VOL XVI--K0. 205. JtW.BIRS, I. Cm SINlOAY MORIIKO, MikTli 19, 1139. tSTlBUSHtD lt!l -lims- wee as to to to m to to to IN l IN to to to to A to to to to 71 We-arenffeiing an railmljr iw arle liou of A ea of i1 rsi-rtW-ai V.ndean-d 8 oi. is) eri4of llavor ft 4' lOCeola. Will fsj inlrniil ( il r rafw, .'". i .. A half pint lu'r .4 uk-eiMsuu fx ( OitW b4 plat WUl.i lor 19 Coots. ' v . ... A lin fJ Prrwttva in luiubl.ra, all flariri for only la Oats each. Also J. Me. . , ., These Hnoda ar all fresh arrivals' and rsl good quality, Ooei Irial will rtmllna vnu a a cuo r, I "jjMffl 'v-Mi'M'' prrti yililv i4 mU it am nVri. Uk Mra sail remember m have IK Ueat 6 lei l"ir oa IIm Market.. k t . , , , , 1 . . f Aad abo doeA fail In g.M- trial MU Ml at K F i) j J 1 1 Plug Tobacco. Cheroots, Cigarettes; t5ccM "i&i' nn t n V V V V? V. VI v V VI V! VI V V, VI Vi ' . ... 7 nn IliS nnnnnnnnnn ..inn Hi j Lain MATTINGS1 ' .- V I 1 It I, If There is a new lot just here, t ' " ' Fancy Jftpese. Cotton Warp. The Assortment far exceeds in Variety 61 Design, any previous showing and But de scription is impossible. f See them for your- Here is a price hint to let you judge of 1 11 value. They are Cheap atr 25c Per d. Our Price for a Few Days '!'. it I i 19 ! Cents. - i WE INVITE INSPECTION. M uua r a 9Inrch 19, 1S91 M - ' i I - ; . . - .... john Dinsnsr, GrGceries and Ciaifesfer, j NEW BERN, N. C. ' " a. PrartUla Lltaar Tax. Aaarmblf at tYUrfUyJXJt (Jilekl Takea. Callaa Hill '" DlTUeacraallcVaaal LatUr. v T-1 1 1 1 a4HB, March 18- 'f ' Oraal locoareaieBoa b cautcd by tiia delay la paUMiluf Ilia ! of tlx lat Oeaera Aurnthlr and la otbor priming. Job JolUa, who la' arraBlof tha capiloda of, an aonotallnf and la- deilng lha aaw law, aajri iat K.IaiO( A liroogUloa will not do aoyoflba bear lor and bmmU lm)iorlaol prlollng onlil their auit with Baraea Droa. la decided It will be April before the fight la made oa the printing. Barnes Bros, bare made a statement of their position la iba natter. . The North Carolina Insane law hare been published and will be dlalsibnted at ones. The Secretary of State Is send ing these laws, together with eertidcales to lha clerks In all the counties of the appointment of magistrates, to all parts of the Stale. - Tha statement la made by Treasurer Worth thai nnder the new revenue la llusberirt,lnalead of the State Treasurer, collects the druggists', liquor tax. Is towns of SUO Inhabitants or less the lai is and to larger towns than this the tax' I V). The Teachers Ai-sembly will be held at Morvhead City if the owners of thr Atlantic llotel ran procura t railroad rate of 1 cent a ml If, which liny thluk will be glrrn both by Iba Southern and the Atlantic & North Carelloa railroads rhla U ou tha authority of bnnerinlonil- ntUebaaef V( . t O . Capitalists In scTtral northern cities are proposing to tak the bjud Issue of 110,000 In parcels or as a whole. One large aad well known firm kss offered 1.06 for tho entire issue. It Is now be lieved that the $110,000 will hardly cover the Indebtedness .of the Bute's' prison. Tha executive committee report tint llio books of the former management' Indi cate additional debts and that it wilf ant be possible to ascertain,' before a 'week's time exactly how the Institution' ktands financially. - ;,J Tha cotton mills of Raleigh are In a highly prosperous condition. The Cara- leigh mills have .declared a dividend payable April 1st of 4 per cent on the preferred stock and S por cent on tbe common stock. . ' ' . The West ltaleigh Baptist chnrch ex lennded a rail to Iter. T, H. Leavill of Favetlevllle to the pastorato of thai ' chuteh.' .frC.Leavllt has now accepted j the calk ana Jiata expected In Raleigh probably this week or early next week Uamrick has formally given up his office of Labor Commissioner and B. B. Lacjr baa taken possession. Superintendent Mobano has sent out the following crtnl tr.letlei: ro li e C a uy Hiiptrvlsors: 'Th.i inaiiU'Cr'pts o: (lie uUlIc sc'kh'I law and imtcs ll.ort on wcrn pihCad In the bands of thu public printer on March ISth, but owing to law i lu injuncilo.is. &c, hsve no assnrancu as to a ditinlie TUB OLD WAT. . - Of Treating Byapessia aad Indices- ties ij Cietina; a BaBgereas and Useless ana. ' '. We say tbe old way, but really it la a very common one "SI present time and many dyspeptics and physicians as well consider the first step to take in attempt ing to cure Indigestion Is to diet, either by selecting certain foods and rejecting others or to greatly dhuinUi the quantity usually taken, in other words, tbe slarr lion plan Is by many supposed to be the first essential, lit ' ,! y ' The ' almost certain failure of the starvation cure for dyspepsia has been proven lime and again, but still the mo ment dyspepsia makes its appearance a crfors of dicliug is at once advised All tills Is radically wrong. It is fool ish and unscientific to recommend diet ing or starvation to a msn suffering from dyspepsia, because - Indigestion itself starves every organ and every nerve and evbry fibre In tha body. ; What the dyspeptic wants Is abundant nutrition which means plenty of good, wholesome, well cooked food and some thing to assist tlio weak stomach to (II gest it. This Is exactly the purpose for which Btuait's Dyspepsia Tablets are adapted and this is the method by which they cure the worst coses of dyspepsia, in other words the pstlcnt eats plenty of wholesome food and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest it for him, In this way the system is nourished and the over worked stomach rested, because the tab lets will digest, the food whother the stomach works or not. One of these j tablets will digest 8,050 grains of meat or eggs. Your druggist v-ill tell you that ( Btysrt's DysiM psia Tabids is the purest tuid su'cit remoiiy for troubles and every trial makes one more friend for this ex cellent preprint ion. Sold at oOcts. for full si.ed package at nil drug stores. A little book on stomach iIIkoiiupb mulled free ly addreiuing M, A. Smart 4 Co., !:vM.:.!l, Stith. I assssaasssasssssssssBSsssssssss ! U 7 " IT I Likes the food more deHcious and wriolesome tlma having tbe school law published heaca Ihla Mler. "Tba seperUor will hold his otks aad discharge bis olHHal duties aatll lha ead of lha school year a sat II his tae eeasor, tba eoanly Mperinteadenl of schools. Is elected aad qaalifled. "The County superialrBUaal of scaoals will be elected by tba cooaiy board of directors oa lha aero ad Uooday la July. ' "The county aBpervisor caaaot do any visiting of schools since tba 7th of March because there baa sot aibled a county board of education alaeo that data ander whosa supervision Ibis work must have been done la order la be In accord anos wllk law. "'lha new county Board of Directors will allow tba county supervisor pay for services actually rendered la public school work since tba 7th of March. Suck as examination of taacbera, signing vouchers, Ac., such oompeasatloa as was allowed by law by the county boards of education. "It would be well for tha County Su pervisor to meet with tha county Boards at Education and county Boards of Di rectors on the second Monday In April and assist In every way possible to make clear and plain matters of record as to tbe public schools and give all th In formation possible pa that tba school interest and work will not be Injured by change of cheers. - "The township committees will sign orders of teachers's salaries to finish up coutracts made with teachers of tba cho.ils now la operation. These orders are are to be rendered by lha county sn pervisor as heretofore. "This, lYbiiik Is sufficient Information until your . successors are elected and qualified." riuii uottuuu. Wlaisar IlatH Haw lark CHy tdavaa Kill'. Haw Yul, March 17-Al least slew a parsons were killed and about thirty five were Injured la aflie'wh rh destroyed tba faohkxiabls Windsor lloUl, at the j corner of Fifth svsaue aad Forty aeveath uwat, uu arternooa. Tba biitel waa lull of wealthy goes' s, maay of whosa ware ihmb. 1 hair panic was terrible wbaa tba Qames sud deoly caught tbeas In a furaaoa from which earape for many asamed luipoasl. bin. Tbe lira was ooa of lha worst horrors af lha kind that ever Occam d la this city. It started from iba Igniting of a lace curtain a few minutes after 3 p sud la two hours lha hotel was la ruins. For frost bites, bum'. Indolent loses eczema, skin diseases, and especially I'lleaDe Witt's WitcE llaxel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dis honest people who try to Imitate aud counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not Imitated.' Get De Witt's Witch Hazel dalve. F S Duffy. . TO CORNER AGUIHALDO. Otis' Plan la HI Advaaea afvvemaat Bald to be Aimed at Closing la oa Matolaa. NiwToik, March 17. A Washing ton special to tbe New York Press says: In the latest movement of troops the campaign against the capital of the Fill.. pinna Is foresba lowed. , A battalion pushed out from Paslg lo the north sido o( the entrauce to Lognna de Bay and took Calula.. In so dolug It ciossed the M uilla line and entered the Province of Mo rum. Somudsyshjo Oenoial Otis received overture Ir.nii tha people of Al wrong, Indicating tliht lliey desired to ackuowl- edee American suvirelgut). The capi tal of Moro'.ig Is a ctiy of 11,130 persons, bearing the saiuo name. Cainia U' a place of 3,ii't, nine miles from ilorong, aud on Laguna de B:iy. Tapuy Is evuu more Importau', having a population id 0.800. The belief Is that. the iloronir people only await a show of American! force to declare allegiance. This moveuieul suggests tbe possibili ty that General Lawion Is planning to close lu on three sides of Malolos when the tlrao comes to make tbe general ad vance. Wuealon now holds lha Paig river to the lake and controls the lake with the Improvised gunboats, - lis bos the southern wing of the Killlplno army where It caunot communicate with the northern, save by a journey through a difficult country of 150 miles or more. This moit teceut advance Into Morong on the north side of the lake aad formal dispersion of the natives at Caluta and Taytay removes conditions which might be harassing to an American column moving north. : Hale's brigade has been waiting at Ssn Juan del Monte, north of tbe .Pssig and some distance-out of Manila, In the di rection of Morong. The operations of Wheaton northeast of Paslg and on tbe north side of tbe lake seem to make the way easy for Hale to march northward without fear of sn attack on his right flank and to come in on the east side of Malolos. Gen. Uarrlson Gray Otis Is at Caloo enn, a few miles south of Mololos. The fleet . caa steam lo the westward of Malolos within a few miles, and a trans port can land a force to approach the capllnl on that sldo. Army olllcers who have studied the maps with reference to W hea ton's move ments and the disposition of the other troops, think th -y see the formation of a plan to c. oso In on Mnlolos in such a wsy as to make the capture complete. Ussn Micas Trwttjr. Madsid, March 17. The Queen Be gem signed tba treaty of peso between Spain and the United Slates, Tha sign ad treaty will be forwarded to the French Ambassator at Washington, U. Jules Camboa, for eichsuge with the one aiguei by President McKlnley. No decree on Iba signing will be published In tbe official Gazelle. CASTORIA lor Inlnnti and Children. The Kind Yon Rave Always Bought Boar tha Slgnatoro YOB SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Today's quotations furnished by W. L. Galbrallb, New York, Bepreaented by A. O. Newberry. Ntw.Yoax, March 18, STOCKS. Opto. Sigh. Low. Cl-nt Sugar 165 173 165 ITS Am Tobacco.... 811 911 810 ' 8.1 J O Ill, 111) 111, 1111 C. B, A O, im HI 130 140 COTTON. ' x Open. Hl?h. Low, Close May.... 6.U7 6 07 0.00 6 01 CH1CAUO MARKETS. Whs at Open. High. Low. dose May.......... 67, 671 67 67, Cork May .-. ..: Mi" 4 m ti Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if It full lo cure. 85c, Tbe gouulne has L. B. Q. oa each tablet. PROOF. Ii ! an o matter n claim thai a remedy bus wonderful cuia. live iiu. I'lio miiuil c,i.reis UII EUM AC1DE U-ate it In Uioho who have born pcrman'-nlly ami pmilivily cured nf I'.IIEUM A l I'sM mmtkeclninis. Among tlioai who have rvccniiy wriilrn us volunlury Ivtu rs saving lli-y have leeii cured arr: liev. J L KneU-r lUlelgh, N C; Mr J K Itobiiifum, Editor, Uoldstx.ro, N C Daily Argus; Mr A Duns, a promi nent meruhant, Mncnn, (la; and Mr W B Duki, a railroad man, Kansas City, Mo. RheumnciJe Will Cure You. -HANDMOTnKgO BT .: THR BOUBIIT DRUG CO., ' RALKian, h c, " : k Sol.l in New Rem by O. D. Brad - A L ham, by Davit)' Pharmacy, and P 5 by druggists generally, . 9 Price 91 per b.llK ( ft Lost, Strayed, Stolen. A small Fox Terrier, white, brown ears, slump tail, answers to the name of Dewey", Suitable reward offered. . FEU I) M. HAHN. J. L. liartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT and " ' COLLECTOR OF RENTS. If you want your house .occupied wllh rood tenants or if you have propeity for buIo turn it over lo mo 1 have calls for liotisrs every duy.lmt I have none vacant. 1 make r 'inpl returns end of month. Ollictt over Cliizeiis Dank, with J. J. Wolfvudeo. - ( St', y PI 1 i a I I t, V f " 1 : REAL ESTATEAGENCY Houses and Lots For Sale at Lowest Pownlile Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements that will prove a fine Invest ment. ("i :'i'(!" m of rents a Specialty. (. c it 1 'hr-rls & I'rynn's store, ep- posi i' l : 1 iFicniiii Bffl if ml Just Received, Only 25 Cents Lb. 'a m Small Sugar Cored II.im . Koilh Carolina Uarus, tiiall 0reakratlStilj. Ilalnii ricklea, Horae I'ad.'isli Qjn-en Olnrf, Mu--Urd Spice of all kind. Fresh GaQnetTTomaloea, Cora, 8uccotakh, Corn a n) Tomatoea, Okraand Tomatoes, Salmon, Sardines, ti tr. Chip Beer, .Cooked Cornea Beer, I'ulied Ham and ToDae. Freeh Kanaied Coffee and Finest Tea. Fancy Cream Cheese. Cud Fiah and Irish Polatoea an 1 nomeront other fjotxl thioga to eat. Call aud Examine our Slock. I I McDaoie lU'inll 'Phone 01. 71 Krs,M Hi. p WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OURi . SPRING &L0THIN6, 1 AND WILL TAKE PLKA8URKMN SHOWING YOU OUK hTOCK, Our entire slock is Bran few and j on n 111 be sure In git ihi C Latrat Styles and Patu-rns. IS We can Fit Everybody- Boys, Yi.utl.s ami M -i . :2 We have a Very Nobby Liue ..f OHII.DRRN's CU.T UNO, slioi f1 from four years up to Dfleer. Our f'rlr'nr- t! e np - ml (inlities Good. We have aLvge Assortment of Uvles i.nd Im-e all Hir. -s In r3 - Men's Clothing ami ran surely III y hi. We i tvo a pert, ci lit in Beady Made, aa well as InTillor Mule C'loihlnr, and you will save more b y- OhMi g nn us befi rs baying. We hare a Complete Line i f MLN'd EXTBV TliOUPERI, which fz: are made in First-Class Style. Biies fori v rj one nn 1 l'r cos from $1 00 a ptlr up. Call and Examine our Stock and j ou will fir d yon have saed mon- ey by dealing with us. J.: O-. IDTJI?T3 d5 CO., I 57 TOLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, N. 0. CHOICE DELICACIES IN - ' " ' (lioiceFaiiljteh Hueli us Citnil d Nilmon, lb tU rs, Ssnlincs, t'anned A ups i-f nil kinds, I. nmn I 'ling ami Yel low Crawford aliforuli Peaeb Caiim d Yeetuliles of all tiii.U. s-.eh ns TiMiial.ies and tk'a, CiTii anil Tumaloea. Try a caml Ihdl Haven Bra'id Cbihh d Co n f. lOq there isnolbliig tmtferon I lie mar ket ul any price. Oiv us a call and we will save you money. Country Hams, 10 Cents Pound. I J. R. PARKER, JR., QROCEP, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. aVanMaaAs, AAIw ;riSfiili51iiiS U2 u Don't Forgret ! i C3 WBIS-YOUvGO TO BUY riattings, Carpets, Rugs And Art Squares That we cud save yon money. Our line is Large N and Well.Selectrd and we will be . glad to Show them to yon. . ' ' One-third of your Life is Spent in Bed, so why not Ret one of onr COTTON DOWN MATTRESS ES. Use Ihrm CI) nights and if. they are not equal to any mattress yon ever used we -.will re--fund your money. Ton will make no . mistake in getting one of them. , v ' , 1 P . P CO C:3" FRUIIG. H. J0IIE5 & GO., M 1 1 X Jk ,JMAJk4 f jla. .-J

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