HUh. ""'J I it if tee ncaiaa OF SYlCTOFntiS tt da sot only to lb oricioality ad aimplicity o( U cotubiosUao, bat also to the car and akiU with which it ia manuUfturod by (dentins piouaaae knows to U Caupomia Pis Srv Co. 00I7, and w wish to imnrt apoa all the importanoe of pore has inf lh tru nod anginal remedy. A th renaioc Syrup of fl i mwmfactored by th Cauroiun. Kio Stbpp Co. only, Kaowtalf if that fact, will assist one ia avoid iuf tho worlUew imiUUou aanufeture4 by other par tic. The high aUudlnf of th CaU roam. Fia buor Co. with the medi cal profeskkA. lad tho eatiafactlor which tho ernuine Syrup of Fig haa (riven to million of farailic, make tha name t th Company a guaranty of tha exvslleao of lu remedy. It ia tar ia adranoe of all other laxative, aa It acta 00 tha kidney, lirer and luwr-) without irritating or weaken In them, and it dora not gripe nor nauaeafcx. In order to get it beneficial effect, please remember th nam of the Company . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , a rnAxcaio, ou. " , new van, a. . THE JOURNAL. hew Bora. V. C star. , I80. I TEIiirIM. Wanted Position. Steam Lanariry Repairing. Bobbltt Drug Co Rheumacide ' U H Baxter Scsligc Shirt. II B Duffy New silks for Spring. McDaniel GaskUI-Small hamt. Business Locals. WANTED Position a foreman of lum- brrplanU IS yean exptriencr. AdJi wver. Box 603, New Bern. N. C. JKB8B.Y bWKLT Pnato blipa lor Baa. 0. B. Ll'IWon. TiiiTmnn. N. C. TWu im iiaerl Blo.cirh, ne ai.d Try cl ea atUcr. Sovci'a I a d ware Store.. I HAVE receded a Saa.ple 1809 Colum liia Chain Wheel, price ft'0 ftnd lnvit ntpection of tame. Bicycles, Grapbo- phonei and Printing. 'Phone 129. , Wm.T.IIill. THBflnett Beer always on draught, at J C0BS, middle Sfeet. ' J.J. Baxter hat just received a new line of E. P. Reed's ladiet shoes in but ton and laoe all styles. Prmlataat DeterinlBailoa 10 Hell To dote out stock quickly , we will tell everything at 20$ less than whole tale cost week. Barfoot'a. Baxter the Jeweler is fitted up with a costly and complete set of tools to do watch work in all its branches, we do it well and guarantee it, fine work is our specialty. rlalhlB. About 100 Men's Boys and Children's suits that we have made still a lower price on, Barfoot'l. J.J Baxter is cl wing out his a inter clothing, shoes, hats, undeiwear, diess goods at cctt in order to make loom for his new spring stock. (Jrntwir JtedBellana In rrm Wood . These goods must bo sold, your choice of very fin dress goods at about h'tlf usual price, Barfool's. ' Davis Prescription Pharmacy will fill your prescriptions promptly and with the greatest accuracy. Have yours filled there. Medicines delivered to any part of the city. Phone 50. Night bell at front door. ,- The art of compounding prescriptions to aa to bring out their greatest medl clnal efficiency, cannot be accomplished without modern appointments and per fectly pure drugs. The physician con stanlly carries on research to Improve his prescribing; while we keep pace wtth hit' Investigation by our study of the progress of pharmacy, improvement of our already elegantly appointed estab lishment and honest medicines. It will pay you in health and dollars to trade at Braduam'r. . , ? r , MbwiMloefc. Still another' reduction Id Ladies Men's and Children's shoes, stock of ox ford ties and slippers on sale this week to close out. liarloot's. Prescriptions a specialty at Davis Have yours sent there to be filled. They will be given prompt and careful atten tion. Night bell at front door. There is no need of saying anything about the cleanliness of Bradham's Foun tain; it is proverbial. It is so clean that it is appetizing, Every glass they are as thin and delicate as can be made is poliahed after using. We have gotten ilie name of serving the finest Soda in Few Bern by cleanliness, daintiness and liberal use of fresh, pure fruit Juices. Like our entire pharmacy, our fountai service equals any thing to be found in lar -o cities. Bradham's Fountain. r RdaeilMlBftibbOBi we offer entire stock ribi at 20 less than original 1H Htlli ( III. (,'MwJr J piwi'.- rai tt iU viL r foiwssl f j l'.y Match base Id IU a J bio U b-rW " atBi will ltM a pvsisful liroajk Th aMiuWaef lb o'4 Uate t'lb at ruin to (Mat Weight si 'ckk at th bosm of MtM Stella Boletts, fc th purtHMof norgftaltlaf. Th JoccaAiackaoaWkltM k'r el I of th lit anneal report olib Murraul Labor Nsilai its ef North Carolina, Ml IbnMgh th txmrxmf of Cnaaisioar Y.llamrkk. Mr. Wm. E Clark wat yesterday ap pointed As-Ufsol Collector of Cutioai at New Brra, to toccwd Mr. B, 0. Cra dle. Mr Clark fr leads will ba glad to b ar lf h!i epnoloUol. ' Th Wpl of KloHoa held a ma mertlnf Toosdsy night, and paaed rww luilnct opposing the tsl a! tb State's lochia lA.SC railioad. Aeoev mltlM want from tbtrato Balelgb to oppos the tale. Ther will b a meeting toebjht at 7: SO o'clock allhailor of Kokertad: Uryn, of lboe Intemted In baseball Ther It desire to organ its a baas ball club her for tb coming aeuon and th matting will disc Ui mailer. Oa the nod of February, la Wllmlng ton N. C. Jmea K. liollon, formerly or Ihli 'city, waa married to MtM May Northrop, daughter of Mr. baec Noith rop, of Wilmingloa. The wedding wat a vary quiet one. The arrival of al ad are dally increas ing ia nuaitier, and every one li glad Th threatened total lota of ehad for tbU eaon, which teemed poulble on account of tha very tever winter wrath' er will bo, happen, and the good )erly run uow teemt probalilf. Knlaititntneai For til J llnu.l. At an early dale there will be aa en tertainrnent clven ty Teet Brother Show for tlio benellt of the Cliy Band. The Band tlill owe tome money on their inttrumeutt and they hope at the proposed entertainment that . enough will I mwlo to free Ihcra from all Rll The time and place 01 entertainment will be announced later. Not Vi-I Canxtit, The negro who was found In llnlchV jaloon Tuesday night, under suspicious clruiimslam-cs, and ecaped.from those who Had ulin, it not yet caught. The escape on Tuewlay night caused quite an fxcltimenl on MUldlo si reel, a shot being fired aa the negro ran. but be escaped through an alley way. The hicn Is raid to be known but he had ni t been found yesterday, although setrcli was made for him. Xbw Slioll I'lsh C"in:nllonor. The new Shell Fish Commission, re cently elected by the Lcgislatute, were named In the new oyster law and aretl e following gentlemen; John M Clayton, of Hyde; George II tlill, of Beaufort Daniel L Roberta, of Craven; C C Allen of Pasquotank; Robert Wallace, of Car teret; B O Scarboro.of Dare; DB Hooker of Pamlico. The board Is expected to meet in this city next Monday, when a chairman and secretary will be chosen re 1.. Mr. W. B. I'lannor of Croatan was here yesterday. Hon. Clias. R. Thomas went to Hal' cigh yesterday. Miss Corinne Chadwick left last ulgh for her home at Beaufort. Messrs L. Harvey of Kinaton, and S, a Buggs of Bnow Hill left yesterday re turning home. Dr. J. E. Person of i'ikeville, and Dr. W. P. Exura of Qoldshoro, A. & N. 0, Directors, left yesterday morning. Before the riiscoverv of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dls 1 turlied by coughing congregations. No excuso for It now. . F 8 Duffy. Cried "Slurilvr" and Was Arroxteil. During the excitement of the .chaia of the negro who had escaped from , hit captors on Tuesday, on Middle street a drunken negro came out of a saloon on the same' street, and screamed "Mur der I Murder I" at the top of his voice, which greatly added to the excitement. This made a stampede towards the negro, who raised the claim of having been robbed, and shouted murder not knowing what he was about. The police took him In charge at nuisance There was nothing to show that he had been robbed. , Rheumaclde Is not recommended for the'eure of every ill; it docs not cure everything. Bat II it a certain cure for rheumatlvm, and Is a line blood purifier and laxative; try It. Y will buy dock at lull prices anj goods purchased of us that do not prove to be as we represented them. This our way of doing huslneai", a now way bnt it protects you and mukos it to our advantage to-be sure of the quality anything before recommending it to our customers. It meant to you pure drugt reliable goods and safety. It means to us your good will, confidence and regu lar patronage. Let us fill your prescript tlona. Bradham's Pharmacy, . Try a cup of surpassing collee and a ham or oyster sandwich at A. M. Baker's Coca Cola, wino coca, phosphate, all refreshing drinks from Baker's fountain. Lemons 20 ley's cents a. dor., at McSor Baker's store is open every nih-M until twelve o'clock.- Call ou him for line 'ii 1 i k i:;t rtvi'it. Kiit.a J.ti tii.-lniig il.a. , k i.irr.M rVi l I .Mm m frwu.u I tb Bottk twiy r at y mr Kt-t V iuitr Fair ediUoa. 1 1: frtua lm tr mbub iBuBitol. W had ko kin tkat tim lUr ork a pivilf pW. Taw paper yoa arr.l at h-l urL UnrVf vlw.' la aaut urr I rtl: "I dua l coder yoa 1 k New fVra It wt b a fowitful pl Jutflng f rata th plrttjuB " Yoart 0 Cravea ttreeL Hew ttrU. Th anaay f riasdt of Krv. John Htaoly Tkoaaa la lb la city, will ba greatly ia Icrarted la learning of hit new chaac of field work, It being tb EvangelUllc work conaactad ttlth St. Andrew '1 Prat- byterl church of Wllmlngto. , In ooannctiua a lib Ihla change, th fulloving of Rv. Mr. Thomas, from tb WilwiiigtuB Star, of March lot, will be uf Interest. tit. Andrew' Praabyteriaa ehnrch. niter th leadership of their beloved parlor. Rev. A. D. MrClura, bat taken another dorlded Mrp forward in church work by th Inauguration of a home missionary work, having Jutt employed a church snlaioaary who all) davol all hit time to tb work la New Hanover and Onslow ooontle, preaching it mis sion pointa and vbdilng the people In their home. H will have regular ap pointment for lb present at tha tchool house on Mr. Otcar Pearsalrs farm at illddle Sound and at th County Home. Roy. J no. Staaly Thomas ia a tooa ol lb lata Jadga Thomas, who was for many years in public life, serving as Secretary of Slat during Vance term at war governor and ulnequeutly Judguof Superior Court, president of the A. & N. C. railroad and a . a nniu ber of Congre. He U a brother of Hon. Charles 1L Thomas, member elect of Congroa from the Third iliftricl. Rev. Mr. Thon a aiteudeil the btale Univeiaily, matriculated at 1'ilucelon Theological Seminary, was a ttudent ol McCormick Theological Seminary and the Mot ily Bible lusiitute. Ha served with CMpet ial credit, a terra a Secretary of Washington Ueighl't Branch of the Y. M. U. A , was supply at the Park Kidge Congreslonal Church, Chicago, In October, 1MIT, at Littleton, ha was iioeuaeU to preach by Albemarle Praaby tery, and became pastor of suvora) churches In Pender county. Thes churches are now out of debt, and tii attendant larcolv incnased. A new church has been built. At Burgaw, in AprlJ of last year, he was ordained to the full work of the ministry. , Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a gculus. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitl't Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. F 8 Duffy. ; L,lat of Lxttrro. Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C, February 0, 1MB: - . , KIN'S LISTS., B John Brown, Moses Belcher, Pat Balden. C H y Clark, Samuel Cox, Alexan der Cotton, 8 W Curtis. D-John T Dillahunt, Moses pllla hunt. G Samuel Green, Uensom Green. II Henry Hunter, J Albert L Jones. . M Sergt L U F Morrimon. R Andrew Roberts. ' 8 Rev A Small, Shadrack Russell. . WOMEN'S MKT. - B Fannie Burgess, Margaret J Bryan ' C Sarah Clark. D Susan Dillahunt, Molilo Doughty, E Mamie Evan. F Mary J Fulcher. "G Sarah E Glbbs. J Louisa Johuson, Nellie Jones. M Hesaie Marshall, Lula Mondine. P-N J Piver, Millie Pool. R Bertha v Richardson, Malvlna Rhodes, Maetlia Roe, Annie Russell, Jaue Rue.. ' . ' ' . ,. iKizzio Sanders, K R Sanders, Buttle Spruell, R L Simmons. W S A Wilkins, Nellie William, Julia Williams. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised and give Unto of list The regulations now tcquiro that one (1) cent Bhall be collected ou the delivery of each odvurtisod letter. , : - S. W. Hancock, P. M RIMTOFAIX. k - To dense the system iu n gentle and truly bencficlul manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. ' Buy. the genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor nia Fii Syrup Co., on'y, and for sale by all druggiU, at SO cents per bottle; .". MeClursa Magazine for March. -- An account of the marvelous new sub stance, liquid air, based on couv.ersalioi:i with the discoverer, Charles E, Trlpler will appear in MuClure't Magazine for March, wiili numerous pictures ting interesting experiments and the whole process of umntifiiclure. It liquid air proves to be all that it now given promise of being, Mr. Tripler liw found a universal motive power that ia inex haustible and practically costless. O Been tli Elgn&tnrd of k. ..K. UA n It 7if .Gold Camel, Ceylon Tea, the finest in packac4, at A. M. Bilker's. Oysters, raw, fried or slewed at hours at A. 31. Baker's. all Whitman's line Chocolates at Sic ftrgv ( rwf. trta r.toiiW. It.t.' F y il . Th t!ln has guUea U faiawr vry aarh liiJ t ibrir far wark. W taara that or f rmn S tt lar crop of Irtb putaUMM this KuM. Tb BtTchaat bcr ar eonUtiaicf r- mvif aad adding b gaul la their alnro. , AU th dwrllltc BHta la Ttaouw ar aow ucvupisd, hil vrml hav taa faadUa. Why aot bulkl tsor k'Hiwv. plenty of varaat lota. A ga lUna was br last wck to rent a bou aad eoold aot gat oa. Mr J P Brogdea Bkohaa ba evitl- raliy IU with gripp anal pawsaoaU for to last four wevkt I mack bUr and hi inaay I rleadt nlcrtala tha hop that b will aooa ba oat and well agaia. Thr but a malt allcadaaca fro is this vicinity to New Bra Fair any faoiiliat had coma member tick with moatl and la grippe, but aa MiUI It grUlng aonwwhat caio. U tBa.l ar ao nearly tampd oat. It DO Johrtioo hat opened anew ator ber of dry goods and grocerl. What ha beeom f th Rw rivar oyster carta, w hav not had a visit from them for lb last fw day We ar inclined to beileve that the morals of our commantly are Improving, aa w hav not eo a maa, whit or e dorcd, visitor or clllxra, drank for lb lt fiflera day.. The Ian snow - caught many of oar citizen without any wood aad a ax perienre It aa'.d to ba a dear school many r replenishing their pile with many luada of good wood. The farmer hav eommaaced every fair day to haul commercial fertiliser, many who last year aald bo fertilizer next year ar now hauling It to plant cotton, tobacco and truck. We notice that many gardeot with collarda ar nearly all killed where they had been turned down and th ttalk bur rlod ihev are hurt but Utile. Why will people strive all summer to raise col lard and let I he cold destroy them when by a little attention they could be saved. Mr Johu P Koonce of Raleigh la visit ing her father, Mr J P Brogdea. MUs Sue May Kinsry who I teaching school at Tuckahoa spent Sunday lu Tienloo. Mia Annie Bryan of Pollocksvllle spent Saturday anf Sunday vMiing th Misaes Birdie and Cadill Koonc. Wo hav here residing In Trenton a gentlemen who ha a multiplicity ofprv fusion and trade who can take you I icture, then enlarge It, make you a fine pair bJott, cut jour hair, thtva jou build you a honac, paint and paper It, re- pilr clocks and watches and do most anything. We have often heard It said too many trades make a botch with all but W M Coble is an exception, he 1 good at all hit trade. , ,,,. -Th Rev Mr Alderman, Baptist mlnli ter will preach at Trenton ou Sunday n?xtat l o'clock. Not one child die where ten formerly died from croup. People have learned 1 he value of On Minute Cough Cure and use It for sever lung aad throat trouble. It Immediately stops cough' log. It never fails. F S Duffy. Growing (Nut. How shall the farmer grow cotton for the year 1809t Bhall It be by the luten sive system of farming or shall tt be by the large acreage, and If by the large acreage system will he or can he grow cotton at a profit or at a lostf Every farmer it now talking hard timet and declaring that he can't grow cotton at 4c and 5c per pound, and that next teason will find tbelr barn. andv smokehouses well filled, and lest cotton will be the go certain. .; r '--v:' 5 '-W; A wise plan this will be, and glory to our land and country It carried out. . To Lgrow cotton now at a profit the farmer must adopt the Intensive method of farm ing, such, at making two and three balet of cotton per acre and making grain on this, their lands, because it doe not take as much work for grain at It doe for cotton. To make two or three balet of cotton per acre the farmer must plow deep In the preparation of lanJ, concen trate manures; good culture amtltnprove ment of seeds and implement must not be Ignored. . : What a pleasure It would bo to a farm er, in looking out over hit fields of cot ton,' planlod in some heavy fruiting varieties of cotton, . that kind of the prolific store thai will fruit from the ground up to the top, and knowing that with good seasons ha would, under the Intensive system of farming, gather two and three bales of cotton from every acre. . This would be called good farm ing and profitable. B. W Hawkins, in Cotton Planters' Jourcal. ECCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ' THE BEST SALVE In tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fover Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,, and all Skin Erup tions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 ceuis per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy. , . Mr. A. E. Tlibbnrd, the jeweler, says "Anway's Croup Syrup is Ihc best medi. cine evur tried In a household for croup and children's coughs. Il has been used with grea'.OKt benefit in my family, and no mother should be without a bottle. It acts quickly and cures the child.'' , Sold at Biadbam's Pharmacy. . j. Smoked sausage at the Oaks Market 10 cents lb. ' . Dressed and live poultry at the Oaks Market. Stall fed Not'ib ('sin jV ,ikct. Western Beef, prow 11 Una, 10 cciiH Hi, nt O. In VW -w irw Atstarfr?. ! 1 . .c if JaMty r-Ak Ul bj p4tJ aui-l 4 ry Ialtntia4 Uikj 4 wnl kouuu ia Iran cmamy. rhuaa by r.. Kcwp P. BmiIo f lb l'alrllf al Cfa(i Uiil it 1st Mr tuaa a.)Udi ol lb M Bern Acl- y, aa losiiuiUua m cu.lvua ta. and iiWUo! aiih, lb kitlory of Mr eiiyjaad in.lrl,w lh lb UMajio of aar arty Cetuaial Uaya.. Dr. liaulc, how ever, iiu th name of oBaf tb prmaiat lolrciora ta that actat Mat of icarniae at kt tberda But appear la th enracl pubibbad by yoa and M akl to lb liM It aaay b well to print Ihcra too. Aloat AUator laU-hl for aaaay year la tb caay. Ilia chani wm roa- daciad ua what waa called lb "Luccu- triun" plan, oa effact, at least, of wkkb to taak hit pupil very aocarata I spelling, at km of ihom, (till living la Near Barn, eaa testify. Mr. Attmai had great faith la lb tail: "Ha that tparaih hi rod katetk hi too; but b lovalk Urn chatath hlat bt- tiate," aad lived fully op to Its aad of this fact, too, poaslblv torn of tb taid pupils aSay also hav a lively rasta branc. I'bere war no extra la tb school, ilia thought, but II was aald tf Il that "Bogging at grail and regular." Mr. AUraor w an uacl f oar nalgb bor. Dr. Oeorg Attmora of Pamlico ouuniy. Mr. Attmora, wat aaoceeal, la th turtle, by the Rev. William N. Hawk at principal, with, at different llmrt, Iter. Fonlyu M. Hubbard and Stephen E. Brawuwell aa aasUlaiil. Mr. Wallace conducted the primary depart ment, a od ber -daughter, Mia Mary Wallace, the acbool for girl. Rev, Wm N. Uawkt was a brother of Rev. Dr. Francl L. Hawks, the historian, both native of New Bern Mr. Hawks for many year wa -tha rector of ' Chrtat Church In Ibis city. Afterward fa set tled In Columbus, Georgia, where h died. Like Mr, Attmora fa wa a firm buliever In lb efficacy of corporal pun ishmeol, as this writer lis cause to reo collect. HI grandfather, John Hawkt, wat the architect of Qovornor Tryon' "Palace, having Come from England 'to superintend that work. Later John Hawks waa Secretary of th Colonial Aitoml'ly. Francis Uawkt, ton of John and father of Rev Wm N, Hawks, wa. Collector at the port of New Bern, an appointee of President John Adams and successor of Major Johu Daves. Ruy. Fordyce Mr. Hubbard and Steph en L. Browuell were of northern birth, Of. Ilubbani who was alan rector for a loug tiiuo of Christ Church, wa after wards I rofosoor of Ancient languages In the University nt Cbal Hill. He died a few years ago In Raleigh. 1 In later days a Dr. bicker, and Mr. A. F. Neville Rolfe, were teacher at the Academy. Mr. Rolfe wot a brother-in-law of Mr. Ueorge Bishop of oar city. A prlr.e hat been offered to the present pupils of the New Bern Academy for tha best history of that venerable Insti tution of date 1731 In preparation they WU do well to ttudy carefully Prof. Battle's tletch of that Academy. I 1 IB BAUAM AYM' J Sheer, Sedalia, Mo conductor on electric slreet car line, write that hit Utile daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all physicians bad failed, o.ily by nting One Minute Cough Cure. S Duffy. Tho Stenm Isnnndry It making some new lmprovemen this week, adding a new tioilrr d engine to the plant,,whlch hie been badly needed and thev will be prepared to turn out work much quicker hereafter. Also added ax new Empire rvdlnr aid Cuff Ironcr that will do better work Ihi n ever.'-. , NEW liERtf i. E. DAYBERRY, Man. Notice to Credit oral The undersigned havinij baen ap pointed, in an action, pending in the Supeilot Court of Craven county, enti tled "Farmer and Merchant Bank mid u H Cutler vs The Slimaon Lumber Company , Receiver of I ho defendant company, hereby notify nil creditors of snid Pompnny to present and tile their claims againat said company, with them at once. .-. New Bern, N. C, Feb. 87. 1899. ; ENOCH WADNWOKTU, . B. G. ROBERTS, Receivers, iy Newt-Observer please copy. AVben we are prepared to Till sil or ders for miylldnir in the BUtlUY and CAKBIAOE LINE. . Wo meet competition 111 every resjx'cl, Our factory is at 7 buoad T" ::v. fcls Come - 5 .-.W LARGE STOCK OF Horses & Mules JUST ARRIVED Which will bt told for CASH or on aad two year tiata. Large Block of Bugs! and Harriot, , Aud IfnrneMM. AIL KINDS OF HOUSE GOODS. J. W. STEWART. J. L. Hartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT and COLLECTOR OP REMT5. If vnu BTsaJit vniir hniii. Aaviiisl-tl tvlik PmhI IruAau or if you Iwve properly for ml (ura it over Ion. 1 have cttlla for Itouaet vvtrrry day,. Kit I bve non vscmnt. mui pcinp mnrai ma or motM d. rtaal.. 1 : T . .. w m I'lUdf QTfr VlUXsVIU Wild J, 4 The Center of Attraction I always the elegant and perfect titling tiiiisand uyercoMi aibai are n e in aoc.h exqnisili alyl. and fluish ai.h t erabliahment. Vatbin(lon'a Birthday will reiniiKl you that f-pi Injr ia close at hsnil. snil tliul Inn uill lui l.i for chilly eveniiiKS. Our new Spring laurius n-atiy tor inr nitons aeiefiion. F. M. iliathvitk, Mlddlaatraot. NEW BEINB, N. ( , The rianufacturera of Crescent Bicycles Miilu- it pmnible for yon t buy a D9 Mishl lnli erode uhi-,1 hi the l'rl iiKiml y siiked for at-coml i taili-r and un it now n makes. '59 AloJtls Now Ready. Chainless $60 00 Chain Models, $35 00 Juveniles $25 00 Don't overlook Ibis point: 1809 UmkvntH aienol 1808 Moilela. Wrin for OalHloRtiea. 3 SKINS' 1 YOLK (OMPANV, Planter Bnlldlntr The Rats sees himself in the MIRROR RAT TRAP, thinks it another Rat and Walkt in. These Traps are For Sale nt I ho fol lowing price, For luita, : For Mice,' 10c. . A fulKllne of useful IlnuBidiolil Artl cb s at Unck Bottom Pi Icon. i. C. Vhitty to. X HiiLBook Storel I Cole's Mucilage and Cement, -The Bwt on Earth " 1 Mends China, Glass, Wood-ware, 1 1 G. H. Ennett. V S Jii m Its Si Jl 7r, I, t. it n :i,'TTcsriax Iltehml Prices (luarantwl. r w r" - r m w t ll1'' wTaiisiali is .Hb-i 11 iWlet. at :mmMSr i N I A Full Line Just in. o o o Remember my stock is all New, consist- aa) ' U ing of Every thin g in tho , MEN'S ' FURNISHING LINE. ooo 1 have In my line ot '09 Straw Hats. They are Beauties. A a a III. H. Baxter 95 MIDDLE V'CCCO CCC0CCC3009 COOO OOQOf- O .....Fair "Week. ooo 0 Acile Pri paralion has Is-en made lo errniiit ilnie onl i'l luwii riirloiiii rs. All il uiin.i iit ci-n.pli u- nml il- l.i ti f lics com atible lib (Jim it Vualil x . Corsets fcde Atnnrv for lie (Vlel.ri.lrd W. II. nnd TIK'M I K)1 'S fil.OVK HTTINC. Long or hrt WaUl, I'.lr.k .r U , I 110. Feril Waikt for Vllnei nr.d Clii'tlien, T.'ic mil l (Hi. 8 8 Shoes and Oxfords a Our Spring Mi . lor If-flO is con' lite with nil il.r . I,,,,., H f (fi.ils in 1 1. Hi Muck and Ian. e hnve xi iim tjil,- I, r lliellltKW, hltLBY A CO.'S mnki-id Mkh s mil iiln,'r. . i .1 e Nrianl eery pair to vive ( il teixiie. I'm i ,1 s l :.u to fSOtl. - l'ns ai.d GiiU Cxfoida and Bni.dala in Hli k rr',";ii, nil sizes 6.V to 1 6(1. We Parry a veiy lare line of Shoes of nil kiiuls nnd in inany insl antes Wertbiil thrin at atiielly wlioli-Mile piirrs. o a o o 8 Kid Gloves o a We have sold more Kid Gloves Ibis season Hum ever l fine. We've Kiveu better value than i-ver lor Hie (.h-viswi- II i-in. aatisfaclion. Made in I'lm-k. Tim. Brown in W hin-. Tu elusp or Foster llmik. 'fc and fl 00 pair. o a o o Men's Furnishings o 8 a o D O o FiimiHhiliita tor mm sold as them our Mine in s.riiciilnr. Meu'a While Shirts, unlaunili ii-il, 50e. sleii's ( oloied Sbiits, n dun il in-in tl in d 1 Ml I,. ;.V. Mei's Sox, t.pleintlil value. All Lintn toliart None belter at an) pi ire. We. Hprinp Shapes and Colors of Ni-ek wi nr is jusi it. very piliy Bows and Club'l Irs, i'.V. l ulls ;.n.i lt , ,., o q Dress Goods - - 1M. 1 k . .1-. JAI. t. n Tlin Diets f!n lis Hlnrlc ia Store mill Hie sin lit-III of the liesH I tin ds n sis i-n . nr h- i i line i.l Hlurk (!m ds Black is unr t-piiiiiliv mil I. nn nnrhiilil v. The line eiubrHCi-s Mi.h.-dr. Mr.l-.-i. . . , . h, i . i.. rietlas, Itr -Hdrlolli. VeiieliHhH, Ac. 'sun in n rn- ie n .i. .l we offer for Fair Wei k Onlx , I I. V I nil, H I'.: t; I. .-,1 I 1. 1' BO iui-he wide, T n'KN'i Y-K1V K I 1 NTs, o o o o Souvenir Fins. O Bterlini; Silver FlaR f I is ouvniie of New Bern, In New Bi iu ro om, eai'h. a o o o OOO February ssF MBlflOl I Will Name a GO CHILDREN'S BUTTS WAS $100 AND $1 25, NOW t) .10 ' f0 . ; . 1 fiO ' 2 no, " i (in 50 ' " " , 800 - " Sflt). J no . 60 ' S 00 UP TO ' 8 r,0 40 BOY'S SUITS WAS I " 800 AND S ftO, NOW 1 75 89 3oo up TO ' . . , 600 ' M MEN'S SUITS WAS . ' '5 00 NOW ;i sr - 50 Mena Black Clay Wr.rst d 5 On AND CIO NO V !! J'5 ' 35, French Worsted 10 00 ?5i 80 " " ". 18(0 8 50 50 PAIRS UEVS KIIOI B WAS 100 ta 100 , " .'V " 185 " ' 05 BETTER GRADES frOO, 1 85, 1 50, 8 00 UP TO ' S 50 EVERYTHKIG REDUCED HERE ! jL. Big Line Top and Undershirts Cheap. Also tho Largest Stock Hats in New Bern, going Cheap. 'Also a Full Line Cellars and Ties, Trunks and Valises. Come and Satisfy Yourself. STREET. 9 onW a Iiiv (!. i il ..i.,,,. , u, n ll o nifiei iitii.,.i i n i.i . . ... il.;.. eiinini lied Few Prices: r t quickly, Barfool'r, I candies of any kind day or night 6? K1TOLE PTKEET, NEW lit UN, N.