El iT i; J JaNS'laM rrcinMlkmtor As slmLating ftfroodarvIKrfuH- Ouum.Morphiitr ux Hnwr J. KotNahcotic. I. id a. jja- Apofrd Briritdy forConstipa tion. Sour Slomdch. Diarrhoea, Warns Convulsions .Feverish dcm and Loss or Sleep. Tac. Sisal SifnatunoT KrW YORK. ." EXACT COPY 07 WRAPPER. A. A IV, C It. 11. TIME TABLE MO. 7. 10 1ak Edict Sunday, Oct S, 1S9H, at i;h. Qoiog Eaat HcnuXJMt: Going Wral - No. S Passenger Trains No. 4 Upa stations: A r. a ni ,8 40 UohUdjoni II 05 4M. Lallraiigo 10 33 32 KIuhI.ui 10 12 6 40 Ar. Now It. rnu, Lv BCD 5 50 l.7 "' Ar 8 m 7 05. ... Ar. Moreliead oily Lv 7 47 No. ft, Mx'd n Pass Tu. L. A. M. 7 10 7 43 BOO 8 28 1 14 9 26 10 15 No. A, M xl Kt and 1W Tu. Ar. H, H. .. GoldTjoro 2IWI ll.nl' 8 13 ... Laliiauge 1 43 .Falling Untk 1 13 ....Klnslou 12 f3 ....Caswell 11 58 Dover .'.11 40 ...Corn Creek 10 40 . . Tukcarora 10 18 Claiks 1000 ...Mew Berne 9 So I A. M. 10 40.. 11 19.. 1131.. 12 06 . P. m. Hominy, Weduekday, Friday. Tuesday, 'I huisday Saturday. No. 1. f Mx'd Ku au.l 1'aaa.Tii. Lv. a in 7 10...... No. S, Mx'l M. and I'ass, Tn. Ar. p 111 8 IS . .Goldsboro 7 43 Beat' 7 83 8 06 LaUraugo 7 l 8 26 Fulling- creek 0 33 14 KiuUn . 0 13 9 28". caattdl... 6 18 9 40 Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 1015 Lv. " At 4 20 10 40 Dure creek 4 00 11 15 Tuscaiura 8 38 1181 dark 3 20 12 05 at. New Uerue, Lv 8 50 180 Lv. " Ar 10 47 3 12 Kiverdale 10 10 8 20 Crueutu 10 00 8 48 Unvclock... 8 40 12 Newport, Lv 8 06 8 25...... ...Wlidwood 8 47 81 ..........Atlantic. 8 38 8 46.... Ar. Muruliuad clly.Lv..... 20 4 01....Ar. M. oily Depot, Lr. ... . 7 So P, at. : ' -.. A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday, TlniiMiH) and Saturday. . 8.U PILL, . - ; Buperint .dent AtluulUt t'ojwt IIno. WfLSIISOTOJi St Nkw I! bunk 11 it., TIM K TAlil.E NO. 5, - J In Ktloct Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1808,iilj , - Except Hunday. ,' Uoiug Houlli ac'UEDUUe: Ooing North No.-.l, I'aainger Train No. 50, J lit. u m, 8 00 an .... 51 .... 10 OJ ... 12 0-1 stations: Ar. J-hi, ...... New lierna 5 40 .Pollotkiville.. ,.... 5 04 ........ May8ille..... .... 4B . . . . .Jacknonvilla 4 13 I Wiluiinglon, I J Union Ueol .Ar. Wlliningtoii; Lv. 8..12 8 25 P M 48 IS . rm No. 3, Pahbrnokx ft Fbkioiit, No. 4. Leave Wilndiiicton Uonday, 'Wednes day and FrVlny. Leave New Berne Tues day, Tliuraday and Saluiday. ' -Lv, am. , . :.: Ar. PM 7 80. . . . .Lv. W ilininRtoa Al . . . .. 1 45 8 40 ..... ...Holt's Hill ..,.13 55 880.... . .. Wondaide ..13 15 0l.. . ...... .Ilollyridge . I.. ,.114(1 10 51 ........... Dixon i -...lOSt 11 ...... ....Verona w ...10 20 13 00......... Jacksonville.. f. .... V 45 13 JO..., .... Nortlieaa.. ... 8 55 21 65.......,WliitWRk 8 80 1 SO.., Maysviiie .... .... 8 05 8 15 Polloekeville.... .... 7 20 2 55 ....... . . tielirulirs 8 85 8 to .... Ar. New Heme, Lv...... 8 Ml Miaily Iwawpi Humlay. 1 . 1 J. It. KEM.Y, . . .Ilrneial Akiuarer. bhl I I K, - . HjOia p Hon H Tor Infanta r.d Children. Tho'KinO 'Yea. Have Always Bought Bears 'the SigLuturo of You Have Always Bought. 4f V VTiVV 4aB'VPBlBfP, flVCW WIHI ""' Tfffli"l WILMINGTON & W EL DON R. R. And Branches, AND FI.ORCNCK PAILJOAD. Ci'NIiKSSKH MMIKtH'I.R IIIAIV; IHUMI Mil III. AW rftf' " . Kind C s.i y.? I M. I'.il .M 1', M . 4.1 . . : in :m ( Ill .Hi H 45 5 4H 12 53 .1 lh til 0 20 2 40 1 1 tit I if, 8 15 .... 7 fit 7 01 8 21 .. 8 05 4 25 01 0 5 50 P. M. A f. 1'. M. UA1 K I Jau T , !MH ' i." A Jl 11 .' 12 5. 12 2i Lv. V. Idoi Ar. K. All. I.v. Tm laiii' Lv. R til. I.v, WilMii' Lv. (Selnia.. Lv KnjMII. Ar.Fl.irenc. I 0- 1 M 2 55 4 s:. 7 25 l M. Ar. (IiiIiIk... I.T, (!ol( If.. Lv. Mnn'liuJ.... ArVViliirlou TRAINS (JOINO NOHTI1. 1 "f& c 'i d j e"S s"5 e "5 'a y. 2 vso y-Q ko A M P. U Lv-Florcnci- 9 50 7 41 Lv.Kiiy'vill. 12 2i ... . 0 4ii Lv.Helmri.. 1 50 10 52 A r. Wilson 3 85 ..... 11 81 . .- j A.M. LvWilm'tm, 7 00 45 Lv. Muk'Iiu 8 84 11 111 Lv. Molds. 6 15 8 45 13 80 P. M. A.M. P. M. P. M Lv. Wilson 2 35 5 Ml II 83 10 38 1 16 Ar. H. Ml.. 3 80 6 15 10 0T 11 57 1 A3 Ar. Tarlwro 7 04 Lv.Tarboro 13 21 , Lv.ll.Ml.. 8 8U..... I9 07'S.. ..... Ar. Wildon 4 K2 .... I2 6U I ' P. M A. M I Ti Hin on Hie Scollnud Neck Branch Rood leaves Weldon 8 35 p in, llnlifnx 4 15 p m, arrives Scotland N ck nt 5 08 p in, Uiveiiville 6 57 p ni, Kluston 7 So p in. ltelurning leuves KinBloa 7 50 a m, (renvilie8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a ni. Wcldou 1133 a ui, daily ex cetil Hunday. " Trains on Waaliington Umlicli leayc Wasliington 8 20 a oi and. 2 30 p m, ar rive I'ariiii le 9 10 a ni, mid 4 00 p ni, re turning leave Partncle 8 85 m and 0 30 p ni arrive Washington U 00 a ni and 7 20 p ni, daily except Hunday. . s - Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 415 p m, ar il es Plymouth 7 40 p ni, 6 10 p m, Re mruing, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 50 a m, and Hundny 9 00 a in, arrive Tarboro 10 05 a in, 11 00 a m 'I rnin on Midland; N C- Wranoli leave Qoldshoro daily, except Sunday, 7 05 a, m, arrivingttrnilhfteld 8 10 a m, Return mg leiivr Smlihfield 8 00 m; arrive at Cloldsboro 10 25 m. .; '. i ; Trains ou Nashville. Branch leaves Rnrky Mount at 8 80 a ra, 3:4(1 p ni, arrive Niu-uvii:e 10 10 a ni, 4 03 p ni, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 23 pin. Returning leave Spt lug I lo 1 100 a in, 4 55 p ni, Nash-villi-1 1 23 a m. an h e nt liucky Mount 11 45 a ni, C 01 p ni, daily xc pt Sunday. Tiainon liuton ISrabi li leaves War saw for Ciintt n daily, except Sunday, II 40 a ni ami 4 15 p in, Returning leaves t'lii.lmi nt 7 tH) a in and 3 00 p m. Train No 7 makes close connection nt Welilt.n (r nil point North daily all rail via (tluhniond. r ' . ,- . 11 M F.MF.ltSON, ' ' -tlen'l Pai-s Agent. J R KKNLY. Oeiil Manager. T M KMEUnUN.'TralUo Mimascr. Caveats, and Trutlc.Marks ohuiiicd and all Pjt-i cnt Ihiuiicu comhicted fr ModcRATE Fees. OunOrficr loorpoaiTC u.e.PATSNTOrricri nd wecanaecum alunt ia Itastiuic Uuui thos' .lemntc fi-om V!i6hiii(jton. ' 1 Send model, drawing or photo., Willi dcsrrlp Ition. We advise, il n rtcnlalitc or not, Irec oi charge. Oir tee not otic till putent b secured. A PaMPMLCT ' How to Obtain Patents," with Icost ot wuue tn tbe U.H. aud ioreiit counlrieji sent tree. Address, :C.A.GnOl7&CQ. Opt. PATtWT Ofhcc. WaqMiNOTow, D. C. Mw Satlla lr Ha4. I;'i.n. ,r i r inrxj ci f J hrtk-f sJt.tt. bit a. Uf h tn Ut 1 er.- klll'rt!lc IL rrmhi txA t la q! VUtiI qunt:'ii f 4 lb krrcr tIkjiw notj ( V h 1 Trsn4v la vwtMar.il rl'tl Ux prurrasv wan Is Uii'Tiy W..nr TU fi4 Inter's akia Is tnxla p erf sjialili- . rrrtaia tbia animal tnvtuhraas) (30.OHJ ol IIh-s ar rw;nirtl I tt UiUoua f lo.OA.io nliK (rr4 ra pacitj), wlikh la Brwt fr4 frvaa all latly (arsMancea sad thra soakwl la .Jrtti.-a U rlrcrrin an4 water. Tbry ere thea an lea tu bcatrdarvt lata tuna sa4 fc tb sirn of the iror of ta csiUia rrrjnirad. - Mhen arc tlaea raprr raaml, astil a tiia-karaa of foor layers aa laaea rewrhnl. great car being takea that do air bubbtiw retnala betwrr) tbe kina After this (north layer a mtho4 rf trmirUx-niog is reanrtr4 to la tba sluipsof a. net inannfartarrd of akia. After this art (wo or Uirva mora layers of raetnhrnaes are applied. Tb whole Is thea allowed to dry, sad i.lntiof hoiled HnssirdoU ia wed a viirnl.h. Tb f.-Uiric Is thea qnlte la liMilnblo. and tb tnemurarrca canjt by any pttmble nieona b rparnted friia . another, bat arnnjctimeai, to render Jiis homogeneity tb more perfert. a Intiua of bichromate of potash is araatged over tbe fabric. PaU Mail VagaaiiM. IWaallfat Ttraaaaa Vtmmm ' Vienna, the capital of Anntrla. Is chiefly noted for prodncing threw tbiags CftTee, niqf ic and woinea. ' Tba word "jolly" describe th temper of tba Viennese, woman tuoal aptly. 6b Uvea only for today and lets tbe morrow tak rare of itaelf. She 1 as good a honee keeper aa her Ort-man sister, bat Bat qiiilesopartk-nlar. Kb ia qnite a ceo aauiical, bnt drcaaes herself aior artia tleullr. Hhe ia Jnst as gnod a mother, bnt a mora loving wife. She ia some what nerrooa, and the qnnrrel with her hnrhand is is regular a the amen in her prayer. - The Invent and prettiest type of the heantifnl Vienneso woman is that which come from tba sooth. Ia common with tlie majority of her Euro pean liatera, the Viennese make mar riage her goal, bat retains her girlish ways, her jolly spirit and ninth of her beauty, nnd even to guess nt her nR is nut only crime, bnt an absurdity. dward A. Htuincr in Woman' Home Companion. . tllaakets ef Dark. In Ecnador. one of the Bortth Ameri can republics, the Dark of a tree whlrh grow on the slopes of the Andes is ntilisrd for the making of MnnkctA The blanket is over six feet ton; and over Ave fert wido and is us soft nnd pliable as though it were roado of flan nel It ia nbont the iliickmns of a good flannel blanket nnd can he rolled np and pnt in a strap without hnrting or injur ing it. . ' . This tree or bark blanket is merely a strip of hark cnt from a ceition of the trunk of tbe blanket or dcuiajiurna tree. The. Indians make a cntting nronnd the trunk to get it, und tliey prepare it by walking it in vcater nntil it is soft It is then ponudeO so that the rongh oat sido can be stripped off nnd tho inside nlono left. The inside 1 of fine fiber so joiued together by nature that it make a bountiful blanket, warm enough to bo used as a ciyer and soft enough for a mattress. PoIhom Hemlock. Water hemlock is a deadly plant com mon in most conntry neighborhoods. Ita root are eaten often in nprlng by mistake for somo edible root, au.l death freqnently remilts. Cattle are often poi oued by drinking water in tnnrshet where it grow. ' . - The poimn hemlock from which the Greeks made poisons is a near relutiv to the water hemlock. It stands from two to acren feet high and baa clusters of small wtito flowers nnd largo, part- leylike leaves. Tho stalk, being hollow, is often innrto into whibtles by country boys, nnd many-children are poisoned in this fashion. .. - Stlxed Derrlea. . . A young toilet named Berry, liitclj succeeded to his father's business, once sent in his account to Charles Matthcwi somewhat ahead of time, whereupon Matthews, with virtnon rago. wrot biin the following note: . "Yon mnst be a gooseBerry tosend me your bill Berry, before it is due Borry. Your father, the elder Berry, would have had more, sense. - Yon may look very black Berry, and feel very blno-Berry. but I don't care a straw Berry for you and yonr bill Berry," "Cyclopiodia of Anecdotes. " - . Salt For Small Chsutsre. s v Besides the Maria Tbwfesn 1780 Jollan the people o(.Abysnluia for small change use a birr of haid crystallized salt, abonl 10 inches lengand ii inches brood nn thick, slightly tapering toward the end, five of which - go to the dollar at the capital.- It is a token of affection among the native when friends meet to give. to each other' a lick of their respective bars, fand in this wny tho material val no of the salt is nlso decreased. Utda'e Stammer AH the Tim. An electrical engineer who .stnttcrs once endeavored to be cured of tbe habit, and for that -purpose went to an institution near Boston. Tbe manager. questioning him, asked: ' - J "Do you stammer nil the timet" - -'Nnn-nun-nun-no, sir; : o-o-o-only whn-wbn-whn-whcn I t-t-t-talk, sir. Electrical Review., ' .: .. t, ' - .Diamonds tiny be black as well at white, and some ere bine, led, yellow, green, pink nnd orange, bnt there i no violet diamond, nlthongh, in addition to amethysts, there are sapphires, ra bies and garnets of that color. A man endowed with great perfection without good breeding is like one who has his pockets full of gold, bnt always tv-ants change for bis ordinary occasions. .--Steele. ,- ' . ' laager eft he Grip. The greatest danger from La Orlppe It oi lis rt milting In pneumonia. If reason able care is used, however, and Chamber lain's Cough 'Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe we have yet to learn of a slrglo ease having resulted In pneumonia wuica shows eicliiMrcly that tuts reme- ily In a pertain prevennve ol that Han genius disease. It will cure la grli.oe In less lime than Buy oilier treatment. It is pleasant and Bfe to lake. For tale by J IP YOU ARI I m as bai sl iaia THEN TAKI - T Bcfenlc BIccJ B2l3(B.B.B.) TU Gnat BkJ RrwuJf, WILL CURE YOU. Tb reason war Botaate Blood Dalai (D B B) I such a splendid rested r for above trssploms w Ho aot poaltlvaly kaaw; bat, probably, aa la ward bnator has sowwUlneto do with abov aasaed troubtrs, sad D B fib Just lb awdldaa for BHsaiors. A I all vata we kaow that B B B will poslilvelv rwator yoa la a Iranqall mind sad Balural si si of health. Follow direction for taking B B u; and wbea yoa btgin to asead (which yoa sural will Dollar ina earatlva vlrlQSM ol B B B) yoa will rla a pound a weak. voar solml and uodr will b rewwa, your ye will low tbat .traaspartat glar they have; foot I will aot distress yoa; yoa will meet your friends with a eheerfnl, opa eounienaaca, yoar wlf and cbildrea will not dread to sea yoa coming bom Then tall all yonr friend what I olanle lilood Halm tu a ni aa don for too. W civ lew short letter from tuns who wer cuted, tbat yoa may bar a rraawed bop ol a cora. ' sUot of AppsttU aad Debility. ' Oars by B. B. B. Mr J T Denning of Angasta, Oa, tnf fered with complete low .of ippetlw snd debility; tried tb usual remedies wethoat effect. Blood Balm restorwl her to good bsallh. Aa aU aa Blood Toala. Oard af Oyspspsla aad Nsrvsas. . PrestratUa. M T Lallatta of 80 8 mlh Street, Al lanta, writes us: "For aa all round bio. el tonic and general toner up of the system Ibtre Is nothlnr belter than BHD. 1 did sufler thi re or four year ago with djs pepaia, nervous proamnion, ami nv system was greatly debilitated from bald work and wrry; but oa a-, ount of your remedy Lam today freo from dyspepsia anil my nerves aie a si rang aa steel, u is ll contains in proper remedies lor it nit in mvx - - ' A aa. Appetiser. a T ei... ii.. tii.....i v w.lia. "No on can afford to bo without B B B wtaj withe an appetite. 1 could lean lv eat a slnils hi-eult for breakfast, but since taking B B B (Botanic litoo I Bslm) I clean lb whole Unto, so to pea. Botanic Blond Balm (H U 15) Is a pur ly vegetable blond remedy, and will cor lb worst cam or humor. Iroro in com mon pimple to the word case of blood poison, can oe taken witn pcrieci aai ly by old and young, and by pregnant women. It was originally mad by l)r, Ulllam. - lie made so many cure with It thai 17 years ago It wat put on tuc mtr ket II It for sale by all druggists al tl per large bottle, or six bottle sent, charges prepaid to anyone on receipt of f3. uook ol caret tent irco. Aimress BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ui Calling Him Dawns. Pap Hen peck was showing - little Daisy the new book of animal. "That lithe lion, my dear," bo said "The lion 1 the rnler of all th other beasts. They tremble whenever be opeat bit mouth. Not a beast dare fae him." . , . "How about the Hones, papa?" crjed little Daisy, who Is a chip of the mother block. . : , BE SURE that your blood is rich and pure. TheWst blood purifier, curieher and vitalbter i Hood's Harsa parilla. Be tare to GET HOOD'S. CALL NO. 11. BwaWa t Cruvrw I eai e-nraillBat. ' Monti Notice Is hereby given Ibat six Craven county bonds of tho -denomination of live hundred dollar ench, have this day been drawn for the (Inking fond of said county In accordance with the act of Assembly authorizing their Issue at follows! . ' i- . - Five hundred dollar bonds, nambert 819,85,153,29, 147,1. These bonds will be paid principal and accrued Interest to March 15,1899, upon presentation of the tame at tbe National Bank of New Beta, New Bern, North Carolina; on or before March 15lh, 1899. Interest on the above bond will cease on and after March 15th, 1899. -By onler Board Commissioner. -- E. W, 6 MALL WOOD, ',. . . ' Chairman. , Notice of First Meeting of Creditors.' In the Eastern District Court of the United Stales, for tbe Eastern Dis trict of NC. In the Matter of George It Richardson -Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy, v To tho creditor of George R Richard son, In the County of Lenoir and Dis trict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice It hereby glveu that on th 7lh day-it March, A D, 1899, the said George R Richardson was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the drat meeting of hit creditors will be held at the office of L J Moore at New Bern, N C at 13 M on the 17th day of March, 1809, al which lime the said creditors xmay attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as n.ay properly come before said meeting. ,New Ecrn, N. C, March 7, 1899: L J. Moon, Referee In Bankruptcy, 8d Bankruptcy Division la said District. When In Fnyboro stop at the Lupton TUm saMl aajswtsss. aaas aa p s is. warrl.l Si mtmA mm4 swr, ha lis Haas Is taas. Iaa ataavsaasw m, srliasar SMsaHaifsatas-ssialaasal Sas.lla wstaa start a a ss aaaiasl.aw 1 1 Illy House for gnod ;(;,. n : '-I'iims. TN ShCJUl A SM sa saal mm Aaal stasal rU I SB saa areas asm Josa Uks ilwss) at sr ' aaal mmmt PMif" Cat. tsa 4rks rWSatsat. rratw frrriHar arml ' Ok. Ike tmrA , saafcie sutsssj taas srkai aaee swe- as east ilaavaai T is.- IW ,4 all Ik taaxa. Aaat we drtaa aruy ban pre m i las am Wtaa ksje SSW asaas tka mVr.imS drelj awwakt I sbb InM aad earwaal saad asuaisd la Isb vudl Tm lass BartiWed IA laMaiS saaasW aack While thelites t l-aa-iliraji alsai e? IHfdt BB ha liaaul aajasal ISB rBaS.aa. lesisiar Tjjuj a iBsaasus swaissse aa-jl mi aoeU. araae.1 Wsb has test Mas aad saa snsarlaal IhM I fee Plat ) t iiaiaraa, smbb, susJ iBiinl wlihassl fas, Iks alartns.Vatklne. a -He aerated seal Oh. Ihe nsaluim. rtBrlna. rasa4iu. ssat 4m feasr ImH SMd eia.a f ease chusam -Ta use M behind al la in - Ban's hrtatalaw. briar hanaprv la isb awl WiUaaaa lmU ka Urlterlias. THE PROFESSOR'S ADVICE. II wraa PsillBwed. bat te availed eka Kate Msrlcaeeea. Tbey tell this story of a oillege prank tba boy at Prlncetua played on Profess or "Winky" Yoang. prof east a- of a- tronoiny. HI recitations were rw-rntly held tb Brat thing la tb Morning, and be bad to adim:nib the atodents In his divtaioe to rorrcrt the fault of tardl- a. which he cUlrbed was lucn aning la a lamentable Dianaer. and when on of tbe student explained that they sll studied an lata at night they were npt to oversleep la the morning be kindly d vised them to sex-tire alarm rkuka. Which be eald were one of the moat val aable and aaefnl Inventions Tbe next day Dearly every atndent In the class cnnie -Into recitation with an alarm clock In hi pocket, which by a- tlent and united effort were set so that one would gooff promptly at every snc- ive miunte of the honr. Tbe effect can be imagined. Shortly after the first indent was called to recite one of the clocks In tb pocket of a boy at tbe oth er end of tbe mom went off with a ter rible clamor, ami before It had finished a second la another part of the room aad even ajnnder racket There was a brief Interval, which tup professor utilised to call npnnotherstu deut. but the bitUT wns Miircrly on his feet before the third clock went . fl The performance was continued for half an hrlur or more, jvhen the profeaaor. who bad a keen scnao of hnmor. recognised the aitnntion nud cnt short the fnn by terminating the recitation The lioys explained that they had followed bis advice and seenred alarm clocks, which they were lurrying nronnd with them becanae tbey were likely to fall asleep at most any time. iit Lonia (1 lobe- Democrat .bar faeha and Ihe Pipes. . Soon after the ocenpation of Cairo by the British trout the Into Nnbnr Pnahu took a prodlgions fancy to the muKic of the Black Watch and bad the idea or having a servant tanght the nse of the bagpipes Nnbur diapatched a French friend, who spoke English very well, to Interview a iier on the subject Donald replied "WceL be mirht learn or be micht no' Bit. let me tell ye. it needs wind an uilckle strength ta fl)I tbe bags o' the pipe an keep blawin. Sue if yin o' time Egyptian chaps took the job on he'd uecd tne be bandaged a' ow're like yin o' thae anld mummies, or maybe he'd burst hint ed'." 1 . Thi conversation wns reported to Nubar, who took the piper's remark seriously So he gave tip the idea of having a skirlcr attached to his house hold, as the urn- of the bagpipes was at tended with the prospect of such dan ger to tb performer. Westminster Qasette. - A Dattoa Collection. A New York lady's pet hobby is a marvelous collection of all sorts and tises uf battens Some of the enamel and minatnre painted ones are veri table works of art. while paste and precious medal worked in various way supply other fascinating, specimen Th greatest rarities are two Chinese official buttons, which in reality are decoration and buttons from off gar ments known-to have been "worn by Marat, Robespierre, Charles Dickens. Sir Walter Scott, Washington. Nelson. Byron, De Foe, George IL George IIL Napoleon, Wellington. Bismarck. Irv ing, Garfield and numeronsother celeb rities of. both sexes. The collection Bombers some 10.000 specimens, New York Telegram. . The Old Oakew Backet. "The Old Oaken Bncket" wns In spired by the following conversation Woodworks. : the autlior. said to a friend. "There Una drink better than brandy." - v ( The friend replied. "Yea. there is- a drink from the old oaken bucket that bangs in the well at bourn " - To Tell. . , " . Tommy Pupa, what Is it time to do when the clock strikes II.. tils Father Time to go to dinner, son. : Tommy Then what is it time to do when mamma strikes onef Jowelers Weekly -" ' ' - . A million silver dollars would occu py. In round number. 120 cnbic feet Therefor- room or rather a box 6 feet long, A feet wide and 4 feet high would accommodate thoni comfortably. " The political term "dark horse" orig inated from the habit of jockeys paint ing some fast racer in dark colors and entering him in a race under a fictitious name and thns winning. , ' '. Aa Bonest Medicine for la Gripjw. ' George W. Waltt of South Gardiner, Me., says: "I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the "vomlor. Chamlierlain's Cough Remedy Is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used 0110 50-cent boltlo snd the chills, cold snd grip have all left me. I congratulnle the manufactur ers of sn honest nieilicinc." For ealoby F.S. Duffy VTaaktoM aaslad tfeje Ssiaisa sar- ar. tsa na I Blas mm Ml ta sra ansal assawi aai IW tlMia,MKallve. aaark ilrrvsa WW. Iria, SMS las SB S -v I ts mt Ik. ,J Sail. isa aaaaaSaaae mnmmt kn-f HI tsa Crippled ty . Rheumatism. 7rr wf sifva T.SceimUrt frt tVrrtarlrtw rmwtng suvjd Jy Wvarwe a I the. whifev. rnasca tat lht uOul tbei rrrwdie rjwniipil by i die-tun enruin niretiry rj xMBh, . hirh al lin.al. ly Intrntify IhnUiw l y ra ing tho jninu to swrll and H.Srn. r-aiu-ipg asevera aching ol tba btoes. 8. 8. baa bora carina Lhramattaia tor twenty years vea the amrat eaac whicU sectucd almost i-jcurable. eT4. A. B. ItairVw. Oas pssisiUr raiieacd nw 1 1 a Miiaima aasm saas1 thai Ike. h "tt mam ur-f r Ik MUalhla s sbsi.. lie - k' srersl aeeer r frsa a-La-Volts LkemJMItSM tuf tv , ara. I sKMSld ei I Sms s"11" rrflel from ir saelelsB eea- erlhen Cf my phrBrUa. I sruk ahoailaikaM-a bi4- Uee e4 fxaar a. a a., and ' b I ass sal well as I , waalMSar lias, 1 am smiulMirnMllHMV a SBeM re, arxl reenmfneiHl II I Id SBflertaj lima as. BSQOd - Everybody know that Rhea ma liar U a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy Is the only laroper trentmenl, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. S.S.S.r&Blood being Purely Vegetable, gore direct to the very cause of the d i sense and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potush, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Booki mailed free by 8wift Pyecifld Company, Atlanta, Georgia. koitreor Plrat aeeioa at rreaiior. In the Eastern District Coiut of the United States, for the Eastern District of North. Carolina. In the Matter of I In D. W. H i! rt, Bankrupt ( Bankruptcy. To I he creditors of I). W. Hurt, of Gldsloro, In the County of Wayne and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1899, the said I). W, Hurt, was duly ailjudiraled bankrupt, and that the first meeting of bis creditors will be held st the office of L. J. Moore, In New Rem, N. V . at 13 M., ou the 13th day of March lN'.rtl, al which lime the said creditors may attend prove tbeir claims, aprolul a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly conic before said meeting. L. J. Mooiir, Referee In Bankruptcy, 3rd Bankruptcy llivia ion Jn said Dlsirlct. New Rem, N. C, Feb. 23, 1 POT. Nolle eif rirsl Medina al I rellr. In Urn PlHtrlel Court for the Eatlern DM riil of North Carolina, In the mailer of C. A. Vlck, Bankrupt. To I he Creditors of C. A. Vit k of Kins- ton, In the County of Lenoir, nnd tho Dlsliicl aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 21st day of February, 1809, I ho raid C. A. Viek w as duly appointed a bankrupt and that the llrpt meeting of his creditors will lie held on lue 13lli day of Maich, A D, 1800, at the office of L. J. Moore Referee, at 13 m, at which llino the crcd itors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other bnsiness.aa may properly come before saltl meeting. L. J. MOORE, ' Rofcrce tn Bankruptcy, 3rd Bankruptcy Division Commissioners' Sale ! By virtue of a judgment of the Sue rior Court of Craven County, rendered at Fall term, 189 of said court, we will sell at the Court House door in New Bern, N. C. at public, auction lor cash, to the highest bidder ou Monday I he 1st day of May 18S9 at 13 o'clock M.. the f lloing land in Craven county, N. C, detcribed tn a mortgage from Richard Dixon and wife, to William A Wilcox ai follows: On the eatt side of Ihe new road, lie. gin ing at a stake in the savannah and runs north 79, east 23) poles to ths east ern line of Baltle's 640 acre patent (now Ange's) then noitlil7, east 24 poles to the laurel corner, jhen north 78, west 100 fioles to A Han iss' corner in the Wilson ine an I with ta'd Harriss siuth, 79 wet 178 po et, then south 83, east 84 poles to the beginning containing 88 acres more or less Match Ulh, 1890. C. R. THOMAS. . . R. B. NIXON. - - - Commissioners. Noti3e to Creditors! The undersigned having baen ap pointed, in an action, pending in the Superior Court Of Craven county, enti tled "Farmers and Merchants Bank and u II Cutler vs The Slimson Lumber Company," Receivers t.f the defendant company, hereby notify all creditois of said Company to present and file their claims against said company, with them at oner- , New B-in, N. f, Feb. 27, 1899. . - ENOCU W ADS WORTH, ' - -r'.' 8. G. ROBERTS, ; -. Receivers, tF New Observer pleaso copy.' - Ex?utor'i Nollcp. Havlng qualified aa Kxecltor of the estate of Cornelius Moore, deceased, this is to noii'y all persons having claims against said Cornelius Moore to present the same to me on or before March 8th, 1000, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. And all persons in debted to the said' Cornelius Moore arc hereby notified to mako immediate pay ment to me, . . -. March 8, 1890 A. T. FOREMAN, Executor of Cornelius Moore. L. J. MOORE, Attorney. . To All Concerned ! The undersigned Anna J. Rosen hi um wifo of Louis Kosenbauin having made entry according to law of her withdraw al as a free trader upon the records In Register of Deeds office of Pitt county, will from this date cease lo act as a free trader March 11, 1809. ANNA J. ROSENBADW, Trailing ss J. Kosenbaum. seed au iHE NEW BERN MUTUAL TIRE INSURANCE CO., Or NEW (Ml I Tat Id, rr "' a ii Ki:AL mi A lHriX. rrewsdrtil. IKOKllK ISItVEN. Secnary. I J. W0I.FI KM , Cn'l MrtU tOoulhern The Siai dar.l l.'blUsj'i t tl r HA'TH Tlie Dlrrct Uc lo ail Point.. TieXAH, (AMFOUMA, i i.ouin.i. VVllA AM) roitTo int o. Strictly First -( Mats Kqtiiprtit lit on sll Throuch or Local Tniius; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Cars mi all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules. ,Travil bv the Southern ami you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Kipeili tious Join my. Apply to Ticket Agi nls for Time Ta bles. Rales knd (l.-neriil Informalinu, or sddress F. IL DAUIIY, R L. VERNON, c. i-. r. a, T. P, A., Arheville, N. C Charlotte, N. C. FlIANK S.ANHOK, J. M. Cl l.l', 3.1 V I'.t (I. ii M.mi. Tinr. Man W. A.Ti ick, (1 P A. WASIIINtlTON. - I). C. Henry's Pharmacy, Combs. Hair Hrusjics, Tooth Hruslns, Whisk ISrocms, Toilet Articles, K- rfiinicry, &c, With cveiy purchase of FA lit Y pOAP amounting to 25 Cents, a Handsome Calendar with 1 botos of Dewey, Merrill and Wheeler. Physician's Prescilptions A Specialty THE IUi Is now rnelng. the ideal preventative is Duffy's Tonic Ague Pills, which by building up the strength and giving tone to the system is really the only way that this distressing malady can lie warded off; while for an actual attark there is nothing better, used in connection with Duffy's Anti-Bilious Pills and Cough Killer. This treatment we guarantee to cure tire worst cose, it taken in time. "F. K. DUFFY, PHARMACIST. Cor. Middle & 8. Front Streets. BY SPECIAL REQUEST We have ordered so.au Extra Fine Stall Fed BEEF w hich will be 12) Cents for the Choice Cuts. Other Beef the old price. Those wishing "something 'fine will do well to enliven us Ruspectfully,) ' , Sam'. Cohn&Son. Russell House. - While in Beaufort be sure and stop at tbe Rusell Housb. First-Clats. Board. A home for traveline people. Fishing- and hunting unexcelled. Terms $1.25 a day or $5.00 per week. G. RUSSELL, rrop. DEALFR IN , , and Fire Ms, Sash, Doors aud Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc. Agent Tor Garland Stove& Ranges -ami Devoc'8, nil ItPtij. Moorea READY MIXED PAINTS, r Under Hotel Chattawka, mev; i-r.r.rii:, r. c. E.W.SmallwQQQ, BCSN. N, C. $30,000,00 inhukancx dckixeks. i. W. Ps PLAtE3, lvM.rs OScfi: CYEK TITIZEKS DARK Administrator's Notice UNDER MORTGAGE By virtue of power of sale com. Ine! ia a ret lain mortgage dead rieruiul by Allen Uorora lo Roeanna Mnoie. dei rt seed, brai log date of Novrmlrr 20, IHII3, and recorded la Book No. Hi, Folio SoJ-0-7 In Ibe office of tcri. rr of drcls for Craven county, I a III a. the Administrator ol the estate,-of Hie said Roeanss Moore offer for sale snd nil at public vendue at tbe door of the rouit house In New Bern, od Monday llarch 3ilh 18J9, at twelve o'clock noon, lo tb highest bidder for rash, the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land situated la Ibe county of Craven & hi ate of North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at a dog wood slump near Ihe home of the late Samuel 1 Hj.ller. Wil liam Mitchell old corne and running nirtn 8, east no pries across the swarr.p to a stske thence south 48, rail 22 poles lo s stnke, I hem e south 40 east 01 poles lo Willism Johnson's line, thence soul ti 71 n cslTOpolra with his line to Samuel creek, thence up said creek 130 poles lo a gum oa raid creek suit Manly anil commons mill, thence north 2;'i east 77 poles to the beginning. Also snot her tract aillolnlnir the above tract being near Trent road slumt four miles from r.ow llern, known ss Mitchell Island containing 125 acres mote or less being the ssme 'and conveyed by K W Csrpcnter to Albert Oorum hy deed bearing ilate or IKovemlicr -Tl, l'.i.), re corded In Book No 112, folio '.'Im In the office of Register of Deeds of Craven county and mortgaged by thesulil Albert Cloruin to the said ltosanna Moore. This I8II1 day of February, iww. Tlios F Mi I'.MtTiiv, Administrator of ltosanna .Moore. ADMIMS1U A roll'S SALS. 1'iirsiiniit lo an order of Ihe Superior Court of Craven county made in 11 .ec ial pna-e. dint; wherein Josiph M. lu-el, Ailiiiinistnitur of It F Ciillirell Is plain 1 1 IT and John I'lithn II, William Culhrell anil others arc ilefemlantH, I will red at public action al the ( Jimil lininr in the riiy of New l.'ern at 12 o'clock, M on Monday, the llrd day of April, IStlU; Hi.' following proerty: All the timlHT above twelve inches nt the slump when cut on tho land situate in the county of t'raven nil joinint; the lands of llenjaniin U-e, Emory Rico and otlieis containing 300 at-ies more or less, the tald laud iH-ing the same whlrh was conveyed to Ihe said II F Cnthrell, de-eca.'-ed by W C Brinson and v ite by deed recorded in the olliec of the Rejisler of Deeds of Craven counly in book 108, fo lios 80 and 81. Tho purchaser to lie al lowed ten yi-ars in which to cut ainil re move caid Timlwr. Temis of Sale Cash. JOSEIIP M.REEL, A.lmin. of It F Cutbrell, deeensetl. By W. W. Clark, Attorney. Valuable Lands For ile. Pursuant to the powers in the deed executed to me which is registered in the office of Ihe Register ol Deeds of Craven county, North Carolina, in hook No. 107, page 445, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door of said Craven county, on the 3rd tiny of April, 1800, at 12 o'clock mid-day, all thai tract or parcel of laud situated in said Craven countv on the Bouth side of Trent river, ol,nl'r, mllo. frn, ll,n nil,, s H Ur and bounded and described 11s follows, viz: Beginning at the mouth of Cyprec branch between flrecn Hill and Raccoon Island at a marked cypress and running the variouB courses of said brancli 189 poles to a place opposite an Iron post ou the south cast side of said branch, then in a line with said post from the run of said bianch 40 W 172 poles to an iron post in the north side of Oat t-mve, then north 80 west 42 poles to another iron post, then south 4 west 3w poles to an iron post, then north 86 west 15 poles to an Iron axle post in 1 In' laud near a marked sycamore tree, tht'ii south 4 west to back line of Hatclis laud, tben with said line eastwardly to Brier creek, then down said creek to tho be ginning, containing 1,000 acres more or less and known as the Perryville planta tlon. Terms, Cash. 0. H Peiiiiy. Executor's Notice! Statb of 1 Noimi Carolina, ; Cbavkw Countt. ) Having duly qualified: as Executrix and Executor of Isaac Way no Eubank, tieceasea. . . - . AU persons having claims against said Isaac Wayne Eubank, deceased are. here by notified to present the same to either of us on or before February 20th, A D, 1900, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said Isaac Wayne Eubank', deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. This 18th day of February, 189. . " Lccirda Stani.y, Executrix. G C EunASK, Executor. . NOTICE I State of North Carolina,-: I Superior . - Craven County. ( - Court, P IT Pelletier va Greenville Lumber Go., and others: - : .; -. . . - - - - Notico is hereby given to all creditors and stockholders of the Greenville Lum ber Company who have not filed their claim against said Company or been made parties defendants to said suit, the said claim of Interest or as creditors of said Greenville Lumlier Company to be made, on the Receiver, ' Lovlt limes, within sixtv days from the date hereof. 1 ' . W. M. WATSON, C. S, C, Craven County. Notice of Administration, r Having duly qualified at the Adminis trator of Macon Bryan, deceased, all persons are hereby notified to present their claims to mo duly verilled,,n or before January 81st, 1000, or thi notico Will tie pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate ara requested to make immediate payment. This January 81, 1809. ; . - -. L. M. Sattkbthwaite!, : Admiahtratir.