a in i ii ill BsswwWaWWsBjr-asx tBf 'bbV V 0 C" lit i kmf (m t.f l.nr aat yV -i .-T.-.i I -JVjU ri An Excellent Combination. TV airaoaat awlbod Bad bearacial iImIi of th wit koowa moody. Bvatir or Tux. aaaaahrtarad by to Ciurauii Vf r-vaur Co., UluMrat tba nlM ol obtaining the lkid Una- I lira prinrll ol pi aula kwwi to be I BMdtotaaUy lasaUM and Dreaawuna I Uma la um mn im itiimiiwi w v.. taota Bad aaecwtabl to Ibe TU-m. It at ta m purfrct sUTBirUMiiloir laaa lira, eh-Miunff lb btsUub efTectnally, duorlMna; utd. aeadacaee and hirer rU; yet promptly d eoabllna; MX la utwwx habitual euoKtitkm per- ally. ILe prrlect irwuoai in objeeUnnablo quality and sub- ataae. and lu actio ua tlx kidncya, bowcla. wilboal weBavtiin- trritaluu- them, maba It the Weal lanllM la the proceae of manufacturing Dm ara wood, aa Uxy are pleasant to th laate, bat tlx medicinal qualities ot tlx rami ara nbuined from arnna and niixv aromatic plant, by a aoetuod known to tha Cauroaaia Fio tivar-r IV. w.l la order to vet Ita beneficial tfecta and to avoid Imitation a, plcaaa rcutonibcr the fall name of trxuampaay nriuted am Ilia front ol every pswaswa. CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP OCX a rBAaoian w. IAOiaVTU.a. IT. W TOB J; Par mt.tr by ill Uiaatata-friol 10c. per bnr The journal Mew Bara. N. C Mar. 19. 18. .. iiw fyBTiaabT. H JS Duffy Malilnaa, 0 N Kunetl Hi 1S5- Hai kbura l.anned Otd, &n. F M Cbadakk Eaaler Sunday. O Marks r-itTiew Rpiing Kllka. MuPank-l Js Ouaklll-niiller , JU Duna ft Co Spring clutliluj. Business Locals; r UT FL0WEK8 For Bak, lo J.J.i.r-M . aw. " . I UAVK a 00.00 .to ku ou nrat-claai city real eauto. ' A ly to C. B. Thomi', Alturuey at Law ON room (furniihedj for rent lu Imal M'M nart city. Aiply to US iliildl- attrat. . MKN WANTEO-To get ShlnKlia, none hut axperit'Boed bands need aiH'ly. Kll ' k?y R. Terry, Hayaville, N. OL WANTED TO DUY-Skcond book ease. Joouni Office. band JKHSKY HAKETo Totato blips For Kale. C. B. LfNislou, Thurman, N. C. 1 UAV K icralvcd'a Bimpla lbH9 Colum bia Chain Wheel, price $50 and luvila speclloa of aaue, Bkcyolea, Qrapbo- Bbotkes and Frinling. 'Pboao 129. Wat. T. Uux. HIS auelIWerali)ioo draught, al J AOou's, Middl Street. A DAT IN THK CITY, i . Generally fair veather today, probably fair and cooler, Monday, bt tba foi cast. ' ir " Rer. U. II. Masbburn returned jester day front Greene county and will preach at Tabernacle BaplUl Church today al Ibe nmal boon. Subject at tba morning hour will be "Some teitoni not usually drawn from the life of Joseph." The C'brialian Selene Reading Rooms 8T Craven street ar open dally. Services Sunday 10:80 a m and 4:15 p m, Wednes day 8 p m. Morning lesson, Subject Reality, lit velalloui,2S-14, Afternoon lesson I a repetition of 4he mornInK lesson. All are welcome. Tho alarm of nT yeslerday at 4:30 a was locattd la the two slory frame hpuse beyond the Fair Grounds. The Are dt parln.rut bad to tun Ibelr bosa from Iba last hydrant sud before tba fire could be eillngubibtd the building was de stroyed. H was occupied by colored" . iieople. , , , , ' On next ; Wednesday evening the KpworUi League will give a Celebriely Party", in Ibe League room at the old parsonage, and a very enjoyable time is assured to all who attend. A handsome prita Is In store for lha one who Is ac qualaled with the most ''Celebrities". Free admlssludxV . I krlblian Church Preaching sei vices al 11 and 7:30. Morning subject. Sfpsrs ' lion, and Holiness. Night, The Birth of lha JewUh Nation. C K al 10 am Bible School al S p ra. On Monday ulgbl at 7:80. rix Hev.F. M. Luzford will give a talk to wen only. Synosls of talk Man, Teniperaieut and lempcrmcnt In marriage A silver collet-lion will be taken. .Al tba dose of meeting, a man's league will be formed, Ibe object of the aauu, mutual improvement. The A. ct t. V. Kallroad will fun a special train from Mew Bern lo Uoldg boro and return for the accommodation of mem ber of Knights of Phylbias at- - leudiug tbo meeting al Goldsboro Mon day night. Tralu will leavedepot at Ntw Bern promptly at 6pm and retumlng will leave uoiuauoro al is o clock same - nfgbt after exeicises are over. , Fare for - rouud trip wbtn tickets are purchased Iroui new uern to uoldaboro and re turn tl,?S. Ticket to be sokfby ticket sgeut al New Uern. Hprlna Openlnc 1800. ' Oa Thursday and Friday, 23rd I4lh, lh Bpring MUlloery Opening tak place at II. B. Duffy'. and will J. J. Baxter has secured the agency, for YTaoauiaker & Brown's Tail ir Made Clothing. Call and see him before Ituy ng snd he will eave you money. 4. t Jal . Mr, k 1L J Ml vroieid.j lo lil at Coder PuUU Mr Frank 1'rry caax ntt luxi W d- Btaglua loot alf-kl. Ibrv 1 II IVlrr raa daa fnHB h'ln.lua Ut akfcl. Mr, ltU-t Ciim of HareWk, tpel Uds7 her )iirnUy. Pr. 4. W . IHicakt aJ fsadly, raax dowa frose Dover lest alkt. Mr. J. A. Juae and rklldrae. Wit yrairtd.y la visit at pBllorksvlll. Jsdl lleary It. Itrjse hfl yesterday aa-ag for HIIUboiM, lo bold court. Mr. Eum-aa An bar, proprietor Ntw Bara tloaxal Morebead, la tba d'J " """" JOlerdy. y ,t y Bowdra raax from I'uJ- loi t.Tllla letlrtriay afleraooa lo Tlalt la Ik ell y. alar. Atbeaad Caklaetll of lb 4iai Furaory ilcpartateal ara regUlered at UxCkatlawka Mr. Jax W. Wataoa of TalWller, aba kaa beta apeadiag tlnx ber, re- liraadaoaxlaal ai(kL Mr. aal Vn. Oeoraa B mnoa of ('albailna Lata, rrlurnad boa jwlfr. .Nr. arur aiw-ndiac a rrw airi ia tba city. -.,:- UiaaBalllalluaraaof IWaofort, ao ka brea kpradiBE a lr week! wilk lUaJraula Halter, lell laM algbl re aralug A Treat r'raanlaaa. ' U. V. lleyVrood, tba advaac Blanker of lb Filnc of Comedian Alba Iky wood and bli perries eoupsay In of lb nil) trying lo .lc bla attracllyq oaa nigm, apra j it. jt . . i tbc cretil of Ibe reaauu a lue coalman y will be Ibaatrobgcat by lar tbal baa ap pea red bera Ibh season. Mr. Alba lley wood Is oa tba inlet lf b'ol Smlib Hu ell baring apptareil la- Mr. IUsU' famoas play "Kdgewood Folks" wilb great stircau and be look Mr. Ituiwll'i placa a lib lira famuua Mlierger Family wblib Mr. UuhwiII used lit travel wub I'bere are otber vuiy nolid people In lb iuny. j Tbeie all! be an, .elTorl uiong lb laiHug vititeaa Moaday lo pecaru tlila ccmpaay by gelling pp. , tulsi:rlpUoa for vBoagb seals to aacure lutni; Not nua rbild die Where ten formerly died from oronp. raople' bara 'learntd I he value of Una Mluuta . Cuttgli Cur and uwll for barer lung aad throat t roubles. It Immediately Kip tough- log. It never fall. F S Duffy. A Social Kalertalaiueat, Fiiday evening Mr. and Mrs. P. II, Pelleiler eulertalned at Ibelr homo Miss Margaret 1). Smith of Wilmington, N Miss Carmalt, of New York, and Misses Lulle Ivea, Stella Roberts, l,oulse Den niaon, Uelen and Bessie Leyborn, M snd Mrs. Franc 11. Jones, and Messrs. Jones, D Foy, T (J Daniels, U Marks, S H talon, S M Biiuson, P S Cox and It A Nunik- . Tbe evenlug waa pleasantly a;ttt playing games, singing and llsteulag' to instrumental music after which refresh ments were served. Miss Carmalt saag group of catchy songs playing her sib accompaniment, Miss Roberts also aang two or three song which were . very much enjoyed. Miss Ilulen Leyborn played one or two el"ctloot upon, the piano. The occasion waa one of tbe most eujoyable entertainments of tho season, . IHSTQFAIX. , To dense tbe system In a gentle and liuly beneficial manlier, , when the Sprlnglime comes, use tbe true and per fect remedy. Syrup of Figs. Buy tbe genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fie Syrup Co., only, and for sale by ail druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. ' Daaioorata Awdat a Repabllcau.1 ' . GKirroH, N. C, March 17, 1899. Editor Jooiihal There Is quite a stir here over the postmaster of this place. The post office was formerly kept by Mr, Harvey, a Democrat of this town" and has been for several tears. ' j ne itepiiuiicans nave appomiva sir. S. B. Laugbingliouse of this placo post master, he had to get his bond through two good Democrats of Klnstor, '- Yours truly, ; .s ' Pekdcuat or Ghiftov. - J Sheer, Sedalia,- MoH conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her II fo saved afler all physicians had failed, c.ily by using On Minute Cough Core. FS Duffy. s Dnloaatat ts V. C. V. Boanlon. -At a special meeting of Camp Nc Bern U. 0. V. held Match Mb, the Com mander was directed to appoint dele galea to Grand Reunion at Ciiarlet-ton, S. C.t May 10th. The following have been appointed: . DtLEQATRS. ALTERNATK. E II Mesduws, - 8 R street, . Maj, Graham Daves, Daniel Lane, Rev Geo Leyburn, Then White,. John T Ucath, .,, Cait 8 B Waters, W P Lnne, - Alfred Oasklns, . Cupt Matt Manly,5 I J T II Moore, . - i J. l i J. F. CLAi'li, Adjutant : Great Cures proved by thousands of bistiiiioniubi show that Hood s Sar- saparilla 'possesses powiy to purify, vitalize and enrich tho blood. Hood's Pills aro the only pills to be taken with Hood s biunnparilla. Fair Stockholder MnetluK. The annual meellng of tho stockhold ers of tho "New Bern Mid-Winter Fair' a sxisti.n win do la-.i.t si city Hull on Tuesday, March 21, 1S!)9 at 8 o'clock p m. Okoikir Guki:n', Sei:'y. Fresh Bananas at JIco rif y s. Tk hit IWra V,alua f'tr Uiuiuk .mttj ot U.M tit U a tuictljr a Ila oKTrr, dlcKera, suirkboldrr aad aarreeat a boax pi W. Warn Ikia enlrrjirW, a Hoax F1rt atsraara roanpaay a u frtxard. ahea It (Uiktu tkal many ibaatudt i t doltara wne lariag aeaeaUy arat aJ rvaa Mr IWra, wkkb txfbl lo U krpl brra, aad Ibat IbU.rlly oaKt to liberal ly aappurt Bock a kiral miaay, tbei vera many frared aba lu aoraa bcl tbera war tb a bo had maUaaraaad avuaey lo go lota It, aad lb eoaaay a orgaalasd apoa a atricily I - pi lerpria baala, lea tbaa two ar a;a Allbaaaaau axrllngof lbiaarxlor of tba euaspaay oa Jaaaary 1Mb, lrj, a 10 par crab cask dlrklead vaa drclarad payal4 I policy bolder oa all polldM ajhkb matured prior to Jaaaary in. 1. Aad aa all polldea main ring 11 area Jaiaary lt,llW aad Jaly lat, IrtSN, a crip dlr Ulead of W per ceal. wa Uauail, tola arrlp biDg reealtabM la payuteat of ra new alt of praatluax, or la caab at axplrailoa of auck poltcirt fbal tba Near llera Wat aal Corapaay baa nada tack a aotablo atbrull, l a atattar of eongratalatloq lo III alanine, awat, and furtber it goua lo prore tke benetlU aor ruing from wall conducted horn eotrrprUe and Ibelr Talaa to lb nmaalty la . wblrb tbey ara aiiab- llabed. If joa have a oou.k, throat Inlitlh-a. wt-ak lungs,' pala In Ike cbest, diUk uil breathing, croup r boarseaesa, let m suggest On Minute Cougk Cure. " Al ways rellatl and aafa. F 3 Duffy. - , ' rnoialafCaP4.rhltllpa. 4 '' Tba lulloaiog obituary tagardtog Caid. M. U Phillips, lalu, of tb Culler Buutaell, who dil tn this diy, I I rum the New York Herald and will be of In. leml lu tho; who knew lha Cslalii: "JelTeraoa M. Levy, Rcprrsealall-i la Congraa and owner of JeSersou ' llumo, Mouilcelloi recalled a lelcgrsiu, y enter day Idling of Iba death In lb tool ulng of bis only cousin, Captalu Morion lvy rblllltia, or Ibe United Males rvrroue marine set vice. Captalu Phillips uynl on board tba rsveuue culler BiHUwell, of wldch Ii was i-tnimnikff llnjleih waa cauacd by lha gilp, which he eon- Iracird while hn a rlli lu 'Itnjirvsenla tire Levy In this city duriug t ulk sard a UMMim ago. j ; j t.'aptalu l'litlllis raino from aa old colonial family which milled In New Yoik In lono. Ilia great-grandfather w as Ben jamlu Levy, a aigoer of tha Nob Importation act. Uls grandfaihrr a as with Colonel Linton' . Peaasylvsula troops In tbu Revolution.' L'aplslu Phillip was a son of Morton Phillips Levy, ou of eleven brother, all 'of whom seived In the United Stales mmV or uavy from 1813 pa. On of these brothers, Couitnodoie Urlxh P. Levy, abolished whipping lu the navy. Captain Phillip was born lu New Or leans la IKitt. Wbeu a lad he ran away from hiime, anil secretly joined ond of tbe ships under command of his uncle, Commodore Levy. To coocoal his klen lily be look the name Phillips. When bra uncle discovered him he had klm ap pointed to the revenue marine service, and as the navy rolls had hi name PhU- lios ha found it necessary to retain II. lie served with distinction duriug the civil wnrln the patrol of. the Potomac River, when revenue cutters acted as gunboats. More recently ho cominmd oil the Dexter, al Newport, for three years, then was assigned lu tho North l'acitlc, watching scalers. Ilo leaves a widow, two daughters anil a sou. , Ills family lives ia Portland, Me. -f : PtilLLIPS Mutcu 13, 1399., t New Doru, N. C, Captain Mortou Levy Phil lips, United Slates ICevenue Marine ser vice Interment at Woodlswn Oemu tery, Wednesday morning, March 15ih. Fuueral trnia on Markun Kallroad from 43d St. at 9-.SI3 a m. Relalives and friends and United Status lUvenite slsrine and Naval Serviie ar invited to attend." Rheumaclilo 1 nut recommended for the cure of every ill; It docs not cure everything. But il la a certain cure for rbeiunalUm, and Is a line blood purifier and UlRlive; try It. " Oranges 80c per dozen at McSoiley's. Meet your friends at Bradbafh's Fountain. , , , ( ; , Piies IlkiUteck clmihpagne flavor and Diummonds natural leaf chewing toban- to al A. M. i Baker' ,"'. ft . - ' ' ' '- v Some judge. ouf soiu iiyyOiir ilrvgf thoy ara right one is as gonJU as the other. There Is one thing t-erl sin, no one (rives more or belter for the money than Bradbam's Fountain. Wo strive lo pteane every purchaser, by keeping out apparatus, glasses and fixtures scrupul ously clean, and making the soils a little better limn If you knew how and drew il for yourself. Every gjass lawashi-d, rlnsoil and polished' nlicr using. 'fMett me at the fountain." i ; ; . Columbia Mixture. Cornell Mixture, Yale Mixture, Curte Blanch, Comet, Sensation, Cameo, Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco al A. il. Baker's. At this season of the year when pneu aiouia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, calurrh, bronchitis and Iuiik trouliles au to be guarded against, nothing -'hi a fine substitute," will "answer tho pnipotc' oris "just aa gooil" aa One Minnie (' 'i Cure. That 1 ono infallible rem edy i -r !iH lung, throat or hioiirliinl lroutili- i Msist vigorously itpnn liaviiig if if "tionn : liing iUt" ia r.liered yiu. :J A. I id 4 ta Tlret i:- coiaiaaaliy was abnrkrd lki ouu; I t iMiitinhRSMOt lLal Mr, ."-'g Kiu.ims, a wrtbbrr of tba ft rrc.iit tiia of ilr IUti-4a Un., kstl rtxaaiiiiaj ssltida. lis teiiml to tbe mam la lb (tor acV ea.lnl at a Bjetplai moat bt Mr. Tligta Ueart alioat M X e'cUvk aad a Irw atlauw- Urr a 4li4 atxt was hoard, sad ay.oa going U' laieatigala lb door was fiMid kwkad Tlx door aaa brake ojto asnl tlx yeaag saaa a as foaad aa tbe lovl ga.ag for kitalk wilb a plsl.l ootiad la lis brad over tkw rlrkl laa Tb sloi was i bal aad Dra. PsIWwk aad I'arrutt hasilty sumsBuaed. Dr. Parrot t arrlrHl flr.l tail r Hurts lo I llrta tlx ) o( maa a era snIsk aad h died la about Uta ailnulaa aftar tb doe- tor arilva.1, and.wlibin lea ilaaln from tlx H ring of Ibe f.lal abol, aever eenvrtini; toasi-loasnes Mr. H-g Klrnalda was aged N )ara. II a at a good Uuluee maa aad oaa uf Ika clercie! aad ainal popular yoaag aiea of Kin.lna and was a favarlla with all He slasvs rerued la IbelHat of ha- mor, but It arrms that a cJhti fill deasaaa or doc ant alwayscort-rarbeerful atari lla aerated la high spirits lat algbl aad took part la lb ralw erwla fur tb aW play won tn be glvra here. lla kafl a note to his people tailing them that b krss dtoiivBik-at aad tired of II f aad lo forgive aud forget him, Tb cauae of suicide Is attributed lo teat- porary lasaaliy. Th sad occurreuc has eal a deep glooui over all the people of Klntton, i deeply, lympalhhx with lh b leaved relatives in their heavy affliction Tba Lo ly was takea cbarga of by lha Odd Fellows, of which order h was proiulueut meMiher, and will b burled lom.iirow afteroooc al 3 o'clock la tlx lemelery. Kinston Fre Press 18th. Jit. ,Slg Llnslela had many Irleods this city, and It waa a sad surprise wbea lb telegram tame here yesterday morn ing announcing his death, lie had often viidlul here aud was always tha so il good fellowship and was liked by every on who mil him. . fJOOaUCIfA AKNICA SALVO, Til E BK f SAL VIE In tbe world for Cuts, llnilses, 'Soros, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sore, Teller, Chpiod hands. Chilblains, Ikirus, aud all Skla Erup tions, snd positively cures Piles, or no I y required. It It gCarantoeil to give perfect sallsl'acllon or Money refunded. Price 3Vceu is per boi. For sale by, F F. Dufff. VOlt'KCF Til K PlDfLK. Worthy r Ilia lllro. En. Ji urnal: I am not desirous of "rushing Into few print" Vut it seems tn mo that a Words on tbo qitostlon of this street labor would be timely. - It ia assumed that ilie city adminlslra- ttou has the right lo employ whito labor on Hie streets, certainly IbatJs oueof tho Issues that they went In on, Snd any on has forgotlon tho speeches and tbe resolutions adopted during the late campaign, they cau be referred lo lb files of onr dally paper, as 1 know they were printed at tha llmo and the employ muni of white labor where possible was demanded by the unanimous voice of tho Ux paying part of this community, The question limn only remains, since bite labor Is being employed, whether such tabor shall bo paid living wages, Jo employ white lad.ir and then pay such labor ou lh-; basis of negro labor would be the action nf Inhumane men and lha administratis i would tw entitled to i no respect, and cerialuly would not get J It from the Inburlui class of the city. It Is a fact thai cauuol lu dunled that 60 cents to a negro goes as far towards sup plying bis needs as $1.00 to a white man. Ha oat and requires different food and lives In a cheaper dwelllui. fue negro usually doe or can wear clothes that aro glvou to him or pur chased second hand at a very low price. For my part I want to see the while laborer preserve his. manhood and If necessary I will ho taxed tn help pay hi in. If le has children ho must be able lo clothe them suflUienily to sand them to Sunday school ami I he y will not go lu lags. They must have sufftcent plal.i and nourishing food. And when the father buys a new coat, I want lo see him go lo Mr. Duffy's or Mr. Jlaxler store or some other, and buy a.coal Ih U no ono has worn before him. If b can d ) this on oven one doiUr a day be will have lo figure well, and lo pay him less will be lo reduce his white manhood and starve bis children. - '. If there Is a.iy one who wishes to lake back what was sa d lo the resolutions adopted at the court house last Novem ber, i want lo bear from lilm, and If be doe not go bti k ou tbst declaration and want whlip labor eiiitdoyed on the basis of the negro labor, I would like trf hear from him als i. and sou Id Ilka to run lilm for toini olllce In order to be able to show ho much e don't love him. 1 FutKND or Ladoii, ' '. O 6iara lbs . Hot V . X A . i lho Kind Yon Hun Unn Bougtit Signature t. A gen Hi in an remarked, as-Jie banded us a prcscrlption:."I have walked fire (5) squares for you to fill Ibis prescription, because you always do it rigid snd your medicines are fi(nh and pure '" His head was level; iiuulily and service should count wilb every sick man, If It did, he would Improve f inter mid the doctor get belter nstilts. l'rescripllons entrusted to us have every cate ami nothing Is wanted thai could aasist ns in rendering a brtlcr service Yon are invited lo have joins tilled al I'.nulhuiii's Reliable Thar ni .ti v. nwuinuL.u DISEASES Aowy sWtM (MiasVrraf sw- tmrmJH art raarra mmJrr tktr ssari. elapx catarrh la Ux kxad as oaiWa g aaaararda, Coa f aamplkas U a- tarrk ol tax laaxa, aa4 tw . virtix ; doubt, pool bols bs taa aaora 4- '"( 1 ,, nam ' f r bat freal Bass os' Booola dx of aotxasaptkxj aaadxasly. It bt eaHaia that ovary Bhaaa of catarrh, bseladlas; saaay of aoaoaxptkim. ara earea by ux rtfBt treatment, fa-TW-ax, Dr. Uartaaaa of. at nraaertirUoak. attacks catarrhal duwaara aetrnuAoaUy sod awrra uxaa. Dr. Ilmrtaaaai ax Dials It faUy 1st bU books which ara ansixd aw appUeatloav llera la letter troaa Mrs. UaraaBlsux, Maao Maaia, Whs.. rha Is osx of many red of oaaaaaptkai by Pe-rw-w. Bbaaayai Vr Mtdkin O. rBri. V. Dcab Bibs: " I aannot prala yoaw remedy too highly. Last whaler I bad la rrlpps and hemorrhagw of tba laagw followed. All UX OPTO" orm totd aa I had to dx of aooaumptkm. Then I thooght I would ask Dr. UarV asaa for adviea, whUh I did. H pra asribed Pa-rw-ex for as, aad I took M aeeordinf to hta dlreeUoaa aaa was en red. I adrtaa everybody that ia troubled with lang- dlseaas to take Dr. Hartmaa'a treatment, 1 aaa aara way will aot regret It If Uxy do. I ana stow tmjovlng good haalth, aad oaa tbaak ra-ra-na lor it. - Ask snv dronlst for a fre Para aa Almanae for lha yrar Ifltri). Don't read this ail, but goto Baxter th Jlr for aeat, cheap and prompt watch, clock ' aad jewelry repairing. Also aggcaseBl ring for sale cheap. Next lo Jouiuiau itavla' Pretcrlplloa Pharmacy burned a few weeks ago all Iba ganlra seed left over from last year and has jul received a fresh supply from D Laiidreth A Son 1890" Is printed on errrv -awr. A fresh lot of Bowr seed ha also ban received from Mamliville at Msg. Huy your I seeds at Davis'. Kmnked itnsaje al the Oaks Miiketl 10 cnU lb. - Dressed and live poultry at the Oak Market. Stall fed Western Beef, grown tn North Carolina, 10 cents lb, at Oak Market It I right If Bradham put It up. All kinds of Tallies, made freah dally C. J. Mc&irley & Co. J J. Baxter has j iH recelvril abeautl ful llneof Itufus Waierlioiisotie. Ladles E. P. Reed's shoe lu lau and black, lac or button, bihI Ihu uioxt btndsome line of Soring Clulhtng and Shoes ever In th city. Il Is liesli if it came from Brad- ham's. Theie is no ilsngi-r In a safe thing and It Is always safe to have a bottle of An ways Croup Syrup in the hous wheio you can put your hand on It at night. Don't wail for the child to get lh croup l ben send for the remedy, an hours delay may prove dangerous . - An- way's Is a guaranlewl remedy Joiir I money back if you want It. 25c at Brad- bam' Pbaunacy. ) Davis Prescription Pbaunacy make a speclslti of prescript ions. Send yours there to be tilled. They will receive prompt attention. Tbey will be fill d with tlx greatest accuracy. They will bo filled exactly as the Doctor directs. Only' the purest drugs will be used Satisfaction guaranteed as to prices, goods and service. Medicine delivered lo any part ot the city. Night bell at front door. Phone 58. r: isTi:it hups day Will be hero before j hn realize It, and all the world anil his wife' will don their beat attire. . Be ready for It by or dering your new suit now, and we will have It toady for you by that time. Our Fit, Workmanship and Style are Exquis ite P. -W. liadwltk. Middlastrent. NEW TtEltN. N. O SMC S.1K,"C l.A..'l.-SnSroWM r At the RAfil. Cf 3 . ..v.w Call up 'Phone 135 for any thing In our Une you may need. Free Delivery. G. II. Unnott. v,'Vt ( ) ( ) I) tl SjOrloaOag o n o Thi Ure is gradually pulling on S-rinj; aliire. Nw 311k. Ntw Dtm Ooodt arsil Brlgtit Ar. ray f Wash Oexd all help lo niakr this Ike Rrptc rotative Dry Oaod totw t.1 New IW-n W't have niatle grrat rvjiaratisiis fur your Irjili- ami w latw thai Alaav the Krv al lUtasnuaUo I'lio Will s atcb and Uolj lU u o o o () Our ilillinery () u Il brim full of (food thiup, anil rajiiJIv gHling into bape for tlx SPUING OPENING whiYb will ncrur in a few dart. Watch our advertisement for tbc .att a o a o 5 A FEW WORDS ' J ABOUT SILKS. Yon Lave time yet to get a new silk Jn-ss niu.l.- tip for Easter. We an ready fur you with as pretty a line of Charm ing FOULARD SILKS m yon could wish. In tbe Latest aud Newest Coloring at I jttli- prices, OS, 80c nnil H3r lVr Yd. LIBKRTY SATIN One of the favorite dnes stnfl.i of thi Spring. National Blue, ground with email w hite figure?, 75? lVr Yd. Other rich things in Sills Silks iu Stripes, also Small I n Very Hue China Silk, in cheeks, Plain aud To Toned TuftVtan, Black India Silk, Figured Black India Sills Black I t-ille Silk, I h.C Peau de & i LiU-rly Saline in solid color?, LET US KNOW YCUR SILK CCCOOCCCOOCOOOC GG&M00& : - . - EL RESUME BUSINESS ! o o - Having: bouKht tho stock ot M. T. Young, I will reopen at the ohtx stand opposite poatofflco on or about IVIarch 25th, 1809 with a new stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which I ara now personally purchas ing in the Northern Markets. Will be pleased to seo my customers and friends. l3c. A. Barfbotj Nuwmior fo I Will Name a 60 CHILDREN'S SUITS WAS mmmmum Mj - ' ,ir.0 " 2 no, " too -5.1 ' '" ';". 8 00 8 60. 1 f,0 i to '. 2 00 UP TO . . aw - 40 BOY'S SUITS WAS - 800 AND - 8 50, ' NOW 1 7S 39 . 8 00 UP TO BOO. ft. MEN'S SUITS WAS 6 00 NOW r , -r 3 25 60 Men's Black Clay Worsted 6 Oil AND 81 0 NOW . 8 US : 85" French Worsted . 10 O " 761 20 i. , Ht- '. . 1800 . ... 8,10 , 60 PAIRS MEN'S BilOfS WAS 100 " 75 100 " " " ' " 1 26 ' " w 9.1 ' BETTKU GRADES ft 00, 1 85, 1 60,8 00 UP TO . 2.M) . i pitrnvTMiMo S CUill. I I IIII.U A Big Line Top and Undershirts Cheap. Also the Largest Stock Hats in New Bern, M a an n n.ii . . gomsreap. Also a run i-iiue uotiarsvana Tic3, Trunk3 and Valises. dome and Catisfy . .mwm V: aa L 67 l irLLE STREET, -ii o D o a o () CI o o a o n o o o o . o Department g o a o n o o o o o o o o o are new utt terns nf Wuth hecks, IV r Yil. o o o o o D o n o o o 3 O o 50- IN r Yil. 75f Vvr Yd. 5 lVr Yd. 75v IVr Y'd. I$l M) IVr Yd. $1 lO Per Yd. $1 OO IVr Vtl. WANT5 - ft 31. T, Ymi. Few Prices: flOO AND tl 83, KOVY f,0 Dcniincn ucDr i LUUULU IL IL Yourself. r NEW BERN, N Or o k