THl JOURNAL. V ANAi;i;LAVi;i!lM 1 e to mi i 4 ' i ' , I UasUal ..ij da) W tt jrf, M m.yi .). 1 Mini t'lu hi, . CttAblLd L oiLYLN5. kt'tM'HIITIuh HATESC .St ). ta J J fciualkO, L) rataf U cHJ,... advU. Hal hsrstabra oa 4l- MMm Eawri al r OfBoa, N Kara, M. C a mtramd class esaur. rial rar af Haw ra - Ira, laaatt. taw Mara, H. C Mar. It, I Sit. orn mdbt isrtRi tor. TIm sU aotlon that aay buslses eaa at laoroagblj auccaasf ul villi oat I dr Using, ku Urn pretty wall i.lod4 la seat eosaasaalll. If a Uwlees arde dvnUIng la b tucetasful bow muck M ateessary I uelba (or any Iowa or city to adopt i ..uua BkM.I llmriitai hv aullitr tibir. . Bona aMieaaaU allr ibeeierl.e that atary oa knows a bat kind of gWs they baadl aad keep ta lock, therefor I bait la ao aetd of spealagd money for advertising. Thereat son towns with superior local adveulsges, such as being natural polnte, geographically, for cumaanlca Ikia a lib tba outside world by railroad and water route; alao lbr aiay be a good aarroaadlng country, p. educing larga farm supplies for market around tbeaa cities o that, self satisfied, tbair ptoukt do nothing la lb way of adver tiling lb advantage, but like tba non adveiliaing aMithanU tbe people aay every one kaowi all about our place and Ibe good leailble capitalist and sail giant will come bere anyway, ao wbal la tbe u.e of (pending money for advertise lag. l "' . j" - .' '' "- Helf deluded and self deceived mer cbant and community, for tbe world of pragma and education la nol af your miadl Continue to alt down surrounded by yoor goods aad by your natural advaa lege, and Mlcawber Ilka wait for Ibe buer aad tbe Inventor to come, and ha will never eomtl . Tbla la an age which demands publici ty, and Ibe mercbant or town wblrb sits down aad does not advertise or make known lis wares and attractions buries itself, while Ibe great tide ofSiumaa pro gress, with Hi bustling prosperity and growth puses around It, and the dust ot time gradually covers up and buries Ibe ae(f satisfied mercbant and community, who living and dying are totally una ware that the world does move. : Catarrh Qaaaet be Care ,' ,, With Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seal oft, e desease. Catarrh ta a blood or ooDiilt tlonal disease, and lu order to cure It yon must take Internal lemfdlea. Hall's Catarrh Cure lauken Inlernallyand acts directly on tbe blood and,, mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed, by one of the best physicians in this country lonyeere, aad fat a regular prescription,? It taovniposed of tbe best tenica knows, combined with tbe bestj blood purifiers, acting directly on tbe mucous surface. Tbe perfect combina tion of the two Ingredieuta la what pro duce) such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send- for testimonials, free K. J. CaiMST ft Co., Props., Toledo, O. ' Hold by druggists, price 78c Hall's Family P1IU are the best. MATERIAL PROSPERITY AND BOOOAIIONL PRoaRBSS. Tbe fact that tbe Legislature of North Carolina votes one hundred thousand dollar for educational purposes, Indl : catea not merely that the people of the State are awakened to tbe necessity ol education for its children, but it clearly indicates that the Stale is. enjoying greater material prosperity than it has 1n many years. .'"'..: i ha people of North Carolina are be lievers In education, for it should not be forgotten that many sums of money . have been given to State schools and in stitutlont of learning by North Caro linians. t . , , ; And while those blessed la worldly goods have thus contributed, the masses of the people have fell tbe dee I re to give, . but laboring under financial dUtrfcelhey have had to remain sliest, unable to con tribute to educational interests boae er much they longed to do It. This financial distress Is la a messifre lifted and the people have voted a sum . ; c j To ..i : j ; A ST'et'iGo for inen ' nt enn!i! Iamo small. Price 1. j ci 3. at tin loe e4treiK-ei f-i . )t It f llUafkesa aad i--uu.iua !. tb tUniilJ of fcla. I j.l N rk rUaia laal bsiciUI rrrilf to.) rJuia llunsl prnf rrM tL.Mil.l be .wrtr aliml My arr limp, j el a rcWal tin I j III tttul tb rlmli t, and 4.o boa IKttHri IW eat U Ui li aiUfl. Aad aa atUI 'ifli j ouSlrlbom tordorailua, mo 4m It iacrtM !!' aai brrvSM awr (aai ro aad lihaial la alvaM b( edm-ailoud lotrmia llrfuio aambvr ltilUiuie exrta la IM, lU people f Nurib Carullaa, with Ibe piearal roairiMilloa of 9IO(i,Ots) for docatluaal parjwara, a ill pmbshly be abla le vuie aesl time lira or tea Ham tee ptearat earn, aad before aiaay years shall (Ma North Carolina shall be lifted from lis preeeatlow educalloaal poflitoa Into a much hlber oae aaioBg Ik Stales la tbe I'nloa. " , MCUtTl LtHOIf lUIir. A f kaaaai Leata Tenia. For blUousaeas. ennsilriailoa and ai- pemllcUia. v rr loUlgrslloa, sk aad aei voaa bead be. Fur sleei'lreaneaa. aervooaneas and brail failure. Kor fever, chills. deMlily and kklnrr ilimva, lake Lemon Klliir. I.riIiw, for natural anil thorough. Or ganic irKiilalkia, lake Leama Elislr. IJr. Hotter a Ltoon Klliir Is pro- pared from tbe fresh Juice' of lemons, uoaibiaed with other vt frtatile liver ton lea, and will not tail la aay of the alve named disraare. 6uc aud 41.U) fe.uH- at all druf rIi. I'rensrrd oaly bv Vr. II. alnzWAt- Ubta.Ua. At the CapiUL I am In my seventy third .tear, and for fifty )eara I have braa a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bill- ousoeM. I ba e ti led all the- remedies adverllsnl for I hear diaeasea, and got no permanent relief. About one year ago, Ibe disease aasumlpg a more arvere and dangerous form, 1 became very weak, aad lost flesh rapidly. 1 romuM-nced ua Ing Dr. klozley's LeHinn Klliir. I galued twelve pouutls lu tbrce iuolha. aty araairth and health, my appetite and my digestion were peittetly irstorrd, and now 1 feel as vouuir ami vigorous aa 1 ever did In my life. L.J. Alldrku, Moor-eeeper ua. Mate nenate, State Capitol, Allaula.Ua. Meslay'a lamea tlimir la the very beat medicine I ever nerd for the disease you reooinniend It for, snd I have ever used msny kinds for woman's troubles.' ' Mm. 8. A. Uruhah. Salem, N. 0. - t JBOZLBYt UfflOH EOT DROP?. Curt-a all CoHk-bs. Colds. Hnarsenosa, Sore Throst, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Klcgsnt reliable. Sfa at drufrglsts. Prepared only by Da U. Jrloxley, Atlanta, Ga. . tmart I eaag Blaa. . "The weather," raid tbe oldest Inhabi tant, "Is not what it used to be when 1 wasa boy." - . n "For Ibat matter, commented tbe smart young man, "the weather Is net wbal It wa aeven months ago. .And tbe oldest Inhabitant could .sot be per suaded to talk more than an hour. - , "Cllvome a liver regulator and lean regulate Ibe world," sad a genius. Tbe druggist banded him a bottle of DaWitl'a Ltttla Karly Risers, tbe famous little pllla, F 8 Duffy. , ; am is s isus. . : 'A little girl frvqnently fancied she aw bears and timers whenever she hap pened to awake in tbe night Presuma bly she dreauied of some danger, nay he on acennut of having eaten toomnch for auppur or having eajen tbe wrong kind of food. At any rate, she frequent ly awoke crying in tbe night, and In ber tear interpreted tbe dim putlinea of a dress or a curtain as a fearful beast that waa about to attack her. - The best thing to do la to deal tenderly with anch funcica and remove the child a far as possible from the object that has canned ber excitement '1 Then, if yon can do ao vritbont dis turbing the other children, light the lamp tnd let the light fall full on the thing that baa given rise to her fear. Be alow, and erpres your opinion first aa a kind of preliminary assumption that the bear may after all be mamma's skirt or the eurtain moving in tbe draft, and when this comforting probability Is under stood follow up your advantage and de clare it to be a good joke that a harm less piece of cloth should look like a fear ful aniiuaL Make tbe child smile at the incongruity of her fancy, and fcer laugh will cure the horror of the dream and dispel the nightmare aa sunshine dis solve the mist. Arena. ; ' ' ' Laxary. Right or Wrox, ' Discnssing' the right or wrong of tamry in Tbe North American Review. Professor -F Spencer Baldwin, a Boston university authority on economics, comes to these conclusions ' ' v' "There are justifiable and there are nnjnatiiiabie lnxuriea. "In general it may be laid down thnt a luxury which contributes to the effi ciency of the individual in the widest sense and wbich does not, impose on so ciety for the sati 'faction of ita demands an unwholesome and degrading form of labor is perfectly jrwtiliable. v . , "This sanction of liunry h not to be stretched to cover unlimited self -indulgence The part played by rational self sacrifice in the development of char acter Is not to be overhxiked Ccnntant self indulgtincn ia demoralizing. "Bat in general a man hua n right to spend money for enricho and (liverHilirs his life, ark thus aiiU in the developing and nimuiin',' out of Ins perwiniility. prnviiled the lalr that ifl reqnired for the prod net inn of the a: i clea in qnestion beaieeablo atui inn;c uona ; "On ti e vtb r I , a h;x y t t r ) rnorali."n the i r.v . ' i cr " f r a noxious form rf L Wj - i ' Ar C'-t ' -.' - ttw C'S. M VIA t h-K LI.-M i"i:jr trr t-4.ibM r l tetrf in tt y MT. 1 tmt I rfi la tL: tj rwl ltf r:i ( 1 lk tfcrtw IaHIo ill' Sf!r.i . hfc fiM( J rv.u rtJ 1: . J i bja;ar;tlft lyo itjui SI s "i&f mMll KM Stl bkKki rut!rr. It Ulli lS p IM r.lm sad wartls off d .1 " Crrro rra. S-i'J Jo lntw tkrr(. tlooJ Piili ao Aarrnu. sml iiVkc tki Tilift. Mr. Asdersna Tbrrr's oa lalog I wsal 10 ssy lo yna. Juk Aatlersaa. Mr. Antlersie 4)bI one. I'at la lark Soalght, neaerslly yoa bar a dote. Aa Deaest Ksaictae ft la Ori Clanrg W. Waht f rVrath Oardiaer, We,aa;: "I hare bad lb worn Congo, cnU, chilli and grip aad have ukea lot of irask of ao aocouat bat profit to tbe veador. Cbemberlala'a Coagb Remedy Is ike oaly thing that ha doa aay good whatever, I have used one 50-cent bottle and tbe chills, cold and grip hav all left me. I eoagralulata tba manufactur er of aa hottest medkiaa." For aale by F. 4. Duffy- OraktraL -l that a good dog? aard to think so, but I'v my acra pie an C . - "hjr . "I've bad him a month aad nobody has tried te steal bins." Before Up direovery of On hi lout t 'oagb Cure, ministers were greatly dls iurll by roughlag eoagregaiioaa. No excuse fur It now. F S Duffy. - Meaa CUmst. . . tin. Jones Mother writes from Flori da that Ibe clliuale tlure atMnu'r agree with here . r, ' - . . , . Jones Foolish climate. ,, -. t : feheamatiam Car4 la eJDay, Mysllo Cure for Rheumatism aad Neu ralgia radically cure la I to S day. Its action upon the system la remarkable aud mysterious. It remove at oue 1 he cause and the disease Immediately dtraif pears. Tbe first dose greatly benefit. 7ii reals. " : ' - ' Sold by Henry's Pharmacy. V f A liatcr. - Young laily "I eaa oaly be a sister lo you no more"- .- . ' . He "Thanks. That Is very good of you. Have you spoken to jour mother of llyetr' - Toung lady "Of what!' , He "My adoption!" , rr La Grippe. ' Thomas Whitfield A Co , 840 Wabash av., corner Jobnaon-M., one of Chicago's oldest and most prominent . druggists, recommeads Cbsmberlalu'a Cough Reme dy for la grippe, as It not only give a prompt aud complete relief, but also counteract any tendency of U grippe to result in pneumonia. For aale by F S Duffy. ". .. i t. - J '.. -h Bar4 Lack. .. Hardened Uobbs-l'm just about dis- couragedtIady. . - ,. ", ,: , The Lady Ob, but you musn't get discouraged. ' , v J . , - Hardened Hobbs (sobbing loudly) Oh, but 1 can't help It, lady; lve begged all day long aud I ouly made four dol lars. - . W light ta'O. aline. . - - Tb .woman ' who la - lovely In face, form ibi temper sill always have friends, but one a bo w ould be attractive must keep ber health. If she 1 weak, sickly and all lun down) she will be nervous and Irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, ber Impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is tbe best metliclue In tbe world lo tegulalo Btainach, liver and kidneys aud to purify tbe blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, vol vcly kln rich complexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only 60 cent at F 8 Duffy' drug store. A Sal, Solema Truth. . The good papa was out walking with bis little sou. They met a man begging. "Look my son." said tbe good -papa, ' and lake Ibis lesson te besrt that it is always those that have most need of money that haven't got lu"' Chamberlain's Ceogh Bemaiy . in VT-'"-' ' Cbicag.' llipgcn Bros., the popular South Side drujigints, coiner COih si. anil Win) worth iv-, say: "We sell a gieal deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and find that It gives the moat ratlsfactory re sults, ttprclally among children for severe colds and croup," 1 or sale by V. 8. Duffy. ; Force of Habit. . ' "Have you no mercy?" she shrieked "No," hlsreil the villainous drug clerk, ,"but," he murmured alwtnl uiindeilly "e have something just as good." For a quick remedy and ono that la perfectly sale for children let us recom mend Oue llinnte Cotieh Cure. It la excellent for crntip, hoarsenei-s, tickling In Hie throat anil coughs. F S Puffy. t:tnef J. f:iiil t lie Call: "The winter's en or, Ami the wei:lr now ill I I've been iiiformi il to this ( - t I'y a mm who I. . 'i-; ;! I r CI!," fT : C ru,0 CH AH ta iirp.ur. ta ntakt StiM mm4 ta ( ,l a r ,a VMa m4 c aur va n m. 4 II Wu l-l mm 4 rl. r'ap It amhs iilSn mi A.-ita tnt lh ri '.r to mm itrikmt ly lim Amh twuuis In He fort rHikta b- tw.wa ih Jlrulml mini lh k would be In ihm (urm s Lriri rumuia ui rwili Iwl ara rximtvU olanrtalii The rmry n tti. ndvr.tunei ? mm ml Jmonl, Arbhah4 MlioM U aacliiH-n frora iCanaltar uor Uumi SO vmn him For two wmrf mm tbm wniobrtl rtr ka4 Snrlr4 iliroufh an anlnhahlk'd pianioa irf U iim turo. UudxiB aacb ttar tbrmuk drnanly amitol n oiUtvttwi a beoimiJi Um snipmrtntliki cii . at prlnisral Inns, and akLVfilna: cacti nlrhi, hunarr and fMtsrr, opoo iim jdfka srruuad la the vl tlatnl stiniriK of dwxrlng nrrtaUua On aiu-naoiin, w bra tbo nutr was al- aw4 la a emxlltkia of cVspjUr, on of tb Msnrrma lullnwer MSMalned a dwp flesh wound frnaw a turd wund atanr whlrk bad beraj artfullT ennnvOed In the bmhr ba- akte a well wora oluihanl track aa a trarv fiw the natlna of the funat are vrutl skill ed la woudonft. Cpoa dtmn-erlnn this rldetmuf man' exist meo la tKa vtclnttj th earaTaa hailxl, wbll ataiut vrrre seat to anrrey iho mrmumlina nHinlry In a hart time It was ratiurtMl UmS within aa hoar' marra a tanre native vlllaan had been sighted Oauiaul' InatrucUuCHi wer brW- "Two hoars befuro the dawa w man h upon that vttUtra. Touts;! no Ires, Bo mrtaa, rilktal" The nlirht nlr pr" gradually colder. A fiarru Sturm swept over tba furnst, and the rain, (iltcrlruf throiinh the thtuk fuluvr oThid, triekhxl In euntinuou atnauns apun lbs naked bodluanf the raiders 11 sjraa Mill dark and rulnlnK whan th hnana whlaprr, '-Tmidelu tundrie oprat" (Marrh man h qukikly) paasul from otw to another. Th party aot forth In alngl lie. ' Ko wont waa apiiknn. and the oaly aoond tliat la tokened their pma-ma wa a slight swUhJna of knrea and tbe muffled tread of naked funt opna tna anon fry around. Him ncartng the vlllnfroelinr Ina each man buckled his aiuiuualtloa belt more tluhtly aanund his waist and round a strip of dirty white eottun doth about bis bond to servo a a distinguish Ins; mark In the eouilng attach apua th naked nOlre. With a shrill "Hao ynhP' the raider fired their Unit Volkf (llmtly tiiwant the hut where . the native wore alueplng. " "Llah lit thu t" ruarud tba Uanyojna as tbey cinahtd thnwif h tbe bushes Into the midst of a multitude of pnnm strickun eavajrea, cruialnu Ihu blaok Hirunj hither and thither. Woiiion and children shrhik- ed, fowls flow cnokllriH toward tho wostls, 1 men s up voleos shouted tucunurvntly, but the loud rllle reirU and shouts of the rclentleas Manyeiim drowned all other sounds fluon the vllhia heannwienTeloprd In a donas whlto (ok of sulphurous snaik and mint. In tho ulwurlty of which th raiders' gun Duahed forth tongnos of fUu. Grtulunlljr the tumult eerwrd. The oool mnrnlng bn-em tllajllcd tho heavy cloud of tnlat and smoke, retnllii(j the victo rious ralduRiawii(rin.'rlnt Ihrnuijh thedov astcd viluma, driving scores of miserable women and children auunrcd tufrethur in couplt lijr r.ieitiis of Mailings arnund tbe w-rlata. f-'oon tho early mnrnlriK sua shone In all Its niUliincn, Its Lritrht Usius glint ing through the distant trees In sad con traat to the dtwilailen of du:d bodies and siiioliktriug huts. By noon the raiders had eatuhlUhud themselves In tho former homes of the natlvi-a, a rough sttrtba of brushworal was formed around thuouulde to serro as a precaution against any sudV dcn.ottack, and tho tromlillng captive were placed' In tho confer under a watch ful guard. A few day after the attack upon the vlllao tho Amb chief Oainanl gnre In structions for two of tho oldest ot the cap tive women to bo ilhomUil Two feeble creature tvoro brought forth and stood In alijuot terror before the ninrnudlng chief, -"Go to your people who aro hiding In the forest," said tho Amu. "Tell thum their women aro ullvo, and toll thorn that we will set them free when they bring us ele phant tusks. For each tusk of au elephant we will glva back one woman. If within flvo days from now they do not come to ns with Ivory, wo will toko tbe women with us to another country and sell them to people who will kill and est thorn. Qol Tell our word truly I" When the poor women realised they were free Ut dopsrt, they darted furvvnrd with extraordinary agility Into the woods. On the rnornlnjr of tho fifth dny the Arab camp was hailed by a voice from the forest, ' Is it true thutour women are still allvef" "It la trim It Is Indued trim," replied a Munyemu In the native dlaWt. "I bring tuaka of elof.lianta. lint lirat kit mo bear their voices that I nlny know you simk truly.'' The women were warn prixluced rrr.d v.erv undo to shout 11 nply to the nn llva chief, who wit nil this time concealed from slgjit nmoi!K tlw trues. After luiicb delay, dnrlnir which the Miinycina lu turns ctvtcd and llirwitemil tho tlintil and sus picions native, tliu joiiiir chief nt length l.iustertl aiiflicieiit eounivtii step forth. l)eawltlng hlahunlenof Ivory lit tho open, be planuml muunlnxly In tho direction of the Arub'scamp. Inatontly several wuiuen jveru llbunit'tl. and tiny rushed to the woods. In this fashion, dirrlns; auvural snlisequeiit (lays, the Amb chief was grad ually relieved of hla prlmmera, and in their place ho butiimu enriched by a Kiilwtaiiltal stock of ivory. Cussell s klntfozlne -la Sfciroea. ' ' In MnnKor tho prvvnlllno; tone Is gray ish white, men's clot lies anil houses.towns, bushes, tall uuibelllfenu, maiding like ghosts lu autumn nil nru white; whlto sands upon the shorn and In the Sahara and over all a white and saddening light, as if the (tin -was tired of shining down forever on tho unelian;;tnu; llfo. in no part of .MiM-oeco I liavo vlaiUKl does the phmae "frorgeous east" have the least mennlnr;. mid this ts nhvuya notctl hy tho wandering uixruriia. who llnd the country (lull uml laekinj In color compared with Asia, or, ru tho AraU call It, "Ulad Ka Seliurk." 'A .Icairney to Monioco." . The Aarlenliurnl View. Uncle, .loo iruidingl The Ik) liners dia mond niliies yblikxl over H.uOO.uoll carats last yenr. ' Aunt Hetty Law aakew! Mrs. Do 1 leers ought to Ik) a tiplcndid hotter nuiker C'ltn such cow fn'd. .lewelerrt Weekly. The n-ala ts snid t have heen inventl hy Huy Analno, a monk of Ares so, nlmut IO-.V Hla ainle, with material .UllVrehees in iiiMiiinr wutio of the notes, l aasulMtiinllally tbe siunena Is now in uue. At tins seiison of the year when pneu n.oui:t, la Clip;"', ""re throat, coughs en!:t: . !i, lirofii l.i; la an.l 1 1 n t rot! 1.1 1 3 are lo 1 0 t' ' 1 ' 1 ' : no, ' - 'Ms a line s 1 " t'','wi:l ;or C 0 ;o; .e' or i "-'t .'' ( . '. " iilA.i.i I(iJ i kvaW. a Artartcr Svatrrrvrf Ot , atoraea Mna. Foa x ij ' Tiaat rat Uaoaaj BaaMa kj Vaff asa eaa saM ak Great Sacrifice Winter Robes. . I will ll all Fio -Winter Itubra for Actual Coal, until all are erdd. Rummer la coming oa aad I am deter mined 10 aril every line robe I hav oa bnL Will carry none over. Kobe Ibat were - $ 8 00 NOW tin - 00 "' - I t5 . S 00 I H 4 00 " 9 SS This I what the rube actually cost ne delivered here with' l.otblag added to cover the handling. Call aud be enn- inced that you have i.erer eea robe ell for such price. - Mill bar oa hand a few HORSES and MOLES, which will be aoM for tea profit tbaa wa have rr sold them before. f I Alro abig eatment ot Buggb-a aad Harne.. Whip, Ac. wbka I will aril la order lo reduce stork. Doiinl forget Dial Wrstera Buggy which I am selling for $31.00 In compe tition with other Western Biigk. Every crack and joint Ruaranteed oot to open. If they do, will be rrlaced by sue J. W. STEWART, FINANCIAL. T. A. ttraaa, Pre, M.H. Maadow. Tie Pra - CITIZElTs liANK o urarw BmavsrK, nt. o. DO a KNKKAL BAJIIINU RUaiMKHS : Th AeuoonUolBaat, Hankm, Oornon si ton a, rarmors. MerehMnls anl ottaars re aelvwl on lavorable teruia. rroaipi and a rat attealloa Ivan 10 Ui tauo sr ol ear a loniar. Coil Uobn a HiHMjuutj. . . . aoaaaoraiawroaa. . " rantlnaad Olrtek a. II. Maadowt, J. s. Moailows, Uhaa. batty, Jr. ' Kmuel w. Ipoek. . k Jaw. s Hvdoioad, -Chan. H.rowier , - Sta 1 1 alia JS i. W. tlralnrer, - 1 rinHiis a faraae, K. W.Small.KM, c. t.M Ueo, N. !. , W . I . Ilrnekfltt. F. & M. BANK, MAT 1st, I8UK. ' ' Capital Steel............ $7.OIWI.OO Sarplas, 8,600,00 1'ndlvl.fd PreBI,....... 8,170.08 . ' OFFIOERS. ti. II. OiiTi tR rreaideM. ' " W. B. ( BADWii-K, Vi.-i Pres. . ' T. W. I'ewsy, Caaha-r. J. W. Hipdi i, Teller. : ' . V.V sUtthsws Collector. : MKECTOR1: Wm. Jt. Uladea, M. M. Urka, O. It. Uradham, ' I . Ii. Vellell.r, L. II. Culler, ZAm 8uter, W. 8. Cbadwick, ' J W.Ktewsrt, , T. W. Ik-wey, We wantyrHlr business and feel that we can offer yon a much In return aa any other hank in the city. It la our endeavor to make business relation mut uallr pleasant and profitable to our patron. . .STEAMERS. i:asti:hn CAROLINA " DlPATiltt LlKI, -AND- OMDominioa Steamship Co. FREIGHT & PASSING Ell. For All 1'olJits North. TVift RfpnmPT TIT.TTPIT will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, aiii Fridays at (i p. in.,sbaip. Will sail on Tucf(la)i ai.d Friday! utl2n'no k. iioou, making laitd- inu al all way station.. Freight received not later uiati one hour previous to sailing. For further information apidj to . " GHO. UENDEHSON, Agt., U, K. King, Con. Mgr., II 0. IluDfUNS.Gon.Frt.S rass.At. ' ' NoiWk, Va. New Tcrpe, N. C, I.!ay 30th, 1S0S. ? at k awrvf, iwvjPrrwz. !Mra. V aTiaCwTcb' laT. i i VSma' Car lir Cnaautaptkia la a prWik-aa atediriaa fcarlmirha. I hare witiua the paat irar wrrkm d tovMwl irtlw puiat la i lavur, aad that is: it la a hi KK ft UK tor LA (iHII'I'IC. if takra wkra tba rat avatplom ar aotirrd W. A. HiMJEBUaB, No. 4i Buaaaetl ttuiUukg, rtpnagftrU, O, J aa. 1 1, 1 ir. c i C 3 i 3 i 3 t ) fS f f.f.ff$,f f$ fr'-ti WWW W W -W W W nconsr r.leaddvsV Gold Tobacco Guano, JX radons t'otfon Ouaiiu, . . " Largely Increasrs Ihe Quantity and Orad of Cotton. 9ft?(IbKr.f DlaMolved niieV Pofnali C'nnipouiul 4t " Meadown All Crop Guano. . Ifradow Jr?at Potato Guano. MeadowV Great Cabbage Guano. GERMAN KAINIT AND DIAMOND PHOSPHATE A SPECIALTY. . SEfiD FOB OUR BOOK ON TOBACCO CULTCEE, FRF.E. E. H, & J. A. MEADOWS CO., ; ; Manufacturer), Thls Brand embodies " Tobacco Tobacco G-uano 8--2 1-2-3 A , N EW TO II AC-CO 11 It A N l BY O KW TO IS AfCO FCIEM I! I. a' ' ' . iiut itv a. oi ii oust: Loot Out for OSCEOLA Under North Carolina Tobacco this Season. - . It's Going tobeHeard From. fajl For and Tn iigcfoli. Minufadurid Bj'.;-; 0L1 r.OMlNKJN CL'ANO to.,', Notk, Va. AND JP0K SALE BT ALL OLD DOMINION AUENTS I.VKRVII lltnr. AtlEi JleiB Mr. C. E. F. is ikell-W)i! We kerf always on band Hard Brick, 11 lies, V:rk Hausaiip, Ihe brst and fat lest. Nl.. Beef Suwk 80, Blewii g Bw f SC. - - - : t All kind Dry Ptoe Wood under large abed, 11 never get wet 111 islny weather. - i- ortl guarantred to Ibe load. Hand mud" Heart Shingles, ouggiea aitrt iJIr.yclea. Houses atwaya u let. A large bk ok of tirocerlea, Flour and Meat Cbeaptrlban any man. Poet for fenoing. ' . - We sell all abore mentioned at tbe Chi apf bt Prit ea. . ? BI& Eltl, Tt5 Slilfi Mai. Oen, pure, wholeecmie, guaranteed o be chemically mado from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially In tended and prepared for buman con sumption. ... Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. Siiuday (retail ouly) 7 a. m. to 13 noun. For prices and other information, address, : I7CT7 rcrno IcolCo., II. 8. CDON, Wanaoihj . . ! . . .. . ... - I FOIt home pair 3 0.; W W W' W W ww gbmios! Leaf Producea Tobacco of the Fim-sP Quality, Erpcciall; Fine Wrappers. the secret ot a Perfect formula. Ooripf, -Othirs at Va inns PiiiHS MIl'Ullll rr 1 in: I'ltOFKSSIONAL. t KOMUl US A. NUNN, . , KW BFUSR, N cC:: ': '-''. flfUw: Opp. lI.Hnl Ol.alt.ivt ka. ? , -v -"r, ;. fount I'rmil Mint. . ; riacilce in NmiIi tmlina V f'.m. itlatniuaa, ' . II. Hrrf K. W. I on. t. II. SIMMONS, POU & WARD, ' ATTuBNEtH and C0UN8EL0KS at - LAW. NKW HkSiftK. Si. O. Offica S8 H, Front fitreet, nearly oppo- .- aila llntf.1 f!liullArka - (Offloea also at Rak-leh and Smitliflotd.) Pnotlon lu tli. ooimtiei ol I'ravnn, Dupltn, Jones, liimlow. osrUrvt I'smliiii, Wake, JoliDstuu. Harnett ami ailaoh; in ins an- -preine ami Keiiernl CuurU, slid wherever ssrvk ea are ilesln-d. . . . .. IMI.Pell?lIer, . ATTORN ET AT I.AW.: Middle Street. Unjers Urltt -HalUingl ; Will nraetlc In trie Count leu of Craven tlnrteret, Jones, DiikIow and Pitmlloo. U. . tiirl i.t N.1V ilMTIMt iwl DnntHm. . ft nl besuie. -. ' ... .. . ...v,r Our 'Phone is 46: TlllYlllirli L mil flu ril.. .n.l m i whatever the nuirki t allorils. , rite very bet of Stall Fed Dei f and . other Meals tqually ss good. Your o-dcrs will beprnmptly nil ended to and tlie veiy best of meals sent. rViIirilinat your further paliotisce wa nro Yours litKpt , - 1 M ll. . I.-. I Co!nii:Son. - t