J. L. II::! 3 ; OoZ2.olH.XL3 -.a- u;u '.: if r.:iTCFri6S y t the originality and ' ; pombitalion, but also ; i si. .11 with which it Is i ly u-nuflc piuuuaaea '. - tALiroaxiA ! BlBCP t e iih to impress apea - -r'au.t of purchAaiDST lha ! -i-,-inkl remedy. At the " p of r-s it manataetared ial.mikxia Fin Braup Co, -im, 0f that fact will i- ia arurlinf the worth lew usannfsctured by other par- - It aUudine of Utm CaU v I io hun P Ca with the medi I ' '.wa, ad the aaliafactlor ' ' :' r-iuine Ryrwp of Flgn kaa it to jni'iions tit families, makes i mo : the Company guaranty i' :' lux- of Us remedy. It is r in a 1 au, of all other laxatives, is on the kidneys, lire and s ,! limit Irriutinif or weaken- aud It Mors not gripe nor . J n order to pet iU beneficial ! ' remember the hum of C Mil ORNIA FIG STRUP CO. 4N rstAXcisoa, eta ru.i.a.s:. immtl. THE JOURNAL. cw Bern. N. (X. Feb. ti, 1809. IW ISTtllMUUn. J. 0. Wbltty & Co. Hats. Colin Bon fetall fed beef. J. D. Watson Oysters snd etc MtDaniel A Casklll N. C. llama. W. E. Sodllng Dressed Poultry. Business Locals. LOST From the ladles dressing room at Lowthrop ball, Wednesday evening iliir.ee, s handsome while crocheted cape. 1'imlt-r will return to Journal office THE Bowling Alley' on Middle Sirs-, next to Ilahu's ijvery Stables, still be open all the week. . SOUVJSNIK SPOONS-Dout fail to get a Fair Souvenir Spoon, very handsome, iU Hibbard's Jewelry store. TWO L&diiS AerinI Bicycles, new and ve ry cheap at Uco. Slovet's Hardware : .r. I UAVK received a Sample 1809 Colnm ! . Chain Wheel, price $j0 and Invite ; i-cilon of same. Bicycles, Grapbo i hones and Printing. 'Phone 129. . - 7 " Wn. T. Mill. THE finest Eeer always on di aught, at J a cob's, Middle Bfret. The finest line of Dretsid Poultry In the city this morning, at W. E.Snelllngi & Sou. . ".. '. . - The finest Live and Dtesad Poultry in the tlty today, at J. B, Wstson's Mar W't cn Broad St. ' The finest Oysters of the season, today J. B. Watson's Market on Broad Bt. Just received car load fine Stall Fed 'i i'f. Those wishing something extra ill fiuilName at 8am'l Cobn & Eon. Prescriptions a specialty at Davis' ne yours sent there to be filled. Tbey 1 be given prompt and careful alien i. Mght bell at front door. v - ,.t a Cola, wine coca, phosphate, all e-hing drinks from Baker's fountain. ." r. A. E. HIbbard, the jeweler, says : i ay's Croup Syrup is the best medl. ever tried iu a household for croup 1 c'liMreu's coughs. It has been used :i greatest benefit in my family, and her should be without a bottle. It ijiih kly and cures the child." .Bold i.i hum's Pharmacy. - -. .-, us 20 cents a doi , at McSor :'s fiiii e is open every night until ,AlHk.t Call on him for -fine ( f S)!y hi.id day or night. iptiin Tharmacy will fill us promptlr and with itmry. Have yours filled i ikiivered to any part , ...ne CO. NlgLt bell at received a new ..Iks shoes In but f II prices any t do not prove u. This , a new wsy, s it to our e quality of ling it to our i pure drugs It means to t3 and regu u r prescrlp DACHG to Cure . La , Etc a... j . a ri YtslrrdlV M prtitr.'y IU ll fij of tU iiii Winter V air. Tlx araibrr a u i-f IL I I. k eoukl be caikd WHhaat, l:r j 1 1. r aixl j eooi. Tbt eeiokie aiu-edaoce as siu 1- sr. yet there was a fuj juod tH crowd es the groaad Ail riy There were two rarra, ih 6nt, J Vi daas. Bertha ilaroo. Blue IWI.t nl luU being the eulHaa. b:ue Bell won ) three airtight heala, Itcrvta Itaroa, sec ad. U, l Xt.tt. The seroad rare w as a rsnnlng ooe. thrrc ealrira, Fihr, IlrrmAa the Ureat aad OraBdma, the latter wlnaisg la two aetU. time l tS- The side shows all did be tiaras yea- terdsy and about every Fair vUItor loos 14. ' The carlo depart awat wbkh baa al ways I'ecn lotrresung to rairvuiiors was this year enjoj ed as aaoca as ever. Mrs. llsrgut and lady asUuols were eoattantly prewnl to aaawer all quea Moas coDorrnlng the eihlblis. There were a cieat ausBy odd things him ted sad It would take I large book to tell everything that night well be said about them. A South tea Island war enters club was lying bc.lde aa ancient bride's fancy bonnet which was the stile of half a century back. - It Is said that lbs club was used by tbe ssvsge to brat a missionary's brains oat. Tbe Christian had goae loo far la the in terior After belni Willed Ts was routed and ratea by the natives whi acre ran- albals of tbe dor pest dye. As much or more could be said about nearly every thing In tbe curio room. e The floral dltplay was good snd many Hied person lingered In the room given to this t zhibil for the .urpme of lestlnir after a airugitte thiourh tbe cruwdtd halls of tbe main building e . e The ladiea were Interested is tbe faucy work exhibited. Sonio of Ihrm would spend half an boor trying to discover the loireiiius wsy of the maker. Id this depsrtinenl some pretty pictures, draw Ings asd palntiugs were showji. It is astonishing Low much of this work Is done by th s ladles of the town. - e When the cake ia the culinary de part men! were cut the lucky ones who help.d to eatlbeiu said tbey were as good is thry looked to be If this is to then tbe maker of each one deserves a prize for there was nut one exhibited whfeh fell much below perfection In the art. v- A Da.T jN -Tno ciTr. Fair and cool, is the weather forecast for today. 4 " The remain of Mrs. Carrie Hill, wife ot Mr. J. O. Hill wero taken to La Orange foi burial, yesterday. - Prof. Smith, the oculist, now to be found at BradliamV, (expects to be hero for only a few days longer. The Washington Light Infantry, after spending s veral da) s hero, enjoying the Fair, loft for home, Friday morning. The return of good weather makes a most noticea'ile difference in tbe local oyster and lisb market. There are now good arrivals of oysters and fish. Chief of Police Hargett caught an old chicken th'uf offender, yosterday, with several chickens la her possession. Tbe owners. can get their chickens by prov ing property at city hall, ,-v - .' Presbyterian Church Tier. Q. L. Ley- burn Pastor. Services as usual tomor row at 11 am and 7:30 pm Rev. Mr. Knowles, of Gait, Canada, will preach both morning and night. Sunday School at 4 p m, . All are cordially Invited. Christian : Church Sunday service 11 a m and 7:30, Preaching by tbe Pas tor Bev P W Luxfor.l, Morning subject Faith Without Work Js Dead. . Night, Some Foolish ' Younj. Women, And What Became of Them. C. E. at 0.30 Mr. Snelling will lead.' Bible School p m. . : ; ' IweFlrht raaiiaDis . The Emeison bnggy, and the White Hickory Wagon, both represented by Thos J, Jll chell in New Bern, were awarded First Premiums over all com petitors by the judges at the Mid Wluti r Fair yesterday. . . . Rank by a rifth Mlnk, ' The tharple C: Hay. Cspl. Pittman, from Swansboro, in coming up tbe Neuio river, Thin sday, when off Fort Point, about two miles below here, struck a stake from the lead of a pound net, and sunk.,. . Cant. Pittman at onco camo to tbts elty, and getting tbe steamer Notlie, re tured 10 bis boat, which he bml towed here, snd will put on tbe marine rail way for repairs. The only part of the cargo damaged was' nine tons ot cotton seed on tbe sharpie. :-...' " Ftaweke JlHrtfer Chs The case of Slate vs C M. Krancks, in which the defendent is charged with murder, was beiuu in the Criminal court Thnrsday afternoon and occupied most of yesterday . Solicitor Daniel ably conducted the cose for the State and Messrs. W. P. Mcivcr an"L J. Moore appeared for the defendeut. They both addressed the jury. Mr. Mclver spoke over an hour and bis speech was such as would be a credit to any lawyer. It seems uscltBs to say that Mr. Moore sus tained his reputation as a ciiininal lawyer- : Tbe members of tbe bar say that the chaige of Judge Battle to the jury was one of the clearest expositions of the law in like cases Hint they have heard. Jury's veidicl w as not j;iiillof minder, gnillyof assault with deadly wnnrn ;.i. e4 I ftl. to I I I m I.-., . nrr v. M I , . k I J Ton iff b4 i Ttir :i:e kti 19 rrp- rtLia-sy Ij !! Aeisec aeJ rui.a l ..4 It i road to a a-tdk s'e a tk h a-tw lo J ul up . Af "t? ia bon ! a a )r".ftm!tie to ffiua.l the tet oee saJ-e-1 i!i rnt.tr In C'hrhie, fi l-t .11 j or Conotn4. llbiauliiiul ret -or.ao aad ouUt to mx-ive tbe ernovs roadcta lioa ol ike LeelsUiur. Mr. VI . J. LdnJ, wko is tbe Uiltt the i a lii sia auLie.' lb ijSer, is nnrtl deot of tho boors Coanly f.aak at a ford, and kta spent a nf bis life la tbe railroad service. Us entered tbe ail rd arrviee as a by oa the Csrollns Cential reJIroaJ, and was four liiws promott'd while the road wss under the management of lbs lets Major J. C Winder, who bail a b'gh app-ee atloa of his ability aad cntracier. lie mired front lbs Seaboard Air Lice about the time U jor Wader mlgtad aad ahiatiy thereafter stabllshed tne Uoore Couaiy Bank at ttanfonl, wbkk has become 'a solid InsiltuLoa 1I is a geolleman of capscilv and energf, and has tbe cjufl delii-eoftbe ImIum world. "He It a native of Uneoe cvhn'y and Is well knoan ibrougbout tbe S.ate, BILL TO SltUL TUS.iAV. The UU that will be Intruduoed today to b-ilhe road Is as follows: A bib to be entitled "An Act to Bell tht . SlsU's Slock la the Atlanl'e and North Carolina Railroad Company ' The 0 .moral Assembly ot North Cam Una do enact: ' ' ' Section 1. That, upon the ptyment to the State Treasurer for tbe use f the Blale of North Carollua within nl iei) diys ahcr tbe ratification of this act, ot the sum at three hundred thousand did 1 rs (iOcO.tKf.OUV), the said Siale Trrti- urer be and is hereby authorized and directed to sell, astlgn, tran.fer and de liver to W. J Edwards and such others as may be associated with him, or bis assigus, all the shares of the capital stock owned and held by tbe Elate rl Nona Carolina, in its own name or lu name of any other person or persons fur tbe ase and benefit of the Slate, in the AtlautlC and North Carolina Railroad Company. . S.c.Ion i, Thil at Ins time of tbo said a lie and transfer and before the delivery of said shares of slock, the said W. J. Edwards shall enter Into a contract with the Slate of North Carolina, in a form thereof to be approved by the Attorney General ot the State, to construct aud complete or cause to be constructed an J completed, within four years from aud after the ratification ot this act, a line of standard gaujed railroad at least one hundred miles In length connecting with said Atlantic aud North Carolina Rail road and running weslwardly through the counties of Wayne, Johnston, Har nett, Moore and Montgomery, and thonco in the direction of Conoord, Salisbury or Charlotte. ' Y : ' Section 8. That, at the time of txe- tnlins the contract provided - for In the next preceding se lion, the said W. J. Edwards shall deposit with the Slate Treasurer bonds or other valuable se- e iritles to be approved by said Stale Treasurer of tbe market, value of one huidred thousand dollars (,100,000,000,) as collateral security for tbe faitliful per formance of his aforestld contract with in the time therein limited, the condl tton of said contract to be that, if the aald oue hundred miles of railroad nhsll be completed within four years from lbs ratification of this act, then t ha -said bonds or other security hall bs surren dered and returned to the said W. J. Edwards, hli associates or assigns, but hat, it the snld one hundred miles or railroad shall not be so completed, then the said deposit shall be forfeited to the State of North Carolina and shall be conVerled into money and covered into the general funds of tho State, it being distinctly understood that the advantages to Accrue to the State from the comple lion of raid one hundred miles of road constitutes a material inducement for tho tale and transfer of the aforesaid slock. Provided, however, that, until the deposit hereinbefore provided feu shall become forfeited, the said W. J. Edwards, bis associates or. assigns shall be entitled in collect and receive tbe In teres', dividends and profits accruing tberenn. ; v j' Section 4-' That this act ' shall be lu force from aud after its ratification. Spoaklng of tho proposition embraced In the bill Mr. Edwards said last, night: "We offer lo py the .price eqiu thai paid for Iho Cepe Fear and Yadkin Valley besides phtiing up f 100,00!) guar antec to extend the Uue at least one hundred miles through a section ot country greatly lu need of a through line.' The result in taxation to tho State from this o ie hundred miles of roi l (it is lutem'e 1 : to build immediately IV) mllef), will give Ibe Stale iu tbo way of town and railroad property al least five millions of dollars worth of taxtbie pro perty, which is to be a new and perpet ual source oHasatlon to tho State yield ng annually a mnch larger jnn -ms than the Stalo can reasonably inpe to receive as-a dividend from her stock iu tho Al lantic. mid North Carolina Railroad, to say nothing of the tuxss tj be receive I from this source by cales an I ton us. 'it is well known that ibe Altantic and Noith Carolina Railroad has been from Its earliest history tho fool bail of politics am) that with each incoming sd mluUtrati'in ihec is always a struggle over tho control of this railroad cum pany. If sold to as it will be manng-d en'ii'cly by North Carolina, cmipou'd V-e'i U lor Itfiiits T::i'! !Y;j .-...I C: I j i ; li a i i j I j (h.. , . r 1 -1 c .. r r j . - . : 'i it f..t.. it rr tut r. d. 1j r-tirre rf )'.r-'a fMih iia. kie as li..i-'ee,rai oK,w:!r 1 ll.l aec.iua. erjj lxiuste ik t aru f lies TLf rent.emra are of l L'k tBt cksr :tr a d luCueu stsouiD. and are ia no bum r.iDBocwvi wiia any otaer rsiirnal company, airrc! or ledlreeilr . Wi stt'.AS IwHiwst, Ami we a' prepared to do a l llisl we p'omi. -We will pro tert Ibe prtrale slorkbnUUrs ia every way, ami believe that It would be to their (merest for lbs Slate to sell as lu stock la tht roA" "The la mesa ot this proposition Is very clear, and the saceptaaoe .nf h by lbs Siale wjll he aadonbledly wise, la aiaucb at tbe Weatera North Carolina Reltruad Compiny was edvanlagaoisir sold lo a Xew York syndicate In secure lu estsatlon. Oa nf the resales of said sale made by the Slate U, that tbe coo a ty ot Buncombe sow litis twice aa-nach property for texatloa as the kole Weatera part ot lie Stale did prior to the building of lb la road. Tbe same Is tree of the Cape fear and Yadkin Val lev road which waa soli) by the Bute for the eoailderalloj ot lie being attended; the result of which Is. this road haa added to tfie Staie-UxAbla property not less than ten millions of dollars Fur tberjiora, it lbs Attaailo aad Xarta fa-ollia roal Is allowed to remain uoextrndud and undeveloped, there la great prolmblllty of III being aial led from New Bjra to Klnalon, where It U already tapped by Ibe Atlantic Cuaal Line, an I therefore, cease to be a div. Henil paying uropeily. Besides, It Is a well knowa f set I ha Ibe road and ennlpme.il la In a bad phyilcal condition and in the near future several wooden brld.es along its line will have lo be re place t with mo luru steel bridges, aad that a sum of more than lti,000 will be required le put this property la good condition. Three hundred thousand dollars, or about tii 00 pur share Is a fair price fur Ibe Slate's holdings, iuas much as it will take about lUW.OOO lu acquire the property outright and put it In a good coadi lion, namely: IO.lKW for Stale stock. (IS i.O H for private stock,' : iO.OOO for bonds and premiums. $1)0,000 lo put the property in good oondillon. "It Is also evident that this is fall value for lbs properly, inasmuch as the Cspe Fvsr and Yadkin Valley recently sold aittO.OOJ per miloriha receiver's ssle, which Is admitted by all railroad authorities lo bsve been a high price for tbe properly. Whllo the Caie Fear and Yadkin Valley Is a new road In excel lent condition aud has an earning ca psclly about equal to- (bat nf the Allan- tic and Noith Carolina road at present. the Atlantic and North Carolina Is an oliTroi-d and in woefully bad physical condition.' Tiir. MuncBgj way Commends itself lo the well In-formed 0 do phrasantly and ffeclually what was formerly done in tbe crudest man nor a id disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and bleak up colds, head aches, ami fevers without nnpleaiant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig By rup Co PfcRNMSjAI ' Major G nh am Daves returned from Raleigh last night. , Mrs. Martha Morris of Raleigh Is visit ing in the city. , ''-, . M rs. E. W. Rosenthal and son left yes terday morning to visit at Raleigh. . .MissJosie Chadwick, of Straits baa re turned home from a visit lo friends In the city. . . Mr. E W. Rosenthal, accompanied by Mu-s slainlo U.iwsnn, left yesterday afternoon for New York to purchase spring stock for lb O. Marks Co, Mr. J.-L. Ramsey, State Secrttary of Agriculture, Is In the city. Hiss N'cwby of Rocky Monnt is visit log In the city. ., - Dr. C. F. Mason ot Hnrlowe was here yesterday At lending thp Fair. Tongue Sandwich is at McSorley s. A Walking Advertisement A SATISFIED . . . . CLSTOHER. SEASON VRE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICE?. A Gins; flutter 10c. Towel Roller lfl , A (JaWnnizcd Slop Pail HOc. ' Whim llncket JOo - Milk Cjiis. 1 pt 6c. 1 qt 10c. t 6" 12. 1 gad I V. Pop Ikirn Popper 8c. Dull Tun 10c. M:n tint; pi 'I nml tiruali IV. A 6 hole Mb 111 i Pan At. 9 bole Do Re. 3 qt Granite Coffee Pot 2t, 8 qt 5c, 4q'K0. ' . ' ' " ;riuiuStncePjn25c. DishTaisO . Slop Pail 8 k A 5 galhm IJalvnntzed Pump Can BOc A Bnsliel iron Strapped ISai-kcl G'c. t'oine and Siw us. - J. C. V.'liitiy 4 vo. VroV. II V f 1 T "J W Of ridhidelphin, Specinlot EVCSKJUT MEASURE :nt is now in the City for n idiort limn ami 'Hdhuni'd I hiwsn-vv. c hi be f.tlllld nt l'ri 0 a in 'to 4 in, nod a I loo-e Ir.-nbU'd h 1 'i ' m toe li an l i . - i ;,, l .fUl I !. f . u i f ti e I . s e; f v invi . r t ir ( h f :al i r ti. Adz n r a.j U -Isttit W if imsr Install' ( af J (urn U i r lu iu i hare raw U I p Af irfin I 1 ttiurm ftMl is knfli j j t 'kCsjhI ts. A Limited Quantity Extra Early Red Valenllae Brans. LiadretV Exlra Eariy klnrntng Star Peas. ; UiKi'Kti klaioe Erly Una thed Potatota. At ' CHAS. B. HILL'S , EaM Bide Market Dock. J. H. Matthevs-! . r Middle 8lrf l. , . ' nKALita ia Foreign mid IIoiiimIIc FRUITS I . -, . Hot it Cold Lunch, - ' Oyitera In any Slyle. ' y . Confeclloacries, . ' '--. Cigars ft Tobacco aVo. DTI i Uliil killiJ I. 8T0RF, TLaNTERS Bl'ILDINO. illu.lle Sir.-ct. ltcst stand In city lor anv kind ol nusloraa, but on ao c. nnl Toheceo Vn house lo rrar, ; anluilile more rerecially for farmers supplies. Warehouse or Storage hxiiu ample Becuie the rise be fore Ti'lcoo Siaaon opene. Terms mialeratr, . . II. 0Fr'ICE!. BECOXn FLOOR, Plaaiera Undoing, ell her singly or in combination. Suitable lor pr- feMlonal. Inmisnieand other similar purpisMS, or aadi-cplng aartnirata III. 1I01SE ON NEW STREET near Centenary M. E. Church, rooms 'ol houses, water on lot, most dcsiiablp neighborhocd. Fur Terma, , &o. Apply to. - BR. N. II. STREET. . . -.. . .... -. WE nAVB JU8T . RECEIVED ; "' ' THE ' . '' - , " Spring Styles CF I KNOX HATS, ' and will be fad lo show thim to our patrens. r , PRICE. - $3, $4 AND $5. Knox Hals took tht SIX at the World's Fair and .Exclusive Shape, Superior : : Padlng Colors." . Call ami Exnmine Tliem. . ' 3 IS I- Every lint Gnaranteel. I J. Or. XDTJ1T3T dS CO., I It BrM'OI.I.OCK RTKKRT. " , . NEW RFRNK NO 2 iH . .. YOU WILL ititij Cm in MAttE kmt&m o U Ul If bo wo liave a Laige l ine of flattings, Carpets, Art Squares and Rugs, ' ' ' In Ti t rn. Color nml IViciA.ml n ill plvan you. Ym ill lose money if you !o not fee us b fore mi huy. t o Our entire $8,402.35 nery, Etc, will bo closed out quickly at a Great Owing to myretlriEff from the flrra oi.Trhicu I am Manager and to settle the affairs ot the firm this entire stck must bo converted Into CAKE. Sale Commences Tuesday Morning. February 7th, at 8:13 o'clock Bleaching. Carpets. Frail af the Loose and Barsei's aril Is Oae lot lagraia carpel, worth SSe. I bleach I .ig, 1,000 yanla la stock Now-We offer at tie yd at .Karryd ; : Store Fixtures. i Men'S DreSS ShirtS. Show eaaea, , for sale. lavltaUoa lo All liaca lt mual.a, Wor'b Tie and stdVe kerpera. ft, cldbg price Or sell whole or say part of this - - stork at big cUaroaal for eaah. Men's and Worn pn "nn pe",d T9rtdty '"t. r ikieil 0 ana W omen ruaryTlhatS lSe'eJock. Underwear. ; ; ' 04ab4UavyarlgUaadevblrufor Tuesday MOITling ; UxW hulks aad getkasen at . 15e " . -, - , At 8:15 Promptly. Millinery. Sieits the moving of tbe Immense DO Ladle, Oa. f.h walking ...sac,..' TTl! nt! C ally worth II 00 ., ' . file Ml"lnery, ThU ' will be a sale long remembered sale . where your own prices pievsll. . Blankrts & Comlorts. . Two bale. fatleea-rovere.1 Comforts. ' DrOSS tjrOOdS. Toclokeout 07e . . ,, . . , . . 1500 yaida and Uatk aad colored - dress goods, worth t3c and 85c, Men's Shoes. I now at Itotill 105 pairs men's Bee calf shoes, sell. . Ing price 50. Closing out s . Men's SuitS. ' fC ttt Several hundred suits nwn's rlolhlng si 60c oa U.e dollar. Lace Curtains. Besutlful line handsome Uc. C-ur- Umbrell aS. - tains, sold from ft 00 to f I 50 Now 60c umbrellss, assorted liamlbs ' woitb l 50 closing prk-e 80c Men's Hats. New style Alpine snd Dei bv bat a - Ladies' Shoes. I Regular price 3 00. Our closing 79 pads fine but Ion shoes, ell sites and out price " 05c widths. Quick moving prk-e 79.- toicmlTpot I'asli Offerings, - ' lVnisbl Deleiminaiioa (o Mi UDIiIi MnJTIElE BSSS1SS. Q. A. Opp. P. 0. . HI0HE5T. AWARDS a aro Famous for their Quality and "Never- 3 3 ... WANT T0 inn SOME d p C!3 For The Fair. o o C GO., 3 27irce siock ol Dry Goods, BARFOOT, Manager. Opp. P. 0. occo ooooooooooo oooo oooo yf, g FOKssi-ai.- ' ' .. .Fair as lie II ill I cif i wn ciihIi m-i A AH 1V1 niln ITion ciiniu ti ile w ilh do it Corsets Arr.r-f..r the relel.inlcl W. . and TIIOMTSO '. filOK rlTUM'. Lorg or hirt WaiVt. Uitk ir While, fl'O ' V Fei i U V. six! for I. e ai d 1 1 ildi i it. ',: c niid 1 00. o Shoes and Oxfords Our r-'prler 1 ii e ti r 110(1 H i n h It w illi nil Hie r w fl spis I Oxfi KlH in 1 1 lb Ui,t mwI tun. 1 1 ve orhinM' fide It r M e DKKVY, r-HliY A t!U.'K inke ol Hit ai d Oafi ids. hi d we win runt ivnt i air lo t iir gti d i cixii v I lit id fu n. f 1 to lofKOi. : : . ... . 'ltt' a hi d Gills Ci I en's and Sncdula in HI L i r T(.n, all sizes C5o loll 80. . , AVe on v a veir birpe lliie i f Phees nf all k'H d and In many ii.sames w eit iml tlii ui al hliii tly wbolerale piices. a O a o O () ( Kid Gloves o o o () u u n o n o o o n u w t h al ? r J () We haw- sold mrtie Kid tllnvr Ibis at ssi n tlmn I ti r Ik fme. We've iivn Ih tier aliif II in cct lor i he iKviswe nil iiui Miliffui tbn. All dp i nHlai k. Inn, Browu or WI.iie.1wo i-lasp nr Foslt r Uu k. !6c Hid 00 pair. Hen's FurnisKings riirnihinfs lor mi sold as Urn idir slore lu iii.riltulur. . - Meu's While r-h rts, unlni n lrh-d, Bllc.4 , '.. . , Men's Coloied Slibts itdmid from ft aid 1 60 Io'Imv ' Mex's S ix, splrnci i va'ur, . . All Llm n Collari None better at ny price, 10 . . " , Fpiii'ft Hinpin nnd OUrs of Kcekwear is junl in nml I bey nie very prtiy liows and ( li.bTKs, ffie. Tuffs and lu.peiiuli'. We. Dress Goods Tbe Dirss Ootds Work is tfe most In pnnpi.l ne In Ibis, store unit tie muni III id the Dieas doi ds n Kts mi our ii.ili line of Itlack Gotxls. lilac k la our speeinllv a d low proes "our hobby. 1 lie line i nilirnrea Mohair. rMcilin, Kuie, Hiu riitls, Tirwdelnlli. Vi neliiins. &n. Sean inl rutin li. to )! w e offer for Fair Week Onlv-Al.L WOOL FI KMill hli UK, '. SO liit hes wide, T rVKSl Y-F1VE I ENTS, - ' Souvenir Pins. Bie'lin? Silver Flag Pins rnuvenirs ot New. Hern, enamelled in New Bi rn colors, i ic each. " o 7 19. Goods Clothlm - Shoes. Mllli- Sacrifice. Rest Calicoes Ribbons. II liat of csdois la grvagralaw, taf tas aad aallas all wldihe aud qualities It aad Kc value, at lie Towels. Large sited bleached towels, at 80 Silks. . Beswtlful line of colors, goods worth 75c to I! 00 per yard, will be fold a 4Se Black Dress Goods. All wool caihlmetea, ben He t las, - flannels, brllllantlnea Ac, worth ' 00c to tl 00 yard, will be sold at 87)c Our store lor Rent. . , $500 Reward ! We offer the above amnent to any per , son or persons lo prove we are not selling M l lo does business. IS Public Sale I rgbis Tuesday, Feb 7th al 8; 15 o'clock. Closed to business, Monday, Feb. 6. Owing to tbo enormity nf this rvinl .and in order lhal the public mv tee the different depart tin nls In , !?, r shape the store will nolle op. neil Monday, Week. I u O o S3 O m o Ollt- 1 1 U ronii lete and the Lovnit (,'ua iiy. o o o D o El o o o o o o D o o o () () o n o D o o () u u u o n o o o ; o o ti o E 1 f ) only a Diy Qjode store tan sill : o o v 4 7 j sentence two years in i . j

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