliie 15 ... -, J'-.vory lint uiinrnntpcu. T- i Or, , 67;i"C4.LOCK BTBEET,- ;ii iii iii liuh ia lii ill m i a iaiujii ii iuiiiiiuaiaiiiia iu luiiiw daciftifii if 11 ii itani YOU WILL ' MAKE' SOME k d t 1 Pruparations UtU la . . - . ; ' O 0-0 If so wo have B Laige Lfhe of ' - , - ' - nattiiigs, Carpets, Art Squares ' -v, . .: . and Rugs, ' In Pi t m. Color nnd rricellmt will plent joii. You ill lose money if you do not fee in U fore jou buy. 111 1 1 G. II.. II I a A i Our entire $8,402.35 ncry, Etc , will bo closed out quicltly at a Great Sacrifice. Owing to my retiring from the Una ot which I am Manager and to settle tho affairs ot the firm this entire stock must be converted Into CAM. Sale Commences Tuesday Homing, February 7th, at 8:15 o'clock " - Bleaching.. Frail of lb Loom and Barker's mill Ureckl.f, 1.000 tards la tvk 4JptrjJ Men's Dress Shirts. All linen lt mntl.a, work tie aad II, rloalng nrlc SJc Men's and Women Underwear. Om bl heavy weight undershirts for Um k laillra tud gellrmea at " IV Millinery. " N Ladles fia fell walking halt acta- ally worth 1 00 at Uc Blankets & Comlorts. Two tmleaaaiteca-rovered Comfort. To elor oat 7c Men's Shoes. m pair nea's Una calf tboaa, tell ing price t 60. Closing .out Lace Curtains. Beautiful line bautlsom Lac Cnr- talus, told from $1 00 to f I 60 Now Oftr Men's Hats. . New tlyle Alpine nil Dcrbv halt. Ibgolar price 3 00, Our closing 'out prha ' B.V Phenomenal M M Uferim mk& Dcterminatioii ILL IWJWBB- G. A. Opp. P. 0. 3 3 Them. . ' .. . ' . cSc CO.. ,3 NEW BEUNE. V. O. WANT -TO , : . For ...Be Fair. J' a i M. fe l l - 5?5H5g5SSl -I ttiu stock of Dry Goods, Clothlnu, Shoes, Carpets, s Oa lot I grain carpeQ-wonk ISa. Now wt offer at ' lie yd Store Fixtures, . Bhow ease, Jbe, for tale. lavltatioa lo lore kr per. Will sell whole or any part of this stock at big dlsconat for cash. Door opened Tararisy moralng, Feb ruary 7lh at 815 o'clock. Tuesday Morning At 8ti5 Promptly. Start th moving of lh Immense Slock of 11 igk Class Dry Goods, Cloth Ing, Bboea, Hals, Millinery, etc. This will ba a tale long remembered a tale where your own price prevail. Dress Goods. 1500 yard and black aad colored drcat gnodt, worth 15c anil tUir, now at 14c yd Men's Suits. Several hundred suit men's rlntblng at 60c on the dollar. Umbrellas. Silk umbrella, assorted handle! w oi th It 50 eh slug price Cftc Ladies' Shoes. it pair fine button shoes, all kIps inr widths. Quick moving price TOc BABFOOT, Manager. Opp. P. 0. CCOO CCOOOOOOOOO OOOO OOOQ). :t-4 ...Fair Q Ac I' c Tr pnrntion h is 1 rn inn'e In aci nmnioil.iti' ihi' f I M iMi-(elm is A'l ihpa I nr. In coinpU'ie unit in l I i ir-h i-xinihl l'l,- i h II ' it o,g . y. Corsets ' ut f r ll- Cele'ri (H OVr, nl ilNU. j ng ir (I ifl." Funis Wail for Mlfoi ni.d Shoes and Oxfords u Cmr Upring Lire lor U99 it coni lete with nil the m w tli s i f OxfoiMn in Ih lh black Riirl Inn. Wr hare csclnsivo snhi ( r Hie Dl! iiW, KKLBY CO.'H make rHhoes aril (Ixfnids. nod -w e warraiit every puir to give goed tci vice I ru ed f rrnt Ts) tu 3 Oil. Bnvs and Oirla Oxfords al 8:md t's in 1 1 cl or Tan, all sines 6Sc lol . . We miry a very large line of ftlioc of all kiml r.nd in n any . IhSiaiiift wen tall I hi in at llrittly wholesale .uos. - a o o o ( () H Kid Gloves. ' We have told more Kid fllovra th t srnsi n Ihnn rrr li fo e. We've riven belli r vnlmi tliun oer tor im- .bwe h i, II iir sstisfaeiimi Midi in Mm k. Tan . Brr-wn or Whiti1. T 1ap or Fosli r Hoi k. 15c und (I 00 yn r. Hen's Furnishings riirniHliinet tor men anM at them our siore iu .rtlcular. . , Men's White Bhirla, nnlnun liied, 5 Ic. Men's Colotel Shi tv leductd from 91 nt,d I 60 to ?i.v AMex's 8nx, spleni 1 1 va'uo. AM Lipen Collan None bct'r nt any pi fee, II) '. Spring Shapes and Colors of - veiy pruy Bows and t lubTha, 2 Dress Goods The Dress Goods Block I the most impnrtnnl one in lids -ploru iind the slrciinib of the III ess Got d M-Uon nir rnib line of Black Goods lilack Is our specially a- il 1 w price onr hobby. The line embrace Mohair. Sicilian, SerL'ef, lieu-, rw-lias, brndelolh. Venetians, &c. Aann inlii iIikiIiimi i vi"l we offer for Fair Week Only ALL WOOL HiEMJli btil.iiK, 80 Inches wide, T rt'KNTV-UVE t'ENT-S, - - ft Souvenir 1 Pins. Bterling Silver Flag Plia rouveuirs of Tfew Bern, cnamclle! In New B"rn ce!ors, SUc each. . - - . , - . oo ;rur.ry 19. Milli- v J. est Calicoes. Regalar I and c, clotltg OCl pi Ire Je Ribbons. . Fulf line of colors la groagralaa, Uf-' lias aad sal In all widths and - qaalilk It aad Me values, at lie Towels. Large tiled blear hrd towers, at Sc . Silks. Beautiful Una of Colors, goods woilh ?Se lo f I 00 per jard, will he old at c Black Dress Goods. All wool cathlmeres, heorhtlat. fisnnelt, trillianllnet Ac, worth 00c to ft 00 yard, w III be sold tl STje Our store ior Rent. $600 Reward !' Wa offer th above amnnnt to any per son or persont to prove wr are not telllug ool lo close buaiaet.. OrPuhlie Sale 1-eglnt Tmmlay, Feb 7lh at I; 15 o'clock. Closed to business, Monday, Feb. 6. Owing tn the enoimity of this event and in order that the public may nt the differcnl depart nirnln In proper shspc the store will not he oritril Monday, BBSI1SS. o u o Week. O O o n o a o o o o o o o a o a o a o o ci o a o o o o o o u o flllt - I W h rt . nn-l Tlll'MPSO il I. II rt. or V . W L'l.i dien C nil fl 01. Duly a Dry U hm.'s ato e i an Bill Noi-hwenr it j n-t ii unit they me o o ) (t () u o a o o () ; o o i o 1'iills i. a in pcriul', fjUc. "... - " . -j ' u '4A