i r i f I Tim Ktn4 Ton Unva Always louctit,o4 whkii lut Lca La a for nve IW years kM borne tho stenatare of wf - and bw ben made and cc bis ptr- V SJ&J-ff , rji wilrflt since 11 t Infancy. A::uTvr.ooonW derive yo in Oil. All Conatrxrfcl'., Imitation and BubaOUiJes arts but Kx perisncats thai trlBa ullk aiil endanger tbo Lewi til of InfhaU and CUiuIrea- Kkix-rieatca ag-ulnst Experiment What is CASTORIA Caitoria la a aulwiltuta fur Caxtor OX, Prrjrori, Iropn ' and Boolblnff Sj nip. It U II.irm'.cM and lliWMint, It contain nelUirr Opium, Morphmr) .nnr othrr Karcdtlo ubatanea. It aga I It cunraiitoc. It destroys Worm - and allay i-VvcrUhiir..- It rur.a Islurrtiicst and Wind Colic. It rvlleve Tetliin;r Troul)b. cure CouMtlpsUIoii and Flatulpny. It cuudmllntra tlio Food, ri,lute tha Stomach and Bowels, irli.'f lioaltli an.1 uatunU sleep. Tha Chlldreu'a IauaccThe Motlicr Friend. ; . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. . A. at X. C. IX. It. TIB I TABL1 ID. 7. 10 Tk Effect Sunday, Oct. , 1808, at 1 M. Going East BcHZDULE: doing Weal No. I Passenger Tnuna No. 4 Lv. p m htatiomu Ar, a n 80 Guldahoro 1 1 Of. 4 08 Lalinuige ...10! 88 Kluslou 1UI2 6 40 Ar. New Berne, Lt 00 8 60 Lt. " Ar 8S7 7 05.... Ar. Morehrad city Lt 7 41 No. 5. Mx'd rx X Pan To. Lt. a. at. 7 10 7 43 806 8 28 V 14 9 25 1015 10 40 I No. STATION: Mx'd i and Ta. , P. M. I Fas Ar . .Goldshoro .... Bt' . . LaUraoge Falling Creek ...Klnelon ...Caswell .... Dover . .Cor Creek . 5 . 213 . 148 . 118 .13 58 .1158 .1140 .10 40 .10 18 .1000 . 90 11 15 Tuacarora U 81 Clark 1205 Mew Berne r. u. . I Monday, weaneaaay, rriuay. . Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. No.1, f No.8, Mz'iFt. and Paas. Tn. Ar. p m Mi'd Kb sod stations: PaaaTu. Lt, s m 7 10. Uoldiboro., 7 48 beat'.. 808 ..LaUraoge., 8 26 Falling creek .... ... 818 7 ...... 7 683 14 Kiuston 6 13 28 oaswel) 518 9 40 Ar. Dorer. Lt 6 00 1015 Lt. " Ar... 4 10 40... core crock 400 U 15 Tuacarora.... 8 88 1181 Clark's 8 20 18 05 Ar. New Berne, Lt 2 50 1 80 Lt. Ar 1047 312 KiTerdale. 1010 880 .croalau 10 00 9 48 HsTelock 9 40 8 12.......... Newport, Lt 9 06 9 25 Wild wood. 8 47 181. ..Atlantic 8 8 8 46. . . .Ar. Morehead City, Lt. . . . . 8 20 4 01.... Ar. M. city Depot, Lt..... 7 50 r. a. a. m. 'Monday. Vyedueaday and Friday. (Tuesday, Thuisuay and Saturday. . . 8. L. DILL, .. buwrinlcjdent. Allan lie Coaett Xine. rVlLHlHUTUN & NEW 15 CRN R. B., TIMS TABLR MO. 5, laKtfect (Vedneadsy, Aug. 7; 1896,;Dily Kzcepi ounuuy. Uoing South soUBOOLB: Going North : No. ul, I'asaenger Trains No. 50, Lt. a m. btatiomb: Ar. p m. ou 9 86 ...... 961 .... 1002... 13 03. New Berne ........ 540 . . . . . . 1'ollocktville ........ 5 04 ..MayiTille..... .... 4 49 JackaonTilie.t...... . 413 J Wilmington, I . Uuion Depot . ( " .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 13 15 r m 2 35 No. 8, Parhbhoeb ft Fbbiobt, ' No. 4. Leave Wlliainglon iiuuday, Wednes- dar and Friday. Learo New Borne Tues day, Thursday aud Saturday. - Lt. a M Ar. P a 7 80 Lt. Wilminfflo. Ar 1 45 18 40. : ...Scott Hill .........12 55 9 80,... . ... Woodaide...... J..12 16 10 06... ..Uolly ridge . ......11 40 1061 ...v. Dixon ...1051 1120...... ....Verona.. ...10 20 12 05 ....JackaotiTilla. ...i 9 45 12 JO. ... .....Northesai... ,. 8 55 l 65. . ...... . Whiter ak j 8 80 .180.... Mavtvllle.... .... 805 ...... ..Pollockkville..., .... 7 20 .... .. . Debruhl' . . . ...... 6 85 a0 .....Ar. New Berne, Lt...... 6U 'Daily Kscept tkiuday. ... , J. B. KENLY, .UeiitHTki Manarer. eoK in-s - . ckt-lis p tion ; , ! ' V i p Slgnatnro of WILMINQTON & WELDON R. R. And Branches, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. COM DKRBKD SOHRITJl.B. TRAINS (H)INO NOUTH. 5c c - X DATED Jan. 15, 90 3h AO, C a 22 it A.M P M P.M A.M. P.M. Lt. Weldon Ar. R. ill.. 11 AO 12 6 9 4il 10 8S Lt. Tarbon 12 21 6 00 Lt. R Ait. Lr. Wilson Lt. Belma.. Lt Fay'vlll. Ar.Florenot I Oil 1 H 2 55 10 8 II fl 45 7 10! A 40 20 12 52 2 40 11 5M 4 2.'. 1 0' ? 25 8 15 P.Mf Ar. Golds... Lt. Golds... 7 60 7 01 8 0 ' PI 0 8 21 4 25 5 50 Lt. Maii'llnJ Arwiim'lon P.M. A M. P.M. TRAINS GOINO NOKT11. . i . 1 200 b" 6 "i 6 j & '3 e"3 6 '3 Zfi y, S 'AO, AO A.M. P.M. LT.Florenoe 9 50 7 40 LT.Fay'Tille 18 83 ... . 9 4:1 ., Lr.Hulma.. 1 50 10 52 Ar. Wilton. 2'85 11 81 '-',-. aTIT P. M A.M. LTWilnVtoo ; . 7 00 9 45 Lt. Mug'li 8 84 11 19 Lt. Uold. 5 15 ..... 9 45 12 80 P. M. "" A.M. P. M. JL Lt. Wilson 9 85 5 50 11 82 10 3H 1 10 Ar. R. Ml.. 3 80 6 16 10 07 11 67 1 58 u Ar.Tarboro 7 04 ..' .'. ..... Lt. Tarboro 13 21 .... ..... Ly. R. Mt.. 8 80 ..... 13 07 .... ..... Ar. Weldon 4 82 12 AO .... ..... - P.M A.M. Train on (lift Scotland Meek Branch Kama Iruvrs Weldon 8 35 p m. Halifax 4 IS p m. ai riven Hootlaod Neck at 6 08 p hi, lirveuTille (i 07 pin, lVlnMon 7 as p fn. Returning kve Kins ton 7 50 s m. Bm nvilleH 63 a m, arriving Halifax at ll Id a ni. Weldon ll 33 a in, daily ex- oi'pt buuday. - . - n I rami on WaRhington If ranch way A'aliiiiKlon 8 20 a in and 2 30 n in. ar- rlvr Pnrntrle 9 10 a m. and 4 (Ml p m. re turning leave l'armcle 9 35 s m snd 6 80 p ni airive Waaiiingion It 00 a m and 7 20 p m, daily pxeepl Sunday. - , l iain leave lurnoni, N .(. daily except Hunday A 80 p m, Hundny, 4 15 p m, ar.. riven i'iyiiiomn 7 40 u m, 6 10 m, Ite turning, leave Plymouth daily except Hunday, 7 50 a m, and Sunday 0 00 n im. arrive Tarboro 10 05 a nt, 11 00 a m) - Train on Midland: N U Urnnc-n leave Goldabnro daily, except Sunday, 7 06 a. m, arriving HniitblleJd 8 10 a m, Return ing leave Smilhfleld 9 00 a m; arrives st Uoldsboro 10 25 s m. , , v ,' ; . " Train on. Nhville Brnnch leave Rocky Mount at 9 30 s m, 8:40 p tn, arrive Naobvine iu 10 a m, 4 oa p in, Hpring Hope 10 40 s m, 4 25 p m.Returrrtne leave Spring tiofie I loo a m, 4 55 p m, Nuih- vine l S3 a m. arrtre at Kocky Mnimt 11 45 a m, 6 00 p ra, daily except Sunday, Train on Clinton Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, rxcept Sunday, 11 40 a ra and 4 15 p ni, Returning leave Clinton at 7 00 a m and 8 00 p m. ' Train No 7M make clone connection at Weldon 'or all point North daily all rail via Richmond. - ' II M EMERSON, Uen'l Pan Agent. J R KENLY, Gen'l Manairer. T H EMUKSON, Trafflo Mauagor. : f Cfweatii, anti J i-itlcMarksohtaiticJ and nil I'ul- r?nt Iunies4 cinclirlcii for MooCflATC Fees. fOuROrrtcc I OfT0ITCU.O. PiTINTOmCC and we enn sc- -nre atrnt in less tune than liio iremote Irorri ashing tetu 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, i pattnialiio or not, free of chirps. Our ir" not oui till naterrt i st-enred. A PlTm.rT, How to Odtitin PatenU," with coat ot Maine 'tn the J.&. and iorviira counlriet Ssenf free. Addresi, itcmt Ortrr. Wbmi hkto h . rt. C. HCXUi: OF LrN'ATICS. SSAHl MAN S IIPt ISC IN Am IM SANE ASYttl. D Se TIM 04 TkFMlk SWIa r w sr is umim wa ..ir ni.ifH r, is tmmmw al4a) ( k iBMltslto. " I now- knew aatil I went cat to Calif una tu Utua thai iaaaa rwnpia aav a pnwerfol arnw of hnnac'." said S WslUDrtiUn who remnUy returawd from a trip to ths coast. "I ajutxtm that I t slway futuxl a borbtd sort ctf la tmst ta rotng throb aotid tnaaas saylnms, and so 1 a nurd asyanU with tb pmpiw crwWntial ta Saa Francisco sad wot np to Naps county to Kara a look ww th pplrsdid ajylum fur tb laaan Uta lasaoajch s I wanted to a few think- withool th sttcctioa of s gvids, I didn't prrswt my letters, but joat rsmblfld aronnd tha baanttfoL spacioa groDsd far swhils. I hadrf I pentthrsa misntes sxamininii th x tranrdinary rua garden ta front of th main aaytna biiUiing btrfur a tall, alender yonsg man. wall draaml sad exceedingly 'well groosnsd. smertrd fraa a elnaip of olaanrW trse and ap proarhed ma -Taking a look aronnd. ar' said batoma " 'Yea' I said. 1 only arrived bar a few minute ago, and I's taking. tb liberty of nosing a boat without any official guidance.' WeU." th tall yooog man said, pleasantly. 'I doa't anppos I fall out of th claatifkatioa "offldal gaidsnoa," seeing that I am tha ssaiataat raperin tendent bars, jet I (honld b pleaaed to (bow yon a boot and st tha asm tint try not to place soy restraint upon yoa by my s we inspiring presence.' ' "Well, the young chap's manner was so pleasant and wlnniug that I could only thank him for bia kindness, and we started over the grounds We hadn't gun far before a middle sged man, also well dressed and well groom ed, appeared some distance In front of na down tho gravel walk, and be beck oned to my companion. The young man excused himself conrteonsly snd went np to the middle sged man. Tb two conversed earncetly together for a few minntes, and then. Unking arms, what do they do but coolly walk off. leaving roe standing there in th mid dle of the gTATol path, a good deal non plnsed. ' 'Snrpriaod over the way they de serted yon t' said a voice right back of me. 'Yon mustn't mind a little thing like that, though. Both of those men are as crazy a loons ' , "I turned aronnd. and there, stand ing behind ahedgeabontten feet to my rear, was a little old gentleman, neatly dressed in black, and with a quizzical smila on hi features. " 'Surely,' I said, 'yon cannot mean that that rational peaking, pleasant mannered young man who waa conduct ing me about the gronnd is bereft of bis wits r " 'Mad as a March hare,' repeated the old gentleman flatly. 'Incurable case, nannies, but incurable. Tb man that he went off with is slso a very sad case very. Think he is the Maharajah of Blndblnd, or something like that But yon mustn't mind 'em. Lots of visitors are taken in the same way. If yon care to, I'll just show yon aronnd I am one of the board of visit ors of thii institution snd just happen to be bore in my unofficial capacity to day.' "Much marveling over what the old gentleman told me, I fell In with him, and we rambled aronnd the huge gera nium arbors, snd finally entered the enormous glass building where the cul tivation of violet is carried on. "Nice array of flowers, Isn't ltr the old gentleman inquired of me, wav ing his hand stthe beautiful beds of violet in bloom. 'I am not inordinately vain, my friend, I hope yon will under stand, and yet I cannot bnt congratu late myself upon the introduction of this violet raising feature here, for I myself was responsible for it and only succeeded in having this hothouse con structed after enormous exertions with the authorities of the institution.' "I congratulated the old gentleman upon the result of his labor and waa Just about to 'ask him to take me Into the main building and introduce me to the superintendent when he suddenly excused himself, saying that he had left his spectacles on a bench in the gardens and would be back directly. . I waited for him for fully ten minutes, bnt as he did not return 'I started on out of the glass building. V ' . ... '"You didn't , really .expect him backf . I heard a voice - any, and then a pleasant faced man, dressed a a la borer and carrying a watering pot, came from behind a group of palms. Se spoke with a Scotch brogue. - " 'The old gentleman yon were with is very bad np here,' said tbs man with the watering pot, touching hi fore head. 'He's been here for 20 years, and he fancies he owns the place. I am the head gardener here, and he trie bis best to rnn ma But he don't no, sir, be don't He can't No crazy man can run ma ' And the Scotchman went down the length of the raised violet beds, wa tering the plant. . : - - ' "1 passed out of tbs glassnilding and started for the entrance to the main building, there to present my letters As I was about to walk np the steps to the cntruice a man with fride whisker and rather a sharp, piercing eye walked np to me. ' . . ' : "'You have business beret' he in quired, of me in a rather sharp tona Well. I thought he might be another of 'era, and so I kept right on. He fol lowed me up the stair and into the office, and I had to hand my letters to him. Ha wa the superintendent He smiled when I told him of my experi ence in the grounds. ' . " 'Which of them was really insane t' I asked him. -- ' : ' "All of them.' he replied." Wash Intrton Star. , i An Honest Medicine far La Gripyd. George W. Waltt of South Gardiner, Me, says: "I htv had the worst congh, Cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one'50-cent bottle and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. I congratulate Vhe manufactur ers of an honest metlicint For eale by F. S. Duffy Tr- jH T C IC.L tl t- . ph I IMUl FM fc, I ! JM m wetlif tfc. rfa Ctf 64 telwa m S pm ty,t IW fata l .u w. ail UM ka saa Ak, W M tlm 1tk Im'i I i i -I ' Im mf to Aom. N. aiua to kifk T Wai. Umm t Smiiii mfM. LH lvi w. M I kjf. x -TkgMM a.tofc ta Si swa EYES LIKE TELESCOPES. ra h arr kaa Are Otft a Wlta KunlMi Stakt. It ba ofteabwa ramarked that civil ised panpto ssad to become abort bM Thia U bc ass la tows sad citwa tbatr viaioa is mostly eonfiiMd to short dis taoma Sarag racea. oa tha otbar baad, ar generally gifted with remark ably kera alxbt, and few tribe ar mora aotoworthy in thi respect tbsa tb Afrtcaa bnahmen, whoa eye ar variUU telescopes. This power i no doabt a wis provisioa of as tare, far tb bnahmca ar a small raoa, sad if they wo not abl to danger a kt way off they would ooa b xtarminated by their varions anrmle. whether sav age of other tribe or wild beasts. A traveler in South Africa relate that while walking oasday ta company with a friendly boahmaa tha savag suddenly stopped, and ruing across th plaia cried out that there was a boa ahead. Tb traveler gssed kmg and earnestly la tb dlnctioa indicated by tha trash man, bnt could sea nothing. "Nonsense," b said. "ther't nothing there." And h went forward sgsin, with th bnahmaa following at hi heels, trembling and unwilling sad still asserting that a could e a lion. Presently tha native cam to a dead atop and refused to bndg another inch, for this time, he declared, b could sea a lioness with a number of cubs, a fact which mad tb animal mot danger on than ever. But th European, who could see no lioness, much less its on ha, pushed abead. declaring tha bnshman was dreaming. After walking a quarter of a mile, however, he could dimly makt out an object moving aeroa tb boriaon. Still doubting that it could be the object which th bnshman said b had seen, he continued to advance, and at last was able to distinguish Uoaesa, .with her cubs aronnd her, walking leisurely toward tha woods. Chums la th Haaea at aa Bstmi. "Saw a Strang thing in Toledo tb other day," said a citizen who waa be ing shaved in a Griawold street barber hop. ' "I wa walking from the hotel to th office of a lumber firm and met a man on ride of who face was black asyenrbat" Everr razor along tb Una wa sus pended Ma th air and th whit of very eye becamo mors prominent. "Wouldn't datkill your gasped tb artist in charge of tb narrator. "Dat take de rag u'. An da odder aid wa' whiter' . "No; that WB black too." There wa no work don for som time, aa all bnt tb man who had don the questioning were shouting their hilarity. He looked so flare and mad such unprofessional slashes with his ra zor that th citizen decided to let hi mustache grow, didn't want hi hair combed and left a half a dollar without mentioning change. Detroit Free Press . , - - ' Oasale'a Bin BratBten. "Yes," said the principal of tb young ladies' seminary to the proud parent, "you ought to be very happy, my dear sir, to be the father of so large a family, all th members of which ap pear to be so devoted to one another." "Devoted I Large family I" gasped tha ' old gentleman in amazement -"What on earth do yon mean, ma'am t" "Why. yes, indeed." said the princi pal, beaming through her glasses. "No fewer than 11 of Ouaaie's brothers bav been her thi term to take her out, and aha tells me she expects th tall one with the blue eye again tomor row." London Tit-Bita A Bmtmbnuufc : . ."Have yon anything . besides thi photograph by which I- can identify hlmt" asked the detective. . - "Yes,' I have," replied th bard fea tured matron, whose husband had de serted her. And, going to her bureau drawer, she took out a bunch of ginger colored hair, tied with ribbon. "Him and mo had aorae words one day," she aid. "and I pulled all thia ont ot his head" Chicago Tribune. - Birds ( tlnaifleaatoa. . "Peace is represented by a dove, isn't it?" asked the man who wa looking over some allegorical pictures ' - . "Well," answered th official who had been to a diplomatic banquet "doves used to figure in that connec tion. But quail on toast appear to be more popular now. "Washington Star. Wkr H Stars. ' . , ' "No, air." said the red faced alder man with great emphasis. "I'm in th franchise fight to stay. " i. .' : "I suppose. , then. " said the little man with wide ears, "that they don't giv you your wad until tha whole thing' ended. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. -- "' Hot Katltl4 ta It. "He wants a divorce." said tha law yer, "because he says hi wife refuse to cook for him," "He's not entitled to it," replied th dyspeptic partner. "No man is entitled to a divorce nnlesa his wife insists upon cooking when she can't " Chicago Poet ( On the Yukon at a distance of from 700 to 800 miles from the sea there are many points where tho river is 30 miles wide. A Chinaman eats twice as much meat as a Japanese. - , Bm4y Fer Nervous exhaustion Are yon weakened and exhausted by overwork, worry or disease? The Mystic Life Renewer will quickly renew your strength and vitality. It it the Greatest Nerve Builder known. It It a marvel lous Titallzer and strengthened It quick ly and certainly cures Lost of Appetite, Indigestion, Nervous Weakness, Palpita tion of the Heart and failing health. It is Indeed a wonderful Life Renewer and Life i5lre!.::-'!iemr. rV'i by i .'n-y's rt.anrvy. FATIM&SOHS CURED CP iicnnAsii I kad sa RAtagw U4 sivkla,klca Wf4 n tm 'm mU Rnaaa rm mi kstv. I -,! I as slar kaa vas a ,uni k ua ants s4 anrnuk aB tk tlaa. Alj UAm a-4 m ke km war sdtetmS vlUUMiua tk-af. a ma sua Uaw. Ws aB taSsrr kivuJ for a W aa a katf, trylai la Uw 1 aaKcM tkmcakasf CrnnvaA Sotr sa4 tbsss haul a! Cunoraa (wikmm) aa dwyaanW ft fum awarn. frltf. BICH'D AMSOX.CMrm,UIa. aataw a( rtras Bmim r osHsn, la ta Eastern District Court ot tb Called Stats, for tb Eastern Dlttrk of North Carolla. I lb Matter of 1 la D W. Host. Bask nipt ) Bankruptcy. To tha rredltors or D. W. Hurt, of Ooldtbaro, la th County of vVaya ad District aforesaid, a baakrapi: Motlc I hereby gives that oa Uf tSrd day ot February, A. D. 19. Il aid D. W, Hart, wa duly sdjudiraled bankrupt, aad that tha Irst meeting of hi rrtllor will be held at the pfllc of L. J. Mohra, I New Bern, N. C . at 13 Moetbel8ihdsy of March lmiO, at Which tlm lbs said creditors nay attend proT tbtlr claims, appoint a trusie. laatla tb bankrupt, and trantai-t such otbar business at may properly coin before (aid aieoting. L.J. Mooss, Referee la Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy Dlvla- loa ia said District. New Barn, N. C, Feb. 23, 1809. atlaaar firs Blaostac at t4iira. Ia th District Court for the . Eastern District of North Carolina, Ia tb matter of C A. Vlck, Bankrupt To th Creditors of C. A. Vick ot Kint ' ton. In the County of Lenoir, and th District aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice I hereby given that on the 21st day ot February, 1899, the said C. A. Vick wa duly appointed a bankrupt, and that th first meeting of his creditor will bs held on the, 13lh day o( March, A D, 1809, at the office ot L. J. Moore, Referee, at 13 tn, at which time the crcd Itors may attend, prov their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the .bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before ssid meeting. L. J. MOORE, Refers in Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy Division. ' , CALL NO. 11. af rravra 'air. Mori a - Carsllaa. Notice I hereby given that six Craven county bond of th denomination of At hundred dollars each, have this day been drawn for the sinking fund of said county la accordance with the act of Assembly suthorlzing their issue a follows: - Fiv hundred dollar bonds, numbers 319,95,158, 29, 147, U ' These bonds will be psid principal and accrued Interest to March 15, 1899, npon presentation of tb same at tb National Bank of New Bern, New Bern, North Carolina; on or before March 15tb, 1899. Interest oa lb above bonds will reate oa and after March 15th, 1899. By order Board Commissioners. E.W. SMAJJ.W0OD, 'V Chairman. . When in Bayboro stop at th Lupton House for good accommodation.' WlBier TvarU Tlekals Baw ttal by aa Intra Railway. - Commencing November 1st, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell from princi pal stations on Its lines, round-trip Winter Tourist ticket to best resorts in Florida, the South and Aaherille, N. C, in "Tha land of the Sky" at greatly reduced rate for the round-trip. - Ticket trill t on sale from November 1st, until April 80, 1899, and in most cases final limit returning May 8lBt,18'J9. . In connection with the above the Southern Railway off en the quickest and finest train service and connections to all resort ta the South, Mexico, Cali fornia, Cuba and Porto Rio. ; , : ' ' Any information as to rates, schedules, sleeping car rewire, accomodations, etc, cheerfully furnished upon application to any agent Southern Railway, or Ii. L. Vernon, Traveling Passengor Agent 11 South Tryon St.; Central Hotel Bldg., Charlotte, N. 0. " '.. k " : A sVetrepelitan Breamar. ' Local Statesman What an impracti cal, visionary dreamer your neighbor Jobs 1st .' . ' Wink-Yet, Isn't he? Only the other day he said he thought the meet clean ing department ought to make an at tempt to clean the street. ' C3UG.1 GVuU? Curos Hoarsenes and Sore Throat. It Is the best remedy for stubborn cold. Small doses. Price 35 cts. at druggists. BY SPECIAL REQUEST We have ordered some Extra Fine Stall Fed BEEF which will be 12 Cents for the Choice Cuts. Oilier Beef the old price. Those wishing 'something Jflne will do well tocallon us. I' -;iv:fiilly, r - , ? ' f " ' - " vv mm l i. . . m, U l..n torn MS ktMlMIM.almi Iwi.l Mia-wMl,1. rnmSminrwi. Qto.rii ,.i isiuii i ii r r-r-w LU"' - a it. 11 'N A Kelentlfic Jul Is always duo by aa ttpert rarnler. wkeu b mm such u peri or alret lunla aa hv obofara frnes oar hlgti (tadw stnrk. ' A "d eaipt-yler atay b known hla chips," but a earpwauv Ibat Is up Ue dal aad expert la his wnrh won't anyUiiag but our FINE HTkFL TtKilA II caa make hi rrpnialio oa tbrta. 1. 1 CUTLER H'DW'E CO. Tills GIIIP Is now raring, the Ideal irevenlstlve ia (Miffy'a Tooio Ague Pills, whkJi by building up the strength and giving too to the system ia really the only way that this distressing malady ran lw warded off; while for aa actual attack there is nmlilng belter, naml in connection with Dnir' Anti-Bilious Pills and Oough Killer. This treatment wa guarantee to cure the worst case if taken in lime. P. K. DUFFY, PHARMACIST. Cor. Middle At S. Front Si reels. Henry's Pharmacy, Combs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Whisk Brooms, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, &c Willi every purchase of FAIRY SOAP amounting to 25 Ceuts, a Handsome Calemlsr with 1 hntnsof Dewey, Merritt and Wheeler. Physician's Prescriptions .......A Specialty. GOOD BOARD! At 'Reasonable Rates, At Mrs. S. M. Smith's BOARDINd HOUSE, 6) S. Ftont St., New Bern, N. . FIRST CLASS ACCOMHODATION Russell House. While in Beaufort be sure and stop at tha Rusell House. First-Cltss Board: A home for traveling people. Fishing and hunting unexcelled. Terms $1.25 a day or 95.00 per week. G. A. RUSSELL. Prop. Southern Tjailway. The Standard Railwayed the SOUTH The DlrectUne to all Points, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, ; . FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO HI C O. Strictly First-Class Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Gars on all Night Trains; Fast aud 8afe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Bate, Comfortable sad Expedi tious Journey. - '. Apply to Ticket Agents for Tim Ta bles. Rates t.nd General Information, or address " F. R. DARBY, ' R. L. VERNON, , ; 0. r. T. A,- '- T. P. a., Ashcvillo, N. C Charlotte, N. C Frnk 8.,Ganhos, , J. M.Cdlp, 8d V P & Gen Man. ' Tmf. Man W. A; TrtRK, G P A. WASHINGTON, - . - D. C. Kxct'Htr'i Xolli; ! . Statr of " 1 UttAVRM tJOUSTVI J ITavlng duly qualified as B-tecutrix and Executor of Isaac Wayne Eubank, deceased. All persons having claims airalntt said Isaac Wayne Eubank, deceased are here by notified to present the same to either of us on or before February 20th, A D, 1900, or this noiice will be pleaded in lar of recovery. All persons indebted to said Isaac W ayne Eubank, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. 'i iiia lS'h day of February, lN'ii. Litinp hi AM.v, Executrix. GCLriNSj r. VE SET THE PACE, OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW. Three Carloads Kentucky & Virginia Horses ( and Mules Just Received. FIN ESI CLASS OF DUIVK AND HOAl) ll(.)l:.M. KKT AND MOST DUUABLK CLASS OK W'OKK. MTJLES THE BEST OK ANY Dl'SClillTIdN, i;.M;lxo FU0M 13 TO 10 HANDS. SOLD UNDF.Ii STUICT AND FULL OA I'll AN 1 EE. COMPLETE LINE OF BUlitllES, WAGONS v. WIT AND II A UN ESS. See us before bujinc, it will pay jott. M. Halm & Co. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL,, nrnoEs a genekal fike T. A. (1REEN, Pn-sidi-nt, OEOUHE (1HEEN, Secrrlary. J. J. WOLF EN DEN, Gen'lKent. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of tiruvvn county made in a tpec lul proceeding wherein Joseph M. Itcel, Administrator of B F Ciithrell is plain tiff and John Cuturcll, William Ciithrell and others are defendants, I will sell nt public action at the Oourt house in the city of New Bern at 12 o'clock, M on Monday, the 3rd day nf April, 181W: the following proierty: All tho timber above twelve inches at tho stump when cut on the hind situate in the county of Craven adjoining the hinds of Benjamin Lee, Emory liiee and others containing 11(10 acres more or Icsb, the said laud being the same which was conveyed to the said B F Cutlnell, de ceased by W C Brinson and wile by deed recorded in the ollice of the Iti'tister of Deeds of Crnvcn county iu book 10S, fo lios SO and 81. The purchaser to lie al lowed ten vears in winch to cut :and re move said timlx-r. Terms of Sale Cash. JOSEI1P M.KEEL, Admin, of B F Cuthreil, deceased. By W. W. Clnri, Attorney. Coiani!.vsioiier .Sale. By the virtue of the power conferred upon mo br a judgement grauled In an action tn tiio Superior Court of Craven county wherein T. F. McCarthy admin istrator is tho plaintiff and Henry Ernul et als are defendants. I will expose to public sale for cash at the court house door iu the city of New Bern to the highest bidder on Monday tho Gill day, March 1HWI, at tho hour of 12 noon all tho following described tract of land situated on tho Noith side of Neuse Ktverand East side ofLitlie Swift creek bounded as follows: Beginning at the forks of the New Road, opposite tn the dwelling house of W. A. 1 orris, thence running up said road to West branch, thence dowu said branch to Little Swift creek, thence up said creek to the mouth of Kit swamp, thence up said swamp to James M. Willis' corner, thence reverse of ssid Willis line to the 1'amlico road and thence down said road to the begin Ding, containing 225 acres more or less. 1 his the Urd dav or February 1W). T. F. McCarthy, Administrator and Commissioner Notice 1 ... . Sbai.zd ' Proposals Brick's Cukek Bridge: Ordered by the Board .f Commission ers of Craven County at meeting of said Board, February 8lh, 1891. That the clerk nf the Board be Instructed to ad vertise for Scaled Proposals for both the repairing and rebuilding of Brice's Creek bridge. Bids will be rerelved up to 12 o'clock on the first Monday in March, liSID. Bids to be scaled and ad dressed to the Clerk of this Board, mark ed "Proposal for tho Repairing or 11c- DUiiuing oi urice ireea uringc." Ehnkht M. On ken, . Clerk Board Commissioners. Feb'y 13, 1800, - f-; , - .notice i State of North Carolina, . I Superior Craven County, f Court. P B Pelletler vs Greenville Lumber Co., and others: . Notice is hereby given to all creditors and stockholders of tho Greenville Lum ber Company who have not filed their claim against said unmpnny or been made parlies defendants to said suit, the said claim of interest or as creditors ot said Greenville Lumber Company to be made on the Receiver, Lovit . Ulnes, within sixty dav from the date hereof. W. M. WATSON, C. 8. C, Craven County, Koike of Administration. Having duly qualified as the Adminis trator of Macon Bryan, deceased, all persons are hereby notified to present their claims to me duly verified, on or before January 81st, 1WK), or this notice will he pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, This January 81, 1800. L. M. SattrrtuwaiTB, ' Administrator, BERN. N. C. $50,000,00 insurance business. W. II. l.LAIM. JOHN DUNN, h i -l'n st. Offices: OVER ( 'ITIZEKS liANK Administrator's Notice UNDER Mtl!Tt!A(iE. By virtue nf power of sale contained In a certain mnrtgairc deed executed hv Albert ISoriiin to liosamia Moore, de ceased, benriui; dale of Novemlicr 211, ISIiy, anil recorded in liook No. 112, Foil:) '.'ti'i-fi-T in the ollice of register of deeds for Craven county, I will as the Administrator of the estate nf (he said Itosanna Moore offer for sale anil sell at public vendiio at the door of the court house in New Born, oil Monday .March 2lth 181)9, at twelve o'clock noon, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described tract ot parcel of land situated In the county of ( raven it State of North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at a dog wood stump near the houteof the late Samuel Dudley, Wil liam Mitchell old corner and running north II, east CO poles across the swamp to a stake thence south 48J cast 22 poles to a stake, thence south ill east 01 poles to William Johnson's line, thcuce south 71 west 70 poles with his line to Samuel creek, thence up said creek 130 poles to a gum on said creek and Manly and Simmons mill, thence north 221 east 77,poles to the la-ginning. Also another tract adjoining the above tract being near Trent road about four miles from New Bern, known as Mitchell Island coulainiug 125 acres more or less being the same land conveyed by E W Carpenter to Albert (iorum bv deed bearing date of November 20, ls()3, re corded in Book No 112, folio 2(1") in the ollice of Register of Deeds of Craven county and mortgaged by the said Albert Oorum to the said Rosanna Moore. This 18th day of February, 1H!H). Tuos F McCarthy, Administrator of Rosauua Moore. Sale ot Land. By virtue of a decree of tho Superior Court of Craves county made and en tered on the 13th day of January, 1809, 1 will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in New Bern, Craven county, North Carolina, at 13 M. on Monday the 6th day of March, 1890, the following real estate, to-wiu- A tract of land tn Craven counx ty, N. C, adjoining the lands of Mm Kale Move on north west.on the 8. by the lands of Fenner Adams and David Tripp, Sr, on the oast by the lands of David Tripp, ,Tr, on tho west by the lands of Kate Moyo, being the lands purchased from Enoch Wadsworth bvaaid Free. man Harris, and on which Joo Benton and wile, Hnrah, now reside. January tilth, 1800, ' : ' t John Chai-man, Administrator : V i . of Freeman Harris, doe'd. L J Mooro and I) h Ward, Attorneys. Valuable Lands For Sale, y Pursuant to the nowers in the deed executed to me which Is registered in me oince or the Register of Deeds of Craven county. North Carolini. In book- No. 107, page45, t will sell at public auction at the Court House door of said Craven county, on the 8rd day of April, 1809, at 12 o'clock mid-day, all that tract or parcel of land situated In said Craven county en the south side of Trent river, about 5 miles from the city of New Bern and bounded and described as follows, Viz: . : .Vy ;... . ... Beginning at the month of Cvnrass branch between Green Hill and Raccoon Island at a marked cypress and running the various courses of said branch 189 polos to a place opposite an iron post on the south east side of said branch, then in a line with said Dost from the rnn of said .branch 40 W 178 poles to sa Iron post in the north side of Oak Grove, then north 80 west 42 poles to another iron post, then south 4 west 831 poles to an iron post, then north 88 west 35J pole to an iron axle post in the lsnd near a marked sycamore tree, then south 4 west to back line of Hatchs land, then with said line eastwardlv to Brices creek, then down said creek te the be ginning, containing 1,000 acres more or less and known as the Perryville plants tion. Terms, Cash. 0. II Persy.