mi VOL. XVI-KO. SIW BIRS, K. C. MsTKD.lT MOiiMKC, fCBUClUY !5. 1833. CSTlBLlSUtO 1832 CL v v ' J ready a IWrttlf ll t-K Ofrmk'af la lka" (Mm uUj f I OOprr pairan4 a loteiy y a Black Kid forlltt . VV IUark Kid forlttt . ' V Nobby Cm mum la ChlnW al Krt Voiliar and a tvaspk-t Mock of PUck Btlk lif.aa.b- ia Piter ranging from Vm to II CO. ' Wegala(U AUrul.ua MeiirRleai User as TiTal n t I J iiiA IN For Ladle, fi Children. qulitrare that our prve M I'll. ! as This Brand embodies the secret ot a Perfect r Tobacco Formula. Tobacco 8-2 1 o A Nln' TOBACCO BIIAWO BY A NtTV TOBACCO f CIWIll Li Looi Out for OSCEOLA Under North Carolina Tobacco this Season. It's Going tobeHeard From. Call For and Try Osceola.- Manufactured By , OLD DOMINION GUANOS Co., Braocii, 'Norfolk, Va. AND FOR SALE BT ALL OLD DOMINION AUESTS XTERTWHERE. At New Bern Mr. C. E. Fuj is Onr Baking Day is To Ilia UoQte tire wh. a she ta providt d avtib tatiafsclory baking matnial for bcr pl'a. cakra and . bread. Yn will l ata light ri.-U Cakea and d. licliMi" jiii-a hTI uainx our lilgk Rradu "Beet in lh W.ill", Pnalry P..r, pnre and Boa FlavoflDg Extracts, FlneLanl, Buiur aud Cheese. Ojr him made UlnceMea, Canned Pearl. &c , ae li ne aud Iroul.le. ; Fn h d F 1 1 r Butler jiibt ncl.-ed Tieiel no Ut-r Butter mide. Try a iiBd atd )iu will ue no oiu.r. f J. R. PARKiER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. ; J iiiSs.Book Store j FULL LINK OF j Book-keepers and J School Room Supplies 3 juip kki Eivj:r. G. II. Ennctt. ' ' 'VATTni lO IJIJl Ilighpst Prices GimriinU'ed. w T w r - a ! A.. n I'x. :. Ua t4 lrrxnl Eld JuH In I - n V V! VI g,3? Griillrinrn, - HI imc nnd W V! s- ' jy VI G-uano - 2 II BUT BY AN OI.I) IIOCSi: Othera at Varinua Point I around New Bern. a PleasureJ - U It Tha Center of Attraction i I I alwiiy the elegant and perfect ntlinz suits) and overcoat nthat are arie in auch exquisite atyle and finish at tint walilikhmeiit.' Washington'a liirthdnv will remind you that fpiiuis ib close as hand, and that top eoats u ill he in 01 r fabrics ready for our pat runs s A. A N. C- fill SOTO Rat. tM bf B)r lp...-Vfc-jr r ". fmimi. Sjwlal to Journal. j Ittuian, Ftbmary 14 Tbe Board of 1BWTBU 1 BiprDTVOlCOM Ml IUIB .1 ll - boob ai Bra o cioci, Baa Biecua viiv 104 lowln( Direct (or the Atlaalle A North Carolina Railroad: W. M. Webb, of Carteret, L. 0. Daa lela of PamltoaJ. A. Brjaa and J. L. Uaadowa of CraTaa, T. C Wbllakar of Joaaa, U Hirttj of Laaoir, J. Z tagf ,' ofOr.a,J. A. WawbroU of Wajaa, aad U. P, Dortca, Buu Praif. , Tbeaa Ulractora ara raoofaliad at farorinf Mr. Jaaaa A. Brraa, at Ka Bara, fur Praaldaal A. N. 0. railroad. M3Wa bm a llrer tabulator aad I raa ragulata Iba world," aaid a (ealua. Tba draitglat baadad hla a boiUaof DaWUt'a Llitla Earlf Riaera, tba famout llule pllla. t B Daffy. . . - ' TAZMa OKOtS BAKIIIHai. fluff da. BrBmio M aa auil. Carla4M aiiymirr. Spaclal lo Joarnal; Ralsior, Fcb'y St, Tba Hon da- hatrd oa tba reran ue bill today. Mo prograaa aa aiada oa tba quaatloa of uxlng Iba groat earning of tba Plata railroad. r , I ; .. ' Connor offered an amendment that the railroad commlialonera be aaipowartd lo ataeta tba property of ran road, on tbe baia of aix par cent, npon Uielr net income. Tba Cbarlotta dUpanaary bill la made a pedal order In tba Beoale tonight. Ulenn makea tba minority report, and Osborne will aniwer.and the latter It It expected will reoelra tba support of tba Senate. BOOIXEN'S AKH1CA BAXTS. TUE BEST 8ALYI la tbe world for CnU, Bruises, Boraa, Ulcer, Bait Rheum, Ferer Bona, Tetter, Chapped Band, Chilblain, Coma, and all Bkla Ernp- tioaa, and potltlyely carat Pile, or no pay required. It li guaranteed to give perfect aatlsfactlon or money refunded. Price SS cents perbox. For aala by F. F. Daffy. - ""; TBS SPEOOLATtra HAS UTS. Today' quotation furnished by W. li. Oalbralb, New York. ? , ; V- Nkwom, February 14 " BT0CK8, " ' " ; Open. High. Low. Clots Am Tobaooo. ... 190 ' 191 184 . 191 Sugar.. ......... 135 188, 184, 1S5 B. 8. Oat. SI 6 6 ; J. C... ........ 109 110, 109 110, C.4 0 ... 89 t9 28 88 8UL.48.W.... 60, 80J m 00i C, R. A q. 144 145 148, 113J Chicago Uaa.... 114, 114, 118 114, COTTON. Open, Bifrh. uow. Close SIhj.. 6.20 0 81 119 19 CHICAGO MARKETS. What - Open. High. Low, Close May ..... 78 73 78 73 Com' - ' May ...... 85 88 85 86 Not one child diet where ten formerly died from croup. People have learned ihe 'Value of One Minute Congo Cure and use it for teTCre ldng aad throat trouble. It immediately stops cough ing. It neter fslls. F 8 Duffy. ' . " ' cm no. ii. itniia af fturni faaaly. Jtoria Notice is heicby given that six Craven oounty bonds of the denomination of Ore hundred dollar each, hare this day iieen drawn : for the sinking fund of said county In accordance with the act of Assembly authorizing their Issue follows: FivehundreJ dollar bonds,' number 819,95,153, 29,147,1. These bonds will be paid principal and accrued interest to March 15, 1899, upon presentation of the tame at the National Bank of New Bern, .New Bern, North Carolina; on or before March 15lh, 1899. Interest on the above bonds will cease on anl after March 15th, 1899. -Dy order Board Commlssionert. E. W, Small wood, " " - Chairman. Smoked ttusage at the Oakt Market, 10 cents lb. - ' ; r Dressed and live poultry at tbe Oaks Market. , - : Stall , fed Western Beef, grown, In N .rlh Carolina, 10 cents lb, tt Oaks Market. . Gold Camel, Ceylon Tea, tbe finest u packages, at A. 11. Baker's. There is no need of saving anything about the cleanliness of Brauliam's Foun tain; it is proverbial, it Is so ck an that It Is appetizing, Every gVa they are as I'.. in and delira!e as can 1 r u piii;. hel aricr v. ' ;. V'a 1 -i t .f.- " the i'!!'i'! of s - '.' -a t' . ' ' i i Ni-w I .'0 ' t ' IP ,1 i" a of !. i f-;'t WILL Dill HIF.II. Ki Ailstt Will Es alaij . CcrroraUcns DIspeBtary qarttlen lekalable lakjecL (harlatle Dl.app.lat ed. Beaater Oaborae'a ip- peil rTlam Reveaat Bill a lakllag Black. JotnwAt BcatAO. I Rali. N.C.. Feu. IA ( . Tbe moralof teaaloa of tba House yes terday waa apent almoet allopeierr oa the rereoua bilL The flaal sectloas wer being paawed wbaa there tu an ei ploslo. This came oa the quest loa of taxing the groaa -Income of railroad Thompson ot Ooilow aprung the m're for anybody coald n that when the train waa laid and lb match bandy. He in backed by Willard of New . Han over and olbera. ' . Tbe question came npon tbe Ilouae rather nnaxpeoledty. It Involved ques tions the moat momentous to the f Jtnre of the Democralio party and policy Rather ua willingly the abla men of the Uouaa took the floor.- But wtca tbey spoke It wat In clear language. Tbey would Hot be party to attack corpora- tlona. Judge Connor look tbe ground that the railroads were now taxed ad valo rem and at tbe Railroad Commissioners had the power to fix relet, further tax en groat earnings would only be gather ing money from one end while the Com misslonera would be bound to figure It In their etllmalet when fixing ralea. Also that railroad differed from Insur ance companies which paid a license, because insure nee companies and like companies had no considerable properly tuat was taxed oa property basis. Willard In reply made aa astonishing statement. lt we can paaa a law lo force these ontslde companies to Invest their money Jn thla State, then we can get at them.' . . Locke .pralge now got the floor and delivered tbe finest speech ot Ibe tot lon. It opposed lb proposed tax from every alandpolnt, and especially because It would be giving up the very ground upon which the Democracy ot the Stale aland. He ald that he had not expect ed thla question to come up, but be would carry out tbe pledge that he bad given to hi people In the campaign, that he would deal Justly With all classes of citizens, would treat both poor and rich alike, - There waa little mere oratory In the speech, It waa cool and measured, and delivered In the modern achool ot atatea manship. ' .-. . - -. ' - Bo much time had passed that further consideration of the matter wnt over to the next day. That-the revenue bill will past with not much more discussion is probable. '. - v . .- ' .. The Senate paaaed a comparatively uneventful morning. The great scene of the day was laid before the Committee on .Propositions and Grievances In ibe Senate chamber in the afternoon. The closing of the hearing of thlf case, the Meoklenbnrg dispensary, was exceeding ly dramatic and had tbe advantage of being enacted under the reflection of the flaming gas Jets of tbe chamber, ' ' Tbe dispensary .question has been fruitful ot debate, but of all the bills paseJ for dispensaries the Charlotte bill capped the climax. Hundreds of the citizens of that beautiful town were present to urge the passage of ibe bill. Tbey came In a special train and woie brilliant badget of blue. Tho nblest pleadera ot the city were with them to the committee to give them ll e law, without submitting It to Ibe people to Tola on the question. Tbe hugo peti tions-had the nauiee of 8,1(10 while meu of Mecklenburg. Tbey considered it a new declaration, and filled the chamber with applause and choera, scarcely Jo be checked by tho chairman. Tho advo cates of tho dispensary hadthlngs their own way by force of numbers. ' - The apeecbea were largely directed against Senator Osborne, who represents Mecklenburg county and who , was against the bill. The Senator sat quietly at he waa referred to again and agal Tbe committee were evidently almost nnanlmous'y favoring the ;bill. The members were those who tvere knowu to be kindly disposed to such moasures. When the last speech was made and the dispensarisls were congratulating them selves on their chancos, Ibe former at torney General, and now Senator, Osborne, stepped in front ot. the com mlltee and in a few words appealed lo them to stand by him. "I appeal to yotr to stand by me as I have stood by .you Don't let me go home with sucb a re fusal trora those I have befriended Of each of you I make this personal re quest." Senator Glenn arose and said "much as ho loved Frank OEUorue," bo, could not do it. He must do what his con science told him was right. It was a p: KLkes the food more delicious and wholesome moral qeaalloa. Tua cunmklM to k a rising vote and tba reull was 4 to t and Senator Masaa being aWni vaol word that b vitfeJ aye, and the vote siso-l 4 to 8 It was irolWy ibe araaietl -er-soaal Iriuiaptk that Heaaior baa n relvrd oa tba llor of Ibe Seaata. - Tbrra waa a graal acAllerieg of Line btJgxt aud -Id a few mlauie the wlrre to Cbarlittle were laden a lib a tola of woe. . The minority rporl will come be fote tba Svnala and If ibe present prut. pe4 eniHve true, ibera will tia a battle over tba report of Intense Interest. Tbe illrf--loo oa the Ilevenue bill the previous day came lo a cIom when tbe Dispensary tnsg waa struck. The obatracllon was removed as follows: Winston offered the following at a substitute fur part of section 81: "Each dispensary In the Stale treasury ibe fol lowing frauchise laxea. . 1. Each dlspen sary for town ot leas than 1,100 peoplt 50. 8. Each dlspeotary for a township In any county $3u0 8. Each dl.pentarj for a town at over 1,000 and net exceed ing 3,W0, J00. 4 Each dispensary f.,r a town or city of 8,000 and not exceed ing 6,000, 3U0. 5. Each dlspensar) (or a town or city over 8,0U0 aud for each dispensary for a county tSOO-.eiid that ll be the duty of all managers or officer, of the dlapensarle In the State to remit such tsx to the State treasurer en the 1st day of January of each day.' After considerable talk Craiga offered aa ameudmant: "And It shall be the duty ot all managert of dispensaries to pay to the county treasurer for the bene fit of school fund ot the county In which such, dispensaries are located all the taxei herein imposed on such dispenta rloa.'1 . - :.; 1 Section 4. regarding tax on bank lock wa passed over Tuesday. It was again taken np and Williams offered a substitute, prepared for the commit tee,' by WlUard.' It was adopted. . Its text is aa follow: "The taxes impoted for State, coun ty and school purpo.es upon the House any back er banking association (whether Stato or national) in this dtslo, and npon tho shares df stock owned by resident, shall be paid by the cashier of tucb bank or bunking as ociatlon directly to the State treat. urcr a itbln 80 days after July 1 of each year and upon failure to pay tbe State treasurer ts aforesaid he. shall Institute action against the bank, or banking association to enforce the same In Ike county of Wake or the county In which the bank or banking association Is lo cated. When remitting laid taxes to go to tbe State treasurer the cashier of any bank or banking association shall state the residence of each stockholder living in North Carolina, and npon receipt by Ibe State treasurer of said taxes he shall remit to the treasurer of the county in which Ibe ntd stock holders reside the amount to colteoled for couuty pur poses. Should tbe residence of any stockholder be unknown be shall remit the amruounl of omul and school taxes to the treauircr of tbe county where the bank or banking association I located. The b jurd of commissioners of tbe coun ty In willed said banks or banking asso ciation aro located shall assess tbe value of the shares of block lu any aucb banks or banklui; associations, taking.. Into consideration, tho actual market value and the book valuo of . such shares, Biaii Ik. A I '1 I Will Name a Few Prices: 60 CUlEDKIiN'S SUITS WAS $100 AND $125, NOW $ SO so I " . . " " 1 80 8 00, " lOO 50 ' ' " " 8 00 " . 8 50. 160, AO " 8 00 UP TO - 8 50 40 BOY'S SCIT3. WAS ,. : ' 200 AND 850, NOW 175 89 , . " - ' 200 UP TO :-:(.. 500 0") MEN'S SUIT8 WAS 5 00 NOW .' . 8 85 60 Mens Black Clay Woratcd 500 AND 000 NOW S 95 35 " Crcncb Worsted 10 00 " -7 50 20 " , " " " ,13 CO " 8 60 80 PAltW MES'd SHOES WAS 1 00 . . " . ' 75 100- ' " ' 125 ' " 93, BETTER GRAPES $1011, 185, 'l 50,800 UP TO - 8 50 EVERYTHING REDUCED HERE! - A Ei Lina Top and Undershirt 3 Cheap. - Also the Largest Ctoch r ' ::i 17: . 3ern, rrcir: Cheap. . ' 3 ?. Tv" 7' - C:ltars and ! Provided, Ibsl la dVurmlnlng the value ot suck sharee for taxation there thai' be deduct ad tbe amoaal of real property or which the bank haa paid la taxes The Ua oa telegraph, lelepboae and atpreat companies I lied att perosni oagroe receipt la tbe Stated eactloa era pay $13 us; bicycle (geaU tl K rent collector f M; butchers $7,50; wuud aad coal dealer $10 oouoa comprrmwi. which pre not less thta 10V,IMbak- $100;'cottoa factories la cities of over U.'IOO $15; marriage licensee are $1 each. ' ' A message from Governor Russell was read in the Senate nominating tbe following director of tbe Stale Normal College of Qreenehoro and tbey ware confirmed; 8 district, 8. 11. Uattla, 8th. J,F. Poller. 7th. W. D. Tamer, 8tb. IL D. Gilmer. The Governor also nominated for di rectors of the Eastern Jlotpltal at Gold boro: Drr Eliaba Porter, of Pender, Ur. O. W. Bullock, ot New Uanover, Ur. J. E. Oiimaley, of Green for f year. beginning March 1807, and Albert Aa deraon, of W Ilaon; Shade l.'Woolen, of Lenoir, and W. V. Rounlree, ot Craven, for 0 year beginning March, 1899. These were confirmed. Another perfect flod of new bill pounced In yesterday. Both branches held In session last night. The House was in aesslou until 18.30. THSmir t tiaaraAr hob h bb. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet re move the cause that produces LaGrlppe The genuine ha L. B. Q. on each Tablet 25c. . .The finest lot ot Dressed Poultry In the city this morning, at W. E. Suellings & Son. . Try a'cup of surpassing coffee and a ham or oyster aandwlch at A. II. Baker' Oysters, raw, fried or slowed at hours at A. M. Baker'. - all Whllman't Sotley'i. fingChocolate at Mc The finotlot of Dressed Poultry In the city this morning, at W. E.Snelllngs & Son . When; we are prepared to fill all or ders for anything la the BUGGY and CARRIAGE LINE. ' ' 1 We meet competition in every n-spect. Our factory ia at -'. 78 BKOAD BTREET. . G. II. Walent fiow, Oct it (Souvenir Radge! Of Ml.l Winter Fair, 189 , for al-cn Fair Grounds, and at McSorley's Baker's and Davis' Pharmacy. Price 15 Cents. J.fJ'jJl f IJJJ llSMSSIt uViirABiuriiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiuaiuiiiikirrI 111 1 uui;iuf A Few Nice One Jatt received. Alao a Fresh lot of Ihoee BIQ I1AM3 TO CUT. Kn ah (lake and Cracker. Tba very beat ELGIN BUTTED, ?5c We bare nice Tablo Peach wa arc nailing at I.'Jc far can. Heint'a 8weet Mixed Picklea. ' FreebOalflskee and Carolina Rioe. Dried Peaobea, pealed and tlioeJ only lOo lb. v Dried Applet 6V. Giro us call for anything, joo want in Grocer ins. MeDanicl & Gaskill, llione Oi. R. H. BAXTER, New Goods. New Firm. I have just opened up a nice line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,. Hats, S Gents Furnishings, Etc., k and invite the public to j examine my line. No. 95 Middle Street, y next door jo. Eaon's z Jewelry Sore. REDDGTIONS CDNIINDE This time it is a few lines of STACY; ADAMS & CO.'S SHOES , In broken sizes, that we We going to close to prepare for onr New Spring Line. A Ser viceable and comfortable Shoe may be selec ted from this line at a big saving in price ii you can wear a size as given below. NOTE STYLES AND SIZES. 9186 Walking Fait, haftd tewed, -calf Bale, tizet 1 Bta. 8 Os, 1 61s, 8 7a, 1 7iR, 2 8s, 1 8K. original : price 5 00, now . $3 75 0187 Walking' Fast., double sole, hand tewed, calf balsrfcisea 8 6, - 8 61a, 8 7s, 8 7 Is, 1 8s. 1 8Js, original price S 00, now - 8 75 9169 Lood Cap Toe, hand sewed, calf bal, niica 1 5Jh, 1 Oi, 8 6Jg, 17a, 171, 18s, 19, original price 5 00, now - 875 These Goods will r 1 HAMS ! I 5; Wholesale A llVlail S: Cirrm.'!, 2; 71 Krtia'l St. 2- 9190 -Plain Square Toe, hand aewed . oalt bale, sixes 1 Oju, 8 Os, 1 Oi. ' 8 7a, 8 8s, 1 9a, original price 6 00, now 8 75 0101 Plain bquare Toe, calf cong, tAzt 1 51s, 2 8, 1 81, 1 10s, wera 4 00, now : $300 0193 Plain Square Toe, bals, sizes v 1 6J. 8 0s, 8 61a, 8 7a, 1 7i. 8 8Je were 4 00, now 8 00. 9193 Lond Cap Toe, calf bnis, sizes 1 8s, 2 6)s, 8 7s, 8 89, 181, were 4 00, now , SCO be Sold For Cash